Sikkpin@Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 6:05 am :
vertex007@Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:30 pm : wow, your update looks and sounds tasty !
I don´t have prey installed atm, but I will for sure give it another go in the future, with sikkmod of course.
sikkmod is sick !
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 1:16 pm : Prey version works good
no problems with the lighting(interaction.vfp)
the problem with "lut" color grading
motion blur not working
Sikkpin@Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:27 am : Uploaded a small patch. See first post.
vertex007@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:38 am : I am reaplaying Prey right now with your mod and god, it looks like a dream.
unbelievable how fresh and cool this game still feel today, idtech4 at his best.
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock, Q4 and D3....alltogheter without being a rip off of those...
I am having a better time with this than with any of the later games...and the visual is stunning, so the leveldesign.
anyway great mod, great game.
BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:49 am : Quote:
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock
Didn't both games come out after Prey?
vertex007@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:12 am : BloodRayne wrote:
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock
Didn't both games come out after Prey?
yeah, even more was a mix of those before they even came out...
underrated gem imo, very original game.
while playing it feels like the devs had all those twisted ideas and visions and everything was made out of passion instead of profit...
ahead of its time, I remember that myself at release I wasn't very into it, I thought the whole native american vs alien was a little odd and the gravity and portal elements just sort of gimmicks...I was just looking for a proper FPS...
today it is the contrary, having played way too much regular FPS, this game stands out for being original and "something else" while remaining a good FPS at its core...
plus I just love the dark/biomechanical environment, perfect for idtech4...with sikks enhancements it really looks fabulously good.
Setlec@Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:14 pm : @ Sikkpin: Have you tested your mod on a linux client? each time that i try to load the mod it closes the game!
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 2:18 am : Version 1.2 is up. First post has been updated.
Sikkpin@Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 6:05 am :
vertex007@Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:30 pm : wow, your update looks and sounds tasty !
I don´t have prey installed atm, but I will for sure give it another go in the future, with sikkmod of course.
sikkmod is sick !
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 1:16 pm : Prey version works good
no problems with the lighting(interaction.vfp)
the problem with "lut" color grading
motion blur not working
Sikkpin@Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:27 am : Uploaded a small patch. See first post.
vertex007@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:38 am : I am reaplaying Prey right now with your mod and god, it looks like a dream.
unbelievable how fresh and cool this game still feel today, idtech4 at his best.
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock, Q4 and D3....alltogheter without being a rip off of those...
I am having a better time with this than with any of the later games...and the visual is stunning, so the leveldesign.
anyway great mod, great game.
BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:49 am : Quote:
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock
Didn't both games come out after Prey?
vertex007@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:12 am : BloodRayne wrote:
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock
Didn't both games come out after Prey?
yeah, even more was a mix of those before they even came out...
underrated gem imo, very original game.
while playing it feels like the devs had all those twisted ideas and visions and everything was made out of passion instead of profit...
ahead of its time, I remember that myself at release I wasn't very into it, I thought the whole native american vs alien was a little odd and the gravity and portal elements just sort of gimmicks...I was just looking for a proper FPS...
today it is the contrary, having played way too much regular FPS, this game stands out for being original and "something else" while remaining a good FPS at its core...
plus I just love the dark/biomechanical environment, perfect for idtech4...with sikks enhancements it really looks fabulously good.
Setlec@Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:14 pm : @ Sikkpin: Have you tested your mod on a linux client? each time that i try to load the mod it closes the game!
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 2:18 am : Version 1.2 is up. First post has been updated.
Tom Yum 72@Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:12 am :
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:27 pm : ModDB site: ... e-v12-preyScreens:

*Update - 5/21/11: Version 1.1 released
*Update - 6/21/11: Uploaded a tiny patch the updates the hdr encoding/decoding to what's used in the D3 1.1 version. This also includes a little fix to the LDR interaction shaders, for anyone that's using them.
*Update - 9/18/11: Version 1.2 released
Lyoko774@Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:14 am : So uh..I assume it's not supposed to look this screwed up? ^^;
Sikkpin@Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:16 pm : Looks like you still have Catalyst A.I. turned on. If you can't disable Catalyst A.I. with your current CCC and you're adamant on playing idTech4 games, I'd recommend using an earlier driver. Or you can download Ati Tray Tools and disable CatAI from there. I use 10.10, by the way, and experience no problems and am able to turn on/off Catalyst A.I..
ALien8ed@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:00 am : What a wonderul surprise...

Am a big fan of this game and was hoping you would release something similar to that of the d3 mod. Many thanks, it's very much appreciated.
Just a quick question, will this mod by any chance see features like softshadows and DOF implemented in future or do you plan on just leaving it as it is?

