geX@Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:39 pm : From our site can see the screens in large on the site.
We haven't made any updates for a while, but we're working really hard. This year has been really turbulent and stressful, yet full of progress. I would go so far as to say that this year has brought on the most important progress this project has ever seen, and it's very rewarding to experience. So if this is all so rewarding and things are going forward, what's all this about turbulense and stress? A problem we have always had on this mod is a problem that has been so much more outspoken this year. We have searched for new talent like any other mod team and received our share of really gifted people. The problem is that, with the exception of 1, we have lost all the members we gained this year. I don't have the official count, but we are talking more than ten(!). This has lead to pretty much a complete halt in our search for new talent. It's simply too expensive to recruit and teach only to say your goodbyes a month later. The phase we are in with this mod is a what we call the internal demo phase. That means we are focusing on a part of the game and pushing all our hours on this to bring it to a stage where we can call it 'complete'. When I say complete, I mean complete in the way that you can play the part (be it a level or an episode) from start to finish with puzzles, monsters and items. As you may already know, we have been in this internal demo phase all of this year. You could read about this in Devblog #6 - The beginning of the end, a devblog from late April. Working on this internal demo ranges from mundane and tiresome to inspiring and giving. It's by no means an easy process and it takes a lot of effort - much more effort than everyone working on their own stuff, scattered about the mod. This is the real deal! This is a process that shows who on the team is up for the task and who lacks the abilities to work as a member in a team with deadlines, clear goals and a critical eye on your work.
Note: We are still open towards new talent, but these have to be of the best quality and intentions.

So, how far along are we in this internal demo phase?First of all, we need to split this into two different scopes: small and large. The large scope is Episode 1. We will not stop working on the internal demo before all of episode 1 is playable from start to finish. The small scope is on 2 different levels, one in each end of the episode. As for how far we have come since last time, let's recap where we were at in late April: Back then, we were working intensely on E1M2 and beginning the initial prep work for E1M3. E1M2 was at a point where no more rooms needed to be created. This was before puzzles, flow, monsters and items came into the picture. E1M3 was still in the planning phase. Now, in mid November, E1M2 has been completed on the terms of the "internal demo". This means that the entire map is playable from start to finish, including puzzles, monsters and items. Two of us have been focusing solely on E1M3 for a long time, and we have gone from the planning phase to having an architecturally complete map. Half of the puzzles are implemented and the flow of the map has been planned in great detail. The map is ready for monsters and the rest of the puzzles. A third level designer has been working intensely on E1M8 and been doing a great job on that. The entire map has been planned out and he is currently working on finishing up the geometry. A fourth level designer is working on E1M5 where we now have a very good plan that will make this a spectacular level. In addition to all of this, E1M4 has had the vast majority of the areas completed and now just needs the final planning and gluing of parts. E1M6 & 7 are still in the planning phase. We are more than pleased with the progress we have made here, and everything seems to be speeding up as we go along and learn the different processes of finalizing levels.
A lot of the finalizing process is about scrapping what is not up to par. While we are all proud of the work we have made for the mod, we must also realize that the assets we created back in 2004/2005 may not be good enough for 2009. While it's a common task, I see it as my personal responsibility to weed out in the levels as we shape them. Some areas may look nice, but lack the level of authenticity we are looking for. Last week, I took a look at my very own Landing Terminal. As I'm sure you've guess, this is a spaceport version of the airport terminal. This is where people wait to be taken off Mars. The landing terminal as it was, looked nice, but it didn't convey the feel of a terminal very well. I had this advanced architecture that followed the contours of the room, shaped by the different doorways and stairs. It was a piece of "art", but completely worthless as a terminal and therefor not good enough for the mod. We had a short discussion about it on the team before I replaced it with a much better version that fulfilled its role as a terminal perfectly. When people see the landing terminal, we want them to associate what they see with the terminals they know from real life. This terminal is part of E1M3 and it was not the first or the last change to have happened. Another example is just beyond the terminal: There is a maintenance area with a few machines and an inoperable elevator. The theme of this area is a lot more metallic and dirty than the 'polished' terminal. The problem was that the contrast between the terminal and the maintenace area was too great. Only one door separated these two styles. The solution we found was to introduce a small "locker" room where you wash your hands and dress for the duties of the maintenance area or wash up after a hard day's work before going through the terminal. A change like this may seem insignificant to the untrained eye, but at the end of the day, it's these details that determine the success of the mod. Authenticity is a key word for us in this phase. I would like to direct a personal, yet public, "thank you" to the other level designers and especialyl geX, who have put up with my frequent restructuring and demands for revamping specific parts of the levels. I'm glad you guys have put up with me for this long, but the resulting levels speak for themselves.

