Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 3:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 7:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 7:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 2:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 12:29 am :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 8:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Remember they mentioned some alien civilization in doom³?
In the new g4 vid you can see a poster in the background (behind the guy with the blind eye who reminds me of sir anthony hopkins, "amazing things will happen here soon, you just wait...")
maybe id-soft was inspired by this stuff and we get to see some of those pyramids in the game?
This could also be sth like a planetary portal system :-
(marsian) pentagon/hexagon-based-pyramid: mars
(egyptian) quad-based-pyramid: (Gizeh) earth
(?) triangle-based-pyramid(tetrahedron): venus?
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:03 am :
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Rock on!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:09 am :
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:17 am :
Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:18 am :
They're playing Quake 3....?
insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:37 am :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful!
neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:07 am :
Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge.
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:10 am :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear.
Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:25 am :
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:46 am :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:33 pm :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it.
7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:23 pm :
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 5:12 pm :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation.
TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:27 pm :
and more links :{6DF34161-241F-4A1A-BBD3-CE5E0155C9F6}
EDIT: The above links appear to be unrelated to the topic at hand. I can't read russian but it appears to be one of those "your my bitch" ranking games. Please, don't spam the board with this kind of nonsense. Instead use the pimping section.
In the meantime, I've removed the URL tags so it's that much harder for you to improve your rank. -Rich
BlackArmsShadow@Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:51 pm :
aarunn_jay wrote:
... spam ...
Heh, just a bit too blatant...
EDIT: Please don't quote spammers. You're just creating more work for me when I ban their accounts and delete their posts. -Rich
Skul@Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 12:25 pm :
Sorry, aarunn, wrong number.
zenarion@Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:14 pm :
Good thing that ID started spinning on those lost marsian civilisations theories. Could prove to be good modding material, like a prequel or something.
Darkr0nin@Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:15 am :
aarunn_jay wrote:
... spam ...
I lol'ed.
EDIT: Again, please don't quote spammers. -Rich
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:17 am :
Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:18 am :
They're playing Quake 3....?
insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:37 am :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful!
neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:07 am :
Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge.
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:10 am :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear.
Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:25 am :
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:46 am :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:33 pm :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it.
7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:23 pm :
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 5:12 pm :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation.
TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:27 pm :
and more links :{6DF34161-241F-4A1A-BBD3-CE5E0155C9F6}
EDIT: The above links appear to be unrelated to the topic at hand. I can't read russian but it appears to be one of those "your my bitch" ranking games. Please, don't spam the board with this kind of nonsense. Instead use the pimping section.
In the meantime, I've removed the URL tags so it's that much harder for you to improve your rank. -Rich
BlackArmsShadow@Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:51 pm :
aarunn_jay wrote:
... spam ...
Heh, just a bit too blatant...
EDIT: Please don't quote spammers. You're just creating more work for me when I ban their accounts and delete their posts. -Rich
Skul@Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 12:25 pm :
Sorry, aarunn, wrong number.
zenarion@Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:14 pm :
Good thing that ID started spinning on those lost marsian civilisations theories. Could prove to be good modding material, like a prequel or something.
Darkr0nin@Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:15 am :
aarunn_jay wrote:
... spam ...
I lol'ed.
EDIT: Again, please don't quote spammers. -Rich
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 1:38 pm :
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 3:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 7:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 7:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 2:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 12:29 am :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 8:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Remember they mentioned some alien civilization in doom³?
In the new g4 vid you can see a poster in the background (behind the guy with the blind eye who reminds me of sir anthony hopkins, "amazing things will happen here soon, you just wait...")
maybe id-soft was inspired by this stuff and we get to see some of those pyramids in the game?
This could also be sth like a planetary portal system :-
(marsian) pentagon/hexagon-based-pyramid: mars
(egyptian) quad-based-pyramid: (Gizeh) earth
(?) triangle-based-pyramid(tetrahedron): venus?
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:03 am :
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Rock on!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:09 am :
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:17 am :
Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:18 am :
They're playing Quake 3....?
insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:37 am :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful!
neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:07 am :
Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge.
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:10 am :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear.
Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:25 am :
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:46 am :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:33 pm :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it.
7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:23 pm :
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 5:12 pm :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation.
TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:27 pm :
and more links :{6DF34161-241F-4A1A-BBD3-CE5E0155C9F6}
EDIT: The above links appear to be unrelated to the topic at hand. I can't read russian but it appears to be one of those "your my bitch" ranking games. Please, don't spam the board with this kind of nonsense. Instead use the pimping section.
In the meantime, I've removed the URL tags so it's that much harder for you to improve your rank. -Rich
BlackArmsShadow@Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:51 pm :
aarunn_jay wrote:
... spam ...
Heh, just a bit too blatant...
EDIT: Please don't quote spammers. You're just creating more work for me when I ban their accounts and delete their posts. -Rich
Skul@Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 12:25 pm :
Sorry, aarunn, wrong number.
zenarion@Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:14 pm :
Good thing that ID started spinning on those lost marsian civilisations theories. Could prove to be good modding material, like a prequel or something.
Darkr0nin@Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:15 am :
aarunn_jay wrote:
... spam ...
I lol'ed.
EDIT: Again, please don't quote spammers. -Rich
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:17 am :
Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:18 am :
They're playing Quake 3....?
insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:37 am :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful!
neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:07 am :
Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge.
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:10 am :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear.
Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:25 am :
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:46 am :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:33 pm :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it.
7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:23 pm :
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 5:12 pm :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation.
TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:27 pm :
and more links :{6DF34161-241F-4A1A-BBD3-CE5E0155C9F6}
EDIT: The above links appear to be unrelated to the topic at hand. I can't read russian but it appears to be one of those "your my bitch" ranking games. Please, don't spam the board with this kind of nonsense. Instead use the pimping section.
In the meantime, I've removed the URL tags so it's that much harder for you to improve your rank. -Rich
BlackArmsShadow@Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:51 pm :
aarunn_jay wrote:
... spam ...
Heh, just a bit too blatant...
EDIT: Please don't quote spammers. You're just creating more work for me when I ban their accounts and delete their posts. -Rich
Skul@Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 12:25 pm :
Sorry, aarunn, wrong number.
zenarion@Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:14 pm :
Good thing that ID started spinning on those lost marsian civilisations theories. Could prove to be good modding material, like a prequel or something.
Darkr0nin@Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:15 am :
aarunn_jay wrote:
... spam ...
I lol'ed.
EDIT: Again, please don't quote spammers. -Rich
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 1:38 pm :
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 3:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 7:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 7:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 2:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 12:29 am :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 8:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Remember they mentioned some alien civilization in doom³?
In the new g4 vid you can see a poster in the background (behind the guy with the blind eye who reminds me of sir anthony hopkins, "amazing things will happen here soon, you just wait...")
maybe id-soft was inspired by this stuff and we get to see some of those pyramids in the game?
This could also be sth like a planetary portal system :-
(marsian) pentagon/hexagon-based-pyramid: mars
(egyptian) quad-based-pyramid: (Gizeh) earth
(?) triangle-based-pyramid(tetrahedron): venus?
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:03 am :
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Rock on!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:09 am :
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:17 am :
Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:18 am :
They're playing Quake 3....?
insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:37 am :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful!
neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:07 am :
Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge.
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:10 am :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear.
Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:25 am :
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:46 am :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:33 pm :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it.
7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:23 pm :
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 5:12 pm :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation.
TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:27 pm :
and more links :{6DF34161-241F-4A1A-BBD3-CE5E0155C9F6}
EDIT: The above links appear to be unrelated to the topic at hand. I can't read russian but it appears to be one of those "your my bitch" ranking games. Please, don't spam the board with this kind of nonsense. Instead use the pimping section.
In the meantime, I've removed the URL tags so it's that much harder for you to improve your rank. -Rich
BlackArmsShadow@Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:51 pm :
aarunn_jay wrote:
... spam ...
Heh, just a bit too blatant...
EDIT: Please don't quote spammers. You're just creating more work for me when I ban their accounts and delete their posts. -Rich
Skul@Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 12:25 pm :
Sorry, aarunn, wrong number.
zenarion@Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:14 pm :
Good thing that ID started spinning on those lost marsian civilisations theories. Could prove to be good modding material, like a prequel or something.
Darkr0nin@Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:15 am :
aarunn_jay wrote:
... spam ...
I lol'ed.
EDIT: Again, please don't quote spammers. -Rich
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 12:38 pm :
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Remember they mentioned some alien civilization in doom³?
In the new g4 vid you can see a poster in the background (behind the guy with the blind eye who reminds me of sir anthony hopkins, "amazing things will happen here soon, you just wait...")
maybe id-soft was inspired by this stuff and we get to see some of those pyramids in the game?
This could also be sth like a planetary portal system :-
(marsian) pentagon/hexagon-based-pyramid: mars
(egyptian) quad-based-pyramid: (Gizeh) earth
(?) triangle-based-pyramid(tetrahedron): venus?
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:03 am :
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Rock on!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:09 am :
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 1:38 pm :
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 3:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 7:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 7:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 2:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 12:29 am :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 8:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Remember they mentioned some alien civilization in doom³?
In the new g4 vid you can see a poster in the background (behind the guy with the blind eye who reminds me of sir anthony hopkins, "amazing things will happen here soon, you just wait...")
maybe id-soft was inspired by this stuff and we get to see some of those pyramids in the game?
This could also be sth like a planetary portal system :-
(marsian) pentagon/hexagon-based-pyramid: mars
(egyptian) quad-based-pyramid: (Gizeh) earth
(?) triangle-based-pyramid(tetrahedron): venus?
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:03 am :
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Rock on!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:09 am :
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:17 am :
Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:18 am :
They're playing Quake 3....?
insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:37 am :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful!
neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:07 am :
Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge.
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:10 am :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear.
Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:25 am :
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:46 am :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:33 pm :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it.
7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:23 pm :
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 5:12 pm :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation.
TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:27 pm :
and more links :{6DF34161-241F-4A1A-BBD3-CE5E0155C9F6}
EDIT: The above links appear to be unrelated to the topic at hand. I can't read russian but it appears to be one of those "your my bitch" ranking games. Please, don't spam the board with this kind of nonsense. Instead use the pimping section.
In the meantime, I've removed the URL tags so it's that much harder for you to improve your rank. -Rich
BlackArmsShadow@Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:51 pm :
aarunn_jay wrote:
... spam ...
Heh, just a bit too blatant...
EDIT: Please don't quote spammers. You're just creating more work for me when I ban their accounts and delete their posts. -Rich
Skul@Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 12:25 pm :
Sorry, aarunn, wrong number.
zenarion@Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:14 pm :
Good thing that ID started spinning on those lost marsian civilisations theories. Could prove to be good modding material, like a prequel or something.
Darkr0nin@Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:15 am :
aarunn_jay wrote:
... spam ...
I lol'ed.