Lyoko774@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:49 am : Sikkpin wrote:
Looks like you still have Catalyst A.I. turned on. If you can't disable Catalyst A.I. with your current CCC and you're adamant on playing idTech4 games, I'd recommend using an earlier driver. Or you can download Ati Tray Tools and disable CatAI from there. I use 10.10, by the way, and experience no problems and am able to turn on/off Catalyst A.I..
The earliest driver that supports the 6870 is 10.10..and, well, those still have the "new" Catalyst AI interface. Ugh.
Using an old version of ATI Tray Tools to force Catalyst AI off doesn't work. It makes idTech 4 games crash.
Oh wait. Exited CCC and turned off the ATT OSD and it works!
S@TaNiC@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:58 pm : Whats the deal with what sounds like not being able to turn Cat AI off?
I have a 5850 using 10.12 with the new CCC 2 and still have the option to turn AI on/off. Is something changing/changed or only for 68xx series?
If it is you could still change it by editing your profiles.xml found at "\Users\'YourUserName'\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE\Profiles.xml"
Under the heading
<Aspect name="Radeon3D"> needs to be an entry :-
<Feature name="CatalystAI">
<Property name="CatalystAI" value="Disable" />
TRSGM@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:33 pm : S@TaNiC wrote:
Whats the deal with what sounds like not being able to turn Cat AI off?
I have a 5850 using 10.12 with the new CCC 2 and still have the option to turn AI on/off. Is something changing/changed or only for 68xx series?
If it is you could still change it by editing your profiles.xml found at "\Users\'YourUserName'\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE\Profiles.xml"
Under the heading
<Aspect name="Radeon3D"> needs to be an entry :-
<Feature name="CatalystAI">
<Property name="CatalystAI" value="Disable" />
I can confirm that the 6870 doesn't have the same CatAI options that older cards did. It does, however, appear to support a more in-depth version of the same in the 'All' tab, having what I'd guess is control over the new anisotropic filtering algorithm and additionally something named 'format optimization' which may or may not be what old Cats enabled/disabled. I'll have to muck around with Doom some more now that I have MLAA

EDIT: And now it's totally munged. Distortion samples from the wrong sections of the screen and HDR is totally gone, replaced with flat white. MLAA appears to be gone as well.
Lyoko774@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:45 pm : TRSGM wrote:
S@TaNiC wrote:
Whats the deal with what sounds like not being able to turn Cat AI off?
I have a 5850 using 10.12 with the new CCC 2 and still have the option to turn AI on/off. Is something changing/changed or only for 68xx series?
If it is you could still change it by editing your profiles.xml found at "\Users\'YourUserName'\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE\Profiles.xml"
Under the heading
<Aspect name="Radeon3D"> needs to be an entry :-
<Feature name="CatalystAI">
<Property name="CatalystAI" value="Disable" />
I can confirm that the 6870 doesn't have the same CatAI options that older cards did. It does, however, appear to support a more in-depth version of the same in the 'All' tab, having what I'd guess is control over the new anisotropic filtering algorithm and additionally something named 'format optimization' which may or may not be what old Cats enabled/disabled. I'll have to muck around with Doom some more now that I have MLAA

EDIT: And now it's totally munged. Distortion samples from the wrong sections of the screen and HDR is totally gone, replaced with flat white. MLAA appears to be gone as well.
YAY I'm not the only one with this issue. Anyway, that profiles.xml "tweak" works, seeing as the old version of ATI Tray Tools does the same thing. So I can play idTech 4 games again, huzzah!
[A]_Vetal17@Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 8:06 am : Thanks for this mod!
Awesom graphics!!!

mc-rambo87@Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:32 am : its extreme lite version

no motion blur , dof , softshadows

Tron@Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:06 pm : mc-rambo87 wrote:
its extreme lite version

no motion blur , dof , softshadows

Yeah, definitely can't be blame Sikkpin for not spending all the time that would be required to port all the features to every idtech game, but it would definitely be great it someone else with the knowledge on how to do so could port stuff like the soft shadows. To my eye they are the single best feature of this mod for immediately boosting the visual quality of scenes.
Sikkpin@Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:19 pm : The reason there's no mb/dof/ssao/etc. in Prey is because doing the depth render cancels out the glow render. Not because I'm lazy. Jesus.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:22 am : Sikkpin wrote:
The reason there's no mb/dof/ssao/etc. in Prey is because doing the depth render cancels out the glow render. Not because I'm lazy. Jesus.
Just admit it man.. you're lazy...

Tron@Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:35 pm : Sikkpin wrote:
The reason there's no mb/dof/ssao/etc. in Prey is because doing the depth render cancels out the glow render. Not because I'm lazy. Jesus.
No-one's calling you lazy dude, I assumed there was some technical differences between games that meant it wasn't just as simple as drag and dropping the relevant files! Never going to assume anything is impossible though after you got all this stuff like AO and soft shadows and cubemapped lighting into Doom 3 after years of everyone saying it couldn't be done.

vertex007@Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:48 pm : would then be possible to sacrifice the glow render and implement mb/dof/ssao/etc, leaving the player choice to go for one or the others ?
I mean I could trade glow for soft shadows, ssao, dof, anytime if all you lose is really just the "glow".
just curious
Sikkpin@Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:12 am :
aaa111@Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:24 pm : That's look sikk.

