vertex007@Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 7:08 pm : Alright, after some extensive tweaking I’ll post some fixes here for the BFG edition.
First, you may have noticed that the zoom function is not listed anymore under the key bindings in the menu.
Fortunately it is still there, all you need to do is put this value in the default.cfg in the base folder.
bind MOUSE2 _zoom
under mouse buttons…
Then, the fov is default at 80, but on PC a good value is 90, really it is much better…. problem is with 90 the back of the MG looks terrible, I adjusted some other values to correct this as following
seta g_fov 90
seta g_gunZ -0.4
seta g_gunY -1
seta g_gunX 2.9
you can add those values at the end of the default.cfg to make the engine use those settings every time you load up the game.
Then, the lighting….the default overbright settings of 2 looks terrible, not only it destroys the atmosphere but also makes the textures look worse than ever.
After extensive tweaking and balancing, I found those setting to correct that, the game is darker as it should be without being too dark, textures looks like vanilla D3 again, contrast is much better/richer and shadows are darker…
seta r_lightScale 2.2
seta r_overbright 0.9
seta r_brightness 0.96
seta r_gamma 0.96
There is also a flare setting, it controls how big the flare around lights are, default is 1, with 1.2 the flares are more present and give almost a sikkmod touch, if you go over 1.3 there will be some artifacts around some of them.
Then there is the sound issue, weapons sounds being too quiet…I was able to correct this with
seta s_numberofspeakers 2
as I play on stereo headphones, since then the sounds are better balanced, probably the engine was stuck on 5.1 by default.
You can use g-playershadows if you want to enable player shadows but it's bugged and sometimes the marine shadows has no head…so leave it off…
Here other settings in my default.cfg
seta r_maxAnisotropicFiltering 16
seta s_numberofspeakers 2
seta image_anisotropy 16
seta com_machineSpec 3
seta image_useCompression 0
seta image_useNormalCompression 0
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures 0
seta image_useAllFormats 1
seta image_forceDownSize 0
seta image_downSize 0
seta image_downSizeBump 0
seta image_downSizeSpecular 0
seta r_shadows 1
seta g_showPlayerShadow 0
seta r_skipAmbient 0
seta r_skipNewAmbient 0
seta r_skipUpdates 0
seta r_skipBump 0
seta r_skipDiffuse 0
seta r_skipSpecular 0
seta r_skipPostProcess 0
seta r_skipInteractions 0
seta r_skipDynamicTextures 0
seta r_skipParticles 0
seta r_skipDeforms 0
seta r_skipFogLights 0
seta g_muzzleFlash 1
seta g_projectileLights 1
seta g_showBrass 1
seta g_decals 1
seta g_bloodEffects 1
seta r_lightScale 2.2
seta r_overbright 0.9
seta r_brightness 0.96
seta r_gamma 0.96
seta image_useHighRes 1
seta image_downSizeLimit 2048
seta image_ignoreHighQuality 0
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit 2048
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit 2048
seta image_downSizeBump 0
seta image_downSizeSpecular 0
seta image_downSize 0
seta image_forceDownSize 0
seta image_roundDown 0
seta image_lodbias -0.50
seta r_flareSize 1.2
seta g_gunZ -0.4
seta g_gunY -1
seta g_gunX 2.9
The texture settings really helped to make the whole game look crispier and clean, I am on Nvidia and you can also go in the D3BFG nvidia profile and force everything to max, clamp, high quality textures, 16x aniso, just leave AA on application controlled, the 4X default ingame already do a good job.
With those settings I must say the whole look and feel of the game is quite good and same or a bit superior to the original vanilla D3.
I also maxed out motionblur ingame, works great imo, specially on monsters melee attacks, look more real somehow...
I must say that I am replaying the main game with those tweaks and that it looks quite good and runs very smooth on a 385gtx.
The lost mission was okay, nothing to write home about but solid mini campaign…well I am enjoying the hell out of it again

Hope this may help someone else enjoy the BFG editon a little bit more....

