Moth@Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:34 am : Some screenshots from my new Prey DM map...
I wanted to make a map via spontaneous brush-placement, rather than sketching it out on paper or doing any kind of pre-planning. Here's the result, which I'm quite pleased with:

Download: (Now Beta 2!!) Server: Port
27719A small-to-medium sized DM map best experienced with between 3 and 5 players. The map is a big loop, which should hopefully mean more forced confrontations and ambush tactics.
I welcome your feedback, and will endeavour to change item placement and stomp some bugs.
Changelog for Beta 2:Added some lavish amounts of detail
Made some changes to the organic rooms
Revised some of the portal layouts
Cleaned-up some textures
Added a new room for Leech weapon
Def and Mapshot are now working!Planned for Beta 3:Fix the floor portal
Add kill trigger to deathpit
More detail to be added
r_speed and VisPortal tweaks
Still come z-fightingThe link above has been updated, along with Multiprey server info.
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:20 pm : Looks good, I'll need to install Prey again!
NX-317@Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:13 pm : Wow! It is so exciting to see a new Prey map! Thanks a lot

Very good start. It looks professional, has new original style and atmosphere, howewer it needs polish as there are visual glitches: unfinished patchwork, z-fighting, holes in some brushes (convert these brushes to func_static's to fix this) and ugly stretched textures. There are no def file and no mapload shot. Some areas require more optimisation with visportals, because FPS is low and r_showtris 3 shows that the game renders the whole map. The floor portal doesn't teleport.
About the gameplay. Map layout, Item and spawn placement are OK, I didn't notice anything preventing from enjoying the map. Worth noting are good use of wallwalks and a cool deathtrap. It plays well with bots, AI errors like spinning or shooting at the wall occur rarely. The optimal number of bots is 3, 4 or 5.
I look forward to beta 2.
Moth@Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:53 pm : Thanks greatly for the comments,
It would help if you could screenshot the suspect areas. It's not possible to convert all of them to func_static because they touch the void. Splitting brushes or adding a .25 decal usually works. I have encountered these sporadically between compiles, and don't know why it happens. Any insight you may have would be appreciated.
With regard to Visportals, I've tried to make sure all areas are sealed. Radiant compile window reports 8 areas, with around 200 leafs each. I'm not yet fully familiar with r_showtris and the various commands. Looking to learn more. Either a collaboration with a great mapper or some links to advanced tutorials would be great. Same goes for def file and mapshot.
The floor teleporter should work, but I will test this and make the necessary changes in Beta2 soon. I'm looking for some people interested in joining my server to *really* playtest this thing. I'm glad you don't think it's too small
Also.. where did you get bot support? it was present in the demo, but doesn't seem to work in retail version.
NX-317@Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:09 pm : Moth wrote:
Any insight you may have would be appreciated.
I think it happens when the brushes overlap each other. Never let brushes and patches overlap each other or you will get weird graphic glitches like lines drawn on them or holes. When I was developing the first location in my Prey map, there was a big hole in the brushes. But I could simply convert them to func_static, because I always surround my brushwork and patchwork with caulk.
The def file and mapshot are very easy. Just look how the developers did it and do the same. The only confusing part are the sizes, this article explains how to calculate them: mapshot is just a 1024x1024 .tga file: guis\assets\loading\*map name*.tga.
I want to join your server. I've never had a chance to play Prey online and always wanted to try it. When the game begins? What IP should I connect to and what version of Prey do I need for this? Currently I have the latest v1.4 installed.
Bot support:
Turn off PunkBuster, start a server, run the map, then type in the console:
net_allowcheats 1 <-- unfortunately, spawning a bot is considered a cheat
spawnartificialplayer <-- spawns one bot
Howewer it's not complete. They never use spiritwalk, try to shoot through forcefields and sometimes spin and shoot at walls.
And about those suspect areas... I've just finished making the screenshots. Here they are.
Moth@Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:56 pm : Your attachment was a massive help, and I'm working on those right now.
I'll be setting up a server to coincide with the release of Beta2 very soon. It will be Prey 1.4. Your website has some great articles on dedicated server auto-downloading, for which I thank you massively.
Moth@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:05 pm : BETA 2 has been released (see first post), and a Multiprey server is running.
NX-317@Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:43 pm : Moth wrote:
Multiprey Server: Port 27719
It's not responding

