Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:53 am : Fucking beautiful! Definitely a work of art. They style reminded me of Moon but darker, more bloody. Loved the cracking glass. Looking forward to more machinimas from you, maybe even a full fledged mod?? Maybe?

mth@Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:29 am : Who knows Sikk

, firstly i will focus on promoting Your awesome shaders through more machinimas

, glad You liked it

biff@Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:52 am : Nice stuff. Excellent editing and execution =D
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:47 am : Very enjoyable, more moving than Susan Boyle's debut appearance on "Britians Got Talent". I am not familiar with Nine Inch Nails too much, but I was very surprised how fast the time went by while watching the video. I was sure there would be more time for more story. It could be a missing sub-plot from the animated movie "
Heavy Metal" Excellent work!
RangerMcFriendly@Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:07 am : Excellent job! Your talent is great and diverse, and I was actually pleasantly surprised that you used this song. I bought Ghosts a month ago and have been listening to it for a while. Ghosts 2 reminded me of Doom 3, as well as a few other songs. The album is a mixed bag but anyways I saw that Trent Reznor asked the community a while back to put the music to creative use to see what others imagined when listening to the nameless ghost tracks. Have you emailed him? I think you should show him this if you have not.
I also think you should email this to id. Maybe you might get a job offer

BNA!@Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:29 am : RangerMcFriendly wrote:
I also think you should email this to id. Maybe you might get a job offer

id folks are browsing the board, not as often as they did, but still.
RangerMcFriendly@Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:46 am : :O
That's actually a lovely thought.
mth@Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:54 pm : Thanks guys

. Remeber about free stufff, there's some pretty neat models and textures there im very proud of and some of You should find there something useful for sure

@Brian, i think lack of tits definetly disqualifies this as a heavy Metal-like episode ;D, glad You like it and thanks for all the help

@RangerMcFriendly: nah, thats not gonna happen at all, i even got ignored by for example

. The video is already an entrance for that NIN contest on YouTube, however i think mr. Reznor totally forgot about the whole deal after marriage

. And there are some pretty good entrances in 2 ghosts I category, so i'm not even counting on being noticed at all

Phew, just a couple more exams and it will be time to begin working on another one

smurkenstein@Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:10 pm : Just brilliant - very talented stuff. Thank you for sharing

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:30 am : Maybe not a full episode, but definitely a qualifying "Heavy Metal" segue between full episodes. Keep it rolling...
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:53 am : Fucking beautiful! Definitely a work of art. They style reminded me of Moon but darker, more bloody. Loved the cracking glass. Looking forward to more machinimas from you, maybe even a full fledged mod?? Maybe?

mth@Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:29 am : Who knows Sikk

, firstly i will focus on promoting Your awesome shaders through more machinimas

, glad You liked it

biff@Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:52 am : Nice stuff. Excellent editing and execution =D
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:47 am : Very enjoyable, more moving than Susan Boyle's debut appearance on "Britians Got Talent". I am not familiar with Nine Inch Nails too much, but I was very surprised how fast the time went by while watching the video. I was sure there would be more time for more story. It could be a missing sub-plot from the animated movie "
Heavy Metal" Excellent work!
RangerMcFriendly@Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:07 am : Excellent job! Your talent is great and diverse, and I was actually pleasantly surprised that you used this song. I bought Ghosts a month ago and have been listening to it for a while. Ghosts 2 reminded me of Doom 3, as well as a few other songs. The album is a mixed bag but anyways I saw that Trent Reznor asked the community a while back to put the music to creative use to see what others imagined when listening to the nameless ghost tracks. Have you emailed him? I think you should show him this if you have not.
I also think you should email this to id. Maybe you might get a job offer

BNA!@Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:29 am : RangerMcFriendly wrote:
I also think you should email this to id. Maybe you might get a job offer

id folks are browsing the board, not as often as they did, but still.
RangerMcFriendly@Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:46 am : :O
That's actually a lovely thought.
mth@Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:54 pm : Thanks guys

. Remeber about free stufff, there's some pretty neat models and textures there im very proud of and some of You should find there something useful for sure

@Brian, i think lack of tits definetly disqualifies this as a heavy Metal-like episode ;D, glad You like it and thanks for all the help

@RangerMcFriendly: nah, thats not gonna happen at all, i even got ignored by for example

. The video is already an entrance for that NIN contest on YouTube, however i think mr. Reznor totally forgot about the whole deal after marriage