EDIT: Again, please don't quote spammers. -Rich
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:17 am :
Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:18 am :
They're playing Quake 3....?
insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:37 am :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful!
neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:07 am :
Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge.
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:10 am :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear.
Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:25 am :
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:46 am :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:33 pm :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it.
7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:23 pm :
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:12 pm :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation.
TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:27 pm :
and more links :{6DF34161-241F-4A1A-BBD3-CE5E0155C9F6}
EDIT: The above links appear to be unrelated to the topic at hand. I can't read russian but it appears to be one of those "your my bitch" ranking games. Please, don't spam the board with this kind of nonsense. Instead use the pimping section.
In the meantime, I've removed the URL tags so it's that much harder for you to improve your rank. -Rich
aarunn_jay@Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:37 pm :
They say that the World's Greatest Swingers Personals Site & Lifestyle
Source can be seen on this site: They have
listings for swingers ads, adult swingers, swingers personals, swingers
stories, swingers groups, swingers clubs, threeesomes, adult dating,
wife lovers, online dating, housewives and sex clubs.
BlackArmsShadow@Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:51 pm :
aarunn_jay wrote:
They say that the World's Greatest Swingers Personals Site & Lifestyle Source can be seen on this site: They have listings for swingers ads, adult swingers, swingers personals, swingers stories, swingers groups, swingers clubs, threeesomes, adult dating, wife lovers, online dating, housewives and sex clubs.
Heh, just a bit too blatant...
Skul@Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:25 am :
Sorry, aarunn, wrong number.
zenarion@Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:14 am :
Good thing that ID started spinning on those lost marsian civilisations theories. Could prove to be good modding material, like a prequel or something.
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:17 am Post subject: : Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Last edited by UnnamedPlayer on Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:22 am; edited 1 time in total Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:18 am Post subject: : They're playing Quake 3....? insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:37 am Post subject: :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful! _________________ Time is the worst place, so to speak, to get lost in neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:07 am Post subject: : Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge. zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:10 am Post subject: :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear. _________________ | Additional D3++ modding links: General help guide | | | Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:25 am Post subject: : Sooo.. where is this video, anyway? _________________ "No point in mentioning these bats," I thought. "The poor bastard will see them soon enough." zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:46 am Post subject: :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
Another link: 7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 8:11 am Post subject: : there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved.. _________________ -->7318<-- zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:33 pm Post subject: :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it. _________________ | Additional D3++ modding links: General help guide | | | 7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:23 pm Post subject: : andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor... _________________ -->7318<-- BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:12 pm Post subject: :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation. _________________ Staff - The world is yours, soon in 6 degrees of freedom!
Visit ModWiki TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:27 pm Post subject: :
and more links :
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 12:38 pm :
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Remember they mentioned some alien civilization in doom³?
In the new g4 vid you can see a poster in the background (behind the guy with the blind eye who reminds me of sir anthony hopkins, "amazing things will happen here soon, you just wait...")
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Remember they mentioned some alien civilization in doom³?
In the new g4 vid you can see a poster in the background (behind the guy with the blind eye who reminds me of sir anthony hopkins, "amazing things will happen here soon, you just wait...")
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Remember they mentioned some alien civilization in doom³?
In the new g4 vid you can see a poster in the background (behind the guy with the blind eye who reminds me of sir anthony hopkins, "amazing things will happen here soon, you just wait...")
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Remember they mentioned some alien civilization in doom³?
In the new g4 vid you can see a poster in the background (behind the guy with the blind eye who reminds me of sir anthony hopkins, "amazing things will happen here soon, you just wait...")
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Remember they mentioned some alien civilization in doom³?
In the new g4 vid you can see a poster in the background (behind the guy with the blind eye who reminds me of sir anthony hopkins, "amazing things will happen here soon, you just wait...")
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Remember they mentioned some alien civilization in doom³?
In the new g4 vid you can see a poster in the background (behind the guy with the blind eye who reminds me of sir anthony hopkins, "amazing things will happen here soon, you just wait...")
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
Reviews are about to pop up everywhere soon - so will screenshots and things you don't want to know before you play the game yourself.
So keep all things which could be considered as spoilers in this thread.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:18 pm :
Here's a review:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
GinandTonic@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm :
Where is his sense of humor, I love the idea of pda spam it's more real than the concept of demons.
And I can't wait untill the phrase is uttered: "Wow! Look at the diffuse map and specular lights on that terd"
bb_matt@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:07 pm :
Sigh, I find myself inextricably drawn to this sticky and thread and had to force myself through reading that article ! - damn you anticipation !
_shank@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:12 pm : there are no screen shots??? seems wierd...
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 pm :
Instead of "buy now" I'd lable the buttons "don't click here" when designing an online shop
rampagenr13@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:22 pm :
quote: "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing
They say its done, so why doesnt ID say it too? I mean when its done it goes gold right?
They would announce that.
oops, I just checked that page and it didnt show, but when i refreshed it it showed the good news!!
goodoldalex@Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:44 pm :
Just tell me if the doomguy can have sex with the nude chick and I can wait one more month
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:46 am :
For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life
Hmm, that's the main thing I didn't like about Half Life.
bb_matt@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:18 am :
That was one of the main things I did like about it - it made the game feel so much more deep.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:33 am :
Lol, I don't mind a good storyline, but I prefer to get into the action straight away.
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:51 pm :
Spoiler about monsters included in the game here:
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
DaZ@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:57 pm :
Yes its true, there are pics of them floating around the net, and they look very impressive!
