BNA!@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:57 am :

Let people talk about what they want. And by archiving it you'd get one new topic per week asking for the Wolf SDK :)

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:41 pm :
Hehehehehe :mrgreen:

evilartist@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:24 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
That dose of real life unbiased input was indeed needed in this thread. Image

Who's saying devs, or in this case, big game publishing companies like Activision, aren't in it for making money? They were back in the days of dedicated servers, and free SDK tools, too, or was id software running a charity back then? It's all part of the trade. Devs should know that if people are going to keep paying $50 for a title they have to provide the best offer in the box at release day, and that means lots of $$ investment. That's why that blog entry of that Manveer Heir ex raven employee reads like a long wha- wha we busted our chops for the game and people didnt buy it bitchfest, and gets no appreciation from me. You make a console game, don't expect anyone but console gamers to want it. And I think in this case, not even console gamers wanted Wolfenstein. There's plenty of game dev studios that still focus on the PC, true that they mostly appeal to more hardcore genres, but still they make good returns on the business side.

What is it that gives you this sense of entitlement? People don't keep paying $50, they pay $50 only once for a game, which covers the production, distributing, and marketing costs. I don't recall reading anywhere that devs are required to provide you with free SDK and dedicated servers; it's a thankless courtesy. Not everybody works for free, aardwolf.

GUInterface wrote:
el oh el @ Wolfenstein 2009's engine looking worse than Doom 3's and not supporting UDK because it's a devilish plot created to destroy PC gaming.

I'm not expecting any kind of logic from some people in this thread who are obviously biased towards PCs, but do you honestly believe that video game developers wanting money is anything new?

GUI, don't waste your time making that argument here. You won't get anywhere with people like =FF=Sturm, vertex007, or aardwolf.

And seriously, like Rich said, what's with the 4chan troll pics? While there are trolls in this thread, I didn't think anyone would actually own up to it. :P

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:26 pm :
You won't get anywhere with people like =FF=Sturm, vertex007, or aardwolf.

But you got in this topic. If you don't like it, you can leave it of course. Feel free to do whatever you want, as far as you respect the others. lol
Not everything has to be serious :mrgreen:
Btw, Why not use these images? They help to represent what is this... A good joke!

aphexjh@Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:07 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
I am playing now Wolfenstein **SINGLE-PLAYER**, and it doesn't look that bad.

Haven't tried MP though

do me a favor, compare it by yourself :wink: ... re=related

thats a fair comparrison? the one of wolf 09 looks like gameplay sceencap and the other one has more video effects and editing than anything.
The gamplay feels similar in any case, accept for the whole veil powers bit. seems more like rtcw/et than etqw.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:20 pm :
First of all: Congratulations for resurrecting this dead game. it was hard, but you made it. :o
Please... Let this piece of love stay under the grave. It's dead since the (B-e-t-a) final version, maybe even before lolz.
-There is no support from the developers or even from publishers like activision.
-The forum "wolfboards?" is/was (Dunno now, I have not enter it for ages) like a good webpage (There are/were warez links where you can get the game for free lolz).
-And the best thing is that, there aren't admins there, they got fired, lolz.

This game WAS dead, (you resurrected it).

So, let it stay dead and don't despoil it :O... It can bite you.

Congratulations! You made me post again in a wolf thread.

After all, you have to be kind :D

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:31 pm :
I thoroughly enjoyed Wolf. Could be me, but all I see is stupid complaints that make no sense in this thread.
The term 'spoiled brats' comes to mind.

aphexjh@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:43 pm :
I intend to defile this corpse until its skins comes loose and i am finger deep in necrotic tissues, and i know that my blood can make it good again.
that being said.
BR this game was fun to me too, and i think it holds potential if we could get some kind of mod support. But i realize that's unlikely, maybe if we went to the raven offices and threatened to burn their character sheets and melt down their lead figurines. :D
I wonder if they want to hold on to it because they want to reserve the right to expand on their work in the future and be the only ones with the background to do so. who knows.
I played the multiplayer and i was astonished by a couple things, the detail of the maps is well placed and designed, and the character models and animations are pretty nice. 3:49 the resistance soldier/heavy looks good.
it makes me want to make maps for it, because its clearly learned a lot from its predecessors.
weapons have a good feel, and i have yet to try the veil powers, but they have potential. I can see a game like this with some etqw style perks, and other additions, being really popular. My personal wish-list would include:
(ie:deployable sentries)
other classes (assasin/spy class) the veil implications would make it similar to Dystopia in many ways.
and other gameplay modes, like rescue the hostages :O
They probably didnt work more on it because they didnt want to take over our lives by making the best mp game ever, so they deserve or thanks really.

Lune@Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:05 pm :
Well I recently (sept 22) sent an e-mail to raven about the SDK release. :D
Here's the answer.

"I'm sorry Matt but this decision was up to Id. We were never given the go ahead and didn't have the tech department to support.
Take care,

aardwolf@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:22 am :
Lune wrote:
Well I recently (sept 22) sent an e-mail to raven about the SDK release. :D
Here's the answer.

"I'm sorry Matt but this decision was up to Id. We were never given the go ahead and didn't have the tech department to support.
Take care,

This means that their community manager lied about the SDK.

drill_sarge@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:57 am :
aardwolf wrote:
This means that their community manager lied about the SDK.

wow. breaking news. :D xD

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:11 pm :
File a complaint to Mr.Sokal ( Imagine random sea waves and a castle ).

Epic win

Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:19 am :
I remember seeing that the SDK was confirmed and to be released shortly after the game. WTF happened to that? Who needs a petition sent to their inbox?

gavavva@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:06 am :
Its Raven... They are still living in 1999.

simulation@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:07 am :
Jack Rammsdell wrote:
I remember seeing that the SDK was confirmed and to be released shortly after the game. WTF happened to that? Who needs a petition sent to their inbox?

The Wolf forums had loads of requests for info about the SDK; no response at all really. I think it is time to give up and move on with that one.

Neurological@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:45 pm :
I sent numerous e-mails to the ex community menager Peter Sokal, what I got is nothing. he replied for other things, but not for the SDK.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:11 pm :
Shame that singularity is actually 200 times better than the new "veilfailstein"... ugh

Tron@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:30 pm :
Jack Rammsdell wrote:
I remember seeing that the SDK was confirmed and to be released shortly after the game. WTF happened to that? Who needs a petition sent to their inbox?

The game bombed.

drill_sarge@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:50 pm :
Neurological wrote:
ex community menager Peter Sokal

he was fired or what?

this game is dead. the multiplayer always has been. go play some good old ET:W or QuakeWars. I mean, they gave the MP part to some guys nobody knows (endrant - wtf). They made a horrible job. maybe the community could have dne some improvements IF they released the SDK when Wolfenstein came out.
The singleplayer isn't good, too. They got some cool missions and stuff (cool music, the idea of the vail is nice, but most of the time useless and boring), but the whole interface sucks with its big buttons, useless "game tips" and so on. Feels all like a really cheap port from Xbox/playstation. for example look at the farm mission: the outdoor graphics are horrible (level backgrounds look like a 10 year old game with all those low-res bitmap trees). The mapping sucks, invisible walls etc.
There are good missions (although it's just straight forward scripted with not much gameplay freedom) and some bosses/enemies are nice. But they fail a lot. The normal soldier can be killed with 2 shots, they aim really bad etc.. feels like made for gamepad and autoaim. :(

^^just some random thoughts about the game :D

Neurological@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:55 pm :
drill_sarge wrote:
Neurological wrote:
ex community menager Peter Sokal

he was fired or what?

He said on the forums that he moved to another job. I think his contract ended and Activision didn't bother to renew it for a dead game.

drill_sarge@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:00 pm :
Neurological wrote:
drill_sarge wrote:
Neurological wrote:
ex community menager Peter Sokal

he was fired or what?

He said on the forums that he moved to another job. I think his contract ended and Activision didn't bother to renew it for a dead game.

thx for info. Wolfenstein was released in a bad time when id went away from Activision. (btw, Activision today are real suckers *mad*)

good, that Splashdamage is involved with Bethesda. These guys should have made Wolfenstein (or the MP at least).

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:42 pm :
That happens when they don't give a shit to what the customers wish and an incompetent multiplayer dev team.
e.g: Look at that huge amount of messages to improve multiplayer. No one took care of us and so the game failed :wink:


Doom 3 > Wolfenstein
Even the performance has improved since then thanks to modding. ... AndEnv.jpg

(yes, the mp40 model is from wolf09, except the gloves and sleeves)

aardwolf@Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 3:44 am :
I am playing now Wolfie, and it doesnt look that bad. :) Havent tried MP though, it crashes for some reason before starting.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 1:27 pm :
I am playing now Wolfenstein **SINGLE-PLAYER**, and it doesn't look that bad.

Haven't tried MP though

do me a favor, compare it by yourself :wink: ... re=related

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:30 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
I am playing now Wolfie, and it doesnt look that bad. :) Havent tried MP though, it crashes for some reason before starting.

The new Wolfie is a great game. Very much underrated for all the wrong reasons.

Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:01 pm :
I enjoyed the game a lot. I felt it had re-playability. I liked going back again to find the tomes, intelligence, and gold.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:16 pm : ... 354407.jpg (2009) ... life-2.jpg (2004)
http://incoherenciainherente.files.word ... war-02.jpg (2008)

I loved the game too!!! Especially when the community manager left "everything" empty and then she said the magic words:

Top Peter sokals famous phrases
The beta is Nothing like the full-game. If anyone owns the mp beta, u will be punished, u have been warned!
It follows the steps of the great multiplayer from wolfenstein enemy territory, just with a little twist of veil
We will provide the SDK as soon as the game releases, of course. We do support the community
We are going to release the patch as soon as we can, it will fix all the bugs of the game

little twist? sdk? follow the steps of rtcw? all the bugs?... do you mean the game itself??? XD XD
XD XD XD XD XD ... d_hard.jpg
:evil: Congrats! u have made my day :twisted:

Oh wait... it's 12th july 2010. Wasn't this game 'despoiled' after the beta*?

Beta*: a Way to release the game to the public but with the excuse of leaked beta. It's usually used when games are pure shit and they want to claim attention.

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:44 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:

You can complain, but that won't change the reality: They are a company that runs on dollars. The dollars were rescinded, hence no more releases for Wolfie.

If you need a target to complain against, complain against everybody (critics, 'fans', gamers) that killed the game with their 'holier than thou' tirades against this game, causing it to crash and burn before it even started. Worst is, all that crap and shit that was poured over Wolfie were minor issues and details. 'Consolized', 'Bad controls' blah blah blah... Everybody missed the point where they released a kickass single player experience.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:45 pm :
BloodRayne wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:

You can complain, but that won't change the reality: They are a company that runs on dollars. The dollars were rescinded, hence no more releases for Wolfie.

If you need a target to complain against, complain against everybody (critics, 'fans', gamers) that killed the game with their 'holier than thou' tirades against this game, causing it to crash and burn before it even started.

I am not doing it. I did it when the game was still *alive, but oh well, they didn't listened to the gamers, what a pitty.

Also the single player was just a meh, maybe a 6 or 6.5. Imo, it was overrated with that 7.x

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:46 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
BloodRayne wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:

You can complain, but that won't change the reality: They are a company that runs on dollars. The dollars were rescinded, hence no more releases for Wolfie.

If you need a target to complain against, complain against everybody (critics, 'fans', gamers) that killed the game with their 'holier than thou' tirades against this game, causing it to crash and burn before it even started.

I am not doing it. I did it when the game was still *alive, but oh well, they didn't listened to the gamers, what a pitty.

No, you still don't get it. There was no money to do anything with the complaints, because it didn't sell because it was killed before people were even buying it, just like what is happening with Singularity now.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:48 pm :
BloodRayne wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:
BloodRayne wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:

You can complain, but that won't change the reality: They are a company that runs on dollars. The dollars were rescinded, hence no more releases for Wolfie.

If you need a target to complain against, complain against everybody (critics, 'fans', gamers) that killed the game with their 'holier than thou' tirades against this game, causing it to crash and burn before it even started.

I am not doing it. I did it when the game was still *alive, but oh well, they didn't listened to the gamers, what a pitty.

No, you still don't get it. There was no money to do anything with the complaints, because it didn't sell.

Of course, because it was an utter crap and unfinished
Should i remember you that the people were giving long shit surveys about the game?
Check planetwolfenstein or even the old, there were a lot, even in
let me find them to you anyway.