oh, forgot,
seta com_skipintrovideos 1
skips all those beth vids...
and then, once you have found your settings you can also disable the console, this way you'll get achievements again.
seta com_allowconsole 0
all those values are simply added in the default.cfg, this way they'll be loaded every time you start the game, if you want to return to default simply erase them or make a copy of the default.cfg before...
nightmare mode:
if you want to unlock nightmare mode on all the games without having to complete the game on normal or veteran first, here the lines
seta g_leNightmare 1
seta g_roeNightmare 1
seta g_nightmare 1
tea monster@Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 10:16 am : Thank you!
vertex007@Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:48 pm : glad it was useful...
btw. there are a lot of cvars new and old...once in the console use listcvars and listcmds to see all of them....some are blocked or non functional but a lot are working...
you can tweak the flashlight recharge time for example and also lots of other variables like health/damage rate, etc... it is possible to create little difficulty "mods" right now....
I think you can also disable autosaves...I am not sure atm but I think I saw something about it maybe...didn't bother because on my sys it takes a second to save so it is not really an issue, plus you can always quicksave with F5...
I am glad the console is there and working, I wish they would have left it unlocked in Rage too...this way the game would have had a lot more replayability.
hope they are not gonna lock it with the upcoming they did with Rage...
vertex007@Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:30 pm : another way of reproducing some kind of "sikkmod" for the BFG would be the SweetFX Shader Suite.... is really nice for enhancing odler games like FEAR but it must be converted for it is DX only...maybe someone here knows how/if that would be possible ?
found this in the SweetShader readme...
Q: How do I use SweetFX with OpenGL games?
A: SweetFX only supports DirectX 9 , 10 and 11 games, however you can use a OpenGL to DirectX wrapper.
Try the QindieGL wrapper : can translate OpenGL calls to DirectX 9 calls that SweetFX will work with.
It does not work with all OpenGL games and some games it does work with will have buggy graphics
and it will likely run slower since it's being translated, but if you want to try out SweetFX with OpenGL games this is probably your best bet.
I haven't tried it myself yet so let me know if it works or not.
vertex007@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:51 pm :
vertex007@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:08 pm : I must say replaying the game...the artdesign is as always spot on ....everything still looks and feels coherent in the gameworld, environments, weapondesign, monstersdesign, atmo...everything fits together...
specially sound-design, those drones and machine loops...all those details are just great, I always loved how this game comes without a musical soundrack and still has this really comes alive without those cheesy orchestral/electro stuff you have pretty much on 99% of other games....Rage included.
as for the BFG...the only changes that really bother me is that there is waaaayyy too much ammo now....seriously Willits....what the that ?!?!
you don't need to open the cabinets anymore, its just full of ammo everywhere.... lame.
milospinkfloyd@Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:42 am : which game looks better. d3 bfg or vanila d3 + Wulfen + monoxead + sikkmod?
drill_sarge@Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:00 pm : vertex007 wrote:
I must say replaying the game...the artdesign is as always spot on ....everything still looks and feels coherent in the gameworld, environments, weapondesign, monstersdesign, atmo...everything fits together...
Yes, but since RAGE I am a bit sensitive for texture repetition which is heavily used here
(at least one good thing from rage

milospinkfloyd wrote:
which game looks better. d3 bfg or vanila d3 + Wulfen + monoxead + sikkmod?
normal doom3 with all the mods. bfg is almost the same like original pc version
milospinkfloyd@Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:58 am : pretty dissapointing...
PowerK@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:51 am : Unlike original DOOM3 (2004), I find a lot of cvars are not recognized in this upgraded engine used in BFG Edition.
