Need to access high places? Ladders are one of the ways to do this, however I find them most useful for single-player maps with Doom 3 since climbing is pretty slow. ... o_tscc.rar
Size:4.23 Mb
Length:2:17 Minutes

I hate double posting,, but its now updated with
AUDIO! ... o_tscc.rarWTF! Not ANY of the links in ANY of your tutorials work

What a waste couse i am sure you put hard work in makeing them. Just give us links that work and i will praise you

Times change mate. Most of the tutorials were uploaded in 2004 and are more than likely to be offline now.
Your best bet at figuring out how to use different elements is to load up the retail doom3 maps and pick them apart.
Not that you really need any tutorial to make a ladder anyway.
Walk on a ladder? Um... what?

Just create a tall brush and put the ladder texture on it. There -- instant ladder. You might want to
make a ladder, first (use cylinders) and put the ladder brush on top of it.
hardcore_gamer wrote:
by the way, how do you create a ladder that allows you to climp up? Not just
walk on it?
I never figured out why Id software didn't take the time to think about ladder-climbing animations and intricate gameplay mechanics of shooting when only having one hand to hold the gun.
It's not in ETQW either

i would say TIME is the reason itself. wouldn't you? and also the fact that nowhere in the single player game is it needed. haven't played doom3 multiplayer, where i am guessing it would be more needed.
the animation bit isn't that hard. just whip your model into 3ds max and do it. the scripting it in and triggering it is another story.
i remember seeingsomeone working on the ladder animation i the modelling and animation section a long time ago. dunno if it was finished or not though.