Good day everyone

I'm having a weird problem with some textures, and i hoped you guys could be of some assistance.
First off, might be worth metioning, i converted an BSP from SOF II to a map file and imported it into the ETQW map editor.
After making a .mtr file i got all the textures to work, but there were some textures displaying differently altough they share the same decleration in the mtr file.
Here's a screenshot:

The texture on the left is somehow metal-like, the texture on the right displays correctly.
Whenever i create a new brush with this texture, it looks metal-like.
I tried copying the properties of the brush somehow(eg. editing the world file), but later i found that the .PROCB somehow contained the solution to my problem, altough this is what i concluded trough testing.
Sadly this file is encrypted, could you guys help me fix this problem? or perhaps help me to decrypt the .PROCB file?
Please do share your thoughts on this matter, because i'm pretty much stuck here

Also, here is the declaration i wrote for the texture in the .mtr file:
material textures/shop/wall1
qer_EditorImage textures/shop/wall1_1_d.tga
diffuseMap textures/shop/wall1_1_d.tga
specularMap textures/shop/wall1_1_s.tga
bumpMap textures/shop/wall1_1_h.tga
the filename itself doesn't matter unless it's replacing an existing file.
Looks like it's inverted color wise to me.
I don't do ETQW mapping but I think the procb is made from bsping the map. Deleting the file & re-running the bsp compiler should fix the issue. I know that sometimes fixes Doom 3 map issues that are correct in the editor.
Thanks for replying, i tried deleting and recompiling the map.
Sadly it didn't work..
Any ideas?
SoF might not use the strength of the specular map, while d3 does.
As such you might need to do something like :
blend specularmap
map textures/derp/hurpad_s
rgb 0.1
If the specular makes it look a bit better, play with the value until it's looking correct. If you wanted to you could then either batch modify the images (so that he shaders don't require modification) or work through them manually and replace.
The Happy Friar wrote:
the filename itself doesn't matter unless it's replacing an existing file.
The name doesn't matter but whether it's a normal map or a greyscale bump map does.
baseliner, what kind of texture is wall1_1_h.tga? If it's a greyscale bumpmap/heightmap, change the line to:
bumpMap heightmap( textures/shop/wall1_1_h.tga, 10 )
It might be something to do with the ambient light's, specific to ETQW. I remember doing some mapping and you'd get an inverted look to the textures if something was wrong with the atmosphere decl the map was linking to, or something like that.
Sikkpin wrote:
The name doesn't matter but whether it's a normal map or a greyscale bump map does.
I always thought that if it's messed up on one section of wall it would be messed up on another, not looking right on one part & not another. That's why I wasn't concerned if it was a bump or height map because one of the walls is wrong.

This change in the decleration fixed the issue, thanks for helping me out guys

I almost threw my pc out of the window due to frustration that this issue had caused!
The Happy Friar wrote:
the filename itself doesn't matter unless it's replacing an existing file.
The name doesn't matter but whether it's a normal map or a greyscale bump map does.
baseliner, what kind of texture is wall1_1_h.tga? If it's a greyscale bumpmap/heightmap, change the line to:
bumpMap heightmap( textures/shop/wall1_1_h.tga, 10 )