seta r_maxAnisotropicFiltering 16
seta s_numberofspeakers 2
seta image_anisotropy 16
seta com_machineSpec 3
seta image_useCompression 0
seta image_useNormalCompression 0
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures 0
seta image_useAllFormats 1
seta image_forceDownSize 0
seta image_downSize 0
seta image_downSizeBump 0
seta image_downSizeSpecular 0
seta r_shadows 1
seta g_showPlayerShadow 0
seta r_skipAmbient 0
seta r_skipNewAmbient 0
seta r_skipUpdates 0
seta r_skipBump 0
seta r_skipDiffuse 0
seta r_skipSpecular 0
seta r_skipPostProcess 0
seta r_skipInteractions 0
seta r_skipDynamicTextures 0
seta r_skipParticles 0
seta r_skipDeforms 0
seta r_skipFogLights 0
seta g_muzzleFlash 1
seta g_projectileLights 1
seta g_showBrass 1
seta g_decals 1
seta g_bloodEffects 1
seta r_lightScale 2.2
seta r_overbright 0.9
seta r_brightness 0.96
seta r_gamma 0.96
seta image_useHighRes 1
seta image_downSizeLimit 2048
seta image_ignoreHighQuality 0
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit 2048
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit 2048
seta image_downSizeBump 0
seta image_downSizeSpecular 0
seta image_downSize 0
seta image_forceDownSize 0
seta image_roundDown 0
seta image_lodbias -0.50
seta r_flareSize 1.2
seta g_gunZ -0.4
seta g_gunY -1
seta g_gunX 2.9[/QUOTE]
Foebane@Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:05 pm : But Drill_sarge, I LIKE texture repetition.

In fact, I remember playing Doom 2 maps where the rooms were so MASSIVE that as I ran away facing the wall, the textures eventually repeated once to a screen pixel and weird freaky shit started happening - it was actually quite pretty, and all because the textures repeated.
Dafama2k7@Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 11:35 am : Yes, i don't care this megatexture method from Rage, i don't see any advantages, there is better games with texture repetition like Stalker that have wide big locations and full of dynamic shadows, lights, moveable objects and look and feel alive and real, than the megatextures, where really, not only is static, also, have all limited, because i cannot get where i want, in reality, in Stalker i can almost go everywhere, but here really only should follow the road in the buggy or enter inside again static locations inside, is not any advantage, just go try any Stalker game with its awesome X-Ray engine and cannot be compared, Rage look like an old game from the 90s and Stalker is some alive, real, is awesome, that is a PC game as it should be, not limited to the consoles low hardware.
vertex007@Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 1:37 pm : I find MT interesting but only if they get rid of the lowres, to much compressed source files....aka the storage problem.
I am sure a 60GB rage install would look a lot better than the 20GB they gave us...
just look a the alpha/demo trailers from 2007...then the waayy to static world yes and so on, rage's flaws have been discusssed to death and IMO are due to the compromise they had to take for designing the game for consoles first.....I just hope id took note for D4 and won't repeat the same mistakes again.
then again animations are spot on...I don't hate rage, it has its moments but yes, wasted potential and too much consoles oriented or too little pc centric depending how you want to look at it...
Dafama2k7@Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 2:27 pm : Yes, me too, i don't hate Rage now, but, it could be so much better and also, the first of all the problems are the consoles, consoles, consoles, aggghhhh, that limitations should not be ported to pc, they should do for pc and later low convert to toy consoles, not the reverse, never the reverse.
vertex007@Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 7:08 pm : Alright, after some extensive tweaking I’ll post some fixes here for the BFG edition.
First, you may have noticed that the zoom function is not listed anymore under the key bindings in the menu.
Fortunately it is still there, all you need to do is put this value in the default.cfg in the base folder.
bind MOUSE2 _zoom
under mouse buttons…
Then, the fov is default at 80, but on PC a good value is 90, really it is much better…. problem is with 90 the back of the MG looks terrible, I adjusted some other values to correct this as following
seta g_fov 90
seta g_gunZ -0.4
seta g_gunY -1
seta g_gunX 2.9
you can add those values at the end of the default.cfg to make the engine use those settings every time you load up the game.
Then, the lighting….the default overbright settings of 2 looks terrible, not only it destroys the atmosphere but also makes the textures look worse than ever.
After extensive tweaking and balancing, I found those setting to correct that, the game is darker as it should be without being too dark, textures looks like vanilla D3 again, contrast is much better/richer and shadows are darker…
seta r_lightScale 2.2
seta r_overbright 0.9
seta r_brightness 0.96
seta r_gamma 0.96
There is also a flare setting, it controls how big the flare around lights are, default is 1, with 1.2 the flares are more present and give almost a sikkmod touch, if you go over 1.3 there will be some artifacts around some of them.
