I found this in my C: directory. Apparently doomRadiant generated it automatically. Should be very useful for some of you.
Formatted word file of the list. (everything is lined up properly)
AxialTextureByHeight U
AxialTextureArbitrary Shift + U
AxialTextureByWidth Control + U
ToggleRenderSound F9
ToggleSelections F8
RebuildRenderData F7
ToggleRenderAnimation F6
ToggleEntityOutlines F5
ToggleRealtimeRenderBuild F4
ToggleRenderMode F3
FindOrReplaceEnt Control + F3
FindOrReplaceNextEnt Shift + F3
ToggleMoveOnly W
ViewGame G
Ungroup Shift + G
HideSelected H
ShowHidden Shift + H
HideNotSelected Shift + Control + H
BendMode B
FitFace Control + B
FitBrush Shift + B
FreezePatchVertices F
UnFreezePatchVertices Control + F
UnFreezeAllPatchVertices Shift + Control + F
ViewTextures T
ThickenPatch Control + T
ClearPatchOverlays Shift + Y
MakeOverlayPatch Y
SurfaceInspector S
PatchInspector Shift + S
CycleCapTexturingAlt Shift + P
CycleCapTexturingAlt Shift + Control + P
ToggleShowPatches Control + P
RedisperseRows Control + E
RedisperseCols Shift + Control + E
InvertTextureX Shift + Control + I
InvertTextureY Shift + I
InvertCurve Control + I
IncPatchColumn Shift + Control + Plus
IncPatchRow Control + Plus
DecPatchColumn Shift + Control + Subtract
DecPatchRow Control + Subtract
Patch TAB Tab
Patch TAB Shift + Tab
SelectNudgeDown Alt + Down
EntityColor K
CameraForward Up
CameraBack Down
CameraLeft Left
CameraRight Right
CameraUp D
CameraDown C
CameraAngleUp A
CameraAngleDown Z
CameraStrafeRight Period
CameraStrafeLeft Comma
ToggleGrid 0
SetGridPoint5 Shift + 4
SetGridPoint25 Shift + 3
SetGridPoint125 Shift + 2
SetGrid1 1
SetGrid2 2
SetGrid4 3
SetGrid8 4
SetGrid16 5
SetGrid32 6
SetGrid64 7
DragEdges E
DragVertices V
ViewEntityInfo N
ViewConsole O
CloneSelection Space
DeleteSelection Backspace
UnSelectSelection Escape
CenterView End
ZoomOut Insert
ZoomOut2 $
ZoomIn Delete
UpFloor PageUp
DownFloor PageDown
ToggleClipper X
ToggleCrosshairs Shift + X
TogTexLock Shift + T
ToggleFlatRotation Control + R
CycleRotationAxis Shift + R
EntityList I
Layers L
Preferences P
ToggleCamera Shift + Control + C
ToggleView Shift + Control + V
ToggleZ Shift + Control + Z
CombineSelection Shift + K
ConnectSelection Control + K
Brush3Sided Control + 3
Brush4Sided Control + 4
Brush5Sided Control + 5
Brush6Sided Control + 6
Brush7Sided Control + 7
Brush8Sided Control + 8
Brush9Sided Control + 9
ShowDetail Control + D
MakeDetail Shift + Control + M
MakeDetail Control + M
MediaBrowser M
CSGMerge Shift + M
NextLeakSpot Shift + Control + K
PrevLeakSpot Shift + Control + L
FileOpen Control + O
FileSave Control + S
NextView Control + Tab
ClipSelected Return
SplitSelected Shift + Return
FlipClip Control + Return
MouseRotate R
Copy Control + C
Paste Control + V
Undo Control + Z
Redo Control + Y
ZZoomOut Control + Insert
ZZoomIn Control + Delete
TexDecrement Shift + Subtract
TexIncrement Shift + Plus
TextureFit Shift + 5
TexRotateClock Shift + PageDown
TexRotateCounter Shift + PageUp
TexScaleUp Control + Up
TexScaleDown Control + Down
TexShiftLeft Shift + Left
TexShiftRight Shift + Right
TexShiftUp Shift + Up
TexShiftDown Shift + Down
GridDown [
GridUp ]
TexScaleLeft Control + Left
TexScaleRight Control + Right
CubicClipZoomOut Control + [
CubicClipZoomIn Control + ]
ToggleCubicClip Control + \
MoveSelectionDOWN Subtract
MoveSelectionUP Plus
DumpSelectedBrush Shift + D
ToggleSizePaint Q
SelectNudgeLeft Alt + Left
SelectNudgeRight Alt + Right
SelectNudgeUp Alt + Up
NaturalizePatchAlt Shift + N
NaturalizePatch Control + N
SnapPatchToGrid Control + G
ShowAllTextures Control + A
SelectAllOfType Shift + A
AutoCaulk Shift + Control + A
CapCurrentCurve Shift + C
MakeProjectedLight J
MakeStructural Shift + Control + S
CenterOrigin Shift + O
FindReplaceTextures Shift + F
SelectCompleteEntity Shift + Alt + Control + E
PrecisionCursorMode F11
FilterLights Alt + 0
InvertSelection I
ShowClip Control + L
You get the same thing if you go to the help drop-down menu in the editor and click command list.

on a related note you can type various stuff in the console just like the game, r_showlightcount being the most useful.
what you see isn't identical to in game because your map isn't compiled into triangles, but it's handy nonetheless.
There's no concept of structural or detail in D3 as far as I can tell, so you can't set things as detail. Strangely the Detail filter still works though, although it obviously doesn't do anything! Abandon caulk hulling if that's what you're trying to do, D3 visibility seems to work in a fundamentally different way to Q3 engine games.
The U key thing is a shame though - the texture scaling shortcuts don't work for me either. I think the U key may heve been disabled as a side effect of the different way in which the media/texture browsers work.