Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 1:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 6:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 10:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 7:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 9:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 11:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 11:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 1:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 2:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 3:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 3:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 5:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:43 am :
Now that the game is out - are there any specific requests?
Don't reply with "mapping tutorials" tho - that's not specific, that's stupid.
Evert@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:57 am :
Mapping tutorials maybe?
Nah some indepth tutorials on how to make shaders.
Scripting them and all, plus how to make the different layers in PS.
I am only interested in the scripting process myself, maybe others want to see how to go on and make the actual textures for use in the shader.
Great site btw.
NGX@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:22 pm :
Thank you.
Xodus@Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:36 pm :
Making monsters attack each other?
DoomAddict@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:40 am :
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:34 am :
DoomAddict wrote:
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
Can someone please tell me how to put blood stains, dead bodies and zombies that are sat or lying down into my map. It would be very useful and would help me finish my map. Thankyou.
I know i ahve posted this elsewhere but i have thought of something else, how do i make the PDAs in my map use the stuff that i have made in the PDA editor and how can i make good looking GUIs without the use of a fancy programme like photoshop?
RedRanger666@Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:55 am :
What about making a video pda?
BloodMuffin@Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:08 pm :
How do you make clouds in the FX editor?
How do you import content made in the FX editor into the level editor?
atwistedillusion@Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:00 pm :
It's been a while since I posted. I've already looked through the posts, and I didn't see anything about complex mapmaking. I mean how to create industrial settings like the Recall to Hell, or some really crazy factory/foundry type walls, floors, ceilings, etc...
the220@Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:08 am :
I'm about 4 years too late for most of these tutorials, and of course I only get dead links and not much information to what i would like to learn. i would like to learn how to add custom music to my own personal map with Doom3Edit. either triggered from the start or from an event. i am also looking for information on how to keep ram loads pretty low even when doing a full outside level. im a huge beginner on any of this, i have read a few tutorials and i was able to texture grass into the game. but that is the only major thing i have done so far.
jt78@Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:50 pm :
I'm a newbie and I was wondering how to give an object physics so you can knock it over or shoot it so that it moves away etc. This is done a lot in Doom 3 with chairs, laptops, cola cans etc.
Thanks, James
Predat@Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:45 am :
I like the idea about a more advanced tut for lighting. Most specifically making a fog effect without that godawful dropoff.
Additionally, how to create stagnat(sp?) fog to walk through.
Aaaaand (long shot on this one), suppose there's a way to add a mod that splats blood on your screen when you tear up enemies, having it slither down the screen after a few seconds, that would fucking rock! hehe.
BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:04 am :
Predat wrote:
I like the idea about a more advanced tut for lighting. Most specifically making a fog effect without that godawful dropoff.
Additionally, how to create stagnat(sp?) fog to walk through.
Aaaaand (long shot on this one), suppose there's a way to add a mod that splats blood on your screen when you tear up enemies, having it slither down the screen after a few seconds, that would fucking rock! hehe.
I'm a newbie and I was wondering how to give an object physics so you can knock it over or shoot it so that it moves away etc. This is done a lot in Doom 3 with chairs, laptops, cola cans etc.
Thanks, James
There are moveable items,
right click the grid place, go down to 'moveable' and they can all be moved, shot etc in game.
DBGames@Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:31 am :
I am new here and this is my first post. thats not why im here. i would like to start making my maps as awesome as possible. i will list everything i cant do in the DOOMRadient and would appreciate a tutorial for.
Making characters who talk when engaged setting up my map as a working choice for multi-player (i have to pc's ive been testing this on. dosnt work yet) a little more in-depth about triggers (i have the basics but still have trouble) making creatures spawn or 'teleport' in front of me via trigger or the like
i have browsed through the master list many a time but it looks like the only person that covers a very large area of doom radiant was Mnemic (i think i spelled it right) but his website is non-existent. any help?
EDIT: i just recently tried making one of my maps play in multi-player. i created the server using my custom map and got in. i tried to connect my second computer to the LAN server i just made and even though both have the same exact files it says "you are missing some files required by this server and this server doesn't provide downloads"
Tach@Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:56 am :
DBGames wrote:
... a little more in-depth about triggers (i have the basics but still have trouble) making creatures spawn or 'teleport' in front of me via trigger or the like ...
Please have a look at: viewtopic.php?p=47755 -> "*SP - Trigger a Monster Spawn" There are also some other interesting trigger tutorials.
Fluffinster@Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:22 am :
You should put a tutorial for toxic gas, it is super simple but some people may not know because I had to ask and that is kind of a pain because you have to wait for a response. So... can someone one put one(or maybe I will ) Oh well thanks! -Fluffinster
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 10:57 pm :
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 1:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 6:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 10:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 7:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 9:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 11:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 11:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 1:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 2:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 3:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 3:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 5:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:43 am :
Now that the game is out - are there any specific requests?
Don't reply with "mapping tutorials" tho - that's not specific, that's stupid.
Evert@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:57 am :
Mapping tutorials maybe?
Nah some indepth tutorials on how to make shaders.
Scripting them and all, plus how to make the different layers in PS.
I am only interested in the scripting process myself, maybe others want to see how to go on and make the actual textures for use in the shader.
Great site btw.
voldemort@Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 7:26 pm :
As far as water effects go Its mainly the texture you use. You can create a water visual effect but as far as the pysics go I dont think the engine supports it.
Under the materials there is one texture that looks like a pool of blood
or you can use no texture and just add a buble effect the assumption is the bubbles are in a fluid
RKTzZz@Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:50 am :
i'd like to request any kind of tutorial weather it be written or video, about how to make a teleporter static like in the d3frag map! And anyother useful information related to static mesh's! I'm totally stumped!!!
i would like to request a tutorial on stairs. i have only been trying to make maps about a week, and this is one place i am having trouble at the moment.
so far, what i have been doing is making individual steps out of brushes, then cloning them, moving the clones to get steps. so far, they look quite bad. i am not sure if i am doing them right.
quiestion. are patches solid? i.e. can i bend them into objects to provide resistance with the player. make steps and railings from patches, instead of brushes?
also, a clearer tutorial on correct lighting placement and implimentation would be good.
i know how to make lights. but there are no light sources. it looks really wierd.
edit: just thought of this one too. is it possible, say to make a set of stairs or a hatstand, or whatever, out of patch or brushes, then save them out to an external file, and re-import them into other maps?
Mblackwell@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:01 am :
That's what I've been doing and it's worked so far, perhaps there's another way though.
What I would like is a nice big tutorial on caulking. Please?
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:19 am :
caulking,as far as i can make out is pretty simple.
basicly, the way i think of it is, each (rectangular) brush has six sides to it, but you normally only ever see one of those sides. i.e. one inside wall.
the way i understand caulk to work is, its applied to every face of the brush you cant see, otherwise the engine will be rendering it anyway, and using up processing power.
the way i approach caulking is to highlight All my brushes in a room, batch treat them with the caulk texture. i then go into the room in the cam view, and highlight the brush "faces" (i.e. hold down ctrl + shift while clicking on the inside of a wall) you should see only one face highlighted, i.e. a 2d plane. i highlight all of these( that i can see through the cam view, as i know anything i can see through this view can be seen in the room) and apply new texture to it.
if that isn't clear enough i will write a tutorial up, with pics if i can too!!!
( yay me! mapping a few days an able to help others out already!! my mama always said i was special )
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:46 am :
irishlostboy1980, you make it sound as if you need to mark unseen faces with the caulk texture.
But, the engine does a great job of removing unseen faces during the compile process. Infact, the compiler does such a great job that there's no need for any kind of hint texture what so ever.
All caulk does is seal leaks, much like it's real world counterpart.
For instance, patches do not seal your level from the void. To counter this you place a brush textured with caulk behind the patch to close the "hole".
Mblackwell, If you can understand the concepts laid out in this post, then congratulations, you've just completed the caulk tutorial.
And if you don't understand what the void or leaks are then a general introduction to mapping with id engine games is in order. You can find that here...
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:21 am :
thanks rich. but if the caulk is unnecisery to tell the engine not to render, and is for the purpose of sealing in from the void, surely its unnecisery, even for that?
i mean, you need a brush behind the patch anyway, between a patch and the void, dont you? so wha twould be the point of sticking caulk on it? it should act as a seal anyway, caulked or otherwise.
i am all confuzzeled now
obihb@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:29 am :
You create the caulk to avoid overdraw. If you simply placed a brush with a normal material on it the hole may be sealed but those polygons are also getting rendered and you don't want that. Using caulk makes so it's sealed but the polys for that brush also don't get rendered.
i thought thats sorta what i said in the first place? um, maybe not, i dunno. but basicly its a good thing to put caulk on everything you cant see in game, yea?
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:47 am :
It's not kind of what you said. You said it's not really nesesery to use caulk, but it is. Just not in the way you thought. You do not have to use it on every face that won't be seen. Basically just on a brush that you need to act as a normal brush without getting rendered, like to patch up a hole behind a patch mesh for one example.
The example you gave of a room and caulking the outer faces is not true. You do not have to caulk those faces since the map compiler discards those polygons automatically. Anything considered to be "outside" the map is discarded.
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:04 am :
ok. i get it... i think. oh yea, another silly little question for you obiwan. i have managed to import a 3ds max model into doom 3 fine. but for some reason the origin point of the model when i import it is miles away from the actual model. is the origin point set in max? maybe thats where i am messing up.
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:06 pm :
Yes, the origin will be based on the 0,0,0 coordinate from your Max scene.
What I'd usually do is center the pivot to the mesh and move it down so it's at the base of the mesh but centered on X,Y. Then just move the mesh to 0,0,0 in the scene.
If it's something big like a cave or whatever then it's a good idea to use spesific grid placement for the mesh so it can easily be placed inside Radiant based on the same grid setting.
ah yes. i am getting it now. what would be "too many" polys in a model to import?
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:40 pm :
I actually don't know. What is it you wanted to import spesifically. I know you can go pretty high, I've done a cave with bolders and stuff that totaled on 10 000 polys I think, maybe even higher. Afterward I did optimise alot though but it worked fine on the high poly. Of course as always the lower the better for render speed and loading times.
basicly i have no major clue as to what is propper modelling. i pay no attention as to poly numbers, and if i get too many of them, i have no clue as to how to reduce them. i hear about people saying they make a high poly model for the mapping, then they take out polys to make the mesh. i never understood this. i usually just make a whole load of holes or somethin in my models. also, i tend to mess up real bad finishing up the back half of the models too.
Well, the concept of reducing polygons is a pretty simple one. You basically just weld verts together to make less faces. Like lets say you had a flat square area that is subdevided a certain amount of times. The optimal way of having it would be two triangles right?. So you'd basically take all the extra vertices and weld them into the four main corners of the square leaving two tris as the result.
That's a good way I can think of to describe the low poly optimising. Taking that same approuch to any other model like a character you'll quickly see where you can kill polygons that are not contributing to the overall shape of the model.
You get the auto poly reduction in Max aswell called Multires. This modifier will reduce poly's for you based on your input for percentage or whatever. It's not the best way of doing it though since it can make for a very messy model in the end. In some cases it's useful though.
Building really high poly models and then reducing them in poly count for the game is not a great idea. It's alot of extra work. I usually just make the high poly and then build the low poly around it, it's much faster and leaves a cleaner low poly mesh in the end.
When you do alot of low poly models you get used to how much you can spend in certain areas without really doing too much optimising later. It's like anything else really, the more you do it the better you get.
I think I'm just used to keeping an eye on poly count because I've done so many models for games. It's pretty important to keep to certain poly counts for whatever game you make models. It's basically become a habit for me to model and optimise.
yea, i have to try use vertice weld more. gotta try wrap my models properly round the back and weld them together. so much to learn, so little time.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 8:19 am :
I'd like to request a tutorial for flikkering texture lights.
I don't really get it so...
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 4:40 pm :
hey all. has anyone got a good tutorial on placing and using enemies properly? making them do as they are told? all i know about putting enemies into a map is sticking them in. they kinda do there own thing. which is invariably run at me from all over the map.
any help in this respect would be greatly appreciated.
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 10:32 pm :
Sebazzz wrote:
I'd like to request a tutorial for flikkering texture lights. I don't really get it so...
I don't think I've ever seen a flickering light texture, only flickering light entities.
Also, I find it impossible to choose a flickering sound to match the light. I know each flicker has a sort of 'pattern' to it, but no sounds seem to match them, which is confusing, as I've seen (and heard) all of the lights in the id levels in perfect synch.
Now obviously, I'm not going to ask for each light flicker and any matching sounds, just for a way to synch sounds and flickers.
And I have searched, numerous times, with no answers.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:08 am :
I know there are some key/value pairs that you can assign to enemies to affect their behavior. I'm also pretty sure you can control how they behave in your level by using clip textures and entity paths.
Find a light shader that makes use of the "sound" variable
Apply this light shader to a light entity
Assign a sound to the light entity.
Skul@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:09 pm :
Thanks, rich! I just tried that out with several different lights and sounds and they all buzzed perfectly in synch!
I always wondered why the light pulses that ended with '_snd' were blank in the editor. Now I know!
Skul@Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:25 pm :
The pictures in bb_matt's pipe bending tutorials don't show up, so I can't follow them at all. It's hard to get results when the only instructions you have are things like: "Move the vertices to these positions."
I've searched, but I can't find anything to help me.
voldemort@Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:07 am :
to select a group of vertices first click the v button for vertices the drag out a selection box around the ones you want then hit the r button for rotate otherwise you can use shift or cntrl to individually select groups
>~runaway~<@Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:39 am :
Voldemort how you made that many tutorials so fast?When i found there were all your tutorials...
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:25 pm :
voldemort wrote:
to select a group of vertices first click the v button for vertices the drag out a selection box around the ones you want then hit the r button for rotate otherwise you can use shift or cntrl to individually select groups
That doesn't help at all. Whenever I move the vertices, all I get are weird, whacked out pipes, no matter where I move them. Could someone maybe redo the pipe tutorial, with screenshots, please?
voldemort@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:47 pm :
To Runaway-- Because Im a sloppy typer so I can type real fast. but I dont allways spend that much time here so ideas build up so I just spit them out
to Skul Ill try to make a new tutorial on the various ways to bend a pipe here soon with screenshots
Ive goten lazy about including screenshots in my tutorials of late so Maybe its a good thing your request Ill get on to you in a day or two (several ways to build pipes and patch meshes plush ways to combine them) so it will be an involved tutorial
voldemort@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:47 pm :
To Runaway-- Because Im a sloppy typer so I can type real fast. but I dont allways spend that much time here so ideas build up so I just spit them out
to Skul Ill try to make a new tutorial on the various ways to bend a pipe here soon with screenshots
Ive goten lazy about including screenshots in my tutorials of late so Maybe its a good thing your request Ill get on to you in a day or two (several ways to build pipes and patch meshes plush ways to combine them) so it will be an involved tutorial
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:50 pm :
That's great! Thanks!
The more I learn about manipulating and combining patches, the better I'll become at mapping!
I'll be keeping an eye out for it!
hellknight2006@Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 2:04 pm :
I want tutorials about modding, mapping.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:36 am :
That's a pretty broad brush you're painting with.
I mean, if all you want is modding and mapping tutorials you shouldn't have much trouble finding them here. You're practically swimming in them.
voldemort@Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:13 pm :
The problem with patch meshes being all messed up when you manually rotate the vertices has a simple solution. You need to utilize the snap to grid feature. The hot keys for this are control+g. Do this while the vertices are selected. You will want to reduce your grid first so that the mesh isnt distorted when you do that. They should line up nicely after that.
Zakyrus@Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 2:13 pm :
I would like to see a tutorial on how to make a trigger system randomly select a target to trigger. Example: You have one imp made to drop down from the ceiling in front of you and one drop down behind you. Both are hidden with the hide key. When you cross the trigger the game randomly selects ONLY ONE of these to appear and drop down. I think this would be awesome to be able to do, as every mapper could add this to their maps. Think of being able to have everything in a level truely random and decided instantaneously.
Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:11 am :
Random monster tutorial added. Please link to the list.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:36 pm :
It's not hard to add links yourself. All you have to do is post the link into this thread....
I would love to know how i make a ragdoll, pinned to a wall by a spear or anything similar to a spear. Just creating that as a map object. Can i just stick a spear model through a zombie and nail him to the wall brus? I hve tried putting zombies into brushes, but they get all shaky and bouncy, and not at all like a dead human being pinned brutally to a wall.
Read further down for the rest of the commands and you'll find out how to freeze and unfreeze ragdoll joints.
NGX@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:17 am :
Are there any tutorials for making liquid surfaces (like water) for Doom 3?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:01 am :
No. But it's pretty straight forward once you know how to create material shaders.
You see, there isn't a material shader for water bundled with the game. But once you make one it's as simple as dragging out a brush to represent the volume of water and texturing it with the material you created.
The material keyword "water" is all that's needed to make the material liquid.
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:34 am :
DoomAddict wrote:
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
Can someone please tell me how to put blood stains, dead bodies and zombies that are sat or lying down into my map. It would be very useful and would help me finish my map. Thankyou.
I know i ahve posted this elsewhere but i have thought of something else, how do i make the PDAs in my map use the stuff that i have made in the PDA editor and how can i make good looking GUIs without the use of a fancy programme like photoshop?
RedRanger666@Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:55 am :
What about making a video pda?
BloodMuffin@Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:08 pm :
How do you make clouds in the FX editor?
How do you import content made in the FX editor into the level editor?
atwistedillusion@Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:00 pm :
It's been a while since I posted. I've already looked through the posts, and I didn't see anything about complex mapmaking. I mean how to create industrial settings like the Recall to Hell, or some really crazy factory/foundry type walls, floors, ceilings, etc...
the220@Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:08 am :
I'm about 4 years too late for most of these tutorials, and of course I only get dead links and not much information to what i would like to learn. i would like to learn how to add custom music to my own personal map with Doom3Edit. either triggered from the start or from an event. i am also looking for information on how to keep ram loads pretty low even when doing a full outside level. im a huge beginner on any of this, i have read a few tutorials and i was able to texture grass into the game. but that is the only major thing i have done so far.
jt78@Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:50 pm :
I'm a newbie and I was wondering how to give an object physics so you can knock it over or shoot it so that it moves away etc. This is done a lot in Doom 3 with chairs, laptops, cola cans etc.
Thanks, James
Predat@Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:45 am :
I like the idea about a more advanced tut for lighting. Most specifically making a fog effect without that godawful dropoff.
Additionally, how to create stagnat(sp?) fog to walk through.