Then there is the sound issue, weapons sounds being too quiet…I was able to correct this with
seta s_numberofspeakers 2
as I play on stereo headphones, since then the sounds are better balanced, probably the engine was stuck on 5.1 by default.
You can use g-playershadows if you want to enable player shadows but it's bugged and sometimes the marine shadows has no head…so leave it off…
Here other settings in my default.cfg
seta r_maxAnisotropicFiltering 16
seta s_numberofspeakers 2
seta image_anisotropy 16
seta com_machineSpec 3
seta image_useCompression 0
seta image_useNormalCompression 0
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures 0
seta image_useAllFormats 1
seta image_forceDownSize 0
seta image_downSize 0
seta image_downSizeBump 0
seta image_downSizeSpecular 0
seta r_shadows 1
seta g_showPlayerShadow 0
seta r_skipAmbient 0
seta r_skipNewAmbient 0
seta r_skipUpdates 0
seta r_skipBump 0
seta r_skipDiffuse 0
seta r_skipSpecular 0
seta r_skipPostProcess 0
seta r_skipInteractions 0
seta r_skipDynamicTextures 0
seta r_skipParticles 0
seta r_skipDeforms 0
seta r_skipFogLights 0
seta g_muzzleFlash 1
seta g_projectileLights 1
seta g_showBrass 1
seta g_decals 1
seta g_bloodEffects 1
seta r_lightScale 2.2
seta r_overbright 0.9
seta r_brightness 0.96
seta r_gamma 0.96
seta image_useHighRes 1
seta image_downSizeLimit 2048
seta image_ignoreHighQuality 0
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit 2048
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit 2048
seta image_downSizeBump 0
seta image_downSizeSpecular 0
seta image_downSize 0
seta image_forceDownSize 0
seta image_roundDown 0
seta image_lodbias -0.50
seta r_flareSize 1.2
seta g_gunZ -0.4
seta g_gunY -1
seta g_gunX 2.9
The texture settings really helped to make the whole game look crispier and clean, I am on Nvidia and you can also go in the D3BFG nvidia profile and force everything to max, clamp, high quality textures, 16x aniso, just leave AA on application controlled, the 4X default ingame already do a good job.
With those settings I must say the whole look and feel of the game is quite good and same or a bit superior to the original vanilla D3.
I also maxed out motionblur ingame, works great imo, specially on monsters melee attacks, look more real somehow...
I must say that I am replaying the main game with those tweaks and that it looks quite good and runs very smooth on a 385gtx.
The lost mission was okay, nothing to write home about but solid mini campaign…well I am enjoying the hell out of it again

Hope this may help someone else enjoy the BFG editon a little bit more....

oh, forgot,
seta com_skipintrovideos 1
skips all those beth vids...
and then, once you have found your settings you can also disable the console, this way you'll get achievements again.
seta com_allowconsole 0
all those values are simply added in the default.cfg, this way they'll be loaded every time you start the game, if you want to return to default simply erase them or make a copy of the default.cfg before...
nightmare mode:
if you want to unlock nightmare mode on all the games without having to complete the game on normal or veteran first, here the lines
seta g_leNightmare 1
seta g_roeNightmare 1
seta g_nightmare 1
tea monster@Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 10:16 am : Thank you!
vertex007@Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:48 pm : glad it was useful...
btw. there are a lot of cvars new and old...once in the console use listcvars and listcmds to see all of them....some are blocked or non functional but a lot are working...
you can tweak the flashlight recharge time for example and also lots of other variables like health/damage rate, etc... it is possible to create little difficulty "mods" right now....
I think you can also disable autosaves...I am not sure atm but I think I saw something about it maybe...didn't bother because on my sys it takes a second to save so it is not really an issue, plus you can always quicksave with F5...
I am glad the console is there and working, I wish they would have left it unlocked in Rage too...this way the game would have had a lot more replayability.
hope they are not gonna lock it with the upcoming they did with Rage...
vertex007@Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:30 pm : another way of reproducing some kind of "sikkmod" for the BFG would be the SweetFX Shader Suite.... is really nice for enhancing odler games like FEAR but it must be converted for it is DX only...maybe someone here knows how/if that would be possible ?
found this in the SweetShader readme...
