reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:46 am : Moving here so as to not derail the thread anymore.
Still problems with bad performance on AMD and i hope users with those can give me some feedback so i can hunt down why its so god awfully slow on there rigs.
Heres the source code im working with + some tools that might come in handy.
The project has been converted to msvc 2005 so even users without access to msvc 2010 can compile it if they have atleast that version.
doomrama@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:23 am : VGames wrote:
Performance is terrible on my ATI/AMD rig. By the way, you should make a separate thread for this stuff. It has nothing to do with Wulfen's Textures.
Have the same problem with new version on my AMD/ATI rig too, game running at 1 fps.
IntelQ9550Reaktor@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:29 am : THX for the Mod !
Could you Explain the different renderer ?
I don't know about it. And my bad English is no help

reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:33 pm : The guy who supplied the shared GLSL/ARB2 backend is looking at it (might add that he wrote this code on an AMD/ATI rig so he was quite baffled

Its not even sure that the new backend is at fault here since i made a lot of fixes and i might have gotten something wrong somewhere.
My best bet atm is that removing the hack for getting ATI cards to run is still in effect and might have broken performance.
Im going to revert this change and pray that it was that but lets see

One thing you could try out is switching to the GLSL renderer and report performance that would give me a pointer as the GLSL backend has the ATI fix.
Just issue r_useGLSL 1 in the console and hit enter it should change immediatly.
As for explaining the new renderer well thats something im not very good at but ill try.
The GLSL renderer only does the bumpmapping specular and diffuse lighting the rest like shadows ambientlight glasswarp etc. are still handled by the ARB2 backend.
This gives an edge in comparison with say raynors GLSL renderer who also did shadows and ambientlight but couldnt do the material shaders yet, and did not allow the ARB2 backend to run those instead. This one does

you might get some weird effects with custom shaders like sikkpins (like one user posted a screenie of) that happens because the shaders for the GLSL backend was made using Doom3's R200 shaders as a reference (ATI who would have guessed that hehe) and they are very generic so not really suited for sikkmod. But try executing Doom3.exe directly and then enable them

they look pretty good on the unmodified shaders from Doom3.
Im no GLSL shader guru so i cant write sikkmod compatible interaction shaders for it but if someone can then im pretty sure it will look allright.
Hope that shed some light on it

reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:04 pm :
doomrama@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:24 pm : The problem is still there even if I use r_useGLSL 1, still 1 fps.
Tron@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:35 pm : I'm not sure I fully understand, for those of us who are a bit stupid and slightly drunk (mmm, port) what benefits does this installer give over using Sikkmod normally?
reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:36 pm : Darn :S guess i will have to go ugly on the code.
reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:40 pm : Nothing besides a few fixes and an easy way to use the mod

My included engine should also be faster but as you probably noticed AMD/ATI users have some trouble with it.
doomrama@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:22 pm : I ran your mod with the latest build at 640x480 then it ran at around 15 fps. There was other issues also when I played the game.
When I run the Doom 3 at 1920x1080 I get 1 fps.
Here are some screenshots.
This is with r_useGLSL 0

This is with r_useGLSL 1

This is with r_useGLSL 0

This is with r_useGLSL 1

This is with r_useGLSL 0

This is with r_useGLSL 1

For some reason some of the smoke and lights flicker between white and red as you see in the images. Doom3.exe is renamed to Doom 3.exe to fix the Catalyst bug.
reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:47 pm : Took me a while but i think im on to something

i replaced Doom3's old clientstate calls for normal arrays with VertexAttrib calls (as pr Opengl2)
but i forgot to disable them again in one place

It runs much more stable now

it also fixed the bad interaction with sikkmods shaders so go me

i readded the ATI hacks (seems not to do much if anything on nvidia but if it helps ATI

I uploaded the new build feel free to test it need some shuteye been at it for 32 hours straight

reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:22 pm : glsl on

glsl off

glsl on

glsl off

Looks pretty fine now

the glsl images are a bit darker cause the glsl shader emulates the unmodified doom3 arb shader.
Also tested with sikkmod and HDR softshadows lensflares bloom colorgrading all work fine now just a tad darker.
IntelQ9550Reaktor@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:30 pm : What is that for a skeleton texture in your Pic (1Pic and 2) ?
Argoon1981@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:46 pm : AMD user here and i'm also suffering from the slide show performance when using your .exe
My specs:
Quad core intel CPU at 2.8 Ghz
AMD Crossfire HD5770 (crossfire disabled on doom3 with CAI off)
Driver version 12.7 Beta
No forced options on CCC (catalyst control center)
reckless@Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:18 am : Thats the in Hell mod

Is the new exe still slow ? on ATI.
doomrama@Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:17 am : Yes it's still slow with the new exe. 1 fps at 1920x1080.
Here are my specs if you are wondering
Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE 3.2Ghz
RAM: 16GB DDR3 1600Mhz
GFX Card: AMD Radeon HD 6970 2GB vram
Driver: Catalyst 12.8
PSU: 1000 watt
Only forced option is triple buffering and double v-sync with the profile program RadeonPro.
I use these options because it removes all the lag when textures are loading when doors open etc also makes the game much smoother.
Still runs slow if I disable it.
reckless@Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:51 am : Seems to be one persistent glitch

besides removing the old ATI hack (which i reverted) and non ARB program support i havent really done much besides fixing a few things pointed out by PVS-Studio. I also moved the new optimized VBO code + glsl renderer to a dhewm3 build where it works just fine with ATI so its something else than that.
Guess ill have to procure my old radeon card and see for myself though i suspect it to go up in smoke and ashes xD its a radeon 1 yep the first radeon with transform and lighting.
For comparison my current specs are intel core i7 950
msi big bang xpower mainboard
24 gig ddr3
2x msi 560 gtx ti in SLI.
and im running win7 64 ultimate.
Im going to keep trying to get foot on this bug in the meantime its probably better if you use a Doom3.exe you know works on ATI.
doomrama@Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:04 am : @ reckless Nice motherboard you have.
reckless@Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:02 pm : Old one now by todays standards but yeah its pretty good

atleast i hope it survives some years more because my current financial situation wont allow for something similar in case it burns out.
Ill let an old m8 of mine look at my sources he might have an idea what broke Ati support and he has an ATI himself so is easier for him to debug.
In the meantime ill move the stuff i know works to another source and make a new build.
reckless@Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:44 am : Ok reports from an ATI user the optimized VBO code does not break ATI so its not that either