Found ya:

vertex007@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:50 pm :
hey Sturm, I feel you but get over it ....

the SP is Raven and is good, not exceptional but good, even better with the little mods we have here.
(that shot comparison with HL2 hurts though...)

the MP, it just never happened :x:lol:

BNA!@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:57 am :

Let people talk about what they want. And by archiving it you'd get one new topic per week asking for the Wolf SDK :)

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:41 pm :
Hehehehehe :mrgreen:

evilartist@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:24 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
That dose of real life unbiased input was indeed needed in this thread. Image

Who's saying devs, or in this case, big game publishing companies like Activision, aren't in it for making money? They were back in the days of dedicated servers, and free SDK tools, too, or was id software running a charity back then? It's all part of the trade. Devs should know that if people are going to keep paying $50 for a title they have to provide the best offer in the box at release day, and that means lots of $$ investment. That's why that blog entry of that Manveer Heir ex raven employee reads like a long wha- wha we busted our chops for the game and people didnt buy it bitchfest, and gets no appreciation from me. You make a console game, don't expect anyone but console gamers to want it. And I think in this case, not even console gamers wanted Wolfenstein. There's plenty of game dev studios that still focus on the PC, true that they mostly appeal to more hardcore genres, but still they make good returns on the business side.

What is it that gives you this sense of entitlement? People don't keep paying $50, they pay $50 only once for a game, which covers the production, distributing, and marketing costs. I don't recall reading anywhere that devs are required to provide you with free SDK and dedicated servers; it's a thankless courtesy. Not everybody works for free, aardwolf.

GUInterface wrote:
el oh el @ Wolfenstein 2009's engine looking worse than Doom 3's and not supporting UDK because it's a devilish plot created to destroy PC gaming.

I'm not expecting any kind of logic from some people in this thread who are obviously biased towards PCs, but do you honestly believe that video game developers wanting money is anything new?

GUI, don't waste your time making that argument here. You won't get anywhere with people like =FF=Sturm, vertex007, or aardwolf.

And seriously, like Rich said, what's with the 4chan troll pics? While there are trolls in this thread, I didn't think anyone would actually own up to it. :P

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:26 pm :
You won't get anywhere with people like =FF=Sturm, vertex007, or aardwolf.

But you got in this topic. If you don't like it, you can leave it of course. Feel free to do whatever you want, as far as you respect the others. lol
Not everything has to be serious :mrgreen:
Btw, Why not use these images? They help to represent what is this... A good joke!

aphexjh@Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:07 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
I am playing now Wolfenstein **SINGLE-PLAYER**, and it doesn't look that bad.

Haven't tried MP though

do me a favor, compare it by yourself :wink: ... re=related

thats a fair comparrison? the one of wolf 09 looks like gameplay sceencap and the other one has more video effects and editing than anything.
The gamplay feels similar in any case, accept for the whole veil powers bit. seems more like rtcw/et than etqw.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:20 pm :
First of all: Congratulations for resurrecting this dead game. it was hard, but you made it. :o
Please... Let this piece of love stay under the grave. It's dead since the (B-e-t-a) final version, maybe even before lolz.
-There is no support from the developers or even from publishers like activision.
-The forum "wolfboards?" is/was (Dunno now, I have not enter it for ages) like a good webpage (There are/were warez links where you can get the game for free lolz).
-And the best thing is that, there aren't admins there, they got fired, lolz.

This game WAS dead, (you resurrected it).

So, let it stay dead and don't despoil it :O... It can bite you.

Congratulations! You made me post again in a wolf thread.

After all, you have to be kind :D

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:31 pm :
I thoroughly enjoyed Wolf. Could be me, but all I see is stupid complaints that make no sense in this thread.
The term 'spoiled brats' comes to mind.

aphexjh@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:43 pm :
I intend to defile this corpse until its skins comes loose and i am finger deep in necrotic tissues, and i know that my blood can make it good again.
that being said.
BR this game was fun to me too, and i think it holds potential if we could get some kind of mod support. But i realize that's unlikely, maybe if we went to the raven offices and threatened to burn their character sheets and melt down their lead figurines. :D
I wonder if they want to hold on to it because they want to reserve the right to expand on their work in the future and be the only ones with the background to do so. who knows.
I played the multiplayer and i was astonished by a couple things, the detail of the maps is well placed and designed, and the character models and animations are pretty nice. 3:49 the resistance soldier/heavy looks good.
it makes me want to make maps for it, because its clearly learned a lot from its predecessors.
weapons have a good feel, and i have yet to try the veil powers, but they have potential. I can see a game like this with some etqw style perks, and other additions, being really popular. My personal wish-list would include:
(ie:deployable sentries)
other classes (assasin/spy class) the veil implications would make it similar to Dystopia in many ways.
and other gameplay modes, like rescue the hostages :O
They probably didnt work more on it because they didnt want to take over our lives by making the best mp game ever, so they deserve or thanks really.

Lune@Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:05 pm :
Well I recently (sept 22) sent an e-mail to raven about the SDK release. :D
Here's the answer.

"I'm sorry Matt but this decision was up to Id. We were never given the go ahead and didn't have the tech department to support.
Take care,

aardwolf@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:22 am :
Lune wrote:
Well I recently (sept 22) sent an e-mail to raven about the SDK release. :D
Here's the answer.

"I'm sorry Matt but this decision was up to Id. We were never given the go ahead and didn't have the tech department to support.
Take care,

This means that their community manager lied about the SDK.

drill_sarge@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:57 am :
aardwolf wrote:
This means that their community manager lied about the SDK.

wow. breaking news. :D xD

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:11 pm :
File a complaint to Mr.Sokal ( Imagine random sea waves and a castle ).

Epic win

BNA!@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:57 am :

Let people talk about what they want. And by archiving it you'd get one new topic per week asking for the Wolf SDK :)

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:41 pm :
Hehehehehe :mrgreen:

evilartist@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:24 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
That dose of real life unbiased input was indeed needed in this thread. Image

Who's saying devs, or in this case, big game publishing companies like Activision, aren't in it for making money? They were back in the days of dedicated servers, and free SDK tools, too, or was id software running a charity back then? It's all part of the trade. Devs should know that if people are going to keep paying $50 for a title they have to provide the best offer in the box at release day, and that means lots of $$ investment. That's why that blog entry of that Manveer Heir ex raven employee reads like a long wha- wha we busted our chops for the game and people didnt buy it bitchfest, and gets no appreciation from me. You make a console game, don't expect anyone but console gamers to want it. And I think in this case, not even console gamers wanted Wolfenstein. There's plenty of game dev studios that still focus on the PC, true that they mostly appeal to more hardcore genres, but still they make good returns on the business side.

What is it that gives you this sense of entitlement? People don't keep paying $50, they pay $50 only once for a game, which covers the production, distributing, and marketing costs. I don't recall reading anywhere that devs are required to provide you with free SDK and dedicated servers; it's a thankless courtesy. Not everybody works for free, aardwolf.

GUInterface wrote:
el oh el @ Wolfenstein 2009's engine looking worse than Doom 3's and not supporting UDK because it's a devilish plot created to destroy PC gaming.

I'm not expecting any kind of logic from some people in this thread who are obviously biased towards PCs, but do you honestly believe that video game developers wanting money is anything new?

GUI, don't waste your time making that argument here. You won't get anywhere with people like =FF=Sturm, vertex007, or aardwolf.

And seriously, like Rich said, what's with the 4chan troll pics? While there are trolls in this thread, I didn't think anyone would actually own up to it. :P

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:26 pm :
You won't get anywhere with people like =FF=Sturm, vertex007, or aardwolf.

But you got in this topic. If you don't like it, you can leave it of course. Feel free to do whatever you want, as far as you respect the others. lol
Not everything has to be serious :mrgreen:
Btw, Why not use these images? They help to represent what is this... A good joke!

aphexjh@Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:07 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
I am playing now Wolfenstein **SINGLE-PLAYER**, and it doesn't look that bad.

Haven't tried MP though

do me a favor, compare it by yourself :wink: ... re=related

thats a fair comparrison? the one of wolf 09 looks like gameplay sceencap and the other one has more video effects and editing than anything.
The gamplay feels similar in any case, accept for the whole veil powers bit. seems more like rtcw/et than etqw.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:20 pm :
First of all: Congratulations for resurrecting this dead game. it was hard, but you made it. :o
Please... Let this piece of love stay under the grave. It's dead since the (B-e-t-a) final version, maybe even before lolz.
-There is no support from the developers or even from publishers like activision.
-The forum "wolfboards?" is/was (Dunno now, I have not enter it for ages) like a good webpage (There are/were warez links where you can get the game for free lolz).
-And the best thing is that, there aren't admins there, they got fired, lolz.

This game WAS dead, (you resurrected it).

So, let it stay dead and don't despoil it :O... It can bite you.

Congratulations! You made me post again in a wolf thread.

After all, you have to be kind :D

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:31 pm :
I thoroughly enjoyed Wolf. Could be me, but all I see is stupid complaints that make no sense in this thread.
The term 'spoiled brats' comes to mind.

aphexjh@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:43 pm :
I intend to defile this corpse until its skins comes loose and i am finger deep in necrotic tissues, and i know that my blood can make it good again.
that being said.
BR this game was fun to me too, and i think it holds potential if we could get some kind of mod support. But i realize that's unlikely, maybe if we went to the raven offices and threatened to burn their character sheets and melt down their lead figurines. :D
I wonder if they want to hold on to it because they want to reserve the right to expand on their work in the future and be the only ones with the background to do so. who knows.
I played the multiplayer and i was astonished by a couple things, the detail of the maps is well placed and designed, and the character models and animations are pretty nice. 3:49 the resistance soldier/heavy looks good.
it makes me want to make maps for it, because its clearly learned a lot from its predecessors.
weapons have a good feel, and i have yet to try the veil powers, but they have potential. I can see a game like this with some etqw style perks, and other additions, being really popular. My personal wish-list would include:
(ie:deployable sentries)
other classes (assasin/spy class) the veil implications would make it similar to Dystopia in many ways.
and other gameplay modes, like rescue the hostages :O
They probably didnt work more on it because they didnt want to take over our lives by making the best mp game ever, so they deserve or thanks really.

Lune@Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:05 pm :
Well I recently (sept 22) sent an e-mail to raven about the SDK release. :D
Here's the answer.

"I'm sorry Matt but this decision was up to Id. We were never given the go ahead and didn't have the tech department to support.
Take care,

aardwolf@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:22 am :
Lune wrote:
Well I recently (sept 22) sent an e-mail to raven about the SDK release. :D
Here's the answer.

"I'm sorry Matt but this decision was up to Id. We were never given the go ahead and didn't have the tech department to support.
Take care,

This means that their community manager lied about the SDK.

drill_sarge@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:57 am :
aardwolf wrote:
This means that their community manager lied about the SDK.

wow. breaking news. :D xD

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:11 pm :
File a complaint to Mr.Sokal ( Imagine random sea waves and a castle ).

Epic win

Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:19 am :
I remember seeing that the SDK was confirmed and to be released shortly after the game. WTF happened to that? Who needs a petition sent to their inbox?

gavavva@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:06 am :
Its Raven... They are still living in 1999.

simulation@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:07 am :
Jack Rammsdell wrote:
I remember seeing that the SDK was confirmed and to be released shortly after the game. WTF happened to that? Who needs a petition sent to their inbox?

The Wolf forums had loads of requests for info about the SDK; no response at all really. I think it is time to give up and move on with that one.

Neurological@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:45 pm :
I sent numerous e-mails to the ex community menager Peter Sokal, what I got is nothing. he replied for other things, but not for the SDK.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:11 pm :
Shame that singularity is actually 200 times better than the new "veilfailstein"... ugh

Tron@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:30 pm :
Jack Rammsdell wrote:
I remember seeing that the SDK was confirmed and to be released shortly after the game. WTF happened to that? Who needs a petition sent to their inbox?

The game bombed.

drill_sarge@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:50 pm :
Neurological wrote:
ex community menager Peter Sokal

he was fired or what?

this game is dead. the multiplayer always has been. go play some good old ET:W or QuakeWars. I mean, they gave the MP part to some guys nobody knows (endrant - wtf). They made a horrible job. maybe the community could have dne some improvements IF they released the SDK when Wolfenstein came out.
The singleplayer isn't good, too. They got some cool missions and stuff (cool music, the idea of the vail is nice, but most of the time useless and boring), but the whole interface sucks with its big buttons, useless "game tips" and so on. Feels all like a really cheap port from Xbox/playstation. for example look at the farm mission: the outdoor graphics are horrible (level backgrounds look like a 10 year old game with all those low-res bitmap trees). The mapping sucks, invisible walls etc.
There are good missions (although it's just straight forward scripted with not much gameplay freedom) and some bosses/enemies are nice. But they fail a lot. The normal soldier can be killed with 2 shots, they aim really bad etc.. feels like made for gamepad and autoaim. :(

^^just some random thoughts about the game :D

Neurological@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:55 pm :
drill_sarge wrote:
Neurological wrote:
ex community menager Peter Sokal

he was fired or what?

He said on the forums that he moved to another job. I think his contract ended and Activision didn't bother to renew it for a dead game.

drill_sarge@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:00 pm :
Neurological wrote:
drill_sarge wrote:
Neurological wrote:
ex community menager Peter Sokal

he was fired or what?

