lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:21 pm : I've been out of the Doom 3 scene for awhile, but I recently got a new rig and just reinstalled vanilla Doom 3.
Before, I was running sikkmod, wulfen+monoxead high-res textures, and trent reznor's sound pack. I want an enhanced experience while staying fairly vanilla without too much gameplay modification.
So I was just wondering if there's anything new out there I should download? These are the things I'm planning on installing:
sikkmod v1.2
wulfen's high-res texture pack
monoxead's high-res texture pack
trent reznor's sound pack
Anything else I should check out? Has either wulfen or monoxead released more textures since their first pack?
Wulfen@Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:21 pm :
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:24 pm : Wulfen wrote:
Also, what is the deal with the reckless sikkmod that I've seen in your thread? Is it an improved version of sikkmod 1.2? Is it the whole game?
I noticed it was like a gig -- does that mean that you can literally download doom 3 and run it if you don't have it?
drill_sarge@Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:02 pm : lukeman3000 wrote:
I noticed it was like a gig -- does that mean that you can literally download doom 3 and run it if you don't have it?
It's only textures, you still need doom3
lukeman3000@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:32 am : Couple more questions:
1. Is there a way to update the HUD and crosshair so that they're not so stretched and low-res?
Everything in the game looks great with the new texture packs and sikkmod, but the HUD is a constant reminder that I'm playing an old game. It'd be nice to update it. Is there anything like this out there?
2. Are there any Doom 3 Co-op mods which would work with sikkmod?
I would love to play through the Doom 3 campaign with my bro over LAN, and I just found out about Opencoop. Would it work with Sikkmod?
3. I noticed that I don't have sikkmod options when I use 6th Venom HQ menu. Is there any way to get the sikkmod menu back?
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:27 am : If youre using my installer then sikkmod is allready part of 6th venoms menu

you might want to grab my latest Doom3.exe though and im working on a fix for some missing shadows in sikkmod. The size of my installer is like said mostly textures (some of them are huge).
lukeman3000@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:01 pm : reckless wrote:
If youre using my installer then sikkmod is allready part of 6th venoms menu

you might want to grab my latest Doom3.exe though and im working on a fix for some missing shadows in sikkmod. The size of my installer is like said mostly textures (some of them are huge).
Thank you for the help in the other thread! Do you have time for another couple q's?
1. You said I could grab your installer -- does it make any gameplay changes? What exactly does it do? Because right now I'm running sikkmod, wulfen+monoxead, and Trent Reznor's sound pack.
Can I still do all of this with your installer while keeping the gameplay vanilla?
2. This is something I've never been clear on. What should my doomconfig.cfg settings actually be? Should I use any of the vanilla presets such as high, ultra, etc, or should I never touch the vanilla graphics menu when I'm using sikkmod?
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:46 pm : Im uploading a newer version with some bugs fixed you might want instead

My version has all nessesary modifications for playing with the HD textures from wulfen/monoxead no need to modify the doomconfig.cfg
If you want to play vanilla just execute Doom3.exe i have wrapper executables for playing with sikkmod enabled called Doom3-hd.exe and Doom3xp-hd.exe for ressurection of evil.
You still get the HD textures in vanilla but without sikkmods effects. This is caused by the HD textures residing in Doom3\base folder instead of in Doom3\sikkmod folder.
If you want pure vanilla move base\textures base\models base\materials to the sikkmod folder though the HD textures dont take up a load of FPS it does increase load time
by some, but if you can live with that its better to just leave them where they are, it still plays like vanilla just looks better

If you use Doom3-hd.exe then sikkmod fires up and you get a HD menu with options to select 16:9 and 16:10 display (uses a modified version of 6th venoms HD menu).
You can access sikkmods settings from it also and its encouraged to toy a bit with its settings to get a good result. Warning enabling all the bells and whistles will
drop your FPS like a 10 ton brick so toy a bit with the different settings.
Most FPS heavy settings are SSAO / SoftShadows. SSAO also suffers from some artifacting most notable on skyboxes heathaze etc.
The new package im uploading is zipped with 7z (very good and its free) im posting the links when its up