Dj Dooms Day@Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:29 pm :
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:26 am :
Dj Dooms Day wrote:
Really?? Nuts!
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
You've waited years. Now the wait is over. PC Gamer was the only publication in the world to review Doom 3 a split-second after id declared it "Done." We thought we were ready...
Turn out the lights. Get the surround-sound speakers in place. And say goodbye to sanity for the next 20-odd hours. The guys at id Software are famous for delivering a game "when it's done" - and we're here to tell you that Doom 3 is not only done, it's mind-blowing.
X The game opens up with your arrival at Mars Research Facility of the massive United Aerospace Corporation. It's the year 2145, and you're a Marine newly assigned to the facility's security detail. For the first 15 minutes,you're not even issued a weapon - the action unfolds in a pace reminiscent of the opening of Half-Life, as you get oriented around the security building and watch some video primers on your new job and new home. In this opening act, you're familiarized with your Personal Digital Assistant, wich will be your invaluable interface throughtout the rest of the game. Using this handy gadget, you can download info from other people's PDAs as you come across them, adding codes, access keys, and emails that contain crucial information you'll need to progress through the 28 maps to follow. Here's what you really spen those first 15 minutes doing: gawking. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. The enviroments are huge-scale and packed with detail. The base is a convincing Mars Station - less a far-future design than a depressingly postmodern corporate park. It feels lived-in, too - from the skin mags scattered on the kitchenette tables to the nastiest in the public rest-room toilet bowls.
But no sooner do you get oriented with your gear - and with the very cool physics model that lets you rearrange just about any object in the place - then all hell breaks loose. Literally.
The base is hammered by a shockwave of satanic force, and immediatly discover that almost evryone around you has turned into a flesh eating zombie - with a mindless devotion to snacking on you. Worse yet, the base has been invaded by a horde of nightmarish demons. Cut off from your fellow Marines (and stalked by some of their well armed zombie versions!), you've got only a comm link with your still human Sarge to steer you to safety
For those expecting a "classic" run and gun Doom gameplay, the biggest surprise may be just how substanial this game is. If you try to blaze through any of these 28 missions you WILL be humiliated. Instead the only route to access is a slow and steady one, sticking to shadows, searching every nook and crany for health, ammo, and access keys, and generally advancing as methodicaly as you can.
You've also got to figure out whats happening. As you make your way through the different levels of the base, the pilot is revealed via the PDAs you pick up, and in breif conversations with the few NPCs who werent "turned" by the satanic attack. To make your way through the inevitably sealed-off access doors between levels, you'll have to read through email that progressively reveals a conspiracy of apocalypse proportions - the nefarious scheme of phsycotic Dr. Betruger, UACs cheif scientist, who's perverted a teleportion to open up a portal into hell-like demension. (Oh and if you didnt notice Dr. betruger is also keen on transporting his hellion army to earth.)
Gear is an absolute premium. All the old Doom weapons are back, but preciously rationed, and with an ever windling supply of ammo for each. The shotgun is your basic in close sledge hammer, while the assault rifle is your best down hallway exchanges with armed zombie marines. The chaingun provides a heavy punch for those hectic occasions when you need to yell "LETS ROCKKKK!" The plasma rifle was my personal fav, dealin streams of fiery blue death, although it runs out of ammo quickly. The rocket launcher scores devastating hits at a distance, while the stock pistol is suitable for minor enemies and desperate last stands. (And as for the BFG 9000 - you'll have to wait a bit before you get to arm it, but the wait is well worth it.)
But theres no need to worry that Doom 3 is as slow as spliner cell - hardly a minute goes by without a furious exchange of hostiles with some manner demonic beastie, imps, Hellknights, and Archviles are all back to shock and awe you with viscerally jarring attacks, and the endless stream of zombies and scuttling nasties gives you plenty to chew on (and chew up). The gallery of grotesquerie is the product of almost limitless imagination for horors - spiders that make your flesh crawl, infant "cherubs" mutated with fly wings, and other unamable terrors that blight the corridors of the possessed base
Early in the game, you're tasked with sprinting outside the mars Facility ( with rapidly depleting air canisters) in search of the next airlock. It was here that i really started to notice what I was seeing was graphics superiorty that not even current hot tech showcases like Far Cry could match. Dust blew around the martian surface and the dull brown/red hue of the sand and the twisted metal of shredded structures all semed so perfectly plausible.
Each girder, door, and window adds tangible substance to each scene, and even th \e effect of your flashlight shinging into a drakened corner looks ridiculosly real - as the light floods through a room , swinging back andforth, shadows are cast perfectly; dust particles gently drift into the cone of the flash light , eerily visible. And these are just the basics of the enviroment: just wait until you enter the depths of hell, and dive into some of the later mass melees,\. Doom 3, with all due awareness of hyperbole, is the best looking game you've ever seen.
Not surprising you'll need a monster system to render these monsters in all their intracetly textured glory. But the ability to play Doom 3 with all its visual magic maxed out is really a good excuse to trade up. A P4 3GHzwith a Georce 5950- class card will see u through okay. One of our test systems had a geforce 6800 ultra and ran flawlessly at 1024x 768 with high detail. (A higher level of quality and resolution is available , but the PC to run it well isnt)nning with a geforce4 MX card and 512 Mb RAM, the texture detail was great, although the game was choppier in spots.
Bottom line: If Far Cry didnt convince you, then Doom 3 should - the time to upgrade to a next generation 3D chip , or even an all new rig, is now.
