Nomad Soul@Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:55 am : Hi
I've got Doom 3 BFG editon and I changed the exe command properties (+seta com_allowconsole 1) so I can access the in game console
When I used to type editor in the console for Doom 3 it gave me the level editor to make my own levels but in BFG edition it says Unknown Command 'editor'
Please can someone confirm how to access the level editor in Doom 3 BFG so I can create my own maps?
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:20 am : There are no tools in the BFG edition.
Nomad Soul@Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 8:17 pm : Thats ridiculous
The source code has been released but we can't make our own levels !?
Epic fail by ID
simulation@Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:34 pm : Nomad Soul wrote:
Thats ridiculous
The source code has been released but we can't make our own levels !?
Epic fail by ID
The maps are the same format as the original d3 release, for which the source code is also available. Use that.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:39 pm : Nomad Soul wrote:
Thats ridiculous
The source code has been released but we can't make our own levels !?
Epic fail by ID
There's a lot of truth and surprise in your statement.
gb_remake@Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:09 am : Evil tongues might say "it demonstrates where their priorities lie".
I'm also wondering how I can provide BFG support with my almost finished D3SP, btw. It comes with some script changes, so I'm not sure at all if I need to package it as a .resource file and if that will even be possible.
My BFG-owning friends won't be able to play my level and as a result will probably think I'm just incompetent.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:45 am : It's a bit too early to be looking for ways to package content for BFG unless you know how to code. All anyone else can do is wait so you might as well find something productive to do. If I were you I'd read a book on programming.
gb_remake@Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:46 am : I can actually code, but I don't know where to start with this .resource stuff. I'm no engine coder either. You're right, waiting is the best option for me.
I'm just a bit miffed that quite a few people won't be able to play my Doom 3 map/mod in their Doom 3 for reasons that are slightly outside my control. But hey, I can always say "id software doesn't support custom maps for the BFG edition" which isn't far from the truth.
In all honesty my Doom 3 mapping experience hasn't been a smooth one, for various reasons, and I'm saying that as someone who is used to pain and knows how to google. Seeing zero support for custom content from id anymore is pretty discouraging on top of all else.
All else being: hours of trial and error to divine the right combination of flags , paths and triggers to get an initially hidden monster to walk through a visportal'd door onto a transparent bridge and turn towards the player when triggered - that was one of the most ridiculous things I ever had to do to get something working in a level. Or having to find a working download of the community-provided fixed materials pack before doing anything. Or stuff that stops working despite no apparent changes to its setup. Or trying to find out the correct names of the various monsters' wake-up animations. Everything is a little, shall we say, robust.

Oh well. It's an interesting experience I guess. And it's fun nonetheless, if you're a bit of a masochist...

tea monster@Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:26 am : gb_remake wrote:
In all honesty my Doom 3 mapping experience hasn't been a smooth one, for various reasons, and I'm saying that as someone who is used to pain and knows how to google. Seeing zero support for custom content from id anymore is pretty discouraging on top of all else.
All else being: hours of trial and error to divine the right combination of flags , paths and triggers to get an initially hidden monster to walk through a visportal'd door onto a transparent bridge and turn towards the player when triggered - that was one of the most ridiculous things I ever had to do to get something working in a level. Or having to find a working download of the community-provided fixed materials pack before doing anything. Or stuff that stops working despite no apparent changes to its setup. Or trying to find out the correct names of the various monsters' wake-up animations. Everything is a little, shall we say, robust.

I keep having this irrational urge to make my own D3 map, and this is what is putting me off. I know my head isn't wired up properly to sort out config files and scripts, which is why I stick to modelling

