Hi everyone.

I'm working on a multiplayer modification of Quake 4.My problem is when I host a level whit the current mod that I have maked and then trying to connect from another computer to the host, the game on the second computer (not the server ) is displaying the Ip adress etc.. and then He just load the original Quale 4.Then he trying to connect ot the server whit the original quake 4 dll.The rest is easy to understand.If there are different dll's the message is "The server have different sync..." or something like this I can't remeber it right now.Whit simple words - It's loading my mod when I want to connect to the server, display the connect message,then it's stops,load the original quake 4 and then connect again.I think there is something whit the dll that telling the program which folder to look when It's trying to connect.Or maybe some file is missing and he seek it on the q4base folder.I belive I'm not the only one whit this problem because there is a lot of multiplayer mods.But I don't know where to look and I can't fix it.
Thank you for your time.

You need to:
- place your dll inside a pk4 file (not named pak* or game*, so I would name it "yourmod-game-v1.pk4"), in the directory "yourmod"
- also include in that pk4 file a binary.conf file, which is a text file containing the number "0" (to mean "windows")
- - don't place any other files in that pk4, but make sure that all your other map/textures/def etc are in a pk4 (eg "yourmod-media-v1.pk4")
- - run the server with +set si_pure 1 +set net_serverAllowDownloads 1 +set net_serverDownload 3 +set net_serverDlBaseURL "" +set fs_game yourmod
The client should now successfully download your mod from your server.
I'm guessing you currently aren't pk4'ing the DLL and so the client will instead extract the one from the default game pk4's and use that instead.
I have done it today.I have put all of the files of the mod to a second pk4 file named "cm_pak00.pk4" and in the first pk
- "game000.pk4" is the dll whit the other stuff I can't remeber it right now.After my changes ( from your advices ) the mod
is connecting whit no problems.Thank you.

It would be best to change the name of your game000.pk4 before release though - the autodl code will not download a file with the name game*.pk4 or pak*.pk4, so you wouldn't be able to distribute your mod simply by running a server and letting people connect to it.
Hi everyone.

I'm working on a multiplayer modification of Quake 4.My problem is when I host a level whit the current mod that I have maked and then trying to connect from another computer to the host, the game on the second computer (not the server ) is displaying the Ip adress etc.. and then He just load the original Quale 4.Then he trying to connect ot the server whit the original quake 4 dll.The rest is easy to understand.If there are different dll's the message is "The server have different sync..." or something like this I can't remeber it right now.Whit simple words - It's loading my mod when I want to connect to the server, display the connect message,then it's stops,load the original quake 4 and then connect again.I think there is something whit the dll that telling the program which folder to look when It's trying to connect.Or maybe some file is missing and he seek it on the q4base folder.I belive I'm not the only one whit this problem because there is a lot of multiplayer mods.But I don't know where to look and I can't fix it.
Thank you for your time.

You need to:
- place your dll inside a pk4 file (not named pak* or game*, so I would name it "yourmod-game-v1.pk4"), in the directory "yourmod"
- also include in that pk4 file a binary.conf file, which is a text file containing the number "0" (to mean "windows")
- - don't place any other files in that pk4, but make sure that all your other map/textures/def etc are in a pk4 (eg "yourmod-media-v1.pk4")
- - run the server with +set si_pure 1 +set net_serverAllowDownloads 1 +set net_serverDownload 3 +set net_serverDlBaseURL "" +set fs_game yourmod
The client should now successfully download your mod from your server.
I'm guessing you currently aren't pk4'ing the DLL and so the client will instead extract the one from the default game pk4's and use that instead.
I have done it today.I have put all of the files of the mod to a second pk4 file named "cm_pak00.pk4" and in the first pk
- "game000.pk4" is the dll whit the other stuff I can't remeber it right now.After my changes ( from your advices ) the mod
is connecting whit no problems.Thank you.

It would be best to change the name of your game000.pk4 before release though - the autodl code will not download a file with the name game*.pk4 or pak*.pk4, so you wouldn't be able to distribute your mod simply by running a server and letting people connect to it.