Sikkpin@Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:14 pm :
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:43 pm : what about of the same thing in d3?
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:38 pm : Here's some pics of the new ice shader (refraction.vfp).

No, since all materials use the same interaction shader in Doom 3 and Quake 4.
Sikkpin@Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 7:05 am :
vertex007@Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 3:30 pm : wow, your update looks and sounds tasty !
I don´t have prey installed atm, but I will for sure give it another go in the future, with sikkmod of course.
sikkmod is sick !
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 2:16 pm : Prey version works good
no problems with the lighting(interaction.vfp)
the problem with "lut" color grading
motion blur not working
Sikkpin@Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:27 am : Uploaded a small patch. See first post.
vertex007@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:38 am : I am reaplaying Prey right now with your mod and god, it looks like a dream.
unbelievable how fresh and cool this game still feel today, idtech4 at his best.
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock, Q4 and D3....alltogheter without being a rip off of those...
I am having a better time with this than with any of the later games...and the visual is stunning, so the leveldesign.
anyway great mod, great game.
BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:49 am : Quote:
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock
Didn't both games come out after Prey?
vertex007@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:12 am : BloodRayne wrote:
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock
Didn't both games come out after Prey?
yeah, even more was a mix of those before they even came out...
underrated gem imo, very original game.
while playing it feels like the devs had all those twisted ideas and visions and everything was made out of passion instead of profit...
ahead of its time, I remember that myself at release I wasn't very into it, I thought the whole native american vs alien was a little odd and the gravity and portal elements just sort of gimmicks...I was just looking for a proper FPS...
today it is the contrary, having played way too much regular FPS, this game stands out for being original and "something else" while remaining a good FPS at its core...
plus I just love the dark/biomechanical environment, perfect for idtech4...with sikks enhancements it really looks fabulously good.
Setlec@Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:14 pm : @ Sikkpin: Have you tested your mod on a linux client? each time that i try to load the mod it closes the game!
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:18 am : Version 1.2 is up. First post has been updated.
Tom Yum 72@Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:12 am :
Sikkpin@Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:27 am : ModDB site: ... e-v12-preyScreens:

*Update - 5/21/11: Version 1.1 released
*Update - 6/21/11: Uploaded a tiny patch the updates the hdr encoding/decoding to what's used in the D3 1.1 version. This also includes a little fix to the LDR interaction shaders, for anyone that's using them.
*Update - 9/18/11: Version 1.2 released
Lyoko774@Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:14 am : So uh..I assume it's not supposed to look this screwed up? ^^;
Sikkpin@Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:16 pm : Looks like you still have Catalyst A.I. turned on. If you can't disable Catalyst A.I. with your current CCC and you're adamant on playing idTech4 games, I'd recommend using an earlier driver. Or you can download Ati Tray Tools and disable CatAI from there. I use 10.10, by the way, and experience no problems and am able to turn on/off Catalyst A.I..
ALien8ed@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:00 am : What a wonderul surprise...

Am a big fan of this game and was hoping you would release something similar to that of the d3 mod. Many thanks, it's very much appreciated.
Just a quick question, will this mod by any chance see features like softshadows and DOF implemented in future or do you plan on just leaving it as it is?

Lyoko774@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:49 am : Sikkpin wrote:
Looks like you still have Catalyst A.I. turned on. If you can't disable Catalyst A.I. with your current CCC and you're adamant on playing idTech4 games, I'd recommend using an earlier driver. Or you can download Ati Tray Tools and disable CatAI from there. I use 10.10, by the way, and experience no problems and am able to turn on/off Catalyst A.I..
The earliest driver that supports the 6870 is 10.10..and, well, those still have the "new" Catalyst AI interface. Ugh.
Using an old version of ATI Tray Tools to force Catalyst AI off doesn't work. It makes idTech 4 games crash.
Oh wait. Exited CCC and turned off the ATT OSD and it works!
S@TaNiC@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:58 pm : Whats the deal with what sounds like not being able to turn Cat AI off?
I have a 5850 using 10.12 with the new CCC 2 and still have the option to turn AI on/off. Is something changing/changed or only for 68xx series?
If it is you could still change it by editing your profiles.xml found at "\Users\'YourUserName'\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE\Profiles.xml"
Under the heading
<Aspect name="Radeon3D"> needs to be an entry :-
<Feature name="CatalystAI">
<Property name="CatalystAI" value="Disable" />
TRSGM@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:33 pm : S@TaNiC wrote:
Whats the deal with what sounds like not being able to turn Cat AI off?
I have a 5850 using 10.12 with the new CCC 2 and still have the option to turn AI on/off. Is something changing/changed or only for 68xx series?
If it is you could still change it by editing your profiles.xml found at "\Users\'YourUserName'\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE\Profiles.xml"
Under the heading
<Aspect name="Radeon3D"> needs to be an entry :-
<Feature name="CatalystAI">
<Property name="CatalystAI" value="Disable" />
I can confirm that the 6870 doesn't have the same CatAI options that older cards did. It does, however, appear to support a more in-depth version of the same in the 'All' tab, having what I'd guess is control over the new anisotropic filtering algorithm and additionally something named 'format optimization' which may or may not be what old Cats enabled/disabled. I'll have to muck around with Doom some more now that I have MLAA