in fact it made Doom3 somewhat faster for him.
The bad more work for me

BNA!@Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:44 pm : lukeman3000 wrote:
Not to derail the thread (or risk getting banned myself), but purely for the sake of conversation -- isn't it a little bit harder to get a vanilla copy of D3 these days since Bethesda have pulled it from digital stores? I seem to remember reading that, at this point in time, the only way to get it is to buy the ID super pack or something similar.
Let me preface this by saying that I buy all of my games. I wholeheartedly believe in supporting the developer. However, I wouldn't come down so hard on someone for their actions when Bethesda has made it especially hard to buy the game (unless I'm missing something here).
BNA!@Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:44 pm : lukeman3000 wrote:
Not to derail the thread (or risk getting banned myself), but purely for the sake of conversation -- isn't it a little bit harder to get a vanilla copy of D3 these days since Bethesda have pulled it from digital stores? I seem to remember reading that, at this point in time, the only way to get it is to buy the ID super pack or something similar.
Let me preface this by saying that I buy all of my games. I wholeheartedly believe in supporting the developer. However, I wouldn't come down so hard on someone for their actions when Bethesda has made it especially hard to buy the game (unless I'm missing something here).
reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:46 am : Moving here so as to not derail the thread anymore.
Still problems with bad performance on AMD and i hope users with those can give me some feedback so i can hunt down why its so god awfully slow on there rigs.
Heres the source code im working with + some tools that might come in handy.
The project has been converted to msvc 2005 so even users without access to msvc 2010 can compile it if they have atleast that version.
doomrama@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:23 am : VGames wrote:
Performance is terrible on my ATI/AMD rig. By the way, you should make a separate thread for this stuff. It has nothing to do with Wulfen's Textures.
Have the same problem with new version on my AMD/ATI rig too, game running at 1 fps.
IntelQ9550Reaktor@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:29 am : THX for the Mod !
Could you Explain the different renderer ?
I don't know about it. And my bad English is no help

reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:33 pm : The guy who supplied the shared GLSL/ARB2 backend is looking at it (might add that he wrote this code on an AMD/ATI rig so he was quite baffled

Its not even sure that the new backend is at fault here since i made a lot of fixes and i might have gotten something wrong somewhere.
My best bet atm is that removing the hack for getting ATI cards to run is still in effect and might have broken performance.
Im going to revert this change and pray that it was that but lets see

One thing you could try out is switching to the GLSL renderer and report performance that would give me a pointer as the GLSL backend has the ATI fix.
Just issue r_useGLSL 1 in the console and hit enter it should change immediatly.
As for explaining the new renderer well thats something im not very good at but ill try.
The GLSL renderer only does the bumpmapping specular and diffuse lighting the rest like shadows ambientlight glasswarp etc. are still handled by the ARB2 backend.
This gives an edge in comparison with say raynors GLSL renderer who also did shadows and ambientlight but couldnt do the material shaders yet, and did not allow the ARB2 backend to run those instead. This one does

you might get some weird effects with custom shaders like sikkpins (like one user posted a screenie of) that happens because the shaders for the GLSL backend was made using Doom3's R200 shaders as a reference (ATI who would have guessed that hehe) and they are very generic so not really suited for sikkmod. But try executing Doom3.exe directly and then enable them

they look pretty good on the unmodified shaders from Doom3.
Im no GLSL shader guru so i cant write sikkmod compatible interaction shaders for it but if someone can then im pretty sure it will look allright.
Hope that shed some light on it

reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:04 pm :
doomrama@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:24 pm : The problem is still there even if I use r_useGLSL 1, still 1 fps.
Tron@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:35 pm : I'm not sure I fully understand, for those of us who are a bit stupid and slightly drunk (mmm, port) what benefits does this installer give over using Sikkmod normally?
reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:36 pm : Darn :S guess i will have to go ugly on the code.
reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:40 pm : Nothing besides a few fixes and an easy way to use the mod

My included engine should also be faster but as you probably noticed AMD/ATI users have some trouble with it.
doomrama@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:22 pm : I ran your mod with the latest build at 640x480 then it ran at around 15 fps. There was other issues also when I played the game.
When I run the Doom 3 at 1920x1080 I get 1 fps.
Here are some screenshots.
This is with r_useGLSL 0

This is with r_useGLSL 1

This is with r_useGLSL 0

This is with r_useGLSL 1

This is with r_useGLSL 0

This is with r_useGLSL 1

For some reason some of the smoke and lights flicker between white and red as you see in the images. Doom3.exe is renamed to Doom 3.exe to fix the Catalyst bug.
reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:47 pm : Took me a while but i think im on to something

i replaced Doom3's old clientstate calls for normal arrays with VertexAttrib calls (as pr Opengl2)
but i forgot to disable them again in one place

It runs much more stable now

it also fixed the bad interaction with sikkmods shaders so go me

i readded the ATI hacks (seems not to do much if anything on nvidia but if it helps ATI

I uploaded the new build feel free to test it need some shuteye been at it for 32 hours straight

reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:22 pm : glsl on

glsl off

glsl on

glsl off

Looks pretty fine now

the glsl images are a bit darker cause the glsl shader emulates the unmodified doom3 arb shader.
Also tested with sikkmod and HDR softshadows lensflares bloom colorgrading all work fine now just a tad darker.
IntelQ9550Reaktor@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:30 pm : What is that for a skeleton texture in your Pic (1Pic and 2) ?
Argoon1981@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:46 pm : AMD user here and i'm also suffering from the slide show performance when using your .exe
My specs:
Quad core intel CPU at 2.8 Ghz
AMD Crossfire HD5770 (crossfire disabled on doom3 with CAI off)
Driver version 12.7 Beta
No forced options on CCC (catalyst control center)
reckless@Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:18 am : Thats the in Hell mod

Is the new exe still slow ? on ATI.
doomrama@Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:17 am : Yes it's still slow with the new exe. 1 fps at 1920x1080.
Here are my specs if you are wondering
Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE 3.2Ghz
RAM: 16GB DDR3 1600Mhz
GFX Card: AMD Radeon HD 6970 2GB vram
Driver: Catalyst 12.8
PSU: 1000 watt
Only forced option is triple buffering and double v-sync with the profile program RadeonPro.
I use these options because it removes all the lag when textures are loading when doors open etc also makes the game much smoother.
Still runs slow if I disable it.
reckless@Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:51 am : Seems to be one persistent glitch

besides removing the old ATI hack (which i reverted) and non ARB program support i havent really done much besides fixing a few things pointed out by PVS-Studio. I also moved the new optimized VBO code + glsl renderer to a dhewm3 build where it works just fine with ATI so its something else than that.
Guess ill have to procure my old radeon card and see for myself though i suspect it to go up in smoke and ashes xD its a radeon 1 yep the first radeon with transform and lighting.
For comparison my current specs are intel core i7 950
msi big bang xpower mainboard
24 gig ddr3
2x msi 560 gtx ti in SLI.
and im running win7 64 ultimate.
Im going to keep trying to get foot on this bug in the meantime its probably better if you use a Doom3.exe you know works on ATI.
doomrama@Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:04 am : @ reckless Nice motherboard you have.
reckless@Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:02 pm : Old one now by todays standards but yeah its pretty good

