Ekkruker@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 7:49 am : Whoo my first tutorial

. Basically, if you've played singleplayer you've seen dead bodies that will stand up and come after you, with or without you knowing.
First, only certain zombies will be able to do this. I know the fat zombie model doesn't have the required animations so that one can't. I'll be using monster_zombie_maint_bald.
Now, plop down the zombie monster where you want the dead body to be. Select it and go to the entity editor (Press 'N'). One thing you may want to do that is not required is to play the animation 'getup1pose'. This will make the zombie lie down in the editor. I use this so I know what zombies are ambushers and which aren't.
Next, there are a few settings on the zombie that need changing. In the entity editor, change the following keys:
anim - getup1pose
This one makes the zombie loop said animation until it does something else. This animation is the zombie laying down appearing dead.
on_activate - getup1
This one makes the zombie play said animation when it spots the player. The animation getup1 is synchronized with getup1pose so it flows seamlessly from pose to normal.
wake_on_attackcone - 1
This one makes the zombie stay dormant (looping getup1pose) until the player enters its attack cone. The zombie will also rise to defend himself (but still play 'getup1') if shot at, either by a paranoid player who suspects all dead bodies or a missed shot

no_idle_chatter - 1
This will prevent the zombie from playing his idle sounds (such as random grunts and moans) at all times. This is only IDLE sounds so it will still moan and groan during combat and pursuit and such. If this were set to 0, you'd 'hear' the seemingly dead bodies (which can still be somewhat disconcerting

) and it sort of gives it away

(optional setting)
ignore_flashlight - 1
By default this is 0. When it is set to 1, the zombie will not be awakened (and then play 'getup1' and move to attack the player) by a flashlight shining at them. If set to 0, the zombie will react to a flashlight as they would a player getting too close.
Thats about it. Also make sure the zombies feet are aiming at where you want the player to trigger it. From here, you could fiddle with the 'attack_cone' key to make the zombie trigger from further than at it's feet. When I figure out how attack_cone is set up i'll add it here. Hope this helps, now go scare the crap out of some players

PsychoDad@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 7:59 am : Tnx, very nice. I'll try it out soon.
Ekkruker@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 10:51 pm : >BUMP<
Who? Me?
kabe69@Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 11:17 pm : nice going.

k40t1k_g3m1n1@Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 6:06 am : Sweet tutorial!

MrTrip@Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 2:41 am : Is there a way to wake the sucker up on a trigger?
Magical Gnome@Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 3:11 am : If you look at the keys for thet monster, I believe there is a key you can add called "trigger". This will make the monster stay in dormant until you touch him or shoot him, but can be triggered to wake up I believe.
toastmasta@Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 3:27 am : Ekkruker wrote:
First, only certain zombies will be able to do this. I know the fat zombie model doesn't have the required animations so that one can't. I'll be using monster_zombie_maint_bald.
Is it possible to do this with other monsters...I'm more interested in making dead marines rise again on MY side...that might not be possible though.
Ekkruker@Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 7:22 am : Is there a way to wake the sucker up on a trigger?
Yes. Just point the trigger at him. Thats all. If you don't want him to get up when you get close to him, set wake_on_attackcone back to 0.
Something about marine zombies doing this
I don't see the needed animations on the Marine zombies.
FireHawk@Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 8:22 am : well in the first part of the game a marinezombie doe sit.. the guy in there arming department thing who gives you your pistol... come back though and he gets up with a shotty
Bruiser@Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 8:34 am : I think the zombie_fat_eating can do that too.
Ekkruker@Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 10:02 am : Maybe I was looking at the wrong zombie. But the point would still stand, you just use different animations.
Lestat@Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 10:31 pm : The zombies get up really fast, hardly any animation to it at all, is there some way to slow it down?
Ekkruker@Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 10:51 pm : Lestat wrote:
The zombies get up really fast, hardly any animation to it at all, is there some way to slow it down?
I think I know what your talking about, make sure you haven't accidently set 'walk_on_sight' to 1. That will skip the animation so you don't want that. If that isn't your problem, copy your zombie into a box map or something and e-mail it to me and i'll see if I can figure out the problem.
E-Mail: -------- ---- ------- ----- --- Removed.
Im sure you can figure out my email from that. Just remove the spam bot thing and turn the [at] and [dot] into the proper symbol.
EDIT: If you do e-mail it to me, tell me on here via post, I don't check me e-mail all too often

EDIT2.0 : Removed e-mail address.
Lestat@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 2:32 am : E-mail sent.
Zanuff@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 2:57 am : How would you set the monster to be non solid until triggered? I want the player to walk over him and not have him activate, then when the player hits a trigger_once (beyond the zombie) I want the zombie to get up.
So far I've seen that could help but I dont understand how, is
hide seems the best, it says "makes nonsolid until triggered" which is what I want, but I don't want him to be invisible..
Any help appreciated.
themadtux@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 3:14 am : Does anyone know if there is a model of a bench? I found a few zombies that get up from the sitting position but they don't look to be in the "sitting" position we'd think .They look to be leaning over the side of a bench etc.
Is there a bench model of some sort.. I can't seem to find one.
Ekkruker@Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 3:48 am : Lestat wrote:
E-mail sent.
You set the wrong thing

. You set on_active to 1, which is an unexisting key

. You want on_activate set to 1.
Lestat@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:41 am : Ekkruker wrote:
Lestat wrote:
E-mail sent.
You set the wrong thing

. You set on_active to 1, which is an unexisting key

. You want on_activate set to 1.

Doomraider@Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 4:16 am : I did what the tutorial said, but whe I start my map it doesnt show him dead and rising it just shows him already up and ain attack mode.