The area around the organic room needs optimising, polycount is high and FPS is low there.
Moth wrote:
I'm not yet fully familiar with r_showtris and the various commands.
Type r_showtris 3 in the console and you will see all the triangles that are being processed by the computer. You need to keep the number of processed triangles as low as possible. This command also lets you see if the visportals are working: the visportal will make the triangles disappear. If they don't disappear, it means that the visportal is not working. To turn this mode off, type r_showtris 0.
I don't have easy answers about fixing visportals. It takes a lot of trial and error. This tutorial may help: still there are brush holes, z-fighting...
Moth@Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:47 pm : I'm familiar with VisPortals from my Doom3 mapping days, as well as scissoring and tris. Optimisation s taking more time than building the map did!!
If you'd be so kind as to take a look at my map file (in the pk4) maybe you can better explainto me where I am going wrong in terms of VisPortal placement, etc
The server's only online when I am

NX-317@Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:54 pm : I think there are "leaks" between rooms, so the game treats multiple rooms as one, which prevents visportals from working. I opened your map in editor, moved visportals a bit, then separated some rooms and closed many leaks which appeared afterwards. The result is not perfect, but it works better than before.
I also fixed some glitches including the floor portal. Here's the fixed map.
NX-317@Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:39 am :
Moth@Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:34 am : Some screenshots from my new Prey DM map...
I wanted to make a map via spontaneous brush-placement, rather than sketching it out on paper or doing any kind of pre-planning. Here's the result, which I'm quite pleased with:

Download: (Now Beta 2!!) Server: Port
27719A small-to-medium sized DM map best experienced with between 3 and 5 players. The map is a big loop, which should hopefully mean more forced confrontations and ambush tactics.
I welcome your feedback, and will endeavour to change item placement and stomp some bugs.
Changelog for Beta 2:Added some lavish amounts of detail
Made some changes to the organic rooms
Revised some of the portal layouts
Cleaned-up some textures
Added a new room for Leech weapon
Def and Mapshot are now working!Planned for Beta 3:Fix the floor portal
Add kill trigger to deathpit
More detail to be added
r_speed and VisPortal tweaks
Still come z-fightingThe link above has been updated, along with Multiprey server info.
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:20 pm : Looks good, I'll need to install Prey again!
NX-317@Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:13 pm : Wow! It is so exciting to see a new Prey map! Thanks a lot

Very good start. It looks professional, has new original style and atmosphere, howewer it needs polish as there are visual glitches: unfinished patchwork, z-fighting, holes in some brushes (convert these brushes to func_static's to fix this) and ugly stretched textures. There are no def file and no mapload shot. Some areas require more optimisation with visportals, because FPS is low and r_showtris 3 shows that the game renders the whole map. The floor portal doesn't teleport.
About the gameplay. Map layout, Item and spawn placement are OK, I didn't notice anything preventing from enjoying the map. Worth noting are good use of wallwalks and a cool deathtrap. It plays well with bots, AI errors like spinning or shooting at the wall occur rarely. The optimal number of bots is 3, 4 or 5.
I look forward to beta 2.
Moth@Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:53 pm : Thanks greatly for the comments,
It would help if you could screenshot the suspect areas. It's not possible to convert all of them to func_static because they touch the void. Splitting brushes or adding a .25 decal usually works. I have encountered these sporadically between compiles, and don't know why it happens. Any insight you may have would be appreciated.
With regard to Visportals, I've tried to make sure all areas are sealed. Radiant compile window reports 8 areas, with around 200 leafs each. I'm not yet fully familiar with r_showtris and the various commands. Looking to learn more. Either a collaboration with a great mapper or some links to advanced tutorials would be great. Same goes for def file and mapshot.
The floor teleporter should work, but I will test this and make the necessary changes in Beta2 soon. I'm looking for some people interested in joining my server to *really* playtest this thing. I'm glad you don't think it's too small
Also.. where did you get bot support? it was present in the demo, but doesn't seem to work in retail version.
NX-317@Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:09 pm : Moth wrote:
Any insight you may have would be appreciated.
I think it happens when the brushes overlap each other. Never let brushes and patches overlap each other or you will get weird graphic glitches like lines drawn on them or holes. When I was developing the first location in my Prey map, there was a big hole in the brushes. But I could simply convert them to func_static, because I always surround my brushwork and patchwork with caulk.
The def file and mapshot are very easy. Just look how the developers did it and do the same. The only confusing part are the sizes, this article explains how to calculate them: mapshot is just a 1024x1024 .tga file: guis\assets\loading\*map name*.tga.
I want to join your server. I've never had a chance to play Prey online and always wanted to try it. When the game begins? What IP should I connect to and what version of Prey do I need for this? Currently I have the latest v1.4 installed.
Bot support:
Turn off PunkBuster, start a server, run the map, then type in the console:
net_allowcheats 1 <-- unfortunately, spawning a bot is considered a cheat
spawnartificialplayer <-- spawns one bot
Howewer it's not complete. They never use spiritwalk, try to shoot through forcefields and sometimes spin and shoot at walls.
And about those suspect areas... I've just finished making the screenshots. Here they are.
Moth@Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:56 pm : Your attachment was a massive help, and I'm working on those right now.
I'll be setting up a server to coincide with the release of Beta2 very soon. It will be Prey 1.4. Your website has some great articles on dedicated server auto-downloading, for which I thank you massively.
Moth@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:05 pm : BETA 2 has been released (see first post), and a Multiprey server is running.
NX-317@Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:43 pm : Moth wrote:
Multiprey Server: Port 27719
It's not responding

