We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 11:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 2:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 5:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 1:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 1:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 6:56 am :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
And how does it get back? I tried to toggle 'Console View' among other things but it won't come back?
Ahiles@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:19 pm :
How do i get toolbar back i turn it off but now cant get it back. I deleted editor.cfg and doomconfig.cfg but it must be saved in some other place. Any idea where?
I think this editor is totaly buged and i didnt expected something like that from iD. I cant even select my favourite layout and i have to resize it by hand.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:04 pm :
It's saved in the registry. I had to fix this problem with the alpha a long time ago. I'm not sure what keys exactly but a search for doom should turn up results. I hope that's helpful.
Ahiles@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:33 pm :
10x i fix it now. I just deleted "DOOMRadiant" key in registry and doom made the new one whit toolbar on.
PointlesS@Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:07 pm :
when viewing models/map objects how do you move around to view the model better?
Sabooya@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:06 pm :
Does anyone have a link to this file?
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:12 pm :
the clean shader/etc file?
Sabooya@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:13 pm :
yes, sorry for not being clear >.<
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:53 pm :
To get them back on the 'net, I've uploaded them to planetdoom. SHOULD be available tonight!
it's a 14mb zip file for the pk4's. I'll get them uploaded to my FTP tonight if PD doesn't have them up soon.
bladeghost@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:45 am :
I love the cleanpaks that have been made for editing, yet when playing default doomage, artifacts annoy the mood, usually I allot them to it's own off folder, sometimes in the past I would forget they're in the base folder.
still all is well rock on everyone...
happy always.
Rock and rollage,
Sabooya@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:42 am :
The Happy Friar wrote:
To get them back on the 'net, I've uploaded them to planetdoom. SHOULD be available tonight!
it's a 14mb zip file for the pk4's. I'll get them uploaded to my FTP tonight if PD doesn't have them up soon.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:50 am :
pappy got them up tonight & will make a main page post in the morning to let others know they're now hosted on pd.
re: bladeghost:
I made a folder called "edit" under my d3 folder that I do all my map making in. Then it doesn't affect anything else in d3 for me.
Sabooya@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:23 pm :
The Happy Friar wrote:
pappy got them up tonight & will make a main page post in the morning to let others know they're now hosted on pd.
re: bladeghost:
I made a folder called "edit" under my d3 folder that I do all my map making in. Then it doesn't affect anything else in d3 for me.
How does the editor know to load all the files in edit?
PointlesS@Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:07 pm :
when viewing models/map objects how do you move around to view the model better?
Sabooya@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:06 pm :
Does anyone have a link to this file?
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:12 pm :
the clean shader/etc file?
Sabooya@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:13 pm :
yes, sorry for not being clear >.<
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:53 pm :
To get them back on the 'net, I've uploaded them to planetdoom. SHOULD be available tonight!
it's a 14mb zip file for the pk4's. I'll get them uploaded to my FTP tonight if PD doesn't have them up soon.
bladeghost@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:45 am :
I love the cleanpaks that have been made for editing, yet when playing default doomage, artifacts annoy the mood, usually I allot them to it's own off folder, sometimes in the past I would forget they're in the base folder.
still all is well rock on everyone...
happy always.
Rock and rollage,
Sabooya@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:42 am :
The Happy Friar wrote:
To get them back on the 'net, I've uploaded them to planetdoom. SHOULD be available tonight!
it's a 14mb zip file for the pk4's. I'll get them uploaded to my FTP tonight if PD doesn't have them up soon.
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 11:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 2:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 5:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 1:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 1:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 6:56 am :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
And how does it get back? I tried to toggle 'Console View' among other things but it won't come back?
Ahiles@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:19 pm :
How do i get toolbar back i turn it off but now cant get it back. I deleted editor.cfg and doomconfig.cfg but it must be saved in some other place. Any idea where?
I think this editor is totaly buged and i didnt expected something like that from iD. I cant even select my favourite layout and i have to resize it by hand.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:04 pm :
It's saved in the registry. I had to fix this problem with the alpha a long time ago. I'm not sure what keys exactly but a search for doom should turn up results. I hope that's helpful.
Ahiles@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:33 pm :
10x i fix it now. I just deleted "DOOMRadiant" key in registry and doom made the new one whit toolbar on.
GomJabbar@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:21 am :
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:24 am :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 4:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 6:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 2:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 10:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:07 am :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 4:21 am :
ive tryed to make the editer work in all most all the ways ive seen some one suggest, but every time i get in, i get this
ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282
Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
any one know why? how to fix?
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +set r_multiSamples 0 +set r_fullscreen 0 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +editor
this works!!!!
// this works better!!! (Goliath)
essell@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:16 am :
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:40 am :
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 9:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 10:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 6:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 4:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 2:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 1:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 12:27 am :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 6:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 8:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 5:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
Lectane@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 9:31 pm :
Ive posted this in another thread with some other questions but noone was really able to help me so Ill just post the question bt its self,
How do I make a working exit? Right now I just want the exit to take the player to the credits or title screen but when I have another level to connect it to, how would I do that?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:31 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:32 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
demonspawn@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:45 pm :
Go to view>filter and see if triggers is checked...if it is uncheck it
These filters allow you to define what the editor is displaying while you work.
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:49 pm :
no, that won't work because it actually DELETES the trigger...
Any ideas?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:53 pm :
Ha !
Harry 102, who are you ?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 6:00 pm :
ok, don't worry i fixed the trigger problem but now i have another question...
How do i script a ragdoll movement, you knno on the Hell level at the beginning where the body floats around?, how do i do that?
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:12 am :
In reply to Harry 101...
There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
PhoebeusFenix@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:55 am :
Whoaa, weird problem*i had this problem when editing for q3 too. I was making a little box, first map in d3. Couldnt get anything to work, finally got textures and a light, fun fun. The problem is when i back up from my starting point, i fall out of my map, i mean the map has compiled so their are no leaks, but im still falling out of my map, and it just keeps fallling and falling, any idea? Thanks
EDIT: alright, i put a light back by the wall i was falling through and viola, i dont fall through.
Tom@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 5:14 am :
abigserve wrote:
In reply to Harry 101... There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
That shows how to toss a ragdoll with a mover function.
To rotate a fat zombie in the editor? Use the Entity panel and click the directional tabs to rotate it whatever degrees you wish (as you do with the player_start). Note: Set the direction like this right after you create it. I tried to set the direction after drag_entity and I couldnt alter it. So I had to delete the entity, recreate it, set his initial direction, and then go and drag_entity to position his start posture.
Hope it helped.
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 5:31 am :
perfect! thanks.
Mar1n3@Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 12:58 am :
Ok, how do i increase the brightness in the Cam window? mine is dark, i can't see any of the geometry.
I've set gamma to 0.0 (misc menu) max brighness and it's all the same.
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:09 am :
ok im new at map making but got the basics down but i cant get any of my damn maps to work
it is either leaked or couldn't find proc
it is not leaked iknow that
how do u creat a .proc
please help
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:34 am :
hit f7[/quote]
JohnyRock@Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 7:14 am :
In response to BNA's advise on creating a shortcut to the editor and circumventing mouse and resolution problems.
Thank you so much! It's is nice to get the mouse working right off the bat and it's also nice that I don't have to deal with the 60Hz flicker from the editor defaulting to game resolution. Being a novice at this is hard but I'm prepared to tackle the learning curve. I will be creating levels in no time.
I simply took your example, highlighted the part that I needed, and pasted it to the end of the command line in "target". When I started it up the editor stayed at the screen resolution that I had set for Windows.
Seems trivial, but I had been battling this for a few days without the results that I desired.
My question is rather basic... with GTKradiant we used to tweak some cfg file in order to reassign the shortcut keys. For example, I'd rather use[ctrl+space] for cloning instead of just [space].
Any info on how this can be done in D3Radiant will be greatly appreciated.
Docgalaad@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:33 pm :
I dunno about you, but mine is located in C:\commandlist.txt and i dont understand why the shortcutkey file is located there. I can change the keys there though. Look for this file on your computer.
resumil@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:17 pm :
I searched my hard drive for commandlist.txt but got no results... could it be that yours got there from a previous GTKradiant install?
[edit] it's been a while since I last opened gtkradiant, but iirc its keymap config file was named shortcuts.ini. Please ignore the quote.
dfloss@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:28 am :
I'm sure this is posted somewhere else, but I have not been able to find it:
How can I change the editor so that I can see farther? I am looking at some maps to give me ideas but I can't see brushes more than approximately 50 ft away in game.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:36 am :
Under Help > Mapped Commands you'll find a list of keyboard shortcuts. Of them there are two of interest...
Note that I haven't tested them so I'm not sure if they'll work or not.
Another option that I know will work is to turn off cubic clipping (CTRL+\) although this may result in slowdown because the entire map is being drawn.
dfloss@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 4:54 am :
yeah I am now using the ctrl+] and the ctrl+[ which has worked like a charm for me!
thanks for the help
PointlesS@Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:07 pm :
when viewing models/map objects how do you move around to view the model better?
Sabooya@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:06 pm :
Does anyone have a link to this file?
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:12 pm :
the clean shader/etc file?
Sabooya@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:13 pm :
yes, sorry for not being clear >.<
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:53 pm :
To get them back on the 'net, I've uploaded them to planetdoom. SHOULD be available tonight!
it's a 14mb zip file for the pk4's. I'll get them uploaded to my FTP tonight if PD doesn't have them up soon.
bladeghost@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:45 am :
I love the cleanpaks that have been made for editing, yet when playing default doomage, artifacts annoy the mood, usually I allot them to it's own off folder, sometimes in the past I would forget they're in the base folder.
still all is well rock on everyone...
happy always.
Rock and rollage,
Sabooya@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:42 am :
The Happy Friar wrote:
To get them back on the 'net, I've uploaded them to planetdoom. SHOULD be available tonight!
it's a 14mb zip file for the pk4's. I'll get them uploaded to my FTP tonight if PD doesn't have them up soon.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:50 am :
pappy got them up tonight & will make a main page post in the morning to let others know they're now hosted on pd.
re: bladeghost:
I made a folder called "edit" under my d3 folder that I do all my map making in. Then it doesn't affect anything else in d3 for me.
Sabooya@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:23 pm :
The Happy Friar wrote:
pappy got them up tonight & will make a main page post in the morning to let others know they're now hosted on pd.
re: bladeghost:
I made a folder called "edit" under my d3 folder that I do all my map making in. Then it doesn't affect anything else in d3 for me.
How does the editor know to load all the files in edit?
PointlesS@Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:07 pm :
when viewing models/map objects how do you move around to view the model better?
Sabooya@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:06 pm :
Does anyone have a link to this file?
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:12 pm :
the clean shader/etc file?
Sabooya@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:13 pm :
yes, sorry for not being clear >.<
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:53 pm :
To get them back on the 'net, I've uploaded them to planetdoom. SHOULD be available tonight!
it's a 14mb zip file for the pk4's. I'll get them uploaded to my FTP tonight if PD doesn't have them up soon.
bladeghost@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:45 am :
I love the cleanpaks that have been made for editing, yet when playing default doomage, artifacts annoy the mood, usually I allot them to it's own off folder, sometimes in the past I would forget they're in the base folder.
still all is well rock on everyone...
happy always.
Rock and rollage,
Sabooya@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:42 am :
The Happy Friar wrote:
To get them back on the 'net, I've uploaded them to planetdoom. SHOULD be available tonight!
it's a 14mb zip file for the pk4's. I'll get them uploaded to my FTP tonight if PD doesn't have them up soon.
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 11:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 2:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 5:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 1:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 1:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 6:56 am :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
And how does it get back? I tried to toggle 'Console View' among other things but it won't come back?
Ahiles@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:19 pm :
How do i get toolbar back i turn it off but now cant get it back. I deleted editor.cfg and doomconfig.cfg but it must be saved in some other place. Any idea where?
I think this editor is totaly buged and i didnt expected something like that from iD. I cant even select my favourite layout and i have to resize it by hand.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:04 pm :
It's saved in the registry. I had to fix this problem with the alpha a long time ago. I'm not sure what keys exactly but a search for doom should turn up results. I hope that's helpful.
Ahiles@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:33 pm :
10x i fix it now. I just deleted "DOOMRadiant" key in registry and doom made the new one whit toolbar on.
GomJabbar@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:21 am :
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:24 am :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 4:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 6:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 2:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 10:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:07 am :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 4:21 am :
ive tryed to make the editer work in all most all the ways ive seen some one suggest, but every time i get in, i get this
ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282
Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
any one know why? how to fix?
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +set r_multiSamples 0 +set r_fullscreen 0 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +editor
this works!!!!
// this works better!!! (Goliath)
essell@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:16 am :
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:40 am :
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 9:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 10:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 6:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 4:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 2:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 1:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 12:27 am :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 6:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 8:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 5:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
Lectane@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 9:31 pm :
Ive posted this in another thread with some other questions but noone was really able to help me so Ill just post the question bt its self,
How do I make a working exit? Right now I just want the exit to take the player to the credits or title screen but when I have another level to connect it to, how would I do that?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:31 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:32 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
demonspawn@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:45 pm :
Go to view>filter and see if triggers is checked...if it is uncheck it
These filters allow you to define what the editor is displaying while you work.
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:49 pm :
no, that won't work because it actually DELETES the trigger...
Any ideas?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:53 pm :
Ha !
Harry 102, who are you ?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 6:00 pm :
ok, don't worry i fixed the trigger problem but now i have another question...
How do i script a ragdoll movement, you knno on the Hell level at the beginning where the body floats around?, how do i do that?
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:12 am :
In reply to Harry 101...
There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
PhoebeusFenix@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:55 am :
Whoaa, weird problem*i had this problem when editing for q3 too. I was making a little box, first map in d3. Couldnt get anything to work, finally got textures and a light, fun fun. The problem is when i back up from my starting point, i fall out of my map, i mean the map has compiled so their are no leaks, but im still falling out of my map, and it just keeps fallling and falling, any idea? Thanks
EDIT: alright, i put a light back by the wall i was falling through and viola, i dont fall through.
Tom@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 5:14 am :
abigserve wrote:
In reply to Harry 101... There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
That shows how to toss a ragdoll with a mover function.
To rotate a fat zombie in the editor? Use the Entity panel and click the directional tabs to rotate it whatever degrees you wish (as you do with the player_start). Note: Set the direction like this right after you create it. I tried to set the direction after drag_entity and I couldnt alter it. So I had to delete the entity, recreate it, set his initial direction, and then go and drag_entity to position his start posture.
Hope it helped.
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 5:31 am :
perfect! thanks.
Mar1n3@Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 12:58 am :
Ok, how do i increase the brightness in the Cam window? mine is dark, i can't see any of the geometry.