To be fair, Id have been pretty good up to now (stressing the 'up to' part). I used to make levels for Doom, Duke3D and Quake II, and I remember that the tools were pretty much dumped down with a very basic set of instructions. There was loads of stuff that you had to figure out on your own, and various people in the community had stepped up to the plate and provided tutorials. Even then, figuring out exactly how to do certain stuff required hours of googling (and this was mostly before there was Google), taking other people's maps apart and a certain amount of black magic to get to the finish line.
On a practical level, you can wait till Id releases the tools for RAGE, which should help, but to be honest, I'd put my faith in one of the nice people in the community figuring things out before then. It's just going to take time.
Cheer up, it could be worse. You could be a Duke Nukem fan. There are no mod tools for the latest game, even though we were promised them. If you try to make any levels using another engine, you get a C&D order, so basically, f*cked.
BloodRayne@Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:52 am : Having mapped for over 8 years for Doom3 I might be biased.
But I'm experiencing none of the issues that you guys have.
There are only several reasons why the editor crashes:
- Trying to cap a patchmesh that has an origin point that's not in the grid. fix > <ctrl><o> before capping a patch mesh.
- Switching between render/non render views often. Fix > don't
- #IND error in the map (this panics every new mapper) Fix > open up in notepad, take out the #ind reference.
And those are the only three crashing bugs I know of. Other crashes are always user error:
- Reloading a model when the image is not correctly set > fix: Do an extra check of the model before reloading it into the engine.
- Clicking like a mad man on several items > fix: don't.
- Calling reloaddecls when some decals are broken with the editor open > fix: don't.
As for figuring how things work, uhhmmm... not to burst anyone's bubble but
isn't that the entire point of modding? 
If it was simple, anyone would do it. Rise above yourself and others and just do it, or don't do it.
There's nothing in between. No one will hold your hand and tell you the steps to take, it's experience you'll have to get on your own.
It's like expecting to be able to drive a formula 1 race when you just got your drivers license and then being disgruntled that it wasn't easier to begin with.
Perhaps.. not everyone is able to be a formula 1 driver?
Nomad Soul@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:22 am : If anyone manages to get a custom Doom 3 map working in Doom 3 BFG please can you provide a tutorial.
Maybe just for a very simple map to begin with just so I can get something working and build on that.
I still can't understand why ID would remove the editor tools if they can release the source code.
Its worrying they are moving away from community support with ID Tech 5 as nobody will be doing anything custom for Doom 4

Serpentine@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:55 am : Nomad Soul wrote:
Its worrying they are moving away from community support with ID Tech 5 as nobody will be doing anything custom for Doom 4

afaik - news about rage and perhaps doom4 modding will be out soon.
Nomad Soul@Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:55 am : Hi
I've got Doom 3 BFG editon and I changed the exe command properties (+seta com_allowconsole 1) so I can access the in game console
When I used to type editor in the console for Doom 3 it gave me the level editor to make my own levels but in BFG edition it says Unknown Command 'editor'
Please can someone confirm how to access the level editor in Doom 3 BFG so I can create my own maps?
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:20 am : There are no tools in the BFG edition.
Nomad Soul@Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 8:17 pm : Thats ridiculous
The source code has been released but we can't make our own levels !?
Epic fail by ID
simulation@Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:34 pm : Nomad Soul wrote:
Thats ridiculous
The source code has been released but we can't make our own levels !?
Epic fail by ID
The maps are the same format as the original d3 release, for which the source code is also available. Use that.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:39 pm : Nomad Soul wrote:
Thats ridiculous
The source code has been released but we can't make our own levels !?
Epic fail by ID
There's a lot of truth and surprise in your statement.
gb_remake@Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:09 am : Evil tongues might say "it demonstrates where their priorities lie".
I'm also wondering how I can provide BFG support with my almost finished D3SP, btw. It comes with some script changes, so I'm not sure at all if I need to package it as a .resource file and if that will even be possible.
My BFG-owning friends won't be able to play my level and as a result will probably think I'm just incompetent.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:45 am : It's a bit too early to be looking for ways to package content for BFG unless you know how to code. All anyone else can do is wait so you might as well find something productive to do. If I were you I'd read a book on programming.
gb_remake@Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:46 am : I can actually code, but I don't know where to start with this .resource stuff. I'm no engine coder either. You're right, waiting is the best option for me.
I'm just a bit miffed that quite a few people won't be able to play my Doom 3 map/mod in their Doom 3 for reasons that are slightly outside my control. But hey, I can always say "id software doesn't support custom maps for the BFG edition" which isn't far from the truth.
In all honesty my Doom 3 mapping experience hasn't been a smooth one, for various reasons, and I'm saying that as someone who is used to pain and knows how to google. Seeing zero support for custom content from id anymore is pretty discouraging on top of all else.
All else being: hours of trial and error to divine the right combination of flags , paths and triggers to get an initially hidden monster to walk through a visportal'd door onto a transparent bridge and turn towards the player when triggered - that was one of the most ridiculous things I ever had to do to get something working in a level. Or having to find a working download of the community-provided fixed materials pack before doing anything. Or stuff that stops working despite no apparent changes to its setup. Or trying to find out the correct names of the various monsters' wake-up animations. Everything is a little, shall we say, robust.

