chichi09@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:58 am : 
I cant see through any of the windows. It didnt bother me at first, but when I came to sector 3, the part where you have to take out the trash...well needless to say I couldnt move the crane properly because i cant see through the window. It's just a flickering the window was frozen and there's something green behind it..
I should also mention that the Imps' fireballs are just one big black ball for me...with something red-ish in the middle... It's kind of hard trying to avoid it especially because the game is a bit dark.
I'm not really good at fixing if anybody can please kindly help me...
I just want to finish this game...
Computer Specs
Windows 7 starter 32 bit, sp1
Intel Atom CPU 2600
2 GB Ram
Intel GMA 3600
Samsung NC110
bladeghost@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:19 am : First off welcome to doom 3 world. and hello...
I'm not sure but my imediate impression is either video card drivers needing an update or if you even have a video card in your computer .
you can be sure it's not the game as it's more likely your computer. and even that is the game patched? to 1.3.1
or you can try and check your settings in the game menu and see if you can select a higher one like ultra and save then see if that fixes the glass issue.
but it could be a simple solution by upping your settings and saving them from the options menu.
that would be my suggestion and then seeing about patching. also is this on steam or retail disk. and or is it the new bfg edition?
let us know and maybe the community can help a bit more.

chichi09@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:15 am : Thank you for your suggestions... and the welcome!

I attached a picture of the way i see the windows.
The game is a retail disk I borrowed from a friend. I'm also quite certain I have a video card. I just updated it.. Curious question, can I run the game without a video card? Is that possible?
I have also tried upping the settings. I installed and re-installed.
I'm going to try and patch it and see if that does the trick. Thank you!
I'll let you know if anything happens...
chichi09@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 12:28 pm : *update
so i updated to 1.3.1
no changes. I feel like crying now.

jmarshall23@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:01 pm : You have a integrated card, who knows what's wrong. As others have said ensure you have updated drivers installed.
bladeghost@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:57 pm : from what I can tell your trying to run a graphiclally intense game on a 'netbook which is even barely a laptop.

and just by reading about updated driver issues I would suggest you use a desktop or a gaming laptop for a solution.
with that setup it's almost like having a tricycle pulling a tractor trailer.
here's some of what I read about drivers for the NETBOOK. luck with it, again I'd suggest using a better machine.

Oneofthe8devilz@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:32 pm : @chichi09
Have you tried setting "r_skipNewAmbient" to "0" //Bypasses all vertex/fragment program ambient drawing
bladeghost@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:44 pm : if that works then hey all the better... but you may want to describe how to do that....
what Oneofthe8devilz is describing relates to a txt file in the doom 3 folder in the 'base folder there is a file called DoomConfig cfg.
if you open that with notpad and check to see if that entry is a "0" or a "1" and save the file that might work, wouldn't hurt to try.
I know in mine its "0" already by default but that line is there about halfway down you can always check that and see if that makes a difference.
you'll find it as
seta r_skipNewAmbient "0"
and below that is a setting called r_mode you can try different numbers from -1 to 8 and see as well, good luck with it.
nbohr1more@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:04 pm : Try setting g_doubleVision to 1 also.
chichi09@Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:36 am : Hi thanks for all the replies..
I wish I could get a better machine... but this is all I have for now. My trusty PC bailed on me. and the tech we hired made it worse..
I'm still going to try the other suggestions... and if those dont work, i'm going to have to give up on doom until I can afford a better machine..
The tricycle pulling a tractor comment made laugh though. thanks!

