.@Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:22 pm : I've created a two room map and now
I will play this map with a friend online.
Do anybody know a multiplayer map tutorial ?
karttoon@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:09 am : After spending many hours trying to get this to work I finally figured it out.
Step 1: Put in multiplayer spawn points
Step 2: Modify your maps.def file, add this at the end
mapDef game/mp/<your map name with no extensions> {
"name" "<your map description"
"Deathmatch" "1"
"Team DM" "1"
"Last Man" "1"
"Tourney" "1"
"size0" "93855710"
"size1" "93855710"
"size2" "156267217"
"size3" "237413960"
The size part I don't understand yet but I just used the same size as the map before it. Place the map in the dir. you selected, in this case, game/mp/. If you don't want to change your maps.def in the pak files then just make a "def" folder in your base dir.
Step 3: Distribute your map
Step 4: Play your map
That should do it, good luck!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:43 am : Good find.

Have you verified that packaging your map in a PK4 works? It would be best to keep people from modifying Doom 3's vanilla content to make their MP maps work.
To be more specific I'm talking about packaging the definition aswell as the map in a PK4.
korn@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:01 am : karttoon wrote:
Step 2: Modify your maps.def file, add this at the end
No, i would not suggest that, that would overwrite the maps.def in some cases (depending on pk4 name) and that would cause problems for people try'n to host a server. what you need todo, is make a new mymap.def file, and add those lines like you said, and put that in the defs folder within your pk4
Iced_Eagle@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:03 am : Try these two tutorials guys. It explains everything. And it is on PlanetDoom Fileplanet servers and right now there is no wait on both public servers.
http://www.fileplanet.com/dl.aspx?/plan ... ctable.zip
That is how to package the map in your own PK4 and be selectable in-game.
http://www.fileplanet.com/dl.aspx?/plan ... p_list.zip
That is how to add a levelshot to your map, view other video tutorial before this one.
You can delete those size values I believe.
MNeMiC@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:51 am : thoose tutorials are great, however I can't find any other video tutorials for Doom 3 on fileplanet, is there any more and how do I get there? I've tried seraching =/
bullet@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:53 am : rich_is_bored wrote:
Good find.

Have you verified that packaging your map in a PK4 works? It would be best to keep people from modifying Doom 3's vanilla content to make their MP maps work.
To be more specific I'm talking about packaging the definition aswell as the map in a PK4.
It works. You can call it 'mymap.def' or 'ook.def' or anything, as long as the mapDef is inside of it, and the .def file is in a folder called 'defs' inside of the .pk4
karttoon@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:15 am : Ah cool, thanks for the extra info

Iced_Eagle@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:28 am : Here are some video tutorials.
For those, watch the last 2 in opposite order or else you will miss steps on packaging and folder naming conventions.
Has two up right now. Basic room and how to make a sliding door.
http://tutorials.d3files.com/modules.ph ... load&cid=1
Has the same vids on PlanetDoom except has the extra video on the Clipper and CSG Subtraction tool. It's the 2nd one.
MNeMiC@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:54 am : cool, and btw, ill update my page soon with 3 tutorials made by Jiojio!!!
karttoon@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 9:44 pm : ok, I followed the tutorials and they *work* up until a vital point in a MP game..the other people connecting :p
The maps show up in the lists, lets me start them up and play but when someone tries to connect it says their missing a media file. I've given them the exact pak files so what could be the issue?
Tried my way listed above but got the same issue
Gotta go to work right now but before I do, some stuff I noticed. When people were trying to connect and it sent a heart beat to them it used random ports to try and connecto ti me so it might be that they didn't specify 27666? Also, I didn't have an initial DM spawn point and it gave a warning about that.
VizoR@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 6:52 pm : my map shows up in the mp list with the pic there but when i start and it comes to the loading screen it doesn show up. when its done loading i scroll up a bit and it says that it couldnt load the image? why could it do it on the mp list but not on the loading screen?
swampfox@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 8:54 pm : VizoR, in your pk4, add a folder called "loading" in your "guis" folder, and put the image you want on the loading screen inside. Then edit your .gui so the background under windowDef BackgroundImage is "guis/loading/yourpicture". Make sure to leave the "guis/assets/splash/yourpicture" or the picture wont show up in the map list.
VizoR@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 9:14 pm : but i got my assets/splash/mypic in the background under windofDef BackgroundImage....? so the only way to add the loading is to replace the splash =/ im prolly missing something. can u explain some more plz? =) or paste the code to see what it looks like.. thx
swampfox@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 9:34 pm : Heh, I guess my post was a little unclear and wordy... let me try again.
It seems that if you have the guis/assets/splash/mypic in the .pk4, it will display in the map list on its own, even with no reference to it anywhere in the .gui file.
If you add the guis/loading/mypic to your .pk4, then change the .gui so you have:
windowDef BackgroundImage
rect 0,0,640,480
visible 1
background "guis/loading/mypic"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
(or whatever other numbers you have in there) it should show in loading screen. I guess Doom just doesn't like reading the background image from anywhere other than a guis/loading folder.
Try it, let me know if it works or if I just got mine to work by some fluke.
VizoR@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 9:47 pm : aaaah.. u were right. it does load the splash pic on its own as long as it is in there. i noticed it cause i had misspelled "guis" and had "gui/assets/splash/mypic" but it still loaded. i did what u said and the loading screen now works!

thx alot!
swampfox@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 10:08 pm : Believe it or not, I also misspelled gui the same way about a dozen times, and it was the biggest problem I had in getting this to work! Glad to hear it worked out for you too.
ismodred@Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:49 pm : what video player are you guys using, i have a heck of a time trying to play the avi files.
ie: d3ed_basic_room_clean_tscc.avi
windows media player 9 says Windows Media Player encountered an unknown error.
and quicktime generates an error as well about missing components
is there another player you would reccommend?
thanks in advance
MNeMiC@Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 10:15 pm : yes, that's my tutorials and if you read the instructions you would know that you would need 'Techsmith's Screen Capture Codec' to play that one, to download it, simply go to my page or
http://www.google.com and search for:
+"TSCC" +"codec"
ismodred@Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 11:13 pm : thanks will do,
btw your readme w/ the file says this
Copyright to MNeMiC at
http://www.mnemic.tk and to the author if specified.
If we by this file did anything we shouldn't have done please contact me.
and there is nothing on the page where the files are found.
http://www.mnemic.tk/education/videotut ... doom3.html
honestly man i did read