lukeman3000@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:17 pm : So, just to be clear, your mod just kind of packages everything together, but you're not adding things like weapon damage tweaks or anything like that, right?
I have had a hell of a time with sikkmod and the .cfg. It seems like some combination of settings gives me a good frame rate, but I just happened upon it accidentally and I don't know how to replicate it.
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:58 am : Prety much aye

gameplay is like vanilla the mod only enhances visual effects and adds a few that doom3 newer had to start with.
i modified the doom3 source to set the same options as the config tweaks in ultra and high and using generally higher quality settings in the lower end.
My first version used an autoexec.cfg tweak

these settings might not be optimal for every gfx card out there so if you know how its allways better to tweak them a bit.
this is what it puts out in ultra with my engine.
seta image_downSizeLimit "256"
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0"
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "0"
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "0"
seta image_downSizeBump "0"
seta image_downSizeSpecular "0"
seta image_useCache "0"
seta image_cacheMegs "20"
seta image_cacheMinK "200"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "0"
seta image_useNormalCompression "0"
seta image_useAllFormats "1"
seta image_useCompression "0"
seta image_preload "1"
seta image_roundDown "0"
seta image_forceDownSize "0"
seta image_downSize "0"
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 7:31 am : Reckless, on an unrelated note, I found a "Sikkmod Version" of the 6th Venom menu which marklegg linked to here on the forums: this one ok to use, or should I follow your method?
I noticed that this is 31.86MB, but when I use your method of injecting that code into primary.pd (or whatever it was), my file size was closer to 33MB I think.
In other words, is it ok to use this venom.pk4, or did what you paste in the other thread include some other enhancements of some sort? Why is one bigger than the other?
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:06 am : if you use my pack theres no need it allready has venoms HD menu

the extra bytes can be caused by formatting but i also removed some disabled code in my version which was intended for dentonmod but newer worked though that should have made it smaller not bigger so best guess is formatting.
You can also use venoms as a standalone replacement for ID's old menu if you place his pk4 in Doom3\base while it will not cause doom3 to look any better you atleast get
easy access to widescreen resolutions benchmarking etc.
A comment from sikk about the missing shadows in my mod actually revealed a bug i introduced myself btw. :S i replaced his md5meshes with some with higher polycount
but was not aware that his method of selfshadowing actually used the md5meshes for those ouch. So my models look a bit better (less edges) than his but they break selfshadowing cause there missing the shadow meshes

. Unfortunatly im no mapper/modeller else i could fix that but if someone wants to do the nessesary with my md5meshes ill be happy to include it.
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:36 am : Also, do you have any good HUD replacements to recommend? Is there any way to fix the stretching of the HUD?
Surely someone has done a good HD HUD around here..
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:51 am : Sikkmod has the alpha hud but besides that im not sure if anyone has made a hud replacement yet.
You can enable the alpha hud from the sikkmod menu in misc hud type.
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:06 am : When I enable alpha hud, I see absolutely no change whatsoever.. What is it supposed to do?
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:46 pm : as far as i can guess it uses the hud elements from the doom3 alpha (mostly weapon icons etc).
Sikkpin@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:35 pm : lukeman3000 wrote:
When I enable alpha hud, I see absolutely no change whatsoever.. What is it supposed to do?
You'll have to start a new game for the hud change to take as the hud object is saved to and loaded from the save file.
And the differences between the two are the health/armor/stamina/ammo graphics.
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:39 pm : Sikkpin wrote:
lukeman3000 wrote:
When I enable alpha hud, I see absolutely no change whatsoever.. What is it supposed to do?
You'll have to start a new game for the hud change to take as the hud object is saved to and loaded from the save file.
And the differences between the two are the health/armor/stamina/ammo graphics.
Cool -- does it fix the "stretched" nature of the HUD?
I will be finding out for myself but have to go to class!
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:51 pm : Quote:
Cool -- does it fix the "stretched" nature of the HUD?
No the stretching is caused by code in the engine not being geared towards widescreen displays. A few fixes have been posted but none that works 100% yet.
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:04 pm : Another question about the Trent Reznor sound effects.
As I understand it, sikkmod 1.2 includes Trent Reznor sounds to replace the pistol, shotgun, and a couple others, but not all of Trent Reznor's sounds are used.
If I want to use all of Trent Reznor's sounds, can I just put the Trent Reznor sound pack in my sikkmod folder?
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:21 pm : I've been out of the Doom 3 scene for awhile, but I recently got a new rig and just reinstalled vanilla Doom 3.
Before, I was running sikkmod, wulfen+monoxead high-res textures, and trent reznor's sound pack. I want an enhanced experience while staying fairly vanilla without too much gameplay modification.
So I was just wondering if there's anything new out there I should download? These are the things I'm planning on installing:
sikkmod v1.2
wulfen's high-res texture pack
monoxead's high-res texture pack
trent reznor's sound pack
Anything else I should check out? Has either wulfen or monoxead released more textures since their first pack?
Wulfen@Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:21 pm :
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:24 pm : Wulfen wrote:
Also, what is the deal with the reckless sikkmod that I've seen in your thread? Is it an improved version of sikkmod 1.2? Is it the whole game?
I noticed it was like a gig -- does that mean that you can literally download doom 3 and run it if you don't have it?
drill_sarge@Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:02 pm : lukeman3000 wrote:
I noticed it was like a gig -- does that mean that you can literally download doom 3 and run it if you don't have it?
It's only textures, you still need doom3
lukeman3000@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:32 am : Couple more questions:
1. Is there a way to update the HUD and crosshair so that they're not so stretched and low-res?
Everything in the game looks great with the new texture packs and sikkmod, but the HUD is a constant reminder that I'm playing an old game. It'd be nice to update it. Is there anything like this out there?
2. Are there any Doom 3 Co-op mods which would work with sikkmod?
I would love to play through the Doom 3 campaign with my bro over LAN, and I just found out about Opencoop. Would it work with Sikkmod?
3. I noticed that I don't have sikkmod options when I use 6th Venom HQ menu. Is there any way to get the sikkmod menu back?
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:27 am : If youre using my installer then sikkmod is allready part of 6th venoms menu