Q: How do I use SweetFX with OpenGL games?
A: SweetFX only supports DirectX 9 , 10 and 11 games, however you can use a OpenGL to DirectX wrapper.
Try the QindieGL wrapper : can translate OpenGL calls to DirectX 9 calls that SweetFX will work with.
It does not work with all OpenGL games and some games it does work with will have buggy graphics
and it will likely run slower since it's being translated, but if you want to try out SweetFX with OpenGL games this is probably your best bet.
I haven't tried it myself yet so let me know if it works or not.
vertex007@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:51 pm :
vertex007@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:08 pm : I must say replaying the game...the artdesign is as always spot on ....everything still looks and feels coherent in the gameworld, environments, weapondesign, monstersdesign, atmo...everything fits together...
specially sound-design, those drones and machine loops...all those details are just great, I always loved how this game comes without a musical soundrack and still has this really comes alive without those cheesy orchestral/electro stuff you have pretty much on 99% of other games....Rage included.
as for the BFG...the only changes that really bother me is that there is waaaayyy too much ammo now....seriously Willits....what the that ?!?!
you don't need to open the cabinets anymore, its just full of ammo everywhere.... lame.
milospinkfloyd@Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:42 am : which game looks better. d3 bfg or vanila d3 + Wulfen + monoxead + sikkmod?
drill_sarge@Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:00 pm : vertex007 wrote:
I must say replaying the game...the artdesign is as always spot on ....everything still looks and feels coherent in the gameworld, environments, weapondesign, monstersdesign, atmo...everything fits together...
Yes, but since RAGE I am a bit sensitive for texture repetition which is heavily used here
(at least one good thing from rage

milospinkfloyd wrote:
which game looks better. d3 bfg or vanila d3 + Wulfen + monoxead + sikkmod?
normal doom3 with all the mods. bfg is almost the same like original pc version
milospinkfloyd@Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:58 am : pretty dissapointing...
PowerK@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:51 am : Unlike original DOOM3 (2004), I find a lot of cvars are not recognized in this upgraded engine used in BFG Edition.
seta r_maxAnisotropicFiltering 16
seta s_numberofspeakers 2
seta image_anisotropy 16
seta com_machineSpec 3
seta image_useCompression 0
seta image_useNormalCompression 0
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures 0
seta image_useAllFormats 1
seta image_forceDownSize 0
seta image_downSize 0
seta image_downSizeBump 0
seta image_downSizeSpecular 0
seta r_shadows 1
seta g_showPlayerShadow 0
seta r_skipAmbient 0
seta r_skipNewAmbient 0
seta r_skipUpdates 0
seta r_skipBump 0
seta r_skipDiffuse 0
seta r_skipSpecular 0
seta r_skipPostProcess 0
seta r_skipInteractions 0
seta r_skipDynamicTextures 0
seta r_skipParticles 0
seta r_skipDeforms 0
seta r_skipFogLights 0
seta g_muzzleFlash 1
seta g_projectileLights 1
seta g_showBrass 1
seta g_decals 1
seta g_bloodEffects 1
seta r_lightScale 2.2
seta r_overbright 0.9
seta r_brightness 0.96
seta r_gamma 0.96
seta image_useHighRes 1
seta image_downSizeLimit 2048
seta image_ignoreHighQuality 0
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit 2048
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit 2048
seta image_downSizeBump 0
seta image_downSizeSpecular 0
seta image_downSize 0
seta image_forceDownSize 0
seta image_roundDown 0
seta image_lodbias -0.50
seta r_flareSize 1.2
seta g_gunZ -0.4
seta g_gunY -1
seta g_gunX 2.9[/QUOTE]
Foebane@Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:05 pm : But Drill_sarge, I LIKE texture repetition.

In fact, I remember playing Doom 2 maps where the rooms were so MASSIVE that as I ran away facing the wall, the textures eventually repeated once to a screen pixel and weird freaky shit started happening - it was actually quite pretty, and all because the textures repeated.