The area around the organic room needs optimising, polycount is high and FPS is low there.
Moth wrote:
I'm not yet fully familiar with r_showtris and the various commands.
Type r_showtris 3 in the console and you will see all the triangles that are being processed by the computer. You need to keep the number of processed triangles as low as possible. This command also lets you see if the visportals are working: the visportal will make the triangles disappear. If they don't disappear, it means that the visportal is not working. To turn this mode off, type r_showtris 0.
I don't have easy answers about fixing visportals. It takes a lot of trial and error. This tutorial may help: still there are brush holes, z-fighting...
Moth@Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:47 pm : I'm familiar with VisPortals from my Doom3 mapping days, as well as scissoring and tris. Optimisation s taking more time than building the map did!!
If you'd be so kind as to take a look at my map file (in the pk4) maybe you can better explainto me where I am going wrong in terms of VisPortal placement, etc
The server's only online when I am

NX-317@Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:54 pm : I think there are "leaks" between rooms, so the game treats multiple rooms as one, which prevents visportals from working. I opened your map in editor, moved visportals a bit, then separated some rooms and closed many leaks which appeared afterwards. The result is not perfect, but it works better than before.
I also fixed some glitches including the floor portal. Here's the fixed map.
NX-317@Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:39 am :
Moth@Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:34 am : Some screenshots from my new Prey DM map...
I wanted to make a map via spontaneous brush-placement, rather than sketching it out on paper or doing any kind of pre-planning. Here's the result, which I'm quite pleased with:

Download: (Now Beta 2!!) Server: Port
27719A small-to-medium sized DM map best experienced with between 3 and 5 players. The map is a big loop, which should hopefully mean more forced confrontations and ambush tactics.
I welcome your feedback, and will endeavour to change item placement and stomp some bugs.
Changelog for Beta 2:Added some lavish amounts of detail
Made some changes to the organic rooms
Revised some of the portal layouts
Cleaned-up some textures
Added a new room for Leech weapon
Def and Mapshot are now working!Planned for Beta 3:Fix the floor portal
Add kill trigger to deathpit
More detail to be added
r_speed and VisPortal tweaks
Still come z-fightingThe link above has been updated, along with Multiprey server info.
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:20 pm : Looks good, I'll need to install Prey again!
NX-317@Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:13 pm : Wow! It is so exciting to see a new Prey map! Thanks a lot