atleast i hope it survives some years more because my current financial situation wont allow for something similar in case it burns out.
Ill let an old m8 of mine look at my sources he might have an idea what broke Ati support and he has an ATI himself so is easier for him to debug.
In the meantime ill move the stuff i know works to another source and make a new build.
reckless@Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:44 am : Ok reports from an ATI user the optimized VBO code does not break ATI so its not that either

in fact it made Doom3 somewhat faster for him.
The bad more work for me

lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:28 pm : Hey reckless, I had a question:
Until I saw this, I was just getting sikkmod 1.2 and the wulfen 2.0+monoxead texture pack. However, should I be using your version instead? You said it has some fixes -- what kind of differences would I see? Is it worth it?
Just trying to understand the differences between this, and regular sikkmod.
reckless@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 5:32 am : fixes mostly engine side though it later turned out one of my fixes caused ATI users to experience horrible FPS, so its probably better to just use the standard doom3.exe
in case you have an ATI gfx card. (might be fixed in my latest doom3.exe but reports have been a little shoddy).
Besides that its just to make it easier for people who are not into modding doom3.
filot@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:24 am : 

Hi reckless,your sikkmod pack installer on sourceforge is GREAT!! The best graphic ever seen...Looks better than DOOM3HD mod....but on my PC only 10fps(ultra quantity,no AA,8AF),try to tweak sikkmod via menu,found that close all sikkmod gfxs and just 15fps,how can I config it to improve fps, thanks~~
doooooom@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:27 am : @reckless: Is this: ... z&can=2&q= your latest executable (the one you recommend to use)?
filot@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:29 am : and reckless,the exes on all yours ,right? Can it be used on your Sikkmod pack?
doooooom@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:58 am : doooooom wrote:
@reckless: Is this: ... z&can=2&q= your latest executable (the one you recommend to use)?
For what is worth:
- couldn't start the game with it. I had to first use the regular .exe to launch the game for the first time then swap it with yours.
- the menus and game look like they are rendered in 640x480 despite setting my resolution to 1024x768. I restarted many times and I couldn't get it fixed.
- running timedemo demo1, I got something like 20fps less than with the regular exe
Running a GTX 460.
reckless@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:43 pm : The installer on the site still uses the old buggy exe but i uploaded newer ones one the same site

The FPS problem is known but so far i have not been able to find out what causes it

. Its even worse on ATI with down to 1 FPS drops reportedly.
One thing that comes to mind is that the FPS counter code from doom3 was replaced by a more precise version from mh, old one did not obey the fact that doom3 can newer exceed 60 fps so it might have shown some fubar values.
i reverted a few things codewise because i found them to behave incorrectly like the scalable gui code (its whats causing the 640x480 display on first run).
I found timedemo to incorrectly measure FPS i allways get 60 fps on two 560 gtx but it drops to about 40 when loading a map.
My best advise is to disregard the timedemo as a test as the results dont agree. Also the timedemo seems to disregard sikkmods effects and wulfens highres textures which might explain why you get more FPS in the timedemo.
Latest compile seems to run quite a bit more stable

and i fixed a few whoopsies with the GLSL renderer.
ill upload it tonight.
reckless@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:53 pm : The doom3 exes on my site can all be used though not everything there is for doom3

The mh-doom3 can also be used though it currently has a weird glitch that causes models to look weirdly shaded. Its fast though

mh optimized it quite a bit but hees a quake1 guy at heart so im not sure if he will update it further or even fix the glitch with models.
I have the code though so if anyone can spot whats causing it ill upload it on my site for people to poke and prod at

older ones still have the buggy code but the latest should be ok.
doooooom@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:12 pm : reckless wrote:
The installer on the site still uses the old buggy exe but i uploaded newer ones one the same site

I didn't download your installer

I'm actually only interested in, and downloaded, your "faster" binary

reckless wrote:
The FPS problem is known but so far i have not been able to find out what causes it

. Its even worse on ATI with down to 1 FPS drops reportedly.
Welp :\
Also the timedemo seems to disregard sikkmods effects and wulfens highres textures which might explain why you get more FPS in the timedemo.
The tests were made with vanilla Doom 3 installed, no sikkmod no wulfen
Thanks, anyway. Hopefully someone at some point will figure out how to optimize Doom 3 better, to help with how heavy Sikkmod can be. (Because I really don't think id will release their updated "BFG" source, but that's just me) So yeah, thanks again!

reckless@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:24 pm : Uploaded latest compile here. is not stellar due to doom3 bottlenecking the CPU so even if you got a monster gfx card you will not get super fast rendering.
This is mostly due to Doom3 being built in a time where the CPU managed a lot of the rendering operations later gfx cards are a lot faster for those operations than the CPU
and the code should thus be updated to take advantage of that. Unfortunatly the changes needed are pretty huge so this might take some time.
So be vary when enabling stuff from sikkmod and try to find a good balance where its playable while still looking better

might take some experimenting to get a good outcome but sikkpin has riddled the mod with options to toy with so its definatly possible to get a good result.
Major FPS monsters are SSAO / SSIL and ambient lights. SSAO also has a rather annoying bug in outdoors scenes due to it using a hack to get the depth textures causing
the skybox to have dark outlines (also noticable on certain effects). SSIL works ok but it does take a few fps off.
Ambient light looks fine but also takes a few fps off.
Sikk was working on a modified engine some time back that would fix a lot of the hacks by adding the missing features to the engine but its been a bit quiet lately so im not sure if he got everything working yet. It also added the option to use custom parralax shaders to textures that dont bug out on them.
filot@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:40 am : Hi reckless, I tried your lastest compile DOOM3.exe,but it still about 18 fps, then I tried to replace DOOM3HD's exe with this compiled version, before replace it has 55-60fps,after replace it only 15-20fps in same setting, may bug still in this version

reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:55 am : are the 15-20 fps with sikkmod ?.
asking because thats about what i get with it when i have everything on

if not then the bug may still be in effect though as far as i know it only affects ATI users if you get that low fps with a nvidia card then ouch cause on my nvidia 560 i get double that. If you got an ATI then atleast its an improvement cause the first version dropped to about 1 fps :S
sadly i only got a very old radeon card (radeon 100) to test on so i rely on users telling me if it works.
also mind that i replaced Doom3's old FPS counter code with a version that is a lot more exact (old one was spiking violently and did not allways show the correct FPS) if it feels responsive enough then it should be ok

