marklegg@Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:50 pm : Thanks a lot for your recommendation, I will look into this right away.

gabriel963741@Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:56 am : marklegg I really liked the new room, but I think it would look better with wider sofas, what do you think?And I wanted to say again how incredibly talented you are
marklegg@Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:26 am : gabriel963741 wrote:
marklegg I really liked the new room, but I think it would look better with wider sofas, what do you think?And I wanted to say again how incredibly talented you are
My concern is the size in comparison to the dead body, they look OK in comparison to the player, but too big in comparison to the corpse, I have noticed this before with the zombies, the areas look large for the monsters, but fine for the player. I already spent large amount of hours re-sizing whole areas but if I make them any smaller they will look too small to the player. I'll have a go at the sofas anyway, I was already thinking of having the far sofa longer to fill the space.
bkt@Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:08 pm : Something I noticed from the video you posted was that it looked like you got some pretty nasty framerate drops. Have you set up visportals yet?
marklegg@Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:13 pm : bkt wrote:
Something I noticed from the video you posted was that it looked like you got some pretty nasty framerate drops. Have you set up visportals yet?
That's only when i'm using Fraps, it's usually very smooth. Anyway, each room is teleported into, I have placed visportals nonetheless , in particular for the bigger areas.
marklegg@Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:16 pm : Had a go at the sofas again, done some resizing. Not sure what I think to be honest, think I preferred them before, i'll let you decide.

MIKEDOGG@Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:55 pm : *And now for some more feedback* (don't hate me

The resized models look good and the shadows coming from the lamp shade cover should blend in together and the single door at the end of the dining room isn't meant to be locked.
marklegg@Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:29 pm : MIKEDOGG wrote:
*And now for some more feedback* (don't hate me

It looks good but the couches aren't meant to be there, they're chairs instead and there is a narrow hallway to the left at the back of the room and the shadows coming from the lamp shade cover should blend in together. And, the single door at the end of the dining room isn't meant to be locked.
But if the couches are staying the resized models look good.
But I'm just being picky.

THIS IS NOT A REMAKE OF RESIDENT EVIL. Whats the point in making the route exactly the same as the original anyway, you would know exactly where to go and what to do... Pointless. This is a Doom 3 map... That's it, it may be the Spencer Mansion but it's still Doom 3. I have made some small changes to the gameplay that lean slightly towards Resi gameplay but essentially this is a Doom 3 mod with my own re-imagining of the Spencer Mansion set 19 years after the T-Virus outbreak (Yes... I am thinking about a story-line).
The route you take in this mod will be completely original, you'll have to figure it out, there will be keys to find as well as objects to proceed through the mansion with the obvious goal of getting out alive. I'm going for very simple puzzle elements that made the original so popular, for example, placing the book on the bookshelf to unlock a secret area (Check the video).
Other than the mansion looking similar, this will be a completely original Doom 3 mod with Doom 3 gameplay. But thankyou for your feedback, i'm glad you like the sofas.

MIKEDOGG@Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:46 pm : Ease up dude, I get it. I edited my post before you replied (well at least I thought I did) to reflect what you are doing.

marklegg@Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:11 pm : The Sikkmod has option for Soft Shadows but my PC slows too much for me to use them, but that would blend the lamp shadows more and remove the hard line. There is another way using projected lights which I have done in the Safe room (Check Video), but this would mean having 3 lights for one lamp and as i'm trying to save on entities this would be not be productive.
marklegg@Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:36 pm : Here's an example of what I meant:-

Notice how the harsh line has gone, it now blends in nicely, but...

As you can see it requires two separate projected lights, one up and one down. For those curious, the middle light is a 'no shadow' light to give the impression of lighting up the wall through the lamp shade, otherwise the shadows would look black and unrealistic.
Of course other issues with this apart from using up more entities is greater performance loss due to so many lights and having mixed shadows (soft & hard) as you can see there in the image.
EDIT: I just realized looking at the image again what you meant MIKEDOGG by blending in, you weren't talking about edges, you meant the two separate shadows. I'll look into that.
gabriel963741@Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:47 pm : hey marklegg thanks for listening to my opinion, I found the best sofa even wider, and occupied more space, hehe and alternative history, speaks more about it, I liked it, even the mansion Blowing up at the end, then it is a further alternative end, wherein the mansion not explode?
marklegg@Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:13 pm :
marklegg@Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:00 pm :
marklegg@Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:33 pm : gabriel963741 wrote:
hey marklegg thanks for listening to my opinion, I found the best sofa even wider, and occupied more space, hehe and alternative history, speaks more about it, I liked it, even the mansion Blowing up at the end, then it is a further alternative end, wherein the mansion not explode?
Although a large area of the mansion was destroyed in the explosion, most of it remained. The Spencer mansion was left empty and rotting for 15 years, the property was bought by the descendants of Masters Hibbs & Hill and 3 years were spent rebuilding and refurbishing the mansion. During the rebuilding and refurbishing many of Umbrella's research files were discovered, one set of files in particular called DNA Design research revealing all Umbrella's facts about biological alteration at DNA level, the result... a new breed of experiments even deadlier than the last.
gabriel963741@Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:45 am : marklegg wrote:
gabriel963741 wrote:
hey marklegg thanks for listening to my opinion, I found the best sofa even wider, and occupied more space, hehe and alternative history, speaks more about it, I liked it, even the mansion Blowing up at the end, then it is a further alternative end, wherein the mansion not explode?
Although a large area of the mansion was destroyed in the explosion, most of it remained. The Spencer mansion was left empty and rotting for 15 years, the property was bought by the descendants of Masters Hibbs & Hill and 3 years were spent rebuilding and refurbishing the mansion. During the rebuilding and refurbishing many of Umbrella's research files were discovered, one set of files in particular called DNA Design research revealing all Umbrella's facts about biological alteration at DNA level, the result... a new breed of experiments even deadlier than the last.
I enjoyed the story, but you want to deepen it, with characters and everything?
gabriel963741@Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:33 pm : Hey Big Boss, any news?
marklegg@Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:28 pm : Just tweaking this and that, getting ready for a new area.
Can any of you tell me how to make the blood decals stay? Tried various mods, but they just cause display errors, think they might be conflicting with Sikkmods files so i'll have to do it myself.
chimueloeldragon2011@Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:49 pm : Material ""
Using your text editor's search function go for the "dsplat" materials, which are dsplat2, 5, 7, and dsplat11
There modify the
decalInfo 10 5 ( 1 1 1 1 ) ( 0 0 0 0 )
line ->
decalInfo 3600 5 ( 1 1 1 1 ) ( 0 0 0 0 ) // Lasts for one hour (3600 secs)
Btw the mod's looking quite good, (I repeat I did not play the RE games but this mansion theme is actually looking good in this engine nonetheless)
We use same method of "modelling" in the editor as here this poor guy does not understand one bit about modeling either

marklegg@Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:21 pm : chimueloeldragon2011 wrote:
Material ""
Using your text editor's search function go for the "dsplat" materials, which are dsplat2, 5, 7, and dsplat11
There modify the
decalInfo 10 5 ( 1 1 1 1 ) ( 0 0 0 0 )
line ->
decalInfo 3600 5 ( 1 1 1 1 ) ( 0 0 0 0 ) // Lasts for one hour (3600 secs)
Btw the mod's looking quite good, (I repeat I did not play the RE games but this mansion theme is actually looking good in this engine nonetheless)
We use same method of "modelling" in the editor as here this poor guy does not understand one bit about modeling either