Aaaaand (long shot on this one), suppose there's a way to add a mod that splats blood on your screen when you tear up enemies, having it slither down the screen after a few seconds, that would fucking rock! hehe.
BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:04 am :
Predat wrote:
I like the idea about a more advanced tut for lighting. Most specifically making a fog effect without that godawful dropoff.
Additionally, how to create stagnat(sp?) fog to walk through.
Aaaaand (long shot on this one), suppose there's a way to add a mod that splats blood on your screen when you tear up enemies, having it slither down the screen after a few seconds, that would fucking rock! hehe.
I'm a newbie and I was wondering how to give an object physics so you can knock it over or shoot it so that it moves away etc. This is done a lot in Doom 3 with chairs, laptops, cola cans etc.
Thanks, James
There are moveable items,
right click the grid place, go down to 'moveable' and they can all be moved, shot etc in game.
DBGames@Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:31 am :
I am new here and this is my first post. thats not why im here. i would like to start making my maps as awesome as possible. i will list everything i cant do in the DOOMRadient and would appreciate a tutorial for.
Making characters who talk when engaged setting up my map as a working choice for multi-player (i have to pc's ive been testing this on. dosnt work yet) a little more in-depth about triggers (i have the basics but still have trouble) making creatures spawn or 'teleport' in front of me via trigger or the like
i have browsed through the master list many a time but it looks like the only person that covers a very large area of doom radiant was Mnemic (i think i spelled it right) but his website is non-existent. any help?
EDIT: i just recently tried making one of my maps play in multi-player. i created the server using my custom map and got in. i tried to connect my second computer to the LAN server i just made and even though both have the same exact files it says "you are missing some files required by this server and this server doesn't provide downloads"
NGX@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:22 pm :
Thank you.
Xodus@Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:36 pm :
Making monsters attack each other?
DoomAddict@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:40 am :
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:34 am :
DoomAddict wrote:
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
Can someone please tell me how to put blood stains, dead bodies and zombies that are sat or lying down into my map. It would be very useful and would help me finish my map. Thankyou.
I know i ahve posted this elsewhere but i have thought of something else, how do i make the PDAs in my map use the stuff that i have made in the PDA editor and how can i make good looking GUIs without the use of a fancy programme like photoshop?
RedRanger666@Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:55 am :
What about making a video pda?
BloodMuffin@Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:08 pm :
How do you make clouds in the FX editor?
How do you import content made in the FX editor into the level editor?
atwistedillusion@Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:00 pm :
It's been a while since I posted. I've already looked through the posts, and I didn't see anything about complex mapmaking. I mean how to create industrial settings like the Recall to Hell, or some really crazy factory/foundry type walls, floors, ceilings, etc...
the220@Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:08 am :
I'm about 4 years too late for most of these tutorials, and of course I only get dead links and not much information to what i would like to learn. i would like to learn how to add custom music to my own personal map with Doom3Edit. either triggered from the start or from an event. i am also looking for information on how to keep ram loads pretty low even when doing a full outside level. im a huge beginner on any of this, i have read a few tutorials and i was able to texture grass into the game. but that is the only major thing i have done so far.
jt78@Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:50 pm :
I'm a newbie and I was wondering how to give an object physics so you can knock it over or shoot it so that it moves away etc. This is done a lot in Doom 3 with chairs, laptops, cola cans etc.
Thanks, James
Predat@Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:45 am :
I like the idea about a more advanced tut for lighting. Most specifically making a fog effect without that godawful dropoff.
Additionally, how to create stagnat(sp?) fog to walk through.
Aaaaand (long shot on this one), suppose there's a way to add a mod that splats blood on your screen when you tear up enemies, having it slither down the screen after a few seconds, that would fucking rock! hehe.
BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:04 am :
Predat wrote:
I like the idea about a more advanced tut for lighting. Most specifically making a fog effect without that godawful dropoff.
Additionally, how to create stagnat(sp?) fog to walk through.
Aaaaand (long shot on this one), suppose there's a way to add a mod that splats blood on your screen when you tear up enemies, having it slither down the screen after a few seconds, that would fucking rock! hehe.
I'm a newbie and I was wondering how to give an object physics so you can knock it over or shoot it so that it moves away etc. This is done a lot in Doom 3 with chairs, laptops, cola cans etc.
Thanks, James
There are moveable items,
right click the grid place, go down to 'moveable' and they can all be moved, shot etc in game.
DBGames@Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:31 am :
I am new here and this is my first post. thats not why im here. i would like to start making my maps as awesome as possible. i will list everything i cant do in the DOOMRadient and would appreciate a tutorial for.
Making characters who talk when engaged setting up my map as a working choice for multi-player (i have to pc's ive been testing this on. dosnt work yet) a little more in-depth about triggers (i have the basics but still have trouble) making creatures spawn or 'teleport' in front of me via trigger or the like
i have browsed through the master list many a time but it looks like the only person that covers a very large area of doom radiant was Mnemic (i think i spelled it right) but his website is non-existent. any help?
EDIT: i just recently tried making one of my maps play in multi-player. i created the server using my custom map and got in. i tried to connect my second computer to the LAN server i just made and even though both have the same exact files it says "you are missing some files required by this server and this server doesn't provide downloads"
Tach@Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:56 am :
DBGames wrote:
... a little more in-depth about triggers (i have the basics but still have trouble) making creatures spawn or 'teleport' in front of me via trigger or the like ...
Please have a look at: viewtopic.php?p=47755 -> "*SP - Trigger a Monster Spawn" There are also some other interesting trigger tutorials.
Fluffinster@Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:22 am :
You should put a tutorial for toxic gas, it is super simple but some people may not know because I had to ask and that is kind of a pain because you have to wait for a response. So... can someone one put one(or maybe I will ) Oh well thanks! -Fluffinster
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 10:57 pm :
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 1:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 6:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 10:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 7:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 9:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 11:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 11:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 1:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 2:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 3:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 3:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 5:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:43 am :
Now that the game is out - are there any specific requests?
Don't reply with "mapping tutorials" tho - that's not specific, that's stupid.
Evert@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:57 am :
Mapping tutorials maybe?
Nah some indepth tutorials on how to make shaders.
Scripting them and all, plus how to make the different layers in PS.
I am only interested in the scripting process myself, maybe others want to see how to go on and make the actual textures for use in the shader.
Great site btw.
voldemort@Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 7:26 pm :
As far as water effects go Its mainly the texture you use. You can create a water visual effect but as far as the pysics go I dont think the engine supports it.
Under the materials there is one texture that looks like a pool of blood
or you can use no texture and just add a buble effect the assumption is the bubbles are in a fluid
RKTzZz@Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:50 am :
i'd like to request any kind of tutorial weather it be written or video, about how to make a teleporter static like in the d3frag map! And anyother useful information related to static mesh's! I'm totally stumped!!!
i would like to request a tutorial on stairs. i have only been trying to make maps about a week, and this is one place i am having trouble at the moment.
so far, what i have been doing is making individual steps out of brushes, then cloning them, moving the clones to get steps. so far, they look quite bad. i am not sure if i am doing them right.
quiestion. are patches solid? i.e. can i bend them into objects to provide resistance with the player. make steps and railings from patches, instead of brushes?
also, a clearer tutorial on correct lighting placement and implimentation would be good.
i know how to make lights. but there are no light sources. it looks really wierd.
edit: just thought of this one too. is it possible, say to make a set of stairs or a hatstand, or whatever, out of patch or brushes, then save them out to an external file, and re-import them into other maps?
Mblackwell@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:01 am :
That's what I've been doing and it's worked so far, perhaps there's another way though.
What I would like is a nice big tutorial on caulking. Please?
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:19 am :
caulking,as far as i can make out is pretty simple.
basicly, the way i think of it is, each (rectangular) brush has six sides to it, but you normally only ever see one of those sides. i.e. one inside wall.
the way i understand caulk to work is, its applied to every face of the brush you cant see, otherwise the engine will be rendering it anyway, and using up processing power.
the way i approach caulking is to highlight All my brushes in a room, batch treat them with the caulk texture. i then go into the room in the cam view, and highlight the brush "faces" (i.e. hold down ctrl + shift while clicking on the inside of a wall) you should see only one face highlighted, i.e. a 2d plane. i highlight all of these( that i can see through the cam view, as i know anything i can see through this view can be seen in the room) and apply new texture to it.
if that isn't clear enough i will write a tutorial up, with pics if i can too!!!
( yay me! mapping a few days an able to help others out already!! my mama always said i was special )
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:46 am :
irishlostboy1980, you make it sound as if you need to mark unseen faces with the caulk texture.
But, the engine does a great job of removing unseen faces during the compile process. Infact, the compiler does such a great job that there's no need for any kind of hint texture what so ever.
All caulk does is seal leaks, much like it's real world counterpart.
For instance, patches do not seal your level from the void. To counter this you place a brush textured with caulk behind the patch to close the "hole".
Mblackwell, If you can understand the concepts laid out in this post, then congratulations, you've just completed the caulk tutorial.
And if you don't understand what the void or leaks are then a general introduction to mapping with id engine games is in order. You can find that here...
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:21 am :
thanks rich. but if the caulk is unnecisery to tell the engine not to render, and is for the purpose of sealing in from the void, surely its unnecisery, even for that?
i mean, you need a brush behind the patch anyway, between a patch and the void, dont you? so wha twould be the point of sticking caulk on it? it should act as a seal anyway, caulked or otherwise.
i am all confuzzeled now
obihb@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:29 am :
You create the caulk to avoid overdraw. If you simply placed a brush with a normal material on it the hole may be sealed but those polygons are also getting rendered and you don't want that. Using caulk makes so it's sealed but the polys for that brush also don't get rendered.
i thought thats sorta what i said in the first place? um, maybe not, i dunno. but basicly its a good thing to put caulk on everything you cant see in game, yea?
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:47 am :
It's not kind of what you said. You said it's not really nesesery to use caulk, but it is. Just not in the way you thought. You do not have to use it on every face that won't be seen. Basically just on a brush that you need to act as a normal brush without getting rendered, like to patch up a hole behind a patch mesh for one example.
The example you gave of a room and caulking the outer faces is not true. You do not have to caulk those faces since the map compiler discards those polygons automatically. Anything considered to be "outside" the map is discarded.
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:04 am :
ok. i get it... i think. oh yea, another silly little question for you obiwan. i have managed to import a 3ds max model into doom 3 fine. but for some reason the origin point of the model when i import it is miles away from the actual model. is the origin point set in max? maybe thats where i am messing up.
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:06 pm :
Yes, the origin will be based on the 0,0,0 coordinate from your Max scene.
What I'd usually do is center the pivot to the mesh and move it down so it's at the base of the mesh but centered on X,Y. Then just move the mesh to 0,0,0 in the scene.
If it's something big like a cave or whatever then it's a good idea to use spesific grid placement for the mesh so it can easily be placed inside Radiant based on the same grid setting.
ah yes. i am getting it now. what would be "too many" polys in a model to import?
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:40 pm :
I actually don't know. What is it you wanted to import spesifically. I know you can go pretty high, I've done a cave with bolders and stuff that totaled on 10 000 polys I think, maybe even higher. Afterward I did optimise alot though but it worked fine on the high poly. Of course as always the lower the better for render speed and loading times.
basicly i have no major clue as to what is propper modelling. i pay no attention as to poly numbers, and if i get too many of them, i have no clue as to how to reduce them. i hear about people saying they make a high poly model for the mapping, then they take out polys to make the mesh. i never understood this. i usually just make a whole load of holes or somethin in my models. also, i tend to mess up real bad finishing up the back half of the models too.
Well, the concept of reducing polygons is a pretty simple one. You basically just weld verts together to make less faces. Like lets say you had a flat square area that is subdevided a certain amount of times. The optimal way of having it would be two triangles right?. So you'd basically take all the extra vertices and weld them into the four main corners of the square leaving two tris as the result.
That's a good way I can think of to describe the low poly optimising. Taking that same approuch to any other model like a character you'll quickly see where you can kill polygons that are not contributing to the overall shape of the model.
You get the auto poly reduction in Max aswell called Multires. This modifier will reduce poly's for you based on your input for percentage or whatever. It's not the best way of doing it though since it can make for a very messy model in the end. In some cases it's useful though.
Building really high poly models and then reducing them in poly count for the game is not a great idea. It's alot of extra work. I usually just make the high poly and then build the low poly around it, it's much faster and leaves a cleaner low poly mesh in the end.
When you do alot of low poly models you get used to how much you can spend in certain areas without really doing too much optimising later. It's like anything else really, the more you do it the better you get.
I think I'm just used to keeping an eye on poly count because I've done so many models for games. It's pretty important to keep to certain poly counts for whatever game you make models. It's basically become a habit for me to model and optimise.
yea, i have to try use vertice weld more. gotta try wrap my models properly round the back and weld them together. so much to learn, so little time.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 8:19 am :
I'd like to request a tutorial for flikkering texture lights.
I don't really get it so...
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 4:40 pm :
hey all. has anyone got a good tutorial on placing and using enemies properly? making them do as they are told? all i know about putting enemies into a map is sticking them in. they kinda do there own thing. which is invariably run at me from all over the map.
any help in this respect would be greatly appreciated.
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 10:32 pm :
Sebazzz wrote:
I'd like to request a tutorial for flikkering texture lights. I don't really get it so...
I don't think I've ever seen a flickering light texture, only flickering light entities.
Also, I find it impossible to choose a flickering sound to match the light. I know each flicker has a sort of 'pattern' to it, but no sounds seem to match them, which is confusing, as I've seen (and heard) all of the lights in the id levels in perfect synch.
Now obviously, I'm not going to ask for each light flicker and any matching sounds, just for a way to synch sounds and flickers.
And I have searched, numerous times, with no answers.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:08 am :
I know there are some key/value pairs that you can assign to enemies to affect their behavior. I'm also pretty sure you can control how they behave in your level by using clip textures and entity paths.
Find a light shader that makes use of the "sound" variable
Apply this light shader to a light entity
Assign a sound to the light entity.
Skul@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:09 pm :
Thanks, rich! I just tried that out with several different lights and sounds and they all buzzed perfectly in synch!
I always wondered why the light pulses that ended with '_snd' were blank in the editor. Now I know!
Skul@Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:25 pm :
The pictures in bb_matt's pipe bending tutorials don't show up, so I can't follow them at all. It's hard to get results when the only instructions you have are things like: "Move the vertices to these positions."
I've searched, but I can't find anything to help me.
voldemort@Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:07 am :
to select a group of vertices first click the v button for vertices the drag out a selection box around the ones you want then hit the r button for rotate otherwise you can use shift or cntrl to individually select groups
>~runaway~<@Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:39 am :
Voldemort how you made that many tutorials so fast?When i found there were all your tutorials...
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:25 pm :
voldemort wrote:
to select a group of vertices first click the v button for vertices the drag out a selection box around the ones you want then hit the r button for rotate otherwise you can use shift or cntrl to individually select groups
That doesn't help at all. Whenever I move the vertices, all I get are weird, whacked out pipes, no matter where I move them. Could someone maybe redo the pipe tutorial, with screenshots, please?
voldemort@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:47 pm :
To Runaway-- Because Im a sloppy typer so I can type real fast. but I dont allways spend that much time here so ideas build up so I just spit them out
to Skul Ill try to make a new tutorial on the various ways to bend a pipe here soon with screenshots
Ive goten lazy about including screenshots in my tutorials of late so Maybe its a good thing your request Ill get on to you in a day or two (several ways to build pipes and patch meshes plush ways to combine them) so it will be an involved tutorial
voldemort@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:47 pm :
To Runaway-- Because Im a sloppy typer so I can type real fast. but I dont allways spend that much time here so ideas build up so I just spit them out
to Skul Ill try to make a new tutorial on the various ways to bend a pipe here soon with screenshots
Ive goten lazy about including screenshots in my tutorials of late so Maybe its a good thing your request Ill get on to you in a day or two (several ways to build pipes and patch meshes plush ways to combine them) so it will be an involved tutorial
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:50 pm :
That's great! Thanks!
The more I learn about manipulating and combining patches, the better I'll become at mapping!
I'll be keeping an eye out for it!
hellknight2006@Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 2:04 pm :
I want tutorials about modding, mapping.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:36 am :
That's a pretty broad brush you're painting with.
I mean, if all you want is modding and mapping tutorials you shouldn't have much trouble finding them here. You're practically swimming in them.
voldemort@Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:13 pm :
The problem with patch meshes being all messed up when you manually rotate the vertices has a simple solution. You need to utilize the snap to grid feature. The hot keys for this are control+g. Do this while the vertices are selected. You will want to reduce your grid first so that the mesh isnt distorted when you do that. They should line up nicely after that.
Zakyrus@Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 2:13 pm :
I would like to see a tutorial on how to make a trigger system randomly select a target to trigger. Example: You have one imp made to drop down from the ceiling in front of you and one drop down behind you. Both are hidden with the hide key. When you cross the trigger the game randomly selects ONLY ONE of these to appear and drop down. I think this would be awesome to be able to do, as every mapper could add this to their maps. Think of being able to have everything in a level truely random and decided instantaneously.
Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:11 am :
Random monster tutorial added. Please link to the list.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:36 pm :
It's not hard to add links yourself. All you have to do is post the link into this thread....
I would love to know how i make a ragdoll, pinned to a wall by a spear or anything similar to a spear. Just creating that as a map object. Can i just stick a spear model through a zombie and nail him to the wall brus? I hve tried putting zombies into brushes, but they get all shaky and bouncy, and not at all like a dead human being pinned brutally to a wall.
Read further down for the rest of the commands and you'll find out how to freeze and unfreeze ragdoll joints.
NGX@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:17 am :
Are there any tutorials for making liquid surfaces (like water) for Doom 3?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:01 am :
No. But it's pretty straight forward once you know how to create material shaders.
You see, there isn't a material shader for water bundled with the game. But once you make one it's as simple as dragging out a brush to represent the volume of water and texturing it with the material you created.
The material keyword "water" is all that's needed to make the material liquid.
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:34 am :
DoomAddict wrote:
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
Can someone please tell me how to put blood stains, dead bodies and zombies that are sat or lying down into my map. It would be very useful and would help me finish my map. Thankyou.
I know i ahve posted this elsewhere but i have thought of something else, how do i make the PDAs in my map use the stuff that i have made in the PDA editor and how can i make good looking GUIs without the use of a fancy programme like photoshop?
RedRanger666@Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:55 am :
What about making a video pda?
BloodMuffin@Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:08 pm :
How do you make clouds in the FX editor?