. And there are some pretty good entrances in 2 ghosts I category, so i'm not even counting on being noticed at all

Phew, just a couple more exams and it will be time to begin working on another one

smurkenstein@Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:10 pm : Just brilliant - very talented stuff. Thank you for sharing

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:30 am : Maybe not a full episode, but definitely a qualifying "Heavy Metal" segue between full episodes. Keep it rolling...
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:53 am : Fucking beautiful! Definitely a work of art. They style reminded me of Moon but darker, more bloody. Loved the cracking glass. Looking forward to more machinimas from you, maybe even a full fledged mod?? Maybe?

mth@Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:29 am : Who knows Sikk

, firstly i will focus on promoting Your awesome shaders through more machinimas

, glad You liked it

biff@Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:52 am : Nice stuff. Excellent editing and execution =D
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:47 am : Very enjoyable, more moving than Susan Boyle's debut appearance on "Britians Got Talent". I am not familiar with Nine Inch Nails too much, but I was very surprised how fast the time went by while watching the video. I was sure there would be more time for more story. It could be a missing sub-plot from the animated movie "
Heavy Metal" Excellent work!
RangerMcFriendly@Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:07 am : Excellent job! Your talent is great and diverse, and I was actually pleasantly surprised that you used this song. I bought Ghosts a month ago and have been listening to it for a while. Ghosts 2 reminded me of Doom 3, as well as a few other songs. The album is a mixed bag but anyways I saw that Trent Reznor asked the community a while back to put the music to creative use to see what others imagined when listening to the nameless ghost tracks. Have you emailed him? I think you should show him this if you have not.
I also think you should email this to id. Maybe you might get a job offer

BNA!@Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:29 am : RangerMcFriendly wrote:
I also think you should email this to id. Maybe you might get a job offer

id folks are browsing the board, not as often as they did, but still.
RangerMcFriendly@Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:46 am : :O
That's actually a lovely thought.
mth@Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:54 pm : Thanks guys

. Remeber about free stufff, there's some pretty neat models and textures there im very proud of and some of You should find there something useful for sure

@Brian, i think lack of tits definetly disqualifies this as a heavy Metal-like episode ;D, glad You like it and thanks for all the help

@RangerMcFriendly: nah, thats not gonna happen at all, i even got ignored by for example

. The video is already an entrance for that NIN contest on YouTube, however i think mr. Reznor totally forgot about the whole deal after marriage

. And there are some pretty good entrances in 2 ghosts I category, so i'm not even counting on being noticed at all

Phew, just a couple more exams and it will be time to begin working on another one

smurkenstein@Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:10 pm : Just brilliant - very talented stuff. Thank you for sharing

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:30 am : Maybe not a full episode, but definitely a qualifying "Heavy Metal" segue between full episodes. Keep it rolling...
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:53 am : Fucking beautiful! Definitely a work of art. They style reminded me of Moon but darker, more bloody. Loved the cracking glass. Looking forward to more machinimas from you, maybe even a full fledged mod?? Maybe?

mth@Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:29 am : Who knows Sikk

, firstly i will focus on promoting Your awesome shaders through more machinimas

, glad You liked it

biff@Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:52 am : Nice stuff. Excellent editing and execution =D
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:47 am : Very enjoyable, more moving than Susan Boyle's debut appearance on "Britians Got Talent". I am not familiar with Nine Inch Nails too much, but I was very surprised how fast the time went by while watching the video. I was sure there would be more time for more story. It could be a missing sub-plot from the animated movie "
Heavy Metal" Excellent work!
RangerMcFriendly@Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:07 am : Excellent job! Your talent is great and diverse, and I was actually pleasantly surprised that you used this song. I bought Ghosts a month ago and have been listening to it for a while. Ghosts 2 reminded me of Doom 3, as well as a few other songs. The album is a mixed bag but anyways I saw that Trent Reznor asked the community a while back to put the music to creative use to see what others imagined when listening to the nameless ghost tracks. Have you emailed him? I think you should show him this if you have not.
I also think you should email this to id. Maybe you might get a job offer

BNA!@Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:29 am : RangerMcFriendly wrote:
I also think you should email this to id. Maybe you might get a job offer

id folks are browsing the board, not as often as they did, but still.
RangerMcFriendly@Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:46 am : :O
That's actually a lovely thought.
mth@Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:54 pm : Thanks guys

. Remeber about free stufff, there's some pretty neat models and textures there im very proud of and some of You should find there something useful for sure