I've set gamma to 0.0 (misc menu) max brighness and it's all the same.
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:09 am :
ok im new at map making but got the basics down but i cant get any of my damn maps to work
it is either leaked or couldn't find proc
it is not leaked iknow that
how do u creat a .proc
please help
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:34 am :
hit f7[/quote]
JohnyRock@Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 7:14 am :
In response to BNA's advise on creating a shortcut to the editor and circumventing mouse and resolution problems.
Thank you so much! It's is nice to get the mouse working right off the bat and it's also nice that I don't have to deal with the 60Hz flicker from the editor defaulting to game resolution. Being a novice at this is hard but I'm prepared to tackle the learning curve. I will be creating levels in no time.
I simply took your example, highlighted the part that I needed, and pasted it to the end of the command line in "target". When I started it up the editor stayed at the screen resolution that I had set for Windows.
Seems trivial, but I had been battling this for a few days without the results that I desired.
My question is rather basic... with GTKradiant we used to tweak some cfg file in order to reassign the shortcut keys. For example, I'd rather use[ctrl+space] for cloning instead of just [space].
Any info on how this can be done in D3Radiant will be greatly appreciated.
Docgalaad@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:33 pm :
I dunno about you, but mine is located in C:\commandlist.txt and i dont understand why the shortcutkey file is located there. I can change the keys there though. Look for this file on your computer.
resumil@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:17 pm :
I searched my hard drive for commandlist.txt but got no results... could it be that yours got there from a previous GTKradiant install?
[edit] it's been a while since I last opened gtkradiant, but iirc its keymap config file was named shortcuts.ini. Please ignore the quote.
dfloss@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:28 am :
I'm sure this is posted somewhere else, but I have not been able to find it:
How can I change the editor so that I can see farther? I am looking at some maps to give me ideas but I can't see brushes more than approximately 50 ft away in game.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:36 am :
Under Help > Mapped Commands you'll find a list of keyboard shortcuts. Of them there are two of interest...
Note that I haven't tested them so I'm not sure if they'll work or not.
Another option that I know will work is to turn off cubic clipping (CTRL+\) although this may result in slowdown because the entire map is being drawn.
dfloss@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 4:54 am :
yeah I am now using the ctrl+] and the ctrl+[ which has worked like a charm for me!
thanks for the help
PointlesS@Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:07 pm :
when viewing models/map objects how do you move around to view the model better?
Sabooya@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:06 pm :
Does anyone have a link to this file?
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:12 pm :
the clean shader/etc file?
Sabooya@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:13 pm :
yes, sorry for not being clear >.<
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:53 pm :
To get them back on the 'net, I've uploaded them to planetdoom. SHOULD be available tonight!
it's a 14mb zip file for the pk4's. I'll get them uploaded to my FTP tonight if PD doesn't have them up soon.
bladeghost@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:45 am :
I love the cleanpaks that have been made for editing, yet when playing default doomage, artifacts annoy the mood, usually I allot them to it's own off folder, sometimes in the past I would forget they're in the base folder.
still all is well rock on everyone...
happy always.
Rock and rollage,
Sabooya@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:42 am :
The Happy Friar wrote:
To get them back on the 'net, I've uploaded them to planetdoom. SHOULD be available tonight!
it's a 14mb zip file for the pk4's. I'll get them uploaded to my FTP tonight if PD doesn't have them up soon.
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
And how does it get back? I tried to toggle 'Console View' among other things but it won't come back?
Ahiles@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 2:19 pm :
How do i get toolbar back i turn it off but now cant get it back. I deleted editor.cfg and doomconfig.cfg but it must be saved in some other place. Any idea where?
I think this editor is totaly buged and i didnt expected something like that from iD. I cant even select my favourite layout and i have to resize it by hand.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:04 pm :
It's saved in the registry. I had to fix this problem with the alpha a long time ago. I'm not sure what keys exactly but a search for doom should turn up results. I hope that's helpful.
Ahiles@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:33 pm :
10x i fix it now. I just deleted "DOOMRadiant" key in registry and doom made the new one whit toolbar on.
GomJabbar@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:21 am :
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:24 am :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 4:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 6:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 2:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 10:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:07 am :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 4:21 am :
ive tryed to make the editer work in all most all the ways ive seen some one suggest, but every time i get in, i get this
ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282
Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
any one know why? how to fix?
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +set r_multiSamples 0 +set r_fullscreen 0 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +editor
this works!!!!
// this works better!!! (Goliath)
essell@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:16 am :
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:32 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
demonspawn@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:45 pm :
Go to view>filter and see if triggers is checked...if it is uncheck it
These filters allow you to define what the editor is displaying while you work.
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:49 pm :
no, that won't work because it actually DELETES the trigger...
Any ideas?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:53 pm :
Ha !
Harry 102, who are you ?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 6:00 pm :
ok, don't worry i fixed the trigger problem but now i have another question...
How do i script a ragdoll movement, you knno on the Hell level at the beginning where the body floats around?, how do i do that?
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:12 am :
In reply to Harry 101...
There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
PhoebeusFenix@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:55 am :
Whoaa, weird problem*i had this problem when editing for q3 too. I was making a little box, first map in d3. Couldnt get anything to work, finally got textures and a light, fun fun. The problem is when i back up from my starting point, i fall out of my map, i mean the map has compiled so their are no leaks, but im still falling out of my map, and it just keeps fallling and falling, any idea? Thanks
EDIT: alright, i put a light back by the wall i was falling through and viola, i dont fall through.
Tom@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 5:14 am :
abigserve wrote:
In reply to Harry 101... There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
That shows how to toss a ragdoll with a mover function.
To rotate a fat zombie in the editor? Use the Entity panel and click the directional tabs to rotate it whatever degrees you wish (as you do with the player_start). Note: Set the direction like this right after you create it. I tried to set the direction after drag_entity and I couldnt alter it. So I had to delete the entity, recreate it, set his initial direction, and then go and drag_entity to position his start posture.
Hope it helped.
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 5:31 am :
perfect! thanks.
Mar1n3@Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 12:58 am :
Ok, how do i increase the brightness in the Cam window? mine is dark, i can't see any of the geometry.
I've set gamma to 0.0 (misc menu) max brighness and it's all the same.
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:09 am :
ok im new at map making but got the basics down but i cant get any of my damn maps to work
it is either leaked or couldn't find proc
it is not leaked iknow that
how do u creat a .proc
please help
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:34 am :
hit f7[/quote]
JohnyRock@Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 7:14 am :
In response to BNA's advise on creating a shortcut to the editor and circumventing mouse and resolution problems.
Thank you so much! It's is nice to get the mouse working right off the bat and it's also nice that I don't have to deal with the 60Hz flicker from the editor defaulting to game resolution. Being a novice at this is hard but I'm prepared to tackle the learning curve. I will be creating levels in no time.
I simply took your example, highlighted the part that I needed, and pasted it to the end of the command line in "target". When I started it up the editor stayed at the screen resolution that I had set for Windows.
Seems trivial, but I had been battling this for a few days without the results that I desired.
My question is rather basic... with GTKradiant we used to tweak some cfg file in order to reassign the shortcut keys. For example, I'd rather use[ctrl+space] for cloning instead of just [space].
Any info on how this can be done in D3Radiant will be greatly appreciated.
Docgalaad@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:33 pm :
I dunno about you, but mine is located in C:\commandlist.txt and i dont understand why the shortcutkey file is located there. I can change the keys there though. Look for this file on your computer.
resumil@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:17 pm :
I searched my hard drive for commandlist.txt but got no results... could it be that yours got there from a previous GTKradiant install?
[edit] it's been a while since I last opened gtkradiant, but iirc its keymap config file was named shortcuts.ini. Please ignore the quote.
dfloss@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:28 am :
I'm sure this is posted somewhere else, but I have not been able to find it:
How can I change the editor so that I can see farther? I am looking at some maps to give me ideas but I can't see brushes more than approximately 50 ft away in game.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:36 am :
Under Help > Mapped Commands you'll find a list of keyboard shortcuts. Of them there are two of interest...
Note that I haven't tested them so I'm not sure if they'll work or not.
Another option that I know will work is to turn off cubic clipping (CTRL+\) although this may result in slowdown because the entire map is being drawn.
dfloss@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 4:54 am :
yeah I am now using the ctrl+] and the ctrl+[ which has worked like a charm for me!
thanks for the help
PointlesS@Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:07 pm :
when viewing models/map objects how do you move around to view the model better?
Sabooya@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:06 pm :
Does anyone have a link to this file?
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:12 pm :
the clean shader/etc file?
Sabooya@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:13 pm :
yes, sorry for not being clear >.<
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:53 pm :
To get them back on the 'net, I've uploaded them to planetdoom. SHOULD be available tonight!
it's a 14mb zip file for the pk4's. I'll get them uploaded to my FTP tonight if PD doesn't have them up soon.
bladeghost@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:45 am :
I love the cleanpaks that have been made for editing, yet when playing default doomage, artifacts annoy the mood, usually I allot them to it's own off folder, sometimes in the past I would forget they're in the base folder.
still all is well rock on everyone...
happy always.
Rock and rollage,
Sabooya@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:42 am :
The Happy Friar wrote:
To get them back on the 'net, I've uploaded them to planetdoom. SHOULD be available tonight!
it's a 14mb zip file for the pk4's. I'll get them uploaded to my FTP tonight if PD doesn't have them up soon.
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:36 am Posts: 5 Location: Eugene, OR
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
Joined: Sun Nov 23, 2003 5:04 am Posts: 233 Location: UK
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:36 am Posts: 5 Location: Eugene, OR
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
Joined: Sun Nov 23, 2003 5:04 am Posts: 233 Location: UK
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:36 am Posts: 5 Location: Eugene, OR
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
Joined: Sun Nov 23, 2003 5:04 am Posts: 233 Location: UK
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:36 am Posts: 5 Location: Eugene, OR
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
Joined: Sun Nov 23, 2003 5:04 am Posts: 233 Location: UK
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:36 am Posts: 5 Location: Eugene, OR
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
Joined: Sun Nov 23, 2003 5:04 am Posts: 233 Location: UK
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:36 am Posts: 5 Location: Eugene, OR
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
Joined: Sun Nov 23, 2003 5:04 am Posts: 233 Location: UK
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:36 am Posts: 5 Location: Eugene, OR
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
Joined: Sun Nov 23, 2003 5:04 am Posts: 233 Location: UK
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:36 am Posts: 5 Location: Eugene, OR
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
Joined: Sun Nov 23, 2003 5:04 am Posts: 233 Location: UK
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:36 am Posts: 5 Location: Eugene, OR
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
Joined: Sun Nov 23, 2003 5:04 am Posts: 233 Location: UK
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:36 am Posts: 5 Location: Eugene, OR
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
Joined: Sun Nov 23, 2003 5:04 am Posts: 233 Location: UK
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:36 am Posts: 5 Location: Eugene, OR
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
Joined: Sun Nov 23, 2003 5:04 am Posts: 233 Location: UK
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
And how does it get back? I tried to toggle 'Console View' among other things but it won't come back?
BNA!@Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 10:49 pm :
Let's get started with the FAQ:
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:36 am Posts: 5 Location: Eugene, OR
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
Joined: Sun Nov 23, 2003 5:04 am Posts: 233 Location: UK
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
And how does it get back? I tried to toggle 'Console View' among other things but it won't come back?
BNA!@Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 10:49 pm :
Let's get started with the FAQ:
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:36 am Posts: 5 Location: Eugene, OR
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
Joined: Sun Nov 23, 2003 5:04 am Posts: 233 Location: UK
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
And how does it get back? I tried to toggle 'Console View' among other things but it won't come back?
GomJabbar@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:21 pm :
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:24 pm :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:07 pm :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:44 am Posts: 17 Location: /dev/null
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:23 pm Posts: 7 Location: SLO
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
_________________ Beauty above me, beauty below me, beauty all around me.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:24 pm :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:07 pm :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:44 am Posts: 17 Location: /dev/null
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:23 pm Posts: 7 Location: SLO
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
_________________ Beauty above me, beauty below me, beauty all around me.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:24 pm :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:07 pm :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:44 am Posts: 17 Location: /dev/null
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:23 pm Posts: 7 Location: SLO
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
_________________ Beauty above me, beauty below me, beauty all around me.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:24 pm :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:07 pm :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:44 am Posts: 17 Location: /dev/null
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:23 pm Posts: 7 Location: SLO
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
_________________ Beauty above me, beauty below me, beauty all around me.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:24 pm :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:07 pm :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:44 am Posts: 17 Location: /dev/null
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:23 pm Posts: 7 Location: SLO
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
_________________ Beauty above me, beauty below me, beauty all around me.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:24 pm :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:07 pm :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am :
ive tryed to make the editer work in all most all the ways ive seen some one suggest, but every time i get in, i get this
ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282
Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
any one know why? how to fix?
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +set r_multiSamples 0 +set r_fullscreen 0 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +editor
this works!!!!
// this works better!!! (Goliath)
GomJabbar@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:21 pm :
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:24 pm :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:07 pm :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:44 am Posts: 17 Location: /dev/null
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:23 pm Posts: 7 Location: SLO
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
_________________ Beauty above me, beauty below me, beauty all around me.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:24 pm :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:07 pm :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:44 am Posts: 17 Location: /dev/null
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:23 pm Posts: 7 Location: SLO
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
_________________ Beauty above me, beauty below me, beauty all around me.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:24 pm :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:07 pm :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:44 am Posts: 17 Location: /dev/null
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:23 pm Posts: 7 Location: SLO
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
_________________ Beauty above me, beauty below me, beauty all around me.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:24 pm :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:07 pm :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:44 am Posts: 17 Location: /dev/null
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:23 pm Posts: 7 Location: SLO
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
_________________ Beauty above me, beauty below me, beauty all around me.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:24 pm :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:07 pm :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:44 am Posts: 17 Location: /dev/null
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:23 pm Posts: 7 Location: SLO
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
_________________ Beauty above me, beauty below me, beauty all around me.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:24 pm :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:07 pm :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am :
ive tryed to make the editer work in all most all the ways ive seen some one suggest, but every time i get in, i get this
ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282
Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
any one know why? how to fix?
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +set r_multiSamples 0 +set r_fullscreen 0 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +editor
this works!!!!
// this works better!!! (Goliath)
GomJabbar@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:21 pm :
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:24 pm :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:07 pm :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:44 am Posts: 17 Location: /dev/null
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:23 pm Posts: 7 Location: SLO
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
_________________ Beauty above me, beauty below me, beauty all around me.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:24 pm :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:07 pm :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am :
ive tryed to make the editer work in all most all the ways ive seen some one suggest, but every time i get in, i get this
ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282
Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
any one know why? how to fix?
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +set r_multiSamples 0 +set r_fullscreen 0 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +editor
this works!!!!