While I was expecting amazing graphics, it was the sound effects and sound design that had me reeling. Footsteps echo spookily down halls; monsters issue bloodcurling shrieks; every hallway has an audible drip of menace and dread. Doom 3 is the reason to own surround sound speakers. The collective impact of sound design on the whole expierience cant be overstated, adding to the urge to switch out ll th lights, close the curtains, crank up the voulume, and let yourself be scared s***less.
And you will be jolted right out of your seat. I'm not going to spoil any of the socks here, but there were at least four occasions where i lunged back in y chair. Lead designer Tim wiltis is inside your head like a phycologist - and just when hes let you think you can lower your guard, he sticks the psychic shiv right into your nervous system.
Even when the scares arent heart stopping , theres a constant, simmering anxiety at each and every step. You basically subjecting yourself to a 20 hour cariac episode. At times, death brought sweet, momentery respite from the fear drenched mayhem.
The zombie plagued space station is creepy enough , but about mid way through the game you make a teleporteraided detour to hell. The whole feel of the game changes utterly - if you thought you were in desperate straits before, you now find yourself in a balls shriveling nightmare netherworld. (With no weapons!)
It's all leading up to a knees knocking climatic spelunk into the archealogical ruins beneath mars base where you enter a final showdown against evildoers amid the remnants of a fallen martian civilization. As the massive fright lifter descends so agonizingly slowly into the darkness, you may find yourself as I did, cursing out loud at the grim hold this game has on you.
Does Doom 3 have any missteps maybe just one; its attemps at humor feel way out of place. there are a few lame running gagas: PDA spam and an uber-nerdy string of emails between members of a roleplaying club. (The spam gag actually becomes a puzzle that requires you jump out of the game and use you web browser to find a code. Huh?) In one appalling instance, you even even become privy in a tounge-in-cheek directive by arcvillian Dr. Betruger, advising hellions on the proper way to prepare virgin sacrifices. These limp jokes server only to dump me out of the games carefully calibrated dread machine.
But no matter: The rest is all dynamite. Doom 3 took me 23 hours to complete on the medium difficulty setting. (For all those who rumored that the game would be over in a few hours- you couldnt be more wrong.) And for those 23 hours, you will never expirience a dull moment. Or even a less than mesmerizing one. Doom 3 is a masterpiece of art form - staying true to the frantic legacy of the Doom series, while ambitiously reaching new hieghts and bashing down the doors of the next generation of PC shooter. The bar is raised. Lets see someone else climb over it- Dan Morris
Well apparently there are screenshots of the Cacodemon and Archvile in the PC Gamer article! I cannot source where this came from (i cant remember) but i remember reading it on a thread that had previously had a link to the article scans, i still have not seen them myself though so i can only say its rumour.
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
P.S. Just so i dont do something stupid, those picture are illegal to post here right? Since they are copyrighted. (Not that i have actually found them )
They've already been posted here, I took them since they're copyrighted material.
Good copyright infringment sites usually hosting such stuff either on the web or openly adertising their will to distribute it on their own irc channels are:
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:17 am Post subject: : Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Last edited by UnnamedPlayer on Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:22 am; edited 1 time in total Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:18 am Post subject: : They're playing Quake 3....? insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:37 am Post subject: :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful! _________________ Time is the worst place, so to speak, to get lost in neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:07 am Post subject: : Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge. zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:10 am Post subject: :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear. _________________ | Additional D3++ modding links: General help guide | | | Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:25 am Post subject: : Sooo.. where is this video, anyway? _________________ "No point in mentioning these bats," I thought. "The poor bastard will see them soon enough." zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:46 am Post subject: :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
Another link: 7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 8:11 am Post subject: : there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved.. _________________ -->7318<-- zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:33 pm Post subject: :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it. _________________ | Additional D3++ modding links: General help guide | | | 7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:23 pm Post subject: : andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor... _________________ -->7318<-- BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:12 pm Post subject: :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation. _________________ Staff - The world is yours, soon in 6 degrees of freedom!
Visit ModWiki UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:17 am :
Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:18 am :
They're playing Quake 3....?
insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:37 am :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful!
neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:07 am :
Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge.
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:10 am :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear.
Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:25 am :
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:46 am :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:33 pm :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it.
7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:23 pm :
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:12 pm :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation.
TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:27 pm :
and more links :{6DF34161-241F-4A1A-BBD3-CE5E0155C9F6}
EDIT: The above links appear to be unrelated to the topic at hand. I can't read russian but it appears to be one of those "your my bitch" ranking games. Please, don't spam the board with this kind of nonsense. Instead use the pimping section.
In the meantime, I've removed the URL tags so it's that much harder for you to improve your rank. -Rich
aarunn_jay@Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:37 pm :
They say that the World's Greatest Swingers Personals Site & Lifestyle
Source can be seen on this site: They have
listings for swingers ads, adult swingers, swingers personals, swingers
stories, swingers groups, swingers clubs, threeesomes, adult dating,
wife lovers, online dating, housewives and sex clubs.
BlackArmsShadow@Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:51 pm :
aarunn_jay wrote:
They say that the World's Greatest Swingers Personals Site & Lifestyle Source can be seen on this site: They have listings for swingers ads, adult swingers, swingers personals, swingers stories, swingers groups, swingers clubs, threeesomes, adult dating, wife lovers, online dating, housewives and sex clubs.
Heh, just a bit too blatant...
Skul@Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:25 am :
Sorry, aarunn, wrong number.
zenarion@Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:14 am :
Good thing that ID started spinning on those lost marsian civilisations theories. Could prove to be good modding material, like a prequel or something.