Hey, thanks a lot man. I would be very interested to see what you have done with the engine.
marklegg@Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:57 pm : I decided a couple of weeks ago to attempt to re-build the Resident Evil 1 mansion using various free to use textures from around the net, it was more a personal challenge than anything else and I never really intended to make it a public thing initially, however, the feedback I have been getting from friends is nothing short of excitement at the prospect of playing it, so I thought what the hell, I'll bang some screenies out and see what the experts say.
Originally it was just a map, however along the way it's become more of a mod as certain additions to the files are required, Sikkmod v1.2 is also a requirement for various aspects of the gameplay and visuals, I emailed Sikkpin a few days ago about it and showed him a gameplay video, his response was great and he gave me his approval to not only distribute his mod with mine, but merge them if I felt the need (Thanks again Sikkpin). I'm not only looking for your honest opinion here, but any contribution you can offer in terms of ideas, models, codes, I would love it if this became a combined effort, as they say, The More The Merrier. Also I believe the more people involved in this, the better it will become, my talent is quite limited compared to many of you on here.
Anyway... Here's some screenshots:-
chimueloeldragon2011@Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:58 pm : Why are you saying your talent is limited? I see some great work in there.
I have not played Resident evil 1, so I can't really tell if it's accurate compared to the original, but again, for what I see there it's looking good!
A few suggestions, in some screens I see some textures are nearly black (They can be seen though) but looks like speculars are not working properly? Even though there's white light all around the textures are still dark. I'd recommend you take a look at that. Also, it would be nice if you added more props to fill the map a bit more, some screens look flat, there's nothing interesting to look at but walls

Well I don't know, perhaps you want it to look truer to the original.
And make sure you optimize the map to improve the performance, it's always good when a map can be ran in a wide variety of hardware.
Cheers, and keep it up
marklegg@Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 6:05 am : Thanks for your comments, props are a problem for me, as I don't have any modelling experience I'm having to create everything in the engine. The third area I only just started, I only just put the windows in before uploading the images, there will some pictures going up for sure, and the bits of furniture in that rooms are just some ideas I'm playing around with. As for the black texture, It's a metal texture that I made darker, I think I made it a bit too dark though, but I want a plain black shiny texture for the lights, It always seems to look like that now matter how much I play around with it. Performance is great, it comes with the Sikkmod and Venom's High Quality Menu - Sikkmod version (Thanks Venom), so people can play around with settings to get best look and performance.
marklegg@Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:00 am : Added 4 new images at the bottom, save room near stairs almost finished now, no easy task creating a realistic looking bed within the engine, but I think it turned out brilliant:-
BloodRayne@Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:50 am :
chimueloeldragon2011 wrote:
Why are you saying your talent is limited? I see some great work in there.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:46 pm : They look nice.
I don't want to be the nitpicker here, but the GameCube version of the game upped the ante for Resident Evil look. ... creenshotsYours look look very good though. I'd imagine that if you turned down the lighting so there's more darkness (especially in corners) it would look even better, give it a more spooky-ish feel/look.
Sikkpin@Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:39 pm : I imagine the GameCube version, like the others, uses pre-rendered backgrounds, right?
marklegg@Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:42 pm : The GameCube version did use pre-rendered backgrounds, but cleverly added lighting and shadows to give the impression of 3D. I don't have the skill to re-create the GameCube look, also the engine is not equipped to do so either which is why I decided to go for the PSX version. My intention is not to perfectly re-create the look either, this is a Doom 3 mod remember, it will be similar to Resident Evil in looks, and it will play more like Doom 3 as I do not have the ability to add gameplay features like some of the modders on this forum, Sikkpin being a good example, his Resurrecting zombies are an important part of this mod, not to mention the great visuals also produced with Sikkmod 1.2. At the moment this is more a personal challenge than anything, I'm still intent on creating the entire mansion in one level, not sure whether it can be done due to Entity and Max Area limits in the engine, but only time will tell. Thanks for your comments.
marklegg@Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:46 pm : Here's a quick gameplay video, the gameplay in this video is not set in stone, just me playing around with ideas.
doomtrinity@Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:35 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
I'd imagine that if you turned down the lighting so there's more darkness (especially in corners) it would look even better, give it a more spooky-ish feel/look.
I think the same thing too.
By the way, that's a really good work, it brings back good old memories! That mansion really scared me when I was 7 or 8

marklegg wrote:
My intention is not to perfectly re-create the look either, this is a Doom 3 mod remember, it will be similar to Resident Evil in looks, and it will play more like Doom 3 as I do not have the ability to add gameplay features like some of the modders on this forum, Sikkpin being a good example, his Resurrecting zombies are an important part of this mod, not to mention the great visuals also produced with Sikkmod 1.2.
I don't understand If you'd like to re-create the original look of Resident Evil, but you won't do that since you don't actually have the knowledges to achieve this.
If you just want to keep the D3 gameplay for other reasons it's perfectly fine for me, but if you'd like to implement things like the fixed-third person camera angles ( which I love in this game, even if I like FPS ), then you should try to figure 'em out! Just take your time to learn the stuff you need, never surrender

Anyway, I think this will be a good work either way!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:58 am : Doom 3 could easily recreate the look of the GC RE, would just take a while.

However, D3 has the advantage of using decals which weren't used on the GameCube, so you could add all your "old mansion" look via decals.
marklegg@Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:33 am : I wouldn't want third person camera angles, but I would like to have the player press a button to raise the weapon ready for shooting, also it would be great if you weren't able to move and shoot at the same time, another very important element missing for the gameplay is the fact that the zombies don't reach out and grab the player when they try to run past, these are three very important elements to the Resident Evil gameplay that I unfortunately don't have the knowledge or skill to incorporate. I have looked at the files myself but I can't make head nor tail of them.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:22 pm : To have the weapon always down you could change the weapon animations so that idle is always down, fire starts down and raises. I haven't played RE1 in years so I forget if it stays up if you're firing.
For the running zombies part you'd need to increase the attack distance and change the attack animation so that when they attack they're actually running/walking towards the player. The attack won't finish unless interrupted (ie being shot) or it reaches the end of the animation. It would behave just like an imp jumping attack, just slowerrrrrrrrr.

Move and shoot.... in the player/weapon script you might need to change that so it sets the player speed to 0 or check the player speed, and if it's not 0 then it doesn't fire.
marklegg@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:25 am : Can anyone tell me how to remove the Imps ability to throw a fireball? Been trying for 2 days now. It's my intention to turn the Imp into a Hunter, there are certain characteristics that are similar to the Hunter, I have already increased how often he leaps and how fast making it really hard to avoid. I'm going to look into modelling a Hunter as well, but I must remove that Fireball in order to do this.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:44 pm : The way I would do it would be I'd either remove the long range attack from the script or, in the .def file, remove the turret attack stuff.
Might spit back errors but I don't think it will crash the game.
Sikkpin@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:05 pm : In "monster_demon_imp.script", in function "check_attacks()", remove this block of code:
if ( !canReachEnemy() || ( currentTime >= nextAttack ) ) {
range_attack_anim = chooseAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, "turret_attack" );
if ( canHitEnemyFromAnim( range_attack_anim ) ) {
attack_flags |= ATTACK_MISSILE;
anim = chooseAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, "range_attack" );
if ( testAnimMoveTowardEnemy( anim ) ) {
if ( canHitEnemyFromAnim( anim ) ) {
range_attack_anim = anim;
attack_flags |= ATTACK_MISSILE;
marklegg@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:27 pm : Your a legend Sikkpin, works perfect, can't thank you enough for that, I've been at it for about 4 or 5 hours.