How do you import content made in the FX editor into the level editor?
atwistedillusion@Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:00 pm :
It's been a while since I posted. I've already looked through the posts, and I didn't see anything about complex mapmaking. I mean how to create industrial settings like the Recall to Hell, or some really crazy factory/foundry type walls, floors, ceilings, etc...
the220@Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:08 am :
I'm about 4 years too late for most of these tutorials, and of course I only get dead links and not much information to what i would like to learn. i would like to learn how to add custom music to my own personal map with Doom3Edit. either triggered from the start or from an event. i am also looking for information on how to keep ram loads pretty low even when doing a full outside level. im a huge beginner on any of this, i have read a few tutorials and i was able to texture grass into the game. but that is the only major thing i have done so far.
jt78@Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:50 pm :
I'm a newbie and I was wondering how to give an object physics so you can knock it over or shoot it so that it moves away etc. This is done a lot in Doom 3 with chairs, laptops, cola cans etc.
Thanks, James
Predat@Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:45 am :
I like the idea about a more advanced tut for lighting. Most specifically making a fog effect without that godawful dropoff.
Additionally, how to create stagnat(sp?) fog to walk through.
Aaaaand (long shot on this one), suppose there's a way to add a mod that splats blood on your screen when you tear up enemies, having it slither down the screen after a few seconds, that would fucking rock! hehe.
BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:04 am :
Predat wrote:
I like the idea about a more advanced tut for lighting. Most specifically making a fog effect without that godawful dropoff.
Additionally, how to create stagnat(sp?) fog to walk through.
Aaaaand (long shot on this one), suppose there's a way to add a mod that splats blood on your screen when you tear up enemies, having it slither down the screen after a few seconds, that would fucking rock! hehe.
I'm a newbie and I was wondering how to give an object physics so you can knock it over or shoot it so that it moves away etc. This is done a lot in Doom 3 with chairs, laptops, cola cans etc.
Thanks, James
There are moveable items,
right click the grid place, go down to 'moveable' and they can all be moved, shot etc in game.
DBGames@Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:31 am :
I am new here and this is my first post. thats not why im here. i would like to start making my maps as awesome as possible. i will list everything i cant do in the DOOMRadient and would appreciate a tutorial for.
Making characters who talk when engaged setting up my map as a working choice for multi-player (i have to pc's ive been testing this on. dosnt work yet) a little more in-depth about triggers (i have the basics but still have trouble) making creatures spawn or 'teleport' in front of me via trigger or the like
i have browsed through the master list many a time but it looks like the only person that covers a very large area of doom radiant was Mnemic (i think i spelled it right) but his website is non-existent. any help?
EDIT: i just recently tried making one of my maps play in multi-player. i created the server using my custom map and got in. i tried to connect my second computer to the LAN server i just made and even though both have the same exact files it says "you are missing some files required by this server and this server doesn't provide downloads"
Tach@Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:56 am :
DBGames wrote:
... a little more in-depth about triggers (i have the basics but still have trouble) making creatures spawn or 'teleport' in front of me via trigger or the like ...
Please have a look at: viewtopic.php?p=47755 -> "*SP - Trigger a Monster Spawn" There are also some other interesting trigger tutorials.
Fluffinster@Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:22 am :
You should put a tutorial for toxic gas, it is super simple but some people may not know because I had to ask and that is kind of a pain because you have to wait for a response. So... can someone one put one(or maybe I will ) Oh well thanks! -Fluffinster
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm :
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2002 9:26 am Posts: 61 Location: silver spring, MD
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7556 Location: Orlando, FL
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
As far as water effects go Its mainly the texture you use. You can create a water visual effect but as far as the pysics go I dont think the engine supports it.
Under the materials there is one texture that looks like a pool of blood
or you can use no texture and just add a buble effect the assumption is the bubbles are in a fluid
RKTzZz@Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:50 am :
i'd like to request any kind of tutorial weather it be written or video, about how to make a teleporter static like in the d3frag map! And anyother useful information related to static mesh's! I'm totally stumped!!!
i would like to request a tutorial on stairs. i have only been trying to make maps about a week, and this is one place i am having trouble at the moment.
so far, what i have been doing is making individual steps out of brushes, then cloning them, moving the clones to get steps. so far, they look quite bad. i am not sure if i am doing them right.
quiestion. are patches solid? i.e. can i bend them into objects to provide resistance with the player. make steps and railings from patches, instead of brushes?
also, a clearer tutorial on correct lighting placement and implimentation would be good.
i know how to make lights. but there are no light sources. it looks really wierd.
edit: just thought of this one too. is it possible, say to make a set of stairs or a hatstand, or whatever, out of patch or brushes, then save them out to an external file, and re-import them into other maps?
Mblackwell@Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:01 pm :
That's what I've been doing and it's worked so far, perhaps there's another way though.
What I would like is a nice big tutorial on caulking. Please?
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:19 am :
caulking,as far as i can make out is pretty simple.
basicly, the way i think of it is, each (rectangular) brush has six sides to it, but you normally only ever see one of those sides. i.e. one inside wall.
the way i understand caulk to work is, its applied to every face of the brush you cant see, otherwise the engine will be rendering it anyway, and using up processing power.
the way i approach caulking is to highlight All my brushes in a room, batch treat them with the caulk texture. i then go into the room in the cam view, and highlight the brush "faces" (i.e. hold down ctrl + shift while clicking on the inside of a wall) you should see only one face highlighted, i.e. a 2d plane. i highlight all of these( that i can see through the cam view, as i know anything i can see through this view can be seen in the room) and apply new texture to it.
if that isn't clear enough i will write a tutorial up, with pics if i can too!!!
( yay me! mapping a few days an able to help others out already!! my mama always said i was special )
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:46 am :
irishlostboy1980, you make it sound as if you need to mark unseen faces with the caulk texture.
But, the engine does a great job of removing unseen faces during the compile process. Infact, the compiler does such a great job that there's no need for any kind of hint texture what so ever.
All caulk does is seal leaks, much like it's real world counterpart.
For instance, patches do not seal your level from the void. To counter this you place a brush textured with caulk behind the patch to close the "hole".
Mblackwell, If you can understand the concepts laid out in this post, then congratulations, you've just completed the caulk tutorial.
And if you don't understand what the void or leaks are then a general introduction to mapping with id engine games is in order. You can find that here...
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:21 am :
thanks rich. but if the caulk is unnecisery to tell the engine not to render, and is for the purpose of sealing in from the void, surely its unnecisery, even for that?
i mean, you need a brush behind the patch anyway, between a patch and the void, dont you? so wha twould be the point of sticking caulk on it? it should act as a seal anyway, caulked or otherwise.
i am all confuzzeled now
obihb@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:29 am :
You create the caulk to avoid overdraw. If you simply placed a brush with a normal material on it the hole may be sealed but those polygons are also getting rendered and you don't want that. Using caulk makes so it's sealed but the polys for that brush also don't get rendered.
i thought thats sorta what i said in the first place? um, maybe not, i dunno. but basicly its a good thing to put caulk on everything you cant see in game, yea?
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:47 am :
It's not kind of what you said. You said it's not really nesesery to use caulk, but it is. Just not in the way you thought. You do not have to use it on every face that won't be seen. Basically just on a brush that you need to act as a normal brush without getting rendered, like to patch up a hole behind a patch mesh for one example.
The example you gave of a room and caulking the outer faces is not true. You do not have to caulk those faces since the map compiler discards those polygons automatically. Anything considered to be "outside" the map is discarded.
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 10:04 am :
ok. i get it... i think. oh yea, another silly little question for you obiwan. i have managed to import a 3ds max model into doom 3 fine. but for some reason the origin point of the model when i import it is miles away from the actual model. is the origin point set in max? maybe thats where i am messing up.
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:06 pm :
Yes, the origin will be based on the 0,0,0 coordinate from your Max scene.
What I'd usually do is center the pivot to the mesh and move it down so it's at the base of the mesh but centered on X,Y. Then just move the mesh to 0,0,0 in the scene.
If it's something big like a cave or whatever then it's a good idea to use spesific grid placement for the mesh so it can easily be placed inside Radiant based on the same grid setting.
ah yes. i am getting it now. what would be "too many" polys in a model to import?
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:40 pm :
I actually don't know. What is it you wanted to import spesifically. I know you can go pretty high, I've done a cave with bolders and stuff that totaled on 10 000 polys I think, maybe even higher. Afterward I did optimise alot though but it worked fine on the high poly. Of course as always the lower the better for render speed and loading times.
basicly i have no major clue as to what is propper modelling. i pay no attention as to poly numbers, and if i get too many of them, i have no clue as to how to reduce them. i hear about people saying they make a high poly model for the mapping, then they take out polys to make the mesh. i never understood this. i usually just make a whole load of holes or somethin in my models. also, i tend to mess up real bad finishing up the back half of the models too.
Well, the concept of reducing polygons is a pretty simple one. You basically just weld verts together to make less faces. Like lets say you had a flat square area that is subdevided a certain amount of times. The optimal way of having it would be two triangles right?. So you'd basically take all the extra vertices and weld them into the four main corners of the square leaving two tris as the result.
That's a good way I can think of to describe the low poly optimising. Taking that same approuch to any other model like a character you'll quickly see where you can kill polygons that are not contributing to the overall shape of the model.
You get the auto poly reduction in Max aswell called Multires. This modifier will reduce poly's for you based on your input for percentage or whatever. It's not the best way of doing it though since it can make for a very messy model in the end. In some cases it's useful though.
Building really high poly models and then reducing them in poly count for the game is not a great idea. It's alot of extra work. I usually just make the high poly and then build the low poly around it, it's much faster and leaves a cleaner low poly mesh in the end.
When you do alot of low poly models you get used to how much you can spend in certain areas without really doing too much optimising later. It's like anything else really, the more you do it the better you get.
I think I'm just used to keeping an eye on poly count because I've done so many models for games. It's pretty important to keep to certain poly counts for whatever game you make models. It's basically become a habit for me to model and optimise.
yea, i have to try use vertice weld more. gotta try wrap my models properly round the back and weld them together. so much to learn, so little time.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:19 am :
I'd like to request a tutorial for flikkering texture lights.
I don't really get it so...
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 3:40 pm :
hey all. has anyone got a good tutorial on placing and using enemies properly? making them do as they are told? all i know about putting enemies into a map is sticking them in. they kinda do there own thing. which is invariably run at me from all over the map.
any help in this respect would be greatly appreciated.
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:32 pm :
Sebazzz wrote:
I'd like to request a tutorial for flikkering texture lights. I don't really get it so...
I don't think I've ever seen a flickering light texture, only flickering light entities.
Also, I find it impossible to choose a flickering sound to match the light. I know each flicker has a sort of 'pattern' to it, but no sounds seem to match them, which is confusing, as I've seen (and heard) all of the lights in the id levels in perfect synch.
Now obviously, I'm not going to ask for each light flicker and any matching sounds, just for a way to synch sounds and flickers.
And I have searched, numerous times, with no answers.
bullet@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:59 am :
How about some tutorials on working with AI? Like making a path with several actions in it. For instance, an imp that climbs up a wall and walks around a corner, where it jumps across a pit and throws a fireball at a trite. As far as I know this can all be done with path entities (I was reading through their definitions earlier today and I don't think you'd have to script an ounce of it).
Ragdoll tutorial? Now that there's an AF editor available, perhaps we can finally make our own ragdolls...
How about a tutorial on how to make drastic changes to lighting. For instance, in the DM maps there are light switches that'll turn the lights in the level on or off. Although, I'm more fond of the effect in Tomiko Reactor, where when the reactor activates all the blue fog turns red and red lights cascade up the walls with the alarm siren. Then when it's over, it turns back to blue everywhere.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:01 am :
Evert wrote:
Mapping tutorials maybe?
I was begging for that
Nah some indepth tutorials on how to make shaders. Scripting them and all, plus how to make the different layers in PS. I am only interested in the scripting process myself, maybe others want to see how to go on and make the actual textures for use in the shader.
Mmh... For this kind of things, i think you can surf on a photoshop related site.
zeh@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 1:16 pm :
I do have a complete GUI tutorial planned (and yes, editor-independent), the first parts will be up in a couple of weeks...
kherman@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 3:19 am :
I have two thoughts:
1) A newbie tutorial. Lots of people have interest. Get their feet wet How to start the editor, what 3rd party apps to get (free ones only), etc.
2) What makes a good map? This is key in my opinion. As a gamer, I prefer good level design over anything else. Textures are nice, but hte best textures on the worst level won't be liked, but an exceelent layout will be played, even weith "boring" graphics.
My 2 foods for thought Karl
BNA!@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 5:13 am :
kherman wrote:
I have two thoughts:
1) A newbie tutorial. Lots of people have interest. Get their feet wet How to start the editor, what 3rd party apps to get (free ones only), etc.
Hear ya.
2) What makes a good map? This is key in my opinion. As a gamer, I prefer good level design over anything else. Textures are nice, but hte best textures on the worst level won't be liked, but an exceelent layout will be played, even weith "boring" graphics.
Worth a thought, yet many things are left to personal taste I fear...
Will work on it over the weekend.
R-o-D@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 2:17 am :
Just got into this maping thing; interested in remaking some doom1 & 2 maps.
I desperatly need some help with the lighting;
i can put in a "light" entity, but i cannot figure out how to define its
brightness; i see the fields (shad params, color, health, ect.) but cant really
do much with them. is there a way to define intensity, direction, ect.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 2:41 am :
Have you tried using the light inspector (press J with a light/s selected) or have you been modifying the light's key/value pairs?
zakath@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 8:00 am :
some small tut on swining lights would be nice, tried to dig up something from the forum already but didn't help that much.
Unoid@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 6:22 pm :
A large tut on lightning would be more ideal.
Include how to make almost every light shown in doom3.
swelt@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 6:55 pm :
I don't know if this counts as a tutorial, but I would like to see a more formal version of the "Q3 to D3 Mapper Conversion Tips".
In particular, I'd like to understand what the best practice for lighting is - not so much on a "how do I" but "what should I".
Thorazine@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:34 pm :
can someone make a tutuorial on how to make doors? not just doors that you create from brushes, but also doors that use model files like the ones in models/mapobjects/doors/airlockdoor (you know, the ones that end in .lwo)
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:38 pm :
Thorazine wrote:
can someone make a tutuorial on how to make doors? not just doors that you create from brushes, but also doors that use model files like the ones in models/mapobjects/doors/airlockdoor (you know, the ones that end in .lwo)
Good suggestion - next tutorial will be how to connect two rooms, place a door and a visportal!
Expect it online later today.
RedWolf@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:16 pm :
It would be nice to see some Lift or and (I could probably figure our the lift myself) But really, a Tut, on LIQUID surfaces lava would be nice. If its even posible, On the forum (from years ago) there seemed to be some doubt, and I haven't seen a drop of water in the game yet...
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:18 pm :
Thorazine wrote:
can someone make a tutuorial on how to make doors? not just doors that you create from brushes, but also doors that use model files like the ones in models/mapobjects/doors/airlockdoor (you know, the ones that end in .lwo)
How about something not involvind the editing process, but more the customization of the editor itself. Is it possible to change the color of the grid lines, and maybe a light overview on overall configuration.
Vash@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 7:26 pm :
Found a tutorial on creating a moving platform redwolf.
Well: These are things that i would love to see a tutorial on.
Glass , i.e. breakable.
A better tutorial of the 'moving platform' I cant seem to make it work at all.
Will add more if i think of any.
dane@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:14 am :
Some tutorials a n00b like myself would benefit from [Some have been suggested already, I'll just throw my weight behind them]
1. Lighting. I'd like to see a detailed tutorial on lighting, not only the basics (colours, brightness etc) but also how to create different types of lighting (outdoors, flashing lights etc). Also a do's and dont's concerning placement and why overlapping lights are bad.
2. Texturing. Basics like aligning and resizing. Introduction to caulking, nodraw, noclip etc.
3. Ladders, stairs, moving platforms/lifts. Essentials so that our maps can develop above the first floor
4. Advanced brushwork. Cylinders, patches and meshes, curved surfaces etc.
5. Intoduction to materials. Glass, liquids, fog
6. Packaging a map. Making a pak file, how to include custom content in such a file.
Think that's enough to be getting on with
MisterCrow@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 4:26 am :
How to work with lights and Demonic Mode with the lights. Plus incorporating sounds into this as well.
gunwolf@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 6:53 am :
OK I have access to 3ds Max 6 and would like to make some of my own objects for the game.
I can export as .3ds and then convert to lwo using a program called 3D Exploration.
I've tried with a sphere just for a test and cannot get a texture or material to show up in the Doom editor on the object.
Do I need to use vertex paint technique or what?
Wayne G
StaticHavoc@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 1:05 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
One thing I'd like to see is a tutorial covering all the Light settings, I'm still a bit confused the settings in projected lights and more.
Also Perhaps a tutorial on getting started with lighting your scene maybe a before (1 room 1 light) and after (1 room many lights) ???
- Just my twocents
MelvinB@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 9:07 pm :
Well, i have problems with texture-alignment.
If i want to fit the texture, the side of the brush is way to stretched, while the top of the brush fits perfectly.
Why is that? I tried to use the Shift horizontally and the Shift vertically-buttons but it stays to much stretched.
Only the Natural-button works, but then the texture is way to big. Look at the screen to see what i mean.
All textures are fitted with the Natural-button, which sux. (to ugly)
Maybe someone can make a more advanced texture-alignment tutorial?
StaticHavoc@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 2:36 am :
MelvinB wrote:
Well, i have problems with texture-alignment.
If i want to fit the texture, the side of the brush is way to stretched, while the top of the brush fits perfectly.
Why is that? I tried to use the Shift horizontally and the Shift vertically-buttons but it stays to much stretched.
Only the Natural-button works, but then the texture is way to big. Look at the screen to see what i mean.
All textures are fitted with the Natural-button, which sux. (to ugly)
Maybe someone can make a more advanced texture-alignment tutorial?
I've had similar problems... however looking through the tutorials I found a handy little trick called cntrl+shift+left click and you can edit each face seperately... it's pretty tricky at first good luck.
themadtux@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 3:40 am :
StaticHavoc wrote:
BNA! wrote:
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
One thing I'd like to see is a tutorial covering all the Light settings, I'm still a bit confused the settings in projected lights and more.
Also Perhaps a tutorial on getting started with lighting your scene maybe a before (1 room 1 light) and after (1 room many lights) ???
- Just my twocents
Yes definately a more advanced lighting tutorial would be excellent.
Magical Gnome@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 4:51 am :
Yes definately a more advanced lighting tutorial would be excellent.
I'll try to test all the different types out and make a tut about it.
