BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 8:08 am :
D3W Tutorials and Articles: Master List

Here's a single listing of most of the useful threads and tutorials on the Doom 3 World forums. If you find any more useful threads or tutorials, post them below and I'll add them to this list.

Please report broken links !

File Naming/Folder Structure Conventions
Custom MP Map Folder Structure Setup and Walkthrough (Quake4 and Doom3)

Keyboard Shortcuts for DoomEdit
Doom 3
Upset Chaps Doom3 guide
Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
Doom3 CFG files

Goliath's Video Tutorials:
Introduction to the Editor - Link Fixed!
Introduction to the Editor (FilePlanet Mirror)
Connecting Two Rooms, Creating Doors, Using Visportals - Link Fixed!
The Sound Editor - Link Fixed!

Video Tutorials by MNeMiC:
(please note, TSCC codec is required to view these, which you can get here)
Various Video Tutorials
Basic Room Video Tutorial
Sliding Door Video Tutorial
Particle Smoke Video Tutorial
Turkey Game Video Tutorial
GUI Unlocking A Door Video Tutorial
Spawning A Pathfinding Monster
Triggering Sounds Video Tutorial
Breakable Glass Video Tutorial
Ladder Video Tutorial
Elevator Video Tutorial
Patch Handrail Video Tutorial
Mirror Video Tutorial
Terrain Video Tutorial

Skybox Video Tutorial
Custom Texture Creation Video Tutorial
Explosion Video Tutorial
Descending Trite Video Tutorial
Swinging Lights Video Tutorial
A Wallcrawling Monster Video Tutorial
Telporters Video Tutorial
Ragdolls Video Tutorial

Brain Trepaning's Level Editing Videos
Master List
- How to Create a Room
- How to Create Your Second Room
- How to Optimize Your Map
- How to Fix Leaks
- How to Add a LevelShot to Your Map
- How to Make Your Map a PK4 File
- How to Make Curves
- How To Safely Alter Original Doom 3 Content
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- RenderBump for Doom 3
- Blending Terrain Textures for DOOM 3

3DBuzz Doom3 Video Tutorials

PlanetDoom Video Tutorials
- Basic rooms
- Map optimisation
- Finding and fixing leaks
- pk4 creation
- Curve basics
- etc.


BNA!'s Tutorials
Getting Started: your first box map
Connecting two rooms, doors, and visportals
Pipes and Patches

bb_matt's Tutorials
Patch Mesh Tutorial 1 : Curved Hallway
Patch Mesh Tutorial 2 : Bevel + Floor Trim
Patch Mesh Tutorial 3 | pipes 1, 90° bend
Patch Mesh Tutorial 4 | pipes 2, 45° bend

Bending Cylinder Patches

Different/Custom Player Sounds per Surface

Mini text Tutorials based on MNeMiC Videos

Various Mapping Basics on SpiceLab.Net
GUIs and Lifts
Using GUIs on a level without special models
Creating Stairs
Texture Manipulation
Creating a Multiplayer Map
Tips on Wall Building and Positioning
Finding Leaks
Fun with Physics/Editing Ragdolls
Making Railings for Stairs
A bit about Ladders
Projected Lights
Receptionist from Mars City
Custom PDA Tutorial Part 1
Custom PDA Part 2: Security Clearance
Opening Doors with a GUI
Creating a "Turkey Smasher" Arcade Game
Making dead zombies come back to life
Throwing a ragdoll through glass
Liquids Tutorial
Glass and Breakable Glass
Vacuum/Outdoor Zones
Creating a Storage Cabinet
Sky - Assembling 6 textures to make a Doom3 skybox

Liquids in Doom3
Making an Alpha Channel (And making it work!)
Making a robot sentry that leads the player (video and text tutorial)
Quick Tutorial: Curved Stairs
Teleporter tutorial
How to add a Levelshot to your Multiplayer Map
Making a Trite descend from the ceiling on a web

Monsters on the Walls, Part 1
Monsters on the Walls, Part 2

Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Imp Door
Sentry Loader

Blood Stains

Paths / Nurbs
Basic NURBS editing
Moveables following nurbs
BEERman's Multistop Rideable Train Tutorial

Lights and Lighting techniques
Projected Lights (With screenshots!)
Projected Lights, Part II - Custom Lights
Simple Destructable Lights
Swinging Lights Tutorial
Creating a Swinging Light
Lighting Tips By Raven of Raven software.
Scripting Light Switches
Lightmaps in Doom3 -- A Technique by Jim Houx

Cinematics and Camera Manipulation
Cinematic with moving camera in editor
Monster Cam
Security Cameras - See GUI Scripting section below

Old Quake3 tutorials relevant to Doom3
Patch-Mesh 101 - extensive info on Patch Meshes - the exact same methods apply to Doom3 editing.


GoliathVT's Trigger Tutorial
Interactive Trigger Tutorial Map - Link Fixed!

GUI Scripting

Zeh's Tutorials
Tutorial 0: A GUI Script Primer
Tutorial 1: Your First GUI Script
Tutorial 2: Using the GUI Editor
Tutorial 3: Preparing and Importing Assets
Tutorial 4: Making Simple Interactions
Tutorial 5: Applying a GUI script to a map
Tutorial 6: Creating a new HUD GUI
Tutorial 7: Creating basic HUD items
Tutorial 8: Using named events
Tutorial 9: Animating the marine face HUD

Quick & Dirty GUI Tutorial
GUI Command Reference (work in progress)
Security Camera Tutorial
Making Video GUIs

Level Scripting
rich_is_bored's Tutorials
Tutorial 1: Scripting Primer
Tutorial 2: Mechanical Arm
Tutorial 3: Creating a Machine

Custom GUI/HUD Data from Scripts
A Simple Rotating Door (OLD)
A Simple Rotating Door (NEW)
Level Scripting Reference (work in progress)
Entity Scripting: How it works
Camera Tutorial
Custom gun: Hellfire Cannon
Scripting Light Switches

Particles / Particle effects
Particles & Shapes
Particle Effects: The Editor
Particle Effects: Using Custom Assets
Particle Syntax Reference

Texture Creation
Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3: Renderbump flat
Tutorial 4: Renderbump flat
Info on Bumpmapping
Generating Bumpmaps from a PhotoSource
Texture Resources
Quick and Dirty Material Shader Primer

3dsmax exporter to md5
MD5 File Formats
md5mesh to obj converter
Details about md5anim
Tutorial: Materials for an animated model
Weapon/items models
Information on Ragdolls
Modelling and Texturing Tutorial
Creating the Plasma Tick - Part 1

Brain Trepaning's Modelling Videos (3dsmax / gmax related)
Master List
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- Using RenderBump

*** NOTE: Submit additions to the list by posting in this thread. Once your tutorial has been added, your post will be deleted.

edited by eskimo roll, just shows what a close knit family we are here //group hug :twisted:
edited by bb_matt, just shows what a nit I am //group frag :twisted:
edit: lol
edited by der_ton, updated the list from Brain Trepaning's VT factory

Last edited by bb_matt 7 October 2004
painstakingly edited by der_ton 14 October 2004
lol - edited 25 October 2004
edited 29 November 2004

Exitus@Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 1:50 am :
Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Adding Blood Stains:

MBolus@Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 7:55 am :
Part 2 of Monsters on the Walls is now available, although I am awaiting a link from a host for the accompanying map. The map should be hosted within a day or so.
You will be able to have monsters on essentially any wall, floor, or ceiling, as promised!

MBolus@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:39 am :
Okay, my Part 2 tutorial's map is now hosted and available so you can check it out. It is somewhat ambitious and packed, but contains much useful info!

Method@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 5:19 am :
Here're a few tutorials I wrote:

Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
CFG File


mirimar@Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 7:11 am :
It`s my first tutorial. so please critique me. I want to show how to paint a model and map it all on one diffuse map.

edit: I got a new file server. This link will work.

Exitus@Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:19 am :
alright, ive moved my tutorials to a new site
please update the linkies

Exitus's Doom 3 Tutorials:
Index -
Imp Door -
Sentry Loader -
Objectives -
Locations -
Blood Stains -

Have a nice day.
Also check out the homepage ( ), im looking for some feed back =) I might also try to get hosted by planetdoom ( ) I'm not quite sure about this.

MaxiM@Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 11:18 am :
I've also made a tiny tutorial on using video GUIs (8)
You can find it here:
And here:

Method@Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 1:18 pm :
After few people asked how to bend a cylinder patch into a wire, I decided to write a tutorial entitled Bending Cylinder Patches


BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 5:18 pm :
I've added a tutorial for setting up more realistic fogging with the Doom 3 engine: ... highlight=

Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 8:05 pm :
I`ve made a simple light switch tutorial:

Method@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 10:37 am :
Many people asked how to create the words seeing throughout the game on the walls, so I wrote the tutorial:

Alphabet Decals


mcrat@Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 11:01 am :
This is my Videos tutorials for Doom 3:

Créer une salle
Placer les textures
Créer deux salles
Créer une vitre
Créer une vitre cassable
Créer une porte

Effets de lumières:
-Changer la taille de la lumière (puissance)
-Créer une lumière destructible

Ajouter des monstres
Arrondir les murs
Arrondir (déformation par Patch)
Créer un ciel
Créer une echelle
Créer un ascenceur
Barres arrondies
Donner un chemin aux PNJ
Téléporter un monstre
Un monstre attaque un marines
Créer un robot guide, defender (exclusivité mondiale !!!)
LEAK, probleme de compilation
Insérer les particules
Utiliser les particules
Donner un nom a un PNJ
Donner de l'energie a un PNJ
Mettre des bornes d'énergie
Changer de niveau (chargement du niveau suivant)
Placer le Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 dans votre niveau
Créer une caméra
Compiler et lancer un niveau

There is also video tutorials for Half life 2 and Counter Strike Source:

BloodRayne@Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 2:37 pm :
Added a tutorial for realising ambient lighting without loss of FPS:

Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 5:05 pm :
I`ve made a tutorial about moving ladders.

mcrat@Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 11:38 pm :
My tutorials menu is now in english :

OBWANDO@Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 5:01 am :

Just something to add to the list that may help others.

fault_line@Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 5:39 am :
Lightwave Cave/Rock formation Tutorial...

been up for ages, forgot to submit it :)


pbmax@Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:33 pm :
i've seen a few complaints about MNeMiC's broken links to his video tutotrials. i just thought i'd let people know that they are still there. just go right to the main page, , and navigate around until you find the d3 videos...

psychopsi@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 12:45 am :

tutorial: manipulating func_movers


RangerMcFriendly@Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:25 am :
Would it be possible to add my tutorial or does it need to be put somewhere else? Thanks :oops:

viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24303&p=230178#p230178 (it's in five parts)

Fluffinster@Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:10 pm :
RangerMcFriendly wrote:
Would it be possible to add my tutorial or does it need to be put somewhere else? Thanks

Particle Editor/Editing/Assets/Examples/ Everything on Paritcles (it's in five parts)

Yeah you should put his tutorials they are very good :)...

Fluffinster@Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:20 pm :
Would it be possible to put the link for my Tutorial Pack in here? :?:

BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 8:08 am :
D3W Tutorials and Articles: Master List

Here's a single listing of most of the useful threads and tutorials on the Doom 3 World forums. If you find any more useful threads or tutorials, post them below and I'll add them to this list.

Please report broken links !

File Naming/Folder Structure Conventions
Custom MP Map Folder Structure Setup and Walkthrough (Quake4 and Doom3)

Keyboard Shortcuts for DoomEdit
Doom 3
Upset Chaps Doom3 guide
Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
Doom3 CFG files

Goliath's Video Tutorials:
Introduction to the Editor - Link Fixed!
Introduction to the Editor (FilePlanet Mirror)
Connecting Two Rooms, Creating Doors, Using Visportals - Link Fixed!
The Sound Editor - Link Fixed!

Video Tutorials by MNeMiC:
(please note, TSCC codec is required to view these, which you can get here)
Various Video Tutorials
Basic Room Video Tutorial
Sliding Door Video Tutorial
Particle Smoke Video Tutorial
Turkey Game Video Tutorial
GUI Unlocking A Door Video Tutorial
Spawning A Pathfinding Monster
Triggering Sounds Video Tutorial
Breakable Glass Video Tutorial
Ladder Video Tutorial
Elevator Video Tutorial
Patch Handrail Video Tutorial
Mirror Video Tutorial
Terrain Video Tutorial

Skybox Video Tutorial
Custom Texture Creation Video Tutorial
Explosion Video Tutorial
Descending Trite Video Tutorial
Swinging Lights Video Tutorial
A Wallcrawling Monster Video Tutorial
Telporters Video Tutorial
Ragdolls Video Tutorial

Brain Trepaning's Level Editing Videos
Master List
- How to Create a Room
- How to Create Your Second Room
- How to Optimize Your Map
- How to Fix Leaks
- How to Add a LevelShot to Your Map
- How to Make Your Map a PK4 File
- How to Make Curves
- How To Safely Alter Original Doom 3 Content
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- RenderBump for Doom 3
- Blending Terrain Textures for DOOM 3

3DBuzz Doom3 Video Tutorials

PlanetDoom Video Tutorials
- Basic rooms
- Map optimisation
- Finding and fixing leaks
- pk4 creation
- Curve basics
- etc.


BNA!'s Tutorials
Getting Started: your first box map
Connecting two rooms, doors, and visportals
Pipes and Patches

bb_matt's Tutorials
Patch Mesh Tutorial 1 : Curved Hallway
Patch Mesh Tutorial 2 : Bevel + Floor Trim
Patch Mesh Tutorial 3 | pipes 1, 90° bend
Patch Mesh Tutorial 4 | pipes 2, 45° bend

Bending Cylinder Patches

Different/Custom Player Sounds per Surface

Mini text Tutorials based on MNeMiC Videos

Various Mapping Basics on SpiceLab.Net
GUIs and Lifts
Using GUIs on a level without special models
Creating Stairs
Texture Manipulation
Creating a Multiplayer Map
Tips on Wall Building and Positioning
Finding Leaks
Fun with Physics/Editing Ragdolls
Making Railings for Stairs
A bit about Ladders
Projected Lights
Receptionist from Mars City
Custom PDA Tutorial Part 1
Custom PDA Part 2: Security Clearance
Opening Doors with a GUI
Creating a "Turkey Smasher" Arcade Game
Making dead zombies come back to life
Throwing a ragdoll through glass
Liquids Tutorial
Glass and Breakable Glass
Vacuum/Outdoor Zones
Creating a Storage Cabinet
Sky - Assembling 6 textures to make a Doom3 skybox

Liquids in Doom3
Making an Alpha Channel (And making it work!)
Making a robot sentry that leads the player (video and text tutorial)
Quick Tutorial: Curved Stairs
Teleporter tutorial
How to add a Levelshot to your Multiplayer Map
Making a Trite descend from the ceiling on a web

Monsters on the Walls, Part 1
Monsters on the Walls, Part 2

Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Imp Door
Sentry Loader

Blood Stains

Paths / Nurbs
Basic NURBS editing
Moveables following nurbs
BEERman's Multistop Rideable Train Tutorial

Lights and Lighting techniques
Projected Lights (With screenshots!)
Projected Lights, Part II - Custom Lights
Simple Destructable Lights
Swinging Lights Tutorial
Creating a Swinging Light
Lighting Tips By Raven of Raven software.
Scripting Light Switches
Lightmaps in Doom3 -- A Technique by Jim Houx

Cinematics and Camera Manipulation
Cinematic with moving camera in editor
Monster Cam
Security Cameras - See GUI Scripting section below

Old Quake3 tutorials relevant to Doom3
Patch-Mesh 101 - extensive info on Patch Meshes - the exact same methods apply to Doom3 editing.


GoliathVT's Trigger Tutorial
Interactive Trigger Tutorial Map - Link Fixed!

GUI Scripting

Zeh's Tutorials
Tutorial 0: A GUI Script Primer
Tutorial 1: Your First GUI Script
Tutorial 2: Using the GUI Editor
Tutorial 3: Preparing and Importing Assets
Tutorial 4: Making Simple Interactions
Tutorial 5: Applying a GUI script to a map
Tutorial 6: Creating a new HUD GUI
Tutorial 7: Creating basic HUD items
Tutorial 8: Using named events
Tutorial 9: Animating the marine face HUD

Quick & Dirty GUI Tutorial
GUI Command Reference (work in progress)
Security Camera Tutorial
Making Video GUIs

Level Scripting
rich_is_bored's Tutorials
Tutorial 1: Scripting Primer
Tutorial 2: Mechanical Arm
Tutorial 3: Creating a Machine

Custom GUI/HUD Data from Scripts
A Simple Rotating Door (OLD)
A Simple Rotating Door (NEW)
Level Scripting Reference (work in progress)
Entity Scripting: How it works
Camera Tutorial
Custom gun: Hellfire Cannon
Scripting Light Switches

Particles / Particle effects
Particles & Shapes
Particle Effects: The Editor
Particle Effects: Using Custom Assets
Particle Syntax Reference

Texture Creation
Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3: Renderbump flat
Tutorial 4: Renderbump flat
Info on Bumpmapping
Generating Bumpmaps from a PhotoSource
Texture Resources
Quick and Dirty Material Shader Primer

3dsmax exporter to md5
MD5 File Formats
md5mesh to obj converter
Details about md5anim
Tutorial: Materials for an animated model
Weapon/items models
Information on Ragdolls
Modelling and Texturing Tutorial
Creating the Plasma Tick - Part 1

Brain Trepaning's Modelling Videos (3dsmax / gmax related)
Master List
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- Using RenderBump

*** NOTE: Submit additions to the list by posting in this thread. Once your tutorial has been added, your post will be deleted.

edited by eskimo roll, just shows what a close knit family we are here //group hug :twisted:
edited by bb_matt, just shows what a nit I am //group frag :twisted:
edit: lol
edited by der_ton, updated the list from Brain Trepaning's VT factory

Last edited by bb_matt 7 October 2004
painstakingly edited by der_ton 14 October 2004
lol - edited 25 October 2004
edited 29 November 2004

Exitus@Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 1:50 am :
Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Adding Blood Stains:

MBolus@Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 7:55 am :
Part 2 of Monsters on the Walls is now available, although I am awaiting a link from a host for the accompanying map. The map should be hosted within a day or so.
You will be able to have monsters on essentially any wall, floor, or ceiling, as promised!

MBolus@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:39 am :
Okay, my Part 2 tutorial's map is now hosted and available so you can check it out. It is somewhat ambitious and packed, but contains much useful info!

Method@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 5:19 am :
Here're a few tutorials I wrote:

Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
CFG File


mirimar@Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 7:11 am :
It`s my first tutorial. so please critique me. I want to show how to paint a model and map it all on one diffuse map.

edit: I got a new file server. This link will work.

Exitus@Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:19 am :
alright, ive moved my tutorials to a new site
please update the linkies

Exitus's Doom 3 Tutorials:
Index -
Imp Door -
Sentry Loader -
Objectives -
Locations -
Blood Stains -

Have a nice day.
Also check out the homepage ( ), im looking for some feed back =) I might also try to get hosted by planetdoom ( ) I'm not quite sure about this.