Thank you Happy Friar as well for your help.
bkt@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:46 pm : From the first shot I thought it looked alright... Then I looked at the rest and damn... all the memories started flooding back! You've done an excellent job getting all the textures to get that shiny plastic look of the original. Sure back then it was because rendering hadn't come too far, but who cares, it looks spot on! I recognized every area just by your really faithful geometry and materials. Looking forward to seeing much more!
marklegg@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:52 pm : bkt wrote:
From the first shot I thought it looked alright... Then I looked at the rest and damn... all the memories started flooding back! You've done an excellent job getting all the textures to get that shiny plastic look of the original. Sure back then it was because rendering hadn't come too far, but who cares, it looks spot on! I recognized every area just by your really faithful geometry and materials. Looking forward to seeing much more!
Thanks man.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:32 pm : Sikkpin wrote:
In "monster_demon_imp.script", in function "check_attacks()", remove this block of code:[code]
Sure.... if you want to do it the right way.

EDIT: the range attacks could be replaced with a run so if it decides to attack it runs towards you, or maybe the crawl anim.
marklegg@Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:57 pm : I decided a couple of weeks ago to attempt to re-build the Resident Evil 1 mansion using various free to use textures from around the net, it was more a personal challenge than anything else and I never really intended to make it a public thing initially, however, the feedback I have been getting from friends is nothing short of excitement at the prospect of playing it, so I thought what the hell, I'll bang some screenies out and see what the experts say.
Originally it was just a map, however along the way it's become more of a mod as certain additions to the files are required, Sikkmod v1.2 is also a requirement for various aspects of the gameplay and visuals, I emailed Sikkpin a few days ago about it and showed him a gameplay video, his response was great and he gave me his approval to not only distribute his mod with mine, but merge them if I felt the need (Thanks again Sikkpin). I'm not only looking for your honest opinion here, but any contribution you can offer in terms of ideas, models, codes, I would love it if this became a combined effort, as they say, The More The Merrier. Also I believe the more people involved in this, the better it will become, my talent is quite limited compared to many of you on here.
Anyway... Here's some screenshots:-
chimueloeldragon2011@Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:58 pm : Why are you saying your talent is limited? I see some great work in there.
I have not played Resident evil 1, so I can't really tell if it's accurate compared to the original, but again, for what I see there it's looking good!
A few suggestions, in some screens I see some textures are nearly black (They can be seen though) but looks like speculars are not working properly? Even though there's white light all around the textures are still dark. I'd recommend you take a look at that. Also, it would be nice if you added more props to fill the map a bit more, some screens look flat, there's nothing interesting to look at but walls

Well I don't know, perhaps you want it to look truer to the original.
And make sure you optimize the map to improve the performance, it's always good when a map can be ran in a wide variety of hardware.
Cheers, and keep it up
marklegg@Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 6:05 am : Thanks for your comments, props are a problem for me, as I don't have any modelling experience I'm having to create everything in the engine. The third area I only just started, I only just put the windows in before uploading the images, there will some pictures going up for sure, and the bits of furniture in that rooms are just some ideas I'm playing around with. As for the black texture, It's a metal texture that I made darker, I think I made it a bit too dark though, but I want a plain black shiny texture for the lights, It always seems to look like that now matter how much I play around with it. Performance is great, it comes with the Sikkmod and Venom's High Quality Menu - Sikkmod version (Thanks Venom), so people can play around with settings to get best look and performance.
marklegg@Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:00 am : Added 4 new images at the bottom, save room near stairs almost finished now, no easy task creating a realistic looking bed within the engine, but I think it turned out brilliant:-
BloodRayne@Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:50 am :
chimueloeldragon2011 wrote:
Why are you saying your talent is limited? I see some great work in there.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:46 pm : They look nice.
I don't want to be the nitpicker here, but the GameCube version of the game upped the ante for Resident Evil look. ... creenshotsYours look look very good though. I'd imagine that if you turned down the lighting so there's more darkness (especially in corners) it would look even better, give it a more spooky-ish feel/look.
Sikkpin@Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:39 pm : I imagine the GameCube version, like the others, uses pre-rendered backgrounds, right?
marklegg@Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:42 pm : The GameCube version did use pre-rendered backgrounds, but cleverly added lighting and shadows to give the impression of 3D. I don't have the skill to re-create the GameCube look, also the engine is not equipped to do so either which is why I decided to go for the PSX version. My intention is not to perfectly re-create the look either, this is a Doom 3 mod remember, it will be similar to Resident Evil in looks, and it will play more like Doom 3 as I do not have the ability to add gameplay features like some of the modders on this forum, Sikkpin being a good example, his Resurrecting zombies are an important part of this mod, not to mention the great visuals also produced with Sikkmod 1.2. At the moment this is more a personal challenge than anything, I'm still intent on creating the entire mansion in one level, not sure whether it can be done due to Entity and Max Area limits in the engine, but only time will tell. Thanks for your comments.
marklegg@Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:46 pm : Here's a quick gameplay video, the gameplay in this video is not set in stone, just me playing around with ideas.
doomtrinity@Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:35 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
I'd imagine that if you turned down the lighting so there's more darkness (especially in corners) it would look even better, give it a more spooky-ish feel/look.
I think the same thing too.
By the way, that's a really good work, it brings back good old memories! That mansion really scared me when I was 7 or 8

marklegg wrote:
My intention is not to perfectly re-create the look either, this is a Doom 3 mod remember, it will be similar to Resident Evil in looks, and it will play more like Doom 3 as I do not have the ability to add gameplay features like some of the modders on this forum, Sikkpin being a good example, his Resurrecting zombies are an important part of this mod, not to mention the great visuals also produced with Sikkmod 1.2.
I don't understand If you'd like to re-create the original look of Resident Evil, but you won't do that since you don't actually have the knowledges to achieve this.
If you just want to keep the D3 gameplay for other reasons it's perfectly fine for me, but if you'd like to implement things like the fixed-third person camera angles ( which I love in this game, even if I like FPS ), then you should try to figure 'em out! Just take your time to learn the stuff you need, never surrender

Anyway, I think this will be a good work either way!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:58 am : Doom 3 could easily recreate the look of the GC RE, would just take a while.

However, D3 has the advantage of using decals which weren't used on the GameCube, so you could add all your "old mansion" look via decals.
marklegg@Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:33 am : I wouldn't want third person camera angles, but I would like to have the player press a button to raise the weapon ready for shooting, also it would be great if you weren't able to move and shoot at the same time, another very important element missing for the gameplay is the fact that the zombies don't reach out and grab the player when they try to run past, these are three very important elements to the Resident Evil gameplay that I unfortunately don't have the knowledge or skill to incorporate. I have looked at the files myself but I can't make head nor tail of them.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:22 pm : To have the weapon always down you could change the weapon animations so that idle is always down, fire starts down and raises. I haven't played RE1 in years so I forget if it stays up if you're firing.
For the running zombies part you'd need to increase the attack distance and change the attack animation so that when they attack they're actually running/walking towards the player. The attack won't finish unless interrupted (ie being shot) or it reaches the end of the animation. It would behave just like an imp jumping attack, just slowerrrrrrrrr.