@Brian, i think lack of tits definetly disqualifies this as a heavy Metal-like episode ;D, glad You like it and thanks for all the help

@RangerMcFriendly: nah, thats not gonna happen at all, i even got ignored by for example

. The video is already an entrance for that NIN contest on YouTube, however i think mr. Reznor totally forgot about the whole deal after marriage

. And there are some pretty good entrances in 2 ghosts I category, so i'm not even counting on being noticed at all

Phew, just a couple more exams and it will be time to begin working on another one

smurkenstein@Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:10 pm : Just brilliant - very talented stuff. Thank you for sharing

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:30 am : Maybe not a full episode, but definitely a qualifying "Heavy Metal" segue between full episodes. Keep it rolling...
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!
mth@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:13 am : Here’s my short machinima to Nine Inch Nails “2 Ghosts 1” track

Vimeo (great HD quality)
YouTube (not so good HD quality)
DOWNLOAD original *.mkv 720p filehosted on Vimeo page of video1. IntroductionLast year I spent a lot of free time I had thanks to finishing my, hmmm I think it would be called junior collage in English (first three of five years of collage), on learning idtech4 engine, making and testing custom assets and trying out the capabilities of said engine in recording videos. Though I hadn’t had anything specific in mind it was a lot of fun, especially after Sikkpins amazing work with shaders giving our beloved D3 completely new, fresh, nextgen look.
I made several assets of textures, static objects, even tried something on modeling human character field, all with releasing everything to our community for free when I’m done in mind, so they could be used in mods/maps/projects etc. However I sat down this summer looking at all that stuff, gaining some power after long and tough rehabilitation after knee surgery and I figured out looking at one of the testmaps and models I had - “Hey, I can make something more from this lol!” Remembering free Nine Inch nails Ghosts I-IV album, recorded as a project open to interpret through fan-made videos I decided to make short machinima to one of the tracks. Long story short it ended up in machinima You see today. Torn apart between school, work and rehab since september, which takes 10 to 12 hours each day (including weekends) from my life, it was pretty hard – I had very limited time and ended up needing much more assets than I made earlier, then animate everything, record everything, tweak everything during very short nights. But I managed to finish that thing (if only I would get rid of one of my duties it would be so much faster, ehh <dreaming>) and, as I planned, I’m releasing all the stuff for free to you people

I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable

2. Terms of useYou can use everything included in the packs whatever the way You want as long as You credit me as creator of the originals and it won’t be used in commercial manner. You can edit every single texture or model, even convert them to different game engine if you want to.
NOTE: Objects are slightly scaled up and there’s no match to in-game scale of objects. You’ll have to make them smaller in 3d app you’re using, if they will be a part of the map for example.
Textures are scaled down to being more download friendly. Higher Quality ones are availble at request, cause they are much bigger in size. Just let me know, which one You’re interested in and I’ll upload them.
3. Sooo… what we have here?I chopped all the assets into separate packs to make it easier for everyone interested – maybe You want to check out just static map objects, so why would You have to download the whole package, right?
Of course if You download all the packs and put them in a mod folder, you can check out all the scenes inside the game in real time, open maps and look through them to see how it was done etc. The quality will be just a little bit lower than in video.
Remember: The mod folder should be named “2GHOSTS1”. If You prefer different name of the mod folder, you’ll have to edit material paths inside static *.ASE objects.
Thanks to the kindness of simulation all packs will be available via EMZ site:
2 GHOSTS I ASSETS3.1 Texture Pack –
2G1-textures.pk4 (9,64 MB)
This pack contains several different kinds of textures – all the ones You see in intro and first flyby scene – walls, floors, ceiling, decals, tech pipes and all that stuff, including space image displayed in later scenes.
NOTE: Pack contains so called “relief decals” of mine. You will recognize them by being separated in material file be “///RELIEF DECALS” comment. See my
TUTORIAL for more info on that. The height maps inside specular maps were made with relief mapping interaction.vpf in mind, so they won’t look good with newest Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Sikkpin, they have to be remade for that.
Also, the space station seen from outside is pipes texture with blended in lights. So if You want lights on the base, you have to modify material of those pipes by including commented out ‘blend add’ stage.
3.2 Models Pack –
2G1-models.pk4 (14,1 MB)
This pack contains all the map objects You see in the music video, such as cabinets, paper holders, keyboards, screens, chairs and other junk. The only ones excluded are the ones used by character – wrench, helmet and photograph. The MD5 ones have md5anim files used in animation, so you’ll see them in uncanny positions after importing into 3d app.
NOTE: ASE files need to have material path being rewritten with the main mod folder they are included in. So in order to use them in Vanilla D3 You’ll have to edit every single one of them with notepad and change phrase in material path – from ‘2ghosts1’ to ‘base’. Same goes for different names of different mod folders.
3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack –
2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)
This pack contains all the maps and cameras used there, for Your guilty pleasure of checking out everything, lets say, backstage