Douglas Quaid@Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:38 pm : Quote:
Cant see through windows..please help.
Just open the windows then!

gb_remake@Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:24 pm : I had the same problem in Quake 4 once.
IIRC it was fixed by changing a config setting. If you can see through an alpha blended shader or not has relatively little to do with your computer's horsepower by the way - Doom 3 is from 2004. It is probably a config problem.
I think the setting I had to change to get transparent windows in Quake 4 was r_multiSamples or one of the related options. If you search Google for "Quake 4 transparent glass problem" or similar terms you should find a lot of results. Quake 4 uses the same engine.
chichi09@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:58 am : 
I cant see through any of the windows. It didnt bother me at first, but when I came to sector 3, the part where you have to take out the trash...well needless to say I couldnt move the crane properly because i cant see through the window. It's just a flickering the window was frozen and there's something green behind it..
I should also mention that the Imps' fireballs are just one big black ball for me...with something red-ish in the middle... It's kind of hard trying to avoid it especially because the game is a bit dark.
I'm not really good at fixing if anybody can please kindly help me...
I just want to finish this game...
Computer Specs
Windows 7 starter 32 bit, sp1
Intel Atom CPU 2600
2 GB Ram
Intel GMA 3600
Samsung NC110
bladeghost@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:19 am : First off welcome to doom 3 world. and hello...
I'm not sure but my imediate impression is either video card drivers needing an update or if you even have a video card in your computer .
you can be sure it's not the game as it's more likely your computer. and even that is the game patched? to 1.3.1
or you can try and check your settings in the game menu and see if you can select a higher one like ultra and save then see if that fixes the glass issue.
but it could be a simple solution by upping your settings and saving them from the options menu.
that would be my suggestion and then seeing about patching. also is this on steam or retail disk. and or is it the new bfg edition?
let us know and maybe the community can help a bit more.

chichi09@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:15 am : Thank you for your suggestions... and the welcome!

I attached a picture of the way i see the windows.
The game is a retail disk I borrowed from a friend. I'm also quite certain I have a video card. I just updated it.. Curious question, can I run the game without a video card? Is that possible?
I have also tried upping the settings. I installed and re-installed.
I'm going to try and patch it and see if that does the trick. Thank you!
I'll let you know if anything happens...
chichi09@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 12:28 pm : *update
so i updated to 1.3.1
no changes. I feel like crying now.

jmarshall23@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:01 pm : You have a integrated card, who knows what's wrong. As others have said ensure you have updated drivers installed.
bladeghost@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:57 pm : from what I can tell your trying to run a graphiclally intense game on a 'netbook which is even barely a laptop.

and just by reading about updated driver issues I would suggest you use a desktop or a gaming laptop for a solution.
with that setup it's almost like having a tricycle pulling a tractor trailer.
here's some of what I read about drivers for the NETBOOK. luck with it, again I'd suggest using a better machine.

Oneofthe8devilz@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:32 pm : @chichi09
Have you tried setting "r_skipNewAmbient" to "0" //Bypasses all vertex/fragment program ambient drawing
bladeghost@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:44 pm : if that works then hey all the better... but you may want to describe how to do that....
what Oneofthe8devilz is describing relates to a txt file in the doom 3 folder in the 'base folder there is a file called DoomConfig cfg.
if you open that with notpad and check to see if that entry is a "0" or a "1" and save the file that might work, wouldn't hurt to try.
I know in mine its "0" already by default but that line is there about halfway down you can always check that and see if that makes a difference.
you'll find it as
seta r_skipNewAmbient "0"
and below that is a setting called r_mode you can try different numbers from -1 to 8 and see as well, good luck with it.
nbohr1more@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:04 pm : Try setting g_doubleVision to 1 also.
chichi09@Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:36 am : Hi thanks for all the replies..
I wish I could get a better machine... but this is all I have for now. My trusty PC bailed on me. and the tech we hired made it worse..
I'm still going to try the other suggestions... and if those dont work, i'm going to have to give up on doom until I can afford a better machine..
The tricycle pulling a tractor comment made laugh though. thanks!

Douglas Quaid@Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:38 pm : Quote:
Cant see through windows..please help.
Just open the windows then!

gb_remake@Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:24 pm : I had the same problem in Quake 4 once.
IIRC it was fixed by changing a config setting. If you can see through an alpha blended shader or not has relatively little to do with your computer's horsepower by the way - Doom 3 is from 2004. It is probably a config problem.
I think the setting I had to change to get transparent windows in Quake 4 was r_multiSamples or one of the related options. If you search Google for "Quake 4 transparent glass problem" or similar terms you should find a lot of results. Quake 4 uses the same engine.