Dafama2k7@Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 11:35 am : Yes, i don't care this megatexture method from Rage, i don't see any advantages, there is better games with texture repetition like Stalker that have wide big locations and full of dynamic shadows, lights, moveable objects and look and feel alive and real, than the megatextures, where really, not only is static, also, have all limited, because i cannot get where i want, in reality, in Stalker i can almost go everywhere, but here really only should follow the road in the buggy or enter inside again static locations inside, is not any advantage, just go try any Stalker game with its awesome X-Ray engine and cannot be compared, Rage look like an old game from the 90s and Stalker is some alive, real, is awesome, that is a PC game as it should be, not limited to the consoles low hardware.
vertex007@Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 1:37 pm : I find MT interesting but only if they get rid of the lowres, to much compressed source files....aka the storage problem.
I am sure a 60GB rage install would look a lot better than the 20GB they gave us...
just look a the alpha/demo trailers from 2007...then the waayy to static world yes and so on, rage's flaws have been discusssed to death and IMO are due to the compromise they had to take for designing the game for consoles first.....I just hope id took note for D4 and won't repeat the same mistakes again.
then again animations are spot on...I don't hate rage, it has its moments but yes, wasted potential and too much consoles oriented or too little pc centric depending how you want to look at it...
Dafama2k7@Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 2:27 pm : Yes, me too, i don't hate Rage now, but, it could be so much better and also, the first of all the problems are the consoles, consoles, consoles, aggghhhh, that limitations should not be ported to pc, they should do for pc and later low convert to toy consoles, not the reverse, never the reverse.
vertex007@Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 7:08 pm : Alright, after some extensive tweaking I’ll post some fixes here for the BFG edition.
First, you may have noticed that the zoom function is not listed anymore under the key bindings in the menu.
Fortunately it is still there, all you need to do is put this value in the default.cfg in the base folder.
bind MOUSE2 _zoom
under mouse buttons…
Then, the fov is default at 80, but on PC a good value is 90, really it is much better…. problem is with 90 the back of the MG looks terrible, I adjusted some other values to correct this as following
seta g_fov 90
seta g_gunZ -0.4
seta g_gunY -1
seta g_gunX 2.9
you can add those values at the end of the default.cfg to make the engine use those settings every time you load up the game.
Then, the lighting….the default overbright settings of 2 looks terrible, not only it destroys the atmosphere but also makes the textures look worse than ever.
After extensive tweaking and balancing, I found those setting to correct that, the game is darker as it should be without being too dark, textures looks like vanilla D3 again, contrast is much better/richer and shadows are darker…
seta r_lightScale 2.2
seta r_overbright 0.9
seta r_brightness 0.96
seta r_gamma 0.96
There is also a flare setting, it controls how big the flare around lights are, default is 1, with 1.2 the flares are more present and give almost a sikkmod touch, if you go over 1.3 there will be some artifacts around some of them.
Then there is the sound issue, weapons sounds being too quiet…I was able to correct this with
seta s_numberofspeakers 2
as I play on stereo headphones, since then the sounds are better balanced, probably the engine was stuck on 5.1 by default.
You can use g-playershadows if you want to enable player shadows but it's bugged and sometimes the marine shadows has no head…so leave it off…
Here other settings in my default.cfg
seta r_maxAnisotropicFiltering 16
seta s_numberofspeakers 2
seta image_anisotropy 16
seta com_machineSpec 3
seta image_useCompression 0
seta image_useNormalCompression 0
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures 0
seta image_useAllFormats 1
seta image_forceDownSize 0
seta image_downSize 0
seta image_downSizeBump 0
seta image_downSizeSpecular 0
seta r_shadows 1
seta g_showPlayerShadow 0
seta r_skipAmbient 0
seta r_skipNewAmbient 0
seta r_skipUpdates 0
seta r_skipBump 0
seta r_skipDiffuse 0
seta r_skipSpecular 0
seta r_skipPostProcess 0
seta r_skipInteractions 0
seta r_skipDynamicTextures 0
seta r_skipParticles 0
seta r_skipDeforms 0
seta r_skipFogLights 0
seta g_muzzleFlash 1
seta g_projectileLights 1
seta g_showBrass 1
seta g_decals 1
seta g_bloodEffects 1
seta r_lightScale 2.2
seta r_overbright 0.9
seta r_brightness 0.96
seta r_gamma 0.96
seta image_useHighRes 1
seta image_downSizeLimit 2048
seta image_ignoreHighQuality 0
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit 2048
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit 2048
seta image_downSizeBump 0
seta image_downSizeSpecular 0
seta image_downSize 0
seta image_forceDownSize 0
seta image_roundDown 0
seta image_lodbias -0.50
seta r_flareSize 1.2
seta g_gunZ -0.4
seta g_gunY -1
seta g_gunX 2.9
The texture settings really helped to make the whole game look crispier and clean, I am on Nvidia and you can also go in the D3BFG nvidia profile and force everything to max, clamp, high quality textures, 16x aniso, just leave AA on application controlled, the 4X default ingame already do a good job.