. Also there are few alternate takes if You want to check them out, only the path to the md5camera file has to be changed in *.def and map *.script files. This pack is only recommended if You want to see all the scenes in real time and/or to see how shaderparms, triggers and other editor features were used.
To load map type in console map finished/sc001a_p1; the rest is named in the same fashion, you just have to replace last number, i.e. map finished/sc002, map finished/sc003 etc. Intro scene map is finished/screen file. Some of them doesn't include md5cameras, because they were recorded "by hand".
3.4 Character Pack –
2G1-characters.pk4 (111 MB)
This pack contains all the characters used in machinima, including glasses guy from the intro sequence and bodies flying, lying and sitting around in first scene, including textures for all of them. The models are basically rigged only to be suitable for the purpose of this video, so rigging is far, and I mean FAR from perfect. Since the models are scaled up, characters would probably need to be re-rigged anyway. All the md5 anims are included. Since the actual objects count inside md5 and vertices weight in character mesh changes between the scenes, there’s a variation of the main model for almost every scene. Pack includes wrench, helmet and photograph md5 models and textures.
NOTE: you need this pack, if You want textured suit.md5 and helmet.md5 objects from models pack.
3.5 GUI videos –
2G1-guis.pk4 (252 MB)
This pack contains all the videos You see on screens in the first scene. Since the quality had to be high, they are big, and that’s the explanation for this horrendous size. The dimensions are 512x512 and You can find in this pack video of the murder, desktop screen with scrolling text, or few variations of high quality noise. In screen1.roq there’s an easter egg almost unnoticeable in intro sequence
3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package –
2G1-postprocess-reliefint.pk4, game00.pk4, pak000.pk4 (1,81 MB)
This package contains Sikkmods Test Release 4, crucial part of this machinima and the main reason it looks so nice in places. Even if TR4 is still downloadable, Cook-Torrance interaction.vpf was included and slightly modified to make more relief steps (better relief mapping) and settings of contrast, brightness, tint were tweaked to suit the video. Without these packs You won’t be able to recreate the visual stunning Sikkpins effects. Without Sikkpins mod my machinima would look even more like ass. You can check the look with standard VD3 shaders and with Sikkpins mod. The difference you’ll see… yeah, exactly.
The values, which should be used in DooomConfig.cfg releated to effects are:
r_useSceneeffect "1"
r_usehdr "1"
r_hdrToneMapMethod "2"
r_hdrMiddleGray "0.004"
r_hdrWhitePoint "0.1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMax "64"
r_hdrBloomOffset "4"
r_hdrbloomThreshold "1.8"
r_hdrBloomMiddleGray "0.2"
r_softShadowsBlurStrength "2"
r_softShadowsBlurFilter "1"
r_softShadowsBufferSize "2"
r_useSoftShadows "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurStrenght "1"
r_SoftShadowsBlurFilter "3"
r_hdrBloomWhitePoint "1.0"
r_hdrBloomToneMapMethod "0"
r_hdrGlareStyle "1"
r_hdrLumThresholdMin "0.0"
r_hdrBlueShiftFactor "1.0"
r_hdrAdaptationRate "1.0"
4. Credits.
I wanted to thank Brian Trepanier for all wonderful videos explaining every single thing I needed with amazing details and ongoing support with many modeling issues I had, der_ton for creating exporter/importer doing miracles, obihb for enormous help with 3dsmax-D3 issues, Mordenkainen for awesome material for vidro glass he made for his ATW map, rich_is_bored for creating and caring about modwiki database, which helped me with a lot of stuff, Sikkpin for ongoing amazing job on pushing idtech4 engine to the limits before source code release and ongoing support with basic knowledge of tweaking shaders, simulation for wonderful explanation how the biggest mystery for me in D3 works – blending between two different sets of material, The Happy Friar for interesting and enlightening thread responses about capturing video through avigame command and great snowtest.prt particle I modified for dust puffs inside the base, and all D3W community for all the discussions and help I received on these boards – You’re awesome guys and gals, keep it up!