Edit: I'm in progress, and it's going well . I hope this will be useful for people.
amusedtoe@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 6:29 am :
I've been fidling with this but can't seem to figure out if it's possible. Does anyone know how to tie lights to moveable objects so it goes with my desklamp when I send it flying?
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 7:04 am :
amusedtoe wrote:
I've been fidling with this but can't seem to figure out if it's possible. Does anyone know how to tie lights to moveable objects so it goes with my desklamp when I send it flying?
You may want to visit the scripting forum
amusedtoe@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 8:32 am :
Yea, I just went through the scripting tutorials on my way through the tutorial list. What can I say, have a silly noob ask a silly question and he'll get an obvious answer. Awesome job everyone, I'm really digging this and it's been much better then getting into UnrealEd cause of this.
Toyoto@Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 12:30 am :
Since I'm totally new in the llevel edition maybe a tutorial which teach how to make a standard map would be interesting, I mean no scripting at all. Only with the editor defaults.
It could include: How to make and connect rooms, a door, an elevator, sounds, teleport monster, a mirror, models, an outdoor area, and whatever a normal level has.
Maybe bna level tutorials goes in that direction already. Only a suggestion.
psychonub@Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 12:25 am :
A whole tutorial on when, where, why, and how on the use of the common textures to make maps run better
Stranger_Solo@Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 12:45 pm :
Detailed tutor about opening doors with gui.
Cos i cann't understand how to do as said in current tutor.(maybe i so dumb:D )
gunwolf@Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 10:30 pm :
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one scratching my head about using a GUI to open a door.
A specific detailed tutorial would be much appreciated.
Wayne G
MNeMiC@Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 11:19 pm :
gunwolf wrote:
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one scratching my head about using a GUI to open a door. A specific detailed tutorial would be much appreciated. Wayne G
Then I shall bring you one Video Tutorial upon that subject when I wake up
Lestat@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:15 am :
As lame and basic as it sounds, a guide for "packaging" maps would be nice.
I'm relatively new to mapping but seem to be catching on fairly quickly. Have not done anything amazing yet, still learning what does what. Current tutorials have helped immensly.
However I wanted to send a friend my map to test. I put my map (.map and .proc) inside a folder called 'maps' and then compressed the folder using WinRAR to (randomletters).pk4
I put this pk4 in my base directory but can not load the map from in-game. Is there a third file I should be adding? (No custom gui's or anything so besides the core map stuff, I don't imagine I'd have to...)
An explanation of extentions and their differences would be nice, specifically:
I know I found this originally off of here somewhere but I can't remember where so hopefully it's ok to post the link to the download page. Shows how to make it into a .pk4 that the game will recognize.
kabe69@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 7:25 am :
amusedtoe wrote:
Lestat wrote:
As lame and basic as it sounds, a guide for "packaging" maps would be nice.
I know I found this originally off of here somewhere but I can't remember where so hopefully it's ok to post the link to the download page. Shows how to make it into a .pk4 that the game will recognize.
ok im new to all this stuff (well i did a bit of quake 3 stuff) so can some1 plz give me a link to a tut on basicly all mapping aspects from room creation to inseting models and also working with the dynamic lighting etc
I farily familiar on using the Editor just dunno how to insert stuff and get things workin right
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 10:57 pm :
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 1:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 6:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 10:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 7:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 9:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 11:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 11:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 1:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 2:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 3:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 3:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 5:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:43 am :
Now that the game is out - are there any specific requests?
Don't reply with "mapping tutorials" tho - that's not specific, that's stupid.
Evert@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:57 am :
Mapping tutorials maybe?
Nah some indepth tutorials on how to make shaders.
Scripting them and all, plus how to make the different layers in PS.
I am only interested in the scripting process myself, maybe others want to see how to go on and make the actual textures for use in the shader.
Great site btw.
voldemort@Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 7:26 pm :
As far as water effects go Its mainly the texture you use. You can create a water visual effect but as far as the pysics go I dont think the engine supports it.
Under the materials there is one texture that looks like a pool of blood
or you can use no texture and just add a buble effect the assumption is the bubbles are in a fluid
RKTzZz@Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:50 am :
i'd like to request any kind of tutorial weather it be written or video, about how to make a teleporter static like in the d3frag map! And anyother useful information related to static mesh's! I'm totally stumped!!!
i would like to request a tutorial on stairs. i have only been trying to make maps about a week, and this is one place i am having trouble at the moment.
so far, what i have been doing is making individual steps out of brushes, then cloning them, moving the clones to get steps. so far, they look quite bad. i am not sure if i am doing them right.
quiestion. are patches solid? i.e. can i bend them into objects to provide resistance with the player. make steps and railings from patches, instead of brushes?
also, a clearer tutorial on correct lighting placement and implimentation would be good.
i know how to make lights. but there are no light sources. it looks really wierd.
edit: just thought of this one too. is it possible, say to make a set of stairs or a hatstand, or whatever, out of patch or brushes, then save them out to an external file, and re-import them into other maps?
Mblackwell@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:01 am :
That's what I've been doing and it's worked so far, perhaps there's another way though.
What I would like is a nice big tutorial on caulking. Please?
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:19 am :
caulking,as far as i can make out is pretty simple.
basicly, the way i think of it is, each (rectangular) brush has six sides to it, but you normally only ever see one of those sides. i.e. one inside wall.
the way i understand caulk to work is, its applied to every face of the brush you cant see, otherwise the engine will be rendering it anyway, and using up processing power.
the way i approach caulking is to highlight All my brushes in a room, batch treat them with the caulk texture. i then go into the room in the cam view, and highlight the brush "faces" (i.e. hold down ctrl + shift while clicking on the inside of a wall) you should see only one face highlighted, i.e. a 2d plane. i highlight all of these( that i can see through the cam view, as i know anything i can see through this view can be seen in the room) and apply new texture to it.
if that isn't clear enough i will write a tutorial up, with pics if i can too!!!
( yay me! mapping a few days an able to help others out already!! my mama always said i was special )
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:46 am :
irishlostboy1980, you make it sound as if you need to mark unseen faces with the caulk texture.
But, the engine does a great job of removing unseen faces during the compile process. Infact, the compiler does such a great job that there's no need for any kind of hint texture what so ever.
All caulk does is seal leaks, much like it's real world counterpart.
For instance, patches do not seal your level from the void. To counter this you place a brush textured with caulk behind the patch to close the "hole".
Mblackwell, If you can understand the concepts laid out in this post, then congratulations, you've just completed the caulk tutorial.
And if you don't understand what the void or leaks are then a general introduction to mapping with id engine games is in order. You can find that here...
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:21 am :
thanks rich. but if the caulk is unnecisery to tell the engine not to render, and is for the purpose of sealing in from the void, surely its unnecisery, even for that?
i mean, you need a brush behind the patch anyway, between a patch and the void, dont you? so wha twould be the point of sticking caulk on it? it should act as a seal anyway, caulked or otherwise.
i am all confuzzeled now
obihb@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:29 am :
You create the caulk to avoid overdraw. If you simply placed a brush with a normal material on it the hole may be sealed but those polygons are also getting rendered and you don't want that. Using caulk makes so it's sealed but the polys for that brush also don't get rendered.
i thought thats sorta what i said in the first place? um, maybe not, i dunno. but basicly its a good thing to put caulk on everything you cant see in game, yea?
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:47 am :
It's not kind of what you said. You said it's not really nesesery to use caulk, but it is. Just not in the way you thought. You do not have to use it on every face that won't be seen. Basically just on a brush that you need to act as a normal brush without getting rendered, like to patch up a hole behind a patch mesh for one example.
The example you gave of a room and caulking the outer faces is not true. You do not have to caulk those faces since the map compiler discards those polygons automatically. Anything considered to be "outside" the map is discarded.
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:04 am :
ok. i get it... i think. oh yea, another silly little question for you obiwan. i have managed to import a 3ds max model into doom 3 fine. but for some reason the origin point of the model when i import it is miles away from the actual model. is the origin point set in max? maybe thats where i am messing up.
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:06 pm :
Yes, the origin will be based on the 0,0,0 coordinate from your Max scene.
What I'd usually do is center the pivot to the mesh and move it down so it's at the base of the mesh but centered on X,Y. Then just move the mesh to 0,0,0 in the scene.
If it's something big like a cave or whatever then it's a good idea to use spesific grid placement for the mesh so it can easily be placed inside Radiant based on the same grid setting.
ah yes. i am getting it now. what would be "too many" polys in a model to import?
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:40 pm :
I actually don't know. What is it you wanted to import spesifically. I know you can go pretty high, I've done a cave with bolders and stuff that totaled on 10 000 polys I think, maybe even higher. Afterward I did optimise alot though but it worked fine on the high poly. Of course as always the lower the better for render speed and loading times.
basicly i have no major clue as to what is propper modelling. i pay no attention as to poly numbers, and if i get too many of them, i have no clue as to how to reduce them. i hear about people saying they make a high poly model for the mapping, then they take out polys to make the mesh. i never understood this. i usually just make a whole load of holes or somethin in my models. also, i tend to mess up real bad finishing up the back half of the models too.
Well, the concept of reducing polygons is a pretty simple one. You basically just weld verts together to make less faces. Like lets say you had a flat square area that is subdevided a certain amount of times. The optimal way of having it would be two triangles right?. So you'd basically take all the extra vertices and weld them into the four main corners of the square leaving two tris as the result.
That's a good way I can think of to describe the low poly optimising. Taking that same approuch to any other model like a character you'll quickly see where you can kill polygons that are not contributing to the overall shape of the model.
You get the auto poly reduction in Max aswell called Multires. This modifier will reduce poly's for you based on your input for percentage or whatever. It's not the best way of doing it though since it can make for a very messy model in the end. In some cases it's useful though.
Building really high poly models and then reducing them in poly count for the game is not a great idea. It's alot of extra work. I usually just make the high poly and then build the low poly around it, it's much faster and leaves a cleaner low poly mesh in the end.
When you do alot of low poly models you get used to how much you can spend in certain areas without really doing too much optimising later. It's like anything else really, the more you do it the better you get.
I think I'm just used to keeping an eye on poly count because I've done so many models for games. It's pretty important to keep to certain poly counts for whatever game you make models. It's basically become a habit for me to model and optimise.
yea, i have to try use vertice weld more. gotta try wrap my models properly round the back and weld them together. so much to learn, so little time.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 8:19 am :
I'd like to request a tutorial for flikkering texture lights.
I don't really get it so...
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 4:40 pm :
hey all. has anyone got a good tutorial on placing and using enemies properly? making them do as they are told? all i know about putting enemies into a map is sticking them in. they kinda do there own thing. which is invariably run at me from all over the map.
any help in this respect would be greatly appreciated.
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 10:32 pm :
Sebazzz wrote:
I'd like to request a tutorial for flikkering texture lights. I don't really get it so...
I don't think I've ever seen a flickering light texture, only flickering light entities.
Also, I find it impossible to choose a flickering sound to match the light. I know each flicker has a sort of 'pattern' to it, but no sounds seem to match them, which is confusing, as I've seen (and heard) all of the lights in the id levels in perfect synch.
Now obviously, I'm not going to ask for each light flicker and any matching sounds, just for a way to synch sounds and flickers.
And I have searched, numerous times, with no answers.
voldemort@Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:26 pm :
As far as water effects go Its mainly the texture you use. You can create a water visual effect but as far as the pysics go I dont think the engine supports it.
Under the materials there is one texture that looks like a pool of blood
or you can use no texture and just add a buble effect the assumption is the bubbles are in a fluid
RKTzZz@Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:50 am :
i'd like to request any kind of tutorial weather it be written or video, about how to make a teleporter static like in the d3frag map! And anyother useful information related to static mesh's! I'm totally stumped!!!
i would like to request a tutorial on stairs. i have only been trying to make maps about a week, and this is one place i am having trouble at the moment.
so far, what i have been doing is making individual steps out of brushes, then cloning them, moving the clones to get steps. so far, they look quite bad. i am not sure if i am doing them right.
quiestion. are patches solid? i.e. can i bend them into objects to provide resistance with the player. make steps and railings from patches, instead of brushes?
also, a clearer tutorial on correct lighting placement and implimentation would be good.
i know how to make lights. but there are no light sources. it looks really wierd.
edit: just thought of this one too. is it possible, say to make a set of stairs or a hatstand, or whatever, out of patch or brushes, then save them out to an external file, and re-import them into other maps?
Mblackwell@Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:01 pm :
That's what I've been doing and it's worked so far, perhaps there's another way though.
What I would like is a nice big tutorial on caulking. Please?
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:19 am :
caulking,as far as i can make out is pretty simple.
basicly, the way i think of it is, each (rectangular) brush has six sides to it, but you normally only ever see one of those sides. i.e. one inside wall.
the way i understand caulk to work is, its applied to every face of the brush you cant see, otherwise the engine will be rendering it anyway, and using up processing power.
the way i approach caulking is to highlight All my brushes in a room, batch treat them with the caulk texture. i then go into the room in the cam view, and highlight the brush "faces" (i.e. hold down ctrl + shift while clicking on the inside of a wall) you should see only one face highlighted, i.e. a 2d plane. i highlight all of these( that i can see through the cam view, as i know anything i can see through this view can be seen in the room) and apply new texture to it.
if that isn't clear enough i will write a tutorial up, with pics if i can too!!!
( yay me! mapping a few days an able to help others out already!! my mama always said i was special )
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:46 am :
irishlostboy1980, you make it sound as if you need to mark unseen faces with the caulk texture.
But, the engine does a great job of removing unseen faces during the compile process. Infact, the compiler does such a great job that there's no need for any kind of hint texture what so ever.
All caulk does is seal leaks, much like it's real world counterpart.
For instance, patches do not seal your level from the void. To counter this you place a brush textured with caulk behind the patch to close the "hole".
Mblackwell, If you can understand the concepts laid out in this post, then congratulations, you've just completed the caulk tutorial.
And if you don't understand what the void or leaks are then a general introduction to mapping with id engine games is in order. You can find that here...
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:21 am :
thanks rich. but if the caulk is unnecisery to tell the engine not to render, and is for the purpose of sealing in from the void, surely its unnecisery, even for that?
i mean, you need a brush behind the patch anyway, between a patch and the void, dont you? so wha twould be the point of sticking caulk on it? it should act as a seal anyway, caulked or otherwise.
i am all confuzzeled now
obihb@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:29 am :
You create the caulk to avoid overdraw. If you simply placed a brush with a normal material on it the hole may be sealed but those polygons are also getting rendered and you don't want that. Using caulk makes so it's sealed but the polys for that brush also don't get rendered.
i thought thats sorta what i said in the first place? um, maybe not, i dunno. but basicly its a good thing to put caulk on everything you cant see in game, yea?
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:47 am :
It's not kind of what you said. You said it's not really nesesery to use caulk, but it is. Just not in the way you thought. You do not have to use it on every face that won't be seen. Basically just on a brush that you need to act as a normal brush without getting rendered, like to patch up a hole behind a patch mesh for one example.
The example you gave of a room and caulking the outer faces is not true. You do not have to caulk those faces since the map compiler discards those polygons automatically. Anything considered to be "outside" the map is discarded.
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 10:04 am :
ok. i get it... i think. oh yea, another silly little question for you obiwan. i have managed to import a 3ds max model into doom 3 fine. but for some reason the origin point of the model when i import it is miles away from the actual model. is the origin point set in max? maybe thats where i am messing up.
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:06 pm :
Yes, the origin will be based on the 0,0,0 coordinate from your Max scene.
What I'd usually do is center the pivot to the mesh and move it down so it's at the base of the mesh but centered on X,Y. Then just move the mesh to 0,0,0 in the scene.
If it's something big like a cave or whatever then it's a good idea to use spesific grid placement for the mesh so it can easily be placed inside Radiant based on the same grid setting.
ah yes. i am getting it now. what would be "too many" polys in a model to import?
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:40 pm :
I actually don't know. What is it you wanted to import spesifically. I know you can go pretty high, I've done a cave with bolders and stuff that totaled on 10 000 polys I think, maybe even higher. Afterward I did optimise alot though but it worked fine on the high poly. Of course as always the lower the better for render speed and loading times.
basicly i have no major clue as to what is propper modelling. i pay no attention as to poly numbers, and if i get too many of them, i have no clue as to how to reduce them. i hear about people saying they make a high poly model for the mapping, then they take out polys to make the mesh. i never understood this. i usually just make a whole load of holes or somethin in my models. also, i tend to mess up real bad finishing up the back half of the models too.
Well, the concept of reducing polygons is a pretty simple one. You basically just weld verts together to make less faces. Like lets say you had a flat square area that is subdevided a certain amount of times. The optimal way of having it would be two triangles right?. So you'd basically take all the extra vertices and weld them into the four main corners of the square leaving two tris as the result.
That's a good way I can think of to describe the low poly optimising. Taking that same approuch to any other model like a character you'll quickly see where you can kill polygons that are not contributing to the overall shape of the model.
You get the auto poly reduction in Max aswell called Multires. This modifier will reduce poly's for you based on your input for percentage or whatever. It's not the best way of doing it though since it can make for a very messy model in the end. In some cases it's useful though.
Building really high poly models and then reducing them in poly count for the game is not a great idea. It's alot of extra work. I usually just make the high poly and then build the low poly around it, it's much faster and leaves a cleaner low poly mesh in the end.
When you do alot of low poly models you get used to how much you can spend in certain areas without really doing too much optimising later. It's like anything else really, the more you do it the better you get.
I think I'm just used to keeping an eye on poly count because I've done so many models for games. It's pretty important to keep to certain poly counts for whatever game you make models. It's basically become a habit for me to model and optimise.
yea, i have to try use vertice weld more. gotta try wrap my models properly round the back and weld them together. so much to learn, so little time.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:19 am :
I'd like to request a tutorial for flikkering texture lights.
I don't really get it so...
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 3:40 pm :
hey all. has anyone got a good tutorial on placing and using enemies properly? making them do as they are told? all i know about putting enemies into a map is sticking them in. they kinda do there own thing. which is invariably run at me from all over the map.
any help in this respect would be greatly appreciated.
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:32 pm :
Sebazzz wrote:
I'd like to request a tutorial for flikkering texture lights. I don't really get it so...
I don't think I've ever seen a flickering light texture, only flickering light entities.
Also, I find it impossible to choose a flickering sound to match the light. I know each flicker has a sort of 'pattern' to it, but no sounds seem to match them, which is confusing, as I've seen (and heard) all of the lights in the id levels in perfect synch.
Now obviously, I'm not going to ask for each light flicker and any matching sounds, just for a way to synch sounds and flickers.