Very good start. It looks professional, has new original style and atmosphere, howewer it needs polish as there are visual glitches: unfinished patchwork, z-fighting, holes in some brushes (convert these brushes to func_static's to fix this) and ugly stretched textures. There are no def file and no mapload shot. Some areas require more optimisation with visportals, because FPS is low and r_showtris 3 shows that the game renders the whole map. The floor portal doesn't teleport.
About the gameplay. Map layout, Item and spawn placement are OK, I didn't notice anything preventing from enjoying the map. Worth noting are good use of wallwalks and a cool deathtrap. It plays well with bots, AI errors like spinning or shooting at the wall occur rarely. The optimal number of bots is 3, 4 or 5.
I look forward to beta 2.
Moth@Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:53 pm : Thanks greatly for the comments,
It would help if you could screenshot the suspect areas. It's not possible to convert all of them to func_static because they touch the void. Splitting brushes or adding a .25 decal usually works. I have encountered these sporadically between compiles, and don't know why it happens. Any insight you may have would be appreciated.
With regard to Visportals, I've tried to make sure all areas are sealed. Radiant compile window reports 8 areas, with around 200 leafs each. I'm not yet fully familiar with r_showtris and the various commands. Looking to learn more. Either a collaboration with a great mapper or some links to advanced tutorials would be great. Same goes for def file and mapshot.
The floor teleporter should work, but I will test this and make the necessary changes in Beta2 soon. I'm looking for some people interested in joining my server to *really* playtest this thing. I'm glad you don't think it's too small
Also.. where did you get bot support? it was present in the demo, but doesn't seem to work in retail version.
NX-317@Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:09 pm : Moth wrote:
Any insight you may have would be appreciated.
I think it happens when the brushes overlap each other. Never let brushes and patches overlap each other or you will get weird graphic glitches like lines drawn on them or holes. When I was developing the first location in my Prey map, there was a big hole in the brushes. But I could simply convert them to func_static, because I always surround my brushwork and patchwork with caulk.
The def file and mapshot are very easy. Just look how the developers did it and do the same. The only confusing part are the sizes, this article explains how to calculate them: mapshot is just a 1024x1024 .tga file: guis\assets\loading\*map name*.tga.
I want to join your server. I've never had a chance to play Prey online and always wanted to try it. When the game begins? What IP should I connect to and what version of Prey do I need for this? Currently I have the latest v1.4 installed.
Bot support:
Turn off PunkBuster, start a server, run the map, then type in the console:
net_allowcheats 1 <-- unfortunately, spawning a bot is considered a cheat
spawnartificialplayer <-- spawns one bot
Howewer it's not complete. They never use spiritwalk, try to shoot through forcefields and sometimes spin and shoot at walls.
And about those suspect areas... I've just finished making the screenshots. Here they are.
Moth@Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:56 pm : Your attachment was a massive help, and I'm working on those right now.
I'll be setting up a server to coincide with the release of Beta2 very soon. It will be Prey 1.4. Your website has some great articles on dedicated server auto-downloading, for which I thank you massively.
Moth@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:05 pm : BETA 2 has been released (see first post), and a Multiprey server is running.
NX-317@Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:43 pm : Moth wrote:
Multiprey Server: Port 27719
It's not responding

The area around the organic room needs optimising, polycount is high and FPS is low there.
Moth wrote:
I'm not yet fully familiar with r_showtris and the various commands.
Type r_showtris 3 in the console and you will see all the triangles that are being processed by the computer. You need to keep the number of processed triangles as low as possible. This command also lets you see if the visportals are working: the visportal will make the triangles disappear. If they don't disappear, it means that the visportal is not working. To turn this mode off, type r_showtris 0.
I don't have easy answers about fixing visportals. It takes a lot of trial and error. This tutorial may help: still there are brush holes, z-fighting...
Moth@Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:47 pm : I'm familiar with VisPortals from my Doom3 mapping days, as well as scissoring and tris. Optimisation s taking more time than building the map did!!
If you'd be so kind as to take a look at my map file (in the pk4) maybe you can better explainto me where I am going wrong in terms of VisPortal placement, etc
The server's only online when I am

NX-317@Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:54 pm : I think there are "leaks" between rooms, so the game treats multiple rooms as one, which prevents visportals from working. I opened your map in editor, moved visportals a bit, then separated some rooms and closed many leaks which appeared afterwards. The result is not perfect, but it works better than before.
I also fixed some glitches including the floor portal. Here's the fixed map.
NX-317@Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:39 am :
Moth@Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:34 am : Some screenshots from my new Prey DM map...
I wanted to make a map via spontaneous brush-placement, rather than sketching it out on paper or doing any kind of pre-planning. Here's the result, which I'm quite pleased with:

Download: (Now Beta 2!!) Server: Port
27719A small-to-medium sized DM map best experienced with between 3 and 5 players. The map is a big loop, which should hopefully mean more forced confrontations and ambush tactics.
I welcome your feedback, and will endeavour to change item placement and stomp some bugs.
Changelog for Beta 2:Added some lavish amounts of detail
Made some changes to the organic rooms
Revised some of the portal layouts
Cleaned-up some textures
Added a new room for Leech weapon
Def and Mapshot are now working!Planned for Beta 3:Fix the floor portal
Add kill trigger to deathpit
More detail to be added
r_speed and VisPortal tweaks
Still come z-fightingThe link above has been updated, along with Multiprey server info.
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:20 pm : Looks good, I'll need to install Prey again!
NX-317@Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:13 pm : Wow! It is so exciting to see a new Prey map! Thanks a lot