Netherlands@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:48 am : Yesterday i installed the mod that reckless created on a clean doom 3/ROE installation. It is the best mod i have used so far but i have one problem. I have no charactor shadows. For example the first level when you land with the ship there is a charactor with a pad in his hands. The pad creates a shadow but the charactor holding it does not. I think its the same problem that user ViolentVocalist had (he posted that in the Wulfen textures pack forum).
Anyone that has a sollution for this?
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:56 am : some of the shadows are turned of by SikkMod (mostly because they tend to be buggy or look wrong) they can be turned back on by modifying say
and putting a // before noShadows.
use a good text editor like notpad++ to search for the character in the mtr files and then do the above. This can take some time if you dont know what type this char is (like scientist etc).
Its also recommended to use the latest doom3.exe i posted because of some bugs that snuck up on me which have been reverted.
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:05 am : Checked yep definatly sikkmod disabling shadows there.
example here without sikkmod.

and one here with sikkmod

ill have a look at the materials if i come up with something ill link to a fixed pk4 for it.
Netherlands@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:08 am : reckless wrote:
Checked yep definatly sikkmod disabling shadows there.
example here without sikkmod.

and one here with sikkmod

ill have a look at the materials if i come up with something ill link to a fixed pk4 for it.
Thanks. I have used other mods before (Doom 3 HD, Doom 3 VelociREAL etc.) those also had sikkmod 2.1 in it but did have correct shadows (but had also other problems

reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:00 am : Got the missing shadow fixed but i noticed why sikkpin turned it off as now you get a warning in the console about player_body_shadow etc not being defined.
Seems the materials are missing an entry for some of the shadows somewhere hmm ??? it still shows though but a correct fix would be nicer though.
Netherlands@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:11 am : reckless wrote:
Got the missing shadow fixed but i noticed why sikkpin turned it off as now you get a warning in the console about player_body_shadow etc not being defined.
Seems the materials are missing an entry for some of the shadows somewhere hmm ??? it still shows though but a correct fix would be nicer though.
Great news. Is it just setting a parameter to 1 or 0 or do i need new files?
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:21 am : ill upload the new pk4 soon so ya you need new files

still trying to figure out where those missing defines are so we can have a proper fix.
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:12 am : decided to keep it simple and its relatively easy to fix.
Open pak_modfiles.pk4 with winrar winzip or 7z in the sikkmod folder and drag the below file into the materials folder save and close and shadows should be there again.
Netherlands@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:58 pm : reckless wrote:
decided to keep it simple and its relatively easy to fix.
Open pak_modfiles.pk4 with winrar winzip or 7z in the sikkmod folder and drag the below file into the materials folder save and close and shadows should be there again. just tested this. It fixes the shadow problem and for some reason i now also have my charactor in the mirror

reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:10 pm : Noticed you mention it also fixes the mirror problem

well im looking a bit like a big ??? atm but if it works then go me

Im about to pack up a new release (no installer this time) lots of new textures and the above fix + my latest compile of Doom3.
For newcomers just unzip it directly in the doom3 folder and start the game with one of the wrapper executables like doom3-hd.exe this will start the game with sikkmod support.
For Doom3 resurection of evil with sikkmod use the Doom3xp-hd.exe
also included the In Hell mod with a wrapper executable

ill post the link when its up.
lukeman3000@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:16 pm : Waiting for the new link : )
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:40 am : uploading last package now

its quite big unfortunatly but thats the price of HD textures.
can start downloading from here for the 7z archives named 22-10-2012 and skip the one with a filepart at the end (thats the one still uploading) 5 in total.
can get the last one if it changes while downloading the others.
Netherlands@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:31 am : So this new package is much larger. Are there a lot of changes??
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:43 pm : added dds counterparts for the HD textures so a lot of the size is from there but allows for a better looking Doom3 in non ultra settings (settings below high turns on use of compressed textures).
Also added more HD tga textures.
Engine has had a few reverts and bugfixes now defaults to a higher quality setting also.
wrapper executables now use a more modern approach (old one started a hidden console much like a bat file but non visible) new one works just as a wrapper.
Netherlands@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:17 pm : reckless wrote:
added dds counterparts for the HD textures so a lot of the size is from there but allows for a better looking Doom3 in non ultra settings (settings below high turns on use of compressed textures).
Also added more HD tga textures.
Engine has had a few reverts and bugfixes now defaults to a higher quality setting also.
wrapper executables now use a more modern approach (old one started a hidden console much like a bat file but non visible) new one works just as a wrapper.
Copied over de folder contents into a clean doom 3 install. I tried doom3.exe, doom3-hd.exe and doom3 in hell.exe all crash with initializing menus..
EDIT: Found my problem

used cracked doom 3. After i copied over de cracked doom3 exe it worked but now i have allmost no textures. They are all black. And my graphics card monitor only shows 1200mb of videomemery usage. It was over 2000MB with the first mod. I think that copying over the crack broke the mod.
BNA!@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:08 pm : Netherlands wrote:
EDIT: Found my problem

used cracked doom 3. After i copied over de cracked doom3 exe it worked but now i have allmost no textures. They are all black. And my graphics card monitor only shows 1200mb of videomemery usage. It was over 2000MB with the first mod. I think that copying over the crack broke the mod.
Do you use a legit copy?
Netherlands@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:16 pm : BNA! wrote:
Netherlands wrote:
EDIT: Found my problem

used cracked doom 3. After i copied over de cracked doom3 exe it worked but now i have allmost no textures. They are all black. And my graphics card monitor only shows 1200mb of videomemery usage. It was over 2000MB with the first mod. I think that copying over the crack broke the mod.
Do you use a legit copy?
Unfortunately not

MIKEDOGG@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:32 am : I must be doing something wrong, I tried using your custom .exe and I'm getting 2FPS.
reckless@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:03 pm : If you get 2 fps my guess is that you have an ATI card.
My exe has a bug with ATI which im so far have been unable to track down (weird thing is that it does not affect all types of ATI gfx cards only some models).
In that case use the original Doom3.exe
MIKEDOGG@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:45 pm : Ati, that's me. Unfortunately, Ati are notoriously bad for 'Opengl' support. Problem may be on a driver level, or simply dropping a .dll into the main directory will fix it. Has worked with Rage.
reckless@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:38 pm : Aye its kinda sad they make quality cards but there OpenGL driver sucks so bad

I hope in time they get to reverting the nightmare they started by using propriarity API
calls (best guess is that at some point they wanted to pull a voodoo on us heh).
BNA!@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:14 pm : Netherlands wrote:
BNA! wrote:
Do you use a legit copy?
Unfortunately not