The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am : Yeah! Some good techniques there...
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:40 am : Awesome animation

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm : That was really damn cool! An amazing work of art.
vertex007@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:27 pm : beautiful, awesome work mth !
if I didn't know I would have thought this was some brand new - arty Dead Space official trailer !
impressive, now I am going to listen to the ghosts tracks again, it has been a while.
thank you for all the stuff and tutorials.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:23 pm : Nice work, very well done!
And thank you very much for mentioning D3W!
BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm : Probably one of the coolest things somebody did with the d3 engine in the last years. Very, very nice work!
simulation@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:22 pm : mth wrote:
The Megaupload links for assets are temporary, I’m trying to find some hosting service for them. I hope files will be accepted by doom3filefront.
If I can manage do download them (having probs with that right now), I'll give them a permanent mirror on my webspace.
Edit: The "3.3 Maps, Cameras Pack – 2G1-maps-scenes.pk4 (88,5 MB)" link above isn't right, it takes you too another thread on this site instead of a download.
Edit2: Ive created a mirror page for the PK4 files, but so far I've only been able to grab the first two from megaupload.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:15 pm : The human head and animations were pretty bad, but other than that. Quite nice job. I liked it.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:04 am : Quote:
I know it doesn’t look good, I know some effects I made kind of suck, I know animations and modeling skills of mine are laughable, but give me a break, its my first idtech4 machinimation and assets creation. I surely hope the next one will look slightly better, the next one too and so on, so maybe some day my work will be tolerable
You're wrong, it looks amazing and gripping. Well done.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:55 am : Thanks, glad you like it guys and thank You for all the comments

. I'm so happy this thing is getting positive response from You people

@ simulation: this is way beyond awesome, i'm shocked somebody would sacrifice the space and bandwidth for this thing, thank You! The 3.3 link is fixed now, megaupload links have this limitation to users using server atm so rest of the links should be available in a couple of hours i think
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:45 pm : mth wrote:
@BNA!: currently i'm finishing full 3d D3W logo and preparing to texture and animate it so it could be attached to projects connnected to D3W. I hope i will be allowed to include it in future machinimas, of course after watching first and approval from moderators of the site

. It's a honor to be part of this community for me

Oh, you're a nice person!
You're of course allowed to use it, assuming it's decent looking

You know, what goes around comes around. I started the site to provide an independent platform for custom content creators, may it be hobbyists, academics or professionals.
It outgrew my expectations too fast to keep up with it the way I did really want to, I fell short of my own expectations and I'm eternally sorry no one could see what I had really in mind.
You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
BTW - I'e once had the site logo fully textured and game ready as lwo model, I wish I knew where it could be today...
If I find it I'll put it up for download of course.
But it's easy to recreate, just take the logo, outline it with vertex points, extrude, bevel, clean up. It was a 10 minute job, but admittedly I don't even know where my lightwave copy is today!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:49 pm : Ah damn, idiot me had moved the files somewhere...
At least I know the filename now so I can go hdd hunting
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:57 pm : Yes, i know its pretty easy to recreate it and it would be great to have this site logo in front of my work, i'll be sinding you screeners before release for approval

You know, it's my small contribution to make the world a better place - helping artists to overcome technical hurdles or helping technicans to overcome artistic hurdles is really a great thing to do if you think about it. I'm as committed today to go forward as I was in tge beginning.
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
simulation@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:02 pm : 3.6 Sikkmod Graphic Package download link is pointing to the textures pk4, not the sikkmod stuff.
mth@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:32 pm : God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:56 am : mth wrote:
God dammit, i was sure all the links were correct and double checked them before posting, and they still are some wrong ones, i'm so sorry

, i'll correct the Sikkmod modified package as soon as i get back home!
No worries; urls named out of your own control can get messy. It is just that last one I need now; I've uploaded all the rest to my webspace.
mth@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:27 am : link is fixed, once again i apologize

simulation@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:30 pm : mth wrote:
link is fixed, once again i apologize

Mirror complete at also created a single large ZIP with all PK4 files, for those people with good broadband who want an easlier download:
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:30 pm : mth wrote:
And this is why i love this community, ongoing selflessness help and great atmosphere

, and this why i'll be releasing along the videos eveything i make and share everything i learned, its great!
Sounds gold!
Glad you still like it here!