EDIT: And now it's totally munged. Distortion samples from the wrong sections of the screen and HDR is totally gone, replaced with flat white. MLAA appears to be gone as well.
Lyoko774@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:45 pm : TRSGM wrote:
S@TaNiC wrote:
Whats the deal with what sounds like not being able to turn Cat AI off?
I have a 5850 using 10.12 with the new CCC 2 and still have the option to turn AI on/off. Is something changing/changed or only for 68xx series?
If it is you could still change it by editing your profiles.xml found at "\Users\'YourUserName'\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE\Profiles.xml"
Under the heading
<Aspect name="Radeon3D"> needs to be an entry :-
<Feature name="CatalystAI">
<Property name="CatalystAI" value="Disable" />
I can confirm that the 6870 doesn't have the same CatAI options that older cards did. It does, however, appear to support a more in-depth version of the same in the 'All' tab, having what I'd guess is control over the new anisotropic filtering algorithm and additionally something named 'format optimization' which may or may not be what old Cats enabled/disabled. I'll have to muck around with Doom some more now that I have MLAA

EDIT: And now it's totally munged. Distortion samples from the wrong sections of the screen and HDR is totally gone, replaced with flat white. MLAA appears to be gone as well.
YAY I'm not the only one with this issue. Anyway, that profiles.xml "tweak" works, seeing as the old version of ATI Tray Tools does the same thing. So I can play idTech 4 games again, huzzah!
[A]_Vetal17@Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:06 am : Thanks for this mod!
Awesom graphics!!!

mc-rambo87@Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:32 pm : its extreme lite version

no motion blur , dof , softshadows

Tron@Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:06 pm : mc-rambo87 wrote:
its extreme lite version

no motion blur , dof , softshadows

Yeah, definitely can't be blame Sikkpin for not spending all the time that would be required to port all the features to every idtech game, but it would definitely be great it someone else with the knowledge on how to do so could port stuff like the soft shadows. To my eye they are the single best feature of this mod for immediately boosting the visual quality of scenes.
Sikkpin@Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:19 pm : The reason there's no mb/dof/ssao/etc. in Prey is because doing the depth render cancels out the glow render. Not because I'm lazy. Jesus.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:22 am : Sikkpin wrote:
The reason there's no mb/dof/ssao/etc. in Prey is because doing the depth render cancels out the glow render. Not because I'm lazy. Jesus.
Just admit it man.. you're lazy...

Tron@Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:35 pm : Sikkpin wrote:
The reason there's no mb/dof/ssao/etc. in Prey is because doing the depth render cancels out the glow render. Not because I'm lazy. Jesus.
No-one's calling you lazy dude, I assumed there was some technical differences between games that meant it wasn't just as simple as drag and dropping the relevant files! Never going to assume anything is impossible though after you got all this stuff like AO and soft shadows and cubemapped lighting into Doom 3 after years of everyone saying it couldn't be done.

vertex007@Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:48 pm : would then be possible to sacrifice the glow render and implement mb/dof/ssao/etc, leaving the player choice to go for one or the others ?
I mean I could trade glow for soft shadows, ssao, dof, anytime if all you lose is really just the "glow".
just curious
Sikkpin@Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:12 am :
aaa111@Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:24 pm : That's look sikk.

Sikkpin@Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:14 pm :
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:43 pm : what about of the same thing in d3?
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:38 pm : Here's some pics of the new ice shader (refraction.vfp).