Oh well. It's an interesting experience I guess. And it's fun nonetheless, if you're a bit of a masochist...

tea monster@Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:26 am : gb_remake wrote:
In all honesty my Doom 3 mapping experience hasn't been a smooth one, for various reasons, and I'm saying that as someone who is used to pain and knows how to google. Seeing zero support for custom content from id anymore is pretty discouraging on top of all else.
All else being: hours of trial and error to divine the right combination of flags , paths and triggers to get an initially hidden monster to walk through a visportal'd door onto a transparent bridge and turn towards the player when triggered - that was one of the most ridiculous things I ever had to do to get something working in a level. Or having to find a working download of the community-provided fixed materials pack before doing anything. Or stuff that stops working despite no apparent changes to its setup. Or trying to find out the correct names of the various monsters' wake-up animations. Everything is a little, shall we say, robust.

I keep having this irrational urge to make my own D3 map, and this is what is putting me off. I know my head isn't wired up properly to sort out config files and scripts, which is why I stick to modelling

To be fair, Id have been pretty good up to now (stressing the 'up to' part). I used to make levels for Doom, Duke3D and Quake II, and I remember that the tools were pretty much dumped down with a very basic set of instructions. There was loads of stuff that you had to figure out on your own, and various people in the community had stepped up to the plate and provided tutorials. Even then, figuring out exactly how to do certain stuff required hours of googling (and this was mostly before there was Google), taking other people's maps apart and a certain amount of black magic to get to the finish line.
On a practical level, you can wait till Id releases the tools for RAGE, which should help, but to be honest, I'd put my faith in one of the nice people in the community figuring things out before then. It's just going to take time.
Cheer up, it could be worse. You could be a Duke Nukem fan. There are no mod tools for the latest game, even though we were promised them. If you try to make any levels using another engine, you get a C&D order, so basically, f*cked.
BloodRayne@Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:52 am : Having mapped for over 8 years for Doom3 I might be biased.
But I'm experiencing none of the issues that you guys have.
There are only several reasons why the editor crashes:
- Trying to cap a patchmesh that has an origin point that's not in the grid. fix > <ctrl><o> before capping a patch mesh.
- Switching between render/non render views often. Fix > don't
- #IND error in the map (this panics every new mapper) Fix > open up in notepad, take out the #ind reference.
And those are the only three crashing bugs I know of. Other crashes are always user error:
- Reloading a model when the image is not correctly set > fix: Do an extra check of the model before reloading it into the engine.
- Clicking like a mad man on several items > fix: don't.
- Calling reloaddecls when some decals are broken with the editor open > fix: don't.
As for figuring how things work, uhhmmm... not to burst anyone's bubble but
isn't that the entire point of modding? 
If it was simple, anyone would do it. Rise above yourself and others and just do it, or don't do it.
There's nothing in between. No one will hold your hand and tell you the steps to take, it's experience you'll have to get on your own.
It's like expecting to be able to drive a formula 1 race when you just got your drivers license and then being disgruntled that it wasn't easier to begin with.
Perhaps.. not everyone is able to be a formula 1 driver?
Nomad Soul@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:22 am : If anyone manages to get a custom Doom 3 map working in Doom 3 BFG please can you provide a tutorial.
Maybe just for a very simple map to begin with just so I can get something working and build on that.
I still can't understand why ID would remove the editor tools if they can release the source code.
Its worrying they are moving away from community support with ID Tech 5 as nobody will be doing anything custom for Doom 4

Serpentine@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:55 am : Nomad Soul wrote:
Its worrying they are moving away from community support with ID Tech 5 as nobody will be doing anything custom for Doom 4

afaik - news about rage and perhaps doom4 modding will be out soon.