With those settings I must say the whole look and feel of the game is quite good and same or a bit superior to the original vanilla D3.
I also maxed out motionblur ingame, works great imo, specially on monsters melee attacks, look more real somehow...
I must say that I am replaying the main game with those tweaks and that it looks quite good and runs very smooth on a 385gtx.
The lost mission was okay, nothing to write home about but solid mini campaign…well I am enjoying the hell out of it again

Hope this may help someone else enjoy the BFG editon a little bit more....

oh, forgot,
seta com_skipintrovideos 1
skips all those beth vids...
and then, once you have found your settings you can also disable the console, this way you'll get achievements again.
seta com_allowconsole 0
all those values are simply added in the default.cfg, this way they'll be loaded every time you start the game, if you want to return to default simply erase them or make a copy of the default.cfg before...
nightmare mode:
if you want to unlock nightmare mode on all the games without having to complete the game on normal or veteran first, here the lines
seta g_leNightmare 1
seta g_roeNightmare 1
seta g_nightmare 1
tea monster@Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 10:16 am : Thank you!
vertex007@Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:48 pm : glad it was useful...
btw. there are a lot of cvars new and old...once in the console use listcvars and listcmds to see all of them....some are blocked or non functional but a lot are working...
you can tweak the flashlight recharge time for example and also lots of other variables like health/damage rate, etc... it is possible to create little difficulty "mods" right now....
I think you can also disable autosaves...I am not sure atm but I think I saw something about it maybe...didn't bother because on my sys it takes a second to save so it is not really an issue, plus you can always quicksave with F5...
I am glad the console is there and working, I wish they would have left it unlocked in Rage too...this way the game would have had a lot more replayability.
hope they are not gonna lock it with the upcoming they did with Rage...
vertex007@Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:30 pm : another way of reproducing some kind of "sikkmod" for the BFG would be the SweetFX Shader Suite.... is really nice for enhancing odler games like FEAR but it must be converted for it is DX only...maybe someone here knows how/if that would be possible ?
found this in the SweetShader readme...
Q: How do I use SweetFX with OpenGL games?
A: SweetFX only supports DirectX 9 , 10 and 11 games, however you can use a OpenGL to DirectX wrapper.
Try the QindieGL wrapper : can translate OpenGL calls to DirectX 9 calls that SweetFX will work with.
It does not work with all OpenGL games and some games it does work with will have buggy graphics
and it will likely run slower since it's being translated, but if you want to try out SweetFX with OpenGL games this is probably your best bet.
I haven't tried it myself yet so let me know if it works or not.
vertex007@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:51 pm :
vertex007@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:08 pm : I must say replaying the game...the artdesign is as always spot on ....everything still looks and feels coherent in the gameworld, environments, weapondesign, monstersdesign, atmo...everything fits together...
specially sound-design, those drones and machine loops...all those details are just great, I always loved how this game comes without a musical soundrack and still has this really comes alive without those cheesy orchestral/electro stuff you have pretty much on 99% of other games....Rage included.
as for the BFG...the only changes that really bother me is that there is waaaayyy too much ammo now....seriously Willits....what the that ?!?!
you don't need to open the cabinets anymore, its just full of ammo everywhere.... lame.
milospinkfloyd@Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:42 am : which game looks better. d3 bfg or vanila d3 + Wulfen + monoxead + sikkmod?
drill_sarge@Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:00 pm : vertex007 wrote:
I must say replaying the game...the artdesign is as always spot on ....everything still looks and feels coherent in the gameworld, environments, weapondesign, monstersdesign, atmo...everything fits together...