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:17 am :
Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:18 am :
They're playing Quake 3....?
insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:37 am :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful!
neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:07 am :
Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge.
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:10 am :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear.
Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:25 am :
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:46 am :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:33 pm :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it.
7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:23 pm :
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:12 pm :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation.
TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:27 pm :
and more links :{6DF34161-241F-4A1A-BBD3-CE5E0155C9F6}
EDIT: The above links appear to be unrelated to the topic at hand. I can't read russian but it appears to be one of those "your my bitch" ranking games. Please, don't spam the board with this kind of nonsense. Instead use the pimping section.
In the meantime, I've removed the URL tags so it's that much harder for you to improve your rank. -Rich
aarunn_jay@Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:37 pm :
They say that the World's Greatest Swingers Personals Site & Lifestyle
Source can be seen on this site: They have
listings for swingers ads, adult swingers, swingers personals, swingers
stories, swingers groups, swingers clubs, threeesomes, adult dating,
wife lovers, online dating, housewives and sex clubs.
BlackArmsShadow@Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:51 pm :
aarunn_jay wrote:
They say that the World's Greatest Swingers Personals Site & Lifestyle Source can be seen on this site: They have listings for swingers ads, adult swingers, swingers personals, swingers stories, swingers groups, swingers clubs, threeesomes, adult dating, wife lovers, online dating, housewives and sex clubs.
Heh, just a bit too blatant...
Skul@Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:25 am :
Sorry, aarunn, wrong number.
zenarion@Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:14 am :
Good thing that ID started spinning on those lost marsian civilisations theories. Could prove to be good modding material, like a prequel or something.
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:17 am Post subject: : Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Last edited by UnnamedPlayer on Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:22 am; edited 1 time in total Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:18 am Post subject: : They're playing Quake 3....? insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:37 am Post subject: :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful! _________________ Time is the worst place, so to speak, to get lost in neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:07 am Post subject: : Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge. zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:10 am Post subject: :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear. _________________ | Additional D3++ modding links: General help guide | | | Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:25 am Post subject: : Sooo.. where is this video, anyway? _________________ "No point in mentioning these bats," I thought. "The poor bastard will see them soon enough." zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:46 am Post subject: :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
Another link: 7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 8:11 am Post subject: : there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved.. _________________ -->7318<-- zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:33 pm Post subject: :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it. _________________ | Additional D3++ modding links: General help guide | | | 7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:23 pm Post subject: : andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor... _________________ -->7318<-- BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:12 pm Post subject: :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation. _________________ Staff - The world is yours, soon in 6 degrees of freedom!
Visit ModWiki TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:27 pm Post subject: :
and more links :
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:17 am :
Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:18 am :
They're playing Quake 3....?
insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:37 am :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful!
neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:07 am :
Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge.
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:10 am :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear.
Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:25 am :
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:46 am :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:33 pm :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it.
7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:23 pm :
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:12 pm :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation.
TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:27 pm :
and more links :{6DF34161-241F-4A1A-BBD3-CE5E0155C9F6}
EDIT: The above links appear to be unrelated to the topic at hand. I can't read russian but it appears to be one of those "your my bitch" ranking games. Please, don't spam the board with this kind of nonsense. Instead use the pimping section.
In the meantime, I've removed the URL tags so it's that much harder for you to improve your rank. -Rich
aarunn_jay@Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:37 pm :
They say that the World's Greatest Swingers Personals Site & Lifestyle
Source can be seen on this site: They have
listings for swingers ads, adult swingers, swingers personals, swingers
stories, swingers groups, swingers clubs, threeesomes, adult dating,
wife lovers, online dating, housewives and sex clubs.
BlackArmsShadow@Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:51 pm :
aarunn_jay wrote:
They say that the World's Greatest Swingers Personals Site & Lifestyle Source can be seen on this site: They have listings for swingers ads, adult swingers, swingers personals, swingers stories, swingers groups, swingers clubs, threeesomes, adult dating, wife lovers, online dating, housewives and sex clubs.
Heh, just a bit too blatant...
Skul@Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:25 am :
Sorry, aarunn, wrong number.
zenarion@Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:14 am :
Good thing that ID started spinning on those lost marsian civilisations theories. Could prove to be good modding material, like a prequel or something.
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:17 am :
Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:18 am :
They're playing Quake 3....?
insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:37 am :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful!
neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:07 am :
Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge.
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:10 am :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear.
Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:25 am :
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:46 am :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:33 pm :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it.
7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:23 pm :
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:12 pm :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation.
TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:27 pm :
and more links :{6DF34161-241F-4A1A-BBD3-CE5E0155C9F6}
EDIT: The above links appear to be unrelated to the topic at hand. I can't read russian but it appears to be one of those "your my bitch" ranking games. Please, don't spam the board with this kind of nonsense. Instead use the pimping section.
In the meantime, I've removed the URL tags so it's that much harder for you to improve your rank. -Rich
aarunn_jay@Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:37 pm :
They say that the World's Greatest Swingers Personals Site & Lifestyle
Source can be seen on this site: They have
listings for swingers ads, adult swingers, swingers personals, swingers
stories, swingers groups, swingers clubs, threeesomes, adult dating,
wife lovers, online dating, housewives and sex clubs.
BlackArmsShadow@Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:51 pm :
aarunn_jay wrote:
They say that the World's Greatest Swingers Personals Site & Lifestyle Source can be seen on this site: They have listings for swingers ads, adult swingers, swingers personals, swingers stories, swingers groups, swingers clubs, threeesomes, adult dating, wife lovers, online dating, housewives and sex clubs.
