insanoflex@Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:40 pm : Im using a script to trigger radio entities in my map. But when I go to run my map, I am getting some pretty strange compile errors. First, when I used a switch statement for the different radio transmissions, I got an error "Switch is not a type". I changed them to if statements. Started to work, so I changed a few things in it. Now Im getting a "If is not a type" error. Also, am I not allowed to declare int, only float?
code here (sorry kinda messy). The first part is used for some ragdolls.
* Map Scripts for Crewsquarters
//this script launches the two skeletons, revealing some enemies
//location: maintenance access level 1
void ragdollthrow1 ()
$ragdoll1mover.moveTo ( $ragdoll1dest );
$ragdoll2mover.moveTo ( $ragdoll2dest );
sys.waitFor ($ragdoll1mover);
//this script moves the corpse to the pentagram and throws it at
//the ceiling panel, blocking off the room for the fight
//location: breakroom level 1
void ragdollthrow2 ()
//first, bind the corpse to the mover
sys.trigger ( $ragdollthrow2_soundstinger );
$ragdoll3.bind( $ragdoll3mover );
//move to the pentagram
sys.trigger ( $ragdollthrow2_soundcrying );
$ragdoll3mover.moveTo( $ragdoll3mover_dest1 );
sys.waitFor ($ragdoll3mover);
$ragdoll3mover.moveTo( $ragdoll3mover_dest2 );
sys.waitFor ($ragdoll3mover);
//trigger the pentagram
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_soundchant );
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_soundstinger2 );
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_pentagram );
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_pentagram );
//move to the ceiling panel
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_light1 );
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_light2 );
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_light3 );
$ragdoll3mover.moveTo( $ragdoll3mover_dest3 );
sys.waitFor ($ragdoll3mover);
$ragdoll3mover.moveTo( $ragdoll3mover_dest4 );
sys.waitFor ($ragdoll3mover);
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_soundmetal2 );
//the ceiling panel rotates because of the hit
$ragdollthrow2_ceilingpanel.rotateOnce( '0 0 90' );
sys.waitFor( $ragdollthrow2_ceilingpanel );
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_soundmetal1 );
//trigger monsters
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_monstertele );
//This script calls a random radio sound each time it
//is triggered.
//location: whole map
void random_radio ()
float transmission;
transmission = sys.random(8) + 1;
sys.print ("triggering radio with value ");
sys.print (transmission);
if (transmission >= 1)
if (transmission <= 2)
if (transmission >= 2)
if (transmission <= 3)
if (transmission >= 3)
if (transmission <= 4)
if (transmission >= 4)
if (transmission <= 5)
if (transmission >= 5)
if (transmission <= 6)
if (transmission >= 6)
if (transmission <= 7)
if (transmission >= 7)
if (transmission <= 8)
if (transmission >= 8)
if (transmission <= 9)
//This is the radio sound script that calls right after
//the initial invasion.
//location: whole map
void radio_start ()
//We have a codered
sys.trigger ($radio_codered);
sys.wait (7);
//Fall back to HQ
sys.trigger ($radio_fallback);
sys.wait (10);
//random radio chatter
sys.trigger ($radio_someguydying);
sys.wait (10);
sys.trigger ($radio_screaming);
sys.wait (10);
sys.trigger ($radio_overrun);
sys.wait (11);
//Say again, fall back to regroup
sys.trigger ($radio_fallbackrepeat);
sys.wait (10);
//calling the random radio script
float radio_count;
float max_radio_count;
radio_count = 0;
max_radio_count = sys.random(1)+1;
while (radio_count < max_radio_count)
sys.wait (sys.random(4) +20);
radio_count += 1;
//Give sitreps
sys.trigger ($radio_givesitreps);
sys.wait (5);
sys.trigger ($radio_sitrep1);
sys.wait (6);
sys.trigger ($radio_sitrep2);
sys.wait (14);
sys.trigger ($radio_sitrep3);
sys.wait (6);
//calling the random radio script
radio_count = 0;
random_radio ();
max_radio_count = sys.random(4)+9;
while (radio_count < max_radio_count )
sys.wait (sys.random(4) +20);
radio_count += 1;
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:07 pm : Looks like you are missing the opening bracket here:
if (transmission >= 3)
if (transmission <= 4)
Also, you can cast the random value to an integer like so:
transmission = int( sys.random(8) + 1 )
This way you only have to do your if's like this:
if ( transmission == 1 )
sys.trigger( $radio_random1 );
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:49 pm : Then you'd need exact numbers. I've found random integers isn't as varied as random floats. No clue why.
But the if could be made easier. Two ways:
if (transmission >= 3) && (transmission < 4)
if (transmission >=4) && (transmission < 5)
if (transmission >= 8)
else if transmission >= 7)
That (technically) is faster because once it's found what # it is, it exists the if statement & doesn't check the rest.
insanoflex@Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:05 am : it was giving me an error when I tried to use &&, thats why I changed it to how it is. Kinda weird I think.