And I have searched, numerous times, with no answers.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:08 am :
I know there are some key/value pairs that you can assign to enemies to affect their behavior. I'm also pretty sure you can control how they behave in your level by using clip textures and entity paths.
Find a light shader that makes use of the "sound" variable
Apply this light shader to a light entity
Assign a sound to the light entity.
Skul@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:09 pm :
Thanks, rich! I just tried that out with several different lights and sounds and they all buzzed perfectly in synch!
I always wondered why the light pulses that ended with '_snd' were blank in the editor. Now I know!
Skul@Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:25 pm :
The pictures in bb_matt's pipe bending tutorials don't show up, so I can't follow them at all. It's hard to get results when the only instructions you have are things like: "Move the vertices to these positions."
I've searched, but I can't find anything to help me.
voldemort@Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:07 am :
to select a group of vertices first click the v button for vertices the drag out a selection box around the ones you want then hit the r button for rotate otherwise you can use shift or cntrl to individually select groups
>~runaway~<@Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:39 am :
Voldemort how you made that many tutorials so fast?When i found there were all your tutorials...
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:25 pm :
voldemort wrote:
to select a group of vertices first click the v button for vertices the drag out a selection box around the ones you want then hit the r button for rotate otherwise you can use shift or cntrl to individually select groups
That doesn't help at all. Whenever I move the vertices, all I get are weird, whacked out pipes, no matter where I move them. Could someone maybe redo the pipe tutorial, with screenshots, please?
voldemort@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:47 pm :
To Runaway-- Because Im a sloppy typer so I can type real fast. but I dont allways spend that much time here so ideas build up so I just spit them out
to Skul Ill try to make a new tutorial on the various ways to bend a pipe here soon with screenshots
Ive goten lazy about including screenshots in my tutorials of late so Maybe its a good thing your request Ill get on to you in a day or two (several ways to build pipes and patch meshes plush ways to combine them) so it will be an involved tutorial
voldemort@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:47 pm :
To Runaway-- Because Im a sloppy typer so I can type real fast. but I dont allways spend that much time here so ideas build up so I just spit them out
to Skul Ill try to make a new tutorial on the various ways to bend a pipe here soon with screenshots
Ive goten lazy about including screenshots in my tutorials of late so Maybe its a good thing your request Ill get on to you in a day or two (several ways to build pipes and patch meshes plush ways to combine them) so it will be an involved tutorial
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:50 pm :
That's great! Thanks!
The more I learn about manipulating and combining patches, the better I'll become at mapping!
I'll be keeping an eye out for it!
hellknight2006@Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 2:04 pm :
I want tutorials about modding, mapping.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:36 am :
That's a pretty broad brush you're painting with.
I mean, if all you want is modding and mapping tutorials you shouldn't have much trouble finding them here. You're practically swimming in them.
voldemort@Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:13 pm :
The problem with patch meshes being all messed up when you manually rotate the vertices has a simple solution. You need to utilize the snap to grid feature. The hot keys for this are control+g. Do this while the vertices are selected. You will want to reduce your grid first so that the mesh isnt distorted when you do that. They should line up nicely after that.
Zakyrus@Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 2:13 pm :
I would like to see a tutorial on how to make a trigger system randomly select a target to trigger. Example: You have one imp made to drop down from the ceiling in front of you and one drop down behind you. Both are hidden with the hide key. When you cross the trigger the game randomly selects ONLY ONE of these to appear and drop down. I think this would be awesome to be able to do, as every mapper could add this to their maps. Think of being able to have everything in a level truely random and decided instantaneously.
Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:11 am :
Random monster tutorial added. Please link to the list.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:36 pm :
It's not hard to add links yourself. All you have to do is post the link into this thread....
I would love to know how i make a ragdoll, pinned to a wall by a spear or anything similar to a spear. Just creating that as a map object. Can i just stick a spear model through a zombie and nail him to the wall brus? I hve tried putting zombies into brushes, but they get all shaky and bouncy, and not at all like a dead human being pinned brutally to a wall.
Read further down for the rest of the commands and you'll find out how to freeze and unfreeze ragdoll joints.
NGX@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:17 am :
Are there any tutorials for making liquid surfaces (like water) for Doom 3?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:01 am :
No. But it's pretty straight forward once you know how to create material shaders.
You see, there isn't a material shader for water bundled with the game. But once you make one it's as simple as dragging out a brush to represent the volume of water and texturing it with the material you created.
The material keyword "water" is all that's needed to make the material liquid.
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:34 am :
DoomAddict wrote:
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
Can someone please tell me how to put blood stains, dead bodies and zombies that are sat or lying down into my map. It would be very useful and would help me finish my map. Thankyou.
I know i ahve posted this elsewhere but i have thought of something else, how do i make the PDAs in my map use the stuff that i have made in the PDA editor and how can i make good looking GUIs without the use of a fancy programme like photoshop?
RedRanger666@Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:55 am :
What about making a video pda?
BloodMuffin@Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:08 pm :
How do you make clouds in the FX editor?
How do you import content made in the FX editor into the level editor?
atwistedillusion@Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:00 pm :
It's been a while since I posted. I've already looked through the posts, and I didn't see anything about complex mapmaking. I mean how to create industrial settings like the Recall to Hell, or some really crazy factory/foundry type walls, floors, ceilings, etc...
the220@Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:08 am :
I'm about 4 years too late for most of these tutorials, and of course I only get dead links and not much information to what i would like to learn. i would like to learn how to add custom music to my own personal map with Doom3Edit. either triggered from the start or from an event. i am also looking for information on how to keep ram loads pretty low even when doing a full outside level. im a huge beginner on any of this, i have read a few tutorials and i was able to texture grass into the game. but that is the only major thing i have done so far.
jt78@Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:50 pm :
I'm a newbie and I was wondering how to give an object physics so you can knock it over or shoot it so that it moves away etc. This is done a lot in Doom 3 with chairs, laptops, cola cans etc.
Thanks, James
Predat@Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:45 am :
I like the idea about a more advanced tut for lighting. Most specifically making a fog effect without that godawful dropoff.
Additionally, how to create stagnat(sp?) fog to walk through.
Aaaaand (long shot on this one), suppose there's a way to add a mod that splats blood on your screen when you tear up enemies, having it slither down the screen after a few seconds, that would fucking rock! hehe.
BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:04 am :
Predat wrote:
I like the idea about a more advanced tut for lighting. Most specifically making a fog effect without that godawful dropoff.
Additionally, how to create stagnat(sp?) fog to walk through.
Aaaaand (long shot on this one), suppose there's a way to add a mod that splats blood on your screen when you tear up enemies, having it slither down the screen after a few seconds, that would fucking rock! hehe.
I'm a newbie and I was wondering how to give an object physics so you can knock it over or shoot it so that it moves away etc. This is done a lot in Doom 3 with chairs, laptops, cola cans etc.
Thanks, James
There are moveable items,
right click the grid place, go down to 'moveable' and they can all be moved, shot etc in game.
DBGames@Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:31 am :
I am new here and this is my first post. thats not why im here. i would like to start making my maps as awesome as possible. i will list everything i cant do in the DOOMRadient and would appreciate a tutorial for.
Making characters who talk when engaged setting up my map as a working choice for multi-player (i have to pc's ive been testing this on. dosnt work yet) a little more in-depth about triggers (i have the basics but still have trouble) making creatures spawn or 'teleport' in front of me via trigger or the like
i have browsed through the master list many a time but it looks like the only person that covers a very large area of doom radiant was Mnemic (i think i spelled it right) but his website is non-existent. any help?
EDIT: i just recently tried making one of my maps play in multi-player. i created the server using my custom map and got in. i tried to connect my second computer to the LAN server i just made and even though both have the same exact files it says "you are missing some files required by this server and this server doesn't provide downloads"
Tach@Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:56 am :
DBGames wrote:
... a little more in-depth about triggers (i have the basics but still have trouble) making creatures spawn or 'teleport' in front of me via trigger or the like ...
Please have a look at: viewtopic.php?p=47755 -> "*SP - Trigger a Monster Spawn" There are also some other interesting trigger tutorials.
Fluffinster@Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:22 am :
You should put a tutorial for toxic gas, it is super simple but some people may not know because I had to ask and that is kind of a pain because you have to wait for a response. So... can someone one put one(or maybe I will ) Oh well thanks! -Fluffinster
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm :
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2002 9:26 am Posts: 61 Location: silver spring, MD
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7542 Location: Orlando, FL
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
voldemort@Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:26 pm Post subject: water: As far as water effects go Its mainly the texture you use. You can create a water visual effect but as far as the pysics go I dont think the engine supports it.
Under the materials there is one texture that looks like a pool of blood
or you can use no texture and just add a buble effect the assumption is the bubbles are in a fluid RKTzZz@Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:50 am Post subject: func statics/teleporter: i'd like to request any kind of tutorial weather it be written or video, about how to make a teleporter static like in the d3frag map! And anyother useful information related to static mesh's! I'm totally stumped!!! irishlostboy1980@Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 12:10 pm Post subject: Re: Tutorial requests.: i would like to request a tutorial on stairs. i have only been trying to make maps about a week, and this is one place i am having trouble at the moment.
so far, what i have been doing is making individual steps out of brushes, then cloning them, moving the clones to get steps. so far, they look quite bad. i am not sure if i am doing them right.
quiestion. are patches solid? i.e. can i bend them into objects to provide resistance with the player. make steps and railings from patches, instead of brushes?
also, a clearer tutorial on correct lighting placement and implimentation would be good.
i know how to make lights. but there are no light sources. it looks really wierd.
edit: just thought of this one too. is it possible, say to make a set of stairs or a hatstand, or whatever, out of patch or brushes, then save them out to an external file, and re-import them into other maps? Mblackwell@Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:01 pm Post subject: : That's what I've been doing and it's worked so far, perhaps there's another way though.
What I would like is a nice big tutorial on caulking. Please? _________________ I don't wanna be, like other people are
Don't wanna own a key, don't wanna wash my car
Don't wanna have to work, like other people do
I want it to be free, I want it to be true. irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:19 am Post subject: : caulking,as far as i can make out is pretty simple.
basicly, the way i think of it is, each (rectangular) brush has six sides to it, but you normally only ever see one of those sides. i.e. one inside wall.
the way i understand caulk to work is, its applied to every face of the brush you cant see, otherwise the engine will be rendering it anyway, and using up processing power.
the way i approach caulking is to highlight All my brushes in a room, batch treat them with the caulk texture. i then go into the room in the cam view, and highlight the brush "faces" (i.e. hold down ctrl + shift while clicking on the inside of a wall) you should see only one face highlighted, i.e. a 2d plane. i highlight all of these( that i can see through the cam view, as i know anything i can see through this view can be seen in the room) and apply new texture to it.
if that isn't clear enough i will write a tutorial up, with pics if i can too!!!
( yay me! mapping a few days an able to help others out already!!
my mama always said i was special ) rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:46 am Post subject: : irishlostboy1980, you make it sound as if you need to mark unseen faces with the caulk texture.
But, the engine does a great job of removing unseen faces during the compile process. Infact, the compiler does such a great job that there's no need for any kind of hint texture what so ever.
All caulk does is seal leaks, much like it's real world counterpart.
For instance, patches do not seal your level from the void. To counter this you place a brush textured with caulk behind the patch to close the "hole".
Mblackwell, If you can understand the concepts laid out in this post, then congratulations, you've just completed the caulk tutorial.
And if you don't understand what the void or leaks are then a general introduction to mapping with id engine games is in order. You can find that here... _________________ Staff
Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:21 am Post subject: : thanks rich. but if the caulk is unnecisery to tell the engine not to render, and is for the purpose of sealing in from the void, surely its unnecisery, even for that?
i mean, you need a brush behind the patch anyway, between a patch and the void, dont you? so wha twould be the point of sticking caulk on it? it should act as a seal anyway, caulked or otherwise.
i am all confuzzeled now obihb@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:29 am Post subject: : You create the caulk to avoid overdraw. If you simply placed a brush with a normal material on it the hole may be sealed but those polygons are also getting rendered and you don't want that. Using caulk makes so it's sealed but the polys for that brush also don't get rendered. irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:07 pm Post subject: : i thought thats sorta what i said in the first place? um, maybe not, i dunno. but basicly its a good thing to put caulk on everything you cant see in game, yea? obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:47 am Post subject: : It's not kind of what you said. You said it's not really nesesery to use caulk, but it is. Just not in the way you thought. You do not have to use it on every face that won't be seen. Basically just on a brush that you need to act as a normal brush without getting rendered, like to patch up a hole behind a patch mesh for one example.
The example you gave of a room and caulking the outer faces is not true. You do not have to caulk those faces since the map compiler discards those polygons automatically. Anything considered to be "outside" the map is discarded. irishlostboy1980@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 10:04 am Post subject: : ok. i get it... i think. oh yea, another silly little question for you obiwan. i have managed to import a 3ds max model into doom 3 fine. but for some reason the origin point of the model when i import it is miles away from the actual model. is the origin point set in max? maybe thats where i am messing up. obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:06 pm Post subject: : Yes, the origin will be based on the 0,0,0 coordinate from your Max scene.
What I'd usually do is center the pivot to the mesh and move it down so it's at the base of the mesh but centered on X,Y. Then just move the mesh to 0,0,0 in the scene.
If it's something big like a cave or whatever then it's a good idea to use spesific grid placement for the mesh so it can easily be placed inside Radiant based on the same grid setting. irishlostboy1980@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:23 pm Post subject: : ah yes. i am getting it now. what would be "too many" polys in a model to import? voldemort@Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:26 pm Post subject: water: As far as water effects go Its mainly the texture you use. You can create a water visual effect but as far as the pysics go I dont think the engine supports it.
Under the materials there is one texture that looks like a pool of blood
or you can use no texture and just add a buble effect the assumption is the bubbles are in a fluid RKTzZz@Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:50 am Post subject: func statics/teleporter: i'd like to request any kind of tutorial weather it be written or video, about how to make a teleporter static like in the d3frag map! And anyother useful information related to static mesh's! I'm totally stumped!!! irishlostboy1980@Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 12:10 pm Post subject: Re: Tutorial requests.: i would like to request a tutorial on stairs. i have only been trying to make maps about a week, and this is one place i am having trouble at the moment.
so far, what i have been doing is making individual steps out of brushes, then cloning them, moving the clones to get steps. so far, they look quite bad. i am not sure if i am doing them right.
quiestion. are patches solid? i.e. can i bend them into objects to provide resistance with the player. make steps and railings from patches, instead of brushes?
also, a clearer tutorial on correct lighting placement and implimentation would be good.
i know how to make lights. but there are no light sources. it looks really wierd.
edit: just thought of this one too. is it possible, say to make a set of stairs or a hatstand, or whatever, out of patch or brushes, then save them out to an external file, and re-import them into other maps? Mblackwell@Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:01 pm Post subject: : That's what I've been doing and it's worked so far, perhaps there's another way though.
What I would like is a nice big tutorial on caulking. Please? _________________ I don't wanna be, like other people are
Don't wanna own a key, don't wanna wash my car
Don't wanna have to work, like other people do
I want it to be free, I want it to be true. irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:19 am Post subject: : caulking,as far as i can make out is pretty simple.
basicly, the way i think of it is, each (rectangular) brush has six sides to it, but you normally only ever see one of those sides. i.e. one inside wall.
the way i understand caulk to work is, its applied to every face of the brush you cant see, otherwise the engine will be rendering it anyway, and using up processing power.
the way i approach caulking is to highlight All my brushes in a room, batch treat them with the caulk texture. i then go into the room in the cam view, and highlight the brush "faces" (i.e. hold down ctrl + shift while clicking on the inside of a wall) you should see only one face highlighted, i.e. a 2d plane. i highlight all of these( that i can see through the cam view, as i know anything i can see through this view can be seen in the room) and apply new texture to it.
if that isn't clear enough i will write a tutorial up, with pics if i can too!!!
( yay me! mapping a few days an able to help others out already!!
my mama always said i was special ) rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:46 am Post subject: : irishlostboy1980, you make it sound as if you need to mark unseen faces with the caulk texture.
But, the engine does a great job of removing unseen faces during the compile process. Infact, the compiler does such a great job that there's no need for any kind of hint texture what so ever.
All caulk does is seal leaks, much like it's real world counterpart.
For instance, patches do not seal your level from the void. To counter this you place a brush textured with caulk behind the patch to close the "hole".
Mblackwell, If you can understand the concepts laid out in this post, then congratulations, you've just completed the caulk tutorial.
And if you don't understand what the void or leaks are then a general introduction to mapping with id engine games is in order. You can find that here... _________________ Staff
Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:21 am Post subject: : thanks rich. but if the caulk is unnecisery to tell the engine not to render, and is for the purpose of sealing in from the void, surely its unnecisery, even for that?
i mean, you need a brush behind the patch anyway, between a patch and the void, dont you? so wha twould be the point of sticking caulk on it? it should act as a seal anyway, caulked or otherwise.
i am all confuzzeled now obihb@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:29 am Post subject: : You create the caulk to avoid overdraw. If you simply placed a brush with a normal material on it the hole may be sealed but those polygons are also getting rendered and you don't want that. Using caulk makes so it's sealed but the polys for that brush also don't get rendered. irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:07 pm Post subject: : i thought thats sorta what i said in the first place? um, maybe not, i dunno. but basicly its a good thing to put caulk on everything you cant see in game, yea? obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:47 am Post subject: : It's not kind of what you said. You said it's not really nesesery to use caulk, but it is. Just not in the way you thought. You do not have to use it on every face that won't be seen. Basically just on a brush that you need to act as a normal brush without getting rendered, like to patch up a hole behind a patch mesh for one example.
The example you gave of a room and caulking the outer faces is not true. You do not have to caulk those faces since the map compiler discards those polygons automatically. Anything considered to be "outside" the map is discarded. irishlostboy1980@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 10:04 am Post subject: : ok. i get it... i think. oh yea, another silly little question for you obiwan. i have managed to import a 3ds max model into doom 3 fine. but for some reason the origin point of the model when i import it is miles away from the actual model. is the origin point set in max? maybe thats where i am messing up. obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:06 pm Post subject: : Yes, the origin will be based on the 0,0,0 coordinate from your Max scene.
What I'd usually do is center the pivot to the mesh and move it down so it's at the base of the mesh but centered on X,Y. Then just move the mesh to 0,0,0 in the scene.
If it's something big like a cave or whatever then it's a good idea to use spesific grid placement for the mesh so it can easily be placed inside Radiant based on the same grid setting. voldemort@Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:26 pm Post subject: water: As far as water effects go Its mainly the texture you use. You can create a water visual effect but as far as the pysics go I dont think the engine supports it.