Move and shoot.... in the player/weapon script you might need to change that so it sets the player speed to 0 or check the player speed, and if it's not 0 then it doesn't fire.
marklegg@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:25 am : Can anyone tell me how to remove the Imps ability to throw a fireball? Been trying for 2 days now. It's my intention to turn the Imp into a Hunter, there are certain characteristics that are similar to the Hunter, I have already increased how often he leaps and how fast making it really hard to avoid. I'm going to look into modelling a Hunter as well, but I must remove that Fireball in order to do this.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:44 pm : The way I would do it would be I'd either remove the long range attack from the script or, in the .def file, remove the turret attack stuff.
Might spit back errors but I don't think it will crash the game.
Sikkpin@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:05 pm : In "monster_demon_imp.script", in function "check_attacks()", remove this block of code:
if ( !canReachEnemy() || ( currentTime >= nextAttack ) ) {
range_attack_anim = chooseAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, "turret_attack" );
if ( canHitEnemyFromAnim( range_attack_anim ) ) {
attack_flags |= ATTACK_MISSILE;
anim = chooseAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, "range_attack" );
if ( testAnimMoveTowardEnemy( anim ) ) {
if ( canHitEnemyFromAnim( anim ) ) {
range_attack_anim = anim;
attack_flags |= ATTACK_MISSILE;
marklegg@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:27 pm : Your a legend Sikkpin, works perfect, can't thank you enough for that, I've been at it for about 4 or 5 hours.

Thank you Happy Friar as well for your help.
bkt@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:46 pm : From the first shot I thought it looked alright... Then I looked at the rest and damn... all the memories started flooding back! You've done an excellent job getting all the textures to get that shiny plastic look of the original. Sure back then it was because rendering hadn't come too far, but who cares, it looks spot on! I recognized every area just by your really faithful geometry and materials. Looking forward to seeing much more!
marklegg@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:52 pm : bkt wrote:
From the first shot I thought it looked alright... Then I looked at the rest and damn... all the memories started flooding back! You've done an excellent job getting all the textures to get that shiny plastic look of the original. Sure back then it was because rendering hadn't come too far, but who cares, it looks spot on! I recognized every area just by your really faithful geometry and materials. Looking forward to seeing much more!
Thanks man.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:32 pm : Sikkpin wrote:
In "monster_demon_imp.script", in function "check_attacks()", remove this block of code:[code]
Sure.... if you want to do it the right way.

EDIT: the range attacks could be replaced with a run so if it decides to attack it runs towards you, or maybe the crawl anim.
marklegg@Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:00 pm : Added 8 new images on the end of the album showing the completed save room and the room where you get the broken shotgun. Ran into some problems with the blanket on the bed, the engine kept creating abnormal shadows on the surface, looked terrible. Anyway, eventually managed to sort it out.
chimueloeldragon2011@Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 6:10 pm : Cool! Nice work with the bed, well done!
I see there are some shells on a desk (last screen), it would be even better if you made finding ammo and items a bit less-obvious, like hiding them into drawers, closets, and other furniture. That can be easily done by scripts, as for rotating closet doors it's also pretty easy (can be done through map scripts as well)
marklegg@Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 7:42 pm : chimueloeldragon2011 wrote:
Cool! Nice work with the bed, well done!
I see there are some shells on a desk (last screen), it would be even better if you made finding ammo and items a bit less-obvious, like hiding them into drawers, closets, and other furniture. That can be easily done by scripts, as for rotating closet doors it's also pretty easy (can be done through map scripts as well)
Ah... Yes, that is temporary. That's actually a wooden chest, it was metal in Resident Evil, will get round to it eventually, but not sure how to approach it yet but I will think of something. Unfortunately editing scripts is not my forte, I'm crap to put it another way, can't make head nor tail of them.
chimueloeldragon2011@Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:07 pm : Code:
$MOVERNAME.time (1);
$MOVERNAME.accelTime (.5);
$MOVERNAME.decelTime (.5);
$MOVERNAME.rotateTo ('0 90 0');
sys.wait (4);
$MOVERNAME.rotateTo ('0 0 0');
sys.wait (1);
I've been using this code for the last years to open func_movers 'a la' real-life door (rotating, not sliding)
Notice that if you're going to open furniture doors (not doors separating areas) you have to remove the OPENPORTAL and CLOSEPORTAL lines. If not then keep them. Since func_movers don't act like doors, they won't open/close portals themselves.
This code works OK, it's just trial and error until you get the desired results (in terms of rotation axis, direction, speed of the movements etc.)
Anyway, the script is quite self-explanatory:
SCRIPTNAME should be the name of the script called from a trigger in the map. So, create a trigger_multiple and set the key/val pair to 'call' 'SCRIPTNAME' (E.G. 'call' 'closet01_open'). Make sure the time between triggerings is not smaller than the time the script lasts.
MOVERNAME is the name of the func_mover itself. I'd recommend you not just using func_mover1, func_mover2 etc, but assign your own names like 'door01', 'door02' etc.
If you want to play sounds create a sound shader file and call it from the script like shown.
sys.wait (4) is the time the mover remains open, then it closes again. 1 second later, [sys.wait (1)], the portal is closed.
Also make sure the origin is either at one of the ends of the mover (like a hinge), not in the middle.
Now, if you are going to open doors separating areas, you'll need visportals. Create a visportal and then a func_portal, and place it in the middle of the visportal. It works automatically. Make sure the openportal /closeportal lines ARE in the script.
Finally, create a script file and name it 'YOURMAPNAME.script' (e.g. mansion.script) and place it in your maps folder along with the map file.
If you need anything else or if there's something wrong please let me know and I'll do my best to help.
marklegg@Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:31 pm :
DoomzRules@Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 7:37 pm : I AM A HUGE RESIDENT EVIL FAN!!!!

This mod... makes me VERY happy. Anyways, I don't know if you'd be interested but here!'s a link to some Resident Evil monster models... you could port them into DOOM 3 scripting and stuff. :3
And this too! :3 That's the Resident Evil 1 Zombie. :3 And this can be used to make the Player Model look like Chris Redfield! That's the Resident Evil 1 Pistol. You can port it for DOOM 3 and uh... fix the weapon position I guess. :3 Also, the reason why I am giving you so many links is..
Because I want to help out this mod and hopefully you can some how port all these models into DOOM 3 and uh yeah. I hope I helped. :3 I LOVE RESIDENT EVIL!!!!

Also if you need any more links for models let me know! Because I will help this mod anyday!!!

Wait before I submit this... HERE IS THIS SHOTGUN LINK! 
Have fun!