No, since all materials use the same interaction shader in Doom 3 and Quake 4.
Sikkpin@Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 7:05 am :
vertex007@Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 3:30 pm : wow, your update looks and sounds tasty !
I don´t have prey installed atm, but I will for sure give it another go in the future, with sikkmod of course.
sikkmod is sick !
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 2:16 pm : Prey version works good
no problems with the lighting(interaction.vfp)
the problem with "lut" color grading
motion blur not working
Sikkpin@Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:27 am : Uploaded a small patch. See first post.
vertex007@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:38 am : I am reaplaying Prey right now with your mod and god, it looks like a dream.
unbelievable how fresh and cool this game still feel today, idtech4 at his best.
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock, Q4 and D3....alltogheter without being a rip off of those...
I am having a better time with this than with any of the later games...and the visual is stunning, so the leveldesign.
anyway great mod, great game.
BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:49 am : Quote:
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock
Didn't both games come out after Prey?
vertex007@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:12 am : BloodRayne wrote:
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock
Didn't both games come out after Prey?
yeah, even more was a mix of those before they even came out...
underrated gem imo, very original game.
while playing it feels like the devs had all those twisted ideas and visions and everything was made out of passion instead of profit...
ahead of its time, I remember that myself at release I wasn't very into it, I thought the whole native american vs alien was a little odd and the gravity and portal elements just sort of gimmicks...I was just looking for a proper FPS...
today it is the contrary, having played way too much regular FPS, this game stands out for being original and "something else" while remaining a good FPS at its core...
plus I just love the dark/biomechanical environment, perfect for idtech4...with sikks enhancements it really looks fabulously good.
Setlec@Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:14 pm : @ Sikkpin: Have you tested your mod on a linux client? each time that i try to load the mod it closes the game!
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:18 am : Version 1.2 is up. First post has been updated.
Tom Yum 72@Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:12 am :
Sikkpin@Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 7:05 am :
vertex007@Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 3:30 pm : wow, your update looks and sounds tasty !
I don´t have prey installed atm, but I will for sure give it another go in the future, with sikkmod of course.
sikkmod is sick !
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 2:16 pm : Prey version works good
no problems with the lighting(interaction.vfp)
the problem with "lut" color grading
motion blur not working
Sikkpin@Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:27 am : Uploaded a small patch. See first post.
vertex007@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:38 am : I am reaplaying Prey right now with your mod and god, it looks like a dream.
unbelievable how fresh and cool this game still feel today, idtech4 at his best.
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock, Q4 and D3....alltogheter without being a rip off of those...
I am having a better time with this than with any of the later games...and the visual is stunning, so the leveldesign.
anyway great mod, great game.
BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:49 am : Quote:
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock
Didn't both games come out after Prey?
vertex007@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:12 am : BloodRayne wrote:
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock
Didn't both games come out after Prey?
yeah, even more was a mix of those before they even came out...
underrated gem imo, very original game.
while playing it feels like the devs had all those twisted ideas and visions and everything was made out of passion instead of profit...
ahead of its time, I remember that myself at release I wasn't very into it, I thought the whole native american vs alien was a little odd and the gravity and portal elements just sort of gimmicks...I was just looking for a proper FPS...
today it is the contrary, having played way too much regular FPS, this game stands out for being original and "something else" while remaining a good FPS at its core...
plus I just love the dark/biomechanical environment, perfect for idtech4...with sikks enhancements it really looks fabulously good.
Setlec@Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:14 pm : @ Sikkpin: Have you tested your mod on a linux client? each time that i try to load the mod it closes the game!
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:18 am : Version 1.2 is up. First post has been updated.
Tom Yum 72@Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:12 am :
Sikkpin@Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:27 am : ModDB site: ... e-v12-preyScreens:

*Update - 5/21/11: Version 1.1 released
*Update - 6/21/11: Uploaded a tiny patch the updates the hdr encoding/decoding to what's used in the D3 1.1 version. This also includes a little fix to the LDR interaction shaders, for anyone that's using them.
*Update - 9/18/11: Version 1.2 released
Lyoko774@Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:14 am : So uh..I assume it's not supposed to look this screwed up? ^^;
Sikkpin@Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:16 pm : Looks like you still have Catalyst A.I. turned on. If you can't disable Catalyst A.I. with your current CCC and you're adamant on playing idTech4 games, I'd recommend using an earlier driver. Or you can download Ati Tray Tools and disable CatAI from there. I use 10.10, by the way, and experience no problems and am able to turn on/off Catalyst A.I..
ALien8ed@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:00 am : What a wonderul surprise...

Am a big fan of this game and was hoping you would release something similar to that of the d3 mod. Many thanks, it's very much appreciated.
Just a quick question, will this mod by any chance see features like softshadows and DOF implemented in future or do you plan on just leaving it as it is?

Lyoko774@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:49 am : Sikkpin wrote:
Looks like you still have Catalyst A.I. turned on. If you can't disable Catalyst A.I. with your current CCC and you're adamant on playing idTech4 games, I'd recommend using an earlier driver. Or you can download Ati Tray Tools and disable CatAI from there. I use 10.10, by the way, and experience no problems and am able to turn on/off Catalyst A.I..
The earliest driver that supports the 6870 is 10.10..and, well, those still have the "new" Catalyst AI interface. Ugh.
Using an old version of ATI Tray Tools to force Catalyst AI off doesn't work. It makes idTech 4 games crash.
Oh wait. Exited CCC and turned off the ATT OSD and it works!
S@TaNiC@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:58 pm : Whats the deal with what sounds like not being able to turn Cat AI off?
I have a 5850 using 10.12 with the new CCC 2 and still have the option to turn AI on/off. Is something changing/changed or only for 68xx series?
If it is you could still change it by editing your profiles.xml found at "\Users\'YourUserName'\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE\Profiles.xml"
Under the heading
<Aspect name="Radeon3D"> needs to be an entry :-
<Feature name="CatalystAI">
<Property name="CatalystAI" value="Disable" />
TRSGM@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:33 pm : S@TaNiC wrote:
Whats the deal with what sounds like not being able to turn Cat AI off?
I have a 5850 using 10.12 with the new CCC 2 and still have the option to turn AI on/off. Is something changing/changed or only for 68xx series?
If it is you could still change it by editing your profiles.xml found at "\Users\'YourUserName'\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE\Profiles.xml"
Under the heading
<Aspect name="Radeon3D"> needs to be an entry :-
<Feature name="CatalystAI">
<Property name="CatalystAI" value="Disable" />
I can confirm that the 6870 doesn't have the same CatAI options that older cards did. It does, however, appear to support a more in-depth version of the same in the 'All' tab, having what I'd guess is control over the new anisotropic filtering algorithm and additionally something named 'format optimization' which may or may not be what old Cats enabled/disabled. I'll have to muck around with Doom some more now that I have MLAA

