Zombie13@Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:47 pm : OK another WIP thread, but!
This is not some crazy map where I am trying to do something the Doom engine doesn't like.
I am building a fairly straight forward map that's just detailed a bit more, and more of an story event type map.
Here we go:
The first video of my level
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mgOlDXj ... ure=relmfu a quick walk though. The video is a year old now. Right now I have rebuilt all of the first main area.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TLg37ZncpM&feature=plcp this is basically showing you what happened when you were away from the main facility. Unfortunately I lose all this scripting, but I still have all the assets to redo it again.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTUkfTXX ... ure=relmfu this is the basement to the facility.
So basically I've been wanting to get back to this map but with gaming and moving and so on it put a halt on all of that.
But now I'm full steam ahead, I've even made a new texture pack which I am replacing all the textures in the level. So far I have 37 textures made and about 20 or so to go.
Tomorrow I'll upload some shots with my new textures in.
Thanks to Bladeghost for inspiring me to get my shit sorted out

Sikkpin@Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:53 pm : Good stuff. Love the ghost effect.
On a side note, if you're not going to work on that other map, you mind sending it my way? I'd love a chance to show you that this engine can do outdoor lighting.
7318@Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:27 pm : explain how did you do the ghost effect... it's quite interesting!
Zombie13@Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:09 pm : @ Sikk yeah sure totally. Although give me till during the week to upload it and you can do that what you want with it.
Ok so this is how I went about making the vision of the past type effect:
- First off I prepared all the content.
- I made new materials for the NPCs using a custom fragment shader (very simple lum shader). then I made all the rest of the images transparent.
- Then I made skins for the affected NPCs
- Using the same fragment shader I trigger that as the influence with a swirly effect
- Then I just do a mass hide of the broken base stuff, unhide all the NPC's, trigger the influence effect, some audio, and what ever else. Once the effect is over I hide all that and unhide all the broken stuff again.
It's not too complicated really, just a bunch of timings to get it right. Sadly I need to redo it all again, but shouldn't be too much effort.
bladeghost@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 1:52 am : Nice stuff! thumbs up, ghost effect very cool! once you get going again it becomes theraputic modding

Tron@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:29 am : Sweet work as always dude, I had a bit of a laugh at this part though:

I know it's Doom 3 so pipes ahoy, but that one that loops out of the floor, over the walkway and then back into the floor is just especially "wtf was the engineer who designed this place thinking?!"
bkt@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:31 am : Where have I seen this before

Good to see you working on it again! I remember seeing that walkthrough a while ago and really dug the layout you had for the sewer-y section!
Zombie13@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:33 pm : Tron wrote:
Sweet work as always dude, I had a bit of a laugh at this part though:

I know it's Doom 3 so pipes ahoy, but that one that loops out of the floor, over the walkway and then back into the floor is just especially "wtf was the engineer who designed this place thinking?!"
Hahahah yeah I randomly added that. Although it is gone now saddly

Zombie13@Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:14 am : Ok a small update.
Here are some work in progress scenes with my new textures.
There are still some doom 3 textures in there, but they will be replaced eventually.
This are got a big overhaul.
http://www.plagueandpestilence.com/maps ... sp3_12.jpgAfter
http://plagueandpestilence.com/shots/shot00017.jpgAnd these are just existing areas that have had most of their textures replaced.
http://plagueandpestilence.com/shots/shot00018.jpghttp://plagueandpestilence.com/shots/shot00019.jpgI am aware the cubemaps are too strong right now, and there are no decals. I Will be doing this at the end since it's polish.
chimueloeldragon2011@Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:00 am : Those screenshots look really promising, I liked how you modified that section in the before/after screenshots.
Although there's something that looks weird in the second shot at the left part of the screen, is that a particle model or an ambient light?
I see the map itself is big (not doom3-like enclosed corridors), how about the performance? You know doom 3 doesn't like that.
Anyway, hope to see updates any time soon!

Zombie13@Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:46 am : Yes it's a dust particle I made that slowly moves around with some sun beams coming through the window.
Yes it is an open map, but to be honest I am a bit of a snob when it comes to performance. I have a GTX690 so I really don't care to look at the performance numbers. I just make it look good.
Zombie13@Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:26 am : Tomorrow I'll Throw up an image of the textures I made. I made around 15 textures the last few days. I'll be getting to more leave design stuff this week as most of the textures are done so I can actually use them.
bladeghost@Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:16 am : I like your work on the underworld (basement) lol it has a good feel about it from what I had seen in the video you have up.
great work however I still see lots of doom3 textures, what 's great about using them is that it reduces overhead in your own mod for including assets,when they are already there in the base game.
cool stuff!

Zombie13@Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:05 am : bladeghost wrote:
I like your work on the underworld (basement) lol it has a good feel about it from what I had seen in the video you have up.
great work however I still see lots of doom3 textures, what 's great about using them is that it reduces overhead in your own mod for including assets,when they are already there in the base game.
cool stuff!

I'll be replacing all the doom textures except the recycling/outside themed textures.
It really doesn't take long to make a single texture. Takes me about 2 hrs from hi poly to finish, including reiteration.
bladeghost@Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:46 am : One thing I want to mention to you and everyone.... MAKE BACKUPS!!!!!!
terrible thing to lose all your work and not have a backup...

on a cd/dvd or on another drive, ...anything.. it can save your mind....

Rock and Roll!!!!
chimueloeldragon2011@Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:39 am : bladeghost wrote:
One thing I want to mention to you and everyone.... MAKE BACKUPS!!!!!!
terrible thing to lose all your work and not have a backup...

on a cd/dvd or on another drive, ...anything.. it can save your mind....

Rock and Roll!!!!
Damn I once lost all my work all because of a hard drive crash

I learnt the hard way
Zombie13@Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:18 am : bladeghost wrote:
One thing I want to mention to you and everyone.... MAKE BACKUPS!!!!!!
terrible thing to lose all your work and not have a backup...

on a cd/dvd or on another drive, ...anything.. it can save your mind....

Rock and Roll!!!!
Yar I did have back ups. Only lost 1-2 days work. I have my map on my site, external hdd and a bdr =)
geX@Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:21 pm : Looks good Zombie13!
I still sucks you can't work with us

Did you make those textures yourself? If yes, good work! They almost look like PhilipK's textures:
http://philipk.net/index.html Which are great
bkt@Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:05 pm : geX wrote:
They almost look like PhilipK's textures:
http://philipk.net/index.html Which are great
Ex-Grin ey... $5 says zombie's quite familiar with the man

Zombie13@Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:48 pm : Yeah I am in the process of making my own.
Yes I've reached the bottom of quite a few beers with Philip.