Dogstar@Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:28 pm : Hmmm. I've been reading just about every tutorial here in search of the answer to this - no luck (but I might easily have missed it).
I'm sure you can recall the numerous cables and wires in Doom3 and RoE; they often adorn walls and floors, sometimes connecting up lighting systems, sometimes running from generators into opened panels in the floor or wall.
I wonder if anyone here can explain how this was done? Was it all patches? Or Nurbs? Coming from a background in 3DSMax I know how easy it is to extrude a cylinder along an editable spline. Does D3Edit allow something similar for the creating of very thin wiring and cables?
I understand how to create curved pipes and hoses with patch meshes in D3Edit (thanks to the tutorials here), but surely those often very long and thin multicurved wires and cables in Doom3 must have been drawn differently..?
Any help or advice gratefully received, as always.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:18 pm : Many cables in D3 are just flat patches with a double sided texture on it.
Walk exactly beneath such a hanging wire micxture and look up - nothing.
Of course designers have mixed them nicely up with very few cylindrical patches.
You can spot the flat cable textures by pointing the flashlight at them - alpha masks don't cast shadows accordingly to the non-transparent details.
reko@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:20 pm : Yeah,
Do a simple patch mesh and then choose a texture from decals I believe. Haven't touched the editor in 1 and a half month.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:53 pm : There are also some mapmodels for the bigger cables.
Dogstar@Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:28 pm : Hmmm. I've been reading just about every tutorial here in search of the answer to this - no luck (but I might easily have missed it).
I'm sure you can recall the numerous cables and wires in Doom3 and RoE; they often adorn walls and floors, sometimes connecting up lighting systems, sometimes running from generators into opened panels in the floor or wall.
I wonder if anyone here can explain how this was done? Was it all patches? Or Nurbs? Coming from a background in 3DSMax I know how easy it is to extrude a cylinder along an editable spline. Does D3Edit allow something similar for the creating of very thin wiring and cables?
I understand how to create curved pipes and hoses with patch meshes in D3Edit (thanks to the tutorials here), but surely those often very long and thin multicurved wires and cables in Doom3 must have been drawn differently..?
Any help or advice gratefully received, as always.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:18 pm : Many cables in D3 are just flat patches with a double sided texture on it.
Walk exactly beneath such a hanging wire micxture and look up - nothing.
Of course designers have mixed them nicely up with very few cylindrical patches.
You can spot the flat cable textures by pointing the flashlight at them - alpha masks don't cast shadows accordingly to the non-transparent details.
reko@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:20 pm : Yeah,
Do a simple patch mesh and then choose a texture from decals I believe. Haven't touched the editor in 1 and a half month.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:53 pm : There are also some mapmodels for the bigger cables.