Yes, this is extremly simple - and I may be cursed by a lot of you, but some may not know how to do this.
Fist off, create a map. Once you have a basic room ready, right click and hit "New model". Browse to base/models/mapobjects/arcade_machine and choose arcade_machine.lwo. Now, go to your new arcade machines properties. Select at the bottom "Gui", and browse to base/guis/marscity/ and select sttp.gui. There you go! You're done. Uh congradulations, compile your map and smash those damn turkeys! Dont feel gulity. They had it coming.
Thanks - this could also read :
How to apply a gui material to a brush

I thought you might have explained indepth the various gui stages of interaction...
Nonetheless - good to know where the Turkey hides

Well, I was going to - but
zeh is already in the process of doing it. I am sure his will be much better than mine could ever be

I think I'm gonna put these in a DM map that I'll make

@Vash: Maybe is it also good to tell there is a looping turkey sound.