@Sikkpin Fixed, but now I get a '}' is not a type error.
edit: another typo found and fixed and now it works! Maybe I'll try to rewrite it, that could have been the reason I was getting the '&&' is not a type error. Ill post again if doom3 starts hating my script again. Thanks
The Happy Friar@Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:59 am : While not required, to me it's just good organization to always put in { & } even if you don't need them.
insanoflex@Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:40 pm : Im using a script to trigger radio entities in my map. But when I go to run my map, I am getting some pretty strange compile errors. First, when I used a switch statement for the different radio transmissions, I got an error "Switch is not a type". I changed them to if statements. Started to work, so I changed a few things in it. Now Im getting a "If is not a type" error. Also, am I not allowed to declare int, only float?
code here (sorry kinda messy). The first part is used for some ragdolls.
* Map Scripts for Crewsquarters
//this script launches the two skeletons, revealing some enemies
//location: maintenance access level 1
void ragdollthrow1 ()
$ragdoll1mover.moveTo ( $ragdoll1dest );
$ragdoll2mover.moveTo ( $ragdoll2dest );
sys.waitFor ($ragdoll1mover);
//this script moves the corpse to the pentagram and throws it at
//the ceiling panel, blocking off the room for the fight
//location: breakroom level 1
void ragdollthrow2 ()
//first, bind the corpse to the mover
sys.trigger ( $ragdollthrow2_soundstinger );
$ragdoll3.bind( $ragdoll3mover );
//move to the pentagram
sys.trigger ( $ragdollthrow2_soundcrying );
$ragdoll3mover.moveTo( $ragdoll3mover_dest1 );
sys.waitFor ($ragdoll3mover);
$ragdoll3mover.moveTo( $ragdoll3mover_dest2 );
sys.waitFor ($ragdoll3mover);
//trigger the pentagram
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_soundchant );
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_soundstinger2 );
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_pentagram );
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_pentagram );
//move to the ceiling panel
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_light1 );
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_light2 );
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_light3 );
$ragdoll3mover.moveTo( $ragdoll3mover_dest3 );
sys.waitFor ($ragdoll3mover);
$ragdoll3mover.moveTo( $ragdoll3mover_dest4 );
sys.waitFor ($ragdoll3mover);
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_soundmetal2 );
//the ceiling panel rotates because of the hit
$ragdollthrow2_ceilingpanel.rotateOnce( '0 0 90' );
sys.waitFor( $ragdollthrow2_ceilingpanel );
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_soundmetal1 );
//trigger monsters
sys.trigger( $ragdollthrow2_monstertele );
//This script calls a random radio sound each time it
//is triggered.
//location: whole map
void random_radio ()
float transmission;
transmission = sys.random(8) + 1;
sys.print ("triggering radio with value ");
sys.print (transmission);
if (transmission >= 1)
if (transmission <= 2)
if (transmission >= 2)
if (transmission <= 3)
if (transmission >= 3)
if (transmission <= 4)
if (transmission >= 4)
if (transmission <= 5)
if (transmission >= 5)
if (transmission <= 6)
if (transmission >= 6)
if (transmission <= 7)
if (transmission >= 7)
if (transmission <= 8)
if (transmission >= 8)
if (transmission <= 9)
//This is the radio sound script that calls right after
//the initial invasion.
//location: whole map
void radio_start ()
//We have a codered
sys.trigger ($radio_codered);
sys.wait (7);
//Fall back to HQ
sys.trigger ($radio_fallback);
sys.wait (10);
//random radio chatter
sys.trigger ($radio_someguydying);
sys.wait (10);
sys.trigger ($radio_screaming);
sys.wait (10);
sys.trigger ($radio_overrun);
sys.wait (11);
//Say again, fall back to regroup
sys.trigger ($radio_fallbackrepeat);
sys.wait (10);
//calling the random radio script
float radio_count;
float max_radio_count;
radio_count = 0;
max_radio_count = sys.random(1)+1;
while (radio_count < max_radio_count)
sys.wait (sys.random(4) +20);
radio_count += 1;
//Give sitreps
sys.trigger ($radio_givesitreps);
sys.wait (5);
sys.trigger ($radio_sitrep1);
sys.wait (6);
sys.trigger ($radio_sitrep2);
sys.wait (14);
sys.trigger ($radio_sitrep3);
sys.wait (6);
//calling the random radio script
radio_count = 0;
random_radio ();
max_radio_count = sys.random(4)+9;
while (radio_count < max_radio_count )
sys.wait (sys.random(4) +20);
radio_count += 1;
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:07 pm : Looks like you are missing the opening bracket here:
if (transmission >= 3)
if (transmission <= 4)
Also, you can cast the random value to an integer like so:
transmission = int( sys.random(8) + 1 )
This way you only have to do your if's like this:
if ( transmission == 1 )
sys.trigger( $radio_random1 );
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:49 pm : Then you'd need exact numbers. I've found random integers isn't as varied as random floats. No clue why.
But the if could be made easier. Two ways:
if (transmission >= 3) && (transmission < 4)
if (transmission >=4) && (transmission < 5)
if (transmission >= 8)
else if transmission >= 7)
That (technically) is faster because once it's found what # it is, it exists the if statement & doesn't check the rest.
insanoflex@Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:05 am : it was giving me an error when I tried to use &&, thats why I changed it to how it is. Kinda weird I think.
@Sikkpin Fixed, but now I get a '}' is not a type error.
edit: another typo found and fixed and now it works! Maybe I'll try to rewrite it, that could have been the reason I was getting the '&&' is not a type error. Ill post again if doom3 starts hating my script again. Thanks
The Happy Friar@Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:59 am : While not required, to me it's just good organization to always put in { & } even if you don't need them.