That's it for now. Stay tuned!
TelMarine@Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:56 pm : wow, sounds like some intense things going on. I really appreciate your guys' efforts.
Phobos@Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 1:14 am : Good to hear

revility@Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:20 am : always enjoy reading your guys update and looking at the eyecandy.
100% agree on the problems and training of new talent and when it comes to mapping standards.
john_doe2@Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:37 am : This mod looks awesome. I really hope this one gets finished and doesn't die off like some others have. It would be really sad to see another good mod like this one die. Seeing RTH die was bad enough. However, it looks like you guys are really getting around to finishing this. My best wishes to Team Future. Once this mod is done, I will be sure to download it.
Gzegzolka@Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 12:09 pm : Nice to see new devblog (it's been long time since last devblog), I'm glad this mod will keep D3 climate.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:48 pm : Reads & looks good - keep up the good work!
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:42 pm : Nice to see a new update after a long time!
The screens look great and it's always a pleasure to read about the development

geX@Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:02 pm :
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:10 pm : hey, you're right: you can't change the teleport time vis non-SDK means. That should be a key/var in the def files!

Ivan_the_B@Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:16 pm : Edited: I must learn to read before posting.
The new screenshot looks great!

0m1n0u5@Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:30 pm : I love big "open" areas like that one on the screenshot. They're not only great for big battles but you can spend some time exploring them as well. I've allways felt it's those places that give the player some sense of the scale of the base

Gzegzolka@Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:43 am : New devblog? Why not in new topic? I like how monsters spawn in game and as a player I do not mind making that "teleportation process animation" bit faster, but still with it effects like those sound and bolt. Remember some monsters like zombie and zsec (sometimes demons) are placed on map (those are natural humans changed by lost souls and flying skulls, it take some time to breed those little spider-heads), while only some demons (imps, hellknight, revants) are spawned into battle from hell. Yes, You can spawn zombie, but this is not in original D3 climate. Want to spawn more monsters by single portal? Try to do something like in Prey or in Blood 2: Chosen.
TelMarine@Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:16 pm : you guys really have a vision going here, great.
geX@Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:42 pm :
Gunman@Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:21 pm : geX wrote:
Devblog #10 out now.
After reading that one I can only suggest you to split that map in two, without losing the detail.

geX@Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:00 pm : Maybe you should read it again

We fixed it. So we didnt split the map up or loose detail.
Gzegzolka@Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:29 pm : Thanks gods You didn't remove anything, it is so popular now with those big game-makings companies to remove a lot just because game is going to be made on xbox, pc and ps3, and after game is done from time to time sold some small so called "DLC".
Attached image look very nice and moody, that room fit perfect D3 design. I start to think about bigger area with important purpose. How big should be main cargo/storage level? And what things could be in those boxes, I mean what in UAC need to be resupply from Earth often and what they have is self-sufficient. Water? Food? Energy? Ammunition? bulbs? Office paper and stampers? bevertooth chainsaws?
Gunman@Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:15 am : geX wrote:
Maybe you should read it again

We fixed it. So we didnt split the map up or loose detail.