He said on the forums that he moved to another job. I think his contract ended and Activision didn't bother to renew it for a dead game.

thx for info. Wolfenstein was released in a bad time when id went away from Activision. (btw, Activision today are real suckers *mad*)

good, that Splashdamage is involved with Bethesda. These guys should have made Wolfenstein (or the MP at least).

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:42 pm :
That happens when they don't give a shit to what the customers wish and an incompetent multiplayer dev team.
e.g: Look at that huge amount of messages to improve multiplayer. No one took care of us and so the game failed :wink:


Doom 3 > Wolfenstein
Even the performance has improved since then thanks to modding. ... AndEnv.jpg

(yes, the mp40 model is from wolf09, except the gloves and sleeves)

aardwolf@Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 3:44 am :
I am playing now Wolfie, and it doesnt look that bad. :) Havent tried MP though, it crashes for some reason before starting.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 1:27 pm :
I am playing now Wolfenstein **SINGLE-PLAYER**, and it doesn't look that bad.

Haven't tried MP though

do me a favor, compare it by yourself :wink: ... re=related

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:30 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
I am playing now Wolfie, and it doesnt look that bad. :) Havent tried MP though, it crashes for some reason before starting.

The new Wolfie is a great game. Very much underrated for all the wrong reasons.

Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:01 pm :
I enjoyed the game a lot. I felt it had re-playability. I liked going back again to find the tomes, intelligence, and gold.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:16 pm : ... 354407.jpg (2009) ... life-2.jpg (2004)
http://incoherenciainherente.files.word ... war-02.jpg (2008)

I loved the game too!!! Especially when the community manager left "everything" empty and then she said the magic words:

Top Peter sokals famous phrases
The beta is Nothing like the full-game. If anyone owns the mp beta, u will be punished, u have been warned!
It follows the steps of the great multiplayer from wolfenstein enemy territory, just with a little twist of veil
We will provide the SDK as soon as the game releases, of course. We do support the community
We are going to release the patch as soon as we can, it will fix all the bugs of the game

little twist? sdk? follow the steps of rtcw? all the bugs?... do you mean the game itself??? XD XD
XD XD XD XD XD ... d_hard.jpg
:evil: Congrats! u have made my day :twisted:

Oh wait... it's 12th july 2010. Wasn't this game 'despoiled' after the beta*?

Beta*: a Way to release the game to the public but with the excuse of leaked beta. It's usually used when games are pure shit and they want to claim attention.

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:44 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:

You can complain, but that won't change the reality: They are a company that runs on dollars. The dollars were rescinded, hence no more releases for Wolfie.

If you need a target to complain against, complain against everybody (critics, 'fans', gamers) that killed the game with their 'holier than thou' tirades against this game, causing it to crash and burn before it even started. Worst is, all that crap and shit that was poured over Wolfie were minor issues and details. 'Consolized', 'Bad controls' blah blah blah... Everybody missed the point where they released a kickass single player experience.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:45 pm :
BloodRayne wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:

You can complain, but that won't change the reality: They are a company that runs on dollars. The dollars were rescinded, hence no more releases for Wolfie.

If you need a target to complain against, complain against everybody (critics, 'fans', gamers) that killed the game with their 'holier than thou' tirades against this game, causing it to crash and burn before it even started.

I am not doing it. I did it when the game was still *alive, but oh well, they didn't listened to the gamers, what a pitty.

Also the single player was just a meh, maybe a 6 or 6.5. Imo, it was overrated with that 7.x

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:46 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
BloodRayne wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:

You can complain, but that won't change the reality: They are a company that runs on dollars. The dollars were rescinded, hence no more releases for Wolfie.

If you need a target to complain against, complain against everybody (critics, 'fans', gamers) that killed the game with their 'holier than thou' tirades against this game, causing it to crash and burn before it even started.

I am not doing it. I did it when the game was still *alive, but oh well, they didn't listened to the gamers, what a pitty.

No, you still don't get it. There was no money to do anything with the complaints, because it didn't sell because it was killed before people were even buying it, just like what is happening with Singularity now.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:48 pm :
BloodRayne wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:
BloodRayne wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:

You can complain, but that won't change the reality: They are a company that runs on dollars. The dollars were rescinded, hence no more releases for Wolfie.

If you need a target to complain against, complain against everybody (critics, 'fans', gamers) that killed the game with their 'holier than thou' tirades against this game, causing it to crash and burn before it even started.

I am not doing it. I did it when the game was still *alive, but oh well, they didn't listened to the gamers, what a pitty.

No, you still don't get it. There was no money to do anything with the complaints, because it didn't sell.

Of course, because it was an utter crap and unfinished
Should i remember you that the people were giving long shit surveys about the game?
Check planetwolfenstein or even the old, there were a lot, even in
let me find them to you anyway.

Found ya:

vertex007@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:50 pm :
hey Sturm, I feel you but get over it ....

the SP is Raven and is good, not exceptional but good, even better with the little mods we have here.
(that shot comparison with HL2 hurts though...)

the MP, it just never happened :x:lol:

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:11 pm :
yeah... yeah... the next patch Image

aardwolf@Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:59 am :
Hey, it may come. It could be coming with bugfixes, new weapons, and a new MP gametype! 'cause they're still supporting Wolfenstein with patches, or at least they probably are.

aardwolf@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:46 am :
Oh, I forgot to add this Image at the end of my last post.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:09 am :

drill_sarge@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:02 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
Hey, it may come. It could be coming with bugfixes, new weapons, and a new MP gametype! 'cause they're still supporting Wolfenstein with patches, or at least they probably are.

yeah. next patch will port it to idtech5 and add doom4 as bonus game.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:21 pm :
drill_sarge wrote:
aardwolf wrote:
Hey, it may come. It could be coming with bugfixes, new weapons, and a new MP gametype! 'cause they're still supporting Wolfenstein with patches, or at least they probably are.

yeah. next patch will port it to idtech5 and add doom4 as bonus game.

Image Port it... XD

Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:36 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
Port it... XD


Hostyle@Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:28 am :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
Port it... XD
Image it... Image

GUInterface@Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:12 pm :
el oh el @ Wolfenstein 2009's engine looking worse than Doom 3's and not supporting UDK because it's a devilish plot created to destroy PC gaming.

I'm not expecting any kind of logic from some people in this thread who are obviously biased towards PCs, but do you honestly believe that video game developers wanting money is anything new? It has been this way since the Atari days. The difference is that now video games cost over twenty million to develop, so more money is needed, and that money can be found in consoles which have more users due to how accessible they are. This is of course, forgetting that the developers need to feed themselves and their families as well. Step out of your bubble for a while and realize none of these people owed you anything to begin with (unless, of course, whatever you're buying doesn't work), nor do you owe them anything, they sell you a product and you choose whether to buy it or not, whatever sense of entitlement you get from this is purely imagined.

As for the modding community, it has obviously changed over the years but isn't going anywhere like many people here think. As far as I know, people are still working on mods using the Source and Cry engines.

tl;dr: Don't be so emotional.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:45 pm :
I'm not expecting any kind of logic


Just got one question, really... only one question:

Image What did you expect? Image

GUInterface@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:12 am :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
I'm not expecting any kind of logic


Just got one question, really... only one question:

Image What did you expect? Image

Your mom. Image *backflips outta thread*

reko@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:49 am :
I'm pretty sure you shouldn't say that...

How are you adding those heads?

EDIT: Image

aardwolf@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:42 am :
GUInterface wrote:
el oh el @ Wolfenstein 2009's engine looking worse than Doom 3's and not supporting UDK because it's a devilish plot created to destroy PC gaming.

I'm not expecting any kind of logic from some people in this thread who are obviously biased towards PCs, but do you honestly believe that video game developers wanting money is anything new? It has been this way since the Atari days. The difference is that now video games cost over twenty million to develop, so more money is needed, and that money can be found in consoles which have more users due to how accessible they are. This is of course, forgetting that the developers need to feed themselves and their families as well. Step out of your bubble for a while and realize none of these people owed you anything to begin with (unless, of course, whatever you're buying doesn't work), nor do you owe them anything, they sell you a product and you choose whether to buy it or not, whatever sense of entitlement you get from this is purely imagined.

As for the modding community, it has obviously changed over the years but isn't going anywhere like many people here think. As far as I know, people are still working on mods using the Source and Cry engines.

tl;dr: Don't be so emotional.

That dose of real life unbiased input was indeed needed in this thread. Image

Who's saying devs, or in this case, big game publishing companies like Activision, aren't in it for making money? They were back in the days of dedicated servers, and free SDK tools, too, or was id software running a charity back then? It's all part of the trade. Devs should know that if people are going to keep paying $50 for a title they have to provide the best offer in the box at release day, and that means lots of $$ investment. That's why that blog entry of that Manveer Heir ex raven employee reads like a long wha- wha we busted our chops for the game and people didnt buy it bitchfest, and gets no appreciation from me. You make a console game, don't expect anyone but console gamers to want it. And I think in this case, not even console gamers wanted Wolfenstein. There's plenty of game dev studios that still focus on the PC, true that they mostly appeal to more hardcore genres, but still they make good returns on the business side.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:52 pm :
reko... it's not just a head. IT's COOL FACE ImageImageImage

reko@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:01 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
reko... it's not just a head. IT's COOL FACE ImageImageImage

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

reko@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:01 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
reko... it's not just a head. IT's COOL FACE ImageImageImage


Believe me, I don't know why I double-posted this.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:04 pm :

reko@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:40 pm :
Maybe because it's cool!

Zombie13@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:58 am :
I vote to lock the Wolf forum and archive it.

There will be no SDK no more patches, nothing really happens in this forum but stupid posts.

Vote +1


AnthonyJa@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:40 am :

BNA!@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:57 am :

Let people talk about what they want. And by archiving it you'd get one new topic per week asking for the Wolf SDK :)

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:41 pm :
Hehehehehe :mrgreen:

evilartist@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:24 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
That dose of real life unbiased input was indeed needed in this thread. Image

Who's saying devs, or in this case, big game publishing companies like Activision, aren't in it for making money? They were back in the days of dedicated servers, and free SDK tools, too, or was id software running a charity back then? It's all part of the trade. Devs should know that if people are going to keep paying $50 for a title they have to provide the best offer in the box at release day, and that means lots of $$ investment. That's why that blog entry of that Manveer Heir ex raven employee reads like a long wha- wha we busted our chops for the game and people didnt buy it bitchfest, and gets no appreciation from me. You make a console game, don't expect anyone but console gamers to want it. And I think in this case, not even console gamers wanted Wolfenstein. There's plenty of game dev studios that still focus on the PC, true that they mostly appeal to more hardcore genres, but still they make good returns on the business side.

What is it that gives you this sense of entitlement? People don't keep paying $50, they pay $50 only once for a game, which covers the production, distributing, and marketing costs. I don't recall reading anywhere that devs are required to provide you with free SDK and dedicated servers; it's a thankless courtesy. Not everybody works for free, aardwolf.

GUInterface wrote:
el oh el @ Wolfenstein 2009's engine looking worse than Doom 3's and not supporting UDK because it's a devilish plot created to destroy PC gaming.

I'm not expecting any kind of logic from some people in this thread who are obviously biased towards PCs, but do you honestly believe that video game developers wanting money is anything new?

GUI, don't waste your time making that argument here. You won't get anywhere with people like =FF=Sturm, vertex007, or aardwolf.

And seriously, like Rich said, what's with the 4chan troll pics? While there are trolls in this thread, I didn't think anyone would actually own up to it. :P

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:26 pm :
You won't get anywhere with people like =FF=Sturm, vertex007, or aardwolf.

But you got in this topic. If you don't like it, you can leave it of course. Feel free to do whatever you want, as far as you respect the others. lol
Not everything has to be serious :mrgreen:
Btw, Why not use these images? They help to represent what is this... A good joke!

aphexjh@Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:07 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
I am playing now Wolfenstein **SINGLE-PLAYER**, and it doesn't look that bad.

Haven't tried MP though

do me a favor, compare it by yourself :wink: ... re=related

thats a fair comparrison? the one of wolf 09 looks like gameplay sceencap and the other one has more video effects and editing than anything.
The gamplay feels similar in any case, accept for the whole veil powers bit. seems more like rtcw/et than etqw.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:20 pm :
First of all: Congratulations for resurrecting this dead game. it was hard, but you made it. :o
Please... Let this piece of love stay under the grave. It's dead since the (B-e-t-a) final version, maybe even before lolz.
-There is no support from the developers or even from publishers like activision.
-The forum "wolfboards?" is/was (Dunno now, I have not enter it for ages) like a good webpage (There are/were warez links where you can get the game for free lolz).
-And the best thing is that, there aren't admins there, they got fired, lolz.

