unormal@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:26 am : I'm interested in making simple destructable lights. Just cubes that go out when they take damage would be fine. I remember way back in quake 2 you could take a brush and make it emit light; is there a similar way to produce simple light emmiters in doom 3?... or do I need to make a light-looking brush with health and a light object and link them together somehow?
subverse@Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:11 am : The only way its worked reliably for me so far;
Make a brush, turn it into a func_damageable.
Add a health parameter to it.
Add a target parameter pointing at the light you want to shut off.
hexbox@Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 10:39 pm : I've done something similar, but I prefer to make a glass textured brush with func_fracture and a target set to the light you want turned off.
I like this way, because there's nice shattering sounds and you don't have a leftover brush.
JustinBailey@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 1:34 am : The way I've done it turns the light off but you can still see the broken light fixture even in a pitch black room..
Make a patch with your breakable light texture, such as "textures/base_light/striplight2_break". Create a light entity next to it and open the light editor. Scroll through the light textures and choose "lights/squarelight_breakable_off". Select both the light texture (patch mesh) and the light entity and press shift-k to link the entities. With the entities selected, press N and add the "health" tag and give it a value of "1".
With this, the light will go out when shot and the light texture will change to a broken fixture, but it is still visible in dark rooms....
hexbox@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 1:43 am : I had the same problem with the broken light brush viewable in the dark room, that's why I started using the glass instead. The problem with using glass is that you've got to model a fixture around it, which is a pain.
Anyone know why the brush is visible after you turn the light out?
And, out of curiousity, how many breakable lights are you all planning to put into your maps? I'm becoming obsessed with them.. I may make almost every light breakable.
blue calx@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 9:39 pm : Something's strange here.
I tried linking the patch with the light texture and the light together with CTRL-K, and it doesn't work.
I noticed on D3DM2 that the light fixtures themselves are part of the light entity -- you select the light emitter and it will also highlight the geometry on the ceiling, and vice versa -- is this what grouping the light brush/patch with the light is supposed to accomplish? Why isn't CTRL-K doing anything?
I also tried ungrouping both, and then selecting them again and Creating a light -- but that just destroys the brush and the light and makes a single point light.
Making the light brush a func_damageable, with targeting the light, works -- but the texture on the func_damageable does not change accordingly. And it doesn't come with an automatic electric-crackle sound effect that id's method does.
Exactly how did id make a single light entity consisting of both the brushes (without destroying the brush's geometry) as well as the light-emitter?
H3g3m0n@Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:34 am : I notice that the properties for the light entity have model aswell as break ,health, broken, hideModelOnBreak so maby you need to set a model on the light. I'm new to this so i probally have no idea

mittens@Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 5:24 pm : blue calx wrote:
Something's strange here.
I tried linking the patch with the light texture and the light together with CTRL-K, and it doesn't work.
I noticed on D3DM2 that the light fixtures themselves are part of the light entity -- you select the light emitter and it will also highlight the geometry on the ceiling, and vice versa -- is this what grouping the light brush/patch with the light is supposed to accomplish? Why isn't CTRL-K doing anything?
I also tried ungrouping both, and then selecting them again and Creating a light -- but that just destroys the brush and the light and makes a single point light.
Making the light brush a func_damageable, with targeting the light, works -- but the texture on the func_damageable does not change accordingly. And it doesn't come with an automatic electric-crackle sound effect that id's method does.
Exactly how did id make a single light entity consisting of both the brushes (without destroying the brush's geometry) as well as the light-emitter?
I'm in the same boat, curious as to how to fix this.
KillerSneak@Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:49 pm : So can someone please update this tut ? As i really need breakable lights in my level/MOD .. But i just can't seem to get it.
Could someone post some screenshots please ?
DaZ@Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:07 pm : Quote:
I tried linking the patch with the light texture and the light together with CTRL-K, and it doesn't work.
SHIFT-K to link entities. CTRL-K to target them to each other, there is a difference

DaZ@Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:07 pm : Quote:
I tried linking the patch with the light texture and the light together with CTRL-K, and it doesn't work.
SHIFT-K to link entities. CTRL-K to target them to each other, there is a difference

swelt@Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:53 pm : JustinBailey wrote:
The way I've done it turns the light off but you can still see the broken light fixture even in a pitch black room..
Make a patch with your breakable light texture, such as "textures/base_light/striplight2_break". Create a light entity next to it and open the light editor. Scroll through the light textures and choose "lights/squarelight_breakable_off". Select both the light texture (patch mesh) and the light entity and press shift-k to link the entities. With the entities selected, press N and add the "health" tag and give it a value of "1".
With this, the light will go out when shot and the light texture will change to a broken fixture, but it is still visible in dark rooms....
This works. (note the shift-k not ctrl-k as daz said) You can also then give your light a sound shader of light_hum_103 or similar, and after being shot out it will flicker on and off in sync with a buzzy sound. Add to that a func_fx with some sparks, and you've got a full blown breakable light. A good example (copy+paste powah) is in d3dm5 in the room with the shotgun above the crates.
KillerSneak@Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:39 pm : this might sound dumb , but how can i make a patch :S
KillerSneak@Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 9:49 pm : never mind guys got it

And got it's much simpler than you guys

.. ehehe you guys make it to complicated
crash23000@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 5:37 pm : KillerSneak wrote:
never mind guys got it

And got it's much simpler than you guys

.. ehehe you guys make it to complicated
Explanation of simplicity would be appreciated.

voldemort@Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 6:22 pm : easy way since he didnt post instructions
create either a func_fracture or func_damageable
assign it a model (the light you want )
other way is take the group of brushes you want and make it a func_fracture or damagaeable if your not using a model)
in the entity tab click sound assign it a sound
create a light bind it to the func_....
when the damageable or fracture is triggered and disapates so will your light you can also trigger a func_emmiter with them to emit sparks
101 ways of doing it some are easier for some folks some harder depends on preference
also in the very light properties are model and model_broken or broke_model) im at work so going off memory
you can assign all the values you need in the light properties without the need of additional entities
or you can create a complex beast of a events to do it
you say tomato I say tom(ah)to etc..
ColdT@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:00 pm : How I did my breakable lights is...
A light entity + a patch mesh with flare material + a func_static with a material which has this blend add...
if (parm7==0)
blend add
map textures/mitm2/light_lit.tga
Select them all and combine. Give the new entity a health value and when you shoot any part of it, the light goes out and the blend add and flare are no longer drawn.
Close-up of lights..

In this shot, you see one light has been shot out.

Hope this is of some help.
Altered Reality@Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 3:36 pm : subverse wrote:
The only way its worked reliably for me so far;
Make a brush, turn it into a func_damageable.
Add a health parameter to it.
Add a target parameter pointing at the light you want to shut off.
Hey, that's great: easy and immediate. But is it possible to shut off multiple lights with a single func_damageable?
Never mind, I figured it out! Just add more parameters named "target2", "target3" and so on, each pointing at one of the lights you want to shut off. That's great, I love shootable lights!