Dogstar@Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:57 pm : Hmmm. I can't solve this:
I import a prefab which is made up of several objects. If I try and rotate their collective orientation, the individual items within the selected prefab all reorient around their own pivot points. So, how do I turn a number of selected items into one group able to orient around just one point? In ther words, how do I make a 'group' out of all of these imported items?
For that matter, how do I make groups, generally, within D3Editor - of brushes, or entities?
Any help or advice gratefully received.
solarsplace@Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:59 pm : Hi
Not got the editor in front of me, but is it not just one of the menu items - something like 'connect selected' or 'connect objects'?
Dogstar@Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:17 pm : Tried that. All it did was to connect the two objects (in this case, two CPU desks) with an arrow, but when I tried to rotate them, both objects still rotated around their own axis, independently. I can't imagine id didn't build in some kind of proper Group tool?
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:41 pm : There's not a real grouping tool. I just do this: Select brushes/objects right mouse click > menu > func_group.
Dogstar@Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:24 pm : Thank you, Bloodrayne, I will give that a go.
func_group definitely works - seems it was intended as substitute for a 'proper' group tool, according to it's description in the entity list. Problem is, once my objects are grouped like this as a func_group they cannot be seen in the game. No help is offered by the entity list, which suggests func_groups are converted back into actual brushes during compile - erm, no they are not.

All I had to do, once I'd repositioned the objects as a func_group, was to go to [selection][ungroup selection] in the main menu bar. Problem solved. Ah well, it was worth it to know how to move and rotate object groups as a single entity.
Dogstar@Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:57 pm : Hmmm. I can't solve this:
I import a prefab which is made up of several objects. If I try and rotate their collective orientation, the individual items within the selected prefab all reorient around their own pivot points. So, how do I turn a number of selected items into one group able to orient around just one point? In ther words, how do I make a 'group' out of all of these imported items?
For that matter, how do I make groups, generally, within D3Editor - of brushes, or entities?
Any help or advice gratefully received.
solarsplace@Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:59 pm : Hi
Not got the editor in front of me, but is it not just one of the menu items - something like 'connect selected' or 'connect objects'?
Dogstar@Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:17 pm : Tried that. All it did was to connect the two objects (in this case, two CPU desks) with an arrow, but when I tried to rotate them, both objects still rotated around their own axis, independently. I can't imagine id didn't build in some kind of proper Group tool?
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:41 pm : There's not a real grouping tool. I just do this: Select brushes/objects right mouse click > menu > func_group.
Dogstar@Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:24 pm : Thank you, Bloodrayne, I will give that a go.
func_group definitely works - seems it was intended as substitute for a 'proper' group tool, according to it's description in the entity list. Problem is, once my objects are grouped like this as a func_group they cannot be seen in the game. No help is offered by the entity list, which suggests func_groups are converted back into actual brushes during compile - erm, no they are not.

All I had to do, once I'd repositioned the objects as a func_group, was to go to [selection][ungroup selection] in the main menu bar. Problem solved. Ah well, it was worth it to know how to move and rotate object groups as a single entity.