Then you got three choices:
1.) get a legit copy of the game, stay here, post, read (recommended)
2.) don't get a legit copy, just never come back here
3.) don't get a legit copy, come back, I ban you
How can you even dare despite all the warnings all over D3W?!
Please go and spend the handful of bucks for Doom3 - if it's not worth the price of a pizza for you, then it's not worth your time and attention anyways.
reckless@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:01 pm : Indeed i cant condone it either also these days Doom3 is rather cheap

Ok A little test ATI users can try out -> it to Doom3.exe and replace my old exe.
This executable was a joint work with MH and has all the tool code removed drastically reducing its size it also has a few other fixes.
Im going to release the source one of these days if it works allright for all, its also a ton easier to track your changes in (less code to freak you out

The source can be considered a cleansrc like tomaz made back in the days for Quake.
Let me know how it works.
Small warning it uses the shared path arb/glsl backend and a few hours ago i found out it was actually slower than the pure ARB2 backend :S i hope to get that fixed
and if not ill put the old backend back and just wait untill i can have a look at the BFG edition backend.
If you want to try the GLSL backend just type r_useGLSL 1 in the console and hit enter.
MIKEDOGG@Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 3:34 am : Same results.

reckless@Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:25 am : Ill try posting one with the old ARB2 backend later its about the only thing changed and the guy who wrote the initial version did it on an ATI so it might be the shared GLSL/ARB2 backend. Else im out of ideas ...
Source here for those interrested in it. tools no game dll's no OS support besides windows everything else has been cleaned out.
Nice for people who just wants to play the darn thing

not so nice for mappers who should use the original instead.
Compiles with the free msvc2010 as theres no MFC dependency anymore.
reckless@Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:02 pm : with the old ARB2 backend for testing by ATI users.
To make it a little easier for me i would ask users to try executing it directly without sikkmod or any other mod so as to rule out if its the shaders causing this.
If it works as it should without mods then its a shader bug which should be easy to fix.
reckless@Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:45 am : Updated my Doom3 cleansrc a bit.
Jpeg source updated to version 8.
Ported some MAC functions using SSE2 to msvc (small speedup).
cleaned out remaining editor resources.
Preparing the source to use GLEW for OpenGL calls.
Updating OpenAL source.
Removing EAX.
Fix ATI slowdowns (would be a big help if a dev with access to an ATI card could lend a hand).
lukeman3000@Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:44 am : BNA! wrote:
Netherlands wrote:
BNA! wrote:
Do you use a legit copy?
Unfortunately not

Then you got three choices:
1.) get a legit copy of the game, stay here, post, read (recommended)
2.) don't get a legit copy, just never come back here
3.) don't get a legit copy, come back, I ban you
How can you even dare despite all the warnings all over D3W?!
Please go and spend the handful of bucks for Doom3 - if it's not worth the price of a pizza for you, then it's not worth your time and attention anyways.
Not to derail the thread (or risk getting banned myself), but purely for the sake of conversation -- isn't it a little bit harder to get a vanilla copy of D3 these days since Bethesda have pulled it from digital stores? I seem to remember reading that, at this point in time, the only way to get it is to buy the ID super pack or something similar.
Let me preface this by saying that I buy all of my games. I wholeheartedly believe in supporting the developer. However, I wouldn't come down so hard on someone for their actions when Bethesda has made it especially hard to buy the game (unless I'm missing something here).
BNA!@Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:44 pm : lukeman3000 wrote:
Not to derail the thread (or risk getting banned myself), but purely for the sake of conversation -- isn't it a little bit harder to get a vanilla copy of D3 these days since Bethesda have pulled it from digital stores? I seem to remember reading that, at this point in time, the only way to get it is to buy the ID super pack or something similar.
Let me preface this by saying that I buy all of my games. I wholeheartedly believe in supporting the developer. However, I wouldn't come down so hard on someone for their actions when Bethesda has made it especially hard to buy the game (unless I'm missing something here).
reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:46 am : Moving here so as to not derail the thread anymore.
Still problems with bad performance on AMD and i hope users with those can give me some feedback so i can hunt down why its so god awfully slow on there rigs.
Heres the source code im working with + some tools that might come in handy.
The project has been converted to msvc 2005 so even users without access to msvc 2010 can compile it if they have atleast that version.
doomrama@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:23 am : VGames wrote:
Performance is terrible on my ATI/AMD rig. By the way, you should make a separate thread for this stuff. It has nothing to do with Wulfen's Textures.
Have the same problem with new version on my AMD/ATI rig too, game running at 1 fps.
IntelQ9550Reaktor@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:29 am : THX for the Mod !
Could you Explain the different renderer ?
I don't know about it. And my bad English is no help

reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:33 pm : The guy who supplied the shared GLSL/ARB2 backend is looking at it (might add that he wrote this code on an AMD/ATI rig so he was quite baffled

Its not even sure that the new backend is at fault here since i made a lot of fixes and i might have gotten something wrong somewhere.
My best bet atm is that removing the hack for getting ATI cards to run is still in effect and might have broken performance.
Im going to revert this change and pray that it was that but lets see

One thing you could try out is switching to the GLSL renderer and report performance that would give me a pointer as the GLSL backend has the ATI fix.
Just issue r_useGLSL 1 in the console and hit enter it should change immediatly.
As for explaining the new renderer well thats something im not very good at but ill try.
The GLSL renderer only does the bumpmapping specular and diffuse lighting the rest like shadows ambientlight glasswarp etc. are still handled by the ARB2 backend.
This gives an edge in comparison with say raynors GLSL renderer who also did shadows and ambientlight but couldnt do the material shaders yet, and did not allow the ARB2 backend to run those instead. This one does

you might get some weird effects with custom shaders like sikkpins (like one user posted a screenie of) that happens because the shaders for the GLSL backend was made using Doom3's R200 shaders as a reference (ATI who would have guessed that hehe) and they are very generic so not really suited for sikkmod. But try executing Doom3.exe directly and then enable them

they look pretty good on the unmodified shaders from Doom3.
Im no GLSL shader guru so i cant write sikkmod compatible interaction shaders for it but if someone can then im pretty sure it will look allright.
Hope that shed some light on it

reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:04 pm :
doomrama@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:24 pm : The problem is still there even if I use r_useGLSL 1, still 1 fps.
Tron@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:35 pm : I'm not sure I fully understand, for those of us who are a bit stupid and slightly drunk (mmm, port) what benefits does this installer give over using Sikkmod normally?
reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:36 pm : Darn :S guess i will have to go ugly on the code.
reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:40 pm : Nothing besides a few fixes and an easy way to use the mod

My included engine should also be faster but as you probably noticed AMD/ATI users have some trouble with it.
doomrama@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:22 pm : I ran your mod with the latest build at 640x480 then it ran at around 15 fps. There was other issues also when I played the game.
When I run the Doom 3 at 1920x1080 I get 1 fps.
Here are some screenshots.
This is with r_useGLSL 0