Gzegzolka@Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:35 pm : I have just find this picture during my last searching ... &number=10 - now look similar structure at devblog. So IdSoft done it, put into game and never use? (I can not remember to see it on any map)
geX@Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:39 pm : From our site can see the screens in large on the site.
We haven't made any updates for a while, but we're working really hard. This year has been really turbulent and stressful, yet full of progress. I would go so far as to say that this year has brought on the most important progress this project has ever seen, and it's very rewarding to experience. So if this is all so rewarding and things are going forward, what's all this about turbulense and stress? A problem we have always had on this mod is a problem that has been so much more outspoken this year. We have searched for new talent like any other mod team and received our share of really gifted people. The problem is that, with the exception of 1, we have lost all the members we gained this year. I don't have the official count, but we are talking more than ten(!). This has lead to pretty much a complete halt in our search for new talent. It's simply too expensive to recruit and teach only to say your goodbyes a month later. The phase we are in with this mod is a what we call the internal demo phase. That means we are focusing on a part of the game and pushing all our hours on this to bring it to a stage where we can call it 'complete'. When I say complete, I mean complete in the way that you can play the part (be it a level or an episode) from start to finish with puzzles, monsters and items. As you may already know, we have been in this internal demo phase all of this year. You could read about this in Devblog #6 - The beginning of the end, a devblog from late April. Working on this internal demo ranges from mundane and tiresome to inspiring and giving. It's by no means an easy process and it takes a lot of effort - much more effort than everyone working on their own stuff, scattered about the mod. This is the real deal! This is a process that shows who on the team is up for the task and who lacks the abilities to work as a member in a team with deadlines, clear goals and a critical eye on your work.
Note: We are still open towards new talent, but these have to be of the best quality and intentions.

So, how far along are we in this internal demo phase?First of all, we need to split this into two different scopes: small and large. The large scope is Episode 1. We will not stop working on the internal demo before all of episode 1 is playable from start to finish. The small scope is on 2 different levels, one in each end of the episode. As for how far we have come since last time, let's recap where we were at in late April: Back then, we were working intensely on E1M2 and beginning the initial prep work for E1M3. E1M2 was at a point where no more rooms needed to be created. This was before puzzles, flow, monsters and items came into the picture. E1M3 was still in the planning phase. Now, in mid November, E1M2 has been completed on the terms of the "internal demo". This means that the entire map is playable from start to finish, including puzzles, monsters and items. Two of us have been focusing solely on E1M3 for a long time, and we have gone from the planning phase to having an architecturally complete map. Half of the puzzles are implemented and the flow of the map has been planned in great detail. The map is ready for monsters and the rest of the puzzles. A third level designer has been working intensely on E1M8 and been doing a great job on that. The entire map has been planned out and he is currently working on finishing up the geometry. A fourth level designer is working on E1M5 where we now have a very good plan that will make this a spectacular level. In addition to all of this, E1M4 has had the vast majority of the areas completed and now just needs the final planning and gluing of parts. E1M6 & 7 are still in the planning phase. We are more than pleased with the progress we have made here, and everything seems to be speeding up as we go along and learn the different processes of finalizing levels.
A lot of the finalizing process is about scrapping what is not up to par. While we are all proud of the work we have made for the mod, we must also realize that the assets we created back in 2004/2005 may not be good enough for 2009. While it's a common task, I see it as my personal responsibility to weed out in the levels as we shape them. Some areas may look nice, but lack the level of authenticity we are looking for. Last week, I took a look at my very own Landing Terminal. As I'm sure you've guess, this is a spaceport version of the airport terminal. This is where people wait to be taken off Mars. The landing terminal as it was, looked nice, but it didn't convey the feel of a terminal very well. I had this advanced architecture that followed the contours of the room, shaped by the different doorways and stairs. It was a piece of "art", but completely worthless as a terminal and therefor not good enough for the mod. We had a short discussion about it on the team before I replaced it with a much better version that fulfilled its role as a terminal perfectly. When people see the landing terminal, we want them to associate what they see with the terminals they know from real life. This terminal is part of E1M3 and it was not the first or the last change to have happened. Another example is just beyond the terminal: There is a maintenance area with a few machines and an inoperable elevator. The theme of this area is a lot more metallic and dirty than the 'polished' terminal. The problem was that the contrast between the terminal and the maintenace area was too great. Only one door separated these two styles. The solution we found was to introduce a small "locker" room where you wash your hands and dress for the duties of the maintenance area or wash up after a hard day's work before going through the terminal. A change like this may seem insignificant to the untrained eye, but at the end of the day, it's these details that determine the success of the mod. Authenticity is a key word for us in this phase. I would like to direct a personal, yet public, "thank you" to the other level designers and especialyl geX, who have put up with my frequent restructuring and demands for revamping specific parts of the levels. I'm glad you guys have put up with me for this long, but the resulting levels speak for themselves.