Heh, just a bit too blatant...
Skul@Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:25 am :
Sorry, aarunn, wrong number.
zenarion@Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:14 am :
Good thing that ID started spinning on those lost marsian civilisations theories. Could prove to be good modding material, like a prequel or something.
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:17 am :
Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:18 am :
They're playing Quake 3....?
insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:37 am :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful!
neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:07 am :
Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge.
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:10 am :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear.
Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:25 am :
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:46 am :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:33 pm :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it.
7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:23 pm :
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:12 pm :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation.
TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:27 pm :
and more links :{6DF34161-241F-4A1A-BBD3-CE5E0155C9F6}
EDIT: The above links appear to be unrelated to the topic at hand. I can't read russian but it appears to be one of those "your my bitch" ranking games. Please, don't spam the board with this kind of nonsense. Instead use the pimping section.
In the meantime, I've removed the URL tags so it's that much harder for you to improve your rank. -Rich
aarunn_jay@Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:37 pm :
They say that the World's Greatest Swingers Personals Site & Lifestyle
Source can be seen on this site: They have
listings for swingers ads, adult swingers, swingers personals, swingers
stories, swingers groups, swingers clubs, threeesomes, adult dating,
wife lovers, online dating, housewives and sex clubs.
BlackArmsShadow@Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:51 pm :
aarunn_jay wrote:
They say that the World's Greatest Swingers Personals Site & Lifestyle Source can be seen on this site: They have listings for swingers ads, adult swingers, swingers personals, swingers stories, swingers groups, swingers clubs, threeesomes, adult dating, wife lovers, online dating, housewives and sex clubs.
Heh, just a bit too blatant...
Skul@Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:25 am :
Sorry, aarunn, wrong number.
zenarion@Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:14 am :
Good thing that ID started spinning on those lost marsian civilisations theories. Could prove to be good modding material, like a prequel or something.
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:17 am Post subject: : Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Last edited by UnnamedPlayer on Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:22 am; edited 1 time in total Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:18 am Post subject: : They're playing Quake 3....? insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:37 am Post subject: :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful! _________________ Time is the worst place, so to speak, to get lost in neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:07 am Post subject: : Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge. zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:10 am Post subject: :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear. _________________ | Additional D3++ modding links: General help guide | | | Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:25 am Post subject: : Sooo.. where is this video, anyway? _________________ "No point in mentioning these bats," I thought. "The poor bastard will see them soon enough." zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:46 am Post subject: :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
Another link: 7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 8:11 am Post subject: : there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved.. _________________ -->7318<-- zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:33 pm Post subject: :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it. _________________ | Additional D3++ modding links: General help guide | | | 7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:23 pm Post subject: : andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor... _________________ -->7318<-- BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:12 pm Post subject: :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation. _________________ Staff - The world is yours, soon in 6 degrees of freedom!
Visit ModWiki TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:27 pm Post subject: :
and more links :
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:17 am :
Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:18 am :
They're playing Quake 3....?
insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:37 am :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful!
neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:07 am :
Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge.
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:10 am :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear.
Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:25 am :
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:46 am :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:33 pm :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it.
7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:23 pm :
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:12 pm :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation.
TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:27 pm :
and more links :{6DF34161-241F-4A1A-BBD3-CE5E0155C9F6}
EDIT: The above links appear to be unrelated to the topic at hand. I can't read russian but it appears to be one of those "your my bitch" ranking games. Please, don't spam the board with this kind of nonsense. Instead use the pimping section.
In the meantime, I've removed the URL tags so it's that much harder for you to improve your rank. -Rich
aarunn_jay@Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:37 pm :
They say that the World's Greatest Swingers Personals Site & Lifestyle
Source can be seen on this site: They have
listings for swingers ads, adult swingers, swingers personals, swingers
stories, swingers groups, swingers clubs, threeesomes, adult dating,
wife lovers, online dating, housewives and sex clubs.
BlackArmsShadow@Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:51 pm :
aarunn_jay wrote:
They say that the World's Greatest Swingers Personals Site & Lifestyle Source can be seen on this site: They have listings for swingers ads, adult swingers, swingers personals, swingers stories, swingers groups, swingers clubs, threeesomes, adult dating, wife lovers, online dating, housewives and sex clubs.
Heh, just a bit too blatant...
Skul@Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:25 am :
Sorry, aarunn, wrong number.
zenarion@Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:14 am :
Good thing that ID started spinning on those lost marsian civilisations theories. Could prove to be good modding material, like a prequel or something.
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:17 am :
Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:18 am :
They're playing Quake 3....?
insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:37 am :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful!
neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:07 am :
Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge.
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:10 am :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear.
Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:25 am :
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:46 am :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:33 pm :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it.
7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:23 pm :
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:12 pm :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation.
TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:27 pm :
and more links :{6DF34161-241F-4A1A-BBD3-CE5E0155C9F6}
EDIT: The above links appear to be unrelated to the topic at hand. I can't read russian but it appears to be one of those "your my bitch" ranking games. Please, don't spam the board with this kind of nonsense. Instead use the pimping section.
In the meantime, I've removed the URL tags so it's that much harder for you to improve your rank. -Rich
aarunn_jay@Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:37 pm :
They say that the World's Greatest Swingers Personals Site & Lifestyle
Source can be seen on this site: They have
listings for swingers ads, adult swingers, swingers personals, swingers
stories, swingers groups, swingers clubs, threeesomes, adult dating,
wife lovers, online dating, housewives and sex clubs.