This is with r_useGLSL 1

This is with r_useGLSL 0

This is with r_useGLSL 1

This is with r_useGLSL 0

This is with r_useGLSL 1

For some reason some of the smoke and lights flicker between white and red as you see in the images. Doom3.exe is renamed to Doom 3.exe to fix the Catalyst bug.
reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:47 pm : Took me a while but i think im on to something

i replaced Doom3's old clientstate calls for normal arrays with VertexAttrib calls (as pr Opengl2)
but i forgot to disable them again in one place

It runs much more stable now

it also fixed the bad interaction with sikkmods shaders so go me

i readded the ATI hacks (seems not to do much if anything on nvidia but if it helps ATI

I uploaded the new build feel free to test it need some shuteye been at it for 32 hours straight

reckless@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:22 pm : glsl on

glsl off

glsl on

glsl off

Looks pretty fine now

the glsl images are a bit darker cause the glsl shader emulates the unmodified doom3 arb shader.
Also tested with sikkmod and HDR softshadows lensflares bloom colorgrading all work fine now just a tad darker.
IntelQ9550Reaktor@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:30 pm : What is that for a skeleton texture in your Pic (1Pic and 2) ?
Argoon1981@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:46 pm : AMD user here and i'm also suffering from the slide show performance when using your .exe
My specs:
Quad core intel CPU at 2.8 Ghz
AMD Crossfire HD5770 (crossfire disabled on doom3 with CAI off)
Driver version 12.7 Beta
No forced options on CCC (catalyst control center)
reckless@Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:18 am : Thats the in Hell mod

Is the new exe still slow ? on ATI.
doomrama@Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:17 am : Yes it's still slow with the new exe. 1 fps at 1920x1080.
Here are my specs if you are wondering
Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE 3.2Ghz
RAM: 16GB DDR3 1600Mhz
GFX Card: AMD Radeon HD 6970 2GB vram
Driver: Catalyst 12.8
PSU: 1000 watt
Only forced option is triple buffering and double v-sync with the profile program RadeonPro.
I use these options because it removes all the lag when textures are loading when doors open etc also makes the game much smoother.
Still runs slow if I disable it.
reckless@Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:51 am : Seems to be one persistent glitch

besides removing the old ATI hack (which i reverted) and non ARB program support i havent really done much besides fixing a few things pointed out by PVS-Studio. I also moved the new optimized VBO code + glsl renderer to a dhewm3 build where it works just fine with ATI so its something else than that.
Guess ill have to procure my old radeon card and see for myself though i suspect it to go up in smoke and ashes xD its a radeon 1 yep the first radeon with transform and lighting.
For comparison my current specs are intel core i7 950
msi big bang xpower mainboard
24 gig ddr3
2x msi 560 gtx ti in SLI.
and im running win7 64 ultimate.
Im going to keep trying to get foot on this bug in the meantime its probably better if you use a Doom3.exe you know works on ATI.
doomrama@Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:04 am : @ reckless Nice motherboard you have.
reckless@Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:02 pm : Old one now by todays standards but yeah its pretty good

atleast i hope it survives some years more because my current financial situation wont allow for something similar in case it burns out.
Ill let an old m8 of mine look at my sources he might have an idea what broke Ati support and he has an ATI himself so is easier for him to debug.
In the meantime ill move the stuff i know works to another source and make a new build.
reckless@Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:44 am : Ok reports from an ATI user the optimized VBO code does not break ATI so its not that either

in fact it made Doom3 somewhat faster for him.
The bad more work for me

lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:28 pm : Hey reckless, I had a question:
Until I saw this, I was just getting sikkmod 1.2 and the wulfen 2.0+monoxead texture pack. However, should I be using your version instead? You said it has some fixes -- what kind of differences would I see? Is it worth it?
Just trying to understand the differences between this, and regular sikkmod.
reckless@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 5:32 am : fixes mostly engine side though it later turned out one of my fixes caused ATI users to experience horrible FPS, so its probably better to just use the standard doom3.exe
in case you have an ATI gfx card. (might be fixed in my latest doom3.exe but reports have been a little shoddy).
Besides that its just to make it easier for people who are not into modding doom3.
filot@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:24 am : 

Hi reckless,your sikkmod pack installer on sourceforge is GREAT!! The best graphic ever seen...Looks better than DOOM3HD mod....but on my PC only 10fps(ultra quantity,no AA,8AF),try to tweak sikkmod via menu,found that close all sikkmod gfxs and just 15fps,how can I config it to improve fps, thanks~~
doooooom@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:27 am : @reckless: Is this: ... z&can=2&q= your latest executable (the one you recommend to use)?
filot@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:29 am : and reckless,the exes on all yours ,right? Can it be used on your Sikkmod pack?
doooooom@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:58 am : doooooom wrote:
@reckless: Is this: ... z&can=2&q= your latest executable (the one you recommend to use)?
For what is worth:
- couldn't start the game with it. I had to first use the regular .exe to launch the game for the first time then swap it with yours.
- the menus and game look like they are rendered in 640x480 despite setting my resolution to 1024x768. I restarted many times and I couldn't get it fixed.
- running timedemo demo1, I got something like 20fps less than with the regular exe
Running a GTX 460.
reckless@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:43 pm : The installer on the site still uses the old buggy exe but i uploaded newer ones one the same site

The FPS problem is known but so far i have not been able to find out what causes it

. Its even worse on ATI with down to 1 FPS drops reportedly.
One thing that comes to mind is that the FPS counter code from doom3 was replaced by a more precise version from mh, old one did not obey the fact that doom3 can newer exceed 60 fps so it might have shown some fubar values.
i reverted a few things codewise because i found them to behave incorrectly like the scalable gui code (its whats causing the 640x480 display on first run).
I found timedemo to incorrectly measure FPS i allways get 60 fps on two 560 gtx but it drops to about 40 when loading a map.
My best advise is to disregard the timedemo as a test as the results dont agree. Also the timedemo seems to disregard sikkmods effects and wulfens highres textures which might explain why you get more FPS in the timedemo.
Latest compile seems to run quite a bit more stable

and i fixed a few whoopsies with the GLSL renderer.
ill upload it tonight.
reckless@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:53 pm : The doom3 exes on my site can all be used though not everything there is for doom3

The mh-doom3 can also be used though it currently has a weird glitch that causes models to look weirdly shaded. Its fast though

mh optimized it quite a bit but hees a quake1 guy at heart so im not sure if he will update it further or even fix the glitch with models.
I have the code though so if anyone can spot whats causing it ill upload it on my site for people to poke and prod at

older ones still have the buggy code but the latest should be ok.
doooooom@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:12 pm : reckless wrote:
The installer on the site still uses the old buggy exe but i uploaded newer ones one the same site