This game WAS dead, (you resurrected it).

So, let it stay dead and don't despoil it :O... It can bite you.

Congratulations! You made me post again in a wolf thread.

After all, you have to be kind :D

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:31 pm :
I thoroughly enjoyed Wolf. Could be me, but all I see is stupid complaints that make no sense in this thread.
The term 'spoiled brats' comes to mind.

aphexjh@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:43 pm :
I intend to defile this corpse until its skins comes loose and i am finger deep in necrotic tissues, and i know that my blood can make it good again.
that being said.
BR this game was fun to me too, and i think it holds potential if we could get some kind of mod support. But i realize that's unlikely, maybe if we went to the raven offices and threatened to burn their character sheets and melt down their lead figurines. :D
I wonder if they want to hold on to it because they want to reserve the right to expand on their work in the future and be the only ones with the background to do so. who knows.
I played the multiplayer and i was astonished by a couple things, the detail of the maps is well placed and designed, and the character models and animations are pretty nice. 3:49 the resistance soldier/heavy looks good.
it makes me want to make maps for it, because its clearly learned a lot from its predecessors.
weapons have a good feel, and i have yet to try the veil powers, but they have potential. I can see a game like this with some etqw style perks, and other additions, being really popular. My personal wish-list would include:
(ie:deployable sentries)
other classes (assasin/spy class) the veil implications would make it similar to Dystopia in many ways.
and other gameplay modes, like rescue the hostages :O
They probably didnt work more on it because they didnt want to take over our lives by making the best mp game ever, so they deserve or thanks really.

Lune@Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:05 pm :
Well I recently (sept 22) sent an e-mail to raven about the SDK release. :D
Here's the answer.

"I'm sorry Matt but this decision was up to Id. We were never given the go ahead and didn't have the tech department to support.
Take care,

aardwolf@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:22 am :
Lune wrote:
Well I recently (sept 22) sent an e-mail to raven about the SDK release. :D
Here's the answer.

"I'm sorry Matt but this decision was up to Id. We were never given the go ahead and didn't have the tech department to support.
Take care,

This means that their community manager lied about the SDK.

drill_sarge@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:57 am :
aardwolf wrote:
This means that their community manager lied about the SDK.

wow. breaking news. :D xD

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:11 pm :
File a complaint to Mr.Sokal ( Imagine random sea waves and a castle ).

Epic win

aardwolf@Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:54 am :
Yes, but that's dwindling down fast. It's almost gone nowadays. Right now, the big offerings for modding/making your own game seem to be like it's been pointed out UDK, unity and maybe the new crysis devkit.

TelMarine@Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:23 am :
obihb wrote:
Modding does not sell games... it never has and it never will. If it were true then consoles would have never existed and 80% of the planet would consist of game developers.

I would say it used to. Team Fortress for Quake and Counter-Strike for Half Life are a couple big examples.

obihb@Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:59 am :
Maybe those mods are extremely popular but they never helped to make those games a success. It took many months and these days it takes years for any decent kind of mod to appear on the net. By then, games have failed or succeeded.

The point is that people want mod support for Wolf and think that if there were mod support for Wolf that it would have made any difference to the success of the game which in fact it would not, not even in the slightest.

Games either sell good or bad based on how good or bad the game is, not the fact that it has mod support. That does not tip the game into a success by having it and a failure by not having it.

vertex007@Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:37 pm :
well, SDK for the MP part would still had been a good thing imo, the wolf community was there and eager to work on it, I am sure, which could have saved the MP part in the end, as you know lots of people do buy games when MP is working and satisfying enough.

but there wasn´t any, so I think this chapter is closed, wolfenstein 2009 mp is dead and never quite happened - period.
lost potential ?
bitter taste in mouth ?
but forget it and move on.

as for modding in general, I find it is kinda sad, a culture form is dying somehow, yes things like UDK are great but it is another story to build everything from scratch or to mod over existent content.

well maybe its time to seriously check that UDK out.. but I miss the times when a good game came with new and interesting engine out and you could dive into it and make all your little changes and customize the whole thing to your taste ...

aardwolf@Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:38 pm :
It's market forces at work. Specially ms with their crapboxes. I would say skip on UDK, it's made by microsoft-contracted console-developer Epic games, and you would be helping them sell more licenses for UE3. Wait for the new Crysis 2 UDK-like SDK. That one seems more interesting.

Hostyle@Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:01 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
It's market forces at work. Specially ms with their crapboxes. I would say skip on UDK, it's made by microsoft-contracted console-developer Epic games, and you would be helping them sell more licenses for UE3. Wait for the new Crysis 2 UDK-like SDK. That one seems more interesting.
I recommend switching to Cryengine 2, not 3, because 3rd is probably going to power a console port [Crysis 2]. Cryengine 2 already has all you need. Cryengine 1 is also pretty good, but now it lacks some rendering stuff, because it is old.
And UDK is hard.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:40 pm :
id tech 2,id tech 3, id tech 4 are good engines too.
There is also another made-in-house heavily modded Id tech 2 called overdose engine. It's top match

aardwolf@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:07 am :
Hostyle wrote:
aardwolf wrote:
It's market forces at work. Specially ms with their crapboxes. I would say skip on UDK, it's made by microsoft-contracted console-developer Epic games, and you would be helping them sell more licenses for UE3. Wait for the new Crysis 2 UDK-like SDK. That one seems more interesting.
I recommend switching to Cryengine 2, not 3, because 3rd is probably going to power a console port [Crysis 2]. Cryengine 2 already has all you need. Cryengine 1 is also pretty good, but now it lacks some rendering stuff, because it is old.
And UDK is hard.

I've been looking at Cry engines lately, and yeah they're great. Cry Engine 1 to be more precise. It's pretty awesome despite being old. There are some mods that make it look better than Crysis. Check them at moddb. Some of them are amazing. And it makes switching to Cry Engine 2 really fast.

aardwolf@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:09 am :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
id tech 2,id tech 3, id tech 4 are good engines too.
There is also another made-in-house heavily modded Id tech 2 called overdose engine. It's top match

Yeah, they're good engines, but the tools are lacking, as well as a recent, constantly edited information site. The best effort in that regard imo was SD's Quake Wars. They made making mods in id tech 4 interesting and streamlined, taking a lot of the tool ugliness out.

Hostyle@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:03 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
id tech 2,id tech 3, id tech 4 are good engines too.
There is also another made-in-house heavily modded Id tech 2 called overdose engine. It's top match
Tech 4 is not optimized for vast terrain and foliage and overal it lacks level of detail optimizations imo. Tech 2 & 3 are too old and adding new stuff would take too much time.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:03 pm :
If they don't spend time working with the engine, it's obvious that the game running tech 4 is not optimized for a lot details, hell, even quake 3 maps can run like shit if you make them bad.

Yeah, if you put thousands of lights interacting with the same surface and shitty portals... plus terrible uber-hi poly models casting shadows...

I've seen myself the masive use of 1024, 2048 textures on simple shitty walls, lol

Btw, yes... tech 4 is old right now. Cryengine 2/3 are newer engines.

Hostyle@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:13 pm :
No, I mean the switching in the engine to low poly or low detail stuff in everything when needed. When you don't code that kind of optimizations, the game runs bad and you need to buy more powerful video cards to run same crap visuals.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:14 pm :
Hostyle wrote:
No, I mean the switching in the engine to low poly or low detail stuff in everything when needed. When you don't code that kind of optimizations, the game runs bad and you need to buy more powerful video cards to run same crap visuals.

True, that's why i run them all in high quality...

I do agree about that, it makes me headaches to try to optimize that...

Take a little look to this e.g :
Running on an old comp (pentium D and shit GPU), bloom effects, lots of enemies, hd skybox and shaders. ... ny-enemies

Hostyle@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:26 pm :
Nice mod. Did you rig those weapons yourself?

aardwolf@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:10 am :
Hostyle wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:
id tech 2,id tech 3, id tech 4 are good engines too.
There is also another made-in-house heavily modded Id tech 2 called overdose engine. It's top match
Tech 4 is not optimized for vast terrain and foliage and overal it lacks level of detail optimizations imo. Tech 2 & 3 are too old and adding new stuff would take too much time.

Quake Wars did have vast terrain and foliage, didnt it?

Hostyle@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:47 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
Quake Wars did have vast terrain and foliage, didnt it?
Ran bad n looked shit & hard to mod.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:12 pm :
yes i had Hostyle... if fact, the mp40 model (as well as some few models) are from wolfenstein 2009, or at least it's from the 3d artist geoff hill.
Didn't rip them or so, just used the game files. (md5 binaries from mp). Then I had to improve some stuff like polys, textures and so, to make them work correctly in Doom 3, as well as the animations for the new models (Sleeves, gloves with the gun).

The Mp40, the tesla gun and the Luger are from wolfenstein btw.

jizaboz@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:39 pm :
I don't get what the SDK STILL isn't released. I also have asked them over Twitter and the Wolf forums numerous times.

I mean come on, we know it exists already (despite how buggy it may be), so just slap the sloppy mess together in a .zip file and put it out!

AHRHGHGHGHGH :evil::evil:

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:46 pm :
jizaboz wrote:
I don't get what the SDK STILL isn't released. I also have asked them over Twitter and the Wolf forums numerous times.

I mean come on, we know it exists already (despite how buggy it may be), so just slap the sloppy mess together in a .zip file and put it out!

AHRHGHGHGHGH :evil::evil:

Well, didn't they lied about the multiplayer? The sdk is the same story

aardwolf@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:44 pm :
Maybe the SDK is coming in the next patch. :wink:

BNA!@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:57 am :

Let people talk about what they want. And by archiving it you'd get one new topic per week asking for the Wolf SDK :)

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:41 pm :
Hehehehehe :mrgreen:

evilartist@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:24 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
That dose of real life unbiased input was indeed needed in this thread. Image

Who's saying devs, or in this case, big game publishing companies like Activision, aren't in it for making money? They were back in the days of dedicated servers, and free SDK tools, too, or was id software running a charity back then? It's all part of the trade. Devs should know that if people are going to keep paying $50 for a title they have to provide the best offer in the box at release day, and that means lots of $$ investment. That's why that blog entry of that Manveer Heir ex raven employee reads like a long wha- wha we busted our chops for the game and people didnt buy it bitchfest, and gets no appreciation from me. You make a console game, don't expect anyone but console gamers to want it. And I think in this case, not even console gamers wanted Wolfenstein. There's plenty of game dev studios that still focus on the PC, true that they mostly appeal to more hardcore genres, but still they make good returns on the business side.

What is it that gives you this sense of entitlement? People don't keep paying $50, they pay $50 only once for a game, which covers the production, distributing, and marketing costs. I don't recall reading anywhere that devs are required to provide you with free SDK and dedicated servers; it's a thankless courtesy. Not everybody works for free, aardwolf.

GUInterface wrote:
el oh el @ Wolfenstein 2009's engine looking worse than Doom 3's and not supporting UDK because it's a devilish plot created to destroy PC gaming.

I'm not expecting any kind of logic from some people in this thread who are obviously biased towards PCs, but do you honestly believe that video game developers wanting money is anything new?

GUI, don't waste your time making that argument here. You won't get anywhere with people like =FF=Sturm, vertex007, or aardwolf.

And seriously, like Rich said, what's with the 4chan troll pics? While there are trolls in this thread, I didn't think anyone would actually own up to it. :P

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:26 pm :
You won't get anywhere with people like =FF=Sturm, vertex007, or aardwolf.

But you got in this topic. If you don't like it, you can leave it of course. Feel free to do whatever you want, as far as you respect the others. lol
Not everything has to be serious :mrgreen:
Btw, Why not use these images? They help to represent what is this... A good joke!

aphexjh@Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:07 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
I am playing now Wolfenstein **SINGLE-PLAYER**, and it doesn't look that bad.

Haven't tried MP though

do me a favor, compare it by yourself :wink: ... re=related

thats a fair comparrison? the one of wolf 09 looks like gameplay sceencap and the other one has more video effects and editing than anything.
The gamplay feels similar in any case, accept for the whole veil powers bit. seems more like rtcw/et than etqw.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:20 pm :
First of all: Congratulations for resurrecting this dead game. it was hard, but you made it. :o
Please... Let this piece of love stay under the grave. It's dead since the (B-e-t-a) final version, maybe even before lolz.
-There is no support from the developers or even from publishers like activision.
-The forum "wolfboards?" is/was (Dunno now, I have not enter it for ages) like a good webpage (There are/were warez links where you can get the game for free lolz).
-And the best thing is that, there aren't admins there, they got fired, lolz.

This game WAS dead, (you resurrected it).

So, let it stay dead and don't despoil it :O... It can bite you.

Congratulations! You made me post again in a wolf thread.

