I don't remember who say try te get they monsters Hires model..
Finaly i try to do something :

That not to bad but i have some little glitch...maybe with little work on the backed normal in Photoshop...
What do you think guys ? ^^
Its got a LOT of noise, quite a few errors and no actual detail. At the moment, it would turn to a noisey mess ingame, as your using the original diffuse as well which just wasn't made for this one.
If your gonna try for it, give it a lot more time, focus on smaller areas each time and do the whole thing not just one. Also, don't show editor shots, as your lighting setup really isn't doing you any favours atm.
@gavavva :
My first objective is to remake the normal map ( better size, more details etc..).
i use the original diffuse; i rework the Hires model (working only part of model head, arms etc..)...
-But finaly, the result is not realy good :

-With juste little tweak the original normal :

-the origonal to compare:

Finaly, this monster is just perfect ^^.. maybe a better 3d model ..?
I think it looks pretty cool (the bump map). I'd say reduce the spec though. I never got the impression his skin should be shiny like that: more reptilian looking.
I don't think it looks good at all

In fact, its clearly obvious it isn't even using the correct normal angles, so how COULD it look good...?
gavavva wrote:
I don't think it looks good at all

In fact, its clearly obvious it isn't even using the correct normal angles, so how COULD it look good...?
because not everyone has the same taste as you.

Because the normal map is the wrong way around hence the wrong normals, so how CAN it look good...? O_o
Yes, the normal wrong, Green channel are invert...for that it look weird.
Xnormal is configured to rend Dx normal map and not Ogl ..
Well, i fix that :

Compare :

Finaly look better but need work; yes the spec is to bright...
can you upload your images again ?

its crashes

They link rework.