That's it for now. Stay tuned!
TelMarine@Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:56 pm : wow, sounds like some intense things going on. I really appreciate your guys' efforts.
Phobos@Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 1:14 am : Good to hear

revility@Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:20 am : always enjoy reading your guys update and looking at the eyecandy.
100% agree on the problems and training of new talent and when it comes to mapping standards.
john_doe2@Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:37 am : This mod looks awesome. I really hope this one gets finished and doesn't die off like some others have. It would be really sad to see another good mod like this one die. Seeing RTH die was bad enough. However, it looks like you guys are really getting around to finishing this. My best wishes to Team Future. Once this mod is done, I will be sure to download it.
Gzegzolka@Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 12:09 pm : Nice to see new devblog (it's been long time since last devblog), I'm glad this mod will keep D3 climate.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:48 pm : Reads & looks good - keep up the good work!
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:42 pm : Nice to see a new update after a long time!
The screens look great and it's always a pleasure to read about the development

geX@Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:02 pm :
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:10 pm : hey, you're right: you can't change the teleport time vis non-SDK means. That should be a key/var in the def files!

Ivan_the_B@Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:16 pm : Edited: I must learn to read before posting.
The new screenshot looks great!

0m1n0u5@Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:30 pm : I love big "open" areas like that one on the screenshot. They're not only great for big battles but you can spend some time exploring them as well. I've allways felt it's those places that give the player some sense of the scale of the base

Gzegzolka@Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:43 am : New devblog? Why not in new topic? I like how monsters spawn in game and as a player I do not mind making that "teleportation process animation" bit faster, but still with it effects like those sound and bolt. Remember some monsters like zombie and zsec (sometimes demons) are placed on map (those are natural humans changed by lost souls and flying skulls, it take some time to breed those little spider-heads), while only some demons (imps, hellknight, revants) are spawned into battle from hell. Yes, You can spawn zombie, but this is not in original D3 climate. Want to spawn more monsters by single portal? Try to do something like in Prey or in Blood 2: Chosen.
TelMarine@Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:16 pm : you guys really have a vision going here, great.
geX@Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:42 pm :
Gunman@Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:21 pm : geX wrote:
Devblog #10 out now.
After reading that one I can only suggest you to split that map in two, without losing the detail.

geX@Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:00 pm : Maybe you should read it again

We fixed it. So we didnt split the map up or loose detail.
Gzegzolka@Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:29 pm : Thanks gods You didn't remove anything, it is so popular now with those big game-makings companies to remove a lot just because game is going to be made on xbox, pc and ps3, and after game is done from time to time sold some small so called "DLC".
Attached image look very nice and moody, that room fit perfect D3 design. I start to think about bigger area with important purpose. How big should be main cargo/storage level? And what things could be in those boxes, I mean what in UAC need to be resupply from Earth often and what they have is self-sufficient. Water? Food? Energy? Ammunition? bulbs? Office paper and stampers? bevertooth chainsaws?
Gunman@Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:15 am : geX wrote:
Maybe you should read it again

We fixed it. So we didnt split the map up or loose detail.

Gzegzolka@Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:35 pm : I have just find this picture during my last searching ... &number=10 - now look similar structure at devblog. So IdSoft done it, put into game and never use? (I can not remember to see it on any map)
geX@Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:01 pm : #11 out now with 5 brand spanking new screens!
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:11 pm : Nice work guys, keep it up!

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:58 pm : Very impressive level design

As criticism i would like to tell you about this: has way too much fog, at least the gun

(thing that i don't understand when the area is not that foggy :O)
David_020@Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:18 am : Very nice! Looking forward to seeing it finished.
Gzegzolka@Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:23 am : Great work, those screen shots look full professional.
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:34 am : Better than D3 maps.