Very good start. It looks professional, has new original style and atmosphere, howewer it needs polish as there are visual glitches: unfinished patchwork, z-fighting, holes in some brushes (convert these brushes to func_static's to fix this) and ugly stretched textures. There are no def file and no mapload shot. Some areas require more optimisation with visportals, because FPS is low and r_showtris 3 shows that the game renders the whole map. The floor portal doesn't teleport.
About the gameplay. Map layout, Item and spawn placement are OK, I didn't notice anything preventing from enjoying the map. Worth noting are good use of wallwalks and a cool deathtrap. It plays well with bots, AI errors like spinning or shooting at the wall occur rarely. The optimal number of bots is 3, 4 or 5.
I look forward to beta 2.
Moth@Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:53 pm : Thanks greatly for the comments,
It would help if you could screenshot the suspect areas. It's not possible to convert all of them to func_static because they touch the void. Splitting brushes or adding a .25 decal usually works. I have encountered these sporadically between compiles, and don't know why it happens. Any insight you may have would be appreciated.
With regard to Visportals, I've tried to make sure all areas are sealed. Radiant compile window reports 8 areas, with around 200 leafs each. I'm not yet fully familiar with r_showtris and the various commands. Looking to learn more. Either a collaboration with a great mapper or some links to advanced tutorials would be great. Same goes for def file and mapshot.
The floor teleporter should work, but I will test this and make the necessary changes in Beta2 soon. I'm looking for some people interested in joining my server to *really* playtest this thing. I'm glad you don't think it's too small
Also.. where did you get bot support? it was present in the demo, but doesn't seem to work in retail version.
NX-317@Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:09 pm : Moth wrote:
Any insight you may have would be appreciated.
I think it happens when the brushes overlap each other. Never let brushes and patches overlap each other or you will get weird graphic glitches like lines drawn on them or holes. When I was developing the first location in my Prey map, there was a big hole in the brushes. But I could simply convert them to func_static, because I always surround my brushwork and patchwork with caulk.
The def file and mapshot are very easy. Just look how the developers did it and do the same. The only confusing part are the sizes, this article explains how to calculate them: mapshot is just a 1024x1024 .tga file: guis\assets\loading\*map name*.tga.
I want to join your server. I've never had a chance to play Prey online and always wanted to try it. When the game begins? What IP should I connect to and what version of Prey do I need for this? Currently I have the latest v1.4 installed.
Bot support:
Turn off PunkBuster, start a server, run the map, then type in the console:
net_allowcheats 1 <-- unfortunately, spawning a bot is considered a cheat
spawnartificialplayer <-- spawns one bot
Howewer it's not complete. They never use spiritwalk, try to shoot through forcefields and sometimes spin and shoot at walls.
And about those suspect areas... I've just finished making the screenshots. Here they are.
Moth@Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:56 pm : Your attachment was a massive help, and I'm working on those right now.
I'll be setting up a server to coincide with the release of Beta2 very soon. It will be Prey 1.4. Your website has some great articles on dedicated server auto-downloading, for which I thank you massively.
Moth@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:05 pm : BETA 2 has been released (see first post), and a Multiprey server is running.
NX-317@Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:43 pm : Moth wrote:
Multiprey Server: Port 27719
It's not responding

The area around the organic room needs optimising, polycount is high and FPS is low there.
Moth wrote:
I'm not yet fully familiar with r_showtris and the various commands.
Type r_showtris 3 in the console and you will see all the triangles that are being processed by the computer. You need to keep the number of processed triangles as low as possible. This command also lets you see if the visportals are working: the visportal will make the triangles disappear. If they don't disappear, it means that the visportal is not working. To turn this mode off, type r_showtris 0.
I don't have easy answers about fixing visportals. It takes a lot of trial and error. This tutorial may help: still there are brush holes, z-fighting...
Moth@Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:47 pm : I'm familiar with VisPortals from my Doom3 mapping days, as well as scissoring and tris. Optimisation s taking more time than building the map did!!
If you'd be so kind as to take a look at my map file (in the pk4) maybe you can better explainto me where I am going wrong in terms of VisPortal placement, etc
The server's only online when I am

NX-317@Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:54 pm : I think there are "leaks" between rooms, so the game treats multiple rooms as one, which prevents visportals from working. I opened your map in editor, moved visportals a bit, then separated some rooms and closed many leaks which appeared afterwards. The result is not perfect, but it works better than before.
I also fixed some glitches including the floor portal. Here's the fixed map.
NX-317@Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:39 am :