you might want to grab my latest Doom3.exe though and im working on a fix for some missing shadows in sikkmod. The size of my installer is like said mostly textures (some of them are huge).
lukeman3000@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:01 pm : reckless wrote:
If youre using my installer then sikkmod is allready part of 6th venoms menu

you might want to grab my latest Doom3.exe though and im working on a fix for some missing shadows in sikkmod. The size of my installer is like said mostly textures (some of them are huge).
Thank you for the help in the other thread! Do you have time for another couple q's?
1. You said I could grab your installer -- does it make any gameplay changes? What exactly does it do? Because right now I'm running sikkmod, wulfen+monoxead, and Trent Reznor's sound pack.
Can I still do all of this with your installer while keeping the gameplay vanilla?
2. This is something I've never been clear on. What should my doomconfig.cfg settings actually be? Should I use any of the vanilla presets such as high, ultra, etc, or should I never touch the vanilla graphics menu when I'm using sikkmod?
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:46 pm : Im uploading a newer version with some bugs fixed you might want instead

My version has all nessesary modifications for playing with the HD textures from wulfen/monoxead no need to modify the doomconfig.cfg
If you want to play vanilla just execute Doom3.exe i have wrapper executables for playing with sikkmod enabled called Doom3-hd.exe and Doom3xp-hd.exe for ressurection of evil.
You still get the HD textures in vanilla but without sikkmods effects. This is caused by the HD textures residing in Doom3\base folder instead of in Doom3\sikkmod folder.
If you want pure vanilla move base\textures base\models base\materials to the sikkmod folder though the HD textures dont take up a load of FPS it does increase load time
by some, but if you can live with that its better to just leave them where they are, it still plays like vanilla just looks better

If you use Doom3-hd.exe then sikkmod fires up and you get a HD menu with options to select 16:9 and 16:10 display (uses a modified version of 6th venoms HD menu).
You can access sikkmods settings from it also and its encouraged to toy a bit with its settings to get a good result. Warning enabling all the bells and whistles will
drop your FPS like a 10 ton brick so toy a bit with the different settings.
Most FPS heavy settings are SSAO / SoftShadows. SSAO also suffers from some artifacting most notable on skyboxes heathaze etc.
The new package im uploading is zipped with 7z (very good and its free) im posting the links when its up