MaxiM@Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 11:18 am :
I've also made a tiny tutorial on using video GUIs (8)
You can find it here:
And here:

Method@Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 1:18 pm :
After few people asked how to bend a cylinder patch into a wire, I decided to write a tutorial entitled Bending Cylinder Patches


BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 5:18 pm :
I've added a tutorial for setting up more realistic fogging with the Doom 3 engine: ... highlight=

Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 8:05 pm :
I`ve made a simple light switch tutorial:

Method@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 10:37 am :
Many people asked how to create the words seeing throughout the game on the walls, so I wrote the tutorial:

Alphabet Decals


mcrat@Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 11:01 am :
This is my Videos tutorials for Doom 3:

Créer une salle
Placer les textures
Créer deux salles
Créer une vitre
Créer une vitre cassable
Créer une porte

Effets de lumières:
-Changer la taille de la lumière (puissance)
-Créer une lumière destructible

Ajouter des monstres
Arrondir les murs
Arrondir (déformation par Patch)
Créer un ciel
Créer une echelle
Créer un ascenceur
Barres arrondies
Donner un chemin aux PNJ
Téléporter un monstre
Un monstre attaque un marines
Créer un robot guide, defender (exclusivité mondiale !!!)
LEAK, probleme de compilation
Insérer les particules
Utiliser les particules
Donner un nom a un PNJ
Donner de l'energie a un PNJ
Mettre des bornes d'énergie
Changer de niveau (chargement du niveau suivant)
Placer le Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 dans votre niveau
Créer une caméra
Compiler et lancer un niveau

There is also video tutorials for Half life 2 and Counter Strike Source:

BloodRayne@Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 2:37 pm :
Added a tutorial for realising ambient lighting without loss of FPS:

Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 5:05 pm :
I`ve made a tutorial about moving ladders.

mcrat@Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 11:38 pm :
My tutorials menu is now in english :

OBWANDO@Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 5:01 am :

Just something to add to the list that may help others.

fault_line@Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 5:39 am :
Lightwave Cave/Rock formation Tutorial...

been up for ages, forgot to submit it :)


pbmax@Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:33 pm :
i've seen a few complaints about MNeMiC's broken links to his video tutotrials. i just thought i'd let people know that they are still there. just go right to the main page, , and navigate around until you find the d3 videos...

psychopsi@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 12:45 am :

tutorial: manipulating func_movers


Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 6:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 5:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 6:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 1:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 12:19 am :
Ah, the perfect opportunity to pimp the newly uploaded entity listing on the wiki. That's right folks, now every entity in every idTech 4 based game has a corresponding article providing you with a short description, all the available key/value pairs, and any pertinent notes.

Case in point...

Try either the x_axis or y_axis key/value pairs.

lowdragon@Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 9:52 am :
I didnt road the whole topic so if those are already there, sorry but german tutorials :

downloadable "best-off" doom3 mapping from doom3maps -

Magnite7@Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 6:49 am :
Heres a tutorial I made,


voldemort@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:07 pm :
tutorial textured lights all axis fix

link to article

LordofZodiac@Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:29 pm :
Humm someone can said me how are we supposed to see video's of MneMic when everytime i go there its doesnt work ... Broken links ???

Ivan_the_B@Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:37 pm :
They are very old... don't know if there are working links somewhere.
Search with Google.

I had gigabytes of videotuts on my hd but I recently deleted them all, sry :(

LordofZodiac@Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:28 am :
Damn cuz i've begin my project and i need them ... when i go to google i didn't found what i need just this site ... with the broken links :S

wolfenstein.b@Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:10 pm :
hie i also had same problem but i got all of them.. ry searchin the same file name by google.. u will get alternate links for sure..

rumani@Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:23 am :
I didnt road the whole topic so if those are already there
lazer tattoo removal cream before and after free cost the tattoo removal cream blog tells you about cost and creams to buy lazer tattoo removal cream before and after free cost

Kajgue@Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:32 am :
The 'terrain tutorial' doesn't work unfortunately :/ (the link is dead)

Isn't there anywhere else to find official tutorials on how to use D3Edit? I can't seem to find many tutorials anywhere elese.

reko@Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:27 pm :
use . Paste the D3world link there .

Kajgue@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:02 am :
Doesn't seem to work, unfortunately. It says that robots.txt are restricted in these circumstances (or something).

Fabiolinks@Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:13 pm :
A lot of links are Broken here.
I can´t find one about Visportals and doors

BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:26 am :
Fabiolinks wrote:
A lot of links are Broken here.
I can´t find one about Visportals and doors


Fabiolinks@Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:53 am :
BNA! wrote:
Fabiolinks wrote:
A lot of links are Broken here.
I can´t find one about Visportals and doors


I have read before...
your tutorials are great! Helped here
You should do more xD

BNA!@Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 4:37 am :
Fabiolinks wrote:
You should do more xD

I only did very few - for idtech5 I hope I'll be able to do more.

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:46 pm :
Upset Chaps Doom3 Guide with images: ... 3Guide.htm

RangerMcFriendly@Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:25 am :
Would it be possible to add my tutorial or does it need to be put somewhere else? Thanks :oops:

viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24303&p=230178#p230178 (it's in five parts)

Fluffinster@Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:10 pm :
RangerMcFriendly wrote:
Would it be possible to add my tutorial or does it need to be put somewhere else? Thanks

Particle Editor/Editing/Assets/Examples/ Everything on Paritcles (it's in five parts)

Yeah you should put his tutorials they are very good :)...

Fluffinster@Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:20 pm :
Would it be possible to put the link for my Tutorial Pack in here? :?:

RangerMcFriendly@Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:25 am :
Would it be possible to add my tutorial or does it need to be put somewhere else? Thanks :oops:

viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24303&p=230178#p230178 (it's in five parts)

Fluffinster@Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:10 pm :
RangerMcFriendly wrote:
Would it be possible to add my tutorial or does it need to be put somewhere else? Thanks

Particle Editor/Editing/Assets/Examples/ Everything on Paritcles (it's in five parts)

Yeah you should put his tutorials they are very good :)...

Fluffinster@Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:20 pm :
Would it be possible to put the link for my Tutorial Pack in here? :?:

BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 8:08 am :
D3W Tutorials and Articles: Master List

Here's a single listing of most of the useful threads and tutorials on the Doom 3 World forums. If you find any more useful threads or tutorials, post them below and I'll add them to this list.

Please report broken links !

File Naming/Folder Structure Conventions
Custom MP Map Folder Structure Setup and Walkthrough (Quake4 and Doom3)

Keyboard Shortcuts for DoomEdit
Doom 3
Upset Chaps Doom3 guide
Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
Doom3 CFG files

Goliath's Video Tutorials:
Introduction to the Editor - Link Fixed!
Introduction to the Editor (FilePlanet Mirror)
Connecting Two Rooms, Creating Doors, Using Visportals - Link Fixed!
The Sound Editor - Link Fixed!

Video Tutorials by MNeMiC:
(please note, TSCC codec is required to view these, which you can get here)
Various Video Tutorials
Basic Room Video Tutorial
Sliding Door Video Tutorial
Particle Smoke Video Tutorial
Turkey Game Video Tutorial
GUI Unlocking A Door Video Tutorial
Spawning A Pathfinding Monster
Triggering Sounds Video Tutorial
Breakable Glass Video Tutorial
Ladder Video Tutorial
Elevator Video Tutorial
Patch Handrail Video Tutorial
Mirror Video Tutorial
Terrain Video Tutorial

Skybox Video Tutorial
Custom Texture Creation Video Tutorial
Explosion Video Tutorial
Descending Trite Video Tutorial
Swinging Lights Video Tutorial
A Wallcrawling Monster Video Tutorial
Telporters Video Tutorial
Ragdolls Video Tutorial

Brain Trepaning's Level Editing Videos
Master List
- How to Create a Room
- How to Create Your Second Room
- How to Optimize Your Map
- How to Fix Leaks
- How to Add a LevelShot to Your Map
- How to Make Your Map a PK4 File
- How to Make Curves
- How To Safely Alter Original Doom 3 Content
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- RenderBump for Doom 3
- Blending Terrain Textures for DOOM 3

3DBuzz Doom3 Video Tutorials

PlanetDoom Video Tutorials
- Basic rooms
- Map optimisation
- Finding and fixing leaks
- pk4 creation
- Curve basics
- etc.


BNA!'s Tutorials
Getting Started: your first box map
Connecting two rooms, doors, and visportals
Pipes and Patches

bb_matt's Tutorials
Patch Mesh Tutorial 1 : Curved Hallway
Patch Mesh Tutorial 2 : Bevel + Floor Trim
Patch Mesh Tutorial 3 | pipes 1, 90° bend
Patch Mesh Tutorial 4 | pipes 2, 45° bend

Bending Cylinder Patches

Different/Custom Player Sounds per Surface

Mini text Tutorials based on MNeMiC Videos

Various Mapping Basics on SpiceLab.Net
GUIs and Lifts
Using GUIs on a level without special models
Creating Stairs
Texture Manipulation
Creating a Multiplayer Map
Tips on Wall Building and Positioning
Finding Leaks
Fun with Physics/Editing Ragdolls
Making Railings for Stairs
A bit about Ladders
Projected Lights
Receptionist from Mars City
Custom PDA Tutorial Part 1
Custom PDA Part 2: Security Clearance
Opening Doors with a GUI
Creating a "Turkey Smasher" Arcade Game
Making dead zombies come back to life
Throwing a ragdoll through glass
Liquids Tutorial
Glass and Breakable Glass
Vacuum/Outdoor Zones
Creating a Storage Cabinet
Sky - Assembling 6 textures to make a Doom3 skybox

Liquids in Doom3
Making an Alpha Channel (And making it work!)
Making a robot sentry that leads the player (video and text tutorial)
Quick Tutorial: Curved Stairs
Teleporter tutorial
How to add a Levelshot to your Multiplayer Map
Making a Trite descend from the ceiling on a web

Monsters on the Walls, Part 1
Monsters on the Walls, Part 2

Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Imp Door
Sentry Loader

Blood Stains

Paths / Nurbs
Basic NURBS editing
Moveables following nurbs
BEERman's Multistop Rideable Train Tutorial

Lights and Lighting techniques
Projected Lights (With screenshots!)
Projected Lights, Part II - Custom Lights
Simple Destructable Lights
Swinging Lights Tutorial
Creating a Swinging Light
Lighting Tips By Raven of Raven software.
Scripting Light Switches
Lightmaps in Doom3 -- A Technique by Jim Houx

Cinematics and Camera Manipulation
Cinematic with moving camera in editor
Monster Cam
Security Cameras - See GUI Scripting section below

Old Quake3 tutorials relevant to Doom3
Patch-Mesh 101 - extensive info on Patch Meshes - the exact same methods apply to Doom3 editing.


GoliathVT's Trigger Tutorial
Interactive Trigger Tutorial Map - Link Fixed!

GUI Scripting

Zeh's Tutorials
Tutorial 0: A GUI Script Primer
Tutorial 1: Your First GUI Script
Tutorial 2: Using the GUI Editor
Tutorial 3: Preparing and Importing Assets
Tutorial 4: Making Simple Interactions
Tutorial 5: Applying a GUI script to a map
Tutorial 6: Creating a new HUD GUI
Tutorial 7: Creating basic HUD items
Tutorial 8: Using named events
Tutorial 9: Animating the marine face HUD

Quick & Dirty GUI Tutorial
GUI Command Reference (work in progress)
Security Camera Tutorial
Making Video GUIs

Level Scripting
rich_is_bored's Tutorials
Tutorial 1: Scripting Primer
Tutorial 2: Mechanical Arm
Tutorial 3: Creating a Machine

Custom GUI/HUD Data from Scripts
A Simple Rotating Door (OLD)
A Simple Rotating Door (NEW)
Level Scripting Reference (work in progress)
Entity Scripting: How it works
Camera Tutorial
Custom gun: Hellfire Cannon
Scripting Light Switches

Particles / Particle effects
Particles & Shapes
Particle Effects: The Editor
Particle Effects: Using Custom Assets
Particle Syntax Reference

Texture Creation
Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3: Renderbump flat
Tutorial 4: Renderbump flat
Info on Bumpmapping
Generating Bumpmaps from a PhotoSource
Texture Resources
Quick and Dirty Material Shader Primer

3dsmax exporter to md5
MD5 File Formats
md5mesh to obj converter
Details about md5anim
Tutorial: Materials for an animated model
Weapon/items models
Information on Ragdolls
Modelling and Texturing Tutorial
Creating the Plasma Tick - Part 1

Brain Trepaning's Modelling Videos (3dsmax / gmax related)
Master List
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- Using RenderBump

*** NOTE: Submit additions to the list by posting in this thread. Once your tutorial has been added, your post will be deleted.

edited by eskimo roll, just shows what a close knit family we are here //group hug :twisted:
edited by bb_matt, just shows what a nit I am //group frag :twisted:
edit: lol
edited by der_ton, updated the list from Brain Trepaning's VT factory

Last edited by bb_matt 7 October 2004
painstakingly edited by der_ton 14 October 2004
lol - edited 25 October 2004
edited 29 November 2004

Exitus@Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 1:50 am :
Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Adding Blood Stains:

MBolus@Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 7:55 am :
Part 2 of Monsters on the Walls is now available, although I am awaiting a link from a host for the accompanying map. The map should be hosted within a day or so.
You will be able to have monsters on essentially any wall, floor, or ceiling, as promised!

MBolus@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:39 am :
Okay, my Part 2 tutorial's map is now hosted and available so you can check it out. It is somewhat ambitious and packed, but contains much useful info!

Method@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 5:19 am :
Here're a few tutorials I wrote:

Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
CFG File


mirimar@Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 7:11 am :
It`s my first tutorial. so please critique me. I want to show how to paint a model and map it all on one diffuse map.

edit: I got a new file server. This link will work.

Exitus@Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:19 am :
alright, ive moved my tutorials to a new site
please update the linkies

Exitus's Doom 3 Tutorials:
Index -
Imp Door -
Sentry Loader -
Objectives -
Locations -
Blood Stains -

Have a nice day.
Also check out the homepage ( ), im looking for some feed back =) I might also try to get hosted by planetdoom ( ) I'm not quite sure about this.

MaxiM@Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 11:18 am :
I've also made a tiny tutorial on using video GUIs (8)
You can find it here:
And here:

Method@Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 1:18 pm :
After few people asked how to bend a cylinder patch into a wire, I decided to write a tutorial entitled Bending Cylinder Patches


BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 5:18 pm :
I've added a tutorial for setting up more realistic fogging with the Doom 3 engine: ... highlight=

Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 8:05 pm :
I`ve made a simple light switch tutorial:

Method@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 10:37 am :
Many people asked how to create the words seeing throughout the game on the walls, so I wrote the tutorial:

Alphabet Decals


mcrat@Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 11:01 am :
This is my Videos tutorials for Doom 3:

Créer une salle
Placer les textures
Créer deux salles
Créer une vitre
Créer une vitre cassable
Créer une porte

Effets de lumières:
-Changer la taille de la lumière (puissance)
-Créer une lumière destructible

Ajouter des monstres
Arrondir les murs
Arrondir (déformation par Patch)
Créer un ciel
Créer une echelle
Créer un ascenceur
Barres arrondies
Donner un chemin aux PNJ
Téléporter un monstre
Un monstre attaque un marines
Créer un robot guide, defender (exclusivité mondiale !!!)
LEAK, probleme de compilation
Insérer les particules
Utiliser les particules
Donner un nom a un PNJ
Donner de l'energie a un PNJ
Mettre des bornes d'énergie
Changer de niveau (chargement du niveau suivant)
Placer le Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 dans votre niveau
Créer une caméra
Compiler et lancer un niveau

There is also video tutorials for Half life 2 and Counter Strike Source:

BloodRayne@Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 2:37 pm :
Added a tutorial for realising ambient lighting without loss of FPS:

Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 5:05 pm :
I`ve made a tutorial about moving ladders.

mcrat@Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 11:38 pm :
My tutorials menu is now in english :

OBWANDO@Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 5:01 am :

Just something to add to the list that may help others.

fault_line@Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 5:39 am :
Lightwave Cave/Rock formation Tutorial...

been up for ages, forgot to submit it :)


pbmax@Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:33 pm :
i've seen a few complaints about MNeMiC's broken links to his video tutotrials. i just thought i'd let people know that they are still there. just go right to the main page, , and navigate around until you find the d3 videos...

psychopsi@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 12:45 am :

tutorial: manipulating func_movers


Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 6:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 5:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 6:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 1:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 12:19 am :
Ah, the perfect opportunity to pimp the newly uploaded entity listing on the wiki. That's right folks, now every entity in every idTech 4 based game has a corresponding article providing you with a short description, all the available key/value pairs, and any pertinent notes.

Case in point...

Try either the x_axis or y_axis key/value pairs.

lowdragon@Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 9:52 am :
I didnt road the whole topic so if those are already there, sorry but german tutorials :

downloadable "best-off" doom3 mapping from doom3maps -

Magnite7@Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 6:49 am :
Heres a tutorial I made,


voldemort@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:07 pm :
tutorial textured lights all axis fix

link to article

LordofZodiac@Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:29 pm :
Humm someone can said me how are we supposed to see video's of MneMic when everytime i go there its doesnt work ... Broken links ???

Ivan_the_B@Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:37 pm :
They are very old... don't know if there are working links somewhere.
Search with Google.

I had gigabytes of videotuts on my hd but I recently deleted them all, sry :(

LordofZodiac@Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:28 am :
Damn cuz i've begin my project and i need them ... when i go to google i didn't found what i need just this site ... with the broken links :S

wolfenstein.b@Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:10 pm :
hie i also had same problem but i got all of them.. ry searchin the same file name by google.. u will get alternate links for sure..

rumani@Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:23 am :
I didnt road the whole topic so if those are already there
lazer tattoo removal cream before and after free cost the tattoo removal cream blog tells you about cost and creams to buy lazer tattoo removal cream before and after free cost

Kajgue@Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:32 am :
The 'terrain tutorial' doesn't work unfortunately :/ (the link is dead)

Isn't there anywhere else to find official tutorials on how to use D3Edit? I can't seem to find many tutorials anywhere elese.

reko@Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:27 pm :
use . Paste the D3world link there .

Kajgue@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:02 am :
Doesn't seem to work, unfortunately. It says that robots.txt are restricted in these circumstances (or something).

Fabiolinks@Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:13 pm :
A lot of links are Broken here.
I can´t find one about Visportals and doors

BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:26 am :
Fabiolinks wrote:
A lot of links are Broken here.
I can´t find one about Visportals and doors


Fabiolinks@Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:53 am :
BNA! wrote:
Fabiolinks wrote:
A lot of links are Broken here.
I can´t find one about Visportals and doors


I have read before...
your tutorials are great! Helped here
You should do more xD

BNA!@Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 4:37 am :
Fabiolinks wrote:
You should do more xD

I only did very few - for idtech5 I hope I'll be able to do more.

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:46 pm :
Upset Chaps Doom3 Guide with images: ... 3Guide.htm

Fluffinster@Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:27 pm :
OMG Like half the tutorials don't work anythign from or whatever it is doesn't work because you go to it and it just gives ads!

TheChozeLa@Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:36 am :
Fluffinster wrote:
OMG Like half the tutorials don't work anythign from or whatever it is doesn't work because you go to it and it just gives ads!

mnemik video tutorial are avalaible here :

Fluffinster@Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:41 pm :
TheChozeLa wrote:
mnemik video tutorial are avalaible here :

OMG Thanks SO MUCH!!!! You are AWESOME!