Under the materials there is one texture that looks like a pool of blood
or you can use no texture and just add a buble effect the assumption is the bubbles are in a fluid RKTzZz@Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:50 am Post subject: func statics/teleporter: i'd like to request any kind of tutorial weather it be written or video, about how to make a teleporter static like in the d3frag map! And anyother useful information related to static mesh's! I'm totally stumped!!! irishlostboy1980@Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 12:10 pm Post subject: Re: Tutorial requests.: i would like to request a tutorial on stairs. i have only been trying to make maps about a week, and this is one place i am having trouble at the moment.
so far, what i have been doing is making individual steps out of brushes, then cloning them, moving the clones to get steps. so far, they look quite bad. i am not sure if i am doing them right.
quiestion. are patches solid? i.e. can i bend them into objects to provide resistance with the player. make steps and railings from patches, instead of brushes?
also, a clearer tutorial on correct lighting placement and implimentation would be good.
i know how to make lights. but there are no light sources. it looks really wierd.
edit: just thought of this one too. is it possible, say to make a set of stairs or a hatstand, or whatever, out of patch or brushes, then save them out to an external file, and re-import them into other maps? Mblackwell@Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:01 pm Post subject: : That's what I've been doing and it's worked so far, perhaps there's another way though.
What I would like is a nice big tutorial on caulking. Please? _________________ I don't wanna be, like other people are
Don't wanna own a key, don't wanna wash my car
Don't wanna have to work, like other people do
I want it to be free, I want it to be true. irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:19 am Post subject: : caulking,as far as i can make out is pretty simple.
basicly, the way i think of it is, each (rectangular) brush has six sides to it, but you normally only ever see one of those sides. i.e. one inside wall.
the way i understand caulk to work is, its applied to every face of the brush you cant see, otherwise the engine will be rendering it anyway, and using up processing power.
the way i approach caulking is to highlight All my brushes in a room, batch treat them with the caulk texture. i then go into the room in the cam view, and highlight the brush "faces" (i.e. hold down ctrl + shift while clicking on the inside of a wall) you should see only one face highlighted, i.e. a 2d plane. i highlight all of these( that i can see through the cam view, as i know anything i can see through this view can be seen in the room) and apply new texture to it.
if that isn't clear enough i will write a tutorial up, with pics if i can too!!!
( yay me! mapping a few days an able to help others out already!!
my mama always said i was special ) rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:46 am Post subject: : irishlostboy1980, you make it sound as if you need to mark unseen faces with the caulk texture.
But, the engine does a great job of removing unseen faces during the compile process. Infact, the compiler does such a great job that there's no need for any kind of hint texture what so ever.
All caulk does is seal leaks, much like it's real world counterpart.
For instance, patches do not seal your level from the void. To counter this you place a brush textured with caulk behind the patch to close the "hole".
Mblackwell, If you can understand the concepts laid out in this post, then congratulations, you've just completed the caulk tutorial.
And if you don't understand what the void or leaks are then a general introduction to mapping with id engine games is in order. You can find that here... _________________ Staff
Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:21 am Post subject: : thanks rich. but if the caulk is unnecisery to tell the engine not to render, and is for the purpose of sealing in from the void, surely its unnecisery, even for that?
i mean, you need a brush behind the patch anyway, between a patch and the void, dont you? so wha twould be the point of sticking caulk on it? it should act as a seal anyway, caulked or otherwise.
i am all confuzzeled now obihb@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:29 am Post subject: : You create the caulk to avoid overdraw. If you simply placed a brush with a normal material on it the hole may be sealed but those polygons are also getting rendered and you don't want that. Using caulk makes so it's sealed but the polys for that brush also don't get rendered. irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:07 pm Post subject: : i thought thats sorta what i said in the first place? um, maybe not, i dunno. but basicly its a good thing to put caulk on everything you cant see in game, yea? obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:47 am Post subject: : It's not kind of what you said. You said it's not really nesesery to use caulk, but it is. Just not in the way you thought. You do not have to use it on every face that won't be seen. Basically just on a brush that you need to act as a normal brush without getting rendered, like to patch up a hole behind a patch mesh for one example.
The example you gave of a room and caulking the outer faces is not true. You do not have to caulk those faces since the map compiler discards those polygons automatically. Anything considered to be "outside" the map is discarded. irishlostboy1980@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 10:04 am Post subject: : ok. i get it... i think. oh yea, another silly little question for you obiwan. i have managed to import a 3ds max model into doom 3 fine. but for some reason the origin point of the model when i import it is miles away from the actual model. is the origin point set in max? maybe thats where i am messing up. obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:06 pm Post subject: : Yes, the origin will be based on the 0,0,0 coordinate from your Max scene.
What I'd usually do is center the pivot to the mesh and move it down so it's at the base of the mesh but centered on X,Y. Then just move the mesh to 0,0,0 in the scene.
If it's something big like a cave or whatever then it's a good idea to use spesific grid placement for the mesh so it can easily be placed inside Radiant based on the same grid setting. voldemort@Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:26 pm :
As far as water effects go Its mainly the texture you use. You can create a water visual effect but as far as the pysics go I dont think the engine supports it.
Under the materials there is one texture that looks like a pool of blood
or you can use no texture and just add a buble effect the assumption is the bubbles are in a fluid
RKTzZz@Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:50 am :
i'd like to request any kind of tutorial weather it be written or video, about how to make a teleporter static like in the d3frag map! And anyother useful information related to static mesh's! I'm totally stumped!!!
i would like to request a tutorial on stairs. i have only been trying to make maps about a week, and this is one place i am having trouble at the moment.
so far, what i have been doing is making individual steps out of brushes, then cloning them, moving the clones to get steps. so far, they look quite bad. i am not sure if i am doing them right.
quiestion. are patches solid? i.e. can i bend them into objects to provide resistance with the player. make steps and railings from patches, instead of brushes?
also, a clearer tutorial on correct lighting placement and implimentation would be good.
i know how to make lights. but there are no light sources. it looks really wierd.
edit: just thought of this one too. is it possible, say to make a set of stairs or a hatstand, or whatever, out of patch or brushes, then save them out to an external file, and re-import them into other maps?
Mblackwell@Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:01 pm :
That's what I've been doing and it's worked so far, perhaps there's another way though.
What I would like is a nice big tutorial on caulking. Please?
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:19 am :
caulking,as far as i can make out is pretty simple.
basicly, the way i think of it is, each (rectangular) brush has six sides to it, but you normally only ever see one of those sides. i.e. one inside wall.
the way i understand caulk to work is, its applied to every face of the brush you cant see, otherwise the engine will be rendering it anyway, and using up processing power.
the way i approach caulking is to highlight All my brushes in a room, batch treat them with the caulk texture. i then go into the room in the cam view, and highlight the brush "faces" (i.e. hold down ctrl + shift while clicking on the inside of a wall) you should see only one face highlighted, i.e. a 2d plane. i highlight all of these( that i can see through the cam view, as i know anything i can see through this view can be seen in the room) and apply new texture to it.
if that isn't clear enough i will write a tutorial up, with pics if i can too!!!
( yay me! mapping a few days an able to help others out already!! my mama always said i was special )
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:46 am :
irishlostboy1980, you make it sound as if you need to mark unseen faces with the caulk texture.
But, the engine does a great job of removing unseen faces during the compile process. Infact, the compiler does such a great job that there's no need for any kind of hint texture what so ever.
All caulk does is seal leaks, much like it's real world counterpart.
For instance, patches do not seal your level from the void. To counter this you place a brush textured with caulk behind the patch to close the "hole".
Mblackwell, If you can understand the concepts laid out in this post, then congratulations, you've just completed the caulk tutorial.
And if you don't understand what the void or leaks are then a general introduction to mapping with id engine games is in order. You can find that here...
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:21 am :
thanks rich. but if the caulk is unnecisery to tell the engine not to render, and is for the purpose of sealing in from the void, surely its unnecisery, even for that?
i mean, you need a brush behind the patch anyway, between a patch and the void, dont you? so wha twould be the point of sticking caulk on it? it should act as a seal anyway, caulked or otherwise.
i am all confuzzeled now
obihb@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:29 am :
You create the caulk to avoid overdraw. If you simply placed a brush with a normal material on it the hole may be sealed but those polygons are also getting rendered and you don't want that. Using caulk makes so it's sealed but the polys for that brush also don't get rendered.
i thought thats sorta what i said in the first place? um, maybe not, i dunno. but basicly its a good thing to put caulk on everything you cant see in game, yea?
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:47 am :
It's not kind of what you said. You said it's not really nesesery to use caulk, but it is. Just not in the way you thought. You do not have to use it on every face that won't be seen. Basically just on a brush that you need to act as a normal brush without getting rendered, like to patch up a hole behind a patch mesh for one example.
The example you gave of a room and caulking the outer faces is not true. You do not have to caulk those faces since the map compiler discards those polygons automatically. Anything considered to be "outside" the map is discarded.
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 10:04 am :
ok. i get it... i think. oh yea, another silly little question for you obiwan. i have managed to import a 3ds max model into doom 3 fine. but for some reason the origin point of the model when i import it is miles away from the actual model. is the origin point set in max? maybe thats where i am messing up.
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:06 pm :
Yes, the origin will be based on the 0,0,0 coordinate from your Max scene.
What I'd usually do is center the pivot to the mesh and move it down so it's at the base of the mesh but centered on X,Y. Then just move the mesh to 0,0,0 in the scene.
If it's something big like a cave or whatever then it's a good idea to use spesific grid placement for the mesh so it can easily be placed inside Radiant based on the same grid setting.
ah yes. i am getting it now. what would be "too many" polys in a model to import?
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:40 pm :
I actually don't know. What is it you wanted to import spesifically. I know you can go pretty high, I've done a cave with bolders and stuff that totaled on 10 000 polys I think, maybe even higher. Afterward I did optimise alot though but it worked fine on the high poly. Of course as always the lower the better for render speed and loading times.
basicly i have no major clue as to what is propper modelling. i pay no attention as to poly numbers, and if i get too many of them, i have no clue as to how to reduce them. i hear about people saying they make a high poly model for the mapping, then they take out polys to make the mesh. i never understood this. i usually just make a whole load of holes or somethin in my models. also, i tend to mess up real bad finishing up the back half of the models too.
Well, the concept of reducing polygons is a pretty simple one. You basically just weld verts together to make less faces. Like lets say you had a flat square area that is subdevided a certain amount of times. The optimal way of having it would be two triangles right?. So you'd basically take all the extra vertices and weld them into the four main corners of the square leaving two tris as the result.
That's a good way I can think of to describe the low poly optimising. Taking that same approuch to any other model like a character you'll quickly see where you can kill polygons that are not contributing to the overall shape of the model.
You get the auto poly reduction in Max aswell called Multires. This modifier will reduce poly's for you based on your input for percentage or whatever. It's not the best way of doing it though since it can make for a very messy model in the end. In some cases it's useful though.
Building really high poly models and then reducing them in poly count for the game is not a great idea. It's alot of extra work. I usually just make the high poly and then build the low poly around it, it's much faster and leaves a cleaner low poly mesh in the end.
When you do alot of low poly models you get used to how much you can spend in certain areas without really doing too much optimising later. It's like anything else really, the more you do it the better you get.
I think I'm just used to keeping an eye on poly count because I've done so many models for games. It's pretty important to keep to certain poly counts for whatever game you make models. It's basically become a habit for me to model and optimise.
yea, i have to try use vertice weld more. gotta try wrap my models properly round the back and weld them together. so much to learn, so little time.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:19 am :
I'd like to request a tutorial for flikkering texture lights.
I don't really get it so...
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 3:40 pm :
hey all. has anyone got a good tutorial on placing and using enemies properly? making them do as they are told? all i know about putting enemies into a map is sticking them in. they kinda do there own thing. which is invariably run at me from all over the map.
any help in this respect would be greatly appreciated.
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:32 pm :
Sebazzz wrote:
I'd like to request a tutorial for flikkering texture lights. I don't really get it so...
I don't think I've ever seen a flickering light texture, only flickering light entities.
Also, I find it impossible to choose a flickering sound to match the light. I know each flicker has a sort of 'pattern' to it, but no sounds seem to match them, which is confusing, as I've seen (and heard) all of the lights in the id levels in perfect synch.
Now obviously, I'm not going to ask for each light flicker and any matching sounds, just for a way to synch sounds and flickers.
And I have searched, numerous times, with no answers.
voldemort@Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:26 pm :
As far as water effects go Its mainly the texture you use. You can create a water visual effect but as far as the pysics go I dont think the engine supports it.
Under the materials there is one texture that looks like a pool of blood
or you can use no texture and just add a buble effect the assumption is the bubbles are in a fluid
RKTzZz@Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:50 am :
i'd like to request any kind of tutorial weather it be written or video, about how to make a teleporter static like in the d3frag map! And anyother useful information related to static mesh's! I'm totally stumped!!!
i would like to request a tutorial on stairs. i have only been trying to make maps about a week, and this is one place i am having trouble at the moment.
so far, what i have been doing is making individual steps out of brushes, then cloning them, moving the clones to get steps. so far, they look quite bad. i am not sure if i am doing them right.
quiestion. are patches solid? i.e. can i bend them into objects to provide resistance with the player. make steps and railings from patches, instead of brushes?
also, a clearer tutorial on correct lighting placement and implimentation would be good.
i know how to make lights. but there are no light sources. it looks really wierd.
edit: just thought of this one too. is it possible, say to make a set of stairs or a hatstand, or whatever, out of patch or brushes, then save them out to an external file, and re-import them into other maps?
Mblackwell@Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:01 pm :
That's what I've been doing and it's worked so far, perhaps there's another way though.
What I would like is a nice big tutorial on caulking. Please?
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:19 am :
caulking,as far as i can make out is pretty simple.
basicly, the way i think of it is, each (rectangular) brush has six sides to it, but you normally only ever see one of those sides. i.e. one inside wall.
the way i understand caulk to work is, its applied to every face of the brush you cant see, otherwise the engine will be rendering it anyway, and using up processing power.
the way i approach caulking is to highlight All my brushes in a room, batch treat them with the caulk texture. i then go into the room in the cam view, and highlight the brush "faces" (i.e. hold down ctrl + shift while clicking on the inside of a wall) you should see only one face highlighted, i.e. a 2d plane. i highlight all of these( that i can see through the cam view, as i know anything i can see through this view can be seen in the room) and apply new texture to it.
if that isn't clear enough i will write a tutorial up, with pics if i can too!!!
( yay me! mapping a few days an able to help others out already!! my mama always said i was special )
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:46 am :
irishlostboy1980, you make it sound as if you need to mark unseen faces with the caulk texture.
But, the engine does a great job of removing unseen faces during the compile process. Infact, the compiler does such a great job that there's no need for any kind of hint texture what so ever.
All caulk does is seal leaks, much like it's real world counterpart.
For instance, patches do not seal your level from the void. To counter this you place a brush textured with caulk behind the patch to close the "hole".
Mblackwell, If you can understand the concepts laid out in this post, then congratulations, you've just completed the caulk tutorial.
And if you don't understand what the void or leaks are then a general introduction to mapping with id engine games is in order. You can find that here...
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:21 am :
thanks rich. but if the caulk is unnecisery to tell the engine not to render, and is for the purpose of sealing in from the void, surely its unnecisery, even for that?
i mean, you need a brush behind the patch anyway, between a patch and the void, dont you? so wha twould be the point of sticking caulk on it? it should act as a seal anyway, caulked or otherwise.
i am all confuzzeled now
obihb@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:29 am :
You create the caulk to avoid overdraw. If you simply placed a brush with a normal material on it the hole may be sealed but those polygons are also getting rendered and you don't want that. Using caulk makes so it's sealed but the polys for that brush also don't get rendered.
i thought thats sorta what i said in the first place? um, maybe not, i dunno. but basicly its a good thing to put caulk on everything you cant see in game, yea?
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:47 am :
It's not kind of what you said. You said it's not really nesesery to use caulk, but it is. Just not in the way you thought. You do not have to use it on every face that won't be seen. Basically just on a brush that you need to act as a normal brush without getting rendered, like to patch up a hole behind a patch mesh for one example.
The example you gave of a room and caulking the outer faces is not true. You do not have to caulk those faces since the map compiler discards those polygons automatically. Anything considered to be "outside" the map is discarded.
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 10:04 am :
ok. i get it... i think. oh yea, another silly little question for you obiwan. i have managed to import a 3ds max model into doom 3 fine. but for some reason the origin point of the model when i import it is miles away from the actual model. is the origin point set in max? maybe thats where i am messing up.
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:06 pm :
Yes, the origin will be based on the 0,0,0 coordinate from your Max scene.
What I'd usually do is center the pivot to the mesh and move it down so it's at the base of the mesh but centered on X,Y. Then just move the mesh to 0,0,0 in the scene.
If it's something big like a cave or whatever then it's a good idea to use spesific grid placement for the mesh so it can easily be placed inside Radiant based on the same grid setting.
ah yes. i am getting it now. what would be "too many" polys in a model to import?
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:40 pm :
I actually don't know. What is it you wanted to import spesifically. I know you can go pretty high, I've done a cave with bolders and stuff that totaled on 10 000 polys I think, maybe even higher. Afterward I did optimise alot though but it worked fine on the high poly. Of course as always the lower the better for render speed and loading times.
basicly i have no major clue as to what is propper modelling. i pay no attention as to poly numbers, and if i get too many of them, i have no clue as to how to reduce them. i hear about people saying they make a high poly model for the mapping, then they take out polys to make the mesh. i never understood this. i usually just make a whole load of holes or somethin in my models. also, i tend to mess up real bad finishing up the back half of the models too.
Well, the concept of reducing polygons is a pretty simple one. You basically just weld verts together to make less faces. Like lets say you had a flat square area that is subdevided a certain amount of times. The optimal way of having it would be two triangles right?. So you'd basically take all the extra vertices and weld them into the four main corners of the square leaving two tris as the result.
That's a good way I can think of to describe the low poly optimising. Taking that same approuch to any other model like a character you'll quickly see where you can kill polygons that are not contributing to the overall shape of the model.
You get the auto poly reduction in Max aswell called Multires. This modifier will reduce poly's for you based on your input for percentage or whatever. It's not the best way of doing it though since it can make for a very messy model in the end. In some cases it's useful though.
Building really high poly models and then reducing them in poly count for the game is not a great idea. It's alot of extra work. I usually just make the high poly and then build the low poly around it, it's much faster and leaves a cleaner low poly mesh in the end.
When you do alot of low poly models you get used to how much you can spend in certain areas without really doing too much optimising later. It's like anything else really, the more you do it the better you get.