// this works better!!! (Goliath)
GomJabbar@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:21 pm :
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:24 pm :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:07 pm :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:44 am Posts: 17 Location: /dev/null
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:23 pm Posts: 7 Location: SLO
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
_________________ Beauty above me, beauty below me, beauty all around me.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:24 pm :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:07 pm :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:44 am Posts: 17 Location: /dev/null
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:23 pm Posts: 7 Location: SLO
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
_________________ Beauty above me, beauty below me, beauty all around me.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:24 pm :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:07 pm :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:44 am Posts: 17 Location: /dev/null
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:23 pm Posts: 7 Location: SLO
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
_________________ Beauty above me, beauty below me, beauty all around me.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:24 pm :
Added - thanks!
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:37 am :
Demonic Dynasty wrote:
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
Umm, cool that works. one problem. how do I get it back?
supposetobeamapper@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:41 am :
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:14 pm :
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:41 pm :
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:43 pm :
zorchi wrote:
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
kherman@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:44 pm :
kherman wrote:
supposetobeamapper wrote:
2 questions wich drive me crazy:
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
zorchi@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm :
That was really fast. I knew it was sth so simple and useful that scrolls weren't needed.
Thanx kherman. Really, you saved the day for me.
RedWolf@Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:45 pm :
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:11 am :
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 am :
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:40 pm :
BNA! wrote:
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
How do I set this option?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:49 pm :
insertwackynamehere wrote:
How do I set this option?
You shouldn't have to - it's all set in the Editor, this was more a squirk in the leaked build.
Qwertys@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:32 pm :
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
Epoz@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:33 pm :
BNA! wrote:
Epoz wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
essell@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:33 pm :
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:07 pm :
essell wrote:
another question for the FAQ:
which files do i upload to let someone else play my map?
your .map file and let it compile the user.
If you create custom textures and such - all the files you created for it.
kabe69@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:44 am Posts: 17 Location: /dev/null
As I already posted in this thread it might be worth adding the following to the FAQ:
On some machines the editor refuses to work if you enabled antialiasing. If you get wgl errormessages when starting the editor you could try disabling antialiasing by starting the game and switching it off under Options -> System -> Advanced Options. [/url]
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it?
- early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:23 pm Posts: 7 Location: SLO
First let me say hello.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant.
I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
_________________ Beauty above me, beauty below me, beauty all around me.
Second. I'm relatively new to mapping and especially new to radiant. I've done some tutorials and made some maps(khm*rooms*khm) and my question is: How do i move in xy, xz and yz views. I mean, if i make a really long brush, view moves in the direction of which i was drawing the brush. How do i go back. There are no scrolls at the side of the window. I usually zoomout and progress with my work. Can i center on sth in zoomout mode and then zoomin. Noowb question, but i'd really like to know how you do it, because it's iritating me.
Hahahahha, that was driving me nuts for 2 days! Inside the editor, right click(hold button down) and drag. It's better than scroll bars and you get used to it real quick.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
-My editor looks too bright, how can one to get rid off it? - early ( I mean editing alfa time) I could run editor in different resolution with the game. How did I do it ?
1) In the editor, you can hunt through hte meu at the top. One of the settings is gamma. Reduce that number,
2) Eitor runs in your desktop, so whatever reolution your desktop is, your editor runs in. The game runs at it's own resolution.
Editor is to bright. I figured it out. Go adjust the brightness setting in Doom 3. That effects your editor directly. Not realy a good reason, but that's the deal.
_________________ Don't laugh, I havn't edited since 1995! Yes, Doom...
I have tinkered with Quake 3 level editing but never made a full level.
Question? .... How do I create a shortcut for the editor?
Question? .... My shortcut looks like "this" why doesn't it work?
Question?... Can you run the editor in a dif resolution than the game?
To add a shortcut for the editor... Right click on the shortcut and copy/past a new one, Rename one "editor" or something. Right click over the editor short cut, and go to properties. The put the following line in the "Target" box.
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +editor
That is a basic short cut for the editor, I've found adding a bit more to make things easyer.
My short cuts look thusly
Play Game shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +seta com_allowConsole 1 +r_mode 4 +set r_fullscreen 1
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
For The editor:
"C:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" +r_mode 7 +seta com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor
// edit by Goliath - no need for +vid_restart
+(command) after the target line in quotes tells the game after or while it starts to run those commands in the console.
What the commands seen here do:
+r_mode X .... Where X is a number between 3 and 8. This command changes the screen resolution.
r_modes are as follows... (Posted originaly by Justin Bailey)
+seta com_allowConsole 1... This one makes it easyer to access the console, normally you must hit ctrl+alt+tilde In order to access the console. If this is set, then all you need to do is just hit tilde (~) to access the console. Note commands like this one are based on an on, off basis 1 being on and 0 being off.
+set r_fullscreen 0 As you can guess from above this is an on off command for fullscreen mode.
Note: For some dumb ass reason full screen must be off, in order to access the light inspector with the "J" key.. So it becomes nessessary to add those lines... You can click fullscreen in the editor it will still work, but the game must be off.
+vid_restart.... This command is the same as it was in q2 and q3 it restarts the video, with out the need to restart the whole program.
In order for changes in the video to work, you must exit doom 3. Thats why it says that it will take effect next time you run doom 3. TIP instead, go to console and type vid_restart. That way you don't have to exit D3. Now just add that to your short cut at the end.
+editor ... This command starts the editor.
All of these can be run without the Plus sign in the console during the game.
Hope this helps those with shortcut issues.
One more TIP, You can compile with the bsp menu instead of dmap at console, and you can run map "yourmap" or dmap at the console in the editor, and then f2 after its done and start directly in the map. For some reason you have to hit esc first then hit f2
Also NOTE: When running the game after fullscreen off, It will load in a window then switch to fullscreen, and after it does the console will cover the whole screen, SIMPLY hit escape, then tilde to close it....
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
From the faq, Use what I said if doesn't work for you.....
Also, It may be easyer if your coursor doesn't show up, it just drag the mouse pointer to the bottom of you screen or to where your windows task bar is and then move the pointer to where the top view window is and left click, your mouse pointer should then apear.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
new thing to add to command line:
Doom3.exe +r_fullscreen 0 +r_brightness 1 +vid_restart +wait +wait +wait +wait +editor
r_brightness will set it to normal, so no more fooling with the brightness setting.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:16 am Posts: 285 Location: usa
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:37 pm Posts: 2121 Location: I am in a world of trigger_hurt
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:16 am Posts: 285 Location: usa
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:37 pm Posts: 2130 Location: I am in a world of trigger_hurt
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:16 am Posts: 285 Location: usa
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:37 pm Posts: 2133 Location: I am in a world of trigger_hurt
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
Lectane@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 8:31 pm :
Ive posted this in another thread with some other questions but noone was really able to help me so Ill just post the question bt its self,
How do I make a working exit? Right now I just want the exit to take the player to the credits or title screen but when I have another level to connect it to, how would I do that?
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:40 am :
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:16 am Posts: 285 Location: usa
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:37 pm Posts: 2121 Location: I am in a world of trigger_hurt
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
Lectane@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 8:31 pm :
Ive posted this in another thread with some other questions but noone was really able to help me so Ill just post the question bt its self,
How do I make a working exit? Right now I just want the exit to take the player to the credits or title screen but when I have another level to connect it to, how would I do that?
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:40 am :
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:16 am Posts: 285 Location: usa
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:37 pm Posts: 2121 Location: I am in a world of trigger_hurt
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:16 am Posts: 285 Location: usa
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:37 pm Posts: 2121 Location: I am in a world of trigger_hurt
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:16 am Posts: 285 Location: usa
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:37 pm Posts: 2121 Location: I am in a world of trigger_hurt
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
Doom3world • View topic - Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:36 am Posts: 5 Location: Eugene, OR
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
Joined: Sun Nov 23, 2003 5:04 am Posts: 233 Location: UK
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:06 am Posts: 4 Location: Lund, Sweden
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:16 am Posts: 285 Location: usa
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:37 pm Posts: 2118 Location: I am in a world of trigger_hurt
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:16 am Posts: 285 Location: usa
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:37 pm Posts: 2121 Location: I am in a world of trigger_hurt
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:16 am Posts: 285 Location: usa
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:37 pm Posts: 2121 Location: I am in a world of trigger_hurt
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:16 am Posts: 285 Location: usa
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:37 pm Posts: 2121 Location: I am in a world of trigger_hurt
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:16 am Posts: 285 Location: usa
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:37 pm Posts: 2121 Location: I am in a world of trigger_hurt
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:16 am Posts: 285 Location: usa
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:37 pm Posts: 2121 Location: I am in a world of trigger_hurt
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:16 am Posts: 285 Location: usa
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:37 pm Posts: 2121 Location: I am in a world of trigger_hurt
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:16 am Posts: 285 Location: usa
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:37 pm Posts: 2121 Location: I am in a world of trigger_hurt
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:05 am :
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
insertwackynamehere@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 pm :
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:44 pm :
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Doomsday@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:34 pm :
Excellent writeup! Thanks much!
oraco@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:30 am :
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Road_Runner@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:39 am :
oraco wrote:
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
Carwash@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:42 pm :
Been trying to get the editor setup but having a few problems. Have managed to get it in my desktop res and look ok (gammer etc).
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
beagleworth@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:43 am :
For the wglMakeCurrent problem Simply remove AA before you start the editor.
Seems like some cards cannot have AA in windowed mode.
Eutectic@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm :
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
JustASwede@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:36 pm :
"There are material shaders in the game that reference files that don't exist. These shaders are scraps left by the developers. Ignore them"
They are annoying me a bit, so I'm wondering if there's any (safe) way to remove them from the editor...
I don't like having to scroll through 10 unusable black materials when trying to decide which one to use
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
any help would be great, thanks.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:37 am :
Something is wrong with those two brushes. You shouldn't be able to pass through walls unless they are a liquid.
Delete them and remake them.
kabe69@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:29 am :
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Tommy_Harhar@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:34 am :
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:50 pm :
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
Ok, csg Subtract is usually considered bad because of the way it cuts. If you use csg, instead of creating say a door manually, It splits the brushes up dif, making texturing more difficult. But mainly this has to do with csg subtracting through multiple brushes or inside a single brush. It can be nightmarish; you could end up with tiny wedges, ect. The very original tuts, long long time ago, stated to build two rooms, you’d create two squares hollow them out create a brush between them just above the bottom floor or just outside the wall, and subtract it then create then hollow it, and del the end pieces. (This also looks bad). This also might create more brushes/tris and end up (if used through out the map) slowing the map down. If used lightly its not that big of a deal, as long as your really careful not cut too close or just inside surfaces, so you don’t end up with tiny wedges ect.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
BNA! wrote: Epoz wrote: Can anyone tell me how to find or give me the command for switching antialiasing on and off. That bug with the editor really is annoying me. Want to make seprate shorcuts but no real point with out that command.
Any help would be appreciated
Switch it off in your graphics card driver panel.
I was Hoping for a consol command to add into a shorcut for doom 3 but I'll try that thanks. in the driver panel I have it set to application controlled so it depends on whatever doom 3 has it set. I guees I could shut it off and on depending on what i am launching but would be helle easier with the consol command.
You can turn antialiasing off in the system advanced options menu.
My map looks rather splendid in the editors preview window, but ingame it only shows a solid color and no texture
Code: Make sure you have set your options to "brush primitives"
This can be can be changed in the project settings under file menu. It is checked on by defualt. I have had similar problems, with hours and hours for work around to fix the problem you have. (Mine was with a quake3 map converting to doom3, I had to go into quake3 and fix the problems before loading it into doom3. Turns out it was I believe a problem with noclip brushes, had to delete them first.) Personally, I think this is just another bug.
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
Yeah, nothing seems to work, and I can't see the textures. Oh well. I had a feeling this would happen knowing my luck
Is it the whole map or just a few spots, This is a long shot, but you might try selecting the whole map, and moving to the side So that all the areas that are effected are off the map. In theary this (i did on my map) may have worked because the objects that are covering your textures can't be selected. Just a thought.
What I did with mine, was replace every brush effected, witch didn't seem to work, untill I selected the whole map and moved it away from those spots (I also replaced the brushes again, so I'm not positive what fixed it)
_________________ RedWolf
"Now go vote and participate in your own oppression." -dataangel
The Anti-Lie
This is the problem I am having. the editor doesn't keep the map path saved no matter what I try. Does bsp send the map directly into the game or do you guys still have to console it?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
Hi, i have used CoDRadiant for over half a year now, i noticed that the "Toggle camera movement mode" on there lets you hold your right mouse click and drag to move around in the 3D view. But with DoomRadiant, if i right click on the 3D view it just either zooms out or zoom in, i cant find any button or options in the software to change the "toggle camera movement mode" like in CoDRadiant. I'm very use to that way of moving around in the 3D view, please help!
Another thing, when i make a brush in CoDRadiant, theres the Dimension (ex: 1000x850) on the 2D view, but theres none in DoomRadiant, how do i turn that on?
hold the ctrl key while holding right mouse button down, as you move the mouse
However, when i load up the editor it comes up with an error in the "Inspectors" box.
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 4402 milliseconds WARNING: couldn't create font dlists WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed (6). Trying again. WARNING: wglUseFontBitmaps failed again (6). Trying outlines. WARNING: wglUseFontOutlines also failed (6), no coordinate text will be visible. GL_VENDOR: (null) GL_RENDERER: (null) GL_VERSION: (null) GL_EXTENSIONS: (null) QE_LoadProject (doom.qe4) WARNING: file def/map_intro.def, line 93: Unknown entityDef 'char_labcoat_young' inherited by 'intro_scientist' Map_New Entering message loop ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the camera view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Please restart DOOMEdit if the Z view is not working ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:1282 Please restart Q3Radiant if the Map view is not working
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
essell wrote:
in-depth answer would be good:
i hear that the csg subtract function is the spawn of satan... but sometimes it's useful. is it important that it's not used at all, or is it ok, so long as it's used sensibly and neatly?
IMHO, if used sensibly and neatly, there's no problem at all with using CSG subtract.
Sensibly and neatly meaning....
1. As long as both the carving and carved brushes have all their vertices snapped to grid and as long as you carve at strictly orthogonal angles with the world. No angle cutting UNLESS you are positive that all the resulting vertices will fall on an exact grid multiple (however, the clip tool is still the better choice for that purpose)
2. As long as your carving brush doesn't share one or more planes with one or several of the carved brushes. IOW, carve but make sure that carving brush EXCEEDS the volume it's meant to carve out... don't make any of its surfaces flush with the brush it's carving.
In 3d-map editing, the Grid is GOD.
As for the case some have made where carving has split your brush into too many brushes or didn't split them the way you feel is best for texturing/poly count...
