TheCray_nz@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 5:36 am : My first tutorial (yeah, I know, it took too long)... the one you've all been waiting for... Vacuum (or no oxygen) zones =D
This one is really really simple, so we'll just get straight into it.
First, create an empty room as usual, put a couple of lights in it as well as an info_player_start.
To create the vacuum effect, you want to add an
info_vacuum entity into the space where you want the vacuum to take effect.

What your map should look like.
Once you start the map, any parts of the map which are able to reach the info_vacuum entity (even through doors and windows, we'll fix that in the next tutorial) will be in a vacuum.
so, run it, play around, die eventually. Then come right back because it's time for...
TheCray_nz@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 5:37 am : Vacuum Zones Tutorial #2: Creating vacuum barriers
In the last tutorial we created a basic room with a vacuum entity, which sucked the air out of the room. The problem with that layout is that if you were to add more rooms they would also be in a vacuum, even if seperated by a door or window. In this tutorial I will show you how to create areas which the vacuum cannot penetrate.
Start off with the map you created in the previous tutorial. Add a wall with a hole in it to the center of the room, and add a window into that gap.
It should look something like this:

If you test this map, you'll see that the vacuum still takes effect. This is undesireable.
To fix that, create a brush which fills the gap which the window takes up (it can be thinner or thicker, just as long as it is the same width and height), and apply the editor/visportal texture to this brush. Remember where it is, because it may dissapear (depending on your Show settings), but this doesn't matter. Next, create a
info_vacuumseperator entity, and place it so that it is touching your visportal brush.
Your map should look something like this now (ignore the visportal for now, it's for the next tutorial):

Run the map, and you are now in a safe area, while the area outside the window is still in a vacuum.
TheCray_nz@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 5:38 am : Vacuum Zones Tutorial #3: Creates dynamic vacuum zones
Alright, now we have a zone where there is a vacuum, and one where there is no vacuum. This isn't really useful in any real-world application however, so it's time to learn how to turn the barriers on and off so we can create zones which can be either in or out of the vacuum.
We'll start where the last tutorial left off, so load up that map.
Select the window brush, and bring up the entity manager (press 'n'). Find
func_fracture in the list, and click create. This will turn our window into a breakable one. We want this to trigger the
info_vacuumseperator entity when it is shattered. We do this by adding a
target key into the entity manager and giving it a value of "vacuum_seperator_1".
Select the
info_vacuumseperator entity, and give it a
targetname of "vacuum_seperator_1".

What happens here, is when the window is broken, it looks for the entity named vacuum_seperator_1, and triggers it. If you look in the vacuum_seperator description it says that if you trigger it, it will allow the vacuum to flood through. On top of that, if you trigger it again it will close the vacuum barrier, and the vacuum will dissapear.
The vacuumseperator entity can be triggered by whatever you want, monsters dying, a button or gui being pressed, doors opening, lots of different things. The low pressure world of mars is your oyster

kabe69@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 6:21 am : GG, but wheres the vid lol
TheCray_nz@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 6:32 am : hehe, I'm too lazy

BNA!@Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 6:36 am : Nice one, very hand, and - thank god - brief