EDIT: And now it's totally munged. Distortion samples from the wrong sections of the screen and HDR is totally gone, replaced with flat white. MLAA appears to be gone as well.
Lyoko774@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:45 pm : TRSGM wrote:
S@TaNiC wrote:
Whats the deal with what sounds like not being able to turn Cat AI off?
I have a 5850 using 10.12 with the new CCC 2 and still have the option to turn AI on/off. Is something changing/changed or only for 68xx series?
If it is you could still change it by editing your profiles.xml found at "\Users\'YourUserName'\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE\Profiles.xml"
Under the heading
<Aspect name="Radeon3D"> needs to be an entry :-
<Feature name="CatalystAI">
<Property name="CatalystAI" value="Disable" />
I can confirm that the 6870 doesn't have the same CatAI options that older cards did. It does, however, appear to support a more in-depth version of the same in the 'All' tab, having what I'd guess is control over the new anisotropic filtering algorithm and additionally something named 'format optimization' which may or may not be what old Cats enabled/disabled. I'll have to muck around with Doom some more now that I have MLAA

EDIT: And now it's totally munged. Distortion samples from the wrong sections of the screen and HDR is totally gone, replaced with flat white. MLAA appears to be gone as well.
YAY I'm not the only one with this issue. Anyway, that profiles.xml "tweak" works, seeing as the old version of ATI Tray Tools does the same thing. So I can play idTech 4 games again, huzzah!
[A]_Vetal17@Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:06 am : Thanks for this mod!
Awesom graphics!!!

mc-rambo87@Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:32 pm : its extreme lite version

no motion blur , dof , softshadows

Tron@Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:06 pm : mc-rambo87 wrote:
its extreme lite version

no motion blur , dof , softshadows

Yeah, definitely can't be blame Sikkpin for not spending all the time that would be required to port all the features to every idtech game, but it would definitely be great it someone else with the knowledge on how to do so could port stuff like the soft shadows. To my eye they are the single best feature of this mod for immediately boosting the visual quality of scenes.
Sikkpin@Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:19 pm : The reason there's no mb/dof/ssao/etc. in Prey is because doing the depth render cancels out the glow render. Not because I'm lazy. Jesus.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:22 am : Sikkpin wrote:
The reason there's no mb/dof/ssao/etc. in Prey is because doing the depth render cancels out the glow render. Not because I'm lazy. Jesus.
Just admit it man.. you're lazy...

Tron@Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:35 pm : Sikkpin wrote:
The reason there's no mb/dof/ssao/etc. in Prey is because doing the depth render cancels out the glow render. Not because I'm lazy. Jesus.
No-one's calling you lazy dude, I assumed there was some technical differences between games that meant it wasn't just as simple as drag and dropping the relevant files! Never going to assume anything is impossible though after you got all this stuff like AO and soft shadows and cubemapped lighting into Doom 3 after years of everyone saying it couldn't be done.

vertex007@Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:48 pm : would then be possible to sacrifice the glow render and implement mb/dof/ssao/etc, leaving the player choice to go for one or the others ?
I mean I could trade glow for soft shadows, ssao, dof, anytime if all you lose is really just the "glow".
just curious
Sikkpin@Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:12 am :
aaa111@Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:24 pm : That's look sikk.

Sikkpin@Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:14 pm :
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:43 pm : what about of the same thing in d3?
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:38 pm : Here's some pics of the new ice shader (refraction.vfp).

