Sorry if this was already asked before.
Im trying to change the shotgun into a more medium range weapon. I believe I changed the spread for more medium range accuracy, but I also need to change the pellet count so it's not so strong. But I dont see anything in the weapon def for it. What controls how many pellets the shotgun shoots out when fired?
in "weapon_shotgun.script", edit this line:
You could also change the pellets to 1, up the damage way up & say they smartened up & now use slug ammo.

There's ammo that can go up to 200 yards with up to 3 inches off target not.
RangerMcFriendly wrote:
200 years eh?
they slingshot around the sun.

hmm not sure where that line is. I tried putting it in the weapon def for the shotgun but it doesnt do anything.
EDIT: lol nevermind I was looking in the wrong file lol.
The Happy Friar wrote:
You could also change the pellets to 1, up the damage way up & say they smartened up & now use slug ammo.

There's ammo that can go up to 200 yards with up to 3 inches off target not.
Won't that throw the balance out of the Martian base window?