Douglas Quaid@Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 7:19 am : Just a moment! I've found something. It's really powerful, especially against living things. Better take it with you. This looks pretty cool! I especially liked the green wallpapered corridors. Keep it up!
That was too close. You were almost a Jill sandwich! 
VGames@Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 7:43 pm : Douglas Quaid wrote:
Just a moment! I've found something. It's really powerful, especially against living things. Better take it with you. That was too close. You were almost a Jill sandwich! 
LOL. I remember those lines.
Memories... ( sounds like Ren & Stimpy singing in unison)
marklegg@Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:13 pm : DoomzRules wrote:

This mod... makes me VERY happy. Anyways, I don't know if you'd be interested but here!'s a link to some Resident Evil monster models... you could port them into DOOM 3 scripting and stuff. :3
And this too! :3 That's the Resident Evil 1 Zombie. :3 And this can be used to make the Player Model look like Chris Redfield! That's the Resident Evil 1 Pistol. You can port it for DOOM 3 and uh... fix the weapon position I guess. :3 Also, the reason why I am giving you so many links is..
Because I want to help out this mod and hopefully you can some how port all these models into DOOM 3 and uh yeah. I hope I helped. :3 I LOVE RESIDENT EVIL!!!!

Also if you need any more links for models let me know! Because I will help this mod anyday!!!

Wait before I submit this... HERE IS THIS SHOTGUN LINK! 
Have fun!

First off, that's amazing stuff you have found there, thank you so much for this. I unfortunately don't have the skill to import these models into Doom 3, I also don't have the talent required to create the necessary animations needed to get these working. I'm basically a Mapper with some basic modding knowledge (editing clip sizes, enemy health etc), To have these models working in my mod would be the best thing ever, is there anyone out there with this ability that would be willing to do this purely out of passion for Resident Evil and this mod? As I stated at the beginning of this Post, this started out as a personal challenge for me as a mapper, my intention was always to have Doom 3 gameplay, but anyone is welcome to add anything they want to make it less Doom 3 and more Resident Evil, let's call it an open project if you like. I will continue to build the mansion and leave gameplay aside for now, building the mansion is my main goal right now, and proving to be a real challenge on it's own, once finished, I will upload it for people to play around with, if someone wishes to make use of it for a mod of their own they will have my blessing. Thank you to all of you for your comments and help, it's much appreciated.
DoomzRules@Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:09 pm : marklegg wrote:
DoomzRules wrote:

This mod... makes me VERY happy. Anyways, I don't know if you'd be interested but here!'s a link to some Resident Evil monster models... you could port them into DOOM 3 scripting and stuff. :3
And this too! :3 That's the Resident Evil 1 Zombie. :3 And this can be used to make the Player Model look like Chris Redfield! That's the Resident Evil 1 Pistol. You can port it for DOOM 3 and uh... fix the weapon position I guess. :3 Also, the reason why I am giving you so many links is..
Because I want to help out this mod and hopefully you can some how port all these models into DOOM 3 and uh yeah. I hope I helped. :3 I LOVE RESIDENT EVIL!!!!

Also if you need any more links for models let me know! Because I will help this mod anyday!!!

Wait before I submit this... HERE IS THIS SHOTGUN LINK! 
Have fun!

First off, that's amazing stuff you have found there, thank you so much for this. I unfortunately don't have the skill to import these models into Doom 3, I also don't have the talent required to create the necessary animations needed to get these working. I'm basically a Mapper with some basic modding knowledge (editing clip sizes, enemy health etc), To have these models working in my mod would be the best thing ever, is there anyone out there with this ability that would be willing to do this purely out of passion for Resident Evil and this mod? As I stated at the beginning of this Post, this started out as a personal challenge for me as a mapper, my intention was always to have Doom 3 gameplay, but anyone is welcome to add anything they want to make it less Doom 3 and more Resident Evil, let's call it an open project if you like. I will continue to build the mansion and leave gameplay aside for now, building the mansion is my main goal right now, and proving to be a real challenge on it's own, once finished, I will upload it for people to play around with, if someone wishes to make use of it for a mod of their own they will have my blessing. Thank you to all of you for your comments and help, it's much appreciated.
Thank you!

I would help you import the models... only I don't know how to...

The reason why I am so excited for this mod... is because I basically just want to play Resident Evil 1 in first person. Not with the silly camera angles. I want it to be first person! :3 Well come to think of it... those camera angles weren't silly... but I just want to play it in 1st person basically.

Hexmare@Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:44 pm : I created an account here just because of this thread.
My hat goes off to you and your work. I have been toying with this same map in different engines for about a year now, that being said I am amazed at what you have pulled off. Great job , and I am looking forward to seeing your progress.
marklegg@Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:12 pm : Hexmare wrote:
I created an account here just because of this thread.
My hat goes off to you and your work. I have been toying with this same map in different engines for about a year now, that being said I am amazed at what you have pulled off. Great job , and I am looking forward to seeing your progress.
Cheers Bud

marklegg@Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:41 pm : Today, for the second time since I started this project, I ran into the same issue with the AI losing the player at the stairs (near the save room). Last time this happened, I had to copy the entire map into a new void, which in turn meant going through and redoing all the connections for triggers, speakers etc etc. It happened again in the same place as before, I tried various things and nothing seemed to work, the AI would just walk around randomly as soon as the player started down the stairs, it's as if the engine couldn't write the AI pathways beyond this point.
Anyway, I decided in the end to try highlighting the entire area and moving it a little to the left, it worked, now the AI pathways are being written again, strange. I have created many maps on the Doom 3 engine, but never come across this before, I was wondering if anyone on here knows what causes this strange issue? And how to resolve it correctly rather than moving the entire map around the void?
Hexmare@Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:30 pm : marklegg wrote:
Today, for the second time since I started this project, I ran into the same issue with the AI losing the player at the stairs (near the save room). Last time this happened, I had to copy the entire map into a new void, which in turn meant going through and redoing all the connections for triggers, speakers etc etc. It happened again in the same place as before, I tried various things and nothing seemed to work, the AI would just walk around randomly as soon as the player started down the stairs, it's as if the engine couldn't write the AI pathways beyond this point.
Anyway, I decided in the end to try highlighting the entire area and moving it a little to the left, it worked, now the AI pathways are being written again, strange. I have created many maps on the Doom 3 engine, but never come across this before, I was wondering if anyone on here knows what causes this strange issue? And how to resolve it correctly rather than moving the entire map around the void?
Are you building the house as one monolithic map? Or are you building multiple inter connected maps? I would think that several maps would make for better performance, as well as making the path finding easier for the AI to keep track of.
marklegg@Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:33 pm : I am attempting to build the entire mansion in one level, however... Due to the limitations of the engine, Max Areas & Entity Limits etc, I don't see that happening. At the moment the map is small in comparison to not only the Doom 3 maps, but the maps I have previously made myself, the issue is down to something else and as I said, it's a new issue. I have never used the editor through the Sikkmod before, that's the only difference this time round, what do you think Sikkpin? Could it be something to do with Sikkmod?
jmarshall23@Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:34 am : It looks really good, but my one critique would be the textures. For example the trim in some of the shots show completely black, is that just because they don't have textures on those surfaces yet? And the shots with the yellow wallpaper doesn't look right(I know that's the way it is in the game), maybe have spots of yellow, like peeling wallpaper in some parts of the texture?
But your scale for everything seems right