After all, you have to be kind :D

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:31 pm :
I thoroughly enjoyed Wolf. Could be me, but all I see is stupid complaints that make no sense in this thread.
The term 'spoiled brats' comes to mind.

aphexjh@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:43 pm :
I intend to defile this corpse until its skins comes loose and i am finger deep in necrotic tissues, and i know that my blood can make it good again.
that being said.
BR this game was fun to me too, and i think it holds potential if we could get some kind of mod support. But i realize that's unlikely, maybe if we went to the raven offices and threatened to burn their character sheets and melt down their lead figurines. :D
I wonder if they want to hold on to it because they want to reserve the right to expand on their work in the future and be the only ones with the background to do so. who knows.
I played the multiplayer and i was astonished by a couple things, the detail of the maps is well placed and designed, and the character models and animations are pretty nice. 3:49 the resistance soldier/heavy looks good.
it makes me want to make maps for it, because its clearly learned a lot from its predecessors.
weapons have a good feel, and i have yet to try the veil powers, but they have potential. I can see a game like this with some etqw style perks, and other additions, being really popular. My personal wish-list would include:
(ie:deployable sentries)
other classes (assasin/spy class) the veil implications would make it similar to Dystopia in many ways.
and other gameplay modes, like rescue the hostages :O
They probably didnt work more on it because they didnt want to take over our lives by making the best mp game ever, so they deserve or thanks really.

Lune@Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:05 pm :
Well I recently (sept 22) sent an e-mail to raven about the SDK release. :D
Here's the answer.

"I'm sorry Matt but this decision was up to Id. We were never given the go ahead and didn't have the tech department to support.
Take care,

aardwolf@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:22 am :
Lune wrote:
Well I recently (sept 22) sent an e-mail to raven about the SDK release. :D
Here's the answer.

"I'm sorry Matt but this decision was up to Id. We were never given the go ahead and didn't have the tech department to support.
Take care,

This means that their community manager lied about the SDK.

drill_sarge@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:57 am :
aardwolf wrote:
This means that their community manager lied about the SDK.

wow. breaking news. :D xD

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:11 pm :
File a complaint to Mr.Sokal ( Imagine random sea waves and a castle ).

Epic win

Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:19 am :
I remember seeing that the SDK was confirmed and to be released shortly after the game. WTF happened to that? Who needs a petition sent to their inbox?

gavavva@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:06 am :
Its Raven... They are still living in 1999.

simulation@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:07 am :
Jack Rammsdell wrote:
I remember seeing that the SDK was confirmed and to be released shortly after the game. WTF happened to that? Who needs a petition sent to their inbox?

The Wolf forums had loads of requests for info about the SDK; no response at all really. I think it is time to give up and move on with that one.

Neurological@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:45 pm :
I sent numerous e-mails to the ex community menager Peter Sokal, what I got is nothing. he replied for other things, but not for the SDK.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:11 pm :
Shame that singularity is actually 200 times better than the new "veilfailstein"... ugh

Tron@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:30 pm :
Jack Rammsdell wrote:
I remember seeing that the SDK was confirmed and to be released shortly after the game. WTF happened to that? Who needs a petition sent to their inbox?

The game bombed.

drill_sarge@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:50 pm :
Neurological wrote:
ex community menager Peter Sokal

he was fired or what?

this game is dead. the multiplayer always has been. go play some good old ET:W or QuakeWars. I mean, they gave the MP part to some guys nobody knows (endrant - wtf). They made a horrible job. maybe the community could have dne some improvements IF they released the SDK when Wolfenstein came out.
The singleplayer isn't good, too. They got some cool missions and stuff (cool music, the idea of the vail is nice, but most of the time useless and boring), but the whole interface sucks with its big buttons, useless "game tips" and so on. Feels all like a really cheap port from Xbox/playstation. for example look at the farm mission: the outdoor graphics are horrible (level backgrounds look like a 10 year old game with all those low-res bitmap trees). The mapping sucks, invisible walls etc.
There are good missions (although it's just straight forward scripted with not much gameplay freedom) and some bosses/enemies are nice. But they fail a lot. The normal soldier can be killed with 2 shots, they aim really bad etc.. feels like made for gamepad and autoaim. :(

^^just some random thoughts about the game :D

Neurological@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:55 pm :
drill_sarge wrote:
Neurological wrote:
ex community menager Peter Sokal

he was fired or what?

He said on the forums that he moved to another job. I think his contract ended and Activision didn't bother to renew it for a dead game.

drill_sarge@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:00 pm :
Neurological wrote:
drill_sarge wrote:
Neurological wrote:
ex community menager Peter Sokal

he was fired or what?

He said on the forums that he moved to another job. I think his contract ended and Activision didn't bother to renew it for a dead game.

thx for info. Wolfenstein was released in a bad time when id went away from Activision. (btw, Activision today are real suckers *mad*)

good, that Splashdamage is involved with Bethesda. These guys should have made Wolfenstein (or the MP at least).

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:42 pm :
That happens when they don't give a shit to what the customers wish and an incompetent multiplayer dev team.
e.g: Look at that huge amount of messages to improve multiplayer. No one took care of us and so the game failed :wink:


Doom 3 > Wolfenstein
Even the performance has improved since then thanks to modding. ... AndEnv.jpg

(yes, the mp40 model is from wolf09, except the gloves and sleeves)

aardwolf@Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 3:44 am :
I am playing now Wolfie, and it doesnt look that bad. :) Havent tried MP though, it crashes for some reason before starting.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 1:27 pm :
I am playing now Wolfenstein **SINGLE-PLAYER**, and it doesn't look that bad.

Haven't tried MP though

do me a favor, compare it by yourself :wink: ... re=related

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:30 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
I am playing now Wolfie, and it doesnt look that bad. :) Havent tried MP though, it crashes for some reason before starting.

The new Wolfie is a great game. Very much underrated for all the wrong reasons.

Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:01 pm :
I enjoyed the game a lot. I felt it had re-playability. I liked going back again to find the tomes, intelligence, and gold.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:16 pm : ... 354407.jpg (2009) ... life-2.jpg (2004)
http://incoherenciainherente.files.word ... war-02.jpg (2008)

I loved the game too!!! Especially when the community manager left "everything" empty and then she said the magic words:

Top Peter sokals famous phrases
The beta is Nothing like the full-game. If anyone owns the mp beta, u will be punished, u have been warned!
It follows the steps of the great multiplayer from wolfenstein enemy territory, just with a little twist of veil
We will provide the SDK as soon as the game releases, of course. We do support the community
We are going to release the patch as soon as we can, it will fix all the bugs of the game

little twist? sdk? follow the steps of rtcw? all the bugs?... do you mean the game itself??? XD XD
XD XD XD XD XD ... d_hard.jpg
:evil: Congrats! u have made my day :twisted:

Oh wait... it's 12th july 2010. Wasn't this game 'despoiled' after the beta*?

Beta*: a Way to release the game to the public but with the excuse of leaked beta. It's usually used when games are pure shit and they want to claim attention.

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:44 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:

You can complain, but that won't change the reality: They are a company that runs on dollars. The dollars were rescinded, hence no more releases for Wolfie.

If you need a target to complain against, complain against everybody (critics, 'fans', gamers) that killed the game with their 'holier than thou' tirades against this game, causing it to crash and burn before it even started. Worst is, all that crap and shit that was poured over Wolfie were minor issues and details. 'Consolized', 'Bad controls' blah blah blah... Everybody missed the point where they released a kickass single player experience.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:45 pm :
BloodRayne wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:

You can complain, but that won't change the reality: They are a company that runs on dollars. The dollars were rescinded, hence no more releases for Wolfie.

If you need a target to complain against, complain against everybody (critics, 'fans', gamers) that killed the game with their 'holier than thou' tirades against this game, causing it to crash and burn before it even started.

I am not doing it. I did it when the game was still *alive, but oh well, they didn't listened to the gamers, what a pitty.

Also the single player was just a meh, maybe a 6 or 6.5. Imo, it was overrated with that 7.x

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:46 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
BloodRayne wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:

You can complain, but that won't change the reality: They are a company that runs on dollars. The dollars were rescinded, hence no more releases for Wolfie.

If you need a target to complain against, complain against everybody (critics, 'fans', gamers) that killed the game with their 'holier than thou' tirades against this game, causing it to crash and burn before it even started.

I am not doing it. I did it when the game was still *alive, but oh well, they didn't listened to the gamers, what a pitty.

No, you still don't get it. There was no money to do anything with the complaints, because it didn't sell because it was killed before people were even buying it, just like what is happening with Singularity now.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:48 pm :
BloodRayne wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:
BloodRayne wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:

You can complain, but that won't change the reality: They are a company that runs on dollars. The dollars were rescinded, hence no more releases for Wolfie.

If you need a target to complain against, complain against everybody (critics, 'fans', gamers) that killed the game with their 'holier than thou' tirades against this game, causing it to crash and burn before it even started.

I am not doing it. I did it when the game was still *alive, but oh well, they didn't listened to the gamers, what a pitty.

No, you still don't get it. There was no money to do anything with the complaints, because it didn't sell.

Of course, because it was an utter crap and unfinished
Should i remember you that the people were giving long shit surveys about the game?
Check planetwolfenstein or even the old, there were a lot, even in
let me find them to you anyway.

Found ya:

vertex007@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:50 pm :
hey Sturm, I feel you but get over it ....

the SP is Raven and is good, not exceptional but good, even better with the little mods we have here.
(that shot comparison with HL2 hurts though...)

the MP, it just never happened :x:lol:

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:11 pm :
yeah... yeah... the next patch Image

aardwolf@Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:59 am :
Hey, it may come. It could be coming with bugfixes, new weapons, and a new MP gametype! 'cause they're still supporting Wolfenstein with patches, or at least they probably are.

aardwolf@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:46 am :
Oh, I forgot to add this Image at the end of my last post.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:09 am :

drill_sarge@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:02 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
Hey, it may come. It could be coming with bugfixes, new weapons, and a new MP gametype! 'cause they're still supporting Wolfenstein with patches, or at least they probably are.

yeah. next patch will port it to idtech5 and add doom4 as bonus game.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:21 pm :
drill_sarge wrote:
aardwolf wrote:
Hey, it may come. It could be coming with bugfixes, new weapons, and a new MP gametype! 'cause they're still supporting Wolfenstein with patches, or at least they probably are.

yeah. next patch will port it to idtech5 and add doom4 as bonus game.

Image Port it... XD

Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:36 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
Port it... XD


Hostyle@Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:28 am :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
Port it... XD
Image it... Image

GUInterface@Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:12 pm :
el oh el @ Wolfenstein 2009's engine looking worse than Doom 3's and not supporting UDK because it's a devilish plot created to destroy PC gaming.

I'm not expecting any kind of logic from some people in this thread who are obviously biased towards PCs, but do you honestly believe that video game developers wanting money is anything new? It has been this way since the Atari days. The difference is that now video games cost over twenty million to develop, so more money is needed, and that money can be found in consoles which have more users due to how accessible they are. This is of course, forgetting that the developers need to feed themselves and their families as well. Step out of your bubble for a while and realize none of these people owed you anything to begin with (unless, of course, whatever you're buying doesn't work), nor do you owe them anything, they sell you a product and you choose whether to buy it or not, whatever sense of entitlement you get from this is purely imagined.

As for the modding community, it has obviously changed over the years but isn't going anywhere like many people here think. As far as I know, people are still working on mods using the Source and Cry engines.

tl;dr: Don't be so emotional.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:45 pm :
I'm not expecting any kind of logic


Just got one question, really... only one question:

Image What did you expect? Image

GUInterface@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:12 am :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
I'm not expecting any kind of logic


Just got one question, really... only one question:

Image What did you expect? Image

Your mom. Image *backflips outta thread*

reko@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:49 am :
I'm pretty sure you shouldn't say that...

How are you adding those heads?

EDIT: Image

aardwolf@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:42 am :
GUInterface wrote:
el oh el @ Wolfenstein 2009's engine looking worse than Doom 3's and not supporting UDK because it's a devilish plot created to destroy PC gaming.

I'm not expecting any kind of logic from some people in this thread who are obviously biased towards PCs, but do you honestly believe that video game developers wanting money is anything new? It has been this way since the Atari days. The difference is that now video games cost over twenty million to develop, so more money is needed, and that money can be found in consoles which have more users due to how accessible they are. This is of course, forgetting that the developers need to feed themselves and their families as well. Step out of your bubble for a while and realize none of these people owed you anything to begin with (unless, of course, whatever you're buying doesn't work), nor do you owe them anything, they sell you a product and you choose whether to buy it or not, whatever sense of entitlement you get from this is purely imagined.

As for the modding community, it has obviously changed over the years but isn't going anywhere like many people here think. As far as I know, people are still working on mods using the Source and Cry engines.

tl;dr: Don't be so emotional.