No, since all materials use the same interaction shader in Doom 3 and Quake 4.
Sikkpin@Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 7:05 am :
vertex007@Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 3:30 pm : wow, your update looks and sounds tasty !
I don´t have prey installed atm, but I will for sure give it another go in the future, with sikkmod of course.
sikkmod is sick !
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 2:16 pm : Prey version works good
no problems with the lighting(interaction.vfp)
the problem with "lut" color grading
motion blur not working
Sikkpin@Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:27 am : Uploaded a small patch. See first post.
vertex007@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:38 am : I am reaplaying Prey right now with your mod and god, it looks like a dream.
unbelievable how fresh and cool this game still feel today, idtech4 at his best.
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock, Q4 and D3....alltogheter without being a rip off of those...
I am having a better time with this than with any of the later games...and the visual is stunning, so the leveldesign.
anyway great mod, great game.
BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:49 am : Quote:
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock
Didn't both games come out after Prey?
vertex007@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:12 am : BloodRayne wrote:
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock
Didn't both games come out after Prey?
yeah, even more was a mix of those before they even came out...
underrated gem imo, very original game.
while playing it feels like the devs had all those twisted ideas and visions and everything was made out of passion instead of profit...
ahead of its time, I remember that myself at release I wasn't very into it, I thought the whole native american vs alien was a little odd and the gravity and portal elements just sort of gimmicks...I was just looking for a proper FPS...
today it is the contrary, having played way too much regular FPS, this game stands out for being original and "something else" while remaining a good FPS at its core...
plus I just love the dark/biomechanical environment, perfect for idtech4...with sikks enhancements it really looks fabulously good.
Setlec@Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:14 pm : @ Sikkpin: Have you tested your mod on a linux client? each time that i try to load the mod it closes the game!
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:18 am : Version 1.2 is up. First post has been updated.
Tom Yum 72@Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:12 am :
Sikkpin@Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:27 am : ModDB site: ... e-v12-preyScreens:

*Update - 5/21/11: Version 1.1 released
*Update - 6/21/11: Uploaded a tiny patch the updates the hdr encoding/decoding to what's used in the D3 1.1 version. This also includes a little fix to the LDR interaction shaders, for anyone that's using them.
*Update - 9/18/11: Version 1.2 released
Lyoko774@Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:14 am : So uh..I assume it's not supposed to look this screwed up? ^^;
Sikkpin@Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:16 pm : Looks like you still have Catalyst A.I. turned on. If you can't disable Catalyst A.I. with your current CCC and you're adamant on playing idTech4 games, I'd recommend using an earlier driver. Or you can download Ati Tray Tools and disable CatAI from there. I use 10.10, by the way, and experience no problems and am able to turn on/off Catalyst A.I..
ALien8ed@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:00 am : What a wonderul surprise...

Am a big fan of this game and was hoping you would release something similar to that of the d3 mod. Many thanks, it's very much appreciated.
Just a quick question, will this mod by any chance see features like softshadows and DOF implemented in future or do you plan on just leaving it as it is?

Lyoko774@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:49 am : Sikkpin wrote:
Looks like you still have Catalyst A.I. turned on. If you can't disable Catalyst A.I. with your current CCC and you're adamant on playing idTech4 games, I'd recommend using an earlier driver. Or you can download Ati Tray Tools and disable CatAI from there. I use 10.10, by the way, and experience no problems and am able to turn on/off Catalyst A.I..
The earliest driver that supports the 6870 is 10.10..and, well, those still have the "new" Catalyst AI interface. Ugh.
Using an old version of ATI Tray Tools to force Catalyst AI off doesn't work. It makes idTech 4 games crash.
Oh wait. Exited CCC and turned off the ATT OSD and it works!
S@TaNiC@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:58 pm : Whats the deal with what sounds like not being able to turn Cat AI off?
I have a 5850 using 10.12 with the new CCC 2 and still have the option to turn AI on/off. Is something changing/changed or only for 68xx series?
If it is you could still change it by editing your profiles.xml found at "\Users\'YourUserName'\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE\Profiles.xml"
Under the heading
<Aspect name="Radeon3D"> needs to be an entry :-
<Feature name="CatalystAI">
<Property name="CatalystAI" value="Disable" />
TRSGM@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:33 pm : S@TaNiC wrote:
Whats the deal with what sounds like not being able to turn Cat AI off?
I have a 5850 using 10.12 with the new CCC 2 and still have the option to turn AI on/off. Is something changing/changed or only for 68xx series?
If it is you could still change it by editing your profiles.xml found at "\Users\'YourUserName'\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE\Profiles.xml"
Under the heading
<Aspect name="Radeon3D"> needs to be an entry :-
<Feature name="CatalystAI">
<Property name="CatalystAI" value="Disable" />
I can confirm that the 6870 doesn't have the same CatAI options that older cards did. It does, however, appear to support a more in-depth version of the same in the 'All' tab, having what I'd guess is control over the new anisotropic filtering algorithm and additionally something named 'format optimization' which may or may not be what old Cats enabled/disabled. I'll have to muck around with Doom some more now that I have MLAA