I think I'm just used to keeping an eye on poly count because I've done so many models for games. It's pretty important to keep to certain poly counts for whatever game you make models. It's basically become a habit for me to model and optimise.
yea, i have to try use vertice weld more. gotta try wrap my models properly round the back and weld them together. so much to learn, so little time.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:19 am :
I'd like to request a tutorial for flikkering texture lights.
I don't really get it so...
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 3:40 pm :
hey all. has anyone got a good tutorial on placing and using enemies properly? making them do as they are told? all i know about putting enemies into a map is sticking them in. they kinda do there own thing. which is invariably run at me from all over the map.
any help in this respect would be greatly appreciated.
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:32 pm :
Sebazzz wrote:
I'd like to request a tutorial for flikkering texture lights. I don't really get it so...
I don't think I've ever seen a flickering light texture, only flickering light entities.
Also, I find it impossible to choose a flickering sound to match the light. I know each flicker has a sort of 'pattern' to it, but no sounds seem to match them, which is confusing, as I've seen (and heard) all of the lights in the id levels in perfect synch.
Now obviously, I'm not going to ask for each light flicker and any matching sounds, just for a way to synch sounds and flickers.
And I have searched, numerous times, with no answers.
voldemort@Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:26 pm :
As far as water effects go Its mainly the texture you use. You can create a water visual effect but as far as the pysics go I dont think the engine supports it.
Under the materials there is one texture that looks like a pool of blood
or you can use no texture and just add a buble effect the assumption is the bubbles are in a fluid
RKTzZz@Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:50 am :
i'd like to request any kind of tutorial weather it be written or video, about how to make a teleporter static like in the d3frag map! And anyother useful information related to static mesh's! I'm totally stumped!!!
i would like to request a tutorial on stairs. i have only been trying to make maps about a week, and this is one place i am having trouble at the moment.
so far, what i have been doing is making individual steps out of brushes, then cloning them, moving the clones to get steps. so far, they look quite bad. i am not sure if i am doing them right.
quiestion. are patches solid? i.e. can i bend them into objects to provide resistance with the player. make steps and railings from patches, instead of brushes?
also, a clearer tutorial on correct lighting placement and implimentation would be good.
i know how to make lights. but there are no light sources. it looks really wierd.
edit: just thought of this one too. is it possible, say to make a set of stairs or a hatstand, or whatever, out of patch or brushes, then save them out to an external file, and re-import them into other maps?
Mblackwell@Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:01 pm :
That's what I've been doing and it's worked so far, perhaps there's another way though.
What I would like is a nice big tutorial on caulking. Please?
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:19 am :
caulking,as far as i can make out is pretty simple.
basicly, the way i think of it is, each (rectangular) brush has six sides to it, but you normally only ever see one of those sides. i.e. one inside wall.
the way i understand caulk to work is, its applied to every face of the brush you cant see, otherwise the engine will be rendering it anyway, and using up processing power.
the way i approach caulking is to highlight All my brushes in a room, batch treat them with the caulk texture. i then go into the room in the cam view, and highlight the brush "faces" (i.e. hold down ctrl + shift while clicking on the inside of a wall) you should see only one face highlighted, i.e. a 2d plane. i highlight all of these( that i can see through the cam view, as i know anything i can see through this view can be seen in the room) and apply new texture to it.
if that isn't clear enough i will write a tutorial up, with pics if i can too!!!
( yay me! mapping a few days an able to help others out already!! my mama always said i was special )
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:46 am :
irishlostboy1980, you make it sound as if you need to mark unseen faces with the caulk texture.
But, the engine does a great job of removing unseen faces during the compile process. Infact, the compiler does such a great job that there's no need for any kind of hint texture what so ever.
All caulk does is seal leaks, much like it's real world counterpart.
For instance, patches do not seal your level from the void. To counter this you place a brush textured with caulk behind the patch to close the "hole".
Mblackwell, If you can understand the concepts laid out in this post, then congratulations, you've just completed the caulk tutorial.
And if you don't understand what the void or leaks are then a general introduction to mapping with id engine games is in order. You can find that here...
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:21 am :
thanks rich. but if the caulk is unnecisery to tell the engine not to render, and is for the purpose of sealing in from the void, surely its unnecisery, even for that?
i mean, you need a brush behind the patch anyway, between a patch and the void, dont you? so wha twould be the point of sticking caulk on it? it should act as a seal anyway, caulked or otherwise.
i am all confuzzeled now
obihb@Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:29 am :
You create the caulk to avoid overdraw. If you simply placed a brush with a normal material on it the hole may be sealed but those polygons are also getting rendered and you don't want that. Using caulk makes so it's sealed but the polys for that brush also don't get rendered.
i thought thats sorta what i said in the first place? um, maybe not, i dunno. but basicly its a good thing to put caulk on everything you cant see in game, yea?
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:47 am :
It's not kind of what you said. You said it's not really nesesery to use caulk, but it is. Just not in the way you thought. You do not have to use it on every face that won't be seen. Basically just on a brush that you need to act as a normal brush without getting rendered, like to patch up a hole behind a patch mesh for one example.
The example you gave of a room and caulking the outer faces is not true. You do not have to caulk those faces since the map compiler discards those polygons automatically. Anything considered to be "outside" the map is discarded.
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 10:04 am :
ok. i get it... i think. oh yea, another silly little question for you obiwan. i have managed to import a 3ds max model into doom 3 fine. but for some reason the origin point of the model when i import it is miles away from the actual model. is the origin point set in max? maybe thats where i am messing up.
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:06 pm :
Yes, the origin will be based on the 0,0,0 coordinate from your Max scene.
What I'd usually do is center the pivot to the mesh and move it down so it's at the base of the mesh but centered on X,Y. Then just move the mesh to 0,0,0 in the scene.
If it's something big like a cave or whatever then it's a good idea to use spesific grid placement for the mesh so it can easily be placed inside Radiant based on the same grid setting.
ah yes. i am getting it now. what would be "too many" polys in a model to import?
obihb@Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:40 pm :
I actually don't know. What is it you wanted to import spesifically. I know you can go pretty high, I've done a cave with bolders and stuff that totaled on 10 000 polys I think, maybe even higher. Afterward I did optimise alot though but it worked fine on the high poly. Of course as always the lower the better for render speed and loading times.
basicly i have no major clue as to what is propper modelling. i pay no attention as to poly numbers, and if i get too many of them, i have no clue as to how to reduce them. i hear about people saying they make a high poly model for the mapping, then they take out polys to make the mesh. i never understood this. i usually just make a whole load of holes or somethin in my models. also, i tend to mess up real bad finishing up the back half of the models too.
Well, the concept of reducing polygons is a pretty simple one. You basically just weld verts together to make less faces. Like lets say you had a flat square area that is subdevided a certain amount of times. The optimal way of having it would be two triangles right?. So you'd basically take all the extra vertices and weld them into the four main corners of the square leaving two tris as the result.
That's a good way I can think of to describe the low poly optimising. Taking that same approuch to any other model like a character you'll quickly see where you can kill polygons that are not contributing to the overall shape of the model.
You get the auto poly reduction in Max aswell called Multires. This modifier will reduce poly's for you based on your input for percentage or whatever. It's not the best way of doing it though since it can make for a very messy model in the end. In some cases it's useful though.
Building really high poly models and then reducing them in poly count for the game is not a great idea. It's alot of extra work. I usually just make the high poly and then build the low poly around it, it's much faster and leaves a cleaner low poly mesh in the end.
When you do alot of low poly models you get used to how much you can spend in certain areas without really doing too much optimising later. It's like anything else really, the more you do it the better you get.
I think I'm just used to keeping an eye on poly count because I've done so many models for games. It's pretty important to keep to certain poly counts for whatever game you make models. It's basically become a habit for me to model and optimise.
yea, i have to try use vertice weld more. gotta try wrap my models properly round the back and weld them together. so much to learn, so little time.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:19 am :
I'd like to request a tutorial for flikkering texture lights.
I don't really get it so...
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 3:40 pm :
hey all. has anyone got a good tutorial on placing and using enemies properly? making them do as they are told? all i know about putting enemies into a map is sticking them in. they kinda do there own thing. which is invariably run at me from all over the map.
any help in this respect would be greatly appreciated.
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:32 pm :
Sebazzz wrote:
I'd like to request a tutorial for flikkering texture lights. I don't really get it so...
I don't think I've ever seen a flickering light texture, only flickering light entities.
Also, I find it impossible to choose a flickering sound to match the light. I know each flicker has a sort of 'pattern' to it, but no sounds seem to match them, which is confusing, as I've seen (and heard) all of the lights in the id levels in perfect synch.
Now obviously, I'm not going to ask for each light flicker and any matching sounds, just for a way to synch sounds and flickers.
And I have searched, numerous times, with no answers.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:08 am :
I know there are some key/value pairs that you can assign to enemies to affect their behavior. I'm also pretty sure you can control how they behave in your level by using clip textures and entity paths.
Find a light shader that makes use of the "sound" variable
Apply this light shader to a light entity
Assign a sound to the light entity.
Skul@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:09 pm :
Thanks, rich! I just tried that out with several different lights and sounds and they all buzzed perfectly in synch!
I always wondered why the light pulses that ended with '_snd' were blank in the editor. Now I know!
Skul@Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:25 pm :
The pictures in bb_matt's pipe bending tutorials don't show up, so I can't follow them at all. It's hard to get results when the only instructions you have are things like: "Move the vertices to these positions."
I've searched, but I can't find anything to help me.
voldemort@Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:07 pm :
to select a group of vertices first click the v button for vertices the drag out a selection box around the ones you want then hit the r button for rotate otherwise you can use shift or cntrl to individually select groups
>~runaway~<@Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:39 am :
Voldemort how you made that many tutorials so fast?When i found there were all your tutorials...
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:25 pm :
voldemort wrote:
to select a group of vertices first click the v button for vertices the drag out a selection box around the ones you want then hit the r button for rotate otherwise you can use shift or cntrl to individually select groups
That doesn't help at all. Whenever I move the vertices, all I get are weird, whacked out pipes, no matter where I move them. Could someone maybe redo the pipe tutorial, with screenshots, please?
voldemort@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:47 pm :
To Runaway-- Because Im a sloppy typer so I can type real fast. but I dont allways spend that much time here so ideas build up so I just spit them out
to Skul Ill try to make a new tutorial on the various ways to bend a pipe here soon with screenshots
Ive goten lazy about including screenshots in my tutorials of late so Maybe its a good thing your request Ill get on to you in a day or two (several ways to build pipes and patch meshes plush ways to combine them) so it will be an involved tutorial
voldemort@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:47 pm :
To Runaway-- Because Im a sloppy typer so I can type real fast. but I dont allways spend that much time here so ideas build up so I just spit them out
to Skul Ill try to make a new tutorial on the various ways to bend a pipe here soon with screenshots
Ive goten lazy about including screenshots in my tutorials of late so Maybe its a good thing your request Ill get on to you in a day or two (several ways to build pipes and patch meshes plush ways to combine them) so it will be an involved tutorial
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:50 pm :
That's great! Thanks!
The more I learn about manipulating and combining patches, the better I'll become at mapping!
I'll be keeping an eye out for it!
hellknight2006@Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 1:04 pm :
I want tutorials about modding, mapping.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 2:36 am :
That's a pretty broad brush you're painting with.
I mean, if all you want is modding and mapping tutorials you shouldn't have much trouble finding them here. You're practically swimming in them.
voldemort@Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 9:13 pm :
The problem with patch meshes being all messed up when you manually rotate the vertices has a simple solution. You need to utilize the snap to grid feature. The hot keys for this are control+g. Do this while the vertices are selected. You will want to reduce your grid first so that the mesh isnt distorted when you do that. They should line up nicely after that.
Zakyrus@Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 1:13 pm :
I would like to see a tutorial on how to make a trigger system randomly select a target to trigger. Example: You have one imp made to drop down from the ceiling in front of you and one drop down behind you. Both are hidden with the hide key. When you cross the trigger the game randomly selects ONLY ONE of these to appear and drop down. I think this would be awesome to be able to do, as every mapper could add this to their maps. Think of being able to have everything in a level truely random and decided instantaneously.
Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:11 am :
Random monster tutorial added. Please link to the list.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:36 pm :
It's not hard to add links yourself. All you have to do is post the link into this thread....
I would love to know how i make a ragdoll, pinned to a wall by a spear or anything similar to a spear. Just creating that as a map object. Can i just stick a spear model through a zombie and nail him to the wall brus? I hve tried putting zombies into brushes, but they get all shaky and bouncy, and not at all like a dead human being pinned brutally to a wall.
Read further down for the rest of the commands and you'll find out how to freeze and unfreeze ragdoll joints.
NGX@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 2:17 am :
Are there any tutorials for making liquid surfaces (like water) for Doom 3?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:01 am :
No. But it's pretty straight forward once you know how to create material shaders.
You see, there isn't a material shader for water bundled with the game. But once you make one it's as simple as dragging out a brush to represent the volume of water and texturing it with the material you created.
The material keyword "water" is all that's needed to make the material liquid.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:08 am Post subject: : @Irishlostboy1980:
I know there are some key/value pairs that you can assign to enemies to affect their behavior. I'm also pretty sure you can control how they behave in your level by using clip textures and entity paths.
Find a light shader that makes use of the "sound" variable
Apply this light shader to a light entity
Assign a sound to the light entity.
_________________ Staff
Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on Skul@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:09 pm Post subject: : Thanks, rich! I just tried that out with several different lights and sounds and they all buzzed perfectly in synch!
I always wondered why the light pulses that ended with '_snd' were blank in the editor. Now I know! _________________ My Doom 3 Blog -- Latest update: 23 May
Severance: General talk gone Next Gen Skul@Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:25 pm Post subject: : The pictures in bb_matt's pipe bending tutorials don't show up, so I can't follow them at all. It's hard to get results when the only instructions you have are things like: "Move the vertices to these positions."
I've searched, but I can't find anything to help me. _________________ My Doom 3 Blog -- Latest update: 23 May
Severance: General talk gone Next Gen voldemort@Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:07 pm Post subject: rotating vertices: to select a group of vertices first click the v button for vertices the drag out a selection box around the ones you want then hit the r button for rotate otherwise you can use shift or cntrl to individually select groups _________________ it was bad enough imps and maggots everywhere but when that Hellknight copped a feel that was to much now I really was in hell
quote from rich is bored
""I can prove to anyone here that ghosts aren't real. You just have to let me kill you first."" >~runaway~<@Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:39 am Post subject: : Voldemort how you made that many tutorials so fast?When i found there were all your tutorials... Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:25 pm Post subject: Re: rotating vertices:
voldemort wrote:
to select a group of vertices first click the v button for vertices the drag out a selection box around the ones you want then hit the r button for rotate otherwise you can use shift or cntrl to individually select groups
That doesn't help at all. Whenever I move the vertices, all I get are weird, whacked out pipes, no matter where I move them. Could someone maybe redo the pipe tutorial, with screenshots, please? _________________ My Doom 3 Blog -- Latest update: 23 May
Severance: General talk gone Next Gen voldemort@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:47 pm Post subject: reply: To Runaway-- Because Im a sloppy typer so I can type real fast. but I dont allways spend that much time here so ideas build up so I just spit them out
to Skul Ill try to make a new tutorial on the various ways to bend a pipe here soon with screenshots
Ive goten lazy about including screenshots in my tutorials of late so Maybe its a good thing your request Ill get on to you in a day or two (several ways to build pipes and patch meshes plush ways to combine them) so it will be an involved tutorial _________________ it was bad enough imps and maggots everywhere but when that Hellknight copped a feel that was to much now I really was in hell
quote from rich is bored
""I can prove to anyone here that ghosts aren't real. You just have to let me kill you first."" voldemort@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:47 pm Post subject: reply: To Runaway-- Because Im a sloppy typer so I can type real fast. but I dont allways spend that much time here so ideas build up so I just spit them out
to Skul Ill try to make a new tutorial on the various ways to bend a pipe here soon with screenshots
Ive goten lazy about including screenshots in my tutorials of late so Maybe its a good thing your request Ill get on to you in a day or two (several ways to build pipes and patch meshes plush ways to combine them) so it will be an involved tutorial _________________ it was bad enough imps and maggots everywhere but when that Hellknight copped a feel that was to much now I really was in hell
quote from rich is bored
""I can prove to anyone here that ghosts aren't real. You just have to let me kill you first."" Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:50 pm Post subject: : That's great! Thanks!
The more I learn about manipulating and combining patches, the better I'll become at mapping!
I'll be keeping an eye out for it! _________________ My Doom 3 Blog -- Latest update: 23 May
Severance: General talk gone Next Gen hellknight2006@Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 1:04 pm Post subject: : I want tutorials about modding, mapping. _________________ I am a Hell Knight! rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 2:36 am Post subject: : That's a pretty broad brush you're painting with.
I mean, if all you want is modding and mapping tutorials you shouldn't have much trouble finding them here. You're practically swimming in them. _________________ Staff
Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on voldemort@Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 9:13 pm Post subject: :
The problem with patch meshes being all messed up when you manually rotate the vertices has a simple solution. You need to utilize the snap to grid feature. The hot keys for this are control+g. Do this while the vertices are selected. You will want to reduce your grid first so that the mesh isnt distorted when you do that. They should line up nicely after that. rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:08 am :
I know there are some key/value pairs that you can assign to enemies to affect their behavior. I'm also pretty sure you can control how they behave in your level by using clip textures and entity paths.
Find a light shader that makes use of the "sound" variable
Apply this light shader to a light entity
Assign a sound to the light entity.
Skul@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:09 pm :
Thanks, rich! I just tried that out with several different lights and sounds and they all buzzed perfectly in synch!
I always wondered why the light pulses that ended with '_snd' were blank in the editor. Now I know!
Skul@Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:25 pm :
The pictures in bb_matt's pipe bending tutorials don't show up, so I can't follow them at all. It's hard to get results when the only instructions you have are things like: "Move the vertices to these positions."
I've searched, but I can't find anything to help me.
voldemort@Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:07 pm :
to select a group of vertices first click the v button for vertices the drag out a selection box around the ones you want then hit the r button for rotate otherwise you can use shift or cntrl to individually select groups
>~runaway~<@Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:39 am :
Voldemort how you made that many tutorials so fast?When i found there were all your tutorials...