Yes, but since RAGE I am a bit sensitive for texture repetition which is heavily used here
(at least one good thing from rage

milospinkfloyd wrote:
which game looks better. d3 bfg or vanila d3 + Wulfen + monoxead + sikkmod?
normal doom3 with all the mods. bfg is almost the same like original pc version
milospinkfloyd@Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:58 am : pretty dissapointing...
PowerK@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:51 am : Unlike original DOOM3 (2004), I find a lot of cvars are not recognized in this upgraded engine used in BFG Edition.
seta r_maxAnisotropicFiltering 16
seta s_numberofspeakers 2
seta image_anisotropy 16
seta com_machineSpec 3
seta image_useCompression 0
seta image_useNormalCompression 0
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures 0
seta image_useAllFormats 1
seta image_forceDownSize 0
seta image_downSize 0
seta image_downSizeBump 0
seta image_downSizeSpecular 0
seta r_shadows 1
seta g_showPlayerShadow 0
seta r_skipAmbient 0
seta r_skipNewAmbient 0
seta r_skipUpdates 0
seta r_skipBump 0
seta r_skipDiffuse 0
seta r_skipSpecular 0
seta r_skipPostProcess 0
seta r_skipInteractions 0
seta r_skipDynamicTextures 0
seta r_skipParticles 0
seta r_skipDeforms 0
seta r_skipFogLights 0
seta g_muzzleFlash 1
seta g_projectileLights 1
seta g_showBrass 1
seta g_decals 1
seta g_bloodEffects 1
seta r_lightScale 2.2
seta r_overbright 0.9
seta r_brightness 0.96
seta r_gamma 0.96
seta image_useHighRes 1
seta image_downSizeLimit 2048
seta image_ignoreHighQuality 0
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit 2048
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit 2048
seta image_downSizeBump 0
seta image_downSizeSpecular 0
seta image_downSize 0
seta image_forceDownSize 0
seta image_roundDown 0
seta image_lodbias -0.50
seta r_flareSize 1.2
seta g_gunZ -0.4
seta g_gunY -1
seta g_gunX 2.9[/QUOTE]
Foebane@Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:05 pm : But Drill_sarge, I LIKE texture repetition.

In fact, I remember playing Doom 2 maps where the rooms were so MASSIVE that as I ran away facing the wall, the textures eventually repeated once to a screen pixel and weird freaky shit started happening - it was actually quite pretty, and all because the textures repeated.
Dafama2k7@Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 11:35 am : Yes, i don't care this megatexture method from Rage, i don't see any advantages, there is better games with texture repetition like Stalker that have wide big locations and full of dynamic shadows, lights, moveable objects and look and feel alive and real, than the megatextures, where really, not only is static, also, have all limited, because i cannot get where i want, in reality, in Stalker i can almost go everywhere, but here really only should follow the road in the buggy or enter inside again static locations inside, is not any advantage, just go try any Stalker game with its awesome X-Ray engine and cannot be compared, Rage look like an old game from the 90s and Stalker is some alive, real, is awesome, that is a PC game as it should be, not limited to the consoles low hardware.
vertex007@Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 1:37 pm : I find MT interesting but only if they get rid of the lowres, to much compressed source files....aka the storage problem.
I am sure a 60GB rage install would look a lot better than the 20GB they gave us...
just look a the alpha/demo trailers from 2007...then the waayy to static world yes and so on, rage's flaws have been discusssed to death and IMO are due to the compromise they had to take for designing the game for consoles first.....I just hope id took note for D4 and won't repeat the same mistakes again.
then again animations are spot on...I don't hate rage, it has its moments but yes, wasted potential and too much consoles oriented or too little pc centric depending how you want to look at it...
Dafama2k7@Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 2:27 pm : Yes, me too, i don't hate Rage now, but, it could be so much better and also, the first of all the problems are the consoles, consoles, consoles, aggghhhh, that limitations should not be ported to pc, they should do for pc and later low convert to toy consoles, not the reverse, never the reverse.