Ok, I promised Monday/Tuesday, it's Wednesday, oopes.

This contest is something a little different. We had a
boss monster contest, then we had a
weapon contest.
Of course the next logical choice is a MUSIC VIDEO!
Yes, it sounds a little along the line of "wow, that's a toughie" but hey, there's prizes for 1st place involved. But before you think "but I can't make a music video in Doom 3", check out the rules:
1) All music must be used legally. IE you need proof of permission OR needs to be public domain (I don't believe any audio recordings are public domain at this point)/creative commons (check the license. some don't allow you to make derivative works, which this IS considered. Also called "syncing". You can get separate permission from the author)/make your own. This means you can also make a parody of an existing song.
2) All video must be from Doom 3. No stock footage, special FX clips, etc. from outside sources. Unless it's used in the game Doom 3. (So, technically, you can get some stock footage, make it as a movie texture in the game & project it in the game & use it that way)
3) Can be edited in any program you want. You can make a Doom 3 map/mod that plays the music & people play the map, you can render the frames out & edit in an editor and then hand out a Windows Media/Quicktime file, you can make a cinematic that people watch.
4) Can do anything with the Doom 3 engine. You can change code, you can make new assets, whatever you need to do. The sky's the limit.
5) When you submit your entry you'll need everything that's required to view the entry (video files, assets, map files, etc), a readme.txt explaining how to view it (play the video, install & run the map, etc) & your source of music & the proof you can use it (a link to the site you got it, a copy of the license from the stock music library, saying that you created it, etc).
6) Contest is open to ANYONE. You don't need to be a member of Doom3World.org to participate. Feel free to post this anywhere & everywhere!
Here's the prizes for 1st (sorry, only the top dog gets something):
*A SIGNED copy of "
Dark Salvation" by Mangeled Eye Studios.
REAL LIFESIZE Doom 3 Chainsaw created by Paril, the one behind all the Quake 2 paper models
here &
here*A copy of
Natural Selection 2:SENow you may be thinking "I really could use some direction here...":
*All of
Jonathan Coulton's music (except covers) are compatible with the contest.
Blender has a built in video editor (Video Sequence Editor). Sony gives a 30 day unlimited trial of
Vegas. Either of these could be used for editing or converting an image sequence to video.
Virtual Dub is free also.
This contest will have slightly different judging criteria. Instead of a vote by members of the forum, a panel of judges will decide on the winners. Judges to be announced.
The contest will end on May 31st @ 23:59 EST. That gives everybody ~3 months. Anything after the deadline will happily be shown & viewed but won't be considered for judging.
contest3_image_rockon.jpg [ 70.75 KB | Viewed 1058 times ]
Officially, now there's a copy of Natural Selection 2:SE to the winner too.

I was looking through the last contest thread, and as far as I could tell there were only 3 actual submissions? The only one I could actually find for download was Neurological's "Pathfinder" weapon. The other 2 belonged to The Happy Friar and Whitewolf, with now broken links. Is there a place where the others could be downloaded? I assumed there would be a winner (I couldn't even figured out who won) and a download with combination of all contest entries. It's like the thread just ran into a brick wall.
"The custom weapon" won, apparently.

I screwed up the last contest by screwing up the mailserver - it's a shame beyond any available words to express it.
LDAsh wrote:
The other 2 belonged to The Happy Friar and Whitewolf, with now broken links.
My link still works (fileplanet). I ended up making a mod of paintball guns. Here's the
moddb.com page. You can't get wolf's because filefront only keeps user downloads up temporarily (fileplanet keeps them up forever! mo-ha-ha!). I uploaded his to planetdoom & will PM you (or maybe update that thread) when it's approved.
It's about 1/2 way through. Can we get some WIP shots?

*A SIGNED copy of "Dark Salvation" by Mangeled Eye Studios.
The website doesnt seem to work;
Crap, I almost forgot about this contest! Still working at it; I'm planning to do it from different mods;
just checked, worked for me. It's still for sale too!
Seems like Douglas is the winner

But... where's his prize xD
Oh yeah, I forgot all about this. GIMME GIMME GIMME, I NEED, I NEED!
I'd say if more people want to re-do this contest , then restart all over. I'd like to do a action-packed video of doom 3 in a week or 2.

If they dont, then, well, give Douglas what he deserves

, tho really i'm not for a prize, just for fun

Douglas Quaid wrote:
Oh yeah, I forgot all about this. GIMME GIMME GIMME, I NEED, I NEED!
Well, you used copyrighted music, so I assumed it was a joke.

EDIT: and it's not really a music video....
The Happy Friar wrote:
Douglas Quaid wrote:
Oh yeah, I forgot all about this. GIMME GIMME GIMME, I NEED, I NEED!
Well, you used copyrighted music, so I assumed it was a joke.

And how do you suppose not to use copyrighted music? If none of us knows how to make music then we have to use something.
Jamendo.com holds a lot of CC (aka free to use, mosly free as in beer and free as in speech, music)
Too bad, I had a great idea based on a copyrighted song, but also involved parts of other idTech4 games.
reko wrote:
And how do you suppose not to use copyrighted music? If none of us knows how to make music then we have to use something.
I put a link to someone's music in the initial post, music that could be used.
I'm pretty sure neurological's music qualified.
The Doom 3 theme song & other included music (there was some) was allowed.