RangerMcFriendly@Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:25 am :
Would it be possible to add my tutorial or does it need to be put somewhere else? Thanks :oops:

viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24303&p=230178#p230178 (it's in five parts)

Fluffinster@Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:10 pm :
RangerMcFriendly wrote:
Would it be possible to add my tutorial or does it need to be put somewhere else? Thanks

Particle Editor/Editing/Assets/Examples/ Everything on Paritcles (it's in five parts)

Yeah you should put his tutorials they are very good :)...

Fluffinster@Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:20 pm :
Would it be possible to put the link for my Tutorial Pack in here? :?:

BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:08 am :
D3W Tutorials and Articles: Master List

Here's a single listing of most of the useful threads and tutorials on the Doom 3 World forums. If you find any more useful threads or tutorials, post them below and I'll add them to this list.

Please report broken links !

File Naming/Folder Structure Conventions
Custom MP Map Folder Structure Setup and Walkthrough (Quake4 and Doom3)

Keyboard Shortcuts for DoomEdit
Doom 3
Upset Chaps Doom3 guide
Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
Doom3 CFG files

Goliath's Video Tutorials:
Introduction to the Editor - Link Fixed!
Introduction to the Editor (FilePlanet Mirror)
Connecting Two Rooms, Creating Doors, Using Visportals - Link Fixed!
The Sound Editor - Link Fixed!

Video Tutorials by MNeMiC:
(please note, TSCC codec is required to view these, which you can get here)
Various Video Tutorials
Basic Room Video Tutorial
Sliding Door Video Tutorial
Particle Smoke Video Tutorial
Turkey Game Video Tutorial
GUI Unlocking A Door Video Tutorial
Spawning A Pathfinding Monster
Triggering Sounds Video Tutorial
Breakable Glass Video Tutorial
Ladder Video Tutorial
Elevator Video Tutorial
Patch Handrail Video Tutorial
Mirror Video Tutorial
Terrain Video Tutorial

Skybox Video Tutorial
Custom Texture Creation Video Tutorial
Explosion Video Tutorial
Descending Trite Video Tutorial
Swinging Lights Video Tutorial
A Wallcrawling Monster Video Tutorial
Telporters Video Tutorial
Ragdolls Video Tutorial

Brain Trepaning's Level Editing Videos
Master List
- How to Create a Room
- How to Create Your Second Room
- How to Optimize Your Map
- How to Fix Leaks
- How to Add a LevelShot to Your Map
- How to Make Your Map a PK4 File
- How to Make Curves
- How To Safely Alter Original Doom 3 Content
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- RenderBump for Doom 3
- Blending Terrain Textures for DOOM 3

3DBuzz Doom3 Video Tutorials

PlanetDoom Video Tutorials
- Basic rooms
- Map optimisation
- Finding and fixing leaks
- pk4 creation
- Curve basics
- etc.


BNA!'s Tutorials
Getting Started: your first box map
Connecting two rooms, doors, and visportals
Pipes and Patches

bb_matt's Tutorials
Patch Mesh Tutorial 1 : Curved Hallway
Patch Mesh Tutorial 2 : Bevel + Floor Trim
Patch Mesh Tutorial 3 | pipes 1, 90° bend
Patch Mesh Tutorial 4 | pipes 2, 45° bend

Bending Cylinder Patches

Different/Custom Player Sounds per Surface

Mini text Tutorials based on MNeMiC Videos

Various Mapping Basics on SpiceLab.Net
GUIs and Lifts
Using GUIs on a level without special models
Creating Stairs
Texture Manipulation
Creating a Multiplayer Map
Tips on Wall Building and Positioning
Finding Leaks
Fun with Physics/Editing Ragdolls
Making Railings for Stairs
A bit about Ladders
Projected Lights
Receptionist from Mars City
Custom PDA Tutorial Part 1
Custom PDA Part 2: Security Clearance
Opening Doors with a GUI
Creating a "Turkey Smasher" Arcade Game
Making dead zombies come back to life
Throwing a ragdoll through glass
Liquids Tutorial
Glass and Breakable Glass
Vacuum/Outdoor Zones
Creating a Storage Cabinet
Sky - Assembling 6 textures to make a Doom3 skybox

Liquids in Doom3
Making an Alpha Channel (And making it work!)
Making a robot sentry that leads the player (video and text tutorial)
Quick Tutorial: Curved Stairs
Teleporter tutorial
How to add a Levelshot to your Multiplayer Map
Making a Trite descend from the ceiling on a web

Monsters on the Walls, Part 1
Monsters on the Walls, Part 2

Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Imp Door
Sentry Loader

Blood Stains

Paths / Nurbs
Basic NURBS editing
Moveables following nurbs
BEERman's Multistop Rideable Train Tutorial

Lights and Lighting techniques
Projected Lights (With screenshots!)
Projected Lights, Part II - Custom Lights
Simple Destructable Lights
Swinging Lights Tutorial
Creating a Swinging Light
Lighting Tips By Raven of Raven software.
Scripting Light Switches
Lightmaps in Doom3 -- A Technique by Jim Houx

Cinematics and Camera Manipulation
Cinematic with moving camera in editor
Monster Cam
Security Cameras - See GUI Scripting section below

Old Quake3 tutorials relevant to Doom3
Patch-Mesh 101 - extensive info on Patch Meshes - the exact same methods apply to Doom3 editing.


GoliathVT's Trigger Tutorial
Interactive Trigger Tutorial Map - Link Fixed!

GUI Scripting

Zeh's Tutorials
Tutorial 0: A GUI Script Primer
Tutorial 1: Your First GUI Script
Tutorial 2: Using the GUI Editor
Tutorial 3: Preparing and Importing Assets
Tutorial 4: Making Simple Interactions
Tutorial 5: Applying a GUI script to a map
Tutorial 6: Creating a new HUD GUI
Tutorial 7: Creating basic HUD items
Tutorial 8: Using named events
Tutorial 9: Animating the marine face HUD

Quick & Dirty GUI Tutorial
GUI Command Reference (work in progress)
Security Camera Tutorial
Making Video GUIs

Level Scripting
rich_is_bored's Tutorials
Tutorial 1: Scripting Primer
Tutorial 2: Mechanical Arm
Tutorial 3: Creating a Machine

Custom GUI/HUD Data from Scripts
A Simple Rotating Door (OLD)
A Simple Rotating Door (NEW)
Level Scripting Reference (work in progress)
Entity Scripting: How it works
Camera Tutorial
Custom gun: Hellfire Cannon
Scripting Light Switches

Particles / Particle effects
Particles & Shapes
Particle Effects: The Editor
Particle Effects: Using Custom Assets
Particle Syntax Reference

Texture Creation
Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3: Renderbump flat
Tutorial 4: Renderbump flat
Info on Bumpmapping
Generating Bumpmaps from a PhotoSource
Texture Resources
Quick and Dirty Material Shader Primer

3dsmax exporter to md5
MD5 File Formats
md5mesh to obj converter
Details about md5anim
Tutorial: Materials for an animated model
Weapon/items models
Information on Ragdolls
Modelling and Texturing Tutorial
Creating the Plasma Tick - Part 1

Brain Trepaning's Modelling Videos (3dsmax / gmax related)
Master List
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- Using RenderBump

*** NOTE: Submit additions to the list by posting in this thread. Once your tutorial has been added, your post will be deleted.

edited by eskimo roll, just shows what a close knit family we are here //group hug :twisted:
edited by bb_matt, just shows what a nit I am //group frag :twisted:
edit: lol
edited by der_ton, updated the list from Brain Trepaning's VT factory

Last edited by bb_matt 7 October 2004
painstakingly edited by der_ton 14 October 2004
lol - edited 25 October 2004
edited 29 November 2004

Exitus@Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 12:50 am :
Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Adding Blood Stains:

MBolus@Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:55 am :
Part 2 of Monsters on the Walls is now available, although I am awaiting a link from a host for the accompanying map. The map should be hosted within a day or so.
You will be able to have monsters on essentially any wall, floor, or ceiling, as promised!

MBolus@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:39 am :
Okay, my Part 2 tutorial's map is now hosted and available so you can check it out. It is somewhat ambitious and packed, but contains much useful info!

Method@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 4:19 am :
Here're a few tutorials I wrote:

Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
CFG File


mirimar@Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:11 am :
It`s my first tutorial. so please critique me. I want to show how to paint a model and map it all on one diffuse map.

edit: I got a new file server. This link will work.

Exitus@Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:19 am :
alright, ive moved my tutorials to a new site
please update the linkies

Exitus's Doom 3 Tutorials:
Index -
Imp Door -
Sentry Loader -
Objectives -
Locations -
Blood Stains -

Have a nice day.
Also check out the homepage ( ), im looking for some feed back =) I might also try to get hosted by planetdoom ( ) I'm not quite sure about this.

MaxiM@Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:18 am :
I've also made a tiny tutorial on using video GUIs (8)
You can find it here:
And here:

Method@Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:18 pm :
After few people asked how to bend a cylinder patch into a wire, I decided to write a tutorial entitled Bending Cylinder Patches


BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:18 pm :
I've added a tutorial for setting up more realistic fogging with the Doom 3 engine: ... highlight=

Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 7:05 pm :
I`ve made a simple light switch tutorial:

Method@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 9:37 am :
Many people asked how to create the words seeing throughout the game on the walls, so I wrote the tutorial:

Alphabet Decals


mcrat@Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 10:01 am :
This is my Videos tutorials for Doom 3:

Créer une salle
Placer les textures
Créer deux salles
Créer une vitre
Créer une vitre cassable
Créer une porte

Effets de lumières:
-Changer la taille de la lumière (puissance)
-Créer une lumière destructible

Ajouter des monstres
Arrondir les murs
Arrondir (déformation par Patch)
Créer un ciel
Créer une echelle
Créer un ascenceur
Barres arrondies
Donner un chemin aux PNJ
Téléporter un monstre
Un monstre attaque un marines
Créer un robot guide, defender (exclusivité mondiale !!!)
LEAK, probleme de compilation
Insérer les particules
Utiliser les particules
Donner un nom a un PNJ
Donner de l'energie a un PNJ
Mettre des bornes d'énergie
Changer de niveau (chargement du niveau suivant)
Placer le Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 dans votre niveau
Créer une caméra
Compiler et lancer un niveau

There is also video tutorials for Half life 2 and Counter Strike Source:

BloodRayne@Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 1:37 pm :
Added a tutorial for realising ambient lighting without loss of FPS:

Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:05 pm :
I`ve made a tutorial about moving ladders.

mcrat@Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 10:38 pm :
My tutorials menu is now in english :

OBWANDO@Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 4:01 am :

Just something to add to the list that may help others.

fault_line@Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 4:39 am :
Lightwave Cave/Rock formation Tutorial...

been up for ages, forgot to submit it :)


pbmax@Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 3:33 pm :
i've seen a few complaints about MNeMiC's broken links to his video tutotrials. i just thought i'd let people know that they are still there. just go right to the main page, , and navigate around until you find the d3 videos...

psychopsi@Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:45 pm :

tutorial: manipulating func_movers


voldemort@Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 8:10 pm :
Tutorial (tip) w/o func_emiter sparking wires dripping ooze ... 124#133124

voldemort@Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:08 am :
Tutorial (tip) make those barels shake befor they explode ... 142#133142

voldemort@Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:29 am :
Tutorial (tip) resizing particles on the fly no special stuf ... 148#133148

voldemort@Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:24 am :
tutorial (tip) more madness with replacing models (hell chain) ... 161#133161

voldemort@Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 3:24 am :
Tutorial (tip) jump pads in doom 3 (func_forcefield) ... 119#134119

voldemort@Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:45 pm :
Tutorial (Tip) poormans func_conveyor for doom 3 ... 205#134205

voldemort@Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:54 pm :
Tutorial(tip)how to use reg doom textures as light textures ... 774#134774

voldemort@Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 11:25 pm :
tutorial (tip) forcefield doors for doom3 ... 777#134777

voldemort@Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:07 pm :
Tutorial (tip) how to add a particle effect to your light ... 843#134843

voldemort@Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:46 pm :
Tutorial (tip) how to make round opening w/o csg subtract ... 670#135670

voldemort@Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:06 pm :
Tutorial (tip) custom pickup (health item)using def file ... 675#135675

voldemort@Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 5:00 pm :
Tutorial (tip) exploding fire extinguisher done right way ... 682#135682

voldemort@Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:13 pm :
Tutorial (tip) regeneration fileds for doom3 ... 692#135692

voldemort@Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 7:50 pm :
Tutorial (tip) how to make the env_shield actually give armor ... 716#135716

Skul@Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:03 pm :
Turning lights on/off tutorial for dummies.

An easy, quick way of turning lights on and off for newbies.

voldemort@Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 8:10 pm :
Tutorial-tip steaming dripping slime tentacles (editparticles)

Enforcer@Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 3:25 am :
Tut: Scalable models added unless its already here in which case i didnt see! ... 788#138788

voldemort@Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:15 pm :
Tutorial\tip more use 4 func_phantomobjects & func_forcefild ... 051#139051

voldemort@Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 3:26 am :
Tutorial (Tip) 3d animated displacement in textures ... c6c1d467dd

voldemort@Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 4:03 am :
Tutorial (tip) editdecls like fx editor but for textures ... 652#140652

voldemort@Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 4:20 am :
Tutorial (tip) how to trigger entity damage ... 657#140657

voldemort@Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 4:38 am :
Tutorial (tip) func_portals functions and uses ... 660#140660

rny@Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:59 am :
With Tetzlaf's permission, I just wanted to inform anyone interested that Tetzlaf has a post about creating/changing in-game sounds via custom soundshader & .def files. It's actually a mini-tutorial on its own.

It can be read at this post... ... highlight=

It was very helpful for me; hope it helps others too.

< RNY >

AEon@Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 1:33 pm :
Brain Trepaning's Level Editing Videos

the current ... ndex.shtml
link is broken, this one should work though:

Master List

voldemort@Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 1:27 am :
normally I would just link but since this is short and sweet
Tutorial (tip) how to use trigger hurt on monsters
this is a quick one you just need two little parms in your trigger for it to affect monsters


(insert something that isnt the default they seem to ignore default sometimes)

for an instant kill for lesser monsters and players
link incase of updates

voldemort@Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 3:07 am :
Tutorial (tip) create faulty ammo and weapons that jam guns or render them useless

voldemort@Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:58 pm :
Tutorial (tip) quicksand effect ... 758#146758

voldemort@Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:56 pm :
2 tutorials rain and wind with physics

Tutorial (tip) how to generate rain in doom 3

How to create wind and wind physics in doom3 ... 902#146902

voldemort@Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:53 pm :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators) ... 012#147012

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 9:30 pm :
AEon wrote:
Brain Trepaning's Level Editing Videos

the current ... ndex.shtml
link is broken, this one should work though:

Master List

All the tutorials have direct download at my site

voldemort@Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:33 pm : ... 467#147467

Tutorial (tip) more maddness with func_focefieldTutorial (tip) more maddness with func_focefield

mfh1900@Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 11:25 am :
There are my tutorials:

1. Your first, detailed map: - Lesson 1: Box Room - Lesson 2: Basic Entities - Lesson 3: Monsters - Lesson 4: Detailing Your Map - Lesson 5: Weapons And Ammo

2. Func_forcefield: - Part 1: Quicksand - Part 2: Big Fan

ajm113@Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:24 am :
I made my first video tutorial on how to import textures. ... einfo.html

mfh1900@Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 8:24 am :

Manipulating ai - ai_lostcombat. Very useful for beginners, or people that like manipulating ai of monsters.

haakjay@Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:30 pm :
Can Someone help me with a download to the map editor. I've been searching and searching all over the web, and all i find is tutorials, but not the actual application.

Can someone please post a download link?

Thanks :)

Shikamaru@Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:41 pm :
lol , you dont download the doom 3 map editor ... its allready installed with the game. Just load up doom 3 and bring down the console by pressing "Ctrl, Alt, ~" then type in "editor" that will exit doom 3 and open up the editor.... :wink:

haakjay@Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:45 pm :
Oh thanks alot :D
I just got my copy of doom 3 you see and all i want to doo is mod stuff.
Thanks a million my friend :D

Oh yeah, whats with this Yoda dude and his bad language and bad attitude?

efx@Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:13 pm :
haakjay wrote:

Oh yeah, whats with this Yoda dude and his bad language and bad attitude?

Who knows? Pay him no mind and maybe he'll go away.

voldemort@Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 6:44 am :

doors that can be shot open and work normally or doors that can be destroyed but work normally till then and other mehtods

fun with func_forcefileds create shooting gallery objects

Kiltron@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:24 pm :
This is a small tutorial on a technique I've used for mods and commercial projects on skinning your brush based geometry like a model.

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:19 pm :
Ah, the perfect opportunity to pimp the newly uploaded entity listing on the wiki. That's right folks, now every entity in every idTech 4 based game has a corresponding article providing you with a short description, all the available key/value pairs, and any pertinent notes.

Case in point...

Try either the x_axis or y_axis key/value pairs.

lowdragon@Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 8:52 am :
I didnt road the whole topic so if those are already there, sorry but german tutorials :

downloadable "best-off" doom3 mapping from doom3maps -

Magnite7@Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:49 am :
Heres a tutorial I made,


voldemort@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:07 pm :
tutorial textured lights all axis fix

link to article

zidane01970@Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 7:47 am :
can you add my first tutorial(please.)
its on how to make a locked door open through a gui when you have an aco card.

Unsub@Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 12:16 pm :
Russian illustrated tutorials: ... hreadid=41
There are some translations from this forum. copyrights saved ;)

Luigi@Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 7:02 pm :
My tutorials site. I'll be updating it soon. Have been a bit busy lately.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 5:28 pm :
Tutorial: Alternative to Scripting Machinery

voldemort, this thread is for links to tutorials, not the tutorials themselves.

Method@Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:52 am :
RUST has been redesigned and the old links which are listed here no longer work. Here's the list of the links:


Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
Doom3 CFG files

Bending Cylinder Patches

Here's an example on how to fix the links:

Change "book/view", to "node".


voldemort@Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:40 pm :
func_pendulom tut ... 4076#84076

example map

voldemort@Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 7:01 am :
tut on func_phantom_objects and target_setinfluence ... 4492#84492

example map

Sebazzz@Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 6:38 pm :
I`ve made a scripting tutorial about light switches.

voldemort@Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 3:55 pm :

tutorial on extended uses of patch meshes

example map

voldemort@Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:08 pm : ... 6265#86265

tutorial on makeing sure your model is scaled corectly

Luigi@Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 5:21 pm :
Making an NPC walk tutorial:

See_You_Pee@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:07 am :
A simple rotating doors tutorial;

[url] ... 5435#85435

voldemort@Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:25 pm :

tutorial on simple machinery part two

example map

voldemort@Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:50 pm :
tutorial on making rotateing doors without a script ... 6762#86762


example map

voldemort@Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 3:05 am : ... 6816#86816

tutorial on func_splat and func_remove

learn how to make a body disapear up a vent and chunks of body parts and blood come flying down

example map

voldemort@Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 3:28 pm :
tutorial on making one way mirrors ... 6881#86881

example map

Taffmaster@Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 6:10 am :
Tutorial on simple projectile traps, feel free to pick holes and correct any mistakes

Taffmaster@Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 6:36 pm :
A quick tutorial to turn regular def projectiles into cool homing/heatseeking ones

voldemort@Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 5:55 pm :
tutorial on moving machinery without scripts method 1&2 ... 7681#87681

example map

voldemort@Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 8:30 pm :
tutorial on adding a texture to a triggered light

example map

voldemort@Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 3:44 am :
tutorial on realistic fog

*expects some familiarity with editor**
items you should be familiar with
lighs and fog texture

binding objects

voldemort@Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 4:50 am :
tutorial on func_beam ... 8648#88648

voldemort@Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 5:27 pm :
Tutorial on setting an entities color
target_entity_fadeout ... 0341#90341

Taffmaster@Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 6:44 am :
tutorial on jumping monsters/path jump

voldemort@Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 3:51 pm :
Simple tutorial on Impaling raolls

voldemort@Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 4:15 pm :

Tuttorial on Piston& crank shaft machinery..

Zephbane@Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 2:33 pm :
The link for the lighting tutorial by raven, can you edit the link from ... 4505#30260

to ... pic&t=4505

please :)

voldemort@Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 2:50 am :
DoV_Tomas's Vaulted ceiling tutoriallink

voldemort@Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 7:52 pm :
Tutorial slash info on reflective textures and glass

voldemort@Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 8:59 pm :
Tutorial on scaling particles w/o creating a new one ... 4753#94753

voldemort@Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 9:03 pm :
Tutorial on creating hell versions of monsters and more

voldemort@Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 3:19 am :
Tutorial on hideing and unhideing a brush ... 4792#94792

voldemort@Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 3:38 am :
tut create round patch mesh w/o using a square one ... 4794#94794

dbhankins@Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:48 am :
My Doom3 machinima related three-part tutorial (with pics) on creating AVIs from cinematics is now in "Doom 3 Can Do It Too":


blood_thirst@Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 9:14 pm :
hey made my first doom 3 tutorial its on how to make a never ending battle sequency prety cool i think anyway heres the link to it

voldemort@Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 3:23 pm :
Tutorial on browsing textures and models (zoom functions)

diablobasher@Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 3:12 pm :
first of, an intro as this is my first post on

Im Diablobasher, ive been mapping/modding for a while, but havnt reallyinteracted with many communities. I have spent the last few days learning the doom 3 editor, and have picked it up very quickly due to all the tutorials available to make a noob feel welcome :)

So i decided to create some of my own. My first video tutorial is on PDA's and can be found at 's doom3 video tutorials section

Cheers :)

RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:02 pm :
Totorial on Elevators and Lifts with out scripts and not using func_plat...

Func_static@Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 4:18 pm :
Adding GUI texture

This my first tutorial, could I get it added to the listings, thank you

zeh@Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 5:18 pm :
Func_static wrote:
Adding GUI texture

This my first tutorial, could I get it added to the listings, thank you

Added, thanks.

Hm.. coming to think of it, there are a few tutorials posted as replies that aren't featured on the list? Weird...

Anyways, this list is a kind of a mess and it'll probably get replaced altogether in the future as we move most of the static stuff to the DOOM 3 Reference Wiki. So bare with us during the transition...

rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:45 am :
The sad thing is this list could be maintained by the very people who want to add their tutorials to the list if they bothered to register at and paid this page a visit...

It's certainly not hard to register, click edit, find a suitable spot in the list and add a link.

Func_static@Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:02 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
The sad thing is this list could be maintained by the very people who want to add their tutorials to the list if they bothered to register at and paid this page a visit...

It's certainly not hard to register, click edit, find a suitable spot in the list and add a link.

Does this Site own wiki?

Burrito@Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:19 pm :
Func_static wrote:
Does this Site own wiki?

No doesn't maintain a Wiki on its own. But that isn't necessary as is a partner-site to us as their admin is a mod over here. :D

All good friends here - its no competition you know. :P

Func_static@Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 5:29 pm :
okay, I submitted my work to that place. I feel So important now that I made a tutorial

1eyed@Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:32 am :
Forgot to add my patch split tutorial :)

Infernis@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:32 pm :
Item Placement Tutorial right here.

voldemort@Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:39 am :
tutorial 2nd part of thickening meshes ... 520#113520

voldemort@Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:40 am :
tutorial cones,cylenders,rings as solid geometry (not patch) ... ight=patch

tutorial cones,cylenders,rings as solid geometry (not patch)

voldemort@Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:16 am :
tutorial --tip on vertice editing ... 730#112730

voldemort@Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:24 am :
Tutorial on the illusion of projected displays and one sided

voldemort@Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:53 am :
Tutorial tricks regarding moveables and func_clipmodel

voldemort@Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:54 am :
Tutorial on water visual effects (built in ones)+heat haze

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 7:03 pm :
All my tutorials are now available as direct download from my site at

voldemort@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:53 pm :

This tutorial simply explains (no screens) on how to use multiple splines for one entity without the need for scripts..

Suggested reading would be my tutorial on target_setkeyval ... 6762#86762 ... 7681#87681

voldemort@Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 8:20 pm :
Tip Slash Tutorial on changing models on the fly ... 339#115339

voldemort@Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 6:16 pm : ... 491#115491

Tutorial interactive surfaces (triggers with textures)

voldemort@Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 6:32 pm : ... 498#115498

Tutorial quick and easy hack for dressing up monsters

without scripts or modeling

voldemort@Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 6:37 pm :
Tutorial func_clipmodel ... 500#115500

voldemort@Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 7:57 pm :
Tutorial Triggers & Functions with models (reduce ent count)

voldemort@Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 3:07 pm :

Tutorial very simplified rotating door without scripts

voldemort@Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 5:20 pm :
Tutorial Camera operations without scripts (EASY)

voldemort@Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 5:47 pm :
Tutorial Convulsing bodies ... 883#115883

voldemort@Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 7:09 pm :
Tutorial Ring Shaped patch mesh ... 893#115893

voldemort@Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:41 pm :
Tutorial func_teleport with remote display etc (in works)

this is a method that is fully functional and works with only one or two drawbacks IM still working on but would not stop usage

voldemort@Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:22 pm :
Tutorial adding rotation cordinates to your nurbs manually

voldemort@Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:23 pm :
Tutorial (no script) self building bridge/wall like in hell

voldemort@Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 1:34 am :
Tutorial Roving teleporters Last one moving to quake ... 829#116829

voldemort@Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 7:05 pm :
tutorial custom destructables the easy way ... 642#121642

voldemort@Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 5:33 am :
Tutorial on creating complex pipes and combineing tool

voldemort@Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 5:34 am :
Tutorial Easy Way to custom destructable objects with debri

voldemort@Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 3:47 pm :
Tutorial (tip) quick pillows or cussions in game

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 4:31 pm :
All my video tutorials plus the new CUSTOM MONSTERS can be downloaded directly at my site

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 8:38 pm :
PlanetDoom Video Tutorials links keep saying the file is not there any more.

ajm113@Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:50 am :
This one should be on the main thread post is foging
By NemesisDoom BNA!

voldemort@Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 5:38 pm :
Tutorial (tip) Easy ice effect ... 098#133098

voldemort@Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 5:58 pm :
Tutorial (tip) how 2 jump off a building and survive in game ... 101#133101

voldemort@Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 6:04 pm :
Tutorial (tip) excellent hiden blood effects ... 103#133103

voldemort@Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 6:15 pm : ... 107#133107

Tutorial (tip) rocking shaking machines (manily seen in ROE)

voldemort@Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 6:38 pm :
Tutorial (tip) alternate usses for ladder texture ... 109#133109

voldemort@Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 6:48 pm : ... 111#133111
Tutorial (tip) optical zoom effect for visual effect

BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 8:08 am :
D3W Tutorials and Articles: Master List

Here's a single listing of most of the useful threads and tutorials on the Doom 3 World forums. If you find any more useful threads or tutorials, post them below and I'll add them to this list.

Please report broken links !

File Naming/Folder Structure Conventions
Custom MP Map Folder Structure Setup and Walkthrough (Quake4 and Doom3)

Keyboard Shortcuts for DoomEdit
Doom 3
Upset Chaps Doom3 guide
Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
Doom3 CFG files

Goliath's Video Tutorials:
Introduction to the Editor - Link Fixed!
Introduction to the Editor (FilePlanet Mirror)
Connecting Two Rooms, Creating Doors, Using Visportals - Link Fixed!
The Sound Editor - Link Fixed!

Video Tutorials by MNeMiC:
(please note, TSCC codec is required to view these, which you can get here)
Various Video Tutorials
Basic Room Video Tutorial
Sliding Door Video Tutorial
Particle Smoke Video Tutorial
Turkey Game Video Tutorial
GUI Unlocking A Door Video Tutorial
Spawning A Pathfinding Monster
Triggering Sounds Video Tutorial
Breakable Glass Video Tutorial
Ladder Video Tutorial
Elevator Video Tutorial
Patch Handrail Video Tutorial
Mirror Video Tutorial
Terrain Video Tutorial

Skybox Video Tutorial
Custom Texture Creation Video Tutorial
Explosion Video Tutorial
Descending Trite Video Tutorial
Swinging Lights Video Tutorial
A Wallcrawling Monster Video Tutorial
Telporters Video Tutorial
Ragdolls Video Tutorial

Brain Trepaning's Level Editing Videos
Master List
- How to Create a Room
- How to Create Your Second Room
- How to Optimize Your Map
- How to Fix Leaks
- How to Add a LevelShot to Your Map
- How to Make Your Map a PK4 File
- How to Make Curves
- How To Safely Alter Original Doom 3 Content
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- RenderBump for Doom 3
- Blending Terrain Textures for DOOM 3

3DBuzz Doom3 Video Tutorials

PlanetDoom Video Tutorials
- Basic rooms
- Map optimisation
- Finding and fixing leaks
- pk4 creation
- Curve basics
- etc.


BNA!'s Tutorials
Getting Started: your first box map
Connecting two rooms, doors, and visportals
Pipes and Patches

bb_matt's Tutorials
Patch Mesh Tutorial 1 : Curved Hallway
Patch Mesh Tutorial 2 : Bevel + Floor Trim
Patch Mesh Tutorial 3 | pipes 1, 90° bend
Patch Mesh Tutorial 4 | pipes 2, 45° bend

Bending Cylinder Patches

Different/Custom Player Sounds per Surface

Mini text Tutorials based on MNeMiC Videos

Various Mapping Basics on SpiceLab.Net
GUIs and Lifts
Using GUIs on a level without special models
Creating Stairs
Texture Manipulation
Creating a Multiplayer Map
Tips on Wall Building and Positioning
Finding Leaks
Fun with Physics/Editing Ragdolls
Making Railings for Stairs
A bit about Ladders
Projected Lights
Receptionist from Mars City
Custom PDA Tutorial Part 1
Custom PDA Part 2: Security Clearance
Opening Doors with a GUI
Creating a "Turkey Smasher" Arcade Game
Making dead zombies come back to life
Throwing a ragdoll through glass
Liquids Tutorial
Glass and Breakable Glass
Vacuum/Outdoor Zones
Creating a Storage Cabinet
Sky - Assembling 6 textures to make a Doom3 skybox

Liquids in Doom3
Making an Alpha Channel (And making it work!)
Making a robot sentry that leads the player (video and text tutorial)
Quick Tutorial: Curved Stairs
Teleporter tutorial
How to add a Levelshot to your Multiplayer Map
Making a Trite descend from the ceiling on a web

Monsters on the Walls, Part 1
Monsters on the Walls, Part 2

Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Imp Door
Sentry Loader

Blood Stains

Paths / Nurbs
Basic NURBS editing
Moveables following nurbs
BEERman's Multistop Rideable Train Tutorial

Lights and Lighting techniques
Projected Lights (With screenshots!)
Projected Lights, Part II - Custom Lights
Simple Destructable Lights
Swinging Lights Tutorial
Creating a Swinging Light
Lighting Tips By Raven of Raven software.
Scripting Light Switches
Lightmaps in Doom3 -- A Technique by Jim Houx

Cinematics and Camera Manipulation
Cinematic with moving camera in editor
Monster Cam
Security Cameras - See GUI Scripting section below

Old Quake3 tutorials relevant to Doom3
Patch-Mesh 101 - extensive info on Patch Meshes - the exact same methods apply to Doom3 editing.


GoliathVT's Trigger Tutorial
Interactive Trigger Tutorial Map - Link Fixed!

GUI Scripting

Zeh's Tutorials
Tutorial 0: A GUI Script Primer
Tutorial 1: Your First GUI Script
Tutorial 2: Using the GUI Editor
Tutorial 3: Preparing and Importing Assets
Tutorial 4: Making Simple Interactions
Tutorial 5: Applying a GUI script to a map
Tutorial 6: Creating a new HUD GUI
Tutorial 7: Creating basic HUD items
Tutorial 8: Using named events
Tutorial 9: Animating the marine face HUD

Quick & Dirty GUI Tutorial
GUI Command Reference (work in progress)
Security Camera Tutorial
Making Video GUIs

Level Scripting
rich_is_bored's Tutorials
Tutorial 1: Scripting Primer
Tutorial 2: Mechanical Arm
Tutorial 3: Creating a Machine

Custom GUI/HUD Data from Scripts
A Simple Rotating Door (OLD)
A Simple Rotating Door (NEW)
Level Scripting Reference (work in progress)
Entity Scripting: How it works
Camera Tutorial
Custom gun: Hellfire Cannon
Scripting Light Switches

Particles / Particle effects
Particles & Shapes
Particle Effects: The Editor
Particle Effects: Using Custom Assets
Particle Syntax Reference

Texture Creation
Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3: Renderbump flat
Tutorial 4: Renderbump flat
Info on Bumpmapping
Generating Bumpmaps from a PhotoSource
Texture Resources
Quick and Dirty Material Shader Primer

3dsmax exporter to md5
MD5 File Formats
md5mesh to obj converter
Details about md5anim
Tutorial: Materials for an animated model
Weapon/items models
Information on Ragdolls
Modelling and Texturing Tutorial
Creating the Plasma Tick - Part 1

Brain Trepaning's Modelling Videos (3dsmax / gmax related)
Master List
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- Using RenderBump

*** NOTE: Submit additions to the list by posting in this thread. Once your tutorial has been added, your post will be deleted.

edited by eskimo roll, just shows what a close knit family we are here //group hug :twisted:
edited by bb_matt, just shows what a nit I am //group frag :twisted:
edit: lol
edited by der_ton, updated the list from Brain Trepaning's VT factory

Last edited by bb_matt 7 October 2004
painstakingly edited by der_ton 14 October 2004
lol - edited 25 October 2004
edited 29 November 2004

Exitus@Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 1:50 am :
Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Adding Blood Stains:

MBolus@Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 7:55 am :
Part 2 of Monsters on the Walls is now available, although I am awaiting a link from a host for the accompanying map. The map should be hosted within a day or so.
You will be able to have monsters on essentially any wall, floor, or ceiling, as promised!

MBolus@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:39 am :
Okay, my Part 2 tutorial's map is now hosted and available so you can check it out. It is somewhat ambitious and packed, but contains much useful info!

Method@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 5:19 am :
Here're a few tutorials I wrote:

Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
CFG File


mirimar@Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 7:11 am :
It`s my first tutorial. so please critique me. I want to show how to paint a model and map it all on one diffuse map.

edit: I got a new file server. This link will work.

Exitus@Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:19 am :
alright, ive moved my tutorials to a new site
please update the linkies

Exitus's Doom 3 Tutorials:
Index -
Imp Door -
Sentry Loader -
Objectives -
Locations -
Blood Stains -

Have a nice day.
Also check out the homepage ( ), im looking for some feed back =) I might also try to get hosted by planetdoom ( ) I'm not quite sure about this.

MaxiM@Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 11:18 am :
I've also made a tiny tutorial on using video GUIs (8)
You can find it here:
And here:

Method@Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 1:18 pm :
After few people asked how to bend a cylinder patch into a wire, I decided to write a tutorial entitled Bending Cylinder Patches


BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 5:18 pm :
I've added a tutorial for setting up more realistic fogging with the Doom 3 engine: ... highlight=

Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 8:05 pm :
I`ve made a simple light switch tutorial:

Method@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 10:37 am :
Many people asked how to create the words seeing throughout the game on the walls, so I wrote the tutorial:

Alphabet Decals


mcrat@Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 11:01 am :
This is my Videos tutorials for Doom 3:

Créer une salle
Placer les textures
Créer deux salles
Créer une vitre
Créer une vitre cassable
Créer une porte

Effets de lumières:
-Changer la taille de la lumière (puissance)
-Créer une lumière destructible

Ajouter des monstres
Arrondir les murs
Arrondir (déformation par Patch)
Créer un ciel
Créer une echelle
Créer un ascenceur
Barres arrondies
Donner un chemin aux PNJ
Téléporter un monstre
Un monstre attaque un marines
Créer un robot guide, defender (exclusivité mondiale !!!)
LEAK, probleme de compilation
Insérer les particules
Utiliser les particules
Donner un nom a un PNJ
Donner de l'energie a un PNJ
Mettre des bornes d'énergie
Changer de niveau (chargement du niveau suivant)
Placer le Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 dans votre niveau
Créer une caméra
Compiler et lancer un niveau

There is also video tutorials for Half life 2 and Counter Strike Source:

BloodRayne@Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 2:37 pm :
Added a tutorial for realising ambient lighting without loss of FPS:

Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 5:05 pm :
I`ve made a tutorial about moving ladders.

mcrat@Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 11:38 pm :
My tutorials menu is now in english :

OBWANDO@Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 5:01 am :

Just something to add to the list that may help others.

fault_line@Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 5:39 am :
Lightwave Cave/Rock formation Tutorial...

been up for ages, forgot to submit it :)


pbmax@Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:33 pm :
i've seen a few complaints about MNeMiC's broken links to his video tutotrials. i just thought i'd let people know that they are still there. just go right to the main page, , and navigate around until you find the d3 videos...

psychopsi@Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 12:45 am :

tutorial: manipulating func_movers


BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:08 am :
D3W Tutorials and Articles: Master List

Here's a single listing of most of the useful threads and tutorials on the Doom 3 World forums. If you find any more useful threads or tutorials, post them below and I'll add them to this list.

Please report broken links !

File Naming/Folder Structure Conventions
Custom MP Map Folder Structure Setup and Walkthrough (Quake4 and Doom3)

Keyboard Shortcuts for DoomEdit
Doom 3
Upset Chaps Doom3 guide
Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
Doom3 CFG files

Goliath's Video Tutorials:
Introduction to the Editor - Link Fixed!
Introduction to the Editor (FilePlanet Mirror)
Connecting Two Rooms, Creating Doors, Using Visportals - Link Fixed!
The Sound Editor - Link Fixed!

