Well this post has been a long time coming... OverDose started with some shitty models I made that, we thought, looked good enough. Trouble is, the style was very similar to a certain Counter Strike, and sadly that was too much for some people to handle (How dare you use a style that another game has!) so, we went back to the drawing board and came up with another new hand set, but again, that was never to be. They proved to be far too complex to set up and never really had the effect or detail we wanted...
So, time passed, and we tried again, this time with Ben having a go. What came from this was the following, which are the new OverDose human arm models. Also note that by clicking the image below, you will be taken to a 3d model preview so you can see the arm model/textures in real time. Please keep in mind this is NOT OverDose rendering the assets, and so results may be different to ingame (Mostly in specular presentation):

Arms in OverDose are team specific, as in each TEAM has their own arms. We decided against class specific arms due to the massive workload (and some things would just look odd in first person even if they looked nice on the third person mesh) so we went with a generic style for each team. We also stuck to the old style of offering different texture choices for each setting the game is in, i.e. Sand, Woodland and Winter:

Of course, it wouldn't be complete without a touch of OD style, so yeah, each arm comes with its own watch, which of course counts in real time seconds, minutes and hours as you play. Pointless? Yes. Funky? Totally:

Stay tuned for hopefully some animation tests and what not and maybe other previews relating to certain things that may have just happened relating to mapping and *other things*

I'll say no more!