That dose of real life unbiased input was indeed needed in this thread. Image

Who's saying devs, or in this case, big game publishing companies like Activision, aren't in it for making money? They were back in the days of dedicated servers, and free SDK tools, too, or was id software running a charity back then? It's all part of the trade. Devs should know that if people are going to keep paying $50 for a title they have to provide the best offer in the box at release day, and that means lots of $$ investment. That's why that blog entry of that Manveer Heir ex raven employee reads like a long wha- wha we busted our chops for the game and people didnt buy it bitchfest, and gets no appreciation from me. You make a console game, don't expect anyone but console gamers to want it. And I think in this case, not even console gamers wanted Wolfenstein. There's plenty of game dev studios that still focus on the PC, true that they mostly appeal to more hardcore genres, but still they make good returns on the business side.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:52 pm :
reko... it's not just a head. IT's COOL FACE ImageImageImage

reko@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:01 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
reko... it's not just a head. IT's COOL FACE ImageImageImage

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

reko@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:01 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
reko... it's not just a head. IT's COOL FACE ImageImageImage


Believe me, I don't know why I double-posted this.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:04 pm :

reko@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:40 pm :
Maybe because it's cool!

Zombie13@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:58 am :
I vote to lock the Wolf forum and archive it.

There will be no SDK no more patches, nothing really happens in this forum but stupid posts.

Vote +1


AnthonyJa@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:40 am :

BNA!@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:57 am :

Let people talk about what they want. And by archiving it you'd get one new topic per week asking for the Wolf SDK :)

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:41 pm :
Hehehehehe :mrgreen:

evilartist@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:24 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
That dose of real life unbiased input was indeed needed in this thread. Image

Who's saying devs, or in this case, big game publishing companies like Activision, aren't in it for making money? They were back in the days of dedicated servers, and free SDK tools, too, or was id software running a charity back then? It's all part of the trade. Devs should know that if people are going to keep paying $50 for a title they have to provide the best offer in the box at release day, and that means lots of $$ investment. That's why that blog entry of that Manveer Heir ex raven employee reads like a long wha- wha we busted our chops for the game and people didnt buy it bitchfest, and gets no appreciation from me. You make a console game, don't expect anyone but console gamers to want it. And I think in this case, not even console gamers wanted Wolfenstein. There's plenty of game dev studios that still focus on the PC, true that they mostly appeal to more hardcore genres, but still they make good returns on the business side.

What is it that gives you this sense of entitlement? People don't keep paying $50, they pay $50 only once for a game, which covers the production, distributing, and marketing costs. I don't recall reading anywhere that devs are required to provide you with free SDK and dedicated servers; it's a thankless courtesy. Not everybody works for free, aardwolf.

GUInterface wrote:
el oh el @ Wolfenstein 2009's engine looking worse than Doom 3's and not supporting UDK because it's a devilish plot created to destroy PC gaming.

I'm not expecting any kind of logic from some people in this thread who are obviously biased towards PCs, but do you honestly believe that video game developers wanting money is anything new?

GUI, don't waste your time making that argument here. You won't get anywhere with people like =FF=Sturm, vertex007, or aardwolf.

And seriously, like Rich said, what's with the 4chan troll pics? While there are trolls in this thread, I didn't think anyone would actually own up to it. :P

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:26 pm :
You won't get anywhere with people like =FF=Sturm, vertex007, or aardwolf.

But you got in this topic. If you don't like it, you can leave it of course. Feel free to do whatever you want, as far as you respect the others. lol
Not everything has to be serious :mrgreen:
Btw, Why not use these images? They help to represent what is this... A good joke!

aphexjh@Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:07 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
I am playing now Wolfenstein **SINGLE-PLAYER**, and it doesn't look that bad.

Haven't tried MP though

do me a favor, compare it by yourself :wink: ... re=related

thats a fair comparrison? the one of wolf 09 looks like gameplay sceencap and the other one has more video effects and editing than anything.
The gamplay feels similar in any case, accept for the whole veil powers bit. seems more like rtcw/et than etqw.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:20 pm :
First of all: Congratulations for resurrecting this dead game. it was hard, but you made it. :o
Please... Let this piece of love stay under the grave. It's dead since the (B-e-t-a) final version, maybe even before lolz.
-There is no support from the developers or even from publishers like activision.
-The forum "wolfboards?" is/was (Dunno now, I have not enter it for ages) like a good webpage (There are/were warez links where you can get the game for free lolz).
-And the best thing is that, there aren't admins there, they got fired, lolz.

This game WAS dead, (you resurrected it).

So, let it stay dead and don't despoil it :O... It can bite you.

Congratulations! You made me post again in a wolf thread.

After all, you have to be kind :D

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:31 pm :
I thoroughly enjoyed Wolf. Could be me, but all I see is stupid complaints that make no sense in this thread.
The term 'spoiled brats' comes to mind.

aphexjh@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:43 pm :
I intend to defile this corpse until its skins comes loose and i am finger deep in necrotic tissues, and i know that my blood can make it good again.
that being said.
BR this game was fun to me too, and i think it holds potential if we could get some kind of mod support. But i realize that's unlikely, maybe if we went to the raven offices and threatened to burn their character sheets and melt down their lead figurines. :D
I wonder if they want to hold on to it because they want to reserve the right to expand on their work in the future and be the only ones with the background to do so. who knows.
I played the multiplayer and i was astonished by a couple things, the detail of the maps is well placed and designed, and the character models and animations are pretty nice. 3:49 the resistance soldier/heavy looks good.
it makes me want to make maps for it, because its clearly learned a lot from its predecessors.
weapons have a good feel, and i have yet to try the veil powers, but they have potential. I can see a game like this with some etqw style perks, and other additions, being really popular. My personal wish-list would include:
(ie:deployable sentries)
other classes (assasin/spy class) the veil implications would make it similar to Dystopia in many ways.
and other gameplay modes, like rescue the hostages :O
They probably didnt work more on it because they didnt want to take over our lives by making the best mp game ever, so they deserve or thanks really.

Lune@Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:05 pm :
Well I recently (sept 22) sent an e-mail to raven about the SDK release. :D
Here's the answer.

"I'm sorry Matt but this decision was up to Id. We were never given the go ahead and didn't have the tech department to support.
Take care,

aardwolf@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:22 am :
Lune wrote:
Well I recently (sept 22) sent an e-mail to raven about the SDK release. :D
Here's the answer.

"I'm sorry Matt but this decision was up to Id. We were never given the go ahead and didn't have the tech department to support.
Take care,

This means that their community manager lied about the SDK.

drill_sarge@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:57 am :
aardwolf wrote:
This means that their community manager lied about the SDK.

wow. breaking news. :D xD

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:11 pm :
File a complaint to Mr.Sokal ( Imagine random sea waves and a castle ).

Epic win

aardwolf@Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:54 am :
Yes, but that's dwindling down fast. It's almost gone nowadays. Right now, the big offerings for modding/making your own game seem to be like it's been pointed out UDK, unity and maybe the new crysis devkit.

TelMarine@Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:23 am :
obihb wrote:
Modding does not sell games... it never has and it never will. If it were true then consoles would have never existed and 80% of the planet would consist of game developers.

I would say it used to. Team Fortress for Quake and Counter-Strike for Half Life are a couple big examples.

obihb@Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:59 am :
Maybe those mods are extremely popular but they never helped to make those games a success. It took many months and these days it takes years for any decent kind of mod to appear on the net. By then, games have failed or succeeded.

The point is that people want mod support for Wolf and think that if there were mod support for Wolf that it would have made any difference to the success of the game which in fact it would not, not even in the slightest.

Games either sell good or bad based on how good or bad the game is, not the fact that it has mod support. That does not tip the game into a success by having it and a failure by not having it.

vertex007@Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:37 pm :
well, SDK for the MP part would still had been a good thing imo, the wolf community was there and eager to work on it, I am sure, which could have saved the MP part in the end, as you know lots of people do buy games when MP is working and satisfying enough.

but there wasn´t any, so I think this chapter is closed, wolfenstein 2009 mp is dead and never quite happened - period.
lost potential ?
bitter taste in mouth ?
but forget it and move on.

as for modding in general, I find it is kinda sad, a culture form is dying somehow, yes things like UDK are great but it is another story to build everything from scratch or to mod over existent content.

well maybe its time to seriously check that UDK out.. but I miss the times when a good game came with new and interesting engine out and you could dive into it and make all your little changes and customize the whole thing to your taste ...

aardwolf@Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:38 pm :
It's market forces at work. Specially ms with their crapboxes. I would say skip on UDK, it's made by microsoft-contracted console-developer Epic games, and you would be helping them sell more licenses for UE3. Wait for the new Crysis 2 UDK-like SDK. That one seems more interesting.

Hostyle@Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:01 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
It's market forces at work. Specially ms with their crapboxes. I would say skip on UDK, it's made by microsoft-contracted console-developer Epic games, and you would be helping them sell more licenses for UE3. Wait for the new Crysis 2 UDK-like SDK. That one seems more interesting.
I recommend switching to Cryengine 2, not 3, because 3rd is probably going to power a console port [Crysis 2]. Cryengine 2 already has all you need. Cryengine 1 is also pretty good, but now it lacks some rendering stuff, because it is old.
And UDK is hard.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:40 pm :
id tech 2,id tech 3, id tech 4 are good engines too.
There is also another made-in-house heavily modded Id tech 2 called overdose engine. It's top match

aardwolf@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:07 am :
Hostyle wrote:
aardwolf wrote:
It's market forces at work. Specially ms with their crapboxes. I would say skip on UDK, it's made by microsoft-contracted console-developer Epic games, and you would be helping them sell more licenses for UE3. Wait for the new Crysis 2 UDK-like SDK. That one seems more interesting.
I recommend switching to Cryengine 2, not 3, because 3rd is probably going to power a console port [Crysis 2]. Cryengine 2 already has all you need. Cryengine 1 is also pretty good, but now it lacks some rendering stuff, because it is old.
And UDK is hard.

I've been looking at Cry engines lately, and yeah they're great. Cry Engine 1 to be more precise. It's pretty awesome despite being old. There are some mods that make it look better than Crysis. Check them at moddb. Some of them are amazing. And it makes switching to Cry Engine 2 really fast.

aardwolf@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:09 am :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
id tech 2,id tech 3, id tech 4 are good engines too.
There is also another made-in-house heavily modded Id tech 2 called overdose engine. It's top match

Yeah, they're good engines, but the tools are lacking, as well as a recent, constantly edited information site. The best effort in that regard imo was SD's Quake Wars. They made making mods in id tech 4 interesting and streamlined, taking a lot of the tool ugliness out.

Hostyle@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:03 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
id tech 2,id tech 3, id tech 4 are good engines too.
There is also another made-in-house heavily modded Id tech 2 called overdose engine. It's top match
Tech 4 is not optimized for vast terrain and foliage and overal it lacks level of detail optimizations imo. Tech 2 & 3 are too old and adding new stuff would take too much time.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:03 pm :
If they don't spend time working with the engine, it's obvious that the game running tech 4 is not optimized for a lot details, hell, even quake 3 maps can run like shit if you make them bad.

Yeah, if you put thousands of lights interacting with the same surface and shitty portals... plus terrible uber-hi poly models casting shadows...

I've seen myself the masive use of 1024, 2048 textures on simple shitty walls, lol

Btw, yes... tech 4 is old right now. Cryengine 2/3 are newer engines.

Hostyle@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:13 pm :
No, I mean the switching in the engine to low poly or low detail stuff in everything when needed. When you don't code that kind of optimizations, the game runs bad and you need to buy more powerful video cards to run same crap visuals.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:14 pm :
Hostyle wrote:
No, I mean the switching in the engine to low poly or low detail stuff in everything when needed. When you don't code that kind of optimizations, the game runs bad and you need to buy more powerful video cards to run same crap visuals.

True, that's why i run them all in high quality...

I do agree about that, it makes me headaches to try to optimize that...

Take a little look to this e.g :
Running on an old comp (pentium D and shit GPU), bloom effects, lots of enemies, hd skybox and shaders. ... ny-enemies

Hostyle@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:26 pm :
Nice mod. Did you rig those weapons yourself?

aardwolf@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:10 am :
Hostyle wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:
id tech 2,id tech 3, id tech 4 are good engines too.
There is also another made-in-house heavily modded Id tech 2 called overdose engine. It's top match
Tech 4 is not optimized for vast terrain and foliage and overal it lacks level of detail optimizations imo. Tech 2 & 3 are too old and adding new stuff would take too much time.

Quake Wars did have vast terrain and foliage, didnt it?

Hostyle@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:47 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
Quake Wars did have vast terrain and foliage, didnt it?
Ran bad n looked shit & hard to mod.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:12 pm :
yes i had Hostyle... if fact, the mp40 model (as well as some few models) are from wolfenstein 2009, or at least it's from the 3d artist geoff hill.
Didn't rip them or so, just used the game files. (md5 binaries from mp). Then I had to improve some stuff like polys, textures and so, to make them work correctly in Doom 3, as well as the animations for the new models (Sleeves, gloves with the gun).