I didn't download your installer

I'm actually only interested in, and downloaded, your "faster" binary

reckless wrote:
The FPS problem is known but so far i have not been able to find out what causes it

. Its even worse on ATI with down to 1 FPS drops reportedly.
Welp :\
Also the timedemo seems to disregard sikkmods effects and wulfens highres textures which might explain why you get more FPS in the timedemo.
The tests were made with vanilla Doom 3 installed, no sikkmod no wulfen
Thanks, anyway. Hopefully someone at some point will figure out how to optimize Doom 3 better, to help with how heavy Sikkmod can be. (Because I really don't think id will release their updated "BFG" source, but that's just me) So yeah, thanks again!

reckless@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:24 pm : Uploaded latest compile here. is not stellar due to doom3 bottlenecking the CPU so even if you got a monster gfx card you will not get super fast rendering.
This is mostly due to Doom3 being built in a time where the CPU managed a lot of the rendering operations later gfx cards are a lot faster for those operations than the CPU
and the code should thus be updated to take advantage of that. Unfortunatly the changes needed are pretty huge so this might take some time.
So be vary when enabling stuff from sikkmod and try to find a good balance where its playable while still looking better

might take some experimenting to get a good outcome but sikkpin has riddled the mod with options to toy with so its definatly possible to get a good result.
Major FPS monsters are SSAO / SSIL and ambient lights. SSAO also has a rather annoying bug in outdoors scenes due to it using a hack to get the depth textures causing
the skybox to have dark outlines (also noticable on certain effects). SSIL works ok but it does take a few fps off.
Ambient light looks fine but also takes a few fps off.
Sikk was working on a modified engine some time back that would fix a lot of the hacks by adding the missing features to the engine but its been a bit quiet lately so im not sure if he got everything working yet. It also added the option to use custom parralax shaders to textures that dont bug out on them.
filot@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:40 am : Hi reckless, I tried your lastest compile DOOM3.exe,but it still about 18 fps, then I tried to replace DOOM3HD's exe with this compiled version, before replace it has 55-60fps,after replace it only 15-20fps in same setting, may bug still in this version

reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:55 am : are the 15-20 fps with sikkmod ?.
asking because thats about what i get with it when i have everything on

if not then the bug may still be in effect though as far as i know it only affects ATI users if you get that low fps with a nvidia card then ouch cause on my nvidia 560 i get double that. If you got an ATI then atleast its an improvement cause the first version dropped to about 1 fps :S
sadly i only got a very old radeon card (radeon 100) to test on so i rely on users telling me if it works.
also mind that i replaced Doom3's old FPS counter code with a version that is a lot more exact (old one was spiking violently and did not allways show the correct FPS) if it feels responsive enough then it should be ok

Netherlands@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:48 am : Yesterday i installed the mod that reckless created on a clean doom 3/ROE installation. It is the best mod i have used so far but i have one problem. I have no charactor shadows. For example the first level when you land with the ship there is a charactor with a pad in his hands. The pad creates a shadow but the charactor holding it does not. I think its the same problem that user ViolentVocalist had (he posted that in the Wulfen textures pack forum).
Anyone that has a sollution for this?
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:56 am : some of the shadows are turned of by SikkMod (mostly because they tend to be buggy or look wrong) they can be turned back on by modifying say
and putting a // before noShadows.
use a good text editor like notpad++ to search for the character in the mtr files and then do the above. This can take some time if you dont know what type this char is (like scientist etc).
Its also recommended to use the latest doom3.exe i posted because of some bugs that snuck up on me which have been reverted.
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:05 am : Checked yep definatly sikkmod disabling shadows there.
example here without sikkmod.

and one here with sikkmod

ill have a look at the materials if i come up with something ill link to a fixed pk4 for it.
Netherlands@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:08 am : reckless wrote:
Checked yep definatly sikkmod disabling shadows there.
example here without sikkmod.

and one here with sikkmod

ill have a look at the materials if i come up with something ill link to a fixed pk4 for it.
Thanks. I have used other mods before (Doom 3 HD, Doom 3 VelociREAL etc.) those also had sikkmod 2.1 in it but did have correct shadows (but had also other problems

reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:00 am : Got the missing shadow fixed but i noticed why sikkpin turned it off as now you get a warning in the console about player_body_shadow etc not being defined.
Seems the materials are missing an entry for some of the shadows somewhere hmm ??? it still shows though but a correct fix would be nicer though.
Netherlands@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:11 am : reckless wrote:
Got the missing shadow fixed but i noticed why sikkpin turned it off as now you get a warning in the console about player_body_shadow etc not being defined.
Seems the materials are missing an entry for some of the shadows somewhere hmm ??? it still shows though but a correct fix would be nicer though.
Great news. Is it just setting a parameter to 1 or 0 or do i need new files?
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:21 am : ill upload the new pk4 soon so ya you need new files

still trying to figure out where those missing defines are so we can have a proper fix.
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:12 am : decided to keep it simple and its relatively easy to fix.
Open pak_modfiles.pk4 with winrar winzip or 7z in the sikkmod folder and drag the below file into the materials folder save and close and shadows should be there again.
Netherlands@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:58 pm : reckless wrote:
decided to keep it simple and its relatively easy to fix.
Open pak_modfiles.pk4 with winrar winzip or 7z in the sikkmod folder and drag the below file into the materials folder save and close and shadows should be there again. just tested this. It fixes the shadow problem and for some reason i now also have my charactor in the mirror

reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:10 pm : Noticed you mention it also fixes the mirror problem

well im looking a bit like a big ??? atm but if it works then go me

Im about to pack up a new release (no installer this time) lots of new textures and the above fix + my latest compile of Doom3.
For newcomers just unzip it directly in the doom3 folder and start the game with one of the wrapper executables like doom3-hd.exe this will start the game with sikkmod support.
For Doom3 resurection of evil with sikkmod use the Doom3xp-hd.exe
also included the In Hell mod with a wrapper executable

ill post the link when its up.
lukeman3000@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:16 pm : Waiting for the new link : )
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:40 am : uploading last package now