vertex007@Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:23 pm : wow

excellent design
quality stuff !
hope this one doesn´t get lost
all the best to get it done !
geX@Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:39 pm : From our site can see the screens in large on the site.
We haven't made any updates for a while, but we're working really hard. This year has been really turbulent and stressful, yet full of progress. I would go so far as to say that this year has brought on the most important progress this project has ever seen, and it's very rewarding to experience. So if this is all so rewarding and things are going forward, what's all this about turbulense and stress? A problem we have always had on this mod is a problem that has been so much more outspoken this year. We have searched for new talent like any other mod team and received our share of really gifted people. The problem is that, with the exception of 1, we have lost all the members we gained this year. I don't have the official count, but we are talking more than ten(!). This has lead to pretty much a complete halt in our search for new talent. It's simply too expensive to recruit and teach only to say your goodbyes a month later. The phase we are in with this mod is a what we call the internal demo phase. That means we are focusing on a part of the game and pushing all our hours on this to bring it to a stage where we can call it 'complete'. When I say complete, I mean complete in the way that you can play the part (be it a level or an episode) from start to finish with puzzles, monsters and items. As you may already know, we have been in this internal demo phase all of this year. You could read about this in Devblog #6 - The beginning of the end, a devblog from late April. Working on this internal demo ranges from mundane and tiresome to inspiring and giving. It's by no means an easy process and it takes a lot of effort - much more effort than everyone working on their own stuff, scattered about the mod. This is the real deal! This is a process that shows who on the team is up for the task and who lacks the abilities to work as a member in a team with deadlines, clear goals and a critical eye on your work.
Note: We are still open towards new talent, but these have to be of the best quality and intentions.

So, how far along are we in this internal demo phase?First of all, we need to split this into two different scopes: small and large. The large scope is Episode 1. We will not stop working on the internal demo before all of episode 1 is playable from start to finish. The small scope is on 2 different levels, one in each end of the episode. As for how far we have come since last time, let's recap where we were at in late April: Back then, we were working intensely on E1M2 and beginning the initial prep work for E1M3. E1M2 was at a point where no more rooms needed to be created. This was before puzzles, flow, monsters and items came into the picture. E1M3 was still in the planning phase. Now, in mid November, E1M2 has been completed on the terms of the "internal demo". This means that the entire map is playable from start to finish, including puzzles, monsters and items. Two of us have been focusing solely on E1M3 for a long time, and we have gone from the planning phase to having an architecturally complete map. Half of the puzzles are implemented and the flow of the map has been planned in great detail. The map is ready for monsters and the rest of the puzzles. A third level designer has been working intensely on E1M8 and been doing a great job on that. The entire map has been planned out and he is currently working on finishing up the geometry. A fourth level designer is working on E1M5 where we now have a very good plan that will make this a spectacular level. In addition to all of this, E1M4 has had the vast majority of the areas completed and now just needs the final planning and gluing of parts. E1M6 & 7 are still in the planning phase. We are more than pleased with the progress we have made here, and everything seems to be speeding up as we go along and learn the different processes of finalizing levels.
A lot of the finalizing process is about scrapping what is not up to par. While we are all proud of the work we have made for the mod, we must also realize that the assets we created back in 2004/2005 may not be good enough for 2009. While it's a common task, I see it as my personal responsibility to weed out in the levels as we shape them. Some areas may look nice, but lack the level of authenticity we are looking for. Last week, I took a look at my very own Landing Terminal. As I'm sure you've guess, this is a spaceport version of the airport terminal. This is where people wait to be taken off Mars. The landing terminal as it was, looked nice, but it didn't convey the feel of a terminal very well. I had this advanced architecture that followed the contours of the room, shaped by the different doorways and stairs. It was a piece of "art", but completely worthless as a terminal and therefor not good enough for the mod. We had a short discussion about it on the team before I replaced it with a much better version that fulfilled its role as a terminal perfectly. When people see the landing terminal, we want them to associate what they see with the terminals they know from real life. This terminal is part of E1M3 and it was not the first or the last change to have happened. Another example is just beyond the terminal: There is a maintenance area with a few machines and an inoperable elevator. The theme of this area is a lot more metallic and dirty than the 'polished' terminal. The problem was that the contrast between the terminal and the maintenace area was too great. Only one door separated these two styles. The solution we found was to introduce a small "locker" room where you wash your hands and dress for the duties of the maintenance area or wash up after a hard day's work before going through the terminal. A change like this may seem insignificant to the untrained eye, but at the end of the day, it's these details that determine the success of the mod. Authenticity is a key word for us in this phase. I would like to direct a personal, yet public, "thank you" to the other level designers and especialyl geX, who have put up with my frequent restructuring and demands for revamping specific parts of the levels. I'm glad you guys have put up with me for this long, but the resulting levels speak for themselves.