. Very impressive work, my last critiques would be the spots in your map that are completely dark you should add a very low strength light that doesn't cast shadows to give a impression of light bouncing. And finally the walls seem too barren(probably like that in the original game too), but you should add some more paintings to make everything look less empty.
Due to the limitations of the engine, Max Areas & Entity Limits etc
You can inline some of your static meshes if you encountering max_entity, but how are you exceeding 4096 entities in that map?
Anyway, I decided in the end to try highlighting the entire area and moving it a little to the left, it worked, now the AI pathways are being written again, strange. I have created many maps on the Doom 3 engine, but never come across this before, I was wondering if anyone on here knows what causes this strange issue? And how to resolve it correctly rather than moving the entire map around the void?
Can you post a video of what its doing?
Could it be something to do with Sikkmod?
The AI issue? Doubt it.
marklegg@Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:54 am : jmarshall23 wrote:
my last critiques would be the spots in your map that are completely dark you should add a very low strength light that doesn't cast shadows to give a impression of light bouncing. And finally the walls seem too barren(probably like that in the original game too), but you should add some more paintings to make everything look less empty.
You can inline some of your static meshes if you encountering max_entity, but how are you exceeding 4096 entities in that map?
Can you post a video of what its doing?
It's supposed to be dark, I had someone else saying it wasn't dark enough as well, it will be darker and the headlight in Sikkmod 1.2 will play an important roll in ResiMod, at times it will be your only means of surviving the onslaught, I mean... you can't kill what you can't see, at the moment area's are lit so I can check them for errors etc. Don't forget that this is meant to look similar to the original mansion, the back area where the stairs are is supposed to be plain.
Not sure what you mean about in-lining static meshes.
I can't post a video without moving the entire area back to where it was, that's if I could find the exact area, so I can't really.
marklegg@Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:38 am : Latest Video, have been moving house so things have been slow on the mod, but I will continue until the mansion is built, started a new room, you'll see in the video it's only just been started, but you'll probably recognize it. Will get back on track as soon as life permits me.
gabriel963741@Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:29 pm : hi nacemod I can do something to help?

gabriel963741@Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:30 pm : holi shit sorry for error
marklegg@Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:32 pm : What is it that you can do?
gabriel963741@Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:08 pm : I do not know what I'm talking about you precisa.I help because money is difficult
I'm no expert but if you need help or are without patience says I'll help you
BNA!@Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:59 am : gabriel963741 wrote:
I do not know what I'm talking about you precisa.I help because money is difficult
I'm no expert but if you need help or are without patience says I'll help you
Identify yourself as a non spam bot.
marklegg@Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 8:22 am : BNA! wrote:
gabriel963741 wrote:
I do not know what I'm talking about you precisa.I help because money is difficult
I'm no expert but if you need help or are without patience says I'll help you
Identify yourself as a non spam bot.
I don't think he is, this is the Brazilian guy that emailed me on YouTube, he said he was going to go join the forums so he could communicate with me, he's more than a little excited about this mod, and he's already told me his English is bad.
marklegg@Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 8:28 am : gabriel963741 wrote:
I do not know what I'm talking about you precisa.I help because money is difficult
I'm no expert but if you need help or are without patience says I'll help you
I would never accept money for a modification, I do this out of passion for not only Doom 3, but Resident Evil as well, the challenge ahead is payment enough for me. I will be happy to take on ideas as long as they are within my ability with the engine. Don't forget, I am not a modeler, everything you see in the video and images has been created within the engine.

gabriel963741@Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:52 am : I really like your mod, then spreading out and ended up stopping at the national level, here in Brazil we are all rooting for you, and please do not give up the project, even though it is not patience difficult.And if I can help in a already know I'm from Brazil and sorry for my bad english

gabriel963741@Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:53 am : and yes I are the guy on youtube
gabriel963741@Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:55 am : and I'm not spam or bot,I'm your fan
gabriel963741@Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:19 pm : if you need any help,talk I`m verry happy in help,maps,weapons,wahat you need?
BNA!@Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 8:13 pm : gabriel963741 wrote:
and I'm not spam or bot,I'm your fan
I take this as enough identification

Rock on!
gabriel963741@Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:00 pm : hey guys i am mods combined to build a shotgun to make a weapon more real, I replaced the parts ashes by black pieces, and I put pieces of wood, I'm just looking for a nice barrel, but it is hard to find.

gabriel963741@Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:03 pm : I'm traveling with my familia.aqui in Brazil is a holiday, I'll be back Sunday night
if possible send a demo so I can try and see if my modifications, good luck to all
Hexmare@Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:28 pm : Well , don't let the engine limit you either.
Currently there are many people working on the sourcecode for the engine. ( in fact I am running some of the mods now ) Right now I know of one coder that is integrating Sikkpins mod into the base source code as well as changing the rendering backend to support GLSL for greater flexibility. They are doing some great things with the engine and re vamping many things also improving support for different hardware.
marklegg@Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:39 am : Hexmare wrote:
Well , don't let the engine limit you either.
Currently there are many people working on the sourcecode for the engine. ( in fact I am running some of the mods now ) Right now I know of one coder that is integrating Sikkpins mod into the base source code as well as changing the rendering backend to support GLSL for greater flexibility. They are doing some great things with the engine and re vamping many things also improving support for different hardware.
I believe there is a mod that doubles the Max Entity Limit, if that and the Max Areas could both be doubled I wouldn't have an issue building the entire mansion in one map for sure. Thanks for the info.

marklegg@Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:55 am : I will be offline for the next couple of weeks and unable to answer any responses, we are currently in the process of moving house and so my internet will be switched over to the new house.
gabriel963741@Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:56 am : alguem ai?o projeto ainda está vivo?

gabriel963741@Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:56 am : someone there? project still alive?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:23 pm : gabriel963741 wrote:
someone there? project still alive?

Please read just above your question:
marklegg wrote:
I will be offline for the next couple of weeks and unable to answer any responses, we are currently in the process of moving house and so my internet will be switched over to the new house.
gabriel963741@Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:55 pm : only a check,the forun not is dead

marklegg@Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:57 pm : I'm still here, life is getting in the way of progress for now. I can assure you all that I will continue on until I have built the mansion, provided it is possible of course. I'll try and get another room finished and post some screens, but can't say when.

gabriel963741@Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:01 pm : that relief, I got scared because this great projects that are unpaid are generally canceled,remember here in Brazil rooting for you, good luck
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 7:10 pm : Quote:
Please read just above your question
LMAO, now that was funny!

No offense to my distinguished brazilian colleage!
gabriel963741@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:28 am : ^^ all okay

marklegg@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:32 am : Having issues with the mirror in this room, looked all over the net for a solution but to no avail. It's fine until you start to walk between the wall and the large wooden unit, then it goes all strange like it's zooming in on the wallpaper.
Mirror's fine here:-
shot00001.jpg [ 230.31 KB | Viewed 90 times ]
Mirror becomes corrupt here:-
shot00002.jpg [ 201.01 KB | Viewed 85 times ]
This old engine is fighting me at every corner, if I can't find a solution to this mirror issue I will be cancelling the project, can't have the Resi mansion without mirrors, and I can't except bugs in the map.
gabriel963741@Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 6:41 pm : I'm very sad, post the latest version please i can assume henceforth
simulation@Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 8:18 pm : marklegg wrote:
This old engine is fighting me at every corner, if I can't find a solution to this mirror issue I will be cancelling the project, can't have the Resi mansion without mirrors, and I can't except bugs in the map.
Do you have a second mirror on the map which is in the players PVS at the time the corruption occurs?
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:43 pm : Instead of a mirror, why don't you try a func_cameraview, where the mirrors are actually guis?
That way you can add spooky effects later on as well.
It would be pretty interesting to set up a mirror where the func_cameraview is actually in a different room and a cinematic model is there to mimic the player's mirror image.
Then have something eat up the cinematic model.

marklegg@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:19 am : simulation wrote:
marklegg wrote:
This old engine is fighting me at every corner, if I can't find a solution to this mirror issue I will be cancelling the project, can't have the Resi mansion without mirrors, and I can't except bugs in the map.
Do you have a second mirror on the map which is in the players PVS at the time the corruption occurs?
This is the first mirror, obviously there can't be a mansion without mirrors so a solution is needed.
I'm loving the idea with the camera's there Bloodrayne, I have no idea how to do that so I'll look into it more.
marklegg@Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:54 pm : Phew! It's taken some time, but I have completely re-sized this area to match the original Resident Evil. Yes... My Resimod project is back on, I still haven't resolved some of the engine issues, but f##k it, i'll go ahead anyway, I put too much hard work into this to walk away.