Video Tutorials by MNeMiC:
(please note, TSCC codec is required to view these, which you can get here)
Various Video Tutorials
Basic Room Video Tutorial
Sliding Door Video Tutorial
Particle Smoke Video Tutorial
Turkey Game Video Tutorial
GUI Unlocking A Door Video Tutorial
Spawning A Pathfinding Monster
Triggering Sounds Video Tutorial
Breakable Glass Video Tutorial
Ladder Video Tutorial
Elevator Video Tutorial
Patch Handrail Video Tutorial
Mirror Video Tutorial
Terrain Video Tutorial

Skybox Video Tutorial
Custom Texture Creation Video Tutorial
Explosion Video Tutorial
Descending Trite Video Tutorial
Swinging Lights Video Tutorial
A Wallcrawling Monster Video Tutorial
Telporters Video Tutorial
Ragdolls Video Tutorial

Brain Trepaning's Level Editing Videos
Master List
- How to Create a Room
- How to Create Your Second Room
- How to Optimize Your Map
- How to Fix Leaks
- How to Add a LevelShot to Your Map
- How to Make Your Map a PK4 File
- How to Make Curves
- How To Safely Alter Original Doom 3 Content
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- RenderBump for Doom 3
- Blending Terrain Textures for DOOM 3

3DBuzz Doom3 Video Tutorials

PlanetDoom Video Tutorials
- Basic rooms
- Map optimisation
- Finding and fixing leaks
- pk4 creation
- Curve basics
- etc.


BNA!'s Tutorials
Getting Started: your first box map
Connecting two rooms, doors, and visportals
Pipes and Patches

bb_matt's Tutorials
Patch Mesh Tutorial 1 : Curved Hallway
Patch Mesh Tutorial 2 : Bevel + Floor Trim
Patch Mesh Tutorial 3 | pipes 1, 90° bend
Patch Mesh Tutorial 4 | pipes 2, 45° bend

Bending Cylinder Patches

Different/Custom Player Sounds per Surface

Mini text Tutorials based on MNeMiC Videos

Various Mapping Basics on SpiceLab.Net
GUIs and Lifts
Using GUIs on a level without special models
Creating Stairs
Texture Manipulation
Creating a Multiplayer Map
Tips on Wall Building and Positioning
Finding Leaks
Fun with Physics/Editing Ragdolls
Making Railings for Stairs
A bit about Ladders
Projected Lights
Receptionist from Mars City
Custom PDA Tutorial Part 1
Custom PDA Part 2: Security Clearance
Opening Doors with a GUI
Creating a "Turkey Smasher" Arcade Game
Making dead zombies come back to life
Throwing a ragdoll through glass
Liquids Tutorial
Glass and Breakable Glass
Vacuum/Outdoor Zones
Creating a Storage Cabinet
Sky - Assembling 6 textures to make a Doom3 skybox

Liquids in Doom3
Making an Alpha Channel (And making it work!)
Making a robot sentry that leads the player (video and text tutorial)
Quick Tutorial: Curved Stairs
Teleporter tutorial
How to add a Levelshot to your Multiplayer Map
Making a Trite descend from the ceiling on a web

Monsters on the Walls, Part 1
Monsters on the Walls, Part 2

Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Imp Door
Sentry Loader

Blood Stains

Paths / Nurbs
Basic NURBS editing
Moveables following nurbs
BEERman's Multistop Rideable Train Tutorial

Lights and Lighting techniques
Projected Lights (With screenshots!)
Projected Lights, Part II - Custom Lights
Simple Destructable Lights
Swinging Lights Tutorial
Creating a Swinging Light
Lighting Tips By Raven of Raven software.
Scripting Light Switches
Lightmaps in Doom3 -- A Technique by Jim Houx

Cinematics and Camera Manipulation
Cinematic with moving camera in editor
Monster Cam
Security Cameras - See GUI Scripting section below

Old Quake3 tutorials relevant to Doom3
Patch-Mesh 101 - extensive info on Patch Meshes - the exact same methods apply to Doom3 editing.


GoliathVT's Trigger Tutorial
Interactive Trigger Tutorial Map - Link Fixed!

GUI Scripting

Zeh's Tutorials
Tutorial 0: A GUI Script Primer
Tutorial 1: Your First GUI Script
Tutorial 2: Using the GUI Editor
Tutorial 3: Preparing and Importing Assets
Tutorial 4: Making Simple Interactions
Tutorial 5: Applying a GUI script to a map
Tutorial 6: Creating a new HUD GUI
Tutorial 7: Creating basic HUD items
Tutorial 8: Using named events
Tutorial 9: Animating the marine face HUD

Quick & Dirty GUI Tutorial
GUI Command Reference (work in progress)
Security Camera Tutorial
Making Video GUIs

Level Scripting
rich_is_bored's Tutorials
Tutorial 1: Scripting Primer
Tutorial 2: Mechanical Arm
Tutorial 3: Creating a Machine

Custom GUI/HUD Data from Scripts
A Simple Rotating Door (OLD)
A Simple Rotating Door (NEW)
Level Scripting Reference (work in progress)
Entity Scripting: How it works
Camera Tutorial
Custom gun: Hellfire Cannon
Scripting Light Switches

Particles / Particle effects
Particles & Shapes
Particle Effects: The Editor
Particle Effects: Using Custom Assets
Particle Syntax Reference

Texture Creation
Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3: Renderbump flat
Tutorial 4: Renderbump flat
Info on Bumpmapping
Generating Bumpmaps from a PhotoSource
Texture Resources
Quick and Dirty Material Shader Primer

3dsmax exporter to md5
MD5 File Formats
md5mesh to obj converter
Details about md5anim
Tutorial: Materials for an animated model
Weapon/items models
Information on Ragdolls
Modelling and Texturing Tutorial
Creating the Plasma Tick - Part 1

Brain Trepaning's Modelling Videos (3dsmax / gmax related)
Master List
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- Using RenderBump

*** NOTE: Submit additions to the list by posting in this thread. Once your tutorial has been added, your post will be deleted.

edited by eskimo roll, just shows what a close knit family we are here //group hug :twisted:
edited by bb_matt, just shows what a nit I am //group frag :twisted:
edit: lol
edited by der_ton, updated the list from Brain Trepaning's VT factory

Last edited by bb_matt 7 October 2004
painstakingly edited by der_ton 14 October 2004
lol - edited 25 October 2004
edited 29 November 2004

Exitus@Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 12:50 am :
Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Adding Blood Stains:

MBolus@Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:55 am :
Part 2 of Monsters on the Walls is now available, although I am awaiting a link from a host for the accompanying map. The map should be hosted within a day or so.
You will be able to have monsters on essentially any wall, floor, or ceiling, as promised!

MBolus@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:39 am :
Okay, my Part 2 tutorial's map is now hosted and available so you can check it out. It is somewhat ambitious and packed, but contains much useful info!

Method@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 4:19 am :
Here're a few tutorials I wrote:

Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
CFG File


mirimar@Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:11 am :
It`s my first tutorial. so please critique me. I want to show how to paint a model and map it all on one diffuse map.

edit: I got a new file server. This link will work.

Exitus@Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:19 am :
alright, ive moved my tutorials to a new site
please update the linkies

Exitus's Doom 3 Tutorials:
Index -
Imp Door -
Sentry Loader -
Objectives -
Locations -
Blood Stains -

Have a nice day.
Also check out the homepage ( ), im looking for some feed back =) I might also try to get hosted by planetdoom ( ) I'm not quite sure about this.

MaxiM@Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:18 am :
I've also made a tiny tutorial on using video GUIs (8)
You can find it here:
And here:

Method@Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:18 pm :
After few people asked how to bend a cylinder patch into a wire, I decided to write a tutorial entitled Bending Cylinder Patches


BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:18 pm :
I've added a tutorial for setting up more realistic fogging with the Doom 3 engine: ... highlight=

Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 7:05 pm :
I`ve made a simple light switch tutorial:

Method@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 9:37 am :
Many people asked how to create the words seeing throughout the game on the walls, so I wrote the tutorial:

Alphabet Decals


mcrat@Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 10:01 am :
This is my Videos tutorials for Doom 3:

Créer une salle
Placer les textures
Créer deux salles
Créer une vitre
Créer une vitre cassable
Créer une porte

Effets de lumières:
-Changer la taille de la lumière (puissance)
-Créer une lumière destructible

Ajouter des monstres
Arrondir les murs
Arrondir (déformation par Patch)
Créer un ciel
Créer une echelle
Créer un ascenceur
Barres arrondies
Donner un chemin aux PNJ
Téléporter un monstre
Un monstre attaque un marines
Créer un robot guide, defender (exclusivité mondiale !!!)
LEAK, probleme de compilation
Insérer les particules
Utiliser les particules
Donner un nom a un PNJ
Donner de l'energie a un PNJ
Mettre des bornes d'énergie
Changer de niveau (chargement du niveau suivant)
Placer le Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 dans votre niveau
Créer une caméra
Compiler et lancer un niveau

There is also video tutorials for Half life 2 and Counter Strike Source:

BloodRayne@Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 1:37 pm :
Added a tutorial for realising ambient lighting without loss of FPS:

Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:05 pm :
I`ve made a tutorial about moving ladders.

mcrat@Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 10:38 pm :
My tutorials menu is now in english :

OBWANDO@Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 4:01 am :

Just something to add to the list that may help others.

fault_line@Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 4:39 am :
Lightwave Cave/Rock formation Tutorial...

been up for ages, forgot to submit it :)


pbmax@Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 3:33 pm :
i've seen a few complaints about MNeMiC's broken links to his video tutotrials. i just thought i'd let people know that they are still there. just go right to the main page, , and navigate around until you find the d3 videos...

psychopsi@Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:45 pm :

tutorial: manipulating func_movers


Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 6:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 5:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 6:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 1:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 12:19 am :
Ah, the perfect opportunity to pimp the newly uploaded entity listing on the wiki. That's right folks, now every entity in every idTech 4 based game has a corresponding article providing you with a short description, all the available key/value pairs, and any pertinent notes.

Case in point...

Try either the x_axis or y_axis key/value pairs.

lowdragon@Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 9:52 am :
I didnt road the whole topic so if those are already there, sorry but german tutorials :

downloadable "best-off" doom3 mapping from doom3maps -

Magnite7@Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 6:49 am :
Heres a tutorial I made,


voldemort@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:07 pm :
tutorial textured lights all axis fix

link to article

LordofZodiac@Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:29 pm :
Humm someone can said me how are we supposed to see video's of MneMic when everytime i go there its doesnt work ... Broken links ???

Ivan_the_B@Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:37 pm :
They are very old... don't know if there are working links somewhere.
Search with Google.

I had gigabytes of videotuts on my hd but I recently deleted them all, sry :(

LordofZodiac@Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:28 am :
Damn cuz i've begin my project and i need them ... when i go to google i didn't found what i need just this site ... with the broken links :S

wolfenstein.b@Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:10 pm :
hie i also had same problem but i got all of them.. ry searchin the same file name by google.. u will get alternate links for sure..

rumani@Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:23 am :
I didnt road the whole topic so if those are already there
lazer tattoo removal cream before and after free cost the tattoo removal cream blog tells you about cost and creams to buy lazer tattoo removal cream before and after free cost

Kajgue@Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:32 am :
The 'terrain tutorial' doesn't work unfortunately :/ (the link is dead)

Isn't there anywhere else to find official tutorials on how to use D3Edit? I can't seem to find many tutorials anywhere elese.

reko@Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:27 pm :
use . Paste the D3world link there .

Kajgue@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:02 am :
Doesn't seem to work, unfortunately. It says that robots.txt are restricted in these circumstances (or something).

Fabiolinks@Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:13 pm :
A lot of links are Broken here.
I can´t find one about Visportals and doors

BNA!@Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:26 am :
Fabiolinks wrote:
A lot of links are Broken here.
I can´t find one about Visportals and doors


Fabiolinks@Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:53 am :
BNA! wrote:
Fabiolinks wrote:
A lot of links are Broken here.
I can´t find one about Visportals and doors


I have read before...
your tutorials are great! Helped here
You should do more xD

BNA!@Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 4:37 am :
Fabiolinks wrote:
You should do more xD

I only did very few - for idtech5 I hope I'll be able to do more.

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:46 pm :
Upset Chaps Doom3 Guide with images: ... 3Guide.htm

Fluffinster@Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:27 pm :
OMG Like half the tutorials don't work anythign from or whatever it is doesn't work because you go to it and it just gives ads!

TheChozeLa@Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:36 am :
Fluffinster wrote:
OMG Like half the tutorials don't work anythign from or whatever it is doesn't work because you go to it and it just gives ads!

mnemik video tutorial are avalaible here :

Fluffinster@Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:41 pm :
TheChozeLa wrote:
mnemik video tutorial are avalaible here :

OMG Thanks SO MUCH!!!! You are AWESOME!

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:19 pm :
Ah, the perfect opportunity to pimp the newly uploaded entity listing on the wiki. That's right folks, now every entity in every idTech 4 based game has a corresponding article providing you with a short description, all the available key/value pairs, and any pertinent notes.

Case in point...

Try either the x_axis or y_axis key/value pairs.

lowdragon@Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 8:52 am :
I didnt road the whole topic so if those are already there, sorry but german tutorials :

downloadable "best-off" doom3 mapping from doom3maps -

Magnite7@Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:49 am :
Heres a tutorial I made,


voldemort@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:07 pm :
tutorial textured lights all axis fix

link to article

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:40 pm :
You're actually supposed to create a thread for your tutorial and then post the link to it.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am :
I know have my own personal site that has Doom3 tutorials now that you can look at.

Zakyrus@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:58 pm :
Random monster tutorial

voldemort@Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:07 am :
Tutorial tip (easy rotating fans and other rotators)
Tutorial tip doors you shoot open in d3
tutorial tip func_pendulom on all axis

NGX@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:44 pm :
The first link under Textures; Tutorial 1, is broke.

I was looking for information on adding new textures to the Doom3 editor. I'm, for now, thinking of adding a new sky texture.

ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:39 am :
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Shikamaru@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am :
This is just little bits and peices ive gatherd into a txt for doom 3 editing:

Doom 3 Editing stuff:


Key: Val:
----- -----
noshadows 1
nospecular 0
nodiffuse 0
falloff 0

light_radius Eg. 50 50 50 ( for X,Y and Z angles )
start_off 0 ( causes light to be off at the map start )
Press K for light colour change and J for the light editor.


Trigger Hurt:

Key: Val:
----- -----
def_damage damage_triggerhurt_10



Bind the H key to "toggle g_dragentity"



Custom Textures: eg.

qer_editorimage textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// qer_editorimage is the image that will show in the editor
bumpmap textures/custom/Brick1_local.tga /// bumpmap is the bumps on the texture ( make it deep )
diffusemap textures/custom/Brick1_ed.tga /// diffusemap is the same as the qer_editorimage
specularmap textures/custom/Brick1_s.tga /// specular map is how much light will reflect off the surface = lighter you make it the more light will reflect off the surface and the more dark you make it the more the surface will block the light.

Hide Gun / Hud:

bind q toggle ui_showGun // ui_showGun must stay the same
bind w toggle g_showHud // g_showHud must stay the same


Quick explanation:
The engine draws every part of the level eve when you can't see it.
This obviously is a bad idea for performance.

That's why you use visportals - these tell the engine how far it can look.
If you see a visportal, the engine checks whether this visportal can see another visportal. If so then the engine checks whether this visportal can see another one - if the first visportal can't see the third, the engine wont rrender the world benind it - that's called "reducing overdraw" to throw in a catch phrase.

if you lower the console and enter "r_showPortals 1" you can see your visportals ingame.

Red means it's closed, nothing behind it get's rendered, green means it's open and renders stuff to the next red visportal (highly simplified, but I hope you get the concept):

Remove Weapons:

"classname" "target_removeweapons"
"name" "target_removeweapons_1"
"origin" "1416 2120 -2664"
"weapon" "def_weapon1" -flashlight
"weapon1" "def_weapon2" - handgun
"weapon2" "def_weapon3" - shotgun
"weapon3" "def_weapon4" - machinegun
"weapon4" "def_weapon5" - chaingun
"weapon5" "def_weapon6" - grenades
"weapon6" "def_weapon7" - plasmagun
"weapon7" "def_weapon8" - BFG
"weapon8" "def_weapon10" - Soulcube
"weapon9" "def_weapon11" - chainsaw
"noflood" "1"



pda test_matt
name "Joe Stinger"
fullname "Joe K. Stinger"
icon "gui/pda/bio1"
id "1657-03"
post "marine"
title "marine21"
security "none"
pda_email "test_matt_email_1"
pda_email "test_matt_email_2"

email test_matt_email_1 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "Admin"
date "26-03-2145"
Subject "Accses code"
text {
"To Joe Stinger i just wanted to let you know that the new code to the storage room is 957.\n\n"
"Sargent Stock."

email test_matt_email_2 {
to "Joe K. Stinger"
from "mum"
date "25-03-2145"
Subject "Christmas"
text {
"hello dear i just wanted to know if you were comeing down for christmas or not.\n\n"
"the whole family misses you and we all really want you to come back for the holidays.\n\n"
"missing you, mum."

Custom Gui's:

textures/custom/naruto_gui <----( put gui file in that folder )

windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
background "textures/custom/naruto_gui.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
visible 1

eg. put this script in this folder guis/custom as a .gui file


Key: Value:
s_global 1 --- that makes the sound/music play throughout the entire map.
s_looping 1 --- that makes the sound/music loop.

I hope that helps someone with anything , most things wernt explained clearly but i hope you got the gist of it. :lol:

Dogstar@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm :
Thanks, Shikamaru. I found that interesting and helpful. If only everyone wrote things as clearly, with nice little explanations! When does the full compendium of DoomEd Lore come out..? :wink:

NGX@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:39 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I made a video tutorial using gimp on importing textures.

Thanks, man. Didn't seem all that hard, I'll give it a go.

ajm113@Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am :
Cool, I hope you like it. :D

mfh1900@Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 am :
Can u add my new tut. I want it because there arent any tuts of elevs.

mfh1900@Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm :
Func_elevator - how to create it? Tut explained step-by-step

BNA! i posted a reply, but i dont know why... u didnt saw it!

mfh1900@Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:27 pm :
Objectives and locations tutorial.

Lucky@Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:40 pm :
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:28 am :
Lucky wrote:
is there a collection of all of the tutorials from page one somewhere?

most of the links are dead, and I'd be gratefull, if someone could reupload them, or link me to somewhere where I could find them

Well, that's the problem with externally linked tutorials - they always tend to vanish sooner or later.

If outside links are dead there's nothing we could do about it. If it's interal links then let me know, eventually I moved something to the wrong directory with the server change.

Tron@Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:44 am :
For outside links check out, it's possible it will have them archived.

That doesn't help out with videos and stuff, but for the text it could help.

tory2@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:03 pm :
Hey i made a tutorial on moving ladders without scripts

ShaZe@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 pm : for english user :)


- How do we set the 3ds max grid to have the same unit as the D3/Q4 editor?
- How do we customize lights?
- How can we change the way a texture will appear on a brush?
- How can we individually move sommets of brushs?
- How do we use triggers?
- How do we make a guis unlock a simple door?
- How do we do a multiplayer map?
- How do we make a pk4 file?
- How do we Open Up the editor?
- How to insert a guis into one of your model?
- How can we use differents textures files for one model, or differents models with one texture file?


- How to insert a new texture in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to insert a new model in the D3/Q4 editor?
- How to make a moveable model? *Coming Soon
- How do we make a bumpmap, and how do we use it? *Coming Soon
- How do we unwrap a model?

BNA!@Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm :
ShaZe wrote:

Please add why people should go there, i.e. a listing of the tutorials you offer, thanks.

NGX@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:29 pm :
I've looked around for a bit but haven't come across anything: is there a tutorial that covers the func_something tool? I've tried to use func_rotating to make a texture rotate (such as a fan). What happened was that the patch itself started rotating, instead of the texture of that patch. I looked around for a tutorial that explains the func_ functions; how to create them and how much creative freedom you have with them, but I obviously didn't find anything.

Also.. are there any more map object models hidden around anywhere? I'm not ready to create my own models yet, and the selection of existing models is rather poor and boring.

But back on topic.. I've read through the tutorials that explain basic mapping but haven't found anything that explains how to use the more advanced tools, without getting into scripting (unless that is necessary.. I don't know).

Here's a screenshot: ... t=malf.jpg

I'm gonna delete that, and put three, bigger sprocket-type machineries there instead, and have the models rotating down on the Z axis (or down towards the floor, in other words :mrgreen:).

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:19 pm :
Ah, the perfect opportunity to pimp the newly uploaded entity listing on the wiki. That's right folks, now every entity in every idTech 4 based game has a corresponding article providing you with a short description, all the available key/value pairs, and any pertinent notes.

Case in point...

Try either the x_axis or y_axis key/value pairs.

lowdragon@Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 8:52 am :
I didnt road the whole topic so if those are already there, sorry but german tutorials :

downloadable "best-off" doom3 mapping from doom3maps -

Magnite7@Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:49 am :
Heres a tutorial I made,


voldemort@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:07 pm :
tutorial textured lights all axis fix

link to article

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:19 pm :
Ah, the perfect opportunity to pimp the newly uploaded entity listing on the wiki. That's right folks, now every entity in every idTech 4 based game has a corresponding article providing you with a short description, all the available key/value pairs, and any pertinent notes.

Case in point...

Try either the x_axis or y_axis key/value pairs.

lowdragon@Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 8:52 am :
I didnt road the whole topic so if those are already there, sorry but german tutorials :

downloadable "best-off" doom3 mapping from doom3maps -

Magnite7@Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:49 am :
Heres a tutorial I made,


voldemort@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:07 pm :
tutorial textured lights all axis fix

link to article

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:19 pm :
Ah, the perfect opportunity to pimp the newly uploaded entity listing on the wiki. That's right folks, now every entity in every idTech 4 based game has a corresponding article providing you with a short description, all the available key/value pairs, and any pertinent notes.

Case in point...

Try either the x_axis or y_axis key/value pairs.

lowdragon@Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 8:52 am :
I didnt road the whole topic so if those are already there, sorry but german tutorials :

downloadable "best-off" doom3 mapping from doom3maps -

Magnite7@Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:49 am :
Heres a tutorial I made,


voldemort@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:07 pm :
tutorial textured lights all axis fix

link to article

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:19 pm :
Ah, the perfect opportunity to pimp the newly uploaded entity listing on the wiki. That's right folks, now every entity in every idTech 4 based game has a corresponding article providing you with a short description, all the available key/value pairs, and any pertinent notes.

Case in point...

Try either the x_axis or y_axis key/value pairs.

lowdragon@Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 8:52 am :
I didnt road the whole topic so if those are already there, sorry but german tutorials :

downloadable "best-off" doom3 mapping from doom3maps -

Magnite7@Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:49 am :
Heres a tutorial I made,


voldemort@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:07 pm :
tutorial textured lights all axis fix

link to article

BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:08 am :
D3W Tutorials and Articles: Master List

Here's a single listing of most of the useful threads and tutorials on the Doom 3 World forums. If you find any more useful threads or tutorials, post them below and I'll add them to this list.

Please report broken links !

File Naming/Folder Structure Conventions
Custom MP Map Folder Structure Setup and Walkthrough (Quake4 and Doom3)

Keyboard Shortcuts for DoomEdit
Doom 3
Upset Chaps Doom3 guide
Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
Doom3 CFG files

Goliath's Video Tutorials:
Introduction to the Editor - Link Fixed!
Introduction to the Editor (FilePlanet Mirror)
Connecting Two Rooms, Creating Doors, Using Visportals - Link Fixed!
The Sound Editor - Link Fixed!

Video Tutorials by MNeMiC:
(please note, TSCC codec is required to view these, which you can get here)
Various Video Tutorials
Basic Room Video Tutorial
Sliding Door Video Tutorial
Particle Smoke Video Tutorial
Turkey Game Video Tutorial
GUI Unlocking A Door Video Tutorial
Spawning A Pathfinding Monster
Triggering Sounds Video Tutorial
Breakable Glass Video Tutorial
Ladder Video Tutorial
Elevator Video Tutorial
Patch Handrail Video Tutorial
Mirror Video Tutorial
Terrain Video Tutorial

Skybox Video Tutorial
Custom Texture Creation Video Tutorial
Explosion Video Tutorial
Descending Trite Video Tutorial
Swinging Lights Video Tutorial
A Wallcrawling Monster Video Tutorial
Telporters Video Tutorial
Ragdolls Video Tutorial

Brain Trepaning's Level Editing Videos
Master List
- How to Create a Room
- How to Create Your Second Room
- How to Optimize Your Map
- How to Fix Leaks
- How to Add a LevelShot to Your Map
- How to Make Your Map a PK4 File
- How to Make Curves
- How To Safely Alter Original Doom 3 Content
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- RenderBump for Doom 3
- Blending Terrain Textures for DOOM 3

3DBuzz Doom3 Video Tutorials

PlanetDoom Video Tutorials
- Basic rooms
- Map optimisation
- Finding and fixing leaks
- pk4 creation
- Curve basics
- etc.


BNA!'s Tutorials
Getting Started: your first box map
Connecting two rooms, doors, and visportals
Pipes and Patches

bb_matt's Tutorials
Patch Mesh Tutorial 1 : Curved Hallway
Patch Mesh Tutorial 2 : Bevel + Floor Trim
Patch Mesh Tutorial 3 | pipes 1, 90° bend
Patch Mesh Tutorial 4 | pipes 2, 45° bend

Bending Cylinder Patches

Different/Custom Player Sounds per Surface

Mini text Tutorials based on MNeMiC Videos

Various Mapping Basics on SpiceLab.Net
GUIs and Lifts
Using GUIs on a level without special models
Creating Stairs
Texture Manipulation
Creating a Multiplayer Map
Tips on Wall Building and Positioning
Finding Leaks
Fun with Physics/Editing Ragdolls
Making Railings for Stairs
A bit about Ladders
Projected Lights
Receptionist from Mars City
Custom PDA Tutorial Part 1
Custom PDA Part 2: Security Clearance
Opening Doors with a GUI
Creating a "Turkey Smasher" Arcade Game
Making dead zombies come back to life
Throwing a ragdoll through glass
Liquids Tutorial
Glass and Breakable Glass
Vacuum/Outdoor Zones
Creating a Storage Cabinet
Sky - Assembling 6 textures to make a Doom3 skybox

Liquids in Doom3
Making an Alpha Channel (And making it work!)
Making a robot sentry that leads the player (video and text tutorial)
Quick Tutorial: Curved Stairs
Teleporter tutorial
How to add a Levelshot to your Multiplayer Map
Making a Trite descend from the ceiling on a web

Monsters on the Walls, Part 1
Monsters on the Walls, Part 2

Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Imp Door
Sentry Loader

Blood Stains

Paths / Nurbs
Basic NURBS editing
Moveables following nurbs
BEERman's Multistop Rideable Train Tutorial

Lights and Lighting techniques
Projected Lights (With screenshots!)
Projected Lights, Part II - Custom Lights
Simple Destructable Lights
Swinging Lights Tutorial
Creating a Swinging Light
Lighting Tips By Raven of Raven software.
Scripting Light Switches
Lightmaps in Doom3 -- A Technique by Jim Houx

Cinematics and Camera Manipulation
Cinematic with moving camera in editor
Monster Cam
Security Cameras - See GUI Scripting section below

Old Quake3 tutorials relevant to Doom3
Patch-Mesh 101 - extensive info on Patch Meshes - the exact same methods apply to Doom3 editing.


GoliathVT's Trigger Tutorial
Interactive Trigger Tutorial Map - Link Fixed!

GUI Scripting

Zeh's Tutorials
Tutorial 0: A GUI Script Primer
Tutorial 1: Your First GUI Script
Tutorial 2: Using the GUI Editor
Tutorial 3: Preparing and Importing Assets
Tutorial 4: Making Simple Interactions
Tutorial 5: Applying a GUI script to a map
Tutorial 6: Creating a new HUD GUI
Tutorial 7: Creating basic HUD items
Tutorial 8: Using named events
Tutorial 9: Animating the marine face HUD

Quick & Dirty GUI Tutorial
GUI Command Reference (work in progress)
Security Camera Tutorial
Making Video GUIs

Level Scripting
rich_is_bored's Tutorials
Tutorial 1: Scripting Primer
Tutorial 2: Mechanical Arm
Tutorial 3: Creating a Machine

Custom GUI/HUD Data from Scripts
A Simple Rotating Door (OLD)
A Simple Rotating Door (NEW)
Level Scripting Reference (work in progress)
Entity Scripting: How it works
Camera Tutorial
Custom gun: Hellfire Cannon
Scripting Light Switches

Particles / Particle effects
Particles & Shapes
Particle Effects: The Editor
Particle Effects: Using Custom Assets
Particle Syntax Reference

Texture Creation
Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3: Renderbump flat
Tutorial 4: Renderbump flat
Info on Bumpmapping
Generating Bumpmaps from a PhotoSource
Texture Resources
Quick and Dirty Material Shader Primer

3dsmax exporter to md5
MD5 File Formats
md5mesh to obj converter
Details about md5anim
Tutorial: Materials for an animated model
Weapon/items models
Information on Ragdolls
Modelling and Texturing Tutorial
Creating the Plasma Tick - Part 1

Brain Trepaning's Modelling Videos (3dsmax / gmax related)
Master List
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- Using RenderBump

*** NOTE: Submit additions to the list by posting in this thread. Once your tutorial has been added, your post will be deleted.

edited by eskimo roll, just shows what a close knit family we are here //group hug :twisted:
edited by bb_matt, just shows what a nit I am //group frag :twisted:
edit: lol
edited by der_ton, updated the list from Brain Trepaning's VT factory

Last edited by bb_matt 7 October 2004
painstakingly edited by der_ton 14 October 2004
lol - edited 25 October 2004
edited 29 November 2004

Exitus@Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 12:50 am :
Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Adding Blood Stains:

MBolus@Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:55 am :
Part 2 of Monsters on the Walls is now available, although I am awaiting a link from a host for the accompanying map. The map should be hosted within a day or so.
You will be able to have monsters on essentially any wall, floor, or ceiling, as promised!

MBolus@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:39 am :
Okay, my Part 2 tutorial's map is now hosted and available so you can check it out. It is somewhat ambitious and packed, but contains much useful info!

Method@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 4:19 am :
Here're a few tutorials I wrote:

Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
CFG File


mirimar@Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:11 am :
It`s my first tutorial. so please critique me. I want to show how to paint a model and map it all on one diffuse map.

edit: I got a new file server. This link will work.

Exitus@Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:19 am :
alright, ive moved my tutorials to a new site
please update the linkies

Exitus's Doom 3 Tutorials:
Index -
Imp Door -
Sentry Loader -
Objectives -
Locations -
Blood Stains -

Have a nice day.
Also check out the homepage ( ), im looking for some feed back =) I might also try to get hosted by planetdoom ( ) I'm not quite sure about this.

MaxiM@Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:18 am :
I've also made a tiny tutorial on using video GUIs (8)
You can find it here:
And here:

Method@Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:18 pm :
After few people asked how to bend a cylinder patch into a wire, I decided to write a tutorial entitled Bending Cylinder Patches


BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:18 pm :
I've added a tutorial for setting up more realistic fogging with the Doom 3 engine: ... highlight=

Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 7:05 pm :
I`ve made a simple light switch tutorial:

Method@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 9:37 : Doom3world • View topic - Tutorial List : LEVEL EDITING


The world is yours! Doom 3 - Quake 4 - ET:QW - Prey - Rage
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 Post subject: Tutorial List : LEVEL EDITING
PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:08 am 
Site Admin
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Joined: Tue May 28, 2002 5:17 pm
Posts: 8972
Location: Munich / Germany
D3W Tutorials and Articles: Master List

Here's a single listing of most of the useful threads and tutorials on the Doom 3 World forums. If you find any more useful threads or tutorials, post them below and I'll add them to this list.

Please report broken links !

File Naming/Folder Structure Conventions
Custom MP Map Folder Structure Setup and Walkthrough (Quake4 and Doom3)

Keyboard Shortcuts for DoomEdit
Doom 3
Upset Chaps Doom3 guide
Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
Doom3 CFG files

Goliath's Video Tutorials:
Introduction to the Editor - Link Fixed!
Introduction to the Editor (FilePlanet Mirror)
Connecting Two Rooms, Creating Doors, Using Visportals - Link Fixed!
The Sound Editor - Link Fixed!

Video Tutorials by MNeMiC:
(please note, TSCC codec is required to view these, which you can get here)
Various Video Tutorials
Basic Room Video Tutorial
Sliding Door Video Tutorial
Particle Smoke Video Tutorial
Turkey Game Video Tutorial
GUI Unlocking A Door Video Tutorial
Spawning A Pathfinding Monster
Triggering Sounds Video Tutorial
Breakable Glass Video Tutorial
Ladder Video Tutorial
Elevator Video Tutorial
Patch Handrail Video Tutorial
Mirror Video Tutorial
Terrain Video Tutorial

Skybox Video Tutorial
Custom Texture Creation Video Tutorial
Explosion Video Tutorial
Descending Trite Video Tutorial
Swinging Lights Video Tutorial
A Wallcrawling Monster Video Tutorial
Telporters Video Tutorial
Ragdolls Video Tutorial

Brain Trepaning's Level Editing Videos
Master List
- How to Create a Room
- How to Create Your Second Room
- How to Optimize Your Map
- How to Fix Leaks
- How to Add a LevelShot to Your Map
- How to Make Your Map a PK4 File
- How to Make Curves
- How To Safely Alter Original Doom 3 Content
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- RenderBump for Doom 3
- Blending Terrain Textures for DOOM 3

3DBuzz Doom3 Video Tutorials

PlanetDoom Video Tutorials
- Basic rooms
- Map optimisation
- Finding and fixing leaks
- pk4 creation
- Curve basics
- etc.


BNA!'s Tutorials
Getting Started: your first box map
Connecting two rooms, doors, and visportals
Pipes and Patches

bb_matt's Tutorials
Patch Mesh Tutorial 1 : Curved Hallway
Patch Mesh Tutorial 2 : Bevel + Floor Trim
Patch Mesh Tutorial 3 | pipes 1, 90° bend
Patch Mesh Tutorial 4 | pipes 2, 45° bend

Bending Cylinder Patches

Different/Custom Player Sounds per Surface

Mini text Tutorials based on MNeMiC Videos

Various Mapping Basics on SpiceLab.Net
GUIs and Lifts
Using GUIs on a level without special models
Creating Stairs
Texture Manipulation
Creating a Multiplayer Map
Tips on Wall Building and Positioning
Finding Leaks
Fun with Physics/Editing Ragdolls
Making Railings for Stairs
A bit about Ladders
Projected Lights
Receptionist from Mars City
Custom PDA Tutorial Part 1
Custom PDA Part 2: Security Clearance
Opening Doors with a GUI
Creating a "Turkey Smasher" Arcade Game
Making dead zombies come back to life
Throwing a ragdoll through glass
Liquids Tutorial
Glass and Breakable Glass
Vacuum/Outdoor Zones
Creating a Storage Cabinet
Sky - Assembling 6 textures to make a Doom3 skybox

Liquids in Doom3
Making an Alpha Channel (And making it work!)
Making a robot sentry that leads the player (video and text tutorial)
Quick Tutorial: Curved Stairs
Teleporter tutorial
How to add a Levelshot to your Multiplayer Map
Making a Trite descend from the ceiling on a web

Monsters on the Walls, Part 1
Monsters on the Walls, Part 2

Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Imp Door
Sentry Loader

Blood Stains

Paths / Nurbs
Basic NURBS editing
Moveables following nurbs
BEERman's Multistop Rideable Train Tutorial

Lights and Lighting techniques
Projected Lights (With screenshots!)
Projected Lights, Part II - Custom Lights
Simple Destructable Lights
Swinging Lights Tutorial
Creating a Swinging Light
Lighting Tips By Raven of Raven software.
Scripting Light Switches
Lightmaps in Doom3 -- A Technique by Jim Houx

Cinematics and Camera Manipulation
Cinematic with moving camera in editor
Monster Cam
Security Cameras - See GUI Scripting section below

Old Quake3 tutorials relevant to Doom3
Patch-Mesh 101 - extensive info on Patch Meshes - the exact same methods apply to Doom3 editing.


GoliathVT's Trigger Tutorial
Interactive Trigger Tutorial Map - Link Fixed!

GUI Scripting

Zeh's Tutorials
Tutorial 0: A GUI Script Primer
Tutorial 1: Your First GUI Script
Tutorial 2: Using the GUI Editor
Tutorial 3: Preparing and Importing Assets
Tutorial 4: Making Simple Interactions
Tutorial 5: Applying a GUI script to a map
Tutorial 6: Creating a new HUD GUI
Tutorial 7: Creating basic HUD items
Tutorial 8: Using named events
Tutorial 9: Animating the marine face HUD

Quick & Dirty GUI Tutorial
GUI Command Reference (work in progress)
Security Camera Tutorial
Making Video GUIs

Level Scripting
rich_is_bored's Tutorials
Tutorial 1: Scripting Primer
Tutorial 2: Mechanical Arm
Tutorial 3: Creating a Machine

Custom GUI/HUD Data from Scripts
A Simple Rotating Door (OLD)
A Simple Rotating Door (NEW)
Level Scripting Reference (work in progress)
Entity Scripting: How it works
Camera Tutorial
Custom gun: Hellfire Cannon
Scripting Light Switches

Particles / Particle effects
Particles & Shapes
Particle Effects: The Editor
Particle Effects: Using Custom Assets
Particle Syntax Reference

Texture Creation
Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3: Renderbump flat
Tutorial 4: Renderbump flat
Info on Bumpmapping
Generating Bumpmaps from a PhotoSource
Texture Resources
Quick and Dirty Material Shader Primer

3dsmax exporter to md5
MD5 File Formats
md5mesh to obj converter
Details about md5anim
Tutorial: Materials for an animated model
Weapon/items models
Information on Ragdolls
Modelling and Texturing Tutorial
Creating the Plasma Tick - Part 1

Brain Trepaning's Modelling Videos (3dsmax / gmax related)
Master List
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- Using RenderBump

*** NOTE: Submit additions to the list by posting in this thread. Once your tutorial has been added, your post will be deleted.

edited by eskimo roll, just shows what a close knit family we are here //group hug :twisted:
edited by bb_matt, just shows what a nit I am //group frag :twisted:
edit: lol
edited by der_ton, updated the list from Brain Trepaning's VT factory

Last edited by bb_matt 7 October 2004
painstakingly edited by der_ton 14 October 2004
lol - edited 25 October 2004
edited 29 November 2004

Last edited by BNA! on Sun Apr 09, 2006 4:43 pm, edited 6 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 12:50 am 
has joined the game

Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2004 4:18 am
Posts: 41
Location: Boulder, Colorado
Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Adding Blood Stains:

The harder it goes down, the faster it comes back up!