BlackArmsShadow@Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:51 pm :
aarunn_jay wrote:
They say that the World's Greatest Swingers Personals Site & Lifestyle Source can be seen on this site: They have listings for swingers ads, adult swingers, swingers personals, swingers stories, swingers groups, swingers clubs, threeesomes, adult dating, wife lovers, online dating, housewives and sex clubs.
Heh, just a bit too blatant...
Skul@Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:25 am :
Sorry, aarunn, wrong number.
zenarion@Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:14 am :
Good thing that ID started spinning on those lost marsian civilisations theories. Could prove to be good modding material, like a prequel or something.
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:17 am :
Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:18 am :
They're playing Quake 3....?
insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:37 am :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful!
neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:07 am :
Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge.
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:10 am :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear.
Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:25 am :
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:46 am :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:33 pm :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it.
7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:23 pm :
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:12 pm :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation.
TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:27 pm :
and more links :{6DF34161-241F-4A1A-BBD3-CE5E0155C9F6}
EDIT: The above links appear to be unrelated to the topic at hand. I can't read russian but it appears to be one of those "your my bitch" ranking games. Please, don't spam the board with this kind of nonsense. Instead use the pimping section.
In the meantime, I've removed the URL tags so it's that much harder for you to improve your rank. -Rich
aarunn_jay@Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:37 pm :
They say that the World's Greatest Swingers Personals Site & Lifestyle
Source can be seen on this site: They have
listings for swingers ads, adult swingers, swingers personals, swingers
stories, swingers groups, swingers clubs, threeesomes, adult dating,
wife lovers, online dating, housewives and sex clubs.
BlackArmsShadow@Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:51 pm :
aarunn_jay wrote:
They say that the World's Greatest Swingers Personals Site & Lifestyle Source can be seen on this site: They have listings for swingers ads, adult swingers, swingers personals, swingers stories, swingers groups, swingers clubs, threeesomes, adult dating, wife lovers, online dating, housewives and sex clubs.
Heh, just a bit too blatant...
Skul@Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:25 am :
Sorry, aarunn, wrong number.
zenarion@Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:14 am :
Good thing that ID started spinning on those lost marsian civilisations theories. Could prove to be good modding material, like a prequel or something.
UnnamedPlayer@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:17 am :
Did you see it BNA? Glass, and door, only thing i can catch up with, hehe.
And BNA, i think i posted a "ghost-post", in lack of a better word, i wrote it, and i never appeared, when i went back to the thread.
Am i even watching the right clip? "doom3_finaI.avi"
Rock on!
Zenix@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:18 am :
They're playing Quake 3....?
insectattack@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:37 am :
UnnamedPlayer wrote:
Uhm, i dont recall when, exact in the movieclip the one-eyed man appears, really, can you tell me/us, a specific time, like xx:xx, thanks.
EDIT: If you ment the guy in like the first ten seconds, i only see a door and a glass window behind him...
Just a few seconds before the guy says 'amazing things will happen here soon'.
BNA! wrote:
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games? Smile
no.. missed it the first time.. that's shameful!
neutrino@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:07 am :
Ok, I have a question about the 144mb version of the newest G4 video. In the second clip at about 2:14 there is a rather large creature that sticks it's head and neck through a doorway trying to get in. What is that? It looks huge.
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:10 am :
BNA! wrote:
Nice observation, didn't catch it.
Did you catch that the people on the LAN party actually played Unreal Tournament while Todd raved along how many hours people spend it id games?
Lol, yeah - when Steven Kent is talking about it! First there's this guy playing BF1942 (DC?) and laughing his ass off, and then there's fatality playing UT2k3. The third guy seems to be playing Q3.
The point still stands (id games are good), but it was funny to see that.
It's a GREAT video btw. Has a few spoilers, but I'd recommend that.
Also, watch for Carmack's honest opinion about the leaked version on 15:28m. I love how he always manages to say what he really thinks and not what people want to hear.
Furaeon@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:25 am :
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:46 am :
Furaeon wrote:
Sooo.. where is this video, anyway?
The second one, which came out today, is a program focused on DOOM and id Software.
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
zeh@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:33 pm :
7318 wrote:
there is some edditing things that are great, ID have a modelviewer tht ius able to load up the texture shaders, also the gui's seems to have improved..
Oh yeah, I noticed that. They've shown twice what I know think it's the in-game gui (when pausing/pressing esc?), one of the times it is shown there's this "UAC-something" intro animation, then panels slide from the sides and form that screen, with lots of information on it.
7318@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:23 pm :
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:12 pm :
7318 wrote:
andthere is another shot that a guy (ID worker don't know who) is creting GUIS in an editor? well it semes an editor...
To me it looked like he was testing some ingame menu animation.
TheBiggestFan@Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:27 pm :
and more links :{6DF34161-241F-4A1A-BBD3-CE5E0155C9F6}
EDIT: The above links appear to be unrelated to the topic at hand. I can't read russian but it appears to be one of those "your my bitch" ranking games. Please, don't spam the board with this kind of nonsense. Instead use the pimping section.
In the meantime, I've removed the URL tags so it's that much harder for you to improve your rank. -Rich
aarunn_jay@Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:37 pm :
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BlackArmsShadow@Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:51 pm :
aarunn_jay wrote:
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Heh, just a bit too blatant...
Skul@Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:25 am :
Sorry, aarunn, wrong number.
zenarion@Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:14 am :
Good thing that ID started spinning on those lost marsian civilisations theories. Could prove to be good modding material, like a prequel or something.