lukeman3000@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:17 pm : So, just to be clear, your mod just kind of packages everything together, but you're not adding things like weapon damage tweaks or anything like that, right?
I have had a hell of a time with sikkmod and the .cfg. It seems like some combination of settings gives me a good frame rate, but I just happened upon it accidentally and I don't know how to replicate it.
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:58 am : Prety much aye

gameplay is like vanilla the mod only enhances visual effects and adds a few that doom3 newer had to start with.
i modified the doom3 source to set the same options as the config tweaks in ultra and high and using generally higher quality settings in the lower end.
My first version used an autoexec.cfg tweak

these settings might not be optimal for every gfx card out there so if you know how its allways better to tweak them a bit.
this is what it puts out in ultra with my engine.
seta image_downSizeLimit "256"
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0"
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "0"
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "0"
seta image_downSizeBump "0"
seta image_downSizeSpecular "0"
seta image_useCache "0"
seta image_cacheMegs "20"
seta image_cacheMinK "200"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "0"
seta image_useNormalCompression "0"
seta image_useAllFormats "1"
seta image_useCompression "0"
seta image_preload "1"
seta image_roundDown "0"
seta image_forceDownSize "0"
seta image_downSize "0"
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 7:31 am : Reckless, on an unrelated note, I found a "Sikkmod Version" of the 6th Venom menu which marklegg linked to here on the forums: this one ok to use, or should I follow your method?
I noticed that this is 31.86MB, but when I use your method of injecting that code into primary.pd (or whatever it was), my file size was closer to 33MB I think.
In other words, is it ok to use this venom.pk4, or did what you paste in the other thread include some other enhancements of some sort? Why is one bigger than the other?
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:06 am : if you use my pack theres no need it allready has venoms HD menu

the extra bytes can be caused by formatting but i also removed some disabled code in my version which was intended for dentonmod but newer worked though that should have made it smaller not bigger so best guess is formatting.
You can also use venoms as a standalone replacement for ID's old menu if you place his pk4 in Doom3\base while it will not cause doom3 to look any better you atleast get
easy access to widescreen resolutions benchmarking etc.
A comment from sikk about the missing shadows in my mod actually revealed a bug i introduced myself btw. :S i replaced his md5meshes with some with higher polycount
but was not aware that his method of selfshadowing actually used the md5meshes for those ouch. So my models look a bit better (less edges) than his but they break selfshadowing cause there missing the shadow meshes

. Unfortunatly im no mapper/modeller else i could fix that but if someone wants to do the nessesary with my md5meshes ill be happy to include it.
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:36 am : Also, do you have any good HUD replacements to recommend? Is there any way to fix the stretching of the HUD?
Surely someone has done a good HD HUD around here..
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:51 am : Sikkmod has the alpha hud but besides that im not sure if anyone has made a hud replacement yet.
You can enable the alpha hud from the sikkmod menu in misc hud type.
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:06 am : When I enable alpha hud, I see absolutely no change whatsoever.. What is it supposed to do?
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:46 pm : as far as i can guess it uses the hud elements from the doom3 alpha (mostly weapon icons etc).
Sikkpin@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:35 pm : lukeman3000 wrote:
When I enable alpha hud, I see absolutely no change whatsoever.. What is it supposed to do?
You'll have to start a new game for the hud change to take as the hud object is saved to and loaded from the save file.
And the differences between the two are the health/armor/stamina/ammo graphics.
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:39 pm : Sikkpin wrote:
lukeman3000 wrote:
When I enable alpha hud, I see absolutely no change whatsoever.. What is it supposed to do?
You'll have to start a new game for the hud change to take as the hud object is saved to and loaded from the save file.
And the differences between the two are the health/armor/stamina/ammo graphics.
Cool -- does it fix the "stretched" nature of the HUD?
I will be finding out for myself but have to go to class!
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:51 pm : Quote:
Cool -- does it fix the "stretched" nature of the HUD?
No the stretching is caused by code in the engine not being geared towards widescreen displays. A few fixes have been posted but none that works 100% yet.
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:04 pm : Another question about the Trent Reznor sound effects.
As I understand it, sikkmod 1.2 includes Trent Reznor sounds to replace the pistol, shotgun, and a couple others, but not all of Trent Reznor's sounds are used.
If I want to use all of Trent Reznor's sounds, can I just put the Trent Reznor sound pack in my sikkmod folder?
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:21 pm : I've been out of the Doom 3 scene for awhile, but I recently got a new rig and just reinstalled vanilla Doom 3.
Before, I was running sikkmod, wulfen+monoxead high-res textures, and trent reznor's sound pack. I want an enhanced experience while staying fairly vanilla without too much gameplay modification.
So I was just wondering if there's anything new out there I should download? These are the things I'm planning on installing:
sikkmod v1.2
wulfen's high-res texture pack
monoxead's high-res texture pack
trent reznor's sound pack
Anything else I should check out? Has either wulfen or monoxead released more textures since their first pack?
Wulfen@Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:21 pm :
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:24 pm : Wulfen wrote:
Also, what is the deal with the reckless sikkmod that I've seen in your thread? Is it an improved version of sikkmod 1.2? Is it the whole game?
I noticed it was like a gig -- does that mean that you can literally download doom 3 and run it if you don't have it?
drill_sarge@Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:02 pm : lukeman3000 wrote:
I noticed it was like a gig -- does that mean that you can literally download doom 3 and run it if you don't have it?
It's only textures, you still need doom3
lukeman3000@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:32 am : Couple more questions:
1. Is there a way to update the HUD and crosshair so that they're not so stretched and low-res?
Everything in the game looks great with the new texture packs and sikkmod, but the HUD is a constant reminder that I'm playing an old game. It'd be nice to update it. Is there anything like this out there?
2. Are there any Doom 3 Co-op mods which would work with sikkmod?
I would love to play through the Doom 3 campaign with my bro over LAN, and I just found out about Opencoop. Would it work with Sikkmod?
3. I noticed that I don't have sikkmod options when I use 6th Venom HQ menu. Is there any way to get the sikkmod menu back?
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:27 am : If youre using my installer then sikkmod is allready part of 6th venoms menu