The Mp40, the tesla gun and the Luger are from wolfenstein btw.

jizaboz@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:39 pm :
I don't get what the SDK STILL isn't released. I also have asked them over Twitter and the Wolf forums numerous times.

I mean come on, we know it exists already (despite how buggy it may be), so just slap the sloppy mess together in a .zip file and put it out!

AHRHGHGHGHGH :evil::evil:

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:46 pm :
jizaboz wrote:
I don't get what the SDK STILL isn't released. I also have asked them over Twitter and the Wolf forums numerous times.

I mean come on, we know it exists already (despite how buggy it may be), so just slap the sloppy mess together in a .zip file and put it out!

AHRHGHGHGHGH :evil::evil:

Well, didn't they lied about the multiplayer? The sdk is the same story

aardwolf@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:44 pm :
Maybe the SDK is coming in the next patch. :wink:

Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:19 am :
I remember seeing that the SDK was confirmed and to be released shortly after the game. WTF happened to that? Who needs a petition sent to their inbox?

gavavva@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:06 am :
Its Raven... They are still living in 1999.

simulation@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:07 am :
Jack Rammsdell wrote:
I remember seeing that the SDK was confirmed and to be released shortly after the game. WTF happened to that? Who needs a petition sent to their inbox?

The Wolf forums had loads of requests for info about the SDK; no response at all really. I think it is time to give up and move on with that one.

Neurological@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:45 pm :
I sent numerous e-mails to the ex community menager Peter Sokal, what I got is nothing. he replied for other things, but not for the SDK.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:11 pm :
Shame that singularity is actually 200 times better than the new "veilfailstein"... ugh

Tron@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:30 pm :
Jack Rammsdell wrote:
I remember seeing that the SDK was confirmed and to be released shortly after the game. WTF happened to that? Who needs a petition sent to their inbox?

The game bombed.

drill_sarge@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:50 pm :
Neurological wrote:
ex community menager Peter Sokal

he was fired or what?

this game is dead. the multiplayer always has been. go play some good old ET:W or QuakeWars. I mean, they gave the MP part to some guys nobody knows (endrant - wtf). They made a horrible job. maybe the community could have dne some improvements IF they released the SDK when Wolfenstein came out.
The singleplayer isn't good, too. They got some cool missions and stuff (cool music, the idea of the vail is nice, but most of the time useless and boring), but the whole interface sucks with its big buttons, useless "game tips" and so on. Feels all like a really cheap port from Xbox/playstation. for example look at the farm mission: the outdoor graphics are horrible (level backgrounds look like a 10 year old game with all those low-res bitmap trees). The mapping sucks, invisible walls etc.
There are good missions (although it's just straight forward scripted with not much gameplay freedom) and some bosses/enemies are nice. But they fail a lot. The normal soldier can be killed with 2 shots, they aim really bad etc.. feels like made for gamepad and autoaim. :(

^^just some random thoughts about the game :D

Neurological@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:55 pm :
drill_sarge wrote:
Neurological wrote:
ex community menager Peter Sokal

he was fired or what?

He said on the forums that he moved to another job. I think his contract ended and Activision didn't bother to renew it for a dead game.

drill_sarge@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:00 pm :
Neurological wrote:
drill_sarge wrote:
Neurological wrote:
ex community menager Peter Sokal

he was fired or what?

He said on the forums that he moved to another job. I think his contract ended and Activision didn't bother to renew it for a dead game.

thx for info. Wolfenstein was released in a bad time when id went away from Activision. (btw, Activision today are real suckers *mad*)

good, that Splashdamage is involved with Bethesda. These guys should have made Wolfenstein (or the MP at least).

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:42 pm :
That happens when they don't give a shit to what the customers wish and an incompetent multiplayer dev team.
e.g: Look at that huge amount of messages to improve multiplayer. No one took care of us and so the game failed :wink:


Doom 3 > Wolfenstein
Even the performance has improved since then thanks to modding. ... AndEnv.jpg

(yes, the mp40 model is from wolf09, except the gloves and sleeves)

aardwolf@Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 3:44 am :
I am playing now Wolfie, and it doesnt look that bad. :) Havent tried MP though, it crashes for some reason before starting.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 1:27 pm :
I am playing now Wolfenstein **SINGLE-PLAYER**, and it doesn't look that bad.

Haven't tried MP though

do me a favor, compare it by yourself :wink: ... re=related

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:30 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
I am playing now Wolfie, and it doesnt look that bad. :) Havent tried MP though, it crashes for some reason before starting.

The new Wolfie is a great game. Very much underrated for all the wrong reasons.

Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:01 pm :
I enjoyed the game a lot. I felt it had re-playability. I liked going back again to find the tomes, intelligence, and gold.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:16 pm : ... 354407.jpg (2009) ... life-2.jpg (2004)
http://incoherenciainherente.files.word ... war-02.jpg (2008)

I loved the game too!!! Especially when the community manager left "everything" empty and then she said the magic words:

Top Peter sokals famous phrases
The beta is Nothing like the full-game. If anyone owns the mp beta, u will be punished, u have been warned!
It follows the steps of the great multiplayer from wolfenstein enemy territory, just with a little twist of veil
We will provide the SDK as soon as the game releases, of course. We do support the community
We are going to release the patch as soon as we can, it will fix all the bugs of the game

little twist? sdk? follow the steps of rtcw? all the bugs?... do you mean the game itself??? XD XD
XD XD XD XD XD ... d_hard.jpg
:evil: Congrats! u have made my day :twisted:

Oh wait... it's 12th july 2010. Wasn't this game 'despoiled' after the beta*?

Beta*: a Way to release the game to the public but with the excuse of leaked beta. It's usually used when games are pure shit and they want to claim attention.

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:44 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:

You can complain, but that won't change the reality: They are a company that runs on dollars. The dollars were rescinded, hence no more releases for Wolfie.

If you need a target to complain against, complain against everybody (critics, 'fans', gamers) that killed the game with their 'holier than thou' tirades against this game, causing it to crash and burn before it even started. Worst is, all that crap and shit that was poured over Wolfie were minor issues and details. 'Consolized', 'Bad controls' blah blah blah... Everybody missed the point where they released a kickass single player experience.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:45 pm :
BloodRayne wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:

You can complain, but that won't change the reality: They are a company that runs on dollars. The dollars were rescinded, hence no more releases for Wolfie.

If you need a target to complain against, complain against everybody (critics, 'fans', gamers) that killed the game with their 'holier than thou' tirades against this game, causing it to crash and burn before it even started.

I am not doing it. I did it when the game was still *alive, but oh well, they didn't listened to the gamers, what a pitty.

Also the single player was just a meh, maybe a 6 or 6.5. Imo, it was overrated with that 7.x

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:46 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
BloodRayne wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:

You can complain, but that won't change the reality: They are a company that runs on dollars. The dollars were rescinded, hence no more releases for Wolfie.

If you need a target to complain against, complain against everybody (critics, 'fans', gamers) that killed the game with their 'holier than thou' tirades against this game, causing it to crash and burn before it even started.

I am not doing it. I did it when the game was still *alive, but oh well, they didn't listened to the gamers, what a pitty.

No, you still don't get it. There was no money to do anything with the complaints, because it didn't sell because it was killed before people were even buying it, just like what is happening with Singularity now.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:48 pm :
BloodRayne wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:
BloodRayne wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:

You can complain, but that won't change the reality: They are a company that runs on dollars. The dollars were rescinded, hence no more releases for Wolfie.

If you need a target to complain against, complain against everybody (critics, 'fans', gamers) that killed the game with their 'holier than thou' tirades against this game, causing it to crash and burn before it even started.

I am not doing it. I did it when the game was still *alive, but oh well, they didn't listened to the gamers, what a pitty.

No, you still don't get it. There was no money to do anything with the complaints, because it didn't sell.

Of course, because it was an utter crap and unfinished
Should i remember you that the people were giving long shit surveys about the game?
Check planetwolfenstein or even the old, there were a lot, even in
let me find them to you anyway.

Found ya:

vertex007@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:50 pm :
hey Sturm, I feel you but get over it ....

the SP is Raven and is good, not exceptional but good, even better with the little mods we have here.
(that shot comparison with HL2 hurts though...)

the MP, it just never happened :x:lol:

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:11 pm :
yeah... yeah... the next patch Image

aardwolf@Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:59 am :
Hey, it may come. It could be coming with bugfixes, new weapons, and a new MP gametype! 'cause they're still supporting Wolfenstein with patches, or at least they probably are.

aardwolf@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:46 am :
Oh, I forgot to add this Image at the end of my last post.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:09 am :

drill_sarge@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:02 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
Hey, it may come. It could be coming with bugfixes, new weapons, and a new MP gametype! 'cause they're still supporting Wolfenstein with patches, or at least they probably are.

yeah. next patch will port it to idtech5 and add doom4 as bonus game.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:21 pm :
drill_sarge wrote:
aardwolf wrote:
Hey, it may come. It could be coming with bugfixes, new weapons, and a new MP gametype! 'cause they're still supporting Wolfenstein with patches, or at least they probably are.

yeah. next patch will port it to idtech5 and add doom4 as bonus game.

Image Port it... XD

Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:36 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
Port it... XD


Hostyle@Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:28 am :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
Port it... XD
Image it... Image

GUInterface@Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:12 pm :
el oh el @ Wolfenstein 2009's engine looking worse than Doom 3's and not supporting UDK because it's a devilish plot created to destroy PC gaming.

I'm not expecting any kind of logic from some people in this thread who are obviously biased towards PCs, but do you honestly believe that video game developers wanting money is anything new? It has been this way since the Atari days. The difference is that now video games cost over twenty million to develop, so more money is needed, and that money can be found in consoles which have more users due to how accessible they are. This is of course, forgetting that the developers need to feed themselves and their families as well. Step out of your bubble for a while and realize none of these people owed you anything to begin with (unless, of course, whatever you're buying doesn't work), nor do you owe them anything, they sell you a product and you choose whether to buy it or not, whatever sense of entitlement you get from this is purely imagined.

As for the modding community, it has obviously changed over the years but isn't going anywhere like many people here think. As far as I know, people are still working on mods using the Source and Cry engines.

tl;dr: Don't be so emotional.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:45 pm :
I'm not expecting any kind of logic


Just got one question, really... only one question:

Image What did you expect? Image

GUInterface@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:12 am :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
I'm not expecting any kind of logic


Just got one question, really... only one question:

Image What did you expect? Image

Your mom. Image *backflips outta thread*

reko@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:49 am :
I'm pretty sure you shouldn't say that...

How are you adding those heads?

EDIT: Image

aardwolf@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:42 am :
GUInterface wrote:
el oh el @ Wolfenstein 2009's engine looking worse than Doom 3's and not supporting UDK because it's a devilish plot created to destroy PC gaming.

I'm not expecting any kind of logic from some people in this thread who are obviously biased towards PCs, but do you honestly believe that video game developers wanting money is anything new? It has been this way since the Atari days. The difference is that now video games cost over twenty million to develop, so more money is needed, and that money can be found in consoles which have more users due to how accessible they are. This is of course, forgetting that the developers need to feed themselves and their families as well. Step out of your bubble for a while and realize none of these people owed you anything to begin with (unless, of course, whatever you're buying doesn't work), nor do you owe them anything, they sell you a product and you choose whether to buy it or not, whatever sense of entitlement you get from this is purely imagined.

As for the modding community, it has obviously changed over the years but isn't going anywhere like many people here think. As far as I know, people are still working on mods using the Source and Cry engines.

tl;dr: Don't be so emotional.

That dose of real life unbiased input was indeed needed in this thread. Image

Who's saying devs, or in this case, big game publishing companies like Activision, aren't in it for making money? They were back in the days of dedicated servers, and free SDK tools, too, or was id software running a charity back then? It's all part of the trade. Devs should know that if people are going to keep paying $50 for a title they have to provide the best offer in the box at release day, and that means lots of $$ investment. That's why that blog entry of that Manveer Heir ex raven employee reads like a long wha- wha we busted our chops for the game and people didnt buy it bitchfest, and gets no appreciation from me. You make a console game, don't expect anyone but console gamers to want it. And I think in this case, not even console gamers wanted Wolfenstein. There's plenty of game dev studios that still focus on the PC, true that they mostly appeal to more hardcore genres, but still they make good returns on the business side.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:52 pm :
reko... it's not just a head. IT's COOL FACE ImageImageImage

reko@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:01 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
reko... it's not just a head. IT's COOL FACE ImageImageImage

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

reko@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:01 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
reko... it's not just a head. IT's COOL FACE ImageImageImage


Believe me, I don't know why I double-posted this.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:04 pm :

reko@Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:40 pm :
Maybe because it's cool!