Looks really good when the Zombies walk down the stairs and their shadows get cast up the wall.

The mirrors will just have to have issues, that's an engine issue. This started off as a personnel project to try and build the Spenser Mansion in the Doom 3 engine, it will continue as such.
marklegg@Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:15 pm : Managed to build a pretty good sofa within the engine in the end, took a while. This room is not finished yet, but getting there.

gabriel963741@Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:17 am : I always believed in you, please do not give up, and the work is great, good luck

Douglas Quaid@Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:25 pm : This is turning out pretty cool. How many levels are you making with the mansion or are you just rebuilding the whole mansion as one map?
marklegg@Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:00 pm : Douglas Quaid wrote:
This is turning out pretty cool. How many levels are you making with the mansion or are you just rebuilding the whole mansion as one map?
That's initially how this started, it was just a personal challenge to build the entire mansion in one map. However, I don't believe it possible due to the editors Max Entity's and Max Area limitations, in particular the latter due to the size of the mansion. Obviously going by the screenshots you'll notice i'm not a modeler, everything you see is being built within the engine mainly with the use of patches, again this brings with it even more limitations as there's no way to create something as complex as a statue within the engine, there are also various bugs within the editor itself that continue to hound me, like the mirror issues and AI pathways not being written correctly when compiling the map, this leaves the Zombies walking into walls and getting stuck, I have had to relocate the map within the void about several times now to fix this. Then there's the common INF & IND bugs that render your map useless and unable to load back into the editor, although I actually have a fix for this issue, it's still a pain in the bum.
I don't want people to get the wrong impression, this is not a Resident Evil remake, but Doom 3 in the Resident Evil mansion. Although there will be some similarities, the game play, weapons and monsters will be Doom 3 as I do not have the necessary skills required to create new enemy, weapon & item models, not to mention the scripting required for such a conversion.
This is going to be a lengthy project as I have very little spare time, I work four days on, four days off, on my days off I look after my 1 year old boy, on my days in I work 12 hours a day. As you can see this leaves me very little time to work on this mod, but I will continue until the end, hopefully the end being the entire mansion.

Douglas Quaid@Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:53 pm : Well I hope you do! Would be nice to play it. You should check out the Racoon City Chronicles mod. Has a good few models which you might be able to use. Actually, I have an unfinished house map that I made using the same assets and you can have the map as I'm not working on it anymore. Just gimme a shout and I'll email it to you.
marklegg@Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:40 pm : Douglas Quaid wrote:
Well I hope you do! Would be nice to play it. You should check out the Racoon City Chronicles mod. Has a good few models which you might be able to use. Actually, I have an unfinished house map that I made using the same assets and you can have the map as I'm not working on it anymore. Just gimme a shout and I'll email it to you.
Can't find this mod anywhere, the last place it was uploaded was Megaupload from what I can see, and Megaupload site was shutdown.
marklegg@Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:01 pm : Been wondering what to do about the Safe Rooms, obviously there's no need to save the game in there but there needs to be a reason to keep going back. So I came up with an idea, I could limit the amount of ammo that the player can carry, since there is no backpack (Inventory), the player would be limited to how much ammo they could actually carry, then I could stock the Safe Room chests with plenty of ammo, this will bring the need to stock up on Bullets, Shells, Clips & Rockets throughout the game.
marklegg@Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:26 pm : It pains me to say this, but the project is now indefinitely halted due to engine bugs. I have run into a bug that has made all enemies vanish from one of the rooms, no amount of replacing or anything else I have tried has worked, it's no longer possible to place an enemy in this room, at the same time the zombies in another room have once again started walking into walls, it would seem that the files get corrupted during the BSP process. This engine has fought me at every corner, and I just don't have the patience anymore to battle with this awful engine. It's time to move on, thank you to all of you for your support.
Sikkpin@Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:18 pm : It sounds to me like you may be doing something wrong in the way you are creating your map. Would be willing to upload what you have for me and others to have a look at it and perhaps see what is causing these issues? I'd hate to see this abandoned as it looks very promising.
marklegg@Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:53 am : Actually Sikkpin, I was already planning to upload it for you, I would really like you to take a look and offer some ideas as your knowledge of this engine is far greater than mine. For some reason, moving the entire map around in the void seems to fix the issue with the AI pathways not being written correctly, very odd bug, as for the other bug... I have no idea. I have deleted everything that led up to the zombies disappearance in the second floor of the dining room, zombies are back. Really doesn't seem to be any solution to the mirror issues, have been all over the net, i'm hoping to find a solution to this. Although i'm still playing around with it, it's pretty much looking bleak, not just due to the bugs but my lack of ability as a mapper and my zero ability as a scripter and modeler.
I'll pm you the link when uploaded.
bkt@Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:53 am : I can't imagine you're running into any hard engine constraints. Given the amount of work you've shown so far, I can see it all very easily fitting into a single level. It does sound like something's gone awry in your implementation though and no doubt sikk will be able to help you out. I'm quite curious to hear what the issue is once you've figured it out. Alternatively I could take a look for you as well if you wanted.
marklegg@Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:57 pm : I decided a couple of weeks ago to attempt to re-build the Resident Evil 1 mansion using various free to use textures from around the net, it was more a personal challenge than anything else and I never really intended to make it a public thing initially, however, the feedback I have been getting from friends is nothing short of excitement at the prospect of playing it, so I thought what the hell, I'll bang some screenies out and see what the experts say.
Originally it was just a map, however along the way it's become more of a mod as certain additions to the files are required, Sikkmod v1.2 is also a requirement for various aspects of the gameplay and visuals, I emailed Sikkpin a few days ago about it and showed him a gameplay video, his response was great and he gave me his approval to not only distribute his mod with mine, but merge them if I felt the need (Thanks again Sikkpin). I'm not only looking for your honest opinion here, but any contribution you can offer in terms of ideas, models, codes, I would love it if this became a combined effort, as they say, The More The Merrier. Also I believe the more people involved in this, the better it will become, my talent is quite limited compared to many of you on here.
Anyway... Here's some screenshots:-
chimueloeldragon2011@Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:58 pm : Why are you saying your talent is limited? I see some great work in there.
I have not played Resident evil 1, so I can't really tell if it's accurate compared to the original, but again, for what I see there it's looking good!
A few suggestions, in some screens I see some textures are nearly black (They can be seen though) but looks like speculars are not working properly? Even though there's white light all around the textures are still dark. I'd recommend you take a look at that. Also, it would be nice if you added more props to fill the map a bit more, some screens look flat, there's nothing interesting to look at but walls

