EternalWolf@Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 12:01 am : In BFG Edition the ugly flashlight shadows are enabled in MP but not SP. There are a lot of cvars and cmds not listed in the console for BFG or the .cfg files and I was wondering if their was a certain cvar that would enable this in Vanilla DOOM 3 so we could try adding it to the D3BFGConfig.cfg or a autoexec.cfg and see if it works in SP.
What would be the reason that they are enabled for MP but not SP? I mean they dont look that good but still, doesnt make much sense to have it in one and not the other...
Also, while the flashlight shadows look horrible in MP as well as in the picture shown for the patch, the sentry bot in SP with a flashlight casts "perfect" shadows that seem to work exactly as they should instead of just being a border. The shadows are cast on the floor/wall/ceiling/objects properly, change in size and rotate accordingly to the sentry bot and monsters position. Why does the flashlight on the sentry bot work differently than the flashlight the player uses? Why not just use the flashlight the sentry bot uses for the player?
Even when the game is patched, the player flashlight likely still wont work the same as the sentry bots. Is there anyway to fix this before the source drops? Maybe by extracting the resources, copy/paste the sentry bots flashlight scripts/definitions(noob, dont know proper word)to the players flashlight and then rebuilding the resources? Since the monsters are still able to project/cast shadows with the sentry bot and environment lights we wouldnt have to do really anything except change the type of light correct?
EternalWolf@Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 12:01 am : In BFG Edition the ugly flashlight shadows are enabled in MP but not SP. There are a lot of cvars and cmds not listed in the console for BFG or the .cfg files and I was wondering if their was a certain cvar that would enable this in Vanilla DOOM 3 so we could try adding it to the D3BFGConfig.cfg or a autoexec.cfg and see if it works in SP.
What would be the reason that they are enabled for MP but not SP? I mean they dont look that good but still, doesnt make much sense to have it in one and not the other...
Also, while the flashlight shadows look horrible in MP as well as in the picture shown for the patch, the sentry bot in SP with a flashlight casts "perfect" shadows that seem to work exactly as they should instead of just being a border. The shadows are cast on the floor/wall/ceiling/objects properly, change in size and rotate accordingly to the sentry bot and monsters position. Why does the flashlight on the sentry bot work differently than the flashlight the player uses? Why not just use the flashlight the sentry bot uses for the player?
Even when the game is patched, the player flashlight likely still wont work the same as the sentry bots. Is there anyway to fix this before the source drops? Maybe by extracting the resources, copy/paste the sentry bots flashlight scripts/definitions(noob, dont know proper word)to the players flashlight and then rebuilding the resources? Since the monsters are still able to project/cast shadows with the sentry bot and environment lights we wouldnt have to do really anything except change the type of light correct?