Carving is still a viable option. It's less of a hassle to resize/remove brushes already in place than to have to create new ones and move them into place in all 3 axes.
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
Hi, I've just made a map and in it I placed two walls but when I tested the map I could walk through them. do I need to make them hollow like the walls that make up the whole room? or is it something under the entity tab when I select the wall?
Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:16 am Posts: 285 Location: usa
dont know where else to put this, but on all pages of this forum i suggest makeing SEARCH , BIGGER and at the top of any thing else,
more n more noobie mappers are asking repeat Q cuase of it and as more n more come here, it will get worse, and becuase the only way ive seen to get to search is to read the , a READ this first thread, lol most people dont do that.. so makeing it called SEARCH THIS FORUM FOR YOUR ANSWERS
might help
just an idea..
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:57 pm Posts: 2 Location: Salisbury, England
I'm a member of another forum with the same template as this and the search function is just as crap.
I'm fine searching the net with search engines but you type in a word or two here and it brings up endless pages of unrelated posts.
in order to answer my own question I searched for 'clipping' and 'walk through brush'
('clipping' being the problem and 'walk through brush' a three words likely to be in any useful post)
the search for which came back with a load of tripe.
given my above question, what should I have searched for?
Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:37 pm Posts: 2119 Location: I am in a world of trigger_hurt
Did you select to search for "all search words" instead of "any"? For some inescapably stupid reason "any" is the default choice which means that any reasonably normal word in your query will bring up a vast ocean of unrelated posts, but with the "all" option set you should not have any problems finding what you are looking for. As it is now searching for clipping and walk through brush gives all of three hits, this thread and 2 others which are, unfortunately, unrelated. (HINT: Never use quotes, pluses, minuses or similar, it does not pay any attention to these things, putting a minus before a search term will mean that you are including that search term in your query!)!
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
demonspawn@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:45 pm :
Go to view>filter and see if triggers is checked...if it is uncheck it
These filters allow you to define what the editor is displaying while you work.
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:49 pm :
no, that won't work because it actually DELETES the trigger...
Any ideas?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:53 pm :
Ha !
Harry 102, who are you ?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:00 pm :
ok, don't worry i fixed the trigger problem but now i have another question...
How do i script a ragdoll movement, you knno on the Hell level at the beginning where the body floats around?, how do i do that?
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:12 am :
In reply to Harry 101...
There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
PhoebeusFenix@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:55 am :
Whoaa, weird problem*i had this problem when editing for q3 too. I was making a little box, first map in d3. Couldnt get anything to work, finally got textures and a light, fun fun. The problem is when i back up from my starting point, i fall out of my map, i mean the map has compiled so their are no leaks, but im still falling out of my map, and it just keeps fallling and falling, any idea? Thanks
EDIT: alright, i put a light back by the wall i was falling through and viola, i dont fall through.
Tom@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:14 am :
abigserve wrote:
In reply to Harry 101... There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
That shows how to toss a ragdoll with a mover function.
To rotate a fat zombie in the editor? Use the Entity panel and click the directional tabs to rotate it whatever degrees you wish (as you do with the player_start). Note: Set the direction like this right after you create it. I tried to set the direction after drag_entity and I couldnt alter it. So I had to delete the entity, recreate it, set his initial direction, and then go and drag_entity to position his start posture.
Hope it helped.
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:31 am :
perfect! thanks.
Mar1n3@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:58 pm :
Ok, how do i increase the brightness in the Cam window? mine is dark, i can't see any of the geometry.
I've set gamma to 0.0 (misc menu) max brighness and it's all the same.
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:09 am :
ok im new at map making but got the basics down but i cant get any of my damn maps to work
it is either leaked or couldn't find proc
it is not leaked iknow that
how do u creat a .proc
please help
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:34 am :
hit f7[/quote]
JohnyRock@Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:14 am :
In response to BNA's advise on creating a shortcut to the editor and circumventing mouse and resolution problems.
Thank you so much! It's is nice to get the mouse working right off the bat and it's also nice that I don't have to deal with the 60Hz flicker from the editor defaulting to game resolution. Being a novice at this is hard but I'm prepared to tackle the learning curve. I will be creating levels in no time.
I simply took your example, highlighted the part that I needed, and pasted it to the end of the command line in "target". When I started it up the editor stayed at the screen resolution that I had set for Windows.
Seems trivial, but I had been battling this for a few days without the results that I desired.
My question is rather basic... with GTKradiant we used to tweak some cfg file in order to reassign the shortcut keys. For example, I'd rather use[ctrl+space] for cloning instead of just [space].
Any info on how this can be done in D3Radiant will be greatly appreciated.
Docgalaad@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:33 pm :
I dunno about you, but mine is located in C:\commandlist.txt and i dont understand why the shortcutkey file is located there. I can change the keys there though. Look for this file on your computer.
resumil@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:17 pm :
I searched my hard drive for commandlist.txt but got no results... could it be that yours got there from a previous GTKradiant install?
[edit] it's been a while since I last opened gtkradiant, but iirc its keymap config file was named shortcuts.ini. Please ignore the quote.
dfloss@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:28 am :
I'm sure this is posted somewhere else, but I have not been able to find it:
How can I change the editor so that I can see farther? I am looking at some maps to give me ideas but I can't see brushes more than approximately 50 ft away in game.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:36 am :
Under Help > Mapped Commands you'll find a list of keyboard shortcuts. Of them there are two of interest...
Note that I haven't tested them so I'm not sure if they'll work or not.
Another option that I know will work is to turn off cubic clipping (CTRL+\) although this may result in slowdown because the entire map is being drawn.
dfloss@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:54 am :
yeah I am now using the ctrl+] and the ctrl+[ which has worked like a charm for me!
thanks for the help
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:32 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
demonspawn@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:45 pm :
Go to view>filter and see if triggers is checked...if it is uncheck it
These filters allow you to define what the editor is displaying while you work.
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:49 pm :
no, that won't work because it actually DELETES the trigger...
Any ideas?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:53 pm :
Ha !
Harry 102, who are you ?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:00 pm :
ok, don't worry i fixed the trigger problem but now i have another question...
How do i script a ragdoll movement, you knno on the Hell level at the beginning where the body floats around?, how do i do that?
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:12 am :
In reply to Harry 101...
There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
PhoebeusFenix@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:55 am :
Whoaa, weird problem*i had this problem when editing for q3 too. I was making a little box, first map in d3. Couldnt get anything to work, finally got textures and a light, fun fun. The problem is when i back up from my starting point, i fall out of my map, i mean the map has compiled so their are no leaks, but im still falling out of my map, and it just keeps fallling and falling, any idea? Thanks
EDIT: alright, i put a light back by the wall i was falling through and viola, i dont fall through.
Tom@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:14 am :
abigserve wrote:
In reply to Harry 101... There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
That shows how to toss a ragdoll with a mover function.
To rotate a fat zombie in the editor? Use the Entity panel and click the directional tabs to rotate it whatever degrees you wish (as you do with the player_start). Note: Set the direction like this right after you create it. I tried to set the direction after drag_entity and I couldnt alter it. So I had to delete the entity, recreate it, set his initial direction, and then go and drag_entity to position his start posture.
Hope it helped.
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:31 am :
perfect! thanks.
Mar1n3@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:58 pm :
Ok, how do i increase the brightness in the Cam window? mine is dark, i can't see any of the geometry.
I've set gamma to 0.0 (misc menu) max brighness and it's all the same.
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:09 am :
ok im new at map making but got the basics down but i cant get any of my damn maps to work
it is either leaked or couldn't find proc
it is not leaked iknow that
how do u creat a .proc
please help
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:34 am :
hit f7[/quote]
JohnyRock@Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:14 am :
In response to BNA's advise on creating a shortcut to the editor and circumventing mouse and resolution problems.
Thank you so much! It's is nice to get the mouse working right off the bat and it's also nice that I don't have to deal with the 60Hz flicker from the editor defaulting to game resolution. Being a novice at this is hard but I'm prepared to tackle the learning curve. I will be creating levels in no time.
I simply took your example, highlighted the part that I needed, and pasted it to the end of the command line in "target". When I started it up the editor stayed at the screen resolution that I had set for Windows.
Seems trivial, but I had been battling this for a few days without the results that I desired.
My question is rather basic... with GTKradiant we used to tweak some cfg file in order to reassign the shortcut keys. For example, I'd rather use[ctrl+space] for cloning instead of just [space].
Any info on how this can be done in D3Radiant will be greatly appreciated.
Docgalaad@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:33 pm :
I dunno about you, but mine is located in C:\commandlist.txt and i dont understand why the shortcutkey file is located there. I can change the keys there though. Look for this file on your computer.
resumil@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:17 pm :
I searched my hard drive for commandlist.txt but got no results... could it be that yours got there from a previous GTKradiant install?
[edit] it's been a while since I last opened gtkradiant, but iirc its keymap config file was named shortcuts.ini. Please ignore the quote.
dfloss@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:28 am :
I'm sure this is posted somewhere else, but I have not been able to find it:
How can I change the editor so that I can see farther? I am looking at some maps to give me ideas but I can't see brushes more than approximately 50 ft away in game.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:36 am :
Under Help > Mapped Commands you'll find a list of keyboard shortcuts. Of them there are two of interest...
Note that I haven't tested them so I'm not sure if they'll work or not.
Another option that I know will work is to turn off cubic clipping (CTRL+\) although this may result in slowdown because the entire map is being drawn.
dfloss@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:54 am :
yeah I am now using the ctrl+] and the ctrl+[ which has worked like a charm for me!
thanks for the help
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:32 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
demonspawn@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:45 pm :
Go to view>filter and see if triggers is checked...if it is uncheck it
These filters allow you to define what the editor is displaying while you work.
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:49 pm :
no, that won't work because it actually DELETES the trigger...
Any ideas?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:53 pm :
Ha !
Harry 102, who are you ?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:00 pm :
ok, don't worry i fixed the trigger problem but now i have another question...
How do i script a ragdoll movement, you knno on the Hell level at the beginning where the body floats around?, how do i do that?
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:12 am :
In reply to Harry 101...
There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
PhoebeusFenix@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:55 am :
Whoaa, weird problem*i had this problem when editing for q3 too. I was making a little box, first map in d3. Couldnt get anything to work, finally got textures and a light, fun fun. The problem is when i back up from my starting point, i fall out of my map, i mean the map has compiled so their are no leaks, but im still falling out of my map, and it just keeps fallling and falling, any idea? Thanks
EDIT: alright, i put a light back by the wall i was falling through and viola, i dont fall through.
Tom@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:14 am :
abigserve wrote:
In reply to Harry 101... There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
That shows how to toss a ragdoll with a mover function.
To rotate a fat zombie in the editor? Use the Entity panel and click the directional tabs to rotate it whatever degrees you wish (as you do with the player_start). Note: Set the direction like this right after you create it. I tried to set the direction after drag_entity and I couldnt alter it. So I had to delete the entity, recreate it, set his initial direction, and then go and drag_entity to position his start posture.
Hope it helped.
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:31 am :
perfect! thanks.
Mar1n3@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:58 pm :
Ok, how do i increase the brightness in the Cam window? mine is dark, i can't see any of the geometry.
I've set gamma to 0.0 (misc menu) max brighness and it's all the same.
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:09 am :
ok im new at map making but got the basics down but i cant get any of my damn maps to work
it is either leaked or couldn't find proc
it is not leaked iknow that
how do u creat a .proc
please help
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:34 am :
hit f7[/quote]
JohnyRock@Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:14 am :
In response to BNA's advise on creating a shortcut to the editor and circumventing mouse and resolution problems.
Thank you so much! It's is nice to get the mouse working right off the bat and it's also nice that I don't have to deal with the 60Hz flicker from the editor defaulting to game resolution. Being a novice at this is hard but I'm prepared to tackle the learning curve. I will be creating levels in no time.
I simply took your example, highlighted the part that I needed, and pasted it to the end of the command line in "target". When I started it up the editor stayed at the screen resolution that I had set for Windows.
Seems trivial, but I had been battling this for a few days without the results that I desired.
My question is rather basic... with GTKradiant we used to tweak some cfg file in order to reassign the shortcut keys. For example, I'd rather use[ctrl+space] for cloning instead of just [space].
Any info on how this can be done in D3Radiant will be greatly appreciated.
Docgalaad@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:33 pm :
I dunno about you, but mine is located in C:\commandlist.txt and i dont understand why the shortcutkey file is located there. I can change the keys there though. Look for this file on your computer.
resumil@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:17 pm :
I searched my hard drive for commandlist.txt but got no results... could it be that yours got there from a previous GTKradiant install?
[edit] it's been a while since I last opened gtkradiant, but iirc its keymap config file was named shortcuts.ini. Please ignore the quote.
dfloss@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:28 am :
I'm sure this is posted somewhere else, but I have not been able to find it:
How can I change the editor so that I can see farther? I am looking at some maps to give me ideas but I can't see brushes more than approximately 50 ft away in game.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:36 am :
Under Help > Mapped Commands you'll find a list of keyboard shortcuts. Of them there are two of interest...
Note that I haven't tested them so I'm not sure if they'll work or not.
Another option that I know will work is to turn off cubic clipping (CTRL+\) although this may result in slowdown because the entire map is being drawn.
dfloss@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:54 am :
yeah I am now using the ctrl+] and the ctrl+[ which has worked like a charm for me!
thanks for the help
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:32 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
demonspawn@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:45 pm :
Go to view>filter and see if triggers is checked...if it is uncheck it
These filters allow you to define what the editor is displaying while you work.
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:49 pm :
no, that won't work because it actually DELETES the trigger...
Any ideas?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:53 pm :
Ha !
Harry 102, who are you ?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:00 pm :
ok, don't worry i fixed the trigger problem but now i have another question...
How do i script a ragdoll movement, you knno on the Hell level at the beginning where the body floats around?, how do i do that?
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:12 am :
In reply to Harry 101...
There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
PhoebeusFenix@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:55 am :
Whoaa, weird problem*i had this problem when editing for q3 too. I was making a little box, first map in d3. Couldnt get anything to work, finally got textures and a light, fun fun. The problem is when i back up from my starting point, i fall out of my map, i mean the map has compiled so their are no leaks, but im still falling out of my map, and it just keeps fallling and falling, any idea? Thanks
EDIT: alright, i put a light back by the wall i was falling through and viola, i dont fall through.
Tom@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:14 am :
abigserve wrote:
In reply to Harry 101... There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
That shows how to toss a ragdoll with a mover function.
To rotate a fat zombie in the editor? Use the Entity panel and click the directional tabs to rotate it whatever degrees you wish (as you do with the player_start). Note: Set the direction like this right after you create it. I tried to set the direction after drag_entity and I couldnt alter it. So I had to delete the entity, recreate it, set his initial direction, and then go and drag_entity to position his start posture.