Well I don't know, perhaps you want it to look truer to the original.
And make sure you optimize the map to improve the performance, it's always good when a map can be ran in a wide variety of hardware.
Cheers, and keep it up
marklegg@Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 6:05 am : Thanks for your comments, props are a problem for me, as I don't have any modelling experience I'm having to create everything in the engine. The third area I only just started, I only just put the windows in before uploading the images, there will some pictures going up for sure, and the bits of furniture in that rooms are just some ideas I'm playing around with. As for the black texture, It's a metal texture that I made darker, I think I made it a bit too dark though, but I want a plain black shiny texture for the lights, It always seems to look like that now matter how much I play around with it. Performance is great, it comes with the Sikkmod and Venom's High Quality Menu - Sikkmod version (Thanks Venom), so people can play around with settings to get best look and performance.
marklegg@Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:00 am : Added 4 new images at the bottom, save room near stairs almost finished now, no easy task creating a realistic looking bed within the engine, but I think it turned out brilliant:-
BloodRayne@Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:50 am :
chimueloeldragon2011 wrote:
Why are you saying your talent is limited? I see some great work in there.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:46 pm : They look nice.
I don't want to be the nitpicker here, but the GameCube version of the game upped the ante for Resident Evil look. ... creenshotsYours look look very good though. I'd imagine that if you turned down the lighting so there's more darkness (especially in corners) it would look even better, give it a more spooky-ish feel/look.
Sikkpin@Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:39 pm : I imagine the GameCube version, like the others, uses pre-rendered backgrounds, right?
marklegg@Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:42 pm : The GameCube version did use pre-rendered backgrounds, but cleverly added lighting and shadows to give the impression of 3D. I don't have the skill to re-create the GameCube look, also the engine is not equipped to do so either which is why I decided to go for the PSX version. My intention is not to perfectly re-create the look either, this is a Doom 3 mod remember, it will be similar to Resident Evil in looks, and it will play more like Doom 3 as I do not have the ability to add gameplay features like some of the modders on this forum, Sikkpin being a good example, his Resurrecting zombies are an important part of this mod, not to mention the great visuals also produced with Sikkmod 1.2. At the moment this is more a personal challenge than anything, I'm still intent on creating the entire mansion in one level, not sure whether it can be done due to Entity and Max Area limits in the engine, but only time will tell. Thanks for your comments.
marklegg@Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:46 pm : Here's a quick gameplay video, the gameplay in this video is not set in stone, just me playing around with ideas.
doomtrinity@Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:35 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
I'd imagine that if you turned down the lighting so there's more darkness (especially in corners) it would look even better, give it a more spooky-ish feel/look.
I think the same thing too.
By the way, that's a really good work, it brings back good old memories! That mansion really scared me when I was 7 or 8

marklegg wrote:
My intention is not to perfectly re-create the look either, this is a Doom 3 mod remember, it will be similar to Resident Evil in looks, and it will play more like Doom 3 as I do not have the ability to add gameplay features like some of the modders on this forum, Sikkpin being a good example, his Resurrecting zombies are an important part of this mod, not to mention the great visuals also produced with Sikkmod 1.2.
I don't understand If you'd like to re-create the original look of Resident Evil, but you won't do that since you don't actually have the knowledges to achieve this.
If you just want to keep the D3 gameplay for other reasons it's perfectly fine for me, but if you'd like to implement things like the fixed-third person camera angles ( which I love in this game, even if I like FPS ), then you should try to figure 'em out! Just take your time to learn the stuff you need, never surrender

Anyway, I think this will be a good work either way!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:58 am : Doom 3 could easily recreate the look of the GC RE, would just take a while.

However, D3 has the advantage of using decals which weren't used on the GameCube, so you could add all your "old mansion" look via decals.
marklegg@Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:33 am : I wouldn't want third person camera angles, but I would like to have the player press a button to raise the weapon ready for shooting, also it would be great if you weren't able to move and shoot at the same time, another very important element missing for the gameplay is the fact that the zombies don't reach out and grab the player when they try to run past, these are three very important elements to the Resident Evil gameplay that I unfortunately don't have the knowledge or skill to incorporate. I have looked at the files myself but I can't make head nor tail of them.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:22 pm : To have the weapon always down you could change the weapon animations so that idle is always down, fire starts down and raises. I haven't played RE1 in years so I forget if it stays up if you're firing.
For the running zombies part you'd need to increase the attack distance and change the attack animation so that when they attack they're actually running/walking towards the player. The attack won't finish unless interrupted (ie being shot) or it reaches the end of the animation. It would behave just like an imp jumping attack, just slowerrrrrrrrr.

Move and shoot.... in the player/weapon script you might need to change that so it sets the player speed to 0 or check the player speed, and if it's not 0 then it doesn't fire.
marklegg@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:25 am : Can anyone tell me how to remove the Imps ability to throw a fireball? Been trying for 2 days now. It's my intention to turn the Imp into a Hunter, there are certain characteristics that are similar to the Hunter, I have already increased how often he leaps and how fast making it really hard to avoid. I'm going to look into modelling a Hunter as well, but I must remove that Fireball in order to do this.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:44 pm : The way I would do it would be I'd either remove the long range attack from the script or, in the .def file, remove the turret attack stuff.
Might spit back errors but I don't think it will crash the game.
Sikkpin@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:05 pm : In "monster_demon_imp.script", in function "check_attacks()", remove this block of code:
if ( !canReachEnemy() || ( currentTime >= nextAttack ) ) {
range_attack_anim = chooseAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, "turret_attack" );
if ( canHitEnemyFromAnim( range_attack_anim ) ) {
attack_flags |= ATTACK_MISSILE;
anim = chooseAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS, "range_attack" );
if ( testAnimMoveTowardEnemy( anim ) ) {
if ( canHitEnemyFromAnim( anim ) ) {
range_attack_anim = anim;
attack_flags |= ATTACK_MISSILE;
marklegg@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:27 pm : Your a legend Sikkpin, works perfect, can't thank you enough for that, I've been at it for about 4 or 5 hours.

Thank you Happy Friar as well for your help.
bkt@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:46 pm : From the first shot I thought it looked alright... Then I looked at the rest and damn... all the memories started flooding back! You've done an excellent job getting all the textures to get that shiny plastic look of the original. Sure back then it was because rendering hadn't come too far, but who cares, it looks spot on! I recognized every area just by your really faithful geometry and materials. Looking forward to seeing much more!
marklegg@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:52 pm : bkt wrote:
From the first shot I thought it looked alright... Then I looked at the rest and damn... all the memories started flooding back! You've done an excellent job getting all the textures to get that shiny plastic look of the original. Sure back then it was because rendering hadn't come too far, but who cares, it looks spot on! I recognized every area just by your really faithful geometry and materials. Looking forward to seeing much more!
Thanks man.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:32 pm : Sikkpin wrote:
In "monster_demon_imp.script", in function "check_attacks()", remove this block of code:[code]
Sure.... if you want to do it the right way.

EDIT: the range attacks could be replaced with a run so if it decides to attack it runs towards you, or maybe the crawl anim.