Zombie13@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:58 am :
I vote to lock the Wolf forum and archive it.

There will be no SDK no more patches, nothing really happens in this forum but stupid posts.

Vote +1


AnthonyJa@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:40 am :

BNA!@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:57 am :

Let people talk about what they want. And by archiving it you'd get one new topic per week asking for the Wolf SDK :)

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:41 pm :
Hehehehehe :mrgreen:

evilartist@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:24 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
That dose of real life unbiased input was indeed needed in this thread. Image

Who's saying devs, or in this case, big game publishing companies like Activision, aren't in it for making money? They were back in the days of dedicated servers, and free SDK tools, too, or was id software running a charity back then? It's all part of the trade. Devs should know that if people are going to keep paying $50 for a title they have to provide the best offer in the box at release day, and that means lots of $$ investment. That's why that blog entry of that Manveer Heir ex raven employee reads like a long wha- wha we busted our chops for the game and people didnt buy it bitchfest, and gets no appreciation from me. You make a console game, don't expect anyone but console gamers to want it. And I think in this case, not even console gamers wanted Wolfenstein. There's plenty of game dev studios that still focus on the PC, true that they mostly appeal to more hardcore genres, but still they make good returns on the business side.

What is it that gives you this sense of entitlement? People don't keep paying $50, they pay $50 only once for a game, which covers the production, distributing, and marketing costs. I don't recall reading anywhere that devs are required to provide you with free SDK and dedicated servers; it's a thankless courtesy. Not everybody works for free, aardwolf.

GUInterface wrote:
el oh el @ Wolfenstein 2009's engine looking worse than Doom 3's and not supporting UDK because it's a devilish plot created to destroy PC gaming.

I'm not expecting any kind of logic from some people in this thread who are obviously biased towards PCs, but do you honestly believe that video game developers wanting money is anything new?

GUI, don't waste your time making that argument here. You won't get anywhere with people like =FF=Sturm, vertex007, or aardwolf.

And seriously, like Rich said, what's with the 4chan troll pics? While there are trolls in this thread, I didn't think anyone would actually own up to it. :P

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:26 pm :
You won't get anywhere with people like =FF=Sturm, vertex007, or aardwolf.

But you got in this topic. If you don't like it, you can leave it of course. Feel free to do whatever you want, as far as you respect the others. lol
Not everything has to be serious :mrgreen:
Btw, Why not use these images? They help to represent what is this... A good joke!

aphexjh@Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:07 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
I am playing now Wolfenstein **SINGLE-PLAYER**, and it doesn't look that bad.

Haven't tried MP though

do me a favor, compare it by yourself :wink: ... re=related

thats a fair comparrison? the one of wolf 09 looks like gameplay sceencap and the other one has more video effects and editing than anything.
The gamplay feels similar in any case, accept for the whole veil powers bit. seems more like rtcw/et than etqw.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:20 pm :
First of all: Congratulations for resurrecting this dead game. it was hard, but you made it. :o
Please... Let this piece of love stay under the grave. It's dead since the (B-e-t-a) final version, maybe even before lolz.
-There is no support from the developers or even from publishers like activision.
-The forum "wolfboards?" is/was (Dunno now, I have not enter it for ages) like a good webpage (There are/were warez links where you can get the game for free lolz).
-And the best thing is that, there aren't admins there, they got fired, lolz.

This game WAS dead, (you resurrected it).

So, let it stay dead and don't despoil it :O... It can bite you.

Congratulations! You made me post again in a wolf thread.

After all, you have to be kind :D

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:31 pm :
I thoroughly enjoyed Wolf. Could be me, but all I see is stupid complaints that make no sense in this thread.
The term 'spoiled brats' comes to mind.

aphexjh@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:43 pm :
I intend to defile this corpse until its skins comes loose and i am finger deep in necrotic tissues, and i know that my blood can make it good again.
that being said.
BR this game was fun to me too, and i think it holds potential if we could get some kind of mod support. But i realize that's unlikely, maybe if we went to the raven offices and threatened to burn their character sheets and melt down their lead figurines. :D
I wonder if they want to hold on to it because they want to reserve the right to expand on their work in the future and be the only ones with the background to do so. who knows.
I played the multiplayer and i was astonished by a couple things, the detail of the maps is well placed and designed, and the character models and animations are pretty nice. 3:49 the resistance soldier/heavy looks good.
it makes me want to make maps for it, because its clearly learned a lot from its predecessors.
weapons have a good feel, and i have yet to try the veil powers, but they have potential. I can see a game like this with some etqw style perks, and other additions, being really popular. My personal wish-list would include:
(ie:deployable sentries)
other classes (assasin/spy class) the veil implications would make it similar to Dystopia in many ways.
and other gameplay modes, like rescue the hostages :O
They probably didnt work more on it because they didnt want to take over our lives by making the best mp game ever, so they deserve or thanks really.

Lune@Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:05 pm :
Well I recently (sept 22) sent an e-mail to raven about the SDK release. :D
Here's the answer.

"I'm sorry Matt but this decision was up to Id. We were never given the go ahead and didn't have the tech department to support.
Take care,

aardwolf@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:22 am :
Lune wrote:
Well I recently (sept 22) sent an e-mail to raven about the SDK release. :D
Here's the answer.

"I'm sorry Matt but this decision was up to Id. We were never given the go ahead and didn't have the tech department to support.
Take care,

This means that their community manager lied about the SDK.

drill_sarge@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:57 am :
aardwolf wrote:
This means that their community manager lied about the SDK.

wow. breaking news. :D xD

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:11 pm :
File a complaint to Mr.Sokal ( Imagine random sea waves and a castle ).

Epic win

aardwolf@Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:54 am :
Yes, but that's dwindling down fast. It's almost gone nowadays. Right now, the big offerings for modding/making your own game seem to be like it's been pointed out UDK, unity and maybe the new crysis devkit.

TelMarine@Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:23 am :
obihb wrote:
Modding does not sell games... it never has and it never will. If it were true then consoles would have never existed and 80% of the planet would consist of game developers.

I would say it used to. Team Fortress for Quake and Counter-Strike for Half Life are a couple big examples.

obihb@Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:59 am :
Maybe those mods are extremely popular but they never helped to make those games a success. It took many months and these days it takes years for any decent kind of mod to appear on the net. By then, games have failed or succeeded.

The point is that people want mod support for Wolf and think that if there were mod support for Wolf that it would have made any difference to the success of the game which in fact it would not, not even in the slightest.

Games either sell good or bad based on how good or bad the game is, not the fact that it has mod support. That does not tip the game into a success by having it and a failure by not having it.

vertex007@Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:37 pm :
well, SDK for the MP part would still had been a good thing imo, the wolf community was there and eager to work on it, I am sure, which could have saved the MP part in the end, as you know lots of people do buy games when MP is working and satisfying enough.

but there wasn´t any, so I think this chapter is closed, wolfenstein 2009 mp is dead and never quite happened - period.
lost potential ?
bitter taste in mouth ?
but forget it and move on.

as for modding in general, I find it is kinda sad, a culture form is dying somehow, yes things like UDK are great but it is another story to build everything from scratch or to mod over existent content.

well maybe its time to seriously check that UDK out.. but I miss the times when a good game came with new and interesting engine out and you could dive into it and make all your little changes and customize the whole thing to your taste ...

aardwolf@Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:38 pm :
It's market forces at work. Specially ms with their crapboxes. I would say skip on UDK, it's made by microsoft-contracted console-developer Epic games, and you would be helping them sell more licenses for UE3. Wait for the new Crysis 2 UDK-like SDK. That one seems more interesting.

Hostyle@Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:01 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
It's market forces at work. Specially ms with their crapboxes. I would say skip on UDK, it's made by microsoft-contracted console-developer Epic games, and you would be helping them sell more licenses for UE3. Wait for the new Crysis 2 UDK-like SDK. That one seems more interesting.
I recommend switching to Cryengine 2, not 3, because 3rd is probably going to power a console port [Crysis 2]. Cryengine 2 already has all you need. Cryengine 1 is also pretty good, but now it lacks some rendering stuff, because it is old.
And UDK is hard.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:40 pm :
id tech 2,id tech 3, id tech 4 are good engines too.
There is also another made-in-house heavily modded Id tech 2 called overdose engine. It's top match

aardwolf@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:07 am :
Hostyle wrote:
aardwolf wrote:
It's market forces at work. Specially ms with their crapboxes. I would say skip on UDK, it's made by microsoft-contracted console-developer Epic games, and you would be helping them sell more licenses for UE3. Wait for the new Crysis 2 UDK-like SDK. That one seems more interesting.
I recommend switching to Cryengine 2, not 3, because 3rd is probably going to power a console port [Crysis 2]. Cryengine 2 already has all you need. Cryengine 1 is also pretty good, but now it lacks some rendering stuff, because it is old.
And UDK is hard.

I've been looking at Cry engines lately, and yeah they're great. Cry Engine 1 to be more precise. It's pretty awesome despite being old. There are some mods that make it look better than Crysis. Check them at moddb. Some of them are amazing. And it makes switching to Cry Engine 2 really fast.

aardwolf@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:09 am :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
id tech 2,id tech 3, id tech 4 are good engines too.
There is also another made-in-house heavily modded Id tech 2 called overdose engine. It's top match

Yeah, they're good engines, but the tools are lacking, as well as a recent, constantly edited information site. The best effort in that regard imo was SD's Quake Wars. They made making mods in id tech 4 interesting and streamlined, taking a lot of the tool ugliness out.

Hostyle@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:03 pm :
=FF=Sturm wrote:
id tech 2,id tech 3, id tech 4 are good engines too.
There is also another made-in-house heavily modded Id tech 2 called overdose engine. It's top match
Tech 4 is not optimized for vast terrain and foliage and overal it lacks level of detail optimizations imo. Tech 2 & 3 are too old and adding new stuff would take too much time.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:03 pm :
If they don't spend time working with the engine, it's obvious that the game running tech 4 is not optimized for a lot details, hell, even quake 3 maps can run like shit if you make them bad.

Yeah, if you put thousands of lights interacting with the same surface and shitty portals... plus terrible uber-hi poly models casting shadows...

I've seen myself the masive use of 1024, 2048 textures on simple shitty walls, lol

Btw, yes... tech 4 is old right now. Cryengine 2/3 are newer engines.

Hostyle@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:13 pm :
No, I mean the switching in the engine to low poly or low detail stuff in everything when needed. When you don't code that kind of optimizations, the game runs bad and you need to buy more powerful video cards to run same crap visuals.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:14 pm :
Hostyle wrote:
No, I mean the switching in the engine to low poly or low detail stuff in everything when needed. When you don't code that kind of optimizations, the game runs bad and you need to buy more powerful video cards to run same crap visuals.

True, that's why i run them all in high quality...

I do agree about that, it makes me headaches to try to optimize that...

Take a little look to this e.g :
Running on an old comp (pentium D and shit GPU), bloom effects, lots of enemies, hd skybox and shaders. ... ny-enemies

Hostyle@Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:26 pm :
Nice mod. Did you rig those weapons yourself?

aardwolf@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:10 am :
Hostyle wrote:
=FF=Sturm wrote:
id tech 2,id tech 3, id tech 4 are good engines too.
There is also another made-in-house heavily modded Id tech 2 called overdose engine. It's top match
Tech 4 is not optimized for vast terrain and foliage and overal it lacks level of detail optimizations imo. Tech 2 & 3 are too old and adding new stuff would take too much time.

Quake Wars did have vast terrain and foliage, didnt it?

Hostyle@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:47 pm :
aardwolf wrote:
Quake Wars did have vast terrain and foliage, didnt it?
Ran bad n looked shit & hard to mod.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:12 pm :
yes i had Hostyle... if fact, the mp40 model (as well as some few models) are from wolfenstein 2009, or at least it's from the 3d artist geoff hill.
Didn't rip them or so, just used the game files. (md5 binaries from mp). Then I had to improve some stuff like polys, textures and so, to make them work correctly in Doom 3, as well as the animations for the new models (Sleeves, gloves with the gun).

The Mp40, the tesla gun and the Luger are from wolfenstein btw.

jizaboz@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:39 pm :
I don't get what the SDK STILL isn't released. I also have asked them over Twitter and the Wolf forums numerous times.

I mean come on, we know it exists already (despite how buggy it may be), so just slap the sloppy mess together in a .zip file and put it out!

AHRHGHGHGHGH :evil::evil:

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:46 pm :
jizaboz wrote:
I don't get what the SDK STILL isn't released. I also have asked them over Twitter and the Wolf forums numerous times.

I mean come on, we know it exists already (despite how buggy it may be), so just slap the sloppy mess together in a .zip file and put it out!

AHRHGHGHGHGH :evil::evil:

Well, didn't they lied about the multiplayer? The sdk is the same story

aardwolf@Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:44 pm :
Maybe the SDK is coming in the next patch. :wink: