Sikkpin@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:48 am :
ModDB site:
D3 - - ... od-v11-roeMirrors:
*Update - 1/15/11: ModDB file is now public. LDAsh & Gregs2k2, feel free to remove the old file if you wish. You're also more than welcome to continue hosting the latest versions, it's up to you. Just let me know either way so I can keep the links in this thread up to date.
*Update - 1/28/11: RoE version is now available.
*Update - 6/20/11: v1.1 for D3 released.
*Update - 7/1/11: v1.1 for RoE released.
*Update - 9/3/11: v1.2 for D3 released.
*Update - 9/20/11: Updated the v1.2 file. Kept the same version number as the update was small.
Screenshots - Doom 3: (doesn't reflect the visuals of the current version)

Screenshots - Resurrection of Evil:

RipOutTheWings@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:36 am :
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:40 am :
Tom Yum 72@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:39 pm : 
Horray, great job Sikkpin. Where is the downloadlink? Cant wait to try that out !
Edit: Thank you for the link...and your work on the mod

RipOutTheWings@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:16 pm : the problem with SSIL
its not working right (when i activate it i see just a noise and my fps falls to hell)
Sikkpin@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:15 pm : Hey you're right, ssil got broke somehow. I'll get on it. By the way, the fps hit is just the way it is. Too many texture fetches. Nothing I can do.
*Edit: Problem was an oversight in the shader. Fixed it and uploaded the shader
here. I'll wait until I get more feedback with potential bugs before I upload an updated pack.
reko@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:15 pm : Could you guys post some screens please?

Thanks to those who are kind enough.
Tom Yum 72@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:49 pm : I cant download the fixed says File not found.
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:58 pm : Sikk

"File not found"
you need to pack it into "rar"
how to use lens flares?
god rays are haotic. Its normal?
how to "on" the soft particles?
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:22 pm : oh, sun shufts are okay
but Is there a way to create are different sunshafts and lensf flares with different settings?
Sikkpin@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:29 pm : Link has been fixed. Stuck the file in a rar and it works now.
There is no command to turn soft particles on. To have soft particles, you have to edit/create particles that use the shader. To use custom textures for the lens flare, just change the textures in the material. To change the positions and number of flares, you'd have to edit the code and compile a new dll. As for sun shafts, there really isn't much more you can do. This isn't Crysis, after all, and my options are extremely limited. What exactly do you want to do?
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:43 pm : I dream about a independent lens flare material
make it possible to have several different LeFlares sources with different textures on one map
and something of type box lighting of sun shafts or point and posibility to create several sources on map too
Ssil is working, but i take it in g_testpostprocess and i see that the light twitches strongly
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:57 pm : Ok, i have a problem.

this is the situation with all sikk parameters off(world upside down)

this with only HDR activated

Some solution?
win7 64
HD 4890 crossfireX with Catalyst 10.12
DooM III 1.3.1
Deadite4@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:27 am : Quote:
ome solution?
win7 64
HD 4890 crossfireX with Catalyst 10.12
DooM III 1.3.1
Have you turned off Catalyst A.I. in the control center?
Tom Yum 72@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:50 am : He,s right ,turn out catalyst a.i.,that cause only problems when playing doom.
After a short test i have to say :

Just great. Congrats Sikkpin.
Everything works perfect so far.
mth@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:11 am : So awesome!
lukeman3000@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:48 pm : Can someone detail what exactly this release includes that the last one didn't?
Gregs2k2@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:10 pm : Mirror here. Could one of you generous peeps please post a config file that yields the best visual effects? Would be a great help. Thanks

Vincent Vega@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:34 am : Help! It's not working. I have clean version of Doom 3 (1.3.1) Win 7 x64, ATI 4890.
Just black screen after launching mod through main menu. Found that it's because of one file doom_main.script. If i delete it mod start, but i cant begin new game, after few seconds it kicks me to main menu(( Please help! Test 5 working well! (Sorry for my english=)
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:47 am : hi sikk
i found a problem
on a big distances appears this big and buggy flat of something =/
is there any way to fix the problem with sky sphere?
Sikkpin@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:48 am : ModDB site:
D3 - - ... od-v11-roeMirrors:
Mac Files:
D3 sikkmod v1.2 binaries - sikkmod v1.2 source - the source zip only contains files that were modified to build a Mac verision
*Update - 3-7-13: simulation was kind enough to release binaries and source of a Mac version. So full thanks go to him, mac users!
*Update - 1/15/11: ModDB file is now public. LDAsh & Gregs2k2, feel free to remove the old file if you wish. You're also more than welcome to continue hosting the latest versions, it's up to you. Just let me know either way so I can keep the links in this thread up to date.
*Update - 1/28/11: RoE version is now available.
*Update - 6/20/11: v1.1 for D3 released.
*Update - 7/1/11: v1.1 for RoE released.
*Update - 9/3/11: v1.2 for D3 released.
*Update - 9/20/11: Updated the v1.2 file. Kept the same version number as the update was small.
Screenshots - Doom 3: (doesn't reflect the visuals of the current version)

Screenshots - Resurrection of Evil:

RipOutTheWings@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:36 am :
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:40 am :
Tom Yum 72@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:39 pm : 
Horray, great job Sikkpin. Where is the downloadlink? Cant wait to try that out !
Edit: Thank you for the link...and your work on the mod

RipOutTheWings@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:16 pm : the problem with SSIL
its not working right (when i activate it i see just a noise and my fps falls to hell)
Sikkpin@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:15 pm : Hey you're right, ssil got broke somehow. I'll get on it. By the way, the fps hit is just the way it is. Too many texture fetches. Nothing I can do.
*Edit: Problem was an oversight in the shader. Fixed it and uploaded the shader
here. I'll wait until I get more feedback with potential bugs before I upload an updated pack.
reko@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:15 pm : Could you guys post some screens please?

Thanks to those who are kind enough.
Tom Yum 72@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:49 pm : I cant download the fixed says File not found.
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:58 pm : Sikk

"File not found"
you need to pack it into "rar"
how to use lens flares?
god rays are haotic. Its normal?
how to "on" the soft particles?
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:22 am : oh, sun shufts are okay
but Is there a way to create are different sunshafts and lensf flares with different settings?
Sikkpin@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:29 am : Link has been fixed. Stuck the file in a rar and it works now.
There is no command to turn soft particles on. To have soft particles, you have to edit/create particles that use the shader. To use custom textures for the lens flare, just change the textures in the material. To change the positions and number of flares, you'd have to edit the code and compile a new dll. As for sun shafts, there really isn't much more you can do. This isn't Crysis, after all, and my options are extremely limited. What exactly do you want to do?
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:43 am : I dream about a independent lens flare material
make it possible to have several different LeFlares sources with different textures on one map
and something of type box lighting of sun shafts or point and posibility to create several sources on map too
Ssil is working, but i take it in g_testpostprocess and i see that the light twitches strongly
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:57 am : Ok, i have a problem.

this is the situation with all sikk parameters off(world upside down)

this with only HDR activated

Some solution?
win7 64
HD 4890 crossfireX with Catalyst 10.12
DooM III 1.3.1
Deadite4@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:27 am : Quote:
ome solution?
win7 64
HD 4890 crossfireX with Catalyst 10.12
DooM III 1.3.1
Have you turned off Catalyst A.I. in the control center?
Tom Yum 72@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:50 am : He,s right ,turn out catalyst a.i.,that cause only problems when playing doom.
After a short test i have to say :

Just great. Congrats Sikkpin.
Everything works perfect so far.
mth@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:11 am : So awesome!
lukeman3000@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:48 pm : Can someone detail what exactly this release includes that the last one didn't?
Gregs2k2@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:10 pm : Mirror here. Could one of you generous peeps please post a config file that yields the best visual effects? Would be a great help. Thanks

Vincent Vega@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:34 am : Help! It's not working. I have clean version of Doom 3 (1.3.1) Win 7 x64, ATI 4890.
Just black screen after launching mod through main menu. Found that it's because of one file doom_main.script. If i delete it mod start, but i cant begin new game, after few seconds it kicks me to main menu(( Please help! Test 5 working well! (Sorry for my english=)
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:47 am : hi sikk
i found a problem
on a big distances appears this big and buggy flat of something =/
is there any way to fix the problem with sky sphere?
reckless@Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:24 am : At lukeman.
Not anything that will improve FPS considerably yet but carmack has hinted that a GPL release of the BFG edition engine code might come.
BFG edition uses parts of idtech5 and is geared more towards modern pc's it also moves the fps cap from doom3's 60 to 120 fps so when we integrate
some of the changes the results should be interresting

most will probably not integrate BFG editions streaming so as to not break current mods but else the book is open.
lukeman3000@Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:09 am : So, is ANYONE capable of running Doom 3 without EVER dipping below 60 FPS with HDR and soft shadows?
What does it take, a 7GHz processor?
reckless@Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:27 am : It would probably take a monster CPU ... mines a core i7 950 sitting at 3.2 GHZ and even that cannot manage anything near Doom3's fps cap of 60 FPS (i get around 40 FPS with some of the heavy sikkmod stuff on) gfx is two nvidia 560 gtx in SLI.
And if i enable softshadows and everything even my rig cannot manage more than 15-20 FPS.
So id say its not possible as the Doom3 engine is atm. But with some of the upgrades from the BFG edition code we might come a good tad closer.
Still need to modify the Doom3 renderer to support some of SikkPins stuff also cause a few of his shaders use hacks to get around missing support in the Doom3 engine, and softshadows/ssao takes a rather hefty dip in our FPS because of it.
pete82@Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:08 pm :

I do don't know if my settings are good. But I have errors. It is slightly visible grid in the entire image. What is it? How can I turn this off?
Wulfen@Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:03 pm : what is your ssao settings?
pete82@Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:59 pm :

I have default settings. Look at the head of monster.
Spiney@Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:07 pm : You could turn it off? Ambient Occlusion doesn't make much sense in D3's context since there's no ambient lighting.
lukeman3000@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:34 am : Hey guys, I just wanted to say that I tweaked my doomconfig.cfg and now I have 60 FPS in the opening scene. I use these settings (with HDR, POM, and DOF enabled -- no soft shadows).
seta image_downSizeLimit "256"
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0"
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "128"
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "64"
seta image_downSizeBump "0"
seta image_downSizeSpecular "0"
seta image_useCache "0"
seta image_cacheMegs "20"
seta image_cacheMinK "200"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "0"
seta image_useNormalCompression "0"
seta image_useAllFormats "1"
seta image_useCompression "0"
seta image_preload "1"
seta image_roundDown "0"
seta image_forceDownSize "0"
seta image_downSize "0"
seta image_lodbias "0"
seta image_anisotropy "1"
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
Do all of these look correct? I found that when I changed to "Ultra", something changed which caused my FPS to decrease significantly.
Also, just for kicks, I turned on soft shadows in addition to HDR (and the other aforementioned settings). I was pleasantly surprised that I still got around 60 FPS with occasional dips into the low-mid forties in demanding scenes.
One thing I noticed is that when I first enter a demanding scene, the FPS might tank down to 30, but then it rises right back up to 40-45 or so. Why does this happen? Is my computer at fault, or could this be a power saving feature of my CPU or GPU at work? Or is it just the nature of this mod? I haven't noticed this behavior in another game.
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:06 am : the dip in fps at map load is most likely because the engine is still loading materials also explains why it goes back up after a while

that is perfectly allright as pretty much any game engine will stall a little while loading stuff.
config looks good

hypoty@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:30 am : For some reason NPC models don't cast shadows, and my character model doesn't reflect in mirrors. Is that a known issue with Sikkmod and is there a fix?
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:09 am : Its known

and yes there is a fix though my best guess is that sikkpin turned them of because they tended to be buggy.
open pak_modfiles in the sikkmod folder with winrar winzip or 7z and drag the file below into the materials folder.
hypoty@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:17 pm : Thank you! works like a charm.
Netherlands@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:35 pm : hypoty wrote:
Thank you! works like a charm.
Does it also solve the mirror problem?
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:08 pm : Only fixes some missing shadows

im not even sure what mirror problem you refer to ?.
Netherlands@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:25 pm : reckless wrote:
Only fixes some missing shadows

im not even sure what mirror problem you refer to ?.
In the first level when you have to go to the commander at somepoint when you are walking to him there is a toilet and an NPC comes out of it. In that room there is a mirror and when you look in it you don't see yourself. In normal version you see yourself. It is not bothering me much
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:45 pm : this one ?

seems to work here hmm ???
Netherlands@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:55 pm : reckless wrote:
this one ?

seems to work here hmm ???
Indeed strange. It doesn't work with my installation and apparently it doesn't work with hypoty.
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:09 pm : do you use any mods besides sikkmod ? it might be something from a different mod interfering.
Netherlands@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:59 pm : reckless wrote:
do you use any mods besides sikkmod ? it might be something from a different mod interfering.
I have installed you patch for the shadow's and that fixed the shadow problem. The mirror problem is now also gone.
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:01 pm : Ok

thats weird it shouldnt affect mirrors but if it works then not bad

pete82@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:31 pm : Spiney wrote:
You could turn it off? Ambient Occlusion doesn't make much sense in D3's context since there's no ambient lighting.
I can enable ambient lighting in options:

Btw for me with ssao iq is better.
And should I use edgeaa? What is edge aa? Something like transparency aa? Which value is the best?
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:13 pm : If npcs are missing their shadows then most likely you are using another mod that modifies the meshes as the meshes that are included with sikkmod have shadows turned off in their material but include a shadow mesh which does the shadow casting. This was done to have self shadowing without the shadow pop in problem that's inherent with shadow volumes.
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 7:03 am : Hmm that might explain it

im using higher poly md5 meshes but i didnt take into account that they might not work the same as yours... ouch.
reckless@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:52 am : Agh ok yes that was it the md5meshes im using are incompatible with sikkmods selfshadowing

replaced them with sikk's own and now the shadows are there again with his
Guess ill have to poke someone to help me modify my md5meshes as im not a mapper/modeller.
lukeman3000@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:00 pm : Here's a screenshot I took with my settings:

I'm using the following:
HDR (with horizontal spectral glare)
Soft Shadows
Color Grading (Crytek)
Anti-aliasing (4x)
Anisotrophy (4x)
When I am actually playing, I disable soft shadows because otherwise, my frame rate can dip down into the thirties in certain places. But other than that, I can run all of the above at a pretty solid 60 FPS.
On another note, see how that yellow floor light is lit up in one half, but not the other? Why is it like that?
reckless@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:06 pm : Looks good

lukeman3000@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:11 pm : reckless wrote:
Looks good

Thanks! I just edited my post -- you see how that yellow floor light is only halfway lit? Why is it like that, and can it be fixed? Not a big deal, just something I noticed.
On another note, what do you guys think about
this mod?
The guy claims it's better than sikkmod and that sikkmod has too much bloom, etc.
For a comparison, here's a
sikkmod screenshotAnd
here's the same screenshot using this new "ROD" mod.
reckless@Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 2:05 am : Interresting though if you chose filmic simple in HDR it looks pretty close (leave bloom of when HDR is on theres no need for both).
Gonna check it out though

pete82@Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 1:48 pm : Sikkpin wrote:
If npcs are missing their shadows then most likely you are using another mod that modifies the meshes as the meshes that are included with sikkmod have shadows turned off in their material but include a shadow mesh which does the shadow casting. This was done to have self shadowing without the shadow pop in problem that's inherent with shadow volumes.
When I have zhighpolymodels.pk4 in Sikkmod folder npcs shadows are missing. So I have to choose between HQ models no shadows or LQ models with shadows?
reckless@Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:14 pm : Yep that was my mistake i replaced sikk's special model meshes with the ones from that unfortunatly the highpoly models dont have the shadowmeshes for selfshadowing
so nothing shows. Theres a post here somewhere where sikkpin explains how to modify them to work like his but im no modeller and dont have access to the tools needed
so i cant make them sadly. Maybe if we ask nicely someone steps up

Tron@Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:24 am : lukeman3000 wrote:
reckless wrote:
Looks good

Thanks! I just edited my post -- you see how that yellow floor light is only halfway lit? Why is it like that, and can it be fixed? Not a big deal, just something I noticed.
On another note, what do you guys think about
this mod?
The guy claims it's better than sikkmod and that sikkmod has too much bloom, etc.
For a comparison, here's a
sikkmod screenshotAnd
here's the same screenshot using this new "ROD" mod.
Pretty much everything is configurable in sikkmod, nothing wrong with more people making graphics mods but it would be easy for someone to just release a config file with settings toned down for sikkmod if that is what they want.
VGames@Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:53 pm : For me the only thing that would be better then sikkmod is a graphics mod that dumps a lot more of the processing on the GPU and not so much the CPU. Then we could have Soft Shadows with no problem. Sikkmod for the win.
Necc@Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:28 am : How do I stop the chainsaw from latching onto enemies and pulling the player towards them each time I attack?
lukeman3000@Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:48 am : Sikkpin, (or anyone else who might know) -
Is it possible to modify the properties of the headlamp to make it the exact same size and brightness as the regular flashlight? If so, how exactly would one do this?
pete82@Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:04 pm : Why his lips are dark in motion?

mikeloeven@Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 6:21 am : issue i tried to load the ROE version 1.1 and the game stops responding and crashes any time i try to activate Sikkmod ROE i run through steam so the game is automatically kept up to date. any help would be appreciated
oh on a side note the crash happens immediately when the screen gets to initializing user interface
am i missing a dependancy ??
reckless@Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 6:11 pm : the roe version was compiled against a previous sdk if i remember correctly thats why it crashes.
I got a recent version of the gamex86.dll i can upload that was compiled against the 1.3.1 version.
mikeloeven@Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:52 pm : that's great when will it be up?
reckless@Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:56 pm : Here ya go replace the game00.pk4 in the sikkmodd3xp folder with this one

mikeloeven@Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 9:57 pm : i replaced the file and it still stops working at initializing user interface. can you repackage the entire mod and see if that works. also is it possible that wulfens high rez texture pack can cause conflicts ?
reckless@Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:02 am : yep i might have renamed it in my version

i repacked a few things.
mikeloeven@Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:40 am : so do i delete 99 and replace it with 00 or do i rename 00 to 99 and replace that
reckless@Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:03 am : both ways work

Steve1664@Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:39 pm : Hi, since I can't find any help with my problem elsewhere, I'd like some assistance in troubleshooting Sikkmod. When I try to activate it from the main menu, it returns my resolution to the base 640X480, and I can't seem to fix it. For the record everything else seems to work all right, but the resolution keeps getting messed up. How can I keep this from happening?
EDIT: Never mind, it's working now. Please ignore.
eure_k@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 2:46 pm : It's almost 2 years since Sikkmod 1.2. However, I didn't see any post explaining how to "simplify" the glprogs folder for slow systems.
First, you have to understand that gl-programs like interaction.vfp and test.vfp are executed cumulatively. So, if you add a pk4 file with one more interaction.vfp and test.vfp, you will have 2 progs interaction and 2 progs test, which will be executed in sequence, possibily resulting in image distortions and certainly resulting in performance loss.]
EDIT: I apologize for that, as Sikkpin said below, this is a completely wrong statement. I've messed up with vfp files, so I made a false conclusion about that. And i've precipitated myself...
On the other way, at least I've got a simplified sikkmod, working fine on my old system. So, here's a little guide to help people who gave up trying sikkmod in the past. This also works on Resurrection of Evil.
To obtain a working lite version,
use only the file pak_modfiles.pk4 (ignore game00.pk4, pak_blankfiles.pk4 and pak_cleanfiles.pk4), and delete all files/folders inside pak_modfiles.pk4 except the following:
- glprogs\ambientLight.vfp
- glprogs\bumpyEnvironment.vfp
- glprogs\colorProcess.vfp
- glprogs\environment.vfp
- glprogs\interaction.vfp
- glprogs\shadow.vp
- glprogs\test.vfp
- models
- particles
- skins
- textures* Zip all on something like pak000_sikk-lite.pk4 and move it to base folder (do not use the sikkmod-roe!! - you will not need it)* OBS: The sound files from sikkmod are good, but I prefer Trent Reznor Sound Pack and Revility Weapons 0.1.00.
* I also recommend highpolymodels and Capri's D3xp Mod v1.2 (flashlights)
Links:1) Wulfen Texture Pack 2.0 Monoxead´s Textures* Link: Trent Reznor Sound Pack ... Pack;293084) Revility Weapons Mod 0.1.00 Hi-Poly npc & monster meshesviewtopic.php?t=24214* Link: ... Capri's D3xp Mod v1.2 ... p-Mod-v1.2* About Wulfen Texture Pack 2.0:
- If you got missing textures => backup wulfen_texture_pack_2.0.pk4, then open "wulfen_texture_pack_2.0.pk4" (winzip) and delete file "" in the "materials" folder
* In RoE expansion pack, when you use the artifact, if screen goes black, just include " seta r_skipPostProcess "0" " inside autoexec.cfg (d3xp folder)
* To complete the optimization, I include in autoexec.cfg (base+d3xp folders - also works in q4base, if you use sikkmod lite for Q4):
seta r_skipPostProcess "0" // RoE needs this activated (at least on my ati card)
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0" // use "1" to gain more fps, but loosing texture quality
// I don't recommend change these 2 cvars (can cause missing effects - glass, mirrors etc)
seta image_downSizeBump "0"
seta image_downSizeSpecular "0"
seta image_useCache "1"
seta image_cacheMegs "256" // lower this if your vram is less than 512MB
seta image_cacheMinK "2048" // if you use this in Quake 4, I advice you to use a bigger value there (like 20480) to avoid Q4 cinematics problems
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "1"
seta image_useNormalCompression "2" // use rxgb compression
seta image_useAllFormats "1"
seta image_useCompression "1"
seta image_preload "1"
seta image_roundDown "1"
seta image_forceDownSize "0"
seta image_downSize "1"
seta r_vertexBufferMegs 64
seta r_usePortals 1
seta r_useLightCulling 3
seta r_useIndexBuffers 0
seta r_useVertexBuffers 1
seta r_useCachedDynamicModels 1
seta r_useTwoSidedStencil 1
seta r_useTurboShadow 1
seta r_useShadowVertexProgram 1
seta r_useStateCaching 1
seta r_orderIndexes 1
seta r_shadows 0 // activate only on a fast machine
seta r_useOptimizedShadows 1 // in case you use shadows
seta g_showPlayerShadow 0
seta r_ignoreGLErrors 1
seta r_useInfiniteFarZ 1 // If set to 1, this uses the no-far-clip-plane trick which provides optimal performance.
// To correct excessive light/brightness
seta r_brightness "1" // use the lower value as you can, to avoid loss of detail
seta r_gamma "1.4" // try the higher value possible (until becomes too whitish)
seta r_lightscale 1.4 // use the higher value possible (until light becomes too strong)
seta r_customHeight "1080"
seta r_customWidth "1920"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_mode "-1"
seta r_aspectRatio "1" // aspect ratio of view. 0 = 4:3, 1 = 16:9, 2 = 16:10
// If you have a slow gpu like me, you can turn off AA/AF (in this resolution mode) to increase fps
seta r_multiSamples "0"
seta image_anisotropy "0"
* As you notice, all the cpu/gpu intensive glprogs had to be removed, loosing the edge graphics. But now sikkmod can run on a slow system. Moreover, this thin version
allows Ati A.I. to be enabled.
* Now I have the excellent sikkmod running on my slow machine:
- Athlon II X3 400e 2.2GHz
- Radeon HD 5670 DDR3 1GB
- Windows XP SP3Thanks a lot to Sikkpin for all the hard work on this project, reviving the good old Doom3/Quake4!PS:
I know not everyone will like these simplification, but it is necessary to work on old systems. And thanks to the excellent Sikkpin's vertex and fragment programs, Doom 3 (and Quake 4) aren't too dark anymore!
Always not too late to help people. So, I hope this will be useful to someone. Good luck!
Sikkpin@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:09 pm : eure_k wrote:
First, you have to understand that gl-programs like interaction.vfp and test.vfp are executed cumulatively. So, if you add a pk4 file with one more interaction.vfp and test.vfp, you will have 2 progs interaction and 2 progs test, which will be executed in sequence, possibily resulting in image distortions and certainly resulting in performance loss.
^This is not true. If you're basing this off of the fact the the shaders are listed twice in the console when loaded, that's because one is for the vertex program and the other is for the fragment program.
Lord_Kane@Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:36 am : Question.
I know its late, but.
is Sikkmod 1.2 going to ever come out for Resurrection of evil?
probably not since its been a while
cant hurt to ask.
MATTEO@Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:43 am : THANKS Sikkpin for your incredible work on this mod .. with
Doom 3 is really impressive !! 
Raptomex@Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:54 pm : I currently have Sikkmod v1.2, Monoaxed textures, Wulfen Texture pack 2.0.
I place the Sikkmod folder in my Doom 3 directory. That seems to work. The Sikkmod options all work in-game. I place the Monoaxed folders in the Sikkmod folder. No idea if that's working. This is where things start to annoy me. The Wulfen texture pack is a PK4 file. From various instructions I've found online it tells me to just place the PK4 file in the Sikkmod folder. I do this and I don't notice a difference. I don't think they're loading. Also, when changing the resolution in the DoomConfig I have it set as:
customwidth = 1440
customheight = 900
r_mode = -1
aspectratio = 2
Yet the settings remain like that in the config, I loaded up the game and it seems to be stuck on the default resolution.
Then I have a the Parallax mod 2.0 which is also a PK4 file. I placed that in the Sikkmod folder. No idea if it's working. I only got the texture pack to work once after downloading somebody else's config file, extracting the Wulfen folders out of the PK4 into the Sikkmod folder (while keeping the PK4 there as well), and changing the resolution in the new config. After removing Sikkmod and the texture packs then trying to install the mods from scratch, I couldn't get it to work or it was all dark, or I had graphical issues.
I can't imagine this is that difficult to install. I'm either an idiot and not installing something correctly or something just isn't right. Either way it's annoying.
Sikkpin@Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:20 am : I don't have the various texture packs so I don't know what they contain or their structure but I'll do my best to help.
I'll deal with the resolution first. Are you editing the DoomConfig.cfg that's in the sikkmod folder or the base folder? You should be making any changes to one in the sikkmod folder. And, even better, would be to put all manual edits that you do into an "autoexec.cfg" in the sikkmod folder. It's a little cleaner this way and you won't have to worry about Doom 3 ever overwriting changes you make. Things in the autoexec.cfg take priority over things in the DoomConfig.cfg. Also, to set a custom width/height, the variable names should be "r_customWidth" and "r_customHeight". Double check to make sure that's what you've got and not "customwidth" and "customheight" like what you put in your post.
As for the textures, it sounds like the Wulfen texture pack is installed correctly since it's a pk4. Simply putting it in the sikkmod folder should all you need to do. But for the Monoxead pack, what is the name of the folder you're putting in there and what's it's structure?
For these textures to show up, you need to make sure you have the the video quality in the main menu set to ultra. Or, specifically, you need to make sure these cvar's are set like this (you can copy/paste these into you cfg, preferable an autoexec.cfg):
seta image_useCompression "0"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "0"
seta image_useNormalCompression "0"
I don't know if anything else can conflict with these textures but I'm sure someone else here who uses these packs would be able to help you better.
Also, there's a thread over at the Steam forums that should be useful here: ... ?t=2128115
Raptomex@Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:51 am : Sikkpin wrote:
I don't have the various texture packs so I don't know what they contain or their structure but I'll do my best to help.
I'll deal with the resolution first. Are you editing the DoomConfig.cfg that's in the sikkmod folder or the base folder? You should be making any changes to one in the sikkmod folder. And, even better, would be to put all manual edits that you do into an "autoexec.cfg" in the sikkmod folder. It's a little cleaner this way and you won't have to worry about Doom 3 ever overwriting changes you make. Things in the autoexec.cfg take priority over things in the DoomConfig.cfg. Also, to set a custom width/height, the variable names should be "r_customWidth" and "r_customHeight". Double check to make sure that's what you've got and not "customwidth" and "customheight" like what you put in your post.
As for the textures, it sounds like the Wulfen texture pack is installed correctly since it's a pk4. Simply putting it in the sikkmod folder should all you need to do. But for the Monoxead pack, what is the name of the folder you're putting in there and what's it's structure?
For these textures to show up, you need to make sure you have the the video quality in the main menu set to ultra. Or, specifically, you need to make sure these cvar's are set like this (you can copy/paste these into you cfg, preferable an autoexec.cfg):
seta image_useCompression "0"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "0"
seta image_useNormalCompression "0"
I don't know if anything else can conflict with these textures but I'm sure someone else here who uses these packs would be able to help you better.
Also, there's a thread over at the Steam forums that should be useful here: ... ?t=2128115Yes, all the changes I am making are all in the Sikkmod folder.
Also in the DoomConfig I have it set as:
seta r_customwidth
seta r_customheight
seta r_mode
seta r_aspectratio
I just shortened it before for the sake of the post. I could try creating an autoexec, never thought of that. I'm at work currently so I can't check anything right now but if memory serves then the folders from the Monoaxed rar file were "materials" and "textures" I believe. I just placed them in the Sikkmod folder. Also I think the usePrecompressedTextures was set to 1 as default. I can easily change that. Should I load up the normal game first and set up the ultra quality along with the regular resolution settings, the regular antistrophic filtering, controls, and anything else I need before loading Sikkmod? Or should I change those settings with Sikkmod activated?
I also find it boggling that after extracting the Wulfen folders and files OUT of the PK4 file and downloading someone else's config, it seemed to work. Though I did notice a weird transparent box around certain lighting. But that's another issue. I first need to get it to work again. If putting the PK4 files in the Sikkmod folder is all I need to do then I was right by following all the instructions I've seen. Then that means I should be able to put the parallax mod PK4 file and the parallax fix PK4 file in there as well. Also, I read somewhere there were 2 files I needed to copy from the "pom" folder into the main "glprogs" folder to get parallax lighting to work, correct?
Edit: I just got home and am trying this again. And I can now confirm the folders in the Monoaxed rar are "textures" and "materials" and I placed them in the Sikkmod folder.
I can confirm this is correct:
image_useCompression "0"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "0"
seta image_useNormalCompression "0"
I also have an autoexec with these commands
seta r_customHeight "900"
seta r_customWidth "1440"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_mode "-1"
seta r_aspectRatio "2"
Ok I installed everything and this is what happens:
Here is screenshot of my Sikkmod folder: I enable HDR: Hi-res textures load: (Looking back now maybe they did load?)
When I turn on SSAO: I turn on motion blur it produces this weird graphical pop in thing whenever I move.
After checking some things online it seems when I changed this setting to "0", I THINK the hi-res textures are loading.
seta image_downSize "0"
But I get these weird shadows: think I got something working but I don't think the textures are loading: I downloaded Wulfen Textures v1.0 which were just folders that needed to be extracted into the Sikkmod folder I think the textures loaded:
Raptomex@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:27 pm : I got so fed up I just ended up installing from the disk then installing the Doom 3 HD mod. I can confirm this works. But the Sikkmod options aren't available. I think because it uses a modded menu screen. So any changes I make are too the INI file. And the weapon sounds that are included with Sikkmod don't seem to be there either. It says Sikkmod 1.2 included. Oh well. At least I got something working.
MATTEO@Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:18 pm : Hello Sikkpin ,
please could you explain me these Sikkmod functions ?
seta image_useCache
seta image_useAllFormats
seta image_preload
seta image_downSize
seta image_lodbias
Thanks for your time.
Argoon1981@Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:50 pm : MATTEO wrote:
Hello Sikkpin ,
please could you explain me these Sikkmod functions ?
seta image_useCache
seta image_useAllFormats
seta image_preload
seta image_downSize
seta image_lodbias
Thanks for your time.
I'm not Sikkpin but i hope you don't mind.'m not certain but from the name the svar image_useAllFormats is for enabling or disabling Doom3 usage of all the image formats supported by the engine (tga. dds. jpg.)
image_useCache [0,1] - If set to 1, uses background loading to cache image information. This may not necessarily improve framerate performance, but it does assist in smoothing out frame rates and reducing loading pauses. Note that the image_cacheMinK (see below) size must be raised from its default otherwise the game will crash when using this setting. Once this setting is enabled, the actual cache value is set in the image_cacheMegs setting below.
image_preload [0,1] - If set to 1, Doom 3 attempts to preload most images in the background, meaning less loading pauses during the game but longer loading times. If set to 0, images are loaded dynamically as needed, meaning more loading pauses during the game. 1 is the recommended setting.
image_lodbias [value] - Determines the Level of Detail (LOD) bias for mipmapped images. The higher the number, the less detail is visible on surrounding objects. This can improve performance, but reduces image quality. The default is 0, and values above 1 reduce detail quite heavily, so experiment with fractional values such as 0.2 or 0.5.
image_downSize [0,1] - If set to 1, this puts into effect the downSizeLimit value specified above. If set to 0, textures are displayed at full resolution for highest image quality but lower performance.
MATTEO@Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:47 am : Argoon1981 wrote:
MATTEO wrote:
Hello Sikkpin ,
please could you explain me these Sikkmod functions ?
seta image_useCache
seta image_useAllFormats
seta image_preload
seta image_downSize
seta image_lodbias
Thanks for your time.
I'm not Sikkpin but i hope you don't mind.'m not certain but from the name the svar image_useAllFormats is for enabling or disabling Doom3 usage of all the image formats supported by the engine (tga. dds. jpg.)
image_useCache [0,1] - If set to 1, uses background loading to cache image information. This may not necessarily improve framerate performance, but it does assist in smoothing out frame rates and reducing loading pauses. Note that the image_cacheMinK (see below) size must be raised from its default otherwise the game will crash when using this setting. Once this setting is enabled, the actual cache value is set in the image_cacheMegs setting below.
image_preload [0,1] - If set to 1, Doom 3 attempts to preload most images in the background, meaning less loading pauses during the game but longer loading times. If set to 0, images are loaded dynamically as needed, meaning more loading pauses during the game. 1 is the recommended setting.
image_lodbias [value] - Determines the Level of Detail (LOD) bias for mipmapped images. The higher the number, the less detail is visible on surrounding objects. This can improve performance, but reduces image quality. The default is 0, and values above 1 reduce detail quite heavily, so experiment with fractional values such as 0.2 or 0.5.
image_downSize [0,1] - If set to 1, this puts into effect the downSizeLimit value specified above. If set to 0, textures are displayed at full resolution for highest image quality but lower performance.
Very Thanks !
Sikkpin@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:48 am : ModDB site:
D3 - - ... od-v11-roeMirrors:
Mac Files:
D3 sikkmod v1.2 binaries - sikkmod v1.2 source - the source zip only contains files that were modified to build a Mac verision
*Update - 3-7-13: simulation was kind enough to release binaries and source of a Mac version. So full thanks go to him, mac users!
*Update - 1/15/11: ModDB file is now public. LDAsh & Gregs2k2, feel free to remove the old file if you wish. You're also more than welcome to continue hosting the latest versions, it's up to you. Just let me know either way so I can keep the links in this thread up to date.
*Update - 1/28/11: RoE version is now available.
*Update - 6/20/11: v1.1 for D3 released.
*Update - 7/1/11: v1.1 for RoE released.
*Update - 9/3/11: v1.2 for D3 released.
*Update - 9/20/11: Updated the v1.2 file. Kept the same version number as the update was small.
Screenshots - Doom 3: (doesn't reflect the visuals of the current version)

Screenshots - Resurrection of Evil:

RipOutTheWings@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:36 am :
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:40 am :
Tom Yum 72@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:39 pm : 
Horray, great job Sikkpin. Where is the downloadlink? Cant wait to try that out !
Edit: Thank you for the link...and your work on the mod

RipOutTheWings@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:16 pm : the problem with SSIL
its not working right (when i activate it i see just a noise and my fps falls to hell)
Sikkpin@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:15 pm : Hey you're right, ssil got broke somehow. I'll get on it. By the way, the fps hit is just the way it is. Too many texture fetches. Nothing I can do.
*Edit: Problem was an oversight in the shader. Fixed it and uploaded the shader
here. I'll wait until I get more feedback with potential bugs before I upload an updated pack.
reko@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:15 pm : Could you guys post some screens please?

Thanks to those who are kind enough.
Tom Yum 72@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:49 pm : I cant download the fixed says File not found.
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:58 pm : Sikk

"File not found"
you need to pack it into "rar"
how to use lens flares?
god rays are haotic. Its normal?
how to "on" the soft particles?
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:22 am : oh, sun shufts are okay
but Is there a way to create are different sunshafts and lensf flares with different settings?
Sikkpin@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:29 am : Link has been fixed. Stuck the file in a rar and it works now.
There is no command to turn soft particles on. To have soft particles, you have to edit/create particles that use the shader. To use custom textures for the lens flare, just change the textures in the material. To change the positions and number of flares, you'd have to edit the code and compile a new dll. As for sun shafts, there really isn't much more you can do. This isn't Crysis, after all, and my options are extremely limited. What exactly do you want to do?
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:43 am : I dream about a independent lens flare material
make it possible to have several different LeFlares sources with different textures on one map
and something of type box lighting of sun shafts or point and posibility to create several sources on map too
Ssil is working, but i take it in g_testpostprocess and i see that the light twitches strongly
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:57 am : Ok, i have a problem.

this is the situation with all sikk parameters off(world upside down)

this with only HDR activated

Some solution?
win7 64
HD 4890 crossfireX with Catalyst 10.12
DooM III 1.3.1
Deadite4@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:27 am : Quote:
ome solution?
win7 64
HD 4890 crossfireX with Catalyst 10.12
DooM III 1.3.1
Have you turned off Catalyst A.I. in the control center?
Tom Yum 72@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:50 am : He,s right ,turn out catalyst a.i.,that cause only problems when playing doom.
After a short test i have to say :

Just great. Congrats Sikkpin.
Everything works perfect so far.
mth@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:11 am : So awesome!
lukeman3000@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:48 pm : Can someone detail what exactly this release includes that the last one didn't?
Gregs2k2@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:10 pm : Mirror here. Could one of you generous peeps please post a config file that yields the best visual effects? Would be a great help. Thanks

Vincent Vega@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:34 am : Help! It's not working. I have clean version of Doom 3 (1.3.1) Win 7 x64, ATI 4890.
Just black screen after launching mod through main menu. Found that it's because of one file doom_main.script. If i delete it mod start, but i cant begin new game, after few seconds it kicks me to main menu(( Please help! Test 5 working well! (Sorry for my english=)
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:47 am : hi sikk
i found a problem
on a big distances appears this big and buggy flat of something =/
is there any way to fix the problem with sky sphere?
Sikkpin@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:48 am : ModDB site:
D3 - - ... od-v11-roeMirrors:
Mac Files:
D3 sikkmod v1.2 binaries - sikkmod v1.2 source - the source zip only contains files that were modified to build a Mac verision
*Update - 3-7-13: simulation was kind enough to release binaries and source of a Mac version. So full thanks go to him, mac users!
*Update - 1/15/11: ModDB file is now public. LDAsh & Gregs2k2, feel free to remove the old file if you wish. You're also more than welcome to continue hosting the latest versions, it's up to you. Just let me know either way so I can keep the links in this thread up to date.
*Update - 1/28/11: RoE version is now available.
*Update - 6/20/11: v1.1 for D3 released.
*Update - 7/1/11: v1.1 for RoE released.
*Update - 9/3/11: v1.2 for D3 released.
*Update - 9/20/11: Updated the v1.2 file. Kept the same version number as the update was small.
Screenshots - Doom 3: (doesn't reflect the visuals of the current version)

Screenshots - Resurrection of Evil:

RipOutTheWings@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:36 am :
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:40 am :
Tom Yum 72@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:39 pm : 
Horray, great job Sikkpin. Where is the downloadlink? Cant wait to try that out !
Edit: Thank you for the link...and your work on the mod

RipOutTheWings@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:16 pm : the problem with SSIL
its not working right (when i activate it i see just a noise and my fps falls to hell)
Sikkpin@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:15 pm : Hey you're right, ssil got broke somehow. I'll get on it. By the way, the fps hit is just the way it is. Too many texture fetches. Nothing I can do.
*Edit: Problem was an oversight in the shader. Fixed it and uploaded the shader
here. I'll wait until I get more feedback with potential bugs before I upload an updated pack.
reko@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:15 pm : Could you guys post some screens please?

Thanks to those who are kind enough.
Tom Yum 72@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:49 pm : I cant download the fixed says File not found.
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:58 pm : Sikk

"File not found"
you need to pack it into "rar"
how to use lens flares?
god rays are haotic. Its normal?
how to "on" the soft particles?
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:22 am : oh, sun shufts are okay
but Is there a way to create are different sunshafts and lensf flares with different settings?
Sikkpin@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:29 am : Link has been fixed. Stuck the file in a rar and it works now.
There is no command to turn soft particles on. To have soft particles, you have to edit/create particles that use the shader. To use custom textures for the lens flare, just change the textures in the material. To change the positions and number of flares, you'd have to edit the code and compile a new dll. As for sun shafts, there really isn't much more you can do. This isn't Crysis, after all, and my options are extremely limited. What exactly do you want to do?
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:43 am : I dream about a independent lens flare material
make it possible to have several different LeFlares sources with different textures on one map
and something of type box lighting of sun shafts or point and posibility to create several sources on map too
Ssil is working, but i take it in g_testpostprocess and i see that the light twitches strongly
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:57 am : Ok, i have a problem.

this is the situation with all sikk parameters off(world upside down)

this with only HDR activated

Some solution?
win7 64
HD 4890 crossfireX with Catalyst 10.12
DooM III 1.3.1
Deadite4@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:27 am : Quote:
ome solution?
win7 64
HD 4890 crossfireX with Catalyst 10.12
DooM III 1.3.1
Have you turned off Catalyst A.I. in the control center?
Tom Yum 72@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:50 am : He,s right ,turn out catalyst a.i.,that cause only problems when playing doom.
After a short test i have to say :

Just great. Congrats Sikkpin.
Everything works perfect so far.
mth@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:11 am : So awesome!
lukeman3000@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:48 pm : Can someone detail what exactly this release includes that the last one didn't?
Gregs2k2@Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:10 pm : Mirror here. Could one of you generous peeps please post a config file that yields the best visual effects? Would be a great help. Thanks

Vincent Vega@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:34 am : Help! It's not working. I have clean version of Doom 3 (1.3.1) Win 7 x64, ATI 4890.
Just black screen after launching mod through main menu. Found that it's because of one file doom_main.script. If i delete it mod start, but i cant begin new game, after few seconds it kicks me to main menu(( Please help! Test 5 working well! (Sorry for my english=)
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:47 am : hi sikk
i found a problem
on a big distances appears this big and buggy flat of something =/
is there any way to fix the problem with sky sphere?
reckless@Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:24 am : At lukeman.
Not anything that will improve FPS considerably yet but carmack has hinted that a GPL release of the BFG edition engine code might come.
BFG edition uses parts of idtech5 and is geared more towards modern pc's it also moves the fps cap from doom3's 60 to 120 fps so when we integrate
some of the changes the results should be interresting

most will probably not integrate BFG editions streaming so as to not break current mods but else the book is open.
lukeman3000@Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:09 am : So, is ANYONE capable of running Doom 3 without EVER dipping below 60 FPS with HDR and soft shadows?
What does it take, a 7GHz processor?
reckless@Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:27 am : It would probably take a monster CPU ... mines a core i7 950 sitting at 3.2 GHZ and even that cannot manage anything near Doom3's fps cap of 60 FPS (i get around 40 FPS with some of the heavy sikkmod stuff on) gfx is two nvidia 560 gtx in SLI.
And if i enable softshadows and everything even my rig cannot manage more than 15-20 FPS.
So id say its not possible as the Doom3 engine is atm. But with some of the upgrades from the BFG edition code we might come a good tad closer.
Still need to modify the Doom3 renderer to support some of SikkPins stuff also cause a few of his shaders use hacks to get around missing support in the Doom3 engine, and softshadows/ssao takes a rather hefty dip in our FPS because of it.
pete82@Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:08 pm :

I do don't know if my settings are good. But I have errors. It is slightly visible grid in the entire image. What is it? How can I turn this off?
Wulfen@Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:03 pm : what is your ssao settings?
pete82@Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:59 pm :

I have default settings. Look at the head of monster.
Spiney@Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:07 pm : You could turn it off? Ambient Occlusion doesn't make much sense in D3's context since there's no ambient lighting.
lukeman3000@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:34 am : Hey guys, I just wanted to say that I tweaked my doomconfig.cfg and now I have 60 FPS in the opening scene. I use these settings (with HDR, POM, and DOF enabled -- no soft shadows).
seta image_downSizeLimit "256"
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0"
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "128"
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "64"
seta image_downSizeBump "0"
seta image_downSizeSpecular "0"
seta image_useCache "0"
seta image_cacheMegs "20"
seta image_cacheMinK "200"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "0"
seta image_useNormalCompression "0"
seta image_useAllFormats "1"
seta image_useCompression "0"
seta image_preload "1"
seta image_roundDown "0"
seta image_forceDownSize "0"
seta image_downSize "0"
seta image_lodbias "0"
seta image_anisotropy "1"
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
Do all of these look correct? I found that when I changed to "Ultra", something changed which caused my FPS to decrease significantly.
Also, just for kicks, I turned on soft shadows in addition to HDR (and the other aforementioned settings). I was pleasantly surprised that I still got around 60 FPS with occasional dips into the low-mid forties in demanding scenes.
One thing I noticed is that when I first enter a demanding scene, the FPS might tank down to 30, but then it rises right back up to 40-45 or so. Why does this happen? Is my computer at fault, or could this be a power saving feature of my CPU or GPU at work? Or is it just the nature of this mod? I haven't noticed this behavior in another game.
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:06 am : the dip in fps at map load is most likely because the engine is still loading materials also explains why it goes back up after a while

that is perfectly allright as pretty much any game engine will stall a little while loading stuff.
config looks good

hypoty@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:30 am : For some reason NPC models don't cast shadows, and my character model doesn't reflect in mirrors. Is that a known issue with Sikkmod and is there a fix?
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:09 am : Its known

and yes there is a fix though my best guess is that sikkpin turned them of because they tended to be buggy.
open pak_modfiles in the sikkmod folder with winrar winzip or 7z and drag the file below into the materials folder.
hypoty@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:17 pm : Thank you! works like a charm.
Netherlands@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:35 pm : hypoty wrote:
Thank you! works like a charm.
Does it also solve the mirror problem?
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:08 pm : Only fixes some missing shadows

im not even sure what mirror problem you refer to ?.
Netherlands@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:25 pm : reckless wrote:
Only fixes some missing shadows

im not even sure what mirror problem you refer to ?.
In the first level when you have to go to the commander at somepoint when you are walking to him there is a toilet and an NPC comes out of it. In that room there is a mirror and when you look in it you don't see yourself. In normal version you see yourself. It is not bothering me much
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:45 pm : this one ?

seems to work here hmm ???
Netherlands@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:55 pm : reckless wrote:
this one ?

seems to work here hmm ???
Indeed strange. It doesn't work with my installation and apparently it doesn't work with hypoty.
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:09 pm : do you use any mods besides sikkmod ? it might be something from a different mod interfering.
Netherlands@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:59 pm : reckless wrote:
do you use any mods besides sikkmod ? it might be something from a different mod interfering.
I have installed you patch for the shadow's and that fixed the shadow problem. The mirror problem is now also gone.
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:01 pm : Ok

thats weird it shouldnt affect mirrors but if it works then not bad

pete82@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:31 pm : Spiney wrote:
You could turn it off? Ambient Occlusion doesn't make much sense in D3's context since there's no ambient lighting.
I can enable ambient lighting in options:

Btw for me with ssao iq is better.
And should I use edgeaa? What is edge aa? Something like transparency aa? Which value is the best?
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:13 pm : If npcs are missing their shadows then most likely you are using another mod that modifies the meshes as the meshes that are included with sikkmod have shadows turned off in their material but include a shadow mesh which does the shadow casting. This was done to have self shadowing without the shadow pop in problem that's inherent with shadow volumes.
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 7:03 am : Hmm that might explain it

im using higher poly md5 meshes but i didnt take into account that they might not work the same as yours... ouch.
reckless@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:52 am : Agh ok yes that was it the md5meshes im using are incompatible with sikkmods selfshadowing

replaced them with sikk's own and now the shadows are there again with his
Guess ill have to poke someone to help me modify my md5meshes as im not a mapper/modeller.
lukeman3000@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:00 pm : Here's a screenshot I took with my settings:

I'm using the following:
HDR (with horizontal spectral glare)
Soft Shadows
Color Grading (Crytek)
Anti-aliasing (4x)
Anisotrophy (4x)
When I am actually playing, I disable soft shadows because otherwise, my frame rate can dip down into the thirties in certain places. But other than that, I can run all of the above at a pretty solid 60 FPS.
On another note, see how that yellow floor light is lit up in one half, but not the other? Why is it like that?
reckless@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:06 pm : Looks good

lukeman3000@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:11 pm : reckless wrote:
Looks good

Thanks! I just edited my post -- you see how that yellow floor light is only halfway lit? Why is it like that, and can it be fixed? Not a big deal, just something I noticed.
On another note, what do you guys think about
this mod?
The guy claims it's better than sikkmod and that sikkmod has too much bloom, etc.
For a comparison, here's a
sikkmod screenshotAnd
here's the same screenshot using this new "ROD" mod.
reckless@Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 2:05 am : Interresting though if you chose filmic simple in HDR it looks pretty close (leave bloom of when HDR is on theres no need for both).
Gonna check it out though

pete82@Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 1:48 pm : Sikkpin wrote:
If npcs are missing their shadows then most likely you are using another mod that modifies the meshes as the meshes that are included with sikkmod have shadows turned off in their material but include a shadow mesh which does the shadow casting. This was done to have self shadowing without the shadow pop in problem that's inherent with shadow volumes.
When I have zhighpolymodels.pk4 in Sikkmod folder npcs shadows are missing. So I have to choose between HQ models no shadows or LQ models with shadows?
reckless@Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:14 pm : Yep that was my mistake i replaced sikk's special model meshes with the ones from that unfortunatly the highpoly models dont have the shadowmeshes for selfshadowing
so nothing shows. Theres a post here somewhere where sikkpin explains how to modify them to work like his but im no modeller and dont have access to the tools needed
so i cant make them sadly. Maybe if we ask nicely someone steps up

Tron@Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:24 am : lukeman3000 wrote:
reckless wrote:
Looks good

Thanks! I just edited my post -- you see how that yellow floor light is only halfway lit? Why is it like that, and can it be fixed? Not a big deal, just something I noticed.
On another note, what do you guys think about
this mod?
The guy claims it's better than sikkmod and that sikkmod has too much bloom, etc.
For a comparison, here's a
sikkmod screenshotAnd
here's the same screenshot using this new "ROD" mod.
Pretty much everything is configurable in sikkmod, nothing wrong with more people making graphics mods but it would be easy for someone to just release a config file with settings toned down for sikkmod if that is what they want.
VGames@Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:53 pm : For me the only thing that would be better then sikkmod is a graphics mod that dumps a lot more of the processing on the GPU and not so much the CPU. Then we could have Soft Shadows with no problem. Sikkmod for the win.
Necc@Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:28 am : How do I stop the chainsaw from latching onto enemies and pulling the player towards them each time I attack?
lukeman3000@Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:48 am : Sikkpin, (or anyone else who might know) -
Is it possible to modify the properties of the headlamp to make it the exact same size and brightness as the regular flashlight? If so, how exactly would one do this?
pete82@Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:04 pm : Why his lips are dark in motion?

mikeloeven@Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 6:21 am : issue i tried to load the ROE version 1.1 and the game stops responding and crashes any time i try to activate Sikkmod ROE i run through steam so the game is automatically kept up to date. any help would be appreciated
oh on a side note the crash happens immediately when the screen gets to initializing user interface
am i missing a dependancy ??
reckless@Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 6:11 pm : the roe version was compiled against a previous sdk if i remember correctly thats why it crashes.
I got a recent version of the gamex86.dll i can upload that was compiled against the 1.3.1 version.
mikeloeven@Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:52 pm : that's great when will it be up?
reckless@Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:56 pm : Here ya go replace the game00.pk4 in the sikkmodd3xp folder with this one

mikeloeven@Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 9:57 pm : i replaced the file and it still stops working at initializing user interface. can you repackage the entire mod and see if that works. also is it possible that wulfens high rez texture pack can cause conflicts ?
reckless@Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:02 am : yep i might have renamed it in my version

i repacked a few things.
mikeloeven@Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:40 am : so do i delete 99 and replace it with 00 or do i rename 00 to 99 and replace that
reckless@Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:03 am : both ways work

Steve1664@Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:39 pm : Hi, since I can't find any help with my problem elsewhere, I'd like some assistance in troubleshooting Sikkmod. When I try to activate it from the main menu, it returns my resolution to the base 640X480, and I can't seem to fix it. For the record everything else seems to work all right, but the resolution keeps getting messed up. How can I keep this from happening?
EDIT: Never mind, it's working now. Please ignore.
eure_k@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 2:46 pm : It's almost 2 years since Sikkmod 1.2. However, I didn't see any post explaining how to "simplify" the glprogs folder for slow systems.
First, you have to understand that gl-programs like interaction.vfp and test.vfp are executed cumulatively. So, if you add a pk4 file with one more interaction.vfp and test.vfp, you will have 2 progs interaction and 2 progs test, which will be executed in sequence, possibily resulting in image distortions and certainly resulting in performance loss.]
EDIT: I apologize for that, as Sikkpin said below, this is a completely wrong statement. I've messed up with vfp files, so I made a false conclusion about that. And i've precipitated myself...
On the other way, at least I've got a simplified sikkmod, working fine on my old system. So, here's a little guide to help people who gave up trying sikkmod in the past. This also works on Resurrection of Evil.
To obtain a working lite version,
use only the file pak_modfiles.pk4 (ignore game00.pk4, pak_blankfiles.pk4 and pak_cleanfiles.pk4), and delete all files/folders inside pak_modfiles.pk4 except the following:
- glprogs\ambientLight.vfp
- glprogs\bumpyEnvironment.vfp
- glprogs\colorProcess.vfp
- glprogs\environment.vfp
- glprogs\interaction.vfp
- glprogs\shadow.vp
- glprogs\test.vfp
- models
- particles
- skins
- textures* Zip all on something like pak000_sikk-lite.pk4 and move it to base folder (do not use the sikkmod-roe!! - you will not need it)* OBS: The sound files from sikkmod are good, but I prefer Trent Reznor Sound Pack and Revility Weapons 0.1.00.
* I also recommend highpolymodels and Capri's D3xp Mod v1.2 (flashlights)
Links:1) Wulfen Texture Pack 2.0 Monoxead´s Textures* Link: Trent Reznor Sound Pack ... Pack;293084) Revility Weapons Mod 0.1.00 Hi-Poly npc & monster meshesviewtopic.php?t=24214* Link: ... Capri's D3xp Mod v1.2 ... p-Mod-v1.2* About Wulfen Texture Pack 2.0:
- If you got missing textures => backup wulfen_texture_pack_2.0.pk4, then open "wulfen_texture_pack_2.0.pk4" (winzip) and delete file "" in the "materials" folder
* In RoE expansion pack, when you use the artifact, if screen goes black, just include " seta r_skipPostProcess "0" " inside autoexec.cfg (d3xp folder)
* To complete the optimization, I include in autoexec.cfg (base+d3xp folders - also works in q4base, if you use sikkmod lite for Q4):
seta r_skipPostProcess "0" // RoE needs this activated (at least on my ati card)
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0" // use "1" to gain more fps, but loosing texture quality
// I don't recommend change these 2 cvars (can cause missing effects - glass, mirrors etc)
seta image_downSizeBump "0"
seta image_downSizeSpecular "0"
seta image_useCache "1"
seta image_cacheMegs "256" // lower this if your vram is less than 512MB
seta image_cacheMinK "2048" // if you use this in Quake 4, I advice you to use a bigger value there (like 20480) to avoid Q4 cinematics problems
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "1"
seta image_useNormalCompression "2" // use rxgb compression
seta image_useAllFormats "1"
seta image_useCompression "1"
seta image_preload "1"
seta image_roundDown "1"
seta image_forceDownSize "0"
seta image_downSize "1"
seta r_vertexBufferMegs 64
seta r_usePortals 1
seta r_useLightCulling 3
seta r_useIndexBuffers 0
seta r_useVertexBuffers 1
seta r_useCachedDynamicModels 1
seta r_useTwoSidedStencil 1
seta r_useTurboShadow 1
seta r_useShadowVertexProgram 1
seta r_useStateCaching 1
seta r_orderIndexes 1
seta r_shadows 0 // activate only on a fast machine
seta r_useOptimizedShadows 1 // in case you use shadows
seta g_showPlayerShadow 0
seta r_ignoreGLErrors 1
seta r_useInfiniteFarZ 1 // If set to 1, this uses the no-far-clip-plane trick which provides optimal performance.
// To correct excessive light/brightness
seta r_brightness "1" // use the lower value as you can, to avoid loss of detail
seta r_gamma "1.4" // try the higher value possible (until becomes too whitish)
seta r_lightscale 1.4 // use the higher value possible (until light becomes too strong)
seta r_customHeight "1080"
seta r_customWidth "1920"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_mode "-1"
seta r_aspectRatio "1" // aspect ratio of view. 0 = 4:3, 1 = 16:9, 2 = 16:10
// If you have a slow gpu like me, you can turn off AA/AF (in this resolution mode) to increase fps
seta r_multiSamples "0"
seta image_anisotropy "0"
* As you notice, all the cpu/gpu intensive glprogs had to be removed, loosing the edge graphics. But now sikkmod can run on a slow system. Moreover, this thin version
allows Ati A.I. to be enabled.
* Now I have the excellent sikkmod running on my slow machine:
- Athlon II X3 400e 2.2GHz
- Radeon HD 5670 DDR3 1GB
- Windows XP SP3Thanks a lot to Sikkpin for all the hard work on this project, reviving the good old Doom3/Quake4!PS:
I know not everyone will like these simplification, but it is necessary to work on old systems. And thanks to the excellent Sikkpin's vertex and fragment programs, Doom 3 (and Quake 4) aren't too dark anymore!
Always not too late to help people. So, I hope this will be useful to someone. Good luck!
Sikkpin@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:09 pm : eure_k wrote:
First, you have to understand that gl-programs like interaction.vfp and test.vfp are executed cumulatively. So, if you add a pk4 file with one more interaction.vfp and test.vfp, you will have 2 progs interaction and 2 progs test, which will be executed in sequence, possibily resulting in image distortions and certainly resulting in performance loss.
^This is not true. If you're basing this off of the fact the the shaders are listed twice in the console when loaded, that's because one is for the vertex program and the other is for the fragment program.
Lord_Kane@Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:36 am : Question.
I know its late, but.
is Sikkmod 1.2 going to ever come out for Resurrection of evil?
probably not since its been a while
cant hurt to ask.
MATTEO@Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:43 am : THANKS Sikkpin for your incredible work on this mod .. with
Doom 3 is really impressive !! 
Raptomex@Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:54 pm : I currently have Sikkmod v1.2, Monoaxed textures, Wulfen Texture pack 2.0.
I place the Sikkmod folder in my Doom 3 directory. That seems to work. The Sikkmod options all work in-game. I place the Monoaxed folders in the Sikkmod folder. No idea if that's working. This is where things start to annoy me. The Wulfen texture pack is a PK4 file. From various instructions I've found online it tells me to just place the PK4 file in the Sikkmod folder. I do this and I don't notice a difference. I don't think they're loading. Also, when changing the resolution in the DoomConfig I have it set as:
customwidth = 1440
customheight = 900
r_mode = -1
aspectratio = 2
Yet the settings remain like that in the config, I loaded up the game and it seems to be stuck on the default resolution.
Then I have a the Parallax mod 2.0 which is also a PK4 file. I placed that in the Sikkmod folder. No idea if it's working. I only got the texture pack to work once after downloading somebody else's config file, extracting the Wulfen folders out of the PK4 into the Sikkmod folder (while keeping the PK4 there as well), and changing the resolution in the new config. After removing Sikkmod and the texture packs then trying to install the mods from scratch, I couldn't get it to work or it was all dark, or I had graphical issues.
I can't imagine this is that difficult to install. I'm either an idiot and not installing something correctly or something just isn't right. Either way it's annoying.
Sikkpin@Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:20 am : I don't have the various texture packs so I don't know what they contain or their structure but I'll do my best to help.
I'll deal with the resolution first. Are you editing the DoomConfig.cfg that's in the sikkmod folder or the base folder? You should be making any changes to one in the sikkmod folder. And, even better, would be to put all manual edits that you do into an "autoexec.cfg" in the sikkmod folder. It's a little cleaner this way and you won't have to worry about Doom 3 ever overwriting changes you make. Things in the autoexec.cfg take priority over things in the DoomConfig.cfg. Also, to set a custom width/height, the variable names should be "r_customWidth" and "r_customHeight". Double check to make sure that's what you've got and not "customwidth" and "customheight" like what you put in your post.
As for the textures, it sounds like the Wulfen texture pack is installed correctly since it's a pk4. Simply putting it in the sikkmod folder should all you need to do. But for the Monoxead pack, what is the name of the folder you're putting in there and what's it's structure?
For these textures to show up, you need to make sure you have the the video quality in the main menu set to ultra. Or, specifically, you need to make sure these cvar's are set like this (you can copy/paste these into you cfg, preferable an autoexec.cfg):
seta image_useCompression "0"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "0"
seta image_useNormalCompression "0"
I don't know if anything else can conflict with these textures but I'm sure someone else here who uses these packs would be able to help you better.
Also, there's a thread over at the Steam forums that should be useful here: ... ?t=2128115
Raptomex@Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:51 am : Sikkpin wrote:
I don't have the various texture packs so I don't know what they contain or their structure but I'll do my best to help.
I'll deal with the resolution first. Are you editing the DoomConfig.cfg that's in the sikkmod folder or the base folder? You should be making any changes to one in the sikkmod folder. And, even better, would be to put all manual edits that you do into an "autoexec.cfg" in the sikkmod folder. It's a little cleaner this way and you won't have to worry about Doom 3 ever overwriting changes you make. Things in the autoexec.cfg take priority over things in the DoomConfig.cfg. Also, to set a custom width/height, the variable names should be "r_customWidth" and "r_customHeight". Double check to make sure that's what you've got and not "customwidth" and "customheight" like what you put in your post.
As for the textures, it sounds like the Wulfen texture pack is installed correctly since it's a pk4. Simply putting it in the sikkmod folder should all you need to do. But for the Monoxead pack, what is the name of the folder you're putting in there and what's it's structure?
For these textures to show up, you need to make sure you have the the video quality in the main menu set to ultra. Or, specifically, you need to make sure these cvar's are set like this (you can copy/paste these into you cfg, preferable an autoexec.cfg):
seta image_useCompression "0"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "0"
seta image_useNormalCompression "0"
I don't know if anything else can conflict with these textures but I'm sure someone else here who uses these packs would be able to help you better.
Also, there's a thread over at the Steam forums that should be useful here: ... ?t=2128115Yes, all the changes I am making are all in the Sikkmod folder.
Also in the DoomConfig I have it set as:
seta r_customwidth
seta r_customheight
seta r_mode
seta r_aspectratio
I just shortened it before for the sake of the post. I could try creating an autoexec, never thought of that. I'm at work currently so I can't check anything right now but if memory serves then the folders from the Monoaxed rar file were "materials" and "textures" I believe. I just placed them in the Sikkmod folder. Also I think the usePrecompressedTextures was set to 1 as default. I can easily change that. Should I load up the normal game first and set up the ultra quality along with the regular resolution settings, the regular antistrophic filtering, controls, and anything else I need before loading Sikkmod? Or should I change those settings with Sikkmod activated?
I also find it boggling that after extracting the Wulfen folders and files OUT of the PK4 file and downloading someone else's config, it seemed to work. Though I did notice a weird transparent box around certain lighting. But that's another issue. I first need to get it to work again. If putting the PK4 files in the Sikkmod folder is all I need to do then I was right by following all the instructions I've seen. Then that means I should be able to put the parallax mod PK4 file and the parallax fix PK4 file in there as well. Also, I read somewhere there were 2 files I needed to copy from the "pom" folder into the main "glprogs" folder to get parallax lighting to work, correct?
Edit: I just got home and am trying this again. And I can now confirm the folders in the Monoaxed rar are "textures" and "materials" and I placed them in the Sikkmod folder.
I can confirm this is correct:
image_useCompression "0"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "0"
seta image_useNormalCompression "0"
I also have an autoexec with these commands
seta r_customHeight "900"
seta r_customWidth "1440"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_mode "-1"
seta r_aspectRatio "2"
Ok I installed everything and this is what happens:
Here is screenshot of my Sikkmod folder: I enable HDR: Hi-res textures load: (Looking back now maybe they did load?)
When I turn on SSAO: I turn on motion blur it produces this weird graphical pop in thing whenever I move.
After checking some things online it seems when I changed this setting to "0", I THINK the hi-res textures are loading.
seta image_downSize "0"
But I get these weird shadows: think I got something working but I don't think the textures are loading: I downloaded Wulfen Textures v1.0 which were just folders that needed to be extracted into the Sikkmod folder I think the textures loaded:
Raptomex@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:27 pm : I got so fed up I just ended up installing from the disk then installing the Doom 3 HD mod. I can confirm this works. But the Sikkmod options aren't available. I think because it uses a modded menu screen. So any changes I make are too the INI file. And the weapon sounds that are included with Sikkmod don't seem to be there either. It says Sikkmod 1.2 included. Oh well. At least I got something working.
MATTEO@Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:18 pm : Hello Sikkpin ,
please could you explain me these Sikkmod functions ?
seta image_useCache
seta image_useAllFormats
seta image_preload
seta image_downSize
seta image_lodbias
Thanks for your time.
Argoon1981@Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:50 pm : MATTEO wrote:
Hello Sikkpin ,
please could you explain me these Sikkmod functions ?
seta image_useCache
seta image_useAllFormats
seta image_preload
seta image_downSize
seta image_lodbias
Thanks for your time.
I'm not Sikkpin but i hope you don't mind.'m not certain but from the name the svar image_useAllFormats is for enabling or disabling Doom3 usage of all the image formats supported by the engine (tga. dds. jpg.)
image_useCache [0,1] - If set to 1, uses background loading to cache image information. This may not necessarily improve framerate performance, but it does assist in smoothing out frame rates and reducing loading pauses. Note that the image_cacheMinK (see below) size must be raised from its default otherwise the game will crash when using this setting. Once this setting is enabled, the actual cache value is set in the image_cacheMegs setting below.
image_preload [0,1] - If set to 1, Doom 3 attempts to preload most images in the background, meaning less loading pauses during the game but longer loading times. If set to 0, images are loaded dynamically as needed, meaning more loading pauses during the game. 1 is the recommended setting.
image_lodbias [value] - Determines the Level of Detail (LOD) bias for mipmapped images. The higher the number, the less detail is visible on surrounding objects. This can improve performance, but reduces image quality. The default is 0, and values above 1 reduce detail quite heavily, so experiment with fractional values such as 0.2 or 0.5.
image_downSize [0,1] - If set to 1, this puts into effect the downSizeLimit value specified above. If set to 0, textures are displayed at full resolution for highest image quality but lower performance.
MATTEO@Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:47 am : Argoon1981 wrote:
MATTEO wrote:
Hello Sikkpin ,
please could you explain me these Sikkmod functions ?
seta image_useCache
seta image_useAllFormats
seta image_preload
seta image_downSize
seta image_lodbias
Thanks for your time.
I'm not Sikkpin but i hope you don't mind.'m not certain but from the name the svar image_useAllFormats is for enabling or disabling Doom3 usage of all the image formats supported by the engine (tga. dds. jpg.)
image_useCache [0,1] - If set to 1, uses background loading to cache image information. This may not necessarily improve framerate performance, but it does assist in smoothing out frame rates and reducing loading pauses. Note that the image_cacheMinK (see below) size must be raised from its default otherwise the game will crash when using this setting. Once this setting is enabled, the actual cache value is set in the image_cacheMegs setting below.
image_preload [0,1] - If set to 1, Doom 3 attempts to preload most images in the background, meaning less loading pauses during the game but longer loading times. If set to 0, images are loaded dynamically as needed, meaning more loading pauses during the game. 1 is the recommended setting.
image_lodbias [value] - Determines the Level of Detail (LOD) bias for mipmapped images. The higher the number, the less detail is visible on surrounding objects. This can improve performance, but reduces image quality. The default is 0, and values above 1 reduce detail quite heavily, so experiment with fractional values such as 0.2 or 0.5.
image_downSize [0,1] - If set to 1, this puts into effect the downSizeLimit value specified above. If set to 0, textures are displayed at full resolution for highest image quality but lower performance.
Very Thanks !