Hope it helped.
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:31 am :
perfect! thanks.
Mar1n3@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:58 pm :
Ok, how do i increase the brightness in the Cam window? mine is dark, i can't see any of the geometry.
I've set gamma to 0.0 (misc menu) max brighness and it's all the same.
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:09 am :
ok im new at map making but got the basics down but i cant get any of my damn maps to work
it is either leaked or couldn't find proc
it is not leaked iknow that
how do u creat a .proc
please help
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:34 am :
hit f7[/quote]
JohnyRock@Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:14 am :
In response to BNA's advise on creating a shortcut to the editor and circumventing mouse and resolution problems.
Thank you so much! It's is nice to get the mouse working right off the bat and it's also nice that I don't have to deal with the 60Hz flicker from the editor defaulting to game resolution. Being a novice at this is hard but I'm prepared to tackle the learning curve. I will be creating levels in no time.
I simply took your example, highlighted the part that I needed, and pasted it to the end of the command line in "target". When I started it up the editor stayed at the screen resolution that I had set for Windows.
Seems trivial, but I had been battling this for a few days without the results that I desired.
My question is rather basic... with GTKradiant we used to tweak some cfg file in order to reassign the shortcut keys. For example, I'd rather use[ctrl+space] for cloning instead of just [space].
Any info on how this can be done in D3Radiant will be greatly appreciated.
Docgalaad@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:33 pm :
I dunno about you, but mine is located in C:\commandlist.txt and i dont understand why the shortcutkey file is located there. I can change the keys there though. Look for this file on your computer.
resumil@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:17 pm :
I searched my hard drive for commandlist.txt but got no results... could it be that yours got there from a previous GTKradiant install?
[edit] it's been a while since I last opened gtkradiant, but iirc its keymap config file was named shortcuts.ini. Please ignore the quote.
dfloss@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:28 am :
I'm sure this is posted somewhere else, but I have not been able to find it:
How can I change the editor so that I can see farther? I am looking at some maps to give me ideas but I can't see brushes more than approximately 50 ft away in game.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:36 am :
Under Help > Mapped Commands you'll find a list of keyboard shortcuts. Of them there are two of interest...
Note that I haven't tested them so I'm not sure if they'll work or not.
Another option that I know will work is to turn off cubic clipping (CTRL+\) although this may result in slowdown because the entire map is being drawn.
dfloss@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:54 am :
yeah I am now using the ctrl+] and the ctrl+[ which has worked like a charm for me!
thanks for the help
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:32 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
demonspawn@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:45 pm :
Go to view>filter and see if triggers is checked...if it is uncheck it
These filters allow you to define what the editor is displaying while you work.
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:49 pm :
no, that won't work because it actually DELETES the trigger...
Any ideas?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:53 pm :
Ha !
Harry 102, who are you ?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:00 pm :
ok, don't worry i fixed the trigger problem but now i have another question...
How do i script a ragdoll movement, you knno on the Hell level at the beginning where the body floats around?, how do i do that?
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:12 am :
In reply to Harry 101...
There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
PhoebeusFenix@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:55 am :
Whoaa, weird problem*i had this problem when editing for q3 too. I was making a little box, first map in d3. Couldnt get anything to work, finally got textures and a light, fun fun. The problem is when i back up from my starting point, i fall out of my map, i mean the map has compiled so their are no leaks, but im still falling out of my map, and it just keeps fallling and falling, any idea? Thanks
EDIT: alright, i put a light back by the wall i was falling through and viola, i dont fall through.
Tom@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:14 am :
abigserve wrote:
In reply to Harry 101... There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
That shows how to toss a ragdoll with a mover function.
To rotate a fat zombie in the editor? Use the Entity panel and click the directional tabs to rotate it whatever degrees you wish (as you do with the player_start). Note: Set the direction like this right after you create it. I tried to set the direction after drag_entity and I couldnt alter it. So I had to delete the entity, recreate it, set his initial direction, and then go and drag_entity to position his start posture.
Hope it helped.
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:31 am :
perfect! thanks.
Mar1n3@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:58 pm :
Ok, how do i increase the brightness in the Cam window? mine is dark, i can't see any of the geometry.
I've set gamma to 0.0 (misc menu) max brighness and it's all the same.
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:09 am :
ok im new at map making but got the basics down but i cant get any of my damn maps to work
it is either leaked or couldn't find proc
it is not leaked iknow that
how do u creat a .proc
please help
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:34 am :
hit f7[/quote]
JohnyRock@Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:14 am :
In response to BNA's advise on creating a shortcut to the editor and circumventing mouse and resolution problems.
Thank you so much! It's is nice to get the mouse working right off the bat and it's also nice that I don't have to deal with the 60Hz flicker from the editor defaulting to game resolution. Being a novice at this is hard but I'm prepared to tackle the learning curve. I will be creating levels in no time.
I simply took your example, highlighted the part that I needed, and pasted it to the end of the command line in "target". When I started it up the editor stayed at the screen resolution that I had set for Windows.
Seems trivial, but I had been battling this for a few days without the results that I desired.
My question is rather basic... with GTKradiant we used to tweak some cfg file in order to reassign the shortcut keys. For example, I'd rather use[ctrl+space] for cloning instead of just [space].
Any info on how this can be done in D3Radiant will be greatly appreciated.
Docgalaad@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:33 pm :
I dunno about you, but mine is located in C:\commandlist.txt and i dont understand why the shortcutkey file is located there. I can change the keys there though. Look for this file on your computer.
resumil@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:17 pm :
I searched my hard drive for commandlist.txt but got no results... could it be that yours got there from a previous GTKradiant install?
[edit] it's been a while since I last opened gtkradiant, but iirc its keymap config file was named shortcuts.ini. Please ignore the quote.
dfloss@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:28 am :
I'm sure this is posted somewhere else, but I have not been able to find it:
How can I change the editor so that I can see farther? I am looking at some maps to give me ideas but I can't see brushes more than approximately 50 ft away in game.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:36 am :
Under Help > Mapped Commands you'll find a list of keyboard shortcuts. Of them there are two of interest...
Note that I haven't tested them so I'm not sure if they'll work or not.
Another option that I know will work is to turn off cubic clipping (CTRL+\) although this may result in slowdown because the entire map is being drawn.
dfloss@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:54 am :
yeah I am now using the ctrl+] and the ctrl+[ which has worked like a charm for me!
thanks for the help
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:32 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
demonspawn@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:45 pm :
Go to view>filter and see if triggers is checked...if it is uncheck it
These filters allow you to define what the editor is displaying while you work.
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:49 pm :
no, that won't work because it actually DELETES the trigger...
Any ideas?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:53 pm :
Ha !
Harry 102, who are you ?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:00 pm :
ok, don't worry i fixed the trigger problem but now i have another question...
How do i script a ragdoll movement, you knno on the Hell level at the beginning where the body floats around?, how do i do that?
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:12 am :
In reply to Harry 101...
There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
PhoebeusFenix@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:55 am :
Whoaa, weird problem*i had this problem when editing for q3 too. I was making a little box, first map in d3. Couldnt get anything to work, finally got textures and a light, fun fun. The problem is when i back up from my starting point, i fall out of my map, i mean the map has compiled so their are no leaks, but im still falling out of my map, and it just keeps fallling and falling, any idea? Thanks
EDIT: alright, i put a light back by the wall i was falling through and viola, i dont fall through.
Tom@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:14 am :
abigserve wrote:
In reply to Harry 101... There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
That shows how to toss a ragdoll with a mover function.
To rotate a fat zombie in the editor? Use the Entity panel and click the directional tabs to rotate it whatever degrees you wish (as you do with the player_start). Note: Set the direction like this right after you create it. I tried to set the direction after drag_entity and I couldnt alter it. So I had to delete the entity, recreate it, set his initial direction, and then go and drag_entity to position his start posture.
Hope it helped.
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:31 am :
perfect! thanks.
Mar1n3@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:58 pm :
Ok, how do i increase the brightness in the Cam window? mine is dark, i can't see any of the geometry.
I've set gamma to 0.0 (misc menu) max brighness and it's all the same.
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:09 am :
ok im new at map making but got the basics down but i cant get any of my damn maps to work
it is either leaked or couldn't find proc
it is not leaked iknow that
how do u creat a .proc
please help
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:34 am :
hit f7[/quote]
JohnyRock@Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:14 am :
In response to BNA's advise on creating a shortcut to the editor and circumventing mouse and resolution problems.
Thank you so much! It's is nice to get the mouse working right off the bat and it's also nice that I don't have to deal with the 60Hz flicker from the editor defaulting to game resolution. Being a novice at this is hard but I'm prepared to tackle the learning curve. I will be creating levels in no time.
I simply took your example, highlighted the part that I needed, and pasted it to the end of the command line in "target". When I started it up the editor stayed at the screen resolution that I had set for Windows.
Seems trivial, but I had been battling this for a few days without the results that I desired.
My question is rather basic... with GTKradiant we used to tweak some cfg file in order to reassign the shortcut keys. For example, I'd rather use[ctrl+space] for cloning instead of just [space].
Any info on how this can be done in D3Radiant will be greatly appreciated.
Docgalaad@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:33 pm :
I dunno about you, but mine is located in C:\commandlist.txt and i dont understand why the shortcutkey file is located there. I can change the keys there though. Look for this file on your computer.
resumil@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:17 pm :
I searched my hard drive for commandlist.txt but got no results... could it be that yours got there from a previous GTKradiant install?
[edit] it's been a while since I last opened gtkradiant, but iirc its keymap config file was named shortcuts.ini. Please ignore the quote.
dfloss@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:28 am :
I'm sure this is posted somewhere else, but I have not been able to find it:
How can I change the editor so that I can see farther? I am looking at some maps to give me ideas but I can't see brushes more than approximately 50 ft away in game.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:36 am :
Under Help > Mapped Commands you'll find a list of keyboard shortcuts. Of them there are two of interest...
Note that I haven't tested them so I'm not sure if they'll work or not.
Another option that I know will work is to turn off cubic clipping (CTRL+\) although this may result in slowdown because the entire map is being drawn.
dfloss@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:54 am :
yeah I am now using the ctrl+] and the ctrl+[ which has worked like a charm for me!
thanks for the help
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:32 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
demonspawn@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:45 pm :
Go to view>filter and see if triggers is checked...if it is uncheck it
These filters allow you to define what the editor is displaying while you work.
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:49 pm :
no, that won't work because it actually DELETES the trigger...
Any ideas?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:53 pm :
Ha !
Harry 102, who are you ?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:00 pm :
ok, don't worry i fixed the trigger problem but now i have another question...
How do i script a ragdoll movement, you knno on the Hell level at the beginning where the body floats around?, how do i do that?
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:12 am :
In reply to Harry 101...
There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
PhoebeusFenix@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:55 am :
Whoaa, weird problem*i had this problem when editing for q3 too. I was making a little box, first map in d3. Couldnt get anything to work, finally got textures and a light, fun fun. The problem is when i back up from my starting point, i fall out of my map, i mean the map has compiled so their are no leaks, but im still falling out of my map, and it just keeps fallling and falling, any idea? Thanks
EDIT: alright, i put a light back by the wall i was falling through and viola, i dont fall through.
Tom@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:14 am :
abigserve wrote:
In reply to Harry 101... There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
That shows how to toss a ragdoll with a mover function.
To rotate a fat zombie in the editor? Use the Entity panel and click the directional tabs to rotate it whatever degrees you wish (as you do with the player_start). Note: Set the direction like this right after you create it. I tried to set the direction after drag_entity and I couldnt alter it. So I had to delete the entity, recreate it, set his initial direction, and then go and drag_entity to position his start posture.
Hope it helped.
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:31 am :
perfect! thanks.
Mar1n3@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:58 pm :
Ok, how do i increase the brightness in the Cam window? mine is dark, i can't see any of the geometry.
I've set gamma to 0.0 (misc menu) max brighness and it's all the same.
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:09 am :
ok im new at map making but got the basics down but i cant get any of my damn maps to work
it is either leaked or couldn't find proc
it is not leaked iknow that
how do u creat a .proc
please help
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:34 am :
hit f7[/quote]
JohnyRock@Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:14 am :
In response to BNA's advise on creating a shortcut to the editor and circumventing mouse and resolution problems.
Thank you so much! It's is nice to get the mouse working right off the bat and it's also nice that I don't have to deal with the 60Hz flicker from the editor defaulting to game resolution. Being a novice at this is hard but I'm prepared to tackle the learning curve. I will be creating levels in no time.
I simply took your example, highlighted the part that I needed, and pasted it to the end of the command line in "target". When I started it up the editor stayed at the screen resolution that I had set for Windows.
Seems trivial, but I had been battling this for a few days without the results that I desired.
My question is rather basic... with GTKradiant we used to tweak some cfg file in order to reassign the shortcut keys. For example, I'd rather use[ctrl+space] for cloning instead of just [space].
Any info on how this can be done in D3Radiant will be greatly appreciated.
Docgalaad@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:33 pm :
I dunno about you, but mine is located in C:\commandlist.txt and i dont understand why the shortcutkey file is located there. I can change the keys there though. Look for this file on your computer.
resumil@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:17 pm :
I searched my hard drive for commandlist.txt but got no results... could it be that yours got there from a previous GTKradiant install?
[edit] it's been a while since I last opened gtkradiant, but iirc its keymap config file was named shortcuts.ini. Please ignore the quote.
dfloss@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:28 am :
I'm sure this is posted somewhere else, but I have not been able to find it:
How can I change the editor so that I can see farther? I am looking at some maps to give me ideas but I can't see brushes more than approximately 50 ft away in game.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:36 am :
Under Help > Mapped Commands you'll find a list of keyboard shortcuts. Of them there are two of interest...
Note that I haven't tested them so I'm not sure if they'll work or not.
Another option that I know will work is to turn off cubic clipping (CTRL+\) although this may result in slowdown because the entire map is being drawn.
dfloss@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:54 am :
yeah I am now using the ctrl+] and the ctrl+[ which has worked like a charm for me!
thanks for the help
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:32 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
demonspawn@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:45 pm :
Go to view>filter and see if triggers is checked...if it is uncheck it
These filters allow you to define what the editor is displaying while you work.
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:49 pm :
no, that won't work because it actually DELETES the trigger...
Any ideas?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:53 pm :
Ha !
Harry 102, who are you ?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:00 pm :
ok, don't worry i fixed the trigger problem but now i have another question...
How do i script a ragdoll movement, you knno on the Hell level at the beginning where the body floats around?, how do i do that?
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:12 am :
In reply to Harry 101...