EDIT: And now it's totally munged. Distortion samples from the wrong sections of the screen and HDR is totally gone, replaced with flat white. MLAA appears to be gone as well.
Lyoko774@Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:45 pm : TRSGM wrote:
S@TaNiC wrote:
Whats the deal with what sounds like not being able to turn Cat AI off?
I have a 5850 using 10.12 with the new CCC 2 and still have the option to turn AI on/off. Is something changing/changed or only for 68xx series?
If it is you could still change it by editing your profiles.xml found at "\Users\'YourUserName'\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE\Profiles.xml"
Under the heading
<Aspect name="Radeon3D"> needs to be an entry :-
<Feature name="CatalystAI">
<Property name="CatalystAI" value="Disable" />
I can confirm that the 6870 doesn't have the same CatAI options that older cards did. It does, however, appear to support a more in-depth version of the same in the 'All' tab, having what I'd guess is control over the new anisotropic filtering algorithm and additionally something named 'format optimization' which may or may not be what old Cats enabled/disabled. I'll have to muck around with Doom some more now that I have MLAA

EDIT: And now it's totally munged. Distortion samples from the wrong sections of the screen and HDR is totally gone, replaced with flat white. MLAA appears to be gone as well.
YAY I'm not the only one with this issue. Anyway, that profiles.xml "tweak" works, seeing as the old version of ATI Tray Tools does the same thing. So I can play idTech 4 games again, huzzah!
[A]_Vetal17@Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:06 am : Thanks for this mod!
Awesom graphics!!!

mc-rambo87@Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:32 pm : its extreme lite version

no motion blur , dof , softshadows

Tron@Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:06 pm : mc-rambo87 wrote:
its extreme lite version

no motion blur , dof , softshadows

Yeah, definitely can't be blame Sikkpin for not spending all the time that would be required to port all the features to every idtech game, but it would definitely be great it someone else with the knowledge on how to do so could port stuff like the soft shadows. To my eye they are the single best feature of this mod for immediately boosting the visual quality of scenes.
Sikkpin@Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:19 pm : The reason there's no mb/dof/ssao/etc. in Prey is because doing the depth render cancels out the glow render. Not because I'm lazy. Jesus.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:22 am : Sikkpin wrote:
The reason there's no mb/dof/ssao/etc. in Prey is because doing the depth render cancels out the glow render. Not because I'm lazy. Jesus.
Just admit it man.. you're lazy...

Tron@Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:35 pm : Sikkpin wrote:
The reason there's no mb/dof/ssao/etc. in Prey is because doing the depth render cancels out the glow render. Not because I'm lazy. Jesus.
No-one's calling you lazy dude, I assumed there was some technical differences between games that meant it wasn't just as simple as drag and dropping the relevant files! Never going to assume anything is impossible though after you got all this stuff like AO and soft shadows and cubemapped lighting into Doom 3 after years of everyone saying it couldn't be done.

vertex007@Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:48 pm : would then be possible to sacrifice the glow render and implement mb/dof/ssao/etc, leaving the player choice to go for one or the others ?
I mean I could trade glow for soft shadows, ssao, dof, anytime if all you lose is really just the "glow".
just curious
Sikkpin@Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:12 am :
aaa111@Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:24 pm : That's look sikk.

Sikkpin@Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:14 pm :
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:43 pm : what about of the same thing in d3?
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:38 pm : Here's some pics of the new ice shader (refraction.vfp).

No, since all materials use the same interaction shader in Doom 3 and Quake 4.
Sikkpin@Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 7:05 am :
vertex007@Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 3:30 pm : wow, your update looks and sounds tasty !
I don´t have prey installed atm, but I will for sure give it another go in the future, with sikkmod of course.
sikkmod is sick !
RipOutTheWings@Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 2:16 pm : Prey version works good
no problems with the lighting(interaction.vfp)
the problem with "lut" color grading
motion blur not working
Sikkpin@Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:27 am : Uploaded a small patch. See first post.
vertex007@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:38 am : I am reaplaying Prey right now with your mod and god, it looks like a dream.
unbelievable how fresh and cool this game still feel today, idtech4 at his best.
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock, Q4 and D3....alltogheter without being a rip off of those...
I am having a better time with this than with any of the later games...and the visual is stunning, so the leveldesign.
anyway great mod, great game.
BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:49 am : Quote:
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock
Didn't both games come out after Prey?
vertex007@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:12 am : BloodRayne wrote:
this already was a mix of portal and bioshock
Didn't both games come out after Prey?
yeah, even more was a mix of those before they even came out...
underrated gem imo, very original game.
while playing it feels like the devs had all those twisted ideas and visions and everything was made out of passion instead of profit...
ahead of its time, I remember that myself at release I wasn't very into it, I thought the whole native american vs alien was a little odd and the gravity and portal elements just sort of gimmicks...I was just looking for a proper FPS...
today it is the contrary, having played way too much regular FPS, this game stands out for being original and "something else" while remaining a good FPS at its core...
plus I just love the dark/biomechanical environment, perfect for idtech4...with sikks enhancements it really looks fabulously good.
Setlec@Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:14 pm : @ Sikkpin: Have you tested your mod on a linux client? each time that i try to load the mod it closes the game!
Sikkpin@Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:18 am : Version 1.2 is up. First post has been updated.
Tom Yum 72@Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:12 am :