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:25 pm :
voldemort wrote:
to select a group of vertices first click the v button for vertices the drag out a selection box around the ones you want then hit the r button for rotate otherwise you can use shift or cntrl to individually select groups
That doesn't help at all. Whenever I move the vertices, all I get are weird, whacked out pipes, no matter where I move them. Could someone maybe redo the pipe tutorial, with screenshots, please?
voldemort@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:47 pm :
To Runaway-- Because Im a sloppy typer so I can type real fast. but I dont allways spend that much time here so ideas build up so I just spit them out
to Skul Ill try to make a new tutorial on the various ways to bend a pipe here soon with screenshots
Ive goten lazy about including screenshots in my tutorials of late so Maybe its a good thing your request Ill get on to you in a day or two (several ways to build pipes and patch meshes plush ways to combine them) so it will be an involved tutorial
voldemort@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:47 pm :
To Runaway-- Because Im a sloppy typer so I can type real fast. but I dont allways spend that much time here so ideas build up so I just spit them out
to Skul Ill try to make a new tutorial on the various ways to bend a pipe here soon with screenshots
Ive goten lazy about including screenshots in my tutorials of late so Maybe its a good thing your request Ill get on to you in a day or two (several ways to build pipes and patch meshes plush ways to combine them) so it will be an involved tutorial
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:50 pm :
That's great! Thanks!
The more I learn about manipulating and combining patches, the better I'll become at mapping!
I'll be keeping an eye out for it!
hellknight2006@Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 1:04 pm :
I want tutorials about modding, mapping.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 2:36 am :
That's a pretty broad brush you're painting with.
I mean, if all you want is modding and mapping tutorials you shouldn't have much trouble finding them here. You're practically swimming in them.
voldemort@Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 9:13 pm :
The problem with patch meshes being all messed up when you manually rotate the vertices has a simple solution. You need to utilize the snap to grid feature. The hot keys for this are control+g. Do this while the vertices are selected. You will want to reduce your grid first so that the mesh isnt distorted when you do that. They should line up nicely after that.
Zakyrus@Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 1:13 pm :
I would like to see a tutorial on how to make a trigger system randomly select a target to trigger. Example: You have one imp made to drop down from the ceiling in front of you and one drop down behind you. Both are hidden with the hide key. When you cross the trigger the game randomly selects ONLY ONE of these to appear and drop down. I think this would be awesome to be able to do, as every mapper could add this to their maps. Think of being able to have everything in a level truely random and decided instantaneously.
Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:11 am :
Random monster tutorial added. Please link to the list.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:36 pm :
It's not hard to add links yourself. All you have to do is post the link into this thread....
I would love to know how i make a ragdoll, pinned to a wall by a spear or anything similar to a spear. Just creating that as a map object. Can i just stick a spear model through a zombie and nail him to the wall brus? I hve tried putting zombies into brushes, but they get all shaky and bouncy, and not at all like a dead human being pinned brutally to a wall.
Read further down for the rest of the commands and you'll find out how to freeze and unfreeze ragdoll joints.
NGX@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 2:17 am :
Are there any tutorials for making liquid surfaces (like water) for Doom 3?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:01 am :
No. But it's pretty straight forward once you know how to create material shaders.
You see, there isn't a material shader for water bundled with the game. But once you make one it's as simple as dragging out a brush to represent the volume of water and texturing it with the material you created.
The material keyword "water" is all that's needed to make the material liquid.
I know there are some key/value pairs that you can assign to enemies to affect their behavior. I'm also pretty sure you can control how they behave in your level by using clip textures and entity paths.
Find a light shader that makes use of the "sound" variable
Apply this light shader to a light entity
Assign a sound to the light entity.
Skul@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:09 pm :
Thanks, rich! I just tried that out with several different lights and sounds and they all buzzed perfectly in synch!
I always wondered why the light pulses that ended with '_snd' were blank in the editor. Now I know!
Skul@Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:25 pm :
The pictures in bb_matt's pipe bending tutorials don't show up, so I can't follow them at all. It's hard to get results when the only instructions you have are things like: "Move the vertices to these positions."
I've searched, but I can't find anything to help me.
voldemort@Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:07 pm :
to select a group of vertices first click the v button for vertices the drag out a selection box around the ones you want then hit the r button for rotate otherwise you can use shift or cntrl to individually select groups
>~runaway~<@Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:39 am :
Voldemort how you made that many tutorials so fast?When i found there were all your tutorials...
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:25 pm :
voldemort wrote:
to select a group of vertices first click the v button for vertices the drag out a selection box around the ones you want then hit the r button for rotate otherwise you can use shift or cntrl to individually select groups
That doesn't help at all. Whenever I move the vertices, all I get are weird, whacked out pipes, no matter where I move them. Could someone maybe redo the pipe tutorial, with screenshots, please?
voldemort@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:47 pm :
To Runaway-- Because Im a sloppy typer so I can type real fast. but I dont allways spend that much time here so ideas build up so I just spit them out
to Skul Ill try to make a new tutorial on the various ways to bend a pipe here soon with screenshots
Ive goten lazy about including screenshots in my tutorials of late so Maybe its a good thing your request Ill get on to you in a day or two (several ways to build pipes and patch meshes plush ways to combine them) so it will be an involved tutorial
voldemort@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:47 pm :
To Runaway-- Because Im a sloppy typer so I can type real fast. but I dont allways spend that much time here so ideas build up so I just spit them out
to Skul Ill try to make a new tutorial on the various ways to bend a pipe here soon with screenshots
Ive goten lazy about including screenshots in my tutorials of late so Maybe its a good thing your request Ill get on to you in a day or two (several ways to build pipes and patch meshes plush ways to combine them) so it will be an involved tutorial
Skul@Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:50 pm :
That's great! Thanks!
The more I learn about manipulating and combining patches, the better I'll become at mapping!
I'll be keeping an eye out for it!
hellknight2006@Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 1:04 pm :
I want tutorials about modding, mapping.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 2:36 am :
That's a pretty broad brush you're painting with.
I mean, if all you want is modding and mapping tutorials you shouldn't have much trouble finding them here. You're practically swimming in them.
voldemort@Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 9:13 pm :
The problem with patch meshes being all messed up when you manually rotate the vertices has a simple solution. You need to utilize the snap to grid feature. The hot keys for this are control+g. Do this while the vertices are selected. You will want to reduce your grid first so that the mesh isnt distorted when you do that. They should line up nicely after that.
Zakyrus@Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 1:13 pm :
I would like to see a tutorial on how to make a trigger system randomly select a target to trigger. Example: You have one imp made to drop down from the ceiling in front of you and one drop down behind you. Both are hidden with the hide key. When you cross the trigger the game randomly selects ONLY ONE of these to appear and drop down. I think this would be awesome to be able to do, as every mapper could add this to their maps. Think of being able to have everything in a level truely random and decided instantaneously.
Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:11 am :
Random monster tutorial added. Please link to the list.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:36 pm :
It's not hard to add links yourself. All you have to do is post the link into this thread....
I would love to know how i make a ragdoll, pinned to a wall by a spear or anything similar to a spear. Just creating that as a map object. Can i just stick a spear model through a zombie and nail him to the wall brus? I hve tried putting zombies into brushes, but they get all shaky and bouncy, and not at all like a dead human being pinned brutally to a wall.
Read further down for the rest of the commands and you'll find out how to freeze and unfreeze ragdoll joints.
NGX@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 2:17 am :
Are there any tutorials for making liquid surfaces (like water) for Doom 3?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:01 am :
No. But it's pretty straight forward once you know how to create material shaders.
You see, there isn't a material shader for water bundled with the game. But once you make one it's as simple as dragging out a brush to represent the volume of water and texturing it with the material you created.
The material keyword "water" is all that's needed to make the material liquid.
NGX@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:22 pm Post subject: : Thank you. NGX@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:22 pm Post subject: : Thank you. Xodus@Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:36 pm Post subject: : Making monsters attack each other? BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm :
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2002 9:26 am Posts: 61 Location: silver spring, MD
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7546 Location: Orlando, FL
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2002 9:26 am Posts: 61 Location: silver spring, MD
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7548 Location: Orlando, FL
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:43 am :
Now that the game is out - are there any specific requests?
Don't reply with "mapping tutorials" tho - that's not specific, that's stupid.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm :
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:43 am :
Now that the game is out - are there any specific requests?
Don't reply with "mapping tutorials" tho - that's not specific, that's stupid.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm :
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2002 9:26 am Posts: 61 Location: silver spring, MD
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7515 Location: Orlando, FL
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 7:34 am :
DoomAddict wrote:
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
Can someone please tell me how to put blood stains, dead bodies and zombies that are sat or lying down into my map. It would be very useful and would help me finish my map. Thankyou.
I know i ahve posted this elsewhere but i have thought of something else, how do i make the PDAs in my map use the stuff that i have made in the PDA editor and how can i make good looking GUIs without the use of a fancy programme like photoshop?
RedRanger666@Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:55 am :
What about making a video pda?
NGX@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:22 pm :
Thank you.
Xodus@Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:36 pm :
Making monsters attack each other?
DoomAddict@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:40 am :
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 7:34 am :
DoomAddict wrote:
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
Can someone please tell me how to put blood stains, dead bodies and zombies that are sat or lying down into my map. It would be very useful and would help me finish my map. Thankyou.
I know i ahve posted this elsewhere but i have thought of something else, how do i make the PDAs in my map use the stuff that i have made in the PDA editor and how can i make good looking GUIs without the use of a fancy programme like photoshop?
RedRanger666@Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:55 am :
What about making a video pda?
NGX@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:22 pm :
Thank you.
Xodus@Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:36 pm :
Making monsters attack each other?
DoomAddict@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:40 am :
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 7:34 am :
DoomAddict wrote:
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
Can someone please tell me how to put blood stains, dead bodies and zombies that are sat or lying down into my map. It would be very useful and would help me finish my map. Thankyou.
I know i ahve posted this elsewhere but i have thought of something else, how do i make the PDAs in my map use the stuff that i have made in the PDA editor and how can i make good looking GUIs without the use of a fancy programme like photoshop?
RedRanger666@Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:55 am :
What about making a video pda?
NGX@Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:22 pm :
Thank you.
Xodus@Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:36 pm :
Making monsters attack each other?
DoomAddict@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:40 am :
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 7:34 am :
DoomAddict wrote:
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
I would like a tutorial on how to make objects move around in your map. Sorta like what the machines in the SP maps of Doom 3 do. They twist and turn and do all sorts of fantastic stuff. I want to do that in my map.
Can someone please tell me how to put blood stains, dead bodies and zombies that are sat or lying down into my map. It would be very useful and would help me finish my map. Thankyou.
I know i ahve posted this elsewhere but i have thought of something else, how do i make the PDAs in my map use the stuff that i have made in the PDA editor and how can i make good looking GUIs without the use of a fancy programme like photoshop?
RedRanger666@Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:55 am :
What about making a video pda?
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm :
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2002 9:26 am Posts: 61 Location: silver spring, MD
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7546 Location: Orlando, FL
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2002 9:26 am Posts: 61 Location: silver spring, MD
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7542 Location: Orlando, FL
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:43 am :
Now that the game is out - are there any specific requests?
Don't reply with "mapping tutorials" tho - that's not specific, that's stupid.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm :
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2002 9:26 am Posts: 61 Location: silver spring, MD
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7572 Location: Orlando, FL
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2002 9:26 am Posts: 61 Location: silver spring, MD
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7542 Location: Orlando, FL
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2002 9:26 am Posts: 61 Location: silver spring, MD
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7595 Location: Orlando, FL
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:43 am :
Now that the game is out - are there any specific requests?
Don't reply with "mapping tutorials" tho - that's not specific, that's stupid.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm :
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2002 9:26 am Posts: 61 Location: silver spring, MD
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7546 Location: Orlando, FL
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2002 9:26 am Posts: 61 Location: silver spring, MD
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7553 Location: Orlando, FL
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2002 9:26 am Posts: 61 Location: silver spring, MD
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7558 Location: Orlando, FL
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:43 am :
Now that the game is out - are there any specific requests?
Don't reply with "mapping tutorials" tho - that's not specific, that's stupid.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm :
Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
biff@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 12:20 am :
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
bb_matt@Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 5:48 am :
Textures & cinematics !
3dioot@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:02 pm :
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 9:05 pm :
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
0phd4@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:02 am :
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
3dioot@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:33 am :
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
GrtZ 3dioot
Feffer@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:26 am :
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:40 am :
Feffer wrote:
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
cheers, feff
Definately a must for Doom!
Feffer@Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 12:45 am :
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Anyway, it would be nice to see tutorials on how to do some more outlandish stuff with the particles too.
bullet@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:18 am :
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:08 pm :
bullet wrote:
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Many thanks - suggestions taken!
Kaiser@Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:42 pm :
would be nice to also offer tutorials on how to use Radiant itself. I haven't used Radiant in years, and completly forgot how to use it.
Or isn't there already such a tutorial?
anyways, hope to see these great tutorials soon...
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:11 pm :
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
bullet@Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm :
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
The most obvious ones I can think of offhand are those dealing with cinematics and scripted events, and some tips on effectively using portals wouldn't hurt, either Dunno if you're up to all that BNA!, but if not hopefully someone else will come along and provide some tips.
Hm, i like the tutorial idea. I thought about compiling everything i know in one big text file but i kinda shied away from that because its probably illegal and i didnt like putting a lot of effort into something that i cant freely distribute to help others. I would love to write some tutorials exclusively for doom3world but if people cant read it now it probably will be outdated by the time the game ships. Not that it wont be usefull, but it WILL be old and less precise then when it would be for immediate use. Im afraid the gap between now and shipping date is a bit too big. If you say you want to host stuff right now im all for it but i assume thats out of the question
GrtZ 3dioot
I looked into some of the camera stuff today but i cant get any of it to work. It looks to me like some external tools were used (outside the editor). I can get a camera to run in my level but it isnt saved with it and im not able to trigger it either.
Thanks for your offer 3dioot - any help will be greatly appreciated.
Keep on working on them for the time being and I'll contact you next week to see where we're going.
Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2002 9:26 am Posts: 61 Location: silver spring, MD
most tutorials are just about implementing engine features... and that is fine if you just want to learn how to implement more features.
but how bout a tut on how to take what you know how to do... and getting more milage out of it.
It would be cool to make a map with various cool features, and then show what you used for where... and why... that sorta thing. It would be cool to see a tut more on the artistic side of mapping rather than a technical "this is how you do this" tutorial.
Lets face it... alot of mappers (me included) are artistically deprived. The doom mod community would definately appreciate some tuts on adding "style" to a map
You are very right about that. I doubt that im the right person for that though. Ive been doing 3d (offline rendering) for awhile now but im pretty new to mapping. Go here:
Many experienced mappers replied and it helped me alot. The best thing i can advise you is to look at the existing maps. You are trying to replicate the real world (even if its set in the future its still this real human world we are talking about) so try to abide to its rules. Build everything to scale, place fence's where you could fall and hurt yourself, place lights where you need to see a command panel or instrument, place small lights on the stairsteps or on the ground in a dark hallway so you will see where you have to put your feet and so on and so on. If you make everything serve a purpose you are halfway there. What also really helps is the decal's that you are able to use now. You can dirty stuff up. It can be machinery, the floor that is walked over alot, a wall that is open to air or wind or corrosion of any kind. Also try to work in layers. Layers of depth. Instead of having a clear see through from one end of the room to the other place stuff in your line of sight. I know it sounds kinda weird but this is really quite important. It can be flat planes with a grate texture or cables, a few simple boxes, a big pipe, a column. Try to make it big when you just start on your level. Your room has to look interesting to walk around in even before you start detailing. (i did that wrong in my level and im sorry now) Start with support structures. A ceiling wont stay up by itself. Neither will the walls. And use trims on everything. (that kinda falls into detailing). But really, 'finish' the geometry. A trim makes something solid. Makes it look like its build and strong. Its edge will be protected. If you dont use trims it will just look like the geometry is carved out of something solid. (at least thats my experience) Also the trims in d3 with the normal mapping will give nice bevelled edges to your geometry that catch highlights. Very cool! The other half of level building is your idea where you want to go with the level, what should be in there.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
i think a tutorial on the particle system would be a dandy addition, as well as something on the gui interface stuff. Since you are taking requests and all.
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:03 am Posts: 478 Location: Pasadena, CA
Just a thought, but it would be nice to see not just the basic particles (like those seen in e3_3) but also other dandy things people come up with to do with particles. Two thoughts spring to mind:
1. Smoke, flame throwers etc. as i saw recently when i was poking around the page for Quake3 Fortress (a damn dandy mod if ever i have seen one). Check out this page of their "look what we did":
2. A recent movie on Everquest 2 was showing off different things that next-gen tech can do. I am not a EQ fan but i like next gen tech. I was not terribly impressed overall (D3 looks much better ) but in the movie there is a excerpt about about what they have done with the particle engine and there is some really clever stuff. The movie can be downloaded from fileplanet (if you are a registered user) but i don't know where else to look for it.
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
elevators!! and how about one on lights, like how to use fog effectively so you don't just have a big cube of fog, which looks horrible if you're outside it. and maybe one on vis portals?
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
I know I saw the fog problem explained around here somewhere. and a while ago someone took care of vis portals. but so far, no elevators! rich's scripting tutorials probably work for that, though. hehe, we need to think of really hard tutorials for him to put together!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7542 Location: Orlando, FL
All jokes aside, let me tell you a little story...
Over a year and a half ago I downloaded the alpha. I toyed with it for a few days but while i was impressed with it's capablities, I quickly became bored with the content that was packaged with it. I wanted to make my own.
I found this site and while it had plenty of information it had nothing in the scripting section. I made a post about the sections lack of posts and how someone should write a tutorial. No one responded.
Instead of waiting for someone else to show me, I experimented with scripting commands and figured it out myself. Once I had a good understanding of how it worked, I wrote three tutorials on the subject.
I shared what I learned and I've recieved more positive comments than I ever expected. The funny thing is I am no different than any of you.
So, if you don't know how to do something and you can't find any help here, don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to write a tutorial. Toy with the alpha and figure it out, then document what you've learned. You'll gain tons of respect from the community and you can expect the same positive feedback from me.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am Posts: 880 Location: don't get out enough for it to mean anything
you do have a point. well, more than one, but that doesn't make up for your first point being a good one
so far my process has been: Think up something neat to do in a level. Figure out how it works (if it works somewhere else somehow, even in reality, that helps). Trial & Error all over the place. Eureka! Overuse new 'cool thing' to the point my computer makes odd noises.
I've been making more and more complex levels as I go. so far I haven't done anything that no one else knows how to do (that I know of), but my ideas are getting to be pretty far out there and I think I'll be doing a few things some time in the next couple of weeks that nobody's done before. If I actually understand what makes it work (if it works) then I'll start a thread on it!
_________________ STAFF When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.