 Post subject: MBolus Tutorial: Monsters on the Walls, Part 2!
PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:55 am 
found a secret
User avatar

Joined: Sun Aug 15, 2004 5:59 am
Posts: 628
Location: Some creature's lair
Part 2 of Monsters on the Walls is now available, although I am awaiting a link from a host for the accompanying map. The map should be hosted within a day or so.
You will be able to have monsters on essentially any wall, floor, or ceiling, as promised!

Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien

 Post subject: MBolus Tutorial: Monsters on the Walls, Part 2!
PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:39 am 
found a secret
User avatar

Joined: Sun Aug 15, 2004 5:59 am
Posts: 628
Location: Some creature's lair
Okay, my Part 2 tutorial's map is now hosted and available so you can check it out. It is somewhat ambitious and packed, but contains much useful info!

Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 4:19 am 
found a secret

Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2004 6:38 am
Posts: 535
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Here're a few tutorials I wrote:

Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
CFG File



 Post subject: UVW mapping and Painting for Doom3 models.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:11 am 
picked up 75 health

Joined: Tue Sep 21, 2004 10:41 pm
Posts: 97
It`s my first tutorial. so please critique me. I want to show how to paint a model and map it all on one diffuse map.

edit: I got a new file server. This link will work.

Art Creation for Doom

Last edited by mirimar on Sat Nov 13, 2004 5:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:19 am 
has joined the game

Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2004 4:18 am
Posts: 41
Location: Boulder, Colorado
alright, ive moved my tutorials to a new site
please update the linkies

Exitus's Doom 3 Tutorials:
Index -
Imp Door -
Sentry Loader -
Objectives -
Locations -
Blood Stains -

Have a nice day.
Also check out the homepage ( ), im looking for some feed back =) I might also try to get hosted by planetdoom ( ) I'm not quite sure about this.

The harder it goes down, the faster it comes back up!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:18 am 
found a secret
User avatar

Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2004 1:34 am
Posts: 519
Location: Poland
I've also made a tiny tutorial on using video GUIs (8)
You can find it here:
And here:

Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.
--George Bernard Shaw

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:18 pm 
found a secret

Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2004 6:38 am
Posts: 535
Location: Los Angeles, CA
After few people asked how to bend a cylinder patch into a wire, I decided to write a tutorial entitled Bending Cylinder Patches



 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:18 pm 
Captured the Flag
User avatar

Joined: Fri Aug 13, 2004 3:39 pm
Posts: 1783
Location: Beyond the Veil
I've added a tutorial for setting up more realistic fogging with the Doom 3 engine: ... highlight=

Hexen: Edge of Chaos Total Conversion for Doom 3.

 Post subject: (Simple) Light Switch tutorial
PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 7:05 pm 
fired 300 rounds
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Joined: Fri Dec 03, 2004 12:31 pm
Posts: 324
Location: Spijkenisse - The netherlands
I`ve made a simple light switch tutorial:

Keep your head cool!

Last edited by Sebazzz on Sun Dec 26, 2004 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 9:37

BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:08 am :
D3W Tutorials and Articles: Master List

Here's a single listing of most of the useful threads and tutorials on the Doom 3 World forums. If you find any more useful threads or tutorials, post them below and I'll add them to this list.

Please report broken links !

File Naming/Folder Structure Conventions
Custom MP Map Folder Structure Setup and Walkthrough (Quake4 and Doom3)

Keyboard Shortcuts for DoomEdit
Doom 3
Upset Chaps Doom3 guide
Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
Doom3 CFG files

Goliath's Video Tutorials:
Introduction to the Editor - Link Fixed!
Introduction to the Editor (FilePlanet Mirror)
Connecting Two Rooms, Creating Doors, Using Visportals - Link Fixed!
The Sound Editor - Link Fixed!

Video Tutorials by MNeMiC:
(please note, TSCC codec is required to view these, which you can get here)
Various Video Tutorials
Basic Room Video Tutorial
Sliding Door Video Tutorial
Particle Smoke Video Tutorial
Turkey Game Video Tutorial
GUI Unlocking A Door Video Tutorial
Spawning A Pathfinding Monster
Triggering Sounds Video Tutorial
Breakable Glass Video Tutorial
Ladder Video Tutorial
Elevator Video Tutorial
Patch Handrail Video Tutorial
Mirror Video Tutorial
Terrain Video Tutorial

Skybox Video Tutorial
Custom Texture Creation Video Tutorial
Explosion Video Tutorial
Descending Trite Video Tutorial
Swinging Lights Video Tutorial
A Wallcrawling Monster Video Tutorial
Telporters Video Tutorial
Ragdolls Video Tutorial

Brain Trepaning's Level Editing Videos
Master List
- How to Create a Room
- How to Create Your Second Room
- How to Optimize Your Map
- How to Fix Leaks
- How to Add a LevelShot to Your Map
- How to Make Your Map a PK4 File
- How to Make Curves
- How To Safely Alter Original Doom 3 Content
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- RenderBump for Doom 3
- Blending Terrain Textures for DOOM 3

3DBuzz Doom3 Video Tutorials

PlanetDoom Video Tutorials
- Basic rooms
- Map optimisation
- Finding and fixing leaks
- pk4 creation
- Curve basics
- etc.


BNA!'s Tutorials
Getting Started: your first box map
Connecting two rooms, doors, and visportals
Pipes and Patches

bb_matt's Tutorials
Patch Mesh Tutorial 1 : Curved Hallway
Patch Mesh Tutorial 2 : Bevel + Floor Trim
Patch Mesh Tutorial 3 | pipes 1, 90° bend
Patch Mesh Tutorial 4 | pipes 2, 45° bend

Bending Cylinder Patches

Different/Custom Player Sounds per Surface

Mini text Tutorials based on MNeMiC Videos

Various Mapping Basics on SpiceLab.Net
GUIs and Lifts
Using GUIs on a level without special models
Creating Stairs
Texture Manipulation
Creating a Multiplayer Map
Tips on Wall Building and Positioning
Finding Leaks
Fun with Physics/Editing Ragdolls
Making Railings for Stairs
A bit about Ladders
Projected Lights
Receptionist from Mars City
Custom PDA Tutorial Part 1
Custom PDA Part 2: Security Clearance
Opening Doors with a GUI
Creating a "Turkey Smasher" Arcade Game
Making dead zombies come back to life
Throwing a ragdoll through glass
Liquids Tutorial
Glass and Breakable Glass
Vacuum/Outdoor Zones
Creating a Storage Cabinet
Sky - Assembling 6 textures to make a Doom3 skybox

Liquids in Doom3
Making an Alpha Channel (And making it work!)
Making a robot sentry that leads the player (video and text tutorial)
Quick Tutorial: Curved Stairs
Teleporter tutorial
How to add a Levelshot to your Multiplayer Map
Making a Trite descend from the ceiling on a web

Monsters on the Walls, Part 1
Monsters on the Walls, Part 2

Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Imp Door
Sentry Loader

Blood Stains

Paths / Nurbs
Basic NURBS editing
Moveables following nurbs
BEERman's Multistop Rideable Train Tutorial

Lights and Lighting techniques
Projected Lights (With screenshots!)
Projected Lights, Part II - Custom Lights
Simple Destructable Lights
Swinging Lights Tutorial
Creating a Swinging Light
Lighting Tips By Raven of Raven software.
Scripting Light Switches
Lightmaps in Doom3 -- A Technique by Jim Houx

Cinematics and Camera Manipulation
Cinematic with moving camera in editor
Monster Cam
Security Cameras - See GUI Scripting section below

Old Quake3 tutorials relevant to Doom3
Patch-Mesh 101 - extensive info on Patch Meshes - the exact same methods apply to Doom3 editing.


GoliathVT's Trigger Tutorial
Interactive Trigger Tutorial Map - Link Fixed!

GUI Scripting

Zeh's Tutorials
Tutorial 0: A GUI Script Primer
Tutorial 1: Your First GUI Script
Tutorial 2: Using the GUI Editor
Tutorial 3: Preparing and Importing Assets
Tutorial 4: Making Simple Interactions
Tutorial 5: Applying a GUI script to a map
Tutorial 6: Creating a new HUD GUI
Tutorial 7: Creating basic HUD items
Tutorial 8: Using named events
Tutorial 9: Animating the marine face HUD

Quick & Dirty GUI Tutorial
GUI Command Reference (work in progress)
Security Camera Tutorial
Making Video GUIs

Level Scripting
rich_is_bored's Tutorials
Tutorial 1: Scripting Primer
Tutorial 2: Mechanical Arm
Tutorial 3: Creating a Machine

Custom GUI/HUD Data from Scripts
A Simple Rotating Door (OLD)
A Simple Rotating Door (NEW)
Level Scripting Reference (work in progress)
Entity Scripting: How it works
Camera Tutorial
Custom gun: Hellfire Cannon
Scripting Light Switches

Particles / Particle effects
Particles & Shapes
Particle Effects: The Editor
Particle Effects: Using Custom Assets
Particle Syntax Reference

Texture Creation
Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3: Renderbump flat
Tutorial 4: Renderbump flat
Info on Bumpmapping
Generating Bumpmaps from a PhotoSource
Texture Resources
Quick and Dirty Material Shader Primer

3dsmax exporter to md5
MD5 File Formats
md5mesh to obj converter
Details about md5anim
Tutorial: Materials for an animated model
Weapon/items models
Information on Ragdolls
Modelling and Texturing Tutorial
Creating the Plasma Tick - Part 1

Brain Trepaning's Modelling Videos (3dsmax / gmax related)
Master List
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- Using RenderBump

*** NOTE: Submit additions to the list by posting in this thread. Once your tutorial has been added, your post will be deleted.

edited by eskimo roll, just shows what a close knit family we are here //group hug :twisted:
edited by bb_matt, just shows what a nit I am //group frag :twisted:
edit: lol
edited by der_ton, updated the list from Brain Trepaning's VT factory

Last edited by bb_matt 7 October 2004
painstakingly edited by der_ton 14 October 2004
lol - edited 25 October 2004
edited 29 November 2004

Exitus@Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 12:50 am :
Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Adding Blood Stains:

MBolus@Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:55 am :
Part 2 of Monsters on the Walls is now available, although I am awaiting a link from a host for the accompanying map. The map should be hosted within a day or so.
You will be able to have monsters on essentially any wall, floor, or ceiling, as promised!

MBolus@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:39 am :
Okay, my Part 2 tutorial's map is now hosted and available so you can check it out. It is somewhat ambitious and packed, but contains much useful info!

Method@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 4:19 am :
Here're a few tutorials I wrote:

Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
CFG File


mirimar@Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:11 am :
It`s my first tutorial. so please critique me. I want to show how to paint a model and map it all on one diffuse map.

edit: I got a new file server. This link will work.

Exitus@Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:19 am :
alright, ive moved my tutorials to a new site
please update the linkies

Exitus's Doom 3 Tutorials:
Index -
Imp Door -
Sentry Loader -
Objectives -
Locations -
Blood Stains -

Have a nice day.
Also check out the homepage ( ), im looking for some feed back =) I might also try to get hosted by planetdoom ( ) I'm not quite sure about this.

MaxiM@Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:18 am :
I've also made a tiny tutorial on using video GUIs (8)
You can find it here:
And here:

Method@Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:18 pm :
After few people asked how to bend a cylinder patch into a wire, I decided to write a tutorial entitled Bending Cylinder Patches


BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:18 pm :
I've added a tutorial for setting up more realistic fogging with the Doom 3 engine: ... highlight=

Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 7:05 pm :
I`ve made a simple light switch tutorial:

Method@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 9:37 : Doom3world • View topic - Tutorial List : LEVEL EDITING


The world is yours! Doom 3 - Quake 4 - ET:QW - Prey - Rage
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 Post subject: Tutorial List : LEVEL EDITING
PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:08 am 
Site Admin
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Joined: Tue May 28, 2002 5:17 pm
Posts: 8972
Location: Munich / Germany
D3W Tutorials and Articles: Master List

Here's a single listing of most of the useful threads and tutorials on the Doom 3 World forums. If you find any more useful threads or tutorials, post them below and I'll add them to this list.

Please report broken links !

File Naming/Folder Structure Conventions
Custom MP Map Folder Structure Setup and Walkthrough (Quake4 and Doom3)

Keyboard Shortcuts for DoomEdit
Doom 3
Upset Chaps Doom3 guide
Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
Doom3 CFG files

Goliath's Video Tutorials:
Introduction to the Editor - Link Fixed!
Introduction to the Editor (FilePlanet Mirror)
Connecting Two Rooms, Creating Doors, Using Visportals - Link Fixed!
The Sound Editor - Link Fixed!

Video Tutorials by MNeMiC:
(please note, TSCC codec is required to view these, which you can get here)
Various Video Tutorials
Basic Room Video Tutorial
Sliding Door Video Tutorial
Particle Smoke Video Tutorial
Turkey Game Video Tutorial
GUI Unlocking A Door Video Tutorial
Spawning A Pathfinding Monster
Triggering Sounds Video Tutorial
Breakable Glass Video Tutorial
Ladder Video Tutorial
Elevator Video Tutorial
Patch Handrail Video Tutorial
Mirror Video Tutorial
Terrain Video Tutorial

Skybox Video Tutorial
Custom Texture Creation Video Tutorial
Explosion Video Tutorial
Descending Trite Video Tutorial
Swinging Lights Video Tutorial
A Wallcrawling Monster Video Tutorial
Telporters Video Tutorial
Ragdolls Video Tutorial

Brain Trepaning's Level Editing Videos
Master List
- How to Create a Room
- How to Create Your Second Room
- How to Optimize Your Map
- How to Fix Leaks
- How to Add a LevelShot to Your Map
- How to Make Your Map a PK4 File
- How to Make Curves
- How To Safely Alter Original Doom 3 Content
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- RenderBump for Doom 3
- Blending Terrain Textures for DOOM 3

3DBuzz Doom3 Video Tutorials

PlanetDoom Video Tutorials
- Basic rooms
- Map optimisation
- Finding and fixing leaks
- pk4 creation
- Curve basics
- etc.


BNA!'s Tutorials
Getting Started: your first box map
Connecting two rooms, doors, and visportals
Pipes and Patches

bb_matt's Tutorials
Patch Mesh Tutorial 1 : Curved Hallway
Patch Mesh Tutorial 2 : Bevel + Floor Trim
Patch Mesh Tutorial 3 | pipes 1, 90° bend
Patch Mesh Tutorial 4 | pipes 2, 45° bend

Bending Cylinder Patches

Different/Custom Player Sounds per Surface

Mini text Tutorials based on MNeMiC Videos

Various Mapping Basics on SpiceLab.Net
GUIs and Lifts
Using GUIs on a level without special models
Creating Stairs
Texture Manipulation
Creating a Multiplayer Map
Tips on Wall Building and Positioning
Finding Leaks
Fun with Physics/Editing Ragdolls
Making Railings for Stairs
A bit about Ladders
Projected Lights
Receptionist from Mars City
Custom PDA Tutorial Part 1
Custom PDA Part 2: Security Clearance
Opening Doors with a GUI
Creating a "Turkey Smasher" Arcade Game
Making dead zombies come back to life
Throwing a ragdoll through glass
Liquids Tutorial
Glass and Breakable Glass
Vacuum/Outdoor Zones
Creating a Storage Cabinet
Sky - Assembling 6 textures to make a Doom3 skybox

Liquids in Doom3
Making an Alpha Channel (And making it work!)
Making a robot sentry that leads the player (video and text tutorial)
Quick Tutorial: Curved Stairs
Teleporter tutorial
How to add a Levelshot to your Multiplayer Map
Making a Trite descend from the ceiling on a web

Monsters on the Walls, Part 1
Monsters on the Walls, Part 2

Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Imp Door
Sentry Loader

Blood Stains

Paths / Nurbs
Basic NURBS editing
Moveables following nurbs
BEERman's Multistop Rideable Train Tutorial

Lights and Lighting techniques
Projected Lights (With screenshots!)
Projected Lights, Part II - Custom Lights
Simple Destructable Lights
Swinging Lights Tutorial
Creating a Swinging Light
Lighting Tips By Raven of Raven software.
Scripting Light Switches
Lightmaps in Doom3 -- A Technique by Jim Houx

Cinematics and Camera Manipulation
Cinematic with moving camera in editor
Monster Cam
Security Cameras - See GUI Scripting section below

Old Quake3 tutorials relevant to Doom3
Patch-Mesh 101 - extensive info on Patch Meshes - the exact same methods apply to Doom3 editing.


GoliathVT's Trigger Tutorial
Interactive Trigger Tutorial Map - Link Fixed!

GUI Scripting

Zeh's Tutorials
Tutorial 0: A GUI Script Primer
Tutorial 1: Your First GUI Script
Tutorial 2: Using the GUI Editor
Tutorial 3: Preparing and Importing Assets
Tutorial 4: Making Simple Interactions
Tutorial 5: Applying a GUI script to a map
Tutorial 6: Creating a new HUD GUI
Tutorial 7: Creating basic HUD items
Tutorial 8: Using named events
Tutorial 9: Animating the marine face HUD

Quick & Dirty GUI Tutorial
GUI Command Reference (work in progress)
Security Camera Tutorial
Making Video GUIs

Level Scripting
rich_is_bored's Tutorials
Tutorial 1: Scripting Primer
Tutorial 2: Mechanical Arm
Tutorial 3: Creating a Machine

Custom GUI/HUD Data from Scripts
A Simple Rotating Door (OLD)
A Simple Rotating Door (NEW)
Level Scripting Reference (work in progress)
Entity Scripting: How it works
Camera Tutorial
Custom gun: Hellfire Cannon
Scripting Light Switches

Particles / Particle effects
Particles & Shapes
Particle Effects: The Editor
Particle Effects: Using Custom Assets
Particle Syntax Reference

Texture Creation
Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3: Renderbump flat
Tutorial 4: Renderbump flat
Info on Bumpmapping
Generating Bumpmaps from a PhotoSource
Texture Resources
Quick and Dirty Material Shader Primer

3dsmax exporter to md5
MD5 File Formats
md5mesh to obj converter
Details about md5anim
Tutorial: Materials for an animated model
Weapon/items models
Information on Ragdolls
Modelling and Texturing Tutorial
Creating the Plasma Tick - Part 1

Brain Trepaning's Modelling Videos (3dsmax / gmax related)
Master List
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- Using RenderBump

*** NOTE: Submit additions to the list by posting in this thread. Once your tutorial has been added, your post will be deleted.

edited by eskimo roll, just shows what a close knit family we are here //group hug :twisted:
edited by bb_matt, just shows what a nit I am //group frag :twisted:
edit: lol
edited by der_ton, updated the list from Brain Trepaning's VT factory

Last edited by bb_matt 7 October 2004
painstakingly edited by der_ton 14 October 2004
lol - edited 25 October 2004
edited 29 November 2004

Last edited by BNA! on Sun Apr 09, 2006 4:43 pm, edited 6 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 12:50 am 
has joined the game

Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2004 4:18 am
Posts: 41
Location: Boulder, Colorado
Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Adding Blood Stains:

The harder it goes down, the faster it comes back up!

