luckynumber8@Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 1:04 am : Well, I do like ID games (quake 1-3, RTCW Wolfenstein, rage) but I never liked Doom3, for me it was huge disappointment after so many years of seeing great E3 screenshots. Few days ago I finally tried E3 Doom3 Alpha.. and I was stunned!!!! What ID do to retail Doom3 is beyond me

because Doom3 alpha is soo much beter!!.
I played it almost every day now, its unbelievable how fun to play this code is, and you have only 3 quick levels!!!!! First there is great lightning, you could see details in the dark, you do not need this ugly flashlight and still this game have great sense of dark. Sounds ARE SOO MUCH BETER... scary parts are superb, and whats make the biggest difference ? THE WAY HOW WELL BALLANCED WEAPONS ARE, its big fun just from shooting!! Guns in retail doom3 are 3x time weaker

, they just not feel right.
... because this site brings many doom3 experts, my question is, there is any mod for retail doom 3 that would make this game look much more like e3 alpha ? (gun sounds, feeling, not soo dark lightining)
Below some screenshots, its hard to believe this code was leaked 13 years ago

, just notice how well darknes looks like (retail doom3 was simply waaay to much dark, even where it was light, not soo fun to play.. well at least for me). Hope that ID will make Doom4 more like doom 3 Alpha
Gzegzolka@Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 11:23 pm : Well, it took You some time to find it and it's quite late to talk about alpha/vanilla differences. You must remember that alpha was just a small part to show that leaked, You do not have guarantee that if vanilla work as alpha everything would be better. Some guns work different so we do not know if rest of guns would be well balanced.
Bad thing about alpha is fact it lack some sophisticated ability to interact with levels, computer screens on textures was too low-res, no pda audio-logs and text-logs, no comps that play videos.
Why did You post only 3 pictures and rest like links while You can post all of them?
About guns, I like how they work in alpha too - machine gun look more metallic, less plastic. Shotgun look like useful tool for fight in medium range.
About zombies, they sound more like poses by evil forces humans than typical dead zombies (and this is good).
About level design You are right in part about lighting. Maybe it's not solid dark, because Carmack didn't finish it or code was different than in vanilla? I do not like situation when lights go down and what You see is only black screen + hud because You are in darkness, human eye can adapt, so player should always see some details in darkness. Idea of switching between flashlight or guns was fail. I love games with dark design, but it's not so easy to achieve.
Some long time ago I do some research about alpha it is here:
viewtopic.php?f=26&t=23536 at 00:40 You can see how Mars City should look proper - not only dark corridors but also rooms with glass showing outside part of complex with more light. You can also see that alpha version got worse textures on NPC models.
Lune@Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:39 am : Ahm Since this is about d3 alpha, the doom wiki mentions that the hellknight had mechanical legs in the e3 2002 demonstration.
linkHowever I can only find videos in youtube with organic legs (the same model that is in final d3) and a single video with birdie. Did it really have those tech legs?
@topic: I get the impression that brightness is wayyy up on those screens, I did play a little of that old version and I remember it being darker than that

Anyway, the firing sounds are way sexier than what was on final d3.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 5:42 am : I never noticed that it had mechanical legs. It might of in a build that we never saw and in the art book, but I've never seen it in a video.
Foebane@Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:36 am : Why the hate for the OFFICIAL sound effects for Doom 3?
Trent Reznor is overrated as it is, the current sound effects are perfectly fine.
Burrito@Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:36 pm : Foebane wrote:
Trent Reznor is overrated as it is, the current sound effects are perfectly fine.
Like the clicking sound while walking around all the time?
About Trent Reznor: After hearing the "The social network" soundtrack i got the impression that quite the opposite is the case.
pbmax@Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:04 pm : .
i remember i tried to search for and download the alpha (about 10 years ago!!).
this site came up and everything might as well been in chinese. material shaders, code, scripts, cvars, technical jargon...
i just want to play the alpha! what the hell are these people talking about?!? where is the download link!?!?
Dafama2k7@Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:14 pm :
luckynumber8@Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 1:04 am : Well, I do like ID games (quake 1-3, RTCW Wolfenstein, rage) but I never liked Doom3, for me it was huge disappointment after so many years of seeing great E3 screenshots. Few days ago I finally tried E3 Doom3 Alpha.. and I was stunned!!!! What ID do to retail Doom3 is beyond me

