tea monster@Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 2:12 am : Hey,
I've done a 'Classic' styled Pinky Demon for Doom 3 (or any next-gen game engine).
He comes with Normal, Specular and Diffuse skins.
There is also an OBJ of the high-poly available if you want to bake off a height map.
He comes as a Blender 2.57 file and includes a rig for posing (though I've not animated him).
Files are available from here:

Zombie13@Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 4:27 am : I love it =D
It's cute
solarsplace@Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 10:33 am : Hi
I love that too!
If someone does some animations for it, I would be more than happy to do the AI scripts & .DEF's so it can be plugged straight into Doom 3.
Gzegzolka@Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 11:32 am : Awesome work, but did his uper tooths shouldn't be more sharp?
tea monster@Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:16 pm : I've sharpened the teeth a bit, I can do some more. I made them to look like the original sprite, but yeah, they looked goofy (Sorry Id!).
I take it I've missed the boat on Doom 3 modding?
solarsplace - what kind of anims would be required?
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:23 am : tea monster wrote:
I take it I've missed the boat on Doom 3 modding?
It's an id game, modding id games never ends. There's still Wolf3D mods coming out!
solarsplace@Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:21 am : tea monster wrote:
I've sharpened the teeth a bit, I can do some more. I made them to look like the original sprite, but yeah, they looked goofy (Sorry Id!).
I take it I've missed the boat on Doom 3 modding?
solarsplace - what kind of anims would be required?
At a bare minimum you would need something like:
Idle - A short anim, creature stationary - perhaps breathing hard on the spot.
AF Pose - To set up the ragdoll. Single frame T-pose.
Run / charge - All they did was just run / charge at the player I think?
Melee attack - I think the original only had 1 melee - the bite attack?
It would be great to get this monster into the game

EDIT: Also, from the screenshot, looks like you are missing the 'origin' bone. Doom3 MD5's need a root bone, usually at 0,0,0 called 'origin' in order to work in game.
Neurological@Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:41 am : And pain animations.
tea monster@Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:54 pm : I'll see what I can do.
Brainpinker@Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:05 am : Awesome, if you make more Original Monsters from Doom 1 i build the Levels.
The Weapons are already in progress

This will be the first real Remake of Doom 1, of course you want it.
In fact the most Monsters need only little changes.
Pm if you are interest in this Project.
BloodRayne@Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:58 am : Brainpinker wrote:
This will be the first real Remake of Doom 1, of course you want it.
Don't forget:
Brainpinker@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:56 am : BloodRayne wrote:
Of course you are right, but....
Classic Doom is only a Build whit the Doom 3 Editor. The monsters are from Doom 3 and of course most of the Weapons.
And in fact at the end Levels the Modder are a little motiveless. But in the end it was a great Mod and i play it still from time to time.
So no bad Word about the Classic Doom Mod.
But i miss the Original Doom feeling. Now your Question will be what is wrong!?
The Devil is in the Detail, an for this reason for me it never feels like the good old Doom 1.
First point the Classic Shotgun never appears.
This little mistake a buddy of mine fixed.

Ok the Colours are not correct but this is only a small change.
Also the Beretta.

The Original Pinky is a huge step in the right direction. The Original Gatling and Rocket Launcher is in the Classic Doom package.
Including my Weapons this makes 4. I think the Spider Demon i see somewhere else on this side.
and so forth.....
I am a kind of a Perfectionist or fetishist depends on the Direction you see it.
So i want the Perfect Remake, and in Combination whit the SIKKMOD...
Just let your Fantasies to the rest

On the scaffold of the Classic Mod we can start, but it is still a lot of Work to do before this special feeling from Doom 1&2 comes back

Biggest Problem in all my Projects are the team Members they helps me an my buddy.
Doom is dead, Call of Duty is better yada yada yada, Austria and German are bad Places to find Doom Fans.
In my opinion Doom is the greatest game Series of all time, and the Editor is only awesome.
Let the COD kiddies play their game, i want see my Favourite Game Resurrect from the Dead

I Hope some User shares my Dreams
PS: Levels i Build whit Light speed, the Resident Evil Level in this Post i need 4 Weeks, or less i cant remember.
viewtopic.php?f=58&t=24873But there are other things i stand before a Metal Wall and try to break in whit a toothpick.

Deadite4@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:05 pm : Quote:
On the scaffold of the Classic Mod we can start, but it is still a lot of Work to do before this special feeling from Doom 1&2 comes back
As long as you don't repackage and redistribute our assets from the project. I say this because there have been a couple instances in the past where people released things with our assets and nothing was ever asked of or credit given to original artists who spent their time on it. That's not right.
Brainpinker@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:16 pm : Dont worry, i never take the Credits for things i don't make.
And before i take even a single Texture from another i ask for permission.
The Project i have in mind is a mod for the mod. I started it for me only.
I change the Pistol and the Shotgun. But only for my pleasure.
See! This is only Future Talking, alone i cant achieve this.
And the people are willing to help are not even in sight.
My full attention momentary is on my own Mod.
Deadite4@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:56 pm : No problem. Just thought I'd state it anyway just in case

The Project i have in mind is a mod for the mod.
That's exactly what we have told other people to do in the past who wanted to do things. I believe there was a monster re-texturing mod someone made at some point as an addon to cdoom. Some people liked it and the author of the project did it the correct way to simply go on top of cdoom instead of re-distributing anything.
Good luck though!
Brainpinker@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 3:08 pm : I Know what you mean, i build myself a couple of mods and i know how hard it is. And then comes a little Ass wipe put 3 new Textures in it, a few new Sounds and title it MY MOD.
No thanks for the hard work i have done, no credits only my mod whit a new Name. This is really Frustrating so i know how it feels.
reko@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 11:21 pm : I was once in a project which involved the entire remake of the old Doom games.
But we didn't do much, we finished only E2M3, E2M4, E2M9, while the rest were WIP. We also had some models on working but all of them are dead except with the Lost Soul which I think I'll use it in other project. Also have some other WIP.
Luckily I managed to find the link for the pictures for the map and for the dead Baron of Hell model:
http://img842.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=e2m31.pnghttp://img9.imageshack.us/img9/3314/update1x.jpghttp://img683.imageshack.us/img683/7067/pinkywip.pnghttp://img40.imageshack.us/img40/1296/lostsouldone.jpgE2M3 was done by a guy Cristian.
I still love the idea of remaking the old Doom games as newer games with improved graphics, design and that thing, I'd like to help, but I forgot most of D3 mapping, and lost like all the files from our remake...
Maybe I could get them but I'm 98% sure I can't.
Brainpinker@Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:13 am : Enough off topic, follow me