 Post subject: MBolus Tutorial: Monsters on the Walls, Part 2!
PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:55 am 
found a secret
User avatar

Joined: Sun Aug 15, 2004 5:59 am
Posts: 628
Location: Some creature's lair
Part 2 of Monsters on the Walls is now available, although I am awaiting a link from a host for the accompanying map. The map should be hosted within a day or so.
You will be able to have monsters on essentially any wall, floor, or ceiling, as promised!

Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien

 Post subject: MBolus Tutorial: Monsters on the Walls, Part 2!
PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:39 am 
found a secret
User avatar

Joined: Sun Aug 15, 2004 5:59 am
Posts: 628
Location: Some creature's lair
Okay, my Part 2 tutorial's map is now hosted and available so you can check it out. It is somewhat ambitious and packed, but contains much useful info!

Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 4:19 am 
found a secret

Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2004 6:38 am
Posts: 535
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Here're a few tutorials I wrote:

Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
CFG File



 Post subject: UVW mapping and Painting for Doom3 models.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:11 am 
picked up 75 health

Joined: Tue Sep 21, 2004 10:41 pm
Posts: 97
It`s my first tutorial. so please critique me. I want to show how to paint a model and map it all on one diffuse map.

edit: I got a new file server. This link will work.

Art Creation for Doom

Last edited by mirimar on Sat Nov 13, 2004 5:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:19 am 
has joined the game

Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2004 4:18 am
Posts: 41
Location: Boulder, Colorado
alright, ive moved my tutorials to a new site
please update the linkies

Exitus's Doom 3 Tutorials:
Index -
Imp Door -
Sentry Loader -
Objectives -
Locations -
Blood Stains -

Have a nice day.
Also check out the homepage ( ), im looking for some feed back =) I might also try to get hosted by planetdoom ( ) I'm not quite sure about this.

The harder it goes down, the faster it comes back up!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:18 am 
found a secret
User avatar

Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2004 1:34 am
Posts: 519
Location: Poland
I've also made a tiny tutorial on using video GUIs (8)
You can find it here:
And here:

Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.
--George Bernard Shaw

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:18 pm 
found a secret

Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2004 6:38 am
Posts: 535
Location: Los Angeles, CA
After few people asked how to bend a cylinder patch into a wire, I decided to write a tutorial entitled Bending Cylinder Patches



 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:18 pm 
Captured the Flag
User avatar

Joined: Fri Aug 13, 2004 3:39 pm
Posts: 1783
Location: Beyond the Veil
I've added a tutorial for setting up more realistic fogging with the Doom 3 engine: ... highlight=

Hexen: Edge of Chaos Total Conversion for Doom 3.

 Post subject: (Simple) Light Switch tutorial
PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 7:05 pm 
fired 300 rounds
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Joined: Fri Dec 03, 2004 12:31 pm
Posts: 324
Location: Spijkenisse - The netherlands
I`ve made a simple light switch tutorial:

Keep your head cool!

Last edited by Sebazzz on Sun Dec 26, 2004 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 9:37

BNA!@Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:08 am :
D3W Tutorials and Articles: Master List

Here's a single listing of most of the useful threads and tutorials on the Doom 3 World forums. If you find any more useful threads or tutorials, post them below and I'll add them to this list.

Please report broken links !

File Naming/Folder Structure Conventions
Custom MP Map Folder Structure Setup and Walkthrough (Quake4 and Doom3)

Keyboard Shortcuts for DoomEdit
Doom 3
Upset Chaps Doom3 guide
Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
Doom3 CFG files

Goliath's Video Tutorials:
Introduction to the Editor - Link Fixed!
Introduction to the Editor (FilePlanet Mirror)
Connecting Two Rooms, Creating Doors, Using Visportals - Link Fixed!
The Sound Editor - Link Fixed!

Video Tutorials by MNeMiC:
(please note, TSCC codec is required to view these, which you can get here)
Various Video Tutorials
Basic Room Video Tutorial
Sliding Door Video Tutorial
Particle Smoke Video Tutorial
Turkey Game Video Tutorial
GUI Unlocking A Door Video Tutorial
Spawning A Pathfinding Monster
Triggering Sounds Video Tutorial
Breakable Glass Video Tutorial
Ladder Video Tutorial
Elevator Video Tutorial
Patch Handrail Video Tutorial
Mirror Video Tutorial
Terrain Video Tutorial

Skybox Video Tutorial
Custom Texture Creation Video Tutorial
Explosion Video Tutorial
Descending Trite Video Tutorial
Swinging Lights Video Tutorial
A Wallcrawling Monster Video Tutorial
Telporters Video Tutorial
Ragdolls Video Tutorial

Brain Trepaning's Level Editing Videos
Master List
- How to Create a Room
- How to Create Your Second Room
- How to Optimize Your Map
- How to Fix Leaks
- How to Add a LevelShot to Your Map
- How to Make Your Map a PK4 File
- How to Make Curves
- How To Safely Alter Original Doom 3 Content
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- RenderBump for Doom 3
- Blending Terrain Textures for DOOM 3

3DBuzz Doom3 Video Tutorials

PlanetDoom Video Tutorials
- Basic rooms
- Map optimisation
- Finding and fixing leaks
- pk4 creation
- Curve basics
- etc.


BNA!'s Tutorials
Getting Started: your first box map
Connecting two rooms, doors, and visportals
Pipes and Patches

bb_matt's Tutorials
Patch Mesh Tutorial 1 : Curved Hallway
Patch Mesh Tutorial 2 : Bevel + Floor Trim
Patch Mesh Tutorial 3 | pipes 1, 90° bend
Patch Mesh Tutorial 4 | pipes 2, 45° bend

Bending Cylinder Patches

Different/Custom Player Sounds per Surface

Mini text Tutorials based on MNeMiC Videos

Various Mapping Basics on SpiceLab.Net
GUIs and Lifts
Using GUIs on a level without special models
Creating Stairs
Texture Manipulation
Creating a Multiplayer Map
Tips on Wall Building and Positioning
Finding Leaks
Fun with Physics/Editing Ragdolls
Making Railings for Stairs
A bit about Ladders
Projected Lights
Receptionist from Mars City
Custom PDA Tutorial Part 1
Custom PDA Part 2: Security Clearance
Opening Doors with a GUI
Creating a "Turkey Smasher" Arcade Game
Making dead zombies come back to life
Throwing a ragdoll through glass
Liquids Tutorial
Glass and Breakable Glass
Vacuum/Outdoor Zones
Creating a Storage Cabinet
Sky - Assembling 6 textures to make a Doom3 skybox

Liquids in Doom3
Making an Alpha Channel (And making it work!)
Making a robot sentry that leads the player (video and text tutorial)
Quick Tutorial: Curved Stairs
Teleporter tutorial
How to add a Levelshot to your Multiplayer Map
Making a Trite descend from the ceiling on a web

Monsters on the Walls, Part 1
Monsters on the Walls, Part 2

Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Imp Door
Sentry Loader

Blood Stains

Paths / Nurbs
Basic NURBS editing
Moveables following nurbs
BEERman's Multistop Rideable Train Tutorial

Lights and Lighting techniques
Projected Lights (With screenshots!)
Projected Lights, Part II - Custom Lights
Simple Destructable Lights
Swinging Lights Tutorial
Creating a Swinging Light
Lighting Tips By Raven of Raven software.
Scripting Light Switches
Lightmaps in Doom3 -- A Technique by Jim Houx

Cinematics and Camera Manipulation
Cinematic with moving camera in editor
Monster Cam
Security Cameras - See GUI Scripting section below

Old Quake3 tutorials relevant to Doom3
Patch-Mesh 101 - extensive info on Patch Meshes - the exact same methods apply to Doom3 editing.


GoliathVT's Trigger Tutorial
Interactive Trigger Tutorial Map - Link Fixed!

GUI Scripting

Zeh's Tutorials
Tutorial 0: A GUI Script Primer
Tutorial 1: Your First GUI Script
Tutorial 2: Using the GUI Editor
Tutorial 3: Preparing and Importing Assets
Tutorial 4: Making Simple Interactions
Tutorial 5: Applying a GUI script to a map
Tutorial 6: Creating a new HUD GUI
Tutorial 7: Creating basic HUD items
Tutorial 8: Using named events
Tutorial 9: Animating the marine face HUD

Quick & Dirty GUI Tutorial
GUI Command Reference (work in progress)
Security Camera Tutorial
Making Video GUIs

Level Scripting
rich_is_bored's Tutorials
Tutorial 1: Scripting Primer
Tutorial 2: Mechanical Arm
Tutorial 3: Creating a Machine

Custom GUI/HUD Data from Scripts
A Simple Rotating Door (OLD)
A Simple Rotating Door (NEW)
Level Scripting Reference (work in progress)
Entity Scripting: How it works
Camera Tutorial
Custom gun: Hellfire Cannon
Scripting Light Switches

Particles / Particle effects
Particles & Shapes
Particle Effects: The Editor
Particle Effects: Using Custom Assets
Particle Syntax Reference

Texture Creation
Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3: Renderbump flat
Tutorial 4: Renderbump flat
Info on Bumpmapping
Generating Bumpmaps from a PhotoSource
Texture Resources
Quick and Dirty Material Shader Primer

3dsmax exporter to md5
MD5 File Formats
md5mesh to obj converter
Details about md5anim
Tutorial: Materials for an animated model
Weapon/items models
Information on Ragdolls
Modelling and Texturing Tutorial
Creating the Plasma Tick - Part 1

Brain Trepaning's Modelling Videos (3dsmax / gmax related)
Master List
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- Using RenderBump

*** NOTE: Submit additions to the list by posting in this thread. Once your tutorial has been added, your post will be deleted.

edited by eskimo roll, just shows what a close knit family we are here //group hug :twisted:
edited by bb_matt, just shows what a nit I am //group frag :twisted:
edit: lol
edited by der_ton, updated the list from Brain Trepaning's VT factory

Last edited by bb_matt 7 October 2004
painstakingly edited by der_ton 14 October 2004
lol - edited 25 October 2004
edited 29 November 2004

Exitus@Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 12:50 am :
Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Adding Blood Stains:

MBolus@Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:55 am :
Part 2 of Monsters on the Walls is now available, although I am awaiting a link from a host for the accompanying map. The map should be hosted within a day or so.
You will be able to have monsters on essentially any wall, floor, or ceiling, as promised!

MBolus@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:39 am :
Okay, my Part 2 tutorial's map is now hosted and available so you can check it out. It is somewhat ambitious and packed, but contains much useful info!

Method@Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 4:19 am :
Here're a few tutorials I wrote:

Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
CFG File


mirimar@Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:11 am :
It`s my first tutorial. so please critique me. I want to show how to paint a model and map it all on one diffuse map.

edit: I got a new file server. This link will work.

Exitus@Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:19 am :
alright, ive moved my tutorials to a new site
please update the linkies

Exitus's Doom 3 Tutorials:
Index -
Imp Door -
Sentry Loader -
Objectives -
Locations -
Blood Stains -

Have a nice day.
Also check out the homepage ( ), im looking for some feed back =) I might also try to get hosted by planetdoom ( ) I'm not quite sure about this.

MaxiM@Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:18 am :
I've also made a tiny tutorial on using video GUIs (8)
You can find it here:
And here:

Method@Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:18 pm :
After few people asked how to bend a cylinder patch into a wire, I decided to write a tutorial entitled Bending Cylinder Patches


BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:18 pm :
I've added a tutorial for setting up more realistic fogging with the Doom 3 engine: ... highlight=

Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 7:05 pm :
I`ve made a simple light switch tutorial:

Method@Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 9:37 : Doom3world • View topic - Tutorial List : LEVEL EDITING


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 Post subject: Tutorial List : LEVEL EDITING
PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:08 am 
Site Admin
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Joined: Tue May 28, 2002 5:17 pm
Posts: 8970
Location: Munich / Germany
D3W Tutorials and Articles: Master List

Here's a single listing of most of the useful threads and tutorials on the Doom 3 World forums. If you find any more useful threads or tutorials, post them below and I'll add them to this list.

Please report broken links !

File Naming/Folder Structure Conventions
Custom MP Map Folder Structure Setup and Walkthrough (Quake4 and Doom3)

Keyboard Shortcuts for DoomEdit
Doom 3
Upset Chaps Doom3 guide
Map DEF File
Level Designing tips
Doom3 CFG files

Goliath's Video Tutorials:
Introduction to the Editor - Link Fixed!
Introduction to the Editor (FilePlanet Mirror)
Connecting Two Rooms, Creating Doors, Using Visportals - Link Fixed!
The Sound Editor - Link Fixed!

Video Tutorials by MNeMiC:
(please note, TSCC codec is required to view these, which you can get here)
Various Video Tutorials
Basic Room Video Tutorial
Sliding Door Video Tutorial
Particle Smoke Video Tutorial
Turkey Game Video Tutorial
GUI Unlocking A Door Video Tutorial
Spawning A Pathfinding Monster
Triggering Sounds Video Tutorial
Breakable Glass Video Tutorial
Ladder Video Tutorial
Elevator Video Tutorial
Patch Handrail Video Tutorial
Mirror Video Tutorial
Terrain Video Tutorial

Skybox Video Tutorial
Custom Texture Creation Video Tutorial
Explosion Video Tutorial
Descending Trite Video Tutorial
Swinging Lights Video Tutorial
A Wallcrawling Monster Video Tutorial
Telporters Video Tutorial
Ragdolls Video Tutorial

Brain Trepaning's Level Editing Videos
Master List
- How to Create a Room
- How to Create Your Second Room
- How to Optimize Your Map
- How to Fix Leaks
- How to Add a LevelShot to Your Map
- How to Make Your Map a PK4 File
- How to Make Curves
- How To Safely Alter Original Doom 3 Content
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- RenderBump for Doom 3
- Blending Terrain Textures for DOOM 3

3DBuzz Doom3 Video Tutorials

PlanetDoom Video Tutorials
- Basic rooms
- Map optimisation
- Finding and fixing leaks
- pk4 creation
- Curve basics
- etc.


BNA!'s Tutorials
Getting Started: your first box map
Connecting two rooms, doors, and visportals
Pipes and Patches

bb_matt's Tutorials
Patch Mesh Tutorial 1 : Curved Hallway
Patch Mesh Tutorial 2 : Bevel + Floor Trim
Patch Mesh Tutorial 3 | pipes 1, 90° bend
Patch Mesh Tutorial 4 | pipes 2, 45° bend

Bending Cylinder Patches

Different/Custom Player Sounds per Surface

Mini text Tutorials based on MNeMiC Videos

Various Mapping Basics on SpiceLab.Net
GUIs and Lifts
Using GUIs on a level without special models
Creating Stairs
Texture Manipulation
Creating a Multiplayer Map
Tips on Wall Building and Positioning
Finding Leaks
Fun with Physics/Editing Ragdolls
Making Railings for Stairs
A bit about Ladders
Projected Lights
Receptionist from Mars City
Custom PDA Tutorial Part 1
Custom PDA Part 2: Security Clearance
Opening Doors with a GUI
Creating a "Turkey Smasher" Arcade Game
Making dead zombies come back to life
Throwing a ragdoll through glass
Liquids Tutorial
Glass and Breakable Glass
Vacuum/Outdoor Zones
Creating a Storage Cabinet
Sky - Assembling 6 textures to make a Doom3 skybox

Liquids in Doom3
Making an Alpha Channel (And making it work!)
Making a robot sentry that leads the player (video and text tutorial)
Quick Tutorial: Curved Stairs
Teleporter tutorial
How to add a Levelshot to your Multiplayer Map
Making a Trite descend from the ceiling on a web

Monsters on the Walls, Part 1
Monsters on the Walls, Part 2

Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Imp Door
Sentry Loader

Blood Stains

Paths / Nurbs
Basic NURBS editing
Moveables following nurbs
BEERman's Multistop Rideable Train Tutorial

Lights and Lighting techniques
Projected Lights (With screenshots!)
Projected Lights, Part II - Custom Lights
Simple Destructable Lights
Swinging Lights Tutorial
Creating a Swinging Light
Lighting Tips By Raven of Raven software.
Scripting Light Switches
Lightmaps in Doom3 -- A Technique by Jim Houx

Cinematics and Camera Manipulation
Cinematic with moving camera in editor
Monster Cam
Security Cameras - See GUI Scripting section below

Old Quake3 tutorials relevant to Doom3
Patch-Mesh 101 - extensive info on Patch Meshes - the exact same methods apply to Doom3 editing.


GoliathVT's Trigger Tutorial
Interactive Trigger Tutorial Map - Link Fixed!

GUI Scripting

Zeh's Tutorials
Tutorial 0: A GUI Script Primer
Tutorial 1: Your First GUI Script
Tutorial 2: Using the GUI Editor
Tutorial 3: Preparing and Importing Assets
Tutorial 4: Making Simple Interactions
Tutorial 5: Applying a GUI script to a map
Tutorial 6: Creating a new HUD GUI
Tutorial 7: Creating basic HUD items
Tutorial 8: Using named events
Tutorial 9: Animating the marine face HUD

Quick & Dirty GUI Tutorial
GUI Command Reference (work in progress)
Security Camera Tutorial
Making Video GUIs

Level Scripting
rich_is_bored's Tutorials
Tutorial 1: Scripting Primer
Tutorial 2: Mechanical Arm
Tutorial 3: Creating a Machine

Custom GUI/HUD Data from Scripts
A Simple Rotating Door (OLD)
A Simple Rotating Door (NEW)
Level Scripting Reference (work in progress)
Entity Scripting: How it works
Camera Tutorial
Custom gun: Hellfire Cannon
Scripting Light Switches

Particles / Particle effects
Particles & Shapes
Particle Effects: The Editor
Particle Effects: Using Custom Assets
Particle Syntax Reference

Texture Creation
Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3: Renderbump flat
Tutorial 4: Renderbump flat
Info on Bumpmapping
Generating Bumpmaps from a PhotoSource
Texture Resources
Quick and Dirty Material Shader Primer

3dsmax exporter to md5
MD5 File Formats
md5mesh to obj converter
Details about md5anim
Tutorial: Materials for an animated model
Weapon/items models
Information on Ragdolls
Modelling and Texturing Tutorial
Creating the Plasma Tick - Part 1

Brain Trepaning's Modelling Videos (3dsmax / gmax related)
Master List
- How To Bring a Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- How To Get a Multi-Textured Mesh into Doom 3
- Multi Mesh and Texture Object from 3ds Max to Doom 3
- Animated Prop Meshes for Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3
- Changing Monster Meshes in Doom 3 with GMAX
- Creating Caves in DOOM 3
- Using RenderBump

*** NOTE: Submit additions to the list by posting in this thread. Once your tutorial has been added, your post will be deleted.

edited by eskimo roll, just shows what a close knit family we are here //group hug :twisted:
edited by bb_matt, just shows what a nit I am //group frag :twisted:
edit: lol
edited by der_ton, updated the list from Brain Trepaning's VT factory

Last edited by bb_matt 7 October 2004
painstakingly edited by der_ton 14 October 2004
lol - edited 25 October 2004
edited 29 November 2004

Last edited by BNA! on Sun Apr 09, 2006 4:43 pm, edited 6 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 12:50 am 
has joined the game

Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2004 4:18 am
Posts: 41
Location: Boulder, Colorado
Exitus's Doom3 tutorials
Adding Blood Stains:

The harder it goes down, the faster it comes back up!

 Post subject: MBolus Tutorial: Monsters on the Walls, Part 2!