because Doom3 alpha is soo much beter!!.
I played it almost every day now, its unbelievable how fun to play this code is, and you have only 3 quick levels!!!!! First there is great lightning, you could see details in the dark, you do not need this ugly flashlight and still this game have great sense of dark. Sounds ARE SOO MUCH BETER... scary parts are superb, and whats make the biggest difference ? THE WAY HOW WELL BALLANCED WEAPONS ARE, its big fun just from shooting!! Guns in retail doom3 are 3x time weaker

, they just not feel right.
... because this site brings many doom3 experts, my question is, there is any mod for retail doom 3 that would make this game look much more like e3 alpha ? (gun sounds, feeling, not soo dark lightining)
Below some screenshots, its hard to believe this code was leaked 13 years ago

, just notice how well darknes looks like (retail doom3 was simply waaay to much dark, even where it was light, not soo fun to play.. well at least for me). Hope that ID will make Doom4 more like doom 3 Alpha
Gzegzolka@Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 11:23 pm : Well, it took You some time to find it and it's quite late to talk about alpha/vanilla differences. You must remember that alpha was just a small part to show that leaked, You do not have guarantee that if vanilla work as alpha everything would be better. Some guns work different so we do not know if rest of guns would be well balanced.
Bad thing about alpha is fact it lack some sophisticated ability to interact with levels, computer screens on textures was too low-res, no pda audio-logs and text-logs, no comps that play videos.
Why did You post only 3 pictures and rest like links while You can post all of them?
About guns, I like how they work in alpha too - machine gun look more metallic, less plastic. Shotgun look like useful tool for fight in medium range.
About zombies, they sound more like poses by evil forces humans than typical dead zombies (and this is good).
About level design You are right in part about lighting. Maybe it's not solid dark, because Carmack didn't finish it or code was different than in vanilla? I do not like situation when lights go down and what You see is only black screen + hud because You are in darkness, human eye can adapt, so player should always see some details in darkness. Idea of switching between flashlight or guns was fail. I love games with dark design, but it's not so easy to achieve.
Some long time ago I do some research about alpha it is here:
viewtopic.php?f=26&t=23536 at 00:40 You can see how Mars City should look proper - not only dark corridors but also rooms with glass showing outside part of complex with more light. You can also see that alpha version got worse textures on NPC models.
Lune@Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:39 am : Ahm Since this is about d3 alpha, the doom wiki mentions that the hellknight had mechanical legs in the e3 2002 demonstration.
linkHowever I can only find videos in youtube with organic legs (the same model that is in final d3) and a single video with birdie. Did it really have those tech legs?
@topic: I get the impression that brightness is wayyy up on those screens, I did play a little of that old version and I remember it being darker than that

Anyway, the firing sounds are way sexier than what was on final d3.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 5:42 am : I never noticed that it had mechanical legs. It might of in a build that we never saw and in the art book, but I've never seen it in a video.
Foebane@Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:36 am : Why the hate for the OFFICIAL sound effects for Doom 3?
Trent Reznor is overrated as it is, the current sound effects are perfectly fine.
Burrito@Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:36 pm : Foebane wrote:
Trent Reznor is overrated as it is, the current sound effects are perfectly fine.
Like the clicking sound while walking around all the time?
About Trent Reznor: After hearing the "The social network" soundtrack i got the impression that quite the opposite is the case.
pbmax@Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:04 pm : .
i remember i tried to search for and download the alpha (about 10 years ago!!).
this site came up and everything might as well been in chinese. material shaders, code, scripts, cvars, technical jargon...
i just want to play the alpha! what the hell are these people talking about?!? where is the download link!?!?
Dafama2k7@Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:14 pm :