bullet@Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 5:17 am : Has anyone been successful in Ragdolling a custom-made model, yet? I've been able to make a monster and get it to do everything except properly go into ragdoll mode. It appears that it does go into ragdoll mode when it dies, but I must be doing something wrong, since after it dies it disappears (with r_showskel on, I see the bones fly away. the mesh flies in the opposite direction). After It dies, every time I shoot a gun, the game slows down immensely until the bullet/rocket/projectile hits something and dies. It's almost as if the mesh explodes, enveloping the entire world in a big ragdoll balloon from which there is no escape...
I have my bones set up like this for now:
"ragdoll_body head" "*loneck"
"ragdoll_body torso" "*center origin"
"ragdoll_body ruparm" "*RFlegTop"
"ragdoll_body rloarm" "*RFlegEnd"
"ragdoll_body luparm" "*LFlegTop"
"ragdoll_body lloarm" "*LFlegEnd"
"ragdoll_body rupleg" "*BRlegUp"
"ragdoll_body rloleg" "*BRlegKnee"
"ragdoll_body lupleg" "*BLlegUp"
"ragdoll_body lloleg" "*BLlegKnee"
I've tried setting them up differently. For instance, subtracting all child-bones that weren't used in that category (like "ragdoll_body head" "*loneck -*jawBottom"), and I tried grouping all the bones in one category, but still the same results.
Maybe I need to define my own ragdoll skeleton in doom somehow (my own custom "ragdoll_body") since the creature's skeleton is nothing like that of the monsters in the alpha, and some conflict is being caused there?
7318@Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 7:00 pm : bullet, have you tried to have at least the same bone names? i mean, maybe doom3 have the bonenames hardcoded for the ragdoll specifics physics... so if you don0t have those bones, it just don0t apply the rag doll.. check the names for every monster the alpha have (every "actrive" monster I mean) an check for the names of their bones...
another thing:
about the showskel problem.. the skeleton is only needed when the monster is in somemode active, when it dies it dies for real, I mean, it goes into an non-active mode, so it doesn't need the bones for anything(unless you're using ragdoll...) so when you shoot a corpse, it actives it's bones only to play that animation monsters have when are dead and you shoot them..(the one that moves the corpse slightly) just check it out with r_Showskel 1 and shooting the corpse of any non-ragdoll monster...
ragdoll only is activated when the monster isn't using any state (check the states files for the zombie (the only monster in the añlpha that comes with the ragdoll activated...
i've done ragdoll for the imp. and it works great, but i neever checked it out the name thing, the only thing i know for real is that ragdoll only is used when the monsters just don't use any state (defined in the .state files)
hmm i'm getting kinda repetitive do I?

today i'm kinda lazy at english

bullet@Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 9:51 pm : I haven't tried renaming all the bones in my monster to match those in the other monsters. I've been hoping there might be another method. One thing I think might be the problem, too, is that the ragdoll skeleton is hardcoded, so that unless the bones you name in the skeleton match up the right way, it "blows up" and doesn't work. For instance, their ragdoll skeleton might require that the bone you say is the lower-leg bone is attached to the bone you say is the upper-leg bone. This creates a problem for me, since my creature has four legs, so there are four lower-leg bones, and four upper-leg bones, but each of the lower-leg bones only touches one of the upper-leg bones.
I'll try to adapt all my bone names so they match Id's in a few days...
Hopefully there'll be a way to make our own ragdoll skeletons if it is, indeed, hardcoded.
Rayne@Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 3:20 pm : Some sort of Trite thingy?
7318@Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 5:19 pm : bullet remember you're working in an alpha stage of the game, i think that in that time domm3 got leaked, id was still using q3 stuff or even a modified q3 stuff for their new game, so lots of thinks in the alpha remain hardocded. i think in the final game there won't be anything hardocded.. because if the final game comes es hardcoded as it actually is it wold be dificult to mod, or it won't be as mjodable as they said...
so i think it won0t be hardcoded....
so don't get mad at it, it's just the 0.02 version of the game!

7318@Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 5:25 pm : how many legs do it have? if only 4 you can use any conventional ragdoll if 6 i'm sorry, if it have 6 because you have to wait... if 8... hmm why do you wanna so many legs?!!!

any screen of the model?
bullet@Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 7:30 pm : It has six legs, but there are also two other "limbs" that I'd like to be in the ragdoll skeleton, though only the main six are necessary.
Another thing I was wondering about, is do you have to do anything special to the model for it act properly as a ragdoll other than set it up in the .def file?
As for screens of the model, I'm not going to release any visuals of it for a while. Depending on how fast we can get things done, we might release some visuals in late July or early August. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until QuakeCon.
eleeta@Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 7:41 am : Quote:
with r_showskel on, I see the bones fly away
What's correct!
In Ragdoll system game use anover skeleton.
To see him you must type in console next command:
"af_showTrees 1"
der_ton@Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 8:52 am : eleeta wrote:
with r_showskel on, I see the bones fly away
What's correct!
In Ragdoll system game use anover skeleton.
To see him you must type in console next command:
"af_showTrees 1"
The ragdoll skeleton is derived from the model's skeleton via the binding defined by the ragdoll_body commands in the .def, it's not like the mesh skeleton is irrelevant in ragdoll mode. If the bones fly away, then the yellow ragdoll bones should, too.
Thanks for the af_showTrees hint!
bullet@Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 2:50 pm : Same result with af_showtrees on, as well. I figure I'll just wait until the game comes out and things are more flexible, and hopefully documented

der_ton@Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 3:02 pm : bullet wrote:
Same result with af_showtrees on, as well. I figure I'll just wait until the game comes out and things are more flexible, and hopefully documented

That sure is the best thing to do.

Well, the af_showtrees flag is not supposed to fix anything, but it'll show you what's happening with the ragdoll-skeleton. You have to use it in conjunction with r_showSkel.