It's been quite awhile since i've been on here, but I have a rather strange issue I'd like to see if anyone can help me with.
I upgraded my machine to Windows 7 recently and I went back to continue some work on some maps i've made, and the editor seems to
load up just fine, however the (F7) renderview keys don't work. Meaning I can't get the editor view window to show lighting...
Now i've been working with the id engines for awhile so i'm familiar with the basics

. Any Thoughts on this one guys? I'm not sure if it was a driver update for my 8800 GTX that did it, or what but its really frustrating not to be able to work with the lighting on

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Someone from the team I'm working with got a similar problem, but we solved it: gonna try that trick now

thx for the tip

edit: Nope tried deleting the editor.cfg file and restarted... with no luck. Basically its like it won't render lighting in the editor at all.. just freezes in the display window when i hit F7.... its very strange and annoying as I've spent years with the editor and I don't want to have to hose my machine and go back to WinXP....

Disable Windows Aero, see if you have Lights selected in Show menu. (That's why WinXP is the best xP)
OMG you're a life saver!! Thank you

Definitely worked!
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It's been quite awhile since i've been on here, but I have a rather strange issue I'd like to see if anyone can help me with.
I upgraded my machine to Windows 7 recently and I went back to continue some work on some maps i've made, and the editor seems to
load up just fine, however the (F7) renderview keys don't work. Meaning I can't get the editor view window to show lighting...
Now i've been working with the id engines for awhile so i'm familiar with the basics

. Any Thoughts on this one guys? I'm not sure if it was a driver update for my 8800 GTX that did it, or what but its really frustrating not to be able to work with the lighting on

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Someone from the team I'm working with got a similar problem, but we solved it: gonna try that trick now

thx for the tip

edit: Nope tried deleting the editor.cfg file and restarted... with no luck. Basically its like it won't render lighting in the editor at all.. just freezes in the display window when i hit F7.... its very strange and annoying as I've spent years with the editor and I don't want to have to hose my machine and go back to WinXP....

Disable Windows Aero, see if you have Lights selected in Show menu. (That's why WinXP is the best xP)
OMG you're a life saver!! Thank you

Definitely worked!
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