BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm : Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work.

alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm : Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss

RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use)

And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm : RedWolf wrote:
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board

And not that many tuts

I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am : Holy crap

That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am : np

eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÆn@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm : Ioy wrote:
i would like a bump map making tut
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am : i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!
pieisgood@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:02 am : I need an animation texture tutorial.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:14 am : OMG! freaking awsome! Man you totally HAVE TO! make a tutorial on that, a video tutorial if possible ^_^
j_traveller@Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:23 am : i would settle with a regular tutorial, as long as its soon ^_^
I-c-e@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:15 pm : Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:55 pm : I-c-e wrote:
Hey ppl
I'm currently trying to convert one of my Q3 levels to Doom3 but I'm having problems trying to find the appropriate textures in Doom3 as the style of my level was the Q3 Gothic style and Doom3 doesn't have many textures like this the closest I've found are the hell textures. so what I want to do is convert some Q3 textures to Doom 3 but I'm struggling
so can somebody do a Q3 to D3 texture tut
btw if I'm really stoopid and its already been done sorry but could you point me in the right direction
One of the problems with converting quake textures to doom is that in q3 the highlights were drawn into the texture, in doom the ingame texture is made up of diffusemaps, normalmaps & specular that control the RGB, shadow & highlight of the texture ingame.
I'm sure at some stage there will be more texture sets to choose from, but at this stage in the game all mappers can do is wait for the texture folks to get some custom D3 sets out there, if your up for attempting to remake the textures check out the stickies in this forum, there's a whole load of decent info on texture creation to be found here.
QuiXilver@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:40 am : ok figured out your tut on projected lights II
could someone make a tut on how to make a text for the light with colors, ive done that tut but it doesnt come out to the colors i would like it to be.
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:57 pm Post subject: Tutorial requests.: Please leave your tutorial request here and help us raising the quality bar for the community.
Staff - The world is yours, soon in 6 degrees of freedom!
Visit ModWiki
Last edited by BNA! on Fri Jul 16, 2004 3:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
Shrike@Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:56 pm Post subject: : BNA,
Looking forward to any and all tutorials, especially those related to the creation of textures for both the environments and models. Of course, if I knew what I were doing, I'd be glad to create some tutorials for the Doom community, however, I'm still a little shady (pardon the pun) on a few points. Once I know the requirements of the engine, I'm sure I'll be able to begin putting something together for us. Thanks again for all your hard work. 
alba@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:39 pm Post subject: : Reskin of the weapons, i'm actually working on one but it doesn't show up ingame ;(
HateTank@Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:32 pm Post subject: Material Entries for Animation, Transparent areas, etc..: Could someone put together their knowledge about these entries in the materials file that outlines how to make textures do more than just sit there? The scolling anustube texture comes to mind as an example. Just as a reference.. I know people can look at the game materials to find something they like, but some people like me like to LEARN what the line items mean, instead of hit or miss
RedWolf@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:37 pm Post subject: : I agree with hate tank, More info atleast about the main functions of the lines in the material file. (Common lines ofcourse)
Some tuts, could be how to make a light texture or glowing texture,
How to make a glowing moving texture ect.
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board (many searches yeald alpha info that I hesitate to use) 
And not that many TEXTURE tuts (compared to the "assload" of other tuts on this site)
EDIT: Am I missing some (thx to hate for the recent tut) perhaps someone could point some out, or as the TOPIC of the thread is create some?
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Last edited by RedWolf on Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:59 am; edited 1 time in total
BNA!@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:25 pm Post subject: : RedWolf wrote: |
Not that much info that isn't 10 years old on this board 
And not that many tuts  |
I'd suggest you walk yourself through the assload of tutorials in the scripting section before you complain about the absence of tutorials, let alone the list of tutorials in the level editing section.
When you're done, if 4 weeks or so, we'll have enough new tutorials to keep you busy till Christmas.
Staff - The world is yours, soon in 6 degrees of freedom!
Visit ModWiki
RedWolf@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:53 am Post subject: : Holy crap 
That was not meant as complaint or anything else, and it certainly wasn't anything personal BNA. There is more info here on doom3 then any other site.
Sometimes I forget to say thanks, so thanks to everyone for their hard work on the tutorials, having written one, I know how long it takes to do it right.
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:05 am Post subject: : np 
Staff - The world is yours, soon in 6 degrees of freedom!
Visit ModWiki
eskimo roll@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:13 pm Post subject: : Back on topic, does anyone have any texture creation tutorial requests?
sP33z_mÃâ n@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:33 pm Post subject: : I'd like to see some skinning tuts, i haven't seen any here yet...

--I Return In Peace...
...And Lack Of Creativity/Ideas--
Ioy@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:34 pm Post subject: : i would like a bump map making tut
eskimo roll@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:51 pm Post subject: : Ioy wrote: |
i would like a bump map making tut |
And as if by magic, bling>
j_traveller@Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:44 am Post subject: putting a character in d3: i have been looking for a character creation tutorial, either monsters or player models from scratch, but no luck, so thats my request.
and this is my first post here, hello everyone!