MNeMiC@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 1:44 pm : If you wan't to have outdoor places in your maps, you will need some kind of skybox to make it look good, I will make a tutorial on creating a custom skybox later on. ... o_tscc.rar
Size:3.47 Mb
Length:2:24 Minutes

ChUbZ@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 2:25 pm : Woah, nice one!
I goto watch this later!

Crabex@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 2:27 pm : not being nasty menemic but ur hosting is CRAP...
i really wanna whatch ur tuts but the links never work >>>>???????<<<<
Krankster@Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 2:28 pm : i just downloaded it with no problem
bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 2:39 am : I'm not trying to knock the idea of these video tutorials, far from it - I think they are a good thing, but maybe not for everything ?

I can't help thinking that you could explain exactly the same concept with maybe 5 screenshots and a bit of text which would total maybe 200k in filesize (about 17 times smaller) and you could also print it.
In addition, you can link to other tutorials and add information to it.
Basic Example for this tutorial :-
1. Create a room complete with a ceiling. (screenshot)
2. Select the ceiling and move it up by 128 units (screenshot)
3. Select all 4 walls (screenshot)
4. Hit SPACE to duplicate the walls and move them above the original walls so that they fit exactly on top. Make sure your ceiling brush fits exactly on top of the new duplicated walls (screenshot)
5. Select the new walls and ceiling and go to your texture browser, select skies and choose the commonoutside texture and apply it to your selected walls and ceiling by clicking on the texture (screenshot)
That pretty much sums up things.
I think your doing a great job with these tutorials, however, I reckon you could save yourself and others some bandwidth by doing standard text and screenshot tutorials for the more simple concepts ?
gunwolf@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 2:48 am : Some people would complain if the had to walk a block for $1000.00
Wayne G
bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 2:51 am : Er, I think you've confused yourself between complaint and suggestion - read the post again ...
gunwolf@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 5:58 am : bb_matt wrote:
Er, I think you've confused yourself between complaint and suggestion - read the post again ...
Yeah you're probably right. : )
Well I enjoyed the tutorial - the video and the written one on the skybox.
Now I can finally use that huge deck I built! LOL

Wayne G ; )
MNeMiC@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 10:44 am : Hey nice,, and bb_matt, before I used to write tutorials only, but then when I tried to record some tutorials I realized that it's way more fun for me, and people seem to care more about video tutorials, I myself love VT's, have over 60gb =)
Today you will most likley get a CUSTOM SKYBOX TUTORIAL, and perhaps HEALTH TERMINAL (i know everyone knows, but I wanna make a vid anyways), and maybe maybe, a TWO SIDED TEXTURE tutorial (havn't tested this yet, but if it works, it's the supreme way to do glass and other breakables.
bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 12:04 pm : Sure - I get where your coming from, it's an opinion thing. VTM's are great, but the bandwidth can be excessive and without voice over, you can't explain the pitfalls or concepts behind what your doing.
funcrusher@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 1:32 pm : bb_matt wrote:
Sure - I get where your coming from, it's an opinion thing. VTM's are great, but the bandwidth can be excessive and without voice over, you can't explain the pitfalls or concepts behind what your doing.
I'm with you bb_matt, w/out audio they are could be unusable and could be msleading to inexperienced mappers. I appreciate them but seriously most of what I saw in the ones I watched you could find out by just having a working knowledge of Q3A/Id softwares general game entity/trigger system and opening up a couple of the Doom3 maps to see how things were specifically done in that engine.
Another point: Archiving for the future is out of the question with such large files as well. There are a couple of archives of Q3A tutorials which still get traffic ... I doubt the person paying for the hosting of them would be quite a willing to be so generous if it weren't for the fact they are all HTML-and-image format and relatively small.
Don't get defensive Mnemic,
what you're doing is quite generous and time and bandwidth consuming... these are just my opinions, I am sure for every one guy like me there are ten people who find them useful.
I guess the bottom line is that to me, telling someone
why something is being done is even more important than showing them how. THe old "give a man a fish" versus "teach a man to fish" effect, y'know what I am saying... and just to dull any sting of my criticism even more, thanks again for your work, man.
MNeMiC@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 2:08 pm : Hmm, That last part was pretty hard to read and understand for someone not-english I think =P
Anyways, good news, I will most likley have the VT's hosted by - that means kinda unlimited bandwidth which leads to not to much worries about filesize which leads to me being able to add voice to the tutorials =)
I might add voice to the older tutorials pretty soon, just a coulpe of days perhaps.
MNeMiC@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:01 pm : Hey, here you go, sound added to this one aswell, over half of the VT's now have sound. ... o_tscc.rar
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:43 pm : what codec do you use ? i cant watch the thing

Crabex wrote:
not being nasty menemic but ur hosting is CRAP...
i really wanna whatch ur tuts but the links never work >>>>???????<<<<
its ok i got 120kbs off it ,sucky speed i must admit but its still ok for a 3 meg file
MNeMiC@Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:45 pm : hmm, not quite sure what you meant there, but they will all soon be hosted, the updated ones i mean, at other places also.
Lorelai@Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:35 pm : Crabex wrote:
not being nasty menemic but ur hosting is CRAP...
i really wanna whatch ur tuts but the links never work >>>>???????<<<<
yes i have the same problem it wont work for me either
adasdasf@Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:41 pm :
Lorelai@Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:18 am : adasdasf wrote:
my god so many tutorials... i dident know there even was this kind of things for doom... ive figured out most things myself and read some and it has been very difficult
Lorelai@Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:22 am : adasdasf wrote:
there has to be something wrong, it wants me to pay to download it.. this cant be right
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:06 am : fileplanet is free with a pay option. You need to sign up. It's a very nice & fast service. Also allows resumable downloads, something most other services don't do.