Okay, so you have your specular, diffuse and normal maps and a model all ready to go... so now what?
http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewto ... 8097#58097
Updated 10/21/2004
EDIT by Goliath:
Well, you have to wait if you want to follow my tutorial... the export / def file information has changed with the release of Doom3, so the tutorial doesn't work anymore.
I'll update the tutorial as soon as I have the time and will re-post the links.
Well bugger all. It seems Maya 4.0 is not able to export models to MD5 with Doom3 anymore... which means I can't export any Maya files to see if the tutorial works.
I think the id guys were using Maya 4.5 when they finished D3, so anyone with 4.5...
EDIT: Well, even with 4.5, it won't work (Thanks for testing, Brian, if you ever read these boards). I should have noticed this before, but, quite simply, the Maya import .dll doesn't exist... period. I imagine we'll be getting that w/ the SDK, but for now, we're S.O.L. unless we can talk Cat into updating his MD5 exporter for Maya....
I just made an update to the tutorial with a few more items in the Troubleshooting section.
Yet another update, now that I understand how the whole "origin" bone works.
very cool Goliathvt..thanks a lot for your efforts and for sharing your results..you rock

Always glad to contribute to the community. Thanks for the kind words.
Link does not work... File on that link when you hit download takes you to a page that says file doesnt exist...
Are you sure? I just tried it and got to the PCGameMods page that's hosting the file. You might have just hit a bad spot?