There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
PhoebeusFenix@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:55 am :
Whoaa, weird problem*i had this problem when editing for q3 too. I was making a little box, first map in d3. Couldnt get anything to work, finally got textures and a light, fun fun. The problem is when i back up from my starting point, i fall out of my map, i mean the map has compiled so their are no leaks, but im still falling out of my map, and it just keeps fallling and falling, any idea? Thanks
EDIT: alright, i put a light back by the wall i was falling through and viola, i dont fall through.
Tom@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:14 am :
abigserve wrote:
In reply to Harry 101... There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
That shows how to toss a ragdoll with a mover function.
To rotate a fat zombie in the editor? Use the Entity panel and click the directional tabs to rotate it whatever degrees you wish (as you do with the player_start). Note: Set the direction like this right after you create it. I tried to set the direction after drag_entity and I couldnt alter it. So I had to delete the entity, recreate it, set his initial direction, and then go and drag_entity to position his start posture.
Hope it helped.
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:31 am :
perfect! thanks.
Mar1n3@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:58 pm :
Ok, how do i increase the brightness in the Cam window? mine is dark, i can't see any of the geometry.
I've set gamma to 0.0 (misc menu) max brighness and it's all the same.
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:09 am :
ok im new at map making but got the basics down but i cant get any of my damn maps to work
it is either leaked or couldn't find proc
it is not leaked iknow that
how do u creat a .proc
please help
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:34 am :
hit f7[/quote]
JohnyRock@Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:14 am :
In response to BNA's advise on creating a shortcut to the editor and circumventing mouse and resolution problems.
Thank you so much! It's is nice to get the mouse working right off the bat and it's also nice that I don't have to deal with the 60Hz flicker from the editor defaulting to game resolution. Being a novice at this is hard but I'm prepared to tackle the learning curve. I will be creating levels in no time.
I simply took your example, highlighted the part that I needed, and pasted it to the end of the command line in "target". When I started it up the editor stayed at the screen resolution that I had set for Windows.
Seems trivial, but I had been battling this for a few days without the results that I desired.
My question is rather basic... with GTKradiant we used to tweak some cfg file in order to reassign the shortcut keys. For example, I'd rather use[ctrl+space] for cloning instead of just [space].
Any info on how this can be done in D3Radiant will be greatly appreciated.
Docgalaad@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:33 pm :
I dunno about you, but mine is located in C:\commandlist.txt and i dont understand why the shortcutkey file is located there. I can change the keys there though. Look for this file on your computer.
resumil@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:17 pm :
I searched my hard drive for commandlist.txt but got no results... could it be that yours got there from a previous GTKradiant install?
[edit] it's been a while since I last opened gtkradiant, but iirc its keymap config file was named shortcuts.ini. Please ignore the quote.
dfloss@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:28 am :
I'm sure this is posted somewhere else, but I have not been able to find it:
How can I change the editor so that I can see farther? I am looking at some maps to give me ideas but I can't see brushes more than approximately 50 ft away in game.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:36 am :
Under Help > Mapped Commands you'll find a list of keyboard shortcuts. Of them there are two of interest...
Note that I haven't tested them so I'm not sure if they'll work or not.
Another option that I know will work is to turn off cubic clipping (CTRL+\) although this may result in slowdown because the entire map is being drawn.
dfloss@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:54 am :
yeah I am now using the ctrl+] and the ctrl+[ which has worked like a charm for me!
thanks for the help
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:32 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
demonspawn@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:45 pm :
Go to view>filter and see if triggers is checked...if it is uncheck it
These filters allow you to define what the editor is displaying while you work.
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:49 pm :
no, that won't work because it actually DELETES the trigger...
Any ideas?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:53 pm :
Ha !
Harry 102, who are you ?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:00 pm :
ok, don't worry i fixed the trigger problem but now i have another question...
How do i script a ragdoll movement, you knno on the Hell level at the beginning where the body floats around?, how do i do that?
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:12 am :
In reply to Harry 101...
There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
PhoebeusFenix@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:55 am :
Whoaa, weird problem*i had this problem when editing for q3 too. I was making a little box, first map in d3. Couldnt get anything to work, finally got textures and a light, fun fun. The problem is when i back up from my starting point, i fall out of my map, i mean the map has compiled so their are no leaks, but im still falling out of my map, and it just keeps fallling and falling, any idea? Thanks
EDIT: alright, i put a light back by the wall i was falling through and viola, i dont fall through.
Tom@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:14 am :
abigserve wrote:
In reply to Harry 101... There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
That shows how to toss a ragdoll with a mover function.
To rotate a fat zombie in the editor? Use the Entity panel and click the directional tabs to rotate it whatever degrees you wish (as you do with the player_start). Note: Set the direction like this right after you create it. I tried to set the direction after drag_entity and I couldnt alter it. So I had to delete the entity, recreate it, set his initial direction, and then go and drag_entity to position his start posture.
Hope it helped.
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:31 am :
perfect! thanks.
Mar1n3@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:58 pm :
Ok, how do i increase the brightness in the Cam window? mine is dark, i can't see any of the geometry.
I've set gamma to 0.0 (misc menu) max brighness and it's all the same.
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:09 am :
ok im new at map making but got the basics down but i cant get any of my damn maps to work
it is either leaked or couldn't find proc
it is not leaked iknow that
how do u creat a .proc
please help
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:34 am :
hit f7[/quote]
JohnyRock@Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:14 am :
In response to BNA's advise on creating a shortcut to the editor and circumventing mouse and resolution problems.
Thank you so much! It's is nice to get the mouse working right off the bat and it's also nice that I don't have to deal with the 60Hz flicker from the editor defaulting to game resolution. Being a novice at this is hard but I'm prepared to tackle the learning curve. I will be creating levels in no time.
I simply took your example, highlighted the part that I needed, and pasted it to the end of the command line in "target". When I started it up the editor stayed at the screen resolution that I had set for Windows.
Seems trivial, but I had been battling this for a few days without the results that I desired.
My question is rather basic... with GTKradiant we used to tweak some cfg file in order to reassign the shortcut keys. For example, I'd rather use[ctrl+space] for cloning instead of just [space].
Any info on how this can be done in D3Radiant will be greatly appreciated.
Docgalaad@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:33 pm :
I dunno about you, but mine is located in C:\commandlist.txt and i dont understand why the shortcutkey file is located there. I can change the keys there though. Look for this file on your computer.
resumil@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:17 pm :
I searched my hard drive for commandlist.txt but got no results... could it be that yours got there from a previous GTKradiant install?
[edit] it's been a while since I last opened gtkradiant, but iirc its keymap config file was named shortcuts.ini. Please ignore the quote.
dfloss@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:28 am :
I'm sure this is posted somewhere else, but I have not been able to find it:
How can I change the editor so that I can see farther? I am looking at some maps to give me ideas but I can't see brushes more than approximately 50 ft away in game.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:36 am :
Under Help > Mapped Commands you'll find a list of keyboard shortcuts. Of them there are two of interest...
Note that I haven't tested them so I'm not sure if they'll work or not.
Another option that I know will work is to turn off cubic clipping (CTRL+\) although this may result in slowdown because the entire map is being drawn.
dfloss@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:54 am :
yeah I am now using the ctrl+] and the ctrl+[ which has worked like a charm for me!
thanks for the help
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:32 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
demonspawn@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:45 pm :
Go to view>filter and see if triggers is checked...if it is uncheck it
These filters allow you to define what the editor is displaying while you work.
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:49 pm :
no, that won't work because it actually DELETES the trigger...
Any ideas?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:53 pm :
Ha !
Harry 102, who are you ?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:00 pm :
ok, don't worry i fixed the trigger problem but now i have another question...
How do i script a ragdoll movement, you knno on the Hell level at the beginning where the body floats around?, how do i do that?
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:12 am :
In reply to Harry 101...
There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
PhoebeusFenix@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:55 am :
Whoaa, weird problem*i had this problem when editing for q3 too. I was making a little box, first map in d3. Couldnt get anything to work, finally got textures and a light, fun fun. The problem is when i back up from my starting point, i fall out of my map, i mean the map has compiled so their are no leaks, but im still falling out of my map, and it just keeps fallling and falling, any idea? Thanks
EDIT: alright, i put a light back by the wall i was falling through and viola, i dont fall through.
Tom@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:14 am :
abigserve wrote:
In reply to Harry 101... There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
That shows how to toss a ragdoll with a mover function.
To rotate a fat zombie in the editor? Use the Entity panel and click the directional tabs to rotate it whatever degrees you wish (as you do with the player_start). Note: Set the direction like this right after you create it. I tried to set the direction after drag_entity and I couldnt alter it. So I had to delete the entity, recreate it, set his initial direction, and then go and drag_entity to position his start posture.
Hope it helped.
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:31 am :
perfect! thanks.
Mar1n3@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:58 pm :
Ok, how do i increase the brightness in the Cam window? mine is dark, i can't see any of the geometry.
I've set gamma to 0.0 (misc menu) max brighness and it's all the same.
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:09 am :
ok im new at map making but got the basics down but i cant get any of my damn maps to work
it is either leaked or couldn't find proc
it is not leaked iknow that
how do u creat a .proc
please help
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:34 am :
hit f7[/quote]
JohnyRock@Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:14 am :
In response to BNA's advise on creating a shortcut to the editor and circumventing mouse and resolution problems.
Thank you so much! It's is nice to get the mouse working right off the bat and it's also nice that I don't have to deal with the 60Hz flicker from the editor defaulting to game resolution. Being a novice at this is hard but I'm prepared to tackle the learning curve. I will be creating levels in no time.
I simply took your example, highlighted the part that I needed, and pasted it to the end of the command line in "target". When I started it up the editor stayed at the screen resolution that I had set for Windows.
Seems trivial, but I had been battling this for a few days without the results that I desired.
My question is rather basic... with GTKradiant we used to tweak some cfg file in order to reassign the shortcut keys. For example, I'd rather use[ctrl+space] for cloning instead of just [space].
Any info on how this can be done in D3Radiant will be greatly appreciated.
Docgalaad@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:33 pm :
I dunno about you, but mine is located in C:\commandlist.txt and i dont understand why the shortcutkey file is located there. I can change the keys there though. Look for this file on your computer.
resumil@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:17 pm :
I searched my hard drive for commandlist.txt but got no results... could it be that yours got there from a previous GTKradiant install?
[edit] it's been a while since I last opened gtkradiant, but iirc its keymap config file was named shortcuts.ini. Please ignore the quote.
dfloss@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:28 am :
I'm sure this is posted somewhere else, but I have not been able to find it:
How can I change the editor so that I can see farther? I am looking at some maps to give me ideas but I can't see brushes more than approximately 50 ft away in game.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:36 am :
Under Help > Mapped Commands you'll find a list of keyboard shortcuts. Of them there are two of interest...
Note that I haven't tested them so I'm not sure if they'll work or not.
Another option that I know will work is to turn off cubic clipping (CTRL+\) although this may result in slowdown because the entire map is being drawn.
dfloss@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:54 am :
yeah I am now using the ctrl+] and the ctrl+[ which has worked like a charm for me!
thanks for the help
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:32 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
demonspawn@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:45 pm :
Go to view>filter and see if triggers is checked...if it is uncheck it
These filters allow you to define what the editor is displaying while you work.
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:49 pm :
no, that won't work because it actually DELETES the trigger...
Any ideas?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:53 pm :
Ha !
Harry 102, who are you ?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:00 pm :
ok, don't worry i fixed the trigger problem but now i have another question...
How do i script a ragdoll movement, you knno on the Hell level at the beginning where the body floats around?, how do i do that?
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:12 am :
In reply to Harry 101...
There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
PhoebeusFenix@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:55 am :
Whoaa, weird problem*i had this problem when editing for q3 too. I was making a little box, first map in d3. Couldnt get anything to work, finally got textures and a light, fun fun. The problem is when i back up from my starting point, i fall out of my map, i mean the map has compiled so their are no leaks, but im still falling out of my map, and it just keeps fallling and falling, any idea? Thanks
EDIT: alright, i put a light back by the wall i was falling through and viola, i dont fall through.
Tom@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:14 am :
abigserve wrote:
In reply to Harry 101... There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
That shows how to toss a ragdoll with a mover function.
To rotate a fat zombie in the editor? Use the Entity panel and click the directional tabs to rotate it whatever degrees you wish (as you do with the player_start). Note: Set the direction like this right after you create it. I tried to set the direction after drag_entity and I couldnt alter it. So I had to delete the entity, recreate it, set his initial direction, and then go and drag_entity to position his start posture.
Hope it helped.
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:31 am :
perfect! thanks.
Mar1n3@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:58 pm :
Ok, how do i increase the brightness in the Cam window? mine is dark, i can't see any of the geometry.
I've set gamma to 0.0 (misc menu) max brighness and it's all the same.
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:09 am :
ok im new at map making but got the basics down but i cant get any of my damn maps to work
it is either leaked or couldn't find proc
it is not leaked iknow that
how do u creat a .proc
please help
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:34 am :
hit f7[/quote]
JohnyRock@Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:14 am :
In response to BNA's advise on creating a shortcut to the editor and circumventing mouse and resolution problems.
Thank you so much! It's is nice to get the mouse working right off the bat and it's also nice that I don't have to deal with the 60Hz flicker from the editor defaulting to game resolution. Being a novice at this is hard but I'm prepared to tackle the learning curve. I will be creating levels in no time.
I simply took your example, highlighted the part that I needed, and pasted it to the end of the command line in "target". When I started it up the editor stayed at the screen resolution that I had set for Windows.
Seems trivial, but I had been battling this for a few days without the results that I desired.
My question is rather basic... with GTKradiant we used to tweak some cfg file in order to reassign the shortcut keys. For example, I'd rather use[ctrl+space] for cloning instead of just [space].
Any info on how this can be done in D3Radiant will be greatly appreciated.
Docgalaad@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:33 pm :
I dunno about you, but mine is located in C:\commandlist.txt and i dont understand why the shortcutkey file is located there. I can change the keys there though. Look for this file on your computer.
resumil@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:17 pm :
I searched my hard drive for commandlist.txt but got no results... could it be that yours got there from a previous GTKradiant install?
[edit] it's been a while since I last opened gtkradiant, but iirc its keymap config file was named shortcuts.ini. Please ignore the quote.
dfloss@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:28 am :
I'm sure this is posted somewhere else, but I have not been able to find it:
How can I change the editor so that I can see farther? I am looking at some maps to give me ideas but I can't see brushes more than approximately 50 ft away in game.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:36 am :
Under Help > Mapped Commands you'll find a list of keyboard shortcuts. Of them there are two of interest...
Note that I haven't tested them so I'm not sure if they'll work or not.
Another option that I know will work is to turn off cubic clipping (CTRL+\) although this may result in slowdown because the entire map is being drawn.
dfloss@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:54 am :
yeah I am now using the ctrl+] and the ctrl+[ which has worked like a charm for me!
thanks for the help
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:32 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
demonspawn@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:45 pm :
Go to view>filter and see if triggers is checked...if it is uncheck it
These filters allow you to define what the editor is displaying while you work.
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:49 pm :
no, that won't work because it actually DELETES the trigger...
Any ideas?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:53 pm :
Ha !
Harry 102, who are you ?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:00 pm :
ok, don't worry i fixed the trigger problem but now i have another question...
How do i script a ragdoll movement, you knno on the Hell level at the beginning where the body floats around?, how do i do that?
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:12 am :
In reply to Harry 101...
There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
PhoebeusFenix@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:55 am :
Whoaa, weird problem*i had this problem when editing for q3 too. I was making a little box, first map in d3. Couldnt get anything to work, finally got textures and a light, fun fun. The problem is when i back up from my starting point, i fall out of my map, i mean the map has compiled so their are no leaks, but im still falling out of my map, and it just keeps fallling and falling, any idea? Thanks
EDIT: alright, i put a light back by the wall i was falling through and viola, i dont fall through.
Tom@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:14 am :
abigserve wrote:
In reply to Harry 101... There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
That shows how to toss a ragdoll with a mover function.
To rotate a fat zombie in the editor? Use the Entity panel and click the directional tabs to rotate it whatever degrees you wish (as you do with the player_start). Note: Set the direction like this right after you create it. I tried to set the direction after drag_entity and I couldnt alter it. So I had to delete the entity, recreate it, set his initial direction, and then go and drag_entity to position his start posture.
Hope it helped.
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:31 am :
perfect! thanks.
Mar1n3@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:58 pm :
Ok, how do i increase the brightness in the Cam window? mine is dark, i can't see any of the geometry.
I've set gamma to 0.0 (misc menu) max brighness and it's all the same.
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:09 am :
ok im new at map making but got the basics down but i cant get any of my damn maps to work
it is either leaked or couldn't find proc
it is not leaked iknow that
how do u creat a .proc
please help
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:34 am :
hit f7[/quote]
JohnyRock@Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:14 am :
In response to BNA's advise on creating a shortcut to the editor and circumventing mouse and resolution problems.
Thank you so much! It's is nice to get the mouse working right off the bat and it's also nice that I don't have to deal with the 60Hz flicker from the editor defaulting to game resolution. Being a novice at this is hard but I'm prepared to tackle the learning curve. I will be creating levels in no time.
I simply took your example, highlighted the part that I needed, and pasted it to the end of the command line in "target". When I started it up the editor stayed at the screen resolution that I had set for Windows.
Seems trivial, but I had been battling this for a few days without the results that I desired.
My question is rather basic... with GTKradiant we used to tweak some cfg file in order to reassign the shortcut keys. For example, I'd rather use[ctrl+space] for cloning instead of just [space].
Any info on how this can be done in D3Radiant will be greatly appreciated.
Docgalaad@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:33 pm :
I dunno about you, but mine is located in C:\commandlist.txt and i dont understand why the shortcutkey file is located there. I can change the keys there though. Look for this file on your computer.
resumil@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:17 pm :
I searched my hard drive for commandlist.txt but got no results... could it be that yours got there from a previous GTKradiant install?
[edit] it's been a while since I last opened gtkradiant, but iirc its keymap config file was named shortcuts.ini. Please ignore the quote.
dfloss@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:28 am :
I'm sure this is posted somewhere else, but I have not been able to find it:
How can I change the editor so that I can see farther? I am looking at some maps to give me ideas but I can't see brushes more than approximately 50 ft away in game.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:36 am :
Under Help > Mapped Commands you'll find a list of keyboard shortcuts. Of them there are two of interest...
Note that I haven't tested them so I'm not sure if they'll work or not.
Another option that I know will work is to turn off cubic clipping (CTRL+\) although this may result in slowdown because the entire map is being drawn.
dfloss@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:54 am :
yeah I am now using the ctrl+] and the ctrl+[ which has worked like a charm for me!
thanks for the help
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:32 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
demonspawn@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:45 pm :
Go to view>filter and see if triggers is checked...if it is uncheck it
These filters allow you to define what the editor is displaying while you work.
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:49 pm :
no, that won't work because it actually DELETES the trigger...
Any ideas?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:53 pm :
Ha !
Harry 102, who are you ?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:00 pm :
ok, don't worry i fixed the trigger problem but now i have another question...
How do i script a ragdoll movement, you knno on the Hell level at the beginning where the body floats around?, how do i do that?
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:12 am :
In reply to Harry 101...
There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
PhoebeusFenix@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:55 am :
Whoaa, weird problem*i had this problem when editing for q3 too. I was making a little box, first map in d3. Couldnt get anything to work, finally got textures and a light, fun fun. The problem is when i back up from my starting point, i fall out of my map, i mean the map has compiled so their are no leaks, but im still falling out of my map, and it just keeps fallling and falling, any idea? Thanks
EDIT: alright, i put a light back by the wall i was falling through and viola, i dont fall through.
Tom@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:14 am :
abigserve wrote:
In reply to Harry 101... There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
That shows how to toss a ragdoll with a mover function.
To rotate a fat zombie in the editor? Use the Entity panel and click the directional tabs to rotate it whatever degrees you wish (as you do with the player_start). Note: Set the direction like this right after you create it. I tried to set the direction after drag_entity and I couldnt alter it. So I had to delete the entity, recreate it, set his initial direction, and then go and drag_entity to position his start posture.
Hope it helped.
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:31 am :
perfect! thanks.
Mar1n3@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:58 pm :
Ok, how do i increase the brightness in the Cam window? mine is dark, i can't see any of the geometry.
I've set gamma to 0.0 (misc menu) max brighness and it's all the same.
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:09 am :
ok im new at map making but got the basics down but i cant get any of my damn maps to work
it is either leaked or couldn't find proc
it is not leaked iknow that
how do u creat a .proc
please help
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:34 am :
hit f7[/quote]
JohnyRock@Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:14 am :
In response to BNA's advise on creating a shortcut to the editor and circumventing mouse and resolution problems.
Thank you so much! It's is nice to get the mouse working right off the bat and it's also nice that I don't have to deal with the 60Hz flicker from the editor defaulting to game resolution. Being a novice at this is hard but I'm prepared to tackle the learning curve. I will be creating levels in no time.
I simply took your example, highlighted the part that I needed, and pasted it to the end of the command line in "target". When I started it up the editor stayed at the screen resolution that I had set for Windows.
Seems trivial, but I had been battling this for a few days without the results that I desired.
My question is rather basic... with GTKradiant we used to tweak some cfg file in order to reassign the shortcut keys. For example, I'd rather use[ctrl+space] for cloning instead of just [space].
Any info on how this can be done in D3Radiant will be greatly appreciated.
Docgalaad@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:33 pm :
I dunno about you, but mine is located in C:\commandlist.txt and i dont understand why the shortcutkey file is located there. I can change the keys there though. Look for this file on your computer.
resumil@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:17 pm :
I searched my hard drive for commandlist.txt but got no results... could it be that yours got there from a previous GTKradiant install?
[edit] it's been a while since I last opened gtkradiant, but iirc its keymap config file was named shortcuts.ini. Please ignore the quote.
dfloss@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:28 am :
I'm sure this is posted somewhere else, but I have not been able to find it:
How can I change the editor so that I can see farther? I am looking at some maps to give me ideas but I can't see brushes more than approximately 50 ft away in game.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:36 am :
Under Help > Mapped Commands you'll find a list of keyboard shortcuts. Of them there are two of interest...
Note that I haven't tested them so I'm not sure if they'll work or not.
Another option that I know will work is to turn off cubic clipping (CTRL+\) although this may result in slowdown because the entire map is being drawn.
dfloss@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:54 am :
yeah I am now using the ctrl+] and the ctrl+[ which has worked like a charm for me!
thanks for the help
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:32 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
demonspawn@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:45 pm :
Go to view>filter and see if triggers is checked...if it is uncheck it
These filters allow you to define what the editor is displaying while you work.
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:49 pm :
no, that won't work because it actually DELETES the trigger...
Any ideas?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:53 pm :
Ha !
Harry 102, who are you ?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:00 pm :
ok, don't worry i fixed the trigger problem but now i have another question...
How do i script a ragdoll movement, you knno on the Hell level at the beginning where the body floats around?, how do i do that?
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:12 am :
In reply to Harry 101...
There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
PhoebeusFenix@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:55 am :
Whoaa, weird problem*i had this problem when editing for q3 too. I was making a little box, first map in d3. Couldnt get anything to work, finally got textures and a light, fun fun. The problem is when i back up from my starting point, i fall out of my map, i mean the map has compiled so their are no leaks, but im still falling out of my map, and it just keeps fallling and falling, any idea? Thanks
EDIT: alright, i put a light back by the wall i was falling through and viola, i dont fall through.
Tom@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:14 am :
abigserve wrote:
In reply to Harry 101... There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
That shows how to toss a ragdoll with a mover function.
To rotate a fat zombie in the editor? Use the Entity panel and click the directional tabs to rotate it whatever degrees you wish (as you do with the player_start). Note: Set the direction like this right after you create it. I tried to set the direction after drag_entity and I couldnt alter it. So I had to delete the entity, recreate it, set his initial direction, and then go and drag_entity to position his start posture.
Hope it helped.
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:31 am :
perfect! thanks.
Mar1n3@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:58 pm :
Ok, how do i increase the brightness in the Cam window? mine is dark, i can't see any of the geometry.
I've set gamma to 0.0 (misc menu) max brighness and it's all the same.
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:09 am :
ok im new at map making but got the basics down but i cant get any of my damn maps to work
it is either leaked or couldn't find proc
it is not leaked iknow that
how do u creat a .proc
please help
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:34 am :
hit f7[/quote]
JohnyRock@Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:14 am :
In response to BNA's advise on creating a shortcut to the editor and circumventing mouse and resolution problems.
Thank you so much! It's is nice to get the mouse working right off the bat and it's also nice that I don't have to deal with the 60Hz flicker from the editor defaulting to game resolution. Being a novice at this is hard but I'm prepared to tackle the learning curve. I will be creating levels in no time.
I simply took your example, highlighted the part that I needed, and pasted it to the end of the command line in "target". When I started it up the editor stayed at the screen resolution that I had set for Windows.
Seems trivial, but I had been battling this for a few days without the results that I desired.
My question is rather basic... with GTKradiant we used to tweak some cfg file in order to reassign the shortcut keys. For example, I'd rather use[ctrl+space] for cloning instead of just [space].
Any info on how this can be done in D3Radiant will be greatly appreciated.
Docgalaad@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:33 pm :
I dunno about you, but mine is located in C:\commandlist.txt and i dont understand why the shortcutkey file is located there. I can change the keys there though. Look for this file on your computer.
resumil@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:17 pm :
I searched my hard drive for commandlist.txt but got no results... could it be that yours got there from a previous GTKradiant install?
[edit] it's been a while since I last opened gtkradiant, but iirc its keymap config file was named shortcuts.ini. Please ignore the quote.
dfloss@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:28 am :
I'm sure this is posted somewhere else, but I have not been able to find it:
How can I change the editor so that I can see farther? I am looking at some maps to give me ideas but I can't see brushes more than approximately 50 ft away in game.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:36 am :
Under Help > Mapped Commands you'll find a list of keyboard shortcuts. Of them there are two of interest...
Note that I haven't tested them so I'm not sure if they'll work or not.
Another option that I know will work is to turn off cubic clipping (CTRL+\) although this may result in slowdown because the entire map is being drawn.
dfloss@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:54 am :
yeah I am now using the ctrl+] and the ctrl+[ which has worked like a charm for me!
thanks for the help
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:32 pm :
Hi dudes, i have a problem, when i create a trigger and press escape to de-select it, it disappears/gets deleted!
so i can't make triggers till i find out how to fix it...
Please help!
demonspawn@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:45 pm :
Go to view>filter and see if triggers is checked...if it is uncheck it
These filters allow you to define what the editor is displaying while you work.
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:49 pm :
no, that won't work because it actually DELETES the trigger...
Any ideas?
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:53 pm :
Ha !
Harry 102, who are you ?
Harry 101@Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:00 pm :
ok, don't worry i fixed the trigger problem but now i have another question...
How do i script a ragdoll movement, you knno on the Hell level at the beginning where the body floats around?, how do i do that?
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:12 am :
In reply to Harry 101...
There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
PhoebeusFenix@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:55 am :
Whoaa, weird problem*i had this problem when editing for q3 too. I was making a little box, first map in d3. Couldnt get anything to work, finally got textures and a light, fun fun. The problem is when i back up from my starting point, i fall out of my map, i mean the map has compiled so their are no leaks, but im still falling out of my map, and it just keeps fallling and falling, any idea? Thanks
EDIT: alright, i put a light back by the wall i was falling through and viola, i dont fall through.
Tom@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:14 am :
abigserve wrote:
In reply to Harry 101... There is a tut somewhere on this site, but i can't find it again. If u find it tell me because i want to know as well.
I have a problem as well, how do i rotate an entity such as a fat zombie? Any help would be appreciated!
That shows how to toss a ragdoll with a mover function.
To rotate a fat zombie in the editor? Use the Entity panel and click the directional tabs to rotate it whatever degrees you wish (as you do with the player_start). Note: Set the direction like this right after you create it. I tried to set the direction after drag_entity and I couldnt alter it. So I had to delete the entity, recreate it, set his initial direction, and then go and drag_entity to position his start posture.
Hope it helped.
abigserve@Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:31 am :
perfect! thanks.
Mar1n3@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:58 pm :
Ok, how do i increase the brightness in the Cam window? mine is dark, i can't see any of the geometry.
I've set gamma to 0.0 (misc menu) max brighness and it's all the same.
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:09 am :
ok im new at map making but got the basics down but i cant get any of my damn maps to work
it is either leaked or couldn't find proc
it is not leaked iknow that
how do u creat a .proc
please help
cas111@Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:34 am :
hit f7[/quote]
JohnyRock@Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:14 am :
In response to BNA's advise on creating a shortcut to the editor and circumventing mouse and resolution problems.
Thank you so much! It's is nice to get the mouse working right off the bat and it's also nice that I don't have to deal with the 60Hz flicker from the editor defaulting to game resolution. Being a novice at this is hard but I'm prepared to tackle the learning curve. I will be creating levels in no time.
I simply took your example, highlighted the part that I needed, and pasted it to the end of the command line in "target". When I started it up the editor stayed at the screen resolution that I had set for Windows.
Seems trivial, but I had been battling this for a few days without the results that I desired.
My question is rather basic... with GTKradiant we used to tweak some cfg file in order to reassign the shortcut keys. For example, I'd rather use[ctrl+space] for cloning instead of just [space].
Any info on how this can be done in D3Radiant will be greatly appreciated.
Docgalaad@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:33 pm :
I dunno about you, but mine is located in C:\commandlist.txt and i dont understand why the shortcutkey file is located there. I can change the keys there though. Look for this file on your computer.
resumil@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:17 pm :
I searched my hard drive for commandlist.txt but got no results... could it be that yours got there from a previous GTKradiant install?
[edit] it's been a while since I last opened gtkradiant, but iirc its keymap config file was named shortcuts.ini. Please ignore the quote.
dfloss@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:28 am :
I'm sure this is posted somewhere else, but I have not been able to find it:
How can I change the editor so that I can see farther? I am looking at some maps to give me ideas but I can't see brushes more than approximately 50 ft away in game.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:36 am :
Under Help > Mapped Commands you'll find a list of keyboard shortcuts. Of them there are two of interest...
Note that I haven't tested them so I'm not sure if they'll work or not.
Another option that I know will work is to turn off cubic clipping (CTRL+\) although this may result in slowdown because the entire map is being drawn.
dfloss@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:54 am :
yeah I am now using the ctrl+] and the ctrl+[ which has worked like a charm for me!
thanks for the help
PointlesS@Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 8:07 pm Post subject: : when viewing models/map objects how do you move around to view the model better? BNA!@Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 10:49 pm :
Let's get started with the FAQ:
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
And how does it get back? I tried to toggle 'Console View' among other things but it won't come back?
Ahiles@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 2:19 pm :
How do i get toolbar back i turn it off but now cant get it back. I deleted editor.cfg and doomconfig.cfg but it must be saved in some other place. Any idea where?
I think this editor is totaly buged and i didnt expected something like that from iD. I cant even select my favourite layout and i have to resize it by hand.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:04 pm :
It's saved in the registry. I had to fix this problem with the alpha a long time ago. I'm not sure what keys exactly but a search for doom should turn up results. I hope that's helpful.
Ahiles@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:33 pm :
10x i fix it now. I just deleted "DOOMRadiant" key in registry and doom made the new one whit toolbar on.
BNA!@Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 10:49 pm Post subject: Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.: Let's get started with the FAQ:
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary.
You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked"
You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory.
Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
How do I compile my map ?
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor.
That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages?
Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up.
Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work.
First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format.
Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as). _________________ Staff - The world is yours
Last edited by BNA! on Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:25 pm; edited 25 times in total 3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am Post subject: : It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am Post subject: : Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help. xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am Post subject: : If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks _________________ --xgalaxy DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm Post subject: : Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm Post subject: : Excellent
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc? _________________ -- DaZ
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help. DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm Post subject: :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are! rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm Post subject: : Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game. _________________ Rich - $my_hand.touches($her_breast);
Staff Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm Post subject: : To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4. Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm Post subject: : To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4. renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm Post subject: : Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works. kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm Post subject: : I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that.. _________________ iddqd GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm Post subject: : If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ... Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm Post subject: :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am Post subject: :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
And how does it get back?
I tried to toggle 'Console View' among other things but it won't come back? Ahiles@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 2:19 pm Post subject: : How do i get toolbar back i turn it off but now cant get it back. I deleted editor.cfg and doomconfig.cfg but it must be saved in some other place. Any idea where?
I think this editor is totaly buged and i didnt expected something like that from iD. I cant even select my favourite layout and i have to resize it by hand. rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:04 pm Post subject: : It's saved in the registry. I had to fix this problem with the alpha a long time ago. I'm not sure what keys exactly but a search for doom should turn up results. I hope that's helpful. _________________ Rich - $my_hand.touches($her_breast);
Staff Ahiles@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:33 pm Post subject: : 10x i fix it now. I just deleted "DOOMRadiant" key in registry and doom made the new one whit toolbar on. BNA!@Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 10:49 pm Post subject: Doom 3 level editing FAQ - read that first.: Let's get started with the FAQ:
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary.
You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked"
You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory.
Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
How do I compile my map ?
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor.
That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages?
Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up.
Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work.
First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format.
Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as). _________________ Staff - The world is yours
Last edited by BNA! on Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:25 pm; edited 25 times in total 3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am Post subject: : It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am Post subject: : Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help. xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am Post subject: : If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks _________________ --xgalaxy DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm Post subject: : Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm Post subject: : Excellent
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc? _________________ -- DaZ
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help. DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm Post subject: :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are! rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm Post subject: : Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game. _________________ Rich - $my_hand.touches($her_breast);
Staff Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm Post subject: : To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4. Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm Post subject: : To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4. renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm Post subject: : Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works. kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm Post subject: : I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that.. _________________ iddqd GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm Post subject: : If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ... Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm Post subject: :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am Post subject: :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
And how does it get back?
I tried to toggle 'Console View' among other things but it won't come back? Ahiles@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 2:19 pm Post subject: : How do i get toolbar back i turn it off but now cant get it back. I deleted editor.cfg and doomconfig.cfg but it must be saved in some other place. Any idea where?
I think this editor is totaly buged and i didnt expected something like that from iD. I cant even select my favourite layout and i have to resize it by hand. rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:04 pm Post subject: : It's saved in the registry. I had to fix this problem with the alpha a long time ago. I'm not sure what keys exactly but a search for doom should turn up results. I hope that's helpful. _________________ Rich - $my_hand.touches($her_breast);
Staff Ahiles@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:33 pm Post subject: : 10x i fix it now. I just deleted "DOOMRadiant" key in registry and doom made the new one whit toolbar on. BNA!@Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 10:49 pm :
Let's get started with the FAQ:
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
And how does it get back? I tried to toggle 'Console View' among other things but it won't come back?
Ahiles@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 2:19 pm :
How do i get toolbar back i turn it off but now cant get it back. I deleted editor.cfg and doomconfig.cfg but it must be saved in some other place. Any idea where?
I think this editor is totaly buged and i didnt expected something like that from iD. I cant even select my favourite layout and i have to resize it by hand.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:04 pm :
It's saved in the registry. I had to fix this problem with the alpha a long time ago. I'm not sure what keys exactly but a search for doom should turn up results. I hope that's helpful.
Ahiles@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:33 pm :
10x i fix it now. I just deleted "DOOMRadiant" key in registry and doom made the new one whit toolbar on.
BNA!@Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 10:49 pm :
Let's get started with the FAQ:
The mouse cursor doesn't show up / wglFontBitMap / wgl...
Make a shortcut to the editor using this properties:
We had this problem during leak times (the failed openGL calls resulting in various wgl.. errors) and now it seems to solve the annoying and often reported mouse cursor missing error.
Also disable Anti Aliasing - this is known to cause errors more frequently than not.
the r_fullscreen 0 variable means that the editor runs windowed on your desktop. That allows you to use it at desktop resolution and you can nicely maximize it for a larger work area.
A lot of sites and people repeatedly demand their readers to add a r_mode value - don't do that, it's not neccessary. You will most likely want to run it windowed.
I'm running Win98
DOOMEdit will most likely not work. Consider to switch to Win2k or XP. If for Doom or not the upgrade is absolutely worth it. Not sure about WinME, but most people told me stay far away from it.
How do I start the editor ?
You can either lower the console and type "editor" or make a copy of the shortcut to the Doom.exe and add "+editor" to the properties - it'll start up seperately from the game then. The properties will look like "C:\DoomIII\Doom.exe" +editor where +editor has to stand outside the quotes. If you editor doesn't start up, then add two or three +wait calls before the +editor.
All my patches and curved surface disappear in the editor when I deselect them, but they show up ingame
view > show curves
Which entities are crucial to have in a map?
The map must be sealed from the void - see below :"map leaked" You need to put at least one info_player_start in the map
Where should I save my map ?
Save it somewhere below your maps directory. Either in a seperate folder, or just populate your "maps" folder to get lost and disorganized as fast as possible...
Everything I've done on my map has disappeared, and the map's empty! How can I get it all back?
This is dangerously common. Anyways, there should be a backup on the root of your C drive, as "autosave*.map".
Start up Doom and type: "dmap maps/yourpathinfo/yourmapname" or press the bsp button in the editor. That's it. Doom will compile your map in a few seconds and you're ready to walk through.
The console says "leak" and I can't compile my map!
Well, your map has a leak :)
That means it's not a closed hull. If you use patches instead of brushes as walls, your map will leak.
Patches do not block vis. "Vis" determines what the engine considers as structural, hence blocking it.
If the engine can't see the void from any given point and viewing angle in your map it's a closed hull. If you feel unsure - just make a box the size of your entire map and place it in.
Other reasons for leaks can be entities (lights, spawn points, mapobjects, speakers...) which reside outside your map.
You will also make sure, that your map contains at least one "info_player_start" - that's the place where you first appear when you start your map.
If you get this leak message, but you can sware it's enclosed, you might have used a shader, or better "material" which has the surfaceparm "nonsolid" or "trans" (not yet sure which ones are present here).
If nothing hels - go back to the editor and select "pointfile". You'll see a line appear zickzacking through your map. Usually the line starts at an entity like a light inside the map and points to somewhere outside the map. Follow the white rabbit, err, pointfile line and you'll find the cause or your leak.
How do I play my map ?
Your compile went well, no leak, only a few error messages? Great - now type "map yourmapname" in the console and it'll load up. Play it for what it's worth!
Can I import my Quake3 map
Yes you can, but it needs a little work. First, as usual, make a backup.
Then resave the map using the "brush primitves" format. Remove all entities (lights and stuff, you will want to rework the whole thing anyways).
That's all - will load now nicely into DoomEdit, yet ALL textures have to get reworked (search and replace works like a charm) and ALL texture scaling data will get lost when switching from the normal map format to the brush primitives format (it's not a bug).
Where can I post screenshots of my map?
The level editing (le) forum is best suited for this, please limit your images to a width of 480 pixels, you can still provide a link to your highres shots...
Where can I put my maps for download?
Start a thread in the level editing (le) forum and announce it with a proper headline like "username_map_1 is finished"
Where should I post my links to offer my map for download ?
Maps WIP for Work In Progress to get feed back and Maps Final when you're finally done
How do I extract the PK4s?
PK4s are just zip files with a renamed extention. Use WinZip or WinRar to extract them. Extract them to a folder outside the doom3 directory to avoid conflicts with custom content.
I'm pressing "J" to bring up the light inspector but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Run the editor in windowed mode. Ensure you have the main editor window active when you press "J"
My triggers don't work. What's wrong?
Set the "model" key/value pair to the name of the trigger.
I've placed a speaker entity and selected a sound but it doesn't play anything when I'm in the game. What's wrong?
Set the key/value pair "s_waitfortrigger" to 0.
What are key/value pairs and how do I set them?
They are settings you can use to control a specific entities properties
I've lost the toolbar/inspector window. How do I bring it back?
Open regedit, search for "DoomRadiant" and delete the key.
If you're deathly afraid of regedit I've written up a reg file to do the work for you here (right click save as).
3dioot@Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:27 am :
It IS really bad. You can forget about portals indeed and the level will contain ALOT of extra unnecesary geometry that will never be seen. You will quadruple the amount of polies your level consists of if you take this cheap way out. (and no, thats not just the portals that are not working)
GrtZ 3dioot
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:08 am :
Hey, nice FAQ there to get people going on their editing, i have one problem tough. When i start the editor it runs at the games resolution setting and not the one i have in windows, and the mouse becomes invissible, thx for any help.
xgalaxy@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am :
If you position your mouse where you 'think' it should be in the grid and click the mouse will appear.
Right now I'm trying to figure out why the view options bullets are greyed out, cause its only letting me select the default window layout, which sucks
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:10 pm :
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:23 pm :
DaZ wrote:
Radeon, load up doom and set it to use non fullscreen mode (r_fullscreen "0") then close doom and start up the editor, this should get it to run in your native windows resolution (at least it does here...)
Hope that helps
Thx for the help, i added -r_fullscreen 0 to the shortcut i made for the editor, works perfect
DaZ@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:13 pm :
Hmm, are you the same "Radeon" that maps for ut2003/4 ? BR_legacy etc?
renegade8@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm :
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
DrDel@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:26 pm :
renegade8 wrote:
Hi Folks.
I can get the editor to run fine. I am having the following 2 problems, both are annoying as heck.
Above pic, how do you get the inspector to be gone from the screen forever...well not forever but at least so I can map. I know it's in window mode right now, but there should be some type of toggle on/off. If not then I will just adjust the size accordingly.
Above pic. The map layout choices are all greyed out. Any way to reset those or get the grey ones to come out?
Also is anyone having the following problem. When I run the editor the mouse cursor is gone. If I click on areas it eventually pops into focus. I have nvidia 61.7(newest drivers) on fx5600ultra.
Thanks for any help.
you are not alone.. I am having all the same problems as you are!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
Hmmm... weird.
I'll lend you a hand tommorow when I can buy a copy of the game.
Radeon@Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:41 pm :
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
Demonic Dynasty@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:09 pm :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and
hit Alt and F4.
renegade8@Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:03 pm :
Thanks folks. I will try the alt f4 thing. I tried the toggle thing last night and it didn't work. I resized it but the dang thing just stays always on top. So hopefully the alt thing works.
kanatsky@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:43 pm :
I'm waiting for a release of qeradiant.com .
Cant wait for that..
GomJabbar@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:02 pm :
If I'm not totally mistaken you sohuld change the section
How do I play map ?
and add the command devmap which enables cheats in the loaded map. Stuff like god, noclip or notarget are very useful in the creation of a map.
Besides you should add a 'the' or 'a' to the headline ...
Rayne@Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:53 pm :
Radeon wrote:
To change the view modes go to View > Toggle and there u have all the views availible, i don't know hot to get rid of the Inspector, just drag it down so u can just se the top of it, that should atleas get it out of the way some.
And i'm not the Radeon mapping for ut2k3/4.
If you select the perspective window, you can switch the perspective view (from top, left, and back... x y view etc) simply hittin Ctrl+Tab
urgrund@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:56 am :
To get rid of Inspector just click on it to make it the active window, and hit Alt and F4.
And how does it get back? I tried to toggle 'Console View' among other things but it won't come back?
Ahiles@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 2:19 pm :
How do i get toolbar back i turn it off but now cant get it back. I deleted editor.cfg and doomconfig.cfg but it must be saved in some other place. Any idea where?
I think this editor is totaly buged and i didnt expected something like that from iD. I cant even select my favourite layout and i have to resize it by hand.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:04 pm :
It's saved in the registry. I had to fix this problem with the alpha a long time ago. I'm not sure what keys exactly but a search for doom should turn up results. I hope that's helpful.
Ahiles@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:33 pm :
10x i fix it now. I just deleted "DOOMRadiant" key in registry and doom made the new one whit toolbar on.