That's it for now. Stay tuned!
TelMarine@Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:56 pm : wow, sounds like some intense things going on. I really appreciate your guys' efforts.
Phobos@Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 1:14 am : Good to hear

revility@Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:20 am : always enjoy reading your guys update and looking at the eyecandy.
100% agree on the problems and training of new talent and when it comes to mapping standards.
john_doe2@Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:37 am : This mod looks awesome. I really hope this one gets finished and doesn't die off like some others have. It would be really sad to see another good mod like this one die. Seeing RTH die was bad enough. However, it looks like you guys are really getting around to finishing this. My best wishes to Team Future. Once this mod is done, I will be sure to download it.
Gzegzolka@Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 12:09 pm : Nice to see new devblog (it's been long time since last devblog), I'm glad this mod will keep D3 climate.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:48 pm : Reads & looks good - keep up the good work!
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:42 pm : Nice to see a new update after a long time!
The screens look great and it's always a pleasure to read about the development

geX@Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:02 pm :
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:10 pm : hey, you're right: you can't change the teleport time vis non-SDK means. That should be a key/var in the def files!

Ivan_the_B@Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:16 pm : Edited: I must learn to read before posting.
The new screenshot looks great!

0m1n0u5@Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:30 pm : I love big "open" areas like that one on the screenshot. They're not only great for big battles but you can spend some time exploring them as well. I've allways felt it's those places that give the player some sense of the scale of the base

Gzegzolka@Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:43 am : New devblog? Why not in new topic? I like how monsters spawn in game and as a player I do not mind making that "teleportation process animation" bit faster, but still with it effects like those sound and bolt. Remember some monsters like zombie and zsec (sometimes demons) are placed on map (those are natural humans changed by lost souls and flying skulls, it take some time to breed those little spider-heads), while only some demons (imps, hellknight, revants) are spawned into battle from hell. Yes, You can spawn zombie, but this is not in original D3 climate. Want to spawn more monsters by single portal? Try to do something like in Prey or in Blood 2: Chosen.
TelMarine@Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:16 pm : you guys really have a vision going here, great.
geX@Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:42 pm :
Gunman@Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:21 pm : geX wrote:
Devblog #10 out now.
After reading that one I can only suggest you to split that map in two, without losing the detail.

geX@Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:00 pm : Maybe you should read it again

We fixed it. So we didnt split the map up or loose detail.
Gzegzolka@Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:29 pm : Thanks gods You didn't remove anything, it is so popular now with those big game-makings companies to remove a lot just because game is going to be made on xbox, pc and ps3, and after game is done from time to time sold some small so called "DLC".
Attached image look very nice and moody, that room fit perfect D3 design. I start to think about bigger area with important purpose. How big should be main cargo/storage level? And what things could be in those boxes, I mean what in UAC need to be resupply from Earth often and what they have is self-sufficient. Water? Food? Energy? Ammunition? bulbs? Office paper and stampers? bevertooth chainsaws?
Gunman@Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:15 am : geX wrote:
Maybe you should read it again

We fixed it. So we didnt split the map up or loose detail.

Gzegzolka@Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:35 pm : I have just find this picture during my last searching ... &number=10 - now look similar structure at devblog. So IdSoft done it, put into game and never use? (I can not remember to see it on any map)
geX@Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:01 pm : #11 out now with 5 brand spanking new screens!
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:11 pm : Nice work guys, keep it up!

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:58 pm : Very impressive level design

As criticism i would like to tell you about this: has way too much fog, at least the gun

(thing that i don't understand when the area is not that foggy :O)
David_020@Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:18 am : Very nice! Looking forward to seeing it finished.
Gzegzolka@Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:23 am : Great work, those screen shots look full professional.
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:34 am : Better than D3 maps.

vertex007@Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:23 pm : wow

excellent design
quality stuff !
hope this one doesn´t get lost
all the best to get it done !