madmanmick@Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 4:55 am : hey i did this the same way, but when i break the glass, it triggers the vacuum, but only in the room the vacuum is placed! it still wont flood through the visportal! so i break the glass and can stand in a room that has a broken window onto the mars surface, but i only start losing oxygen if i jump out onto the outside area! how do i fix this?
Scribblehead@Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 9:21 pm : Is there anyway to trigger a speaker with fracture?
I.e when i shoot the glass out, and vacuum sets in - can i make it so that the fracture triggers a sound?
MNeMiC@Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 11:17 pm : there should be a property for some entities called something like:
and just put the sound to that one would work fine, I triggered a door to open when a barrel blew up - worked just fine.
Bismarc@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 10:22 am : Quote:
hey i did this the same way, but when i break the glass, it triggers the vacuum, but only in the room the vacuum is placed! it still wont flood through the visportal! so i break the glass and can stand in a room that has a broken window onto the mars surface, but i only start losing oxygen if i jump out onto the outside area! how do i fix this?
I broke my head on this and find the cure. After you do all that is said in tutorial, select both vacuum_separator and braekable glass and click select/Connnect Entities. Now when you drag vacuum_separatov from glass you should see an arror pointing from glass to vacuum_separatov.
It's interesting that without setting glass's health it stands 3 punches but vacuum creates after the 2-nd. So, wit the 3-d punch we just push already broken material(i mean glass) and see visual effect of braking. Is that how it works?
rujoking@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 11:55 am : MNeMiC wrote:
there should be a property for some entities called something like:
and just put the sound to that one would work fine, I triggered a door to open when a barrel blew up - worked just fine.
I'd like to see a Rube Goldberg-style level; you punch the glass, which causes a vacuum. This kills a Zombie, whose ragdoll falls on a metal plate, causing a barrel to fall from the ceiling. The barrel explodes, causing a wall to break open, from which a large spike flies out. The spike hits a swinging light, and the light's movement triggers another zombie to walk over to a hole in the floor. He falls in, and as he splats against the ground he hits a button that causes blast doors to close over the broken window.
cas111@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 9:35 pm : pk i have no idea wat i did wrong but i did every thing in the tutorial for the first two but it is still a vacume in the rest of my map so if any one could help me with this it would be much apreciated
evirus@Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 4:37 pm : Bismarc wrote:
hey i did this the same way, but when i break the glass, it triggers the vacuum, but only in the room the vacuum is placed! it still wont flood through the visportal! so i break the glass and can stand in a room that has a broken window onto the mars surface, but i only start losing oxygen if i jump out onto the outside area! how do i fix this?
I broke my head on this and find the cure. After you do all that is said in tutorial, select both vacuum_separator and braekable glass and click select/Connnect Entities. Now when you drag vacuum_separatov from glass you should see an arror pointing from glass to vacuum_separatov.
It's interesting that without setting glass's health it stands 3 punches but vacuum creates after the 2-nd. So, wit the 3-d punch we just push already broken material(i mean glass) and see visual effect of braking. Is that how it works?
the 2nd punch breaks the glass enough to cause air to leak out... the 3rd punch causes the glass to break apart compleatly
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 12:50 pm : Bismarc wrote:
hey i did this the same way, but when i break the glass, it triggers the vacuum, but only in the room the vacuum is placed! it still wont flood through the visportal! so i break the glass and can stand in a room that has a broken window onto the mars surface, but i only start losing oxygen if i jump out onto the outside area! how do i fix this?
I broke my head on this and find the cure. After you do all that is said in tutorial, select both vacuum_separator and braekable glass and click select/Connnect Entities. Now when you drag vacuum_separatov from glass you should see an arror pointing from glass to vacuum_separatov.
It's interesting that without setting glass's health it stands 3 punches but vacuum creates after the 2-nd. So, wit the 3-d punch we just push already broken material(i mean glass) and see visual effect of braking. Is that how it works?
When I click Connect Entities I hear a windows sound. By the way, doom says that the separator didn`t contact a portal
EDIT: I have now make a new map, and it doesn`t work at all.
Only if I use the noclip code and I come very close to the floor and visportal and wall then my oxygen refills, else I have vacuum.
TheFallenOne@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:57 am : I have done the tutorial to a "T" and I still get the vacuum. I hit escape so that it would pause and I brought up the consol to see if there were errors loading my map and i found that it said error Vacuum_seperater 1 does not touch visual portal and Vacuum_seperater 2 does not touch a visual portal when in the editor they are definetly touching since they are sitting inside of the visual portal. Can someone help me?
I noticed someone else say this and no one answered............. PLEASE ANSWER ME!!
elroacho@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 4:12 am : make sure your visportal is going inside the structural walls a little bit.
makes sure all sides are nodraw except for 1 which is visportal.
Sebazzz@Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 7:01 am : it`s only works on mine if you don`t have a patch mesh for a windows. So just a glasstextured brush.
ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 12:45 am : Tanks this will be very useful to me

Bauul@Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 1:37 pm : now someone needs to combine this with the directional gravity mod for some really spectactular sequences
r1pp3r@Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 3:14 pm : how do i make it so monsters/ other marines run out of exygen and die?