you might want to grab my latest Doom3.exe though and im working on a fix for some missing shadows in sikkmod. The size of my installer is like said mostly textures (some of them are huge).
lukeman3000@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:01 pm : reckless wrote:
If youre using my installer then sikkmod is allready part of 6th venoms menu

you might want to grab my latest Doom3.exe though and im working on a fix for some missing shadows in sikkmod. The size of my installer is like said mostly textures (some of them are huge).
Thank you for the help in the other thread! Do you have time for another couple q's?
1. You said I could grab your installer -- does it make any gameplay changes? What exactly does it do? Because right now I'm running sikkmod, wulfen+monoxead, and Trent Reznor's sound pack.
Can I still do all of this with your installer while keeping the gameplay vanilla?
2. This is something I've never been clear on. What should my doomconfig.cfg settings actually be? Should I use any of the vanilla presets such as high, ultra, etc, or should I never touch the vanilla graphics menu when I'm using sikkmod?
reckless@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:46 pm : Im uploading a newer version with some bugs fixed you might want instead

My version has all nessesary modifications for playing with the HD textures from wulfen/monoxead no need to modify the doomconfig.cfg
If you want to play vanilla just execute Doom3.exe i have wrapper executables for playing with sikkmod enabled called Doom3-hd.exe and Doom3xp-hd.exe for ressurection of evil.
You still get the HD textures in vanilla but without sikkmods effects. This is caused by the HD textures residing in Doom3\base folder instead of in Doom3\sikkmod folder.
If you want pure vanilla move base\textures base\models base\materials to the sikkmod folder though the HD textures dont take up a load of FPS it does increase load time
by some, but if you can live with that its better to just leave them where they are, it still plays like vanilla just looks better

If you use Doom3-hd.exe then sikkmod fires up and you get a HD menu with options to select 16:9 and 16:10 display (uses a modified version of 6th venoms HD menu).
You can access sikkmods settings from it also and its encouraged to toy a bit with its settings to get a good result. Warning enabling all the bells and whistles will
drop your FPS like a 10 ton brick so toy a bit with the different settings.
Most FPS heavy settings are SSAO / SoftShadows. SSAO also suffers from some artifacting most notable on skyboxes heathaze etc.
The new package im uploading is zipped with 7z (very good and its free) im posting the links when its up