its quite big unfortunatly but thats the price of HD textures.
can start downloading from here for the 7z archives named 22-10-2012 and skip the one with a filepart at the end (thats the one still uploading) 5 in total.
can get the last one if it changes while downloading the others.
Netherlands@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:31 am : So this new package is much larger. Are there a lot of changes??
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:43 pm : added dds counterparts for the HD textures so a lot of the size is from there but allows for a better looking Doom3 in non ultra settings (settings below high turns on use of compressed textures).
Also added more HD tga textures.
Engine has had a few reverts and bugfixes now defaults to a higher quality setting also.
wrapper executables now use a more modern approach (old one started a hidden console much like a bat file but non visible) new one works just as a wrapper.
Netherlands@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:17 pm : reckless wrote:
added dds counterparts for the HD textures so a lot of the size is from there but allows for a better looking Doom3 in non ultra settings (settings below high turns on use of compressed textures).
Also added more HD tga textures.
Engine has had a few reverts and bugfixes now defaults to a higher quality setting also.
wrapper executables now use a more modern approach (old one started a hidden console much like a bat file but non visible) new one works just as a wrapper.
Copied over de folder contents into a clean doom 3 install. I tried doom3.exe, doom3-hd.exe and doom3 in hell.exe all crash with initializing menus..
EDIT: Found my problem

used cracked doom 3. After i copied over de cracked doom3 exe it worked but now i have allmost no textures. They are all black. And my graphics card monitor only shows 1200mb of videomemery usage. It was over 2000MB with the first mod. I think that copying over the crack broke the mod.
BNA!@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:08 pm : Netherlands wrote:
EDIT: Found my problem

used cracked doom 3. After i copied over de cracked doom3 exe it worked but now i have allmost no textures. They are all black. And my graphics card monitor only shows 1200mb of videomemery usage. It was over 2000MB with the first mod. I think that copying over the crack broke the mod.
Do you use a legit copy?
Netherlands@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:16 pm : BNA! wrote:
Netherlands wrote:
EDIT: Found my problem

used cracked doom 3. After i copied over de cracked doom3 exe it worked but now i have allmost no textures. They are all black. And my graphics card monitor only shows 1200mb of videomemery usage. It was over 2000MB with the first mod. I think that copying over the crack broke the mod.
Do you use a legit copy?
Unfortunately not

MIKEDOGG@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:32 am : I must be doing something wrong, I tried using your custom .exe and I'm getting 2FPS.
reckless@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:03 pm : If you get 2 fps my guess is that you have an ATI card.
My exe has a bug with ATI which im so far have been unable to track down (weird thing is that it does not affect all types of ATI gfx cards only some models).
In that case use the original Doom3.exe
MIKEDOGG@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:45 pm : Ati, that's me. Unfortunately, Ati are notoriously bad for 'Opengl' support. Problem may be on a driver level, or simply dropping a .dll into the main directory will fix it. Has worked with Rage.
reckless@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:38 pm : Aye its kinda sad they make quality cards but there OpenGL driver sucks so bad

I hope in time they get to reverting the nightmare they started by using propriarity API
calls (best guess is that at some point they wanted to pull a voodoo on us heh).
BNA!@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:14 pm : Netherlands wrote:
BNA! wrote:
Do you use a legit copy?
Unfortunately not

Then you got three choices:
1.) get a legit copy of the game, stay here, post, read (recommended)
2.) don't get a legit copy, just never come back here
3.) don't get a legit copy, come back, I ban you
How can you even dare despite all the warnings all over D3W?!
Please go and spend the handful of bucks for Doom3 - if it's not worth the price of a pizza for you, then it's not worth your time and attention anyways.
reckless@Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:01 pm : Indeed i cant condone it either also these days Doom3 is rather cheap

Ok A little test ATI users can try out -> it to Doom3.exe and replace my old exe.
This executable was a joint work with MH and has all the tool code removed drastically reducing its size it also has a few other fixes.
Im going to release the source one of these days if it works allright for all, its also a ton easier to track your changes in (less code to freak you out

The source can be considered a cleansrc like tomaz made back in the days for Quake.
Let me know how it works.
Small warning it uses the shared path arb/glsl backend and a few hours ago i found out it was actually slower than the pure ARB2 backend :S i hope to get that fixed
and if not ill put the old backend back and just wait untill i can have a look at the BFG edition backend.
If you want to try the GLSL backend just type r_useGLSL 1 in the console and hit enter.
MIKEDOGG@Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 3:34 am : Same results.

reckless@Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:25 am : Ill try posting one with the old ARB2 backend later its about the only thing changed and the guy who wrote the initial version did it on an ATI so it might be the shared GLSL/ARB2 backend. Else im out of ideas ...
Source here for those interrested in it. tools no game dll's no OS support besides windows everything else has been cleaned out.
Nice for people who just wants to play the darn thing

not so nice for mappers who should use the original instead.
Compiles with the free msvc2010 as theres no MFC dependency anymore.
reckless@Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:02 pm : with the old ARB2 backend for testing by ATI users.
To make it a little easier for me i would ask users to try executing it directly without sikkmod or any other mod so as to rule out if its the shaders causing this.
If it works as it should without mods then its a shader bug which should be easy to fix.
reckless@Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:45 am : Updated my Doom3 cleansrc a bit.
Jpeg source updated to version 8.
Ported some MAC functions using SSE2 to msvc (small speedup).
cleaned out remaining editor resources.
Preparing the source to use GLEW for OpenGL calls.
Updating OpenAL source.
Removing EAX.
Fix ATI slowdowns (would be a big help if a dev with access to an ATI card could lend a hand).
lukeman3000@Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:44 am : BNA! wrote:
Netherlands wrote:
BNA! wrote:
Do you use a legit copy?
Unfortunately not

Then you got three choices:
1.) get a legit copy of the game, stay here, post, read (recommended)
2.) don't get a legit copy, just never come back here
3.) don't get a legit copy, come back, I ban you
How can you even dare despite all the warnings all over D3W?!
Please go and spend the handful of bucks for Doom3 - if it's not worth the price of a pizza for you, then it's not worth your time and attention anyways.
Not to derail the thread (or risk getting banned myself), but purely for the sake of conversation -- isn't it a little bit harder to get a vanilla copy of D3 these days since Bethesda have pulled it from digital stores? I seem to remember reading that, at this point in time, the only way to get it is to buy the ID super pack or something similar.
Let me preface this by saying that I buy all of my games. I wholeheartedly believe in supporting the developer. However, I wouldn't come down so hard on someone for their actions when Bethesda has made it especially hard to buy the game (unless I'm missing something here).
BNA!@Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:44 pm : lukeman3000 wrote:
Not to derail the thread (or risk getting banned myself), but purely for the sake of conversation -- isn't it a little bit harder to get a vanilla copy of D3 these days since Bethesda have pulled it from digital stores? I seem to remember reading that, at this point in time, the only way to get it is to buy the ID super pack or something similar.
Let me preface this by saying that I buy all of my games. I wholeheartedly believe in supporting the developer. However, I wouldn't come down so hard on someone for their actions when Bethesda has made it especially hard to buy the game (unless I'm missing something here).