lukeman3000@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:17 pm : So, just to be clear, your mod just kind of packages everything together, but you're not adding things like weapon damage tweaks or anything like that, right?
I have had a hell of a time with sikkmod and the .cfg. It seems like some combination of settings gives me a good frame rate, but I just happened upon it accidentally and I don't know how to replicate it.
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:58 am : Prety much aye

gameplay is like vanilla the mod only enhances visual effects and adds a few that doom3 newer had to start with.
i modified the doom3 source to set the same options as the config tweaks in ultra and high and using generally higher quality settings in the lower end.
My first version used an autoexec.cfg tweak

these settings might not be optimal for every gfx card out there so if you know how its allways better to tweak them a bit.
this is what it puts out in ultra with my engine.
seta image_downSizeLimit "256"
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0"
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "0"
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "0"
seta image_downSizeBump "0"
seta image_downSizeSpecular "0"
seta image_useCache "0"
seta image_cacheMegs "20"
seta image_cacheMinK "200"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "0"
seta image_useNormalCompression "0"
seta image_useAllFormats "1"
seta image_useCompression "0"
seta image_preload "1"
seta image_roundDown "0"
seta image_forceDownSize "0"
seta image_downSize "0"
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 7:31 am : Reckless, on an unrelated note, I found a "Sikkmod Version" of the 6th Venom menu which marklegg linked to here on the forums: this one ok to use, or should I follow your method?
I noticed that this is 31.86MB, but when I use your method of injecting that code into primary.pd (or whatever it was), my file size was closer to 33MB I think.
In other words, is it ok to use this venom.pk4, or did what you paste in the other thread include some other enhancements of some sort? Why is one bigger than the other?
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:06 am : if you use my pack theres no need it allready has venoms HD menu

the extra bytes can be caused by formatting but i also removed some disabled code in my version which was intended for dentonmod but newer worked though that should have made it smaller not bigger so best guess is formatting.
You can also use venoms as a standalone replacement for ID's old menu if you place his pk4 in Doom3\base while it will not cause doom3 to look any better you atleast get
easy access to widescreen resolutions benchmarking etc.
A comment from sikk about the missing shadows in my mod actually revealed a bug i introduced myself btw. :S i replaced his md5meshes with some with higher polycount
but was not aware that his method of selfshadowing actually used the md5meshes for those ouch. So my models look a bit better (less edges) than his but they break selfshadowing cause there missing the shadow meshes

. Unfortunatly im no mapper/modeller else i could fix that but if someone wants to do the nessesary with my md5meshes ill be happy to include it.
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:36 am : Also, do you have any good HUD replacements to recommend? Is there any way to fix the stretching of the HUD?
Surely someone has done a good HD HUD around here..
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:51 am : Sikkmod has the alpha hud but besides that im not sure if anyone has made a hud replacement yet.
You can enable the alpha hud from the sikkmod menu in misc hud type.
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:06 am : When I enable alpha hud, I see absolutely no change whatsoever.. What is it supposed to do?
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:46 pm : as far as i can guess it uses the hud elements from the doom3 alpha (mostly weapon icons etc).
Sikkpin@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:35 pm : lukeman3000 wrote:
When I enable alpha hud, I see absolutely no change whatsoever.. What is it supposed to do?
You'll have to start a new game for the hud change to take as the hud object is saved to and loaded from the save file.
And the differences between the two are the health/armor/stamina/ammo graphics.
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:39 pm : Sikkpin wrote:
lukeman3000 wrote:
When I enable alpha hud, I see absolutely no change whatsoever.. What is it supposed to do?
You'll have to start a new game for the hud change to take as the hud object is saved to and loaded from the save file.
And the differences between the two are the health/armor/stamina/ammo graphics.
Cool -- does it fix the "stretched" nature of the HUD?
I will be finding out for myself but have to go to class!
reckless@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:51 pm : Quote:
Cool -- does it fix the "stretched" nature of the HUD?
No the stretching is caused by code in the engine not being geared towards widescreen displays. A few fixes have been posted but none that works 100% yet.
lukeman3000@Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:04 pm : Another question about the Trent Reznor sound effects.
As I understand it, sikkmod 1.2 includes Trent Reznor sounds to replace the pistol, shotgun, and a couple others, but not all of Trent Reznor's sounds are used.
If I want to use all of Trent Reznor's sounds, can I just put the Trent Reznor sound pack in my sikkmod folder?