Jafo@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 1:58 am : http://www.pcgamemods.com/6895/
Purpose of this pak file is to clean up the empty shaders etc, missing textures. Making browsing for textures much more enjoyable... I think:)
Please post bugs here. I ran every map in SP and saw no problems. Now I must get to mapping;)
There are still some errors: I am working on another release in the future, this takes care of a great deal of them though. Some errors seem to break an SP retail map if removed.
[EDIT]made this a sticky >kat<
Jafo@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 2:39 am : I am aware of the following errors and will work on fixing them... thanks to iceheart for the list.
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/washroom/btiletrim_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/washroom/btiletrim_d
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/washroom/btiletrim_s
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/washroom/btiletrim
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_door/delelev2a_d
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_door/delelev2a_s
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_door/stedoorframered_add
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_door/stedoorframegrn_add
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_door/stedoorframe2e3_add
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_light/bulb_fx
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_light/gottubelight2_add
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_light/stehalllight_add_nobreakable
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_light/striplight3_add_nobreakable
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_wall/test_d
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_wall/test_s
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/caves/cavtrfloor1_d
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/caves/cavtrfloor1_s
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/caves/cavvac1a_d
WARNING: unknown general material parameter 'nodrop' in 'textures/common/nodrop'
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/decals/expmark1_add
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/sfx/berserk
WARNING: Couldn't load cube image: env/colon
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/decals/oldfilm2
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/decals/slash01_vp
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/decals/slash01_vpalpha
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_trim/sp4_2_d
WARNING: Couldn't load image: addnormals( textures/base_trim/sp4_local, heightmap( textures/base_trim/sp4_2_b, 3))
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_trim/sp4_2_s
WARNING: file materials/aaduffyTest.mtr, line 446: missing sort parameter
WARNING: Couldn't load image: map
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/decals/sonic
WARNING: Couldn't load image: guisurfs/guisurfaceremap
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/guisurfaces/monglass1_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/guisurfaces/monglass1
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/guisurfaces/monglass2_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/guisurfaces/monglass2
WARNING: Couldn't load image: addnormals( textures/hell/sharprock1_local, heightmap( textures/hell/sharprock1_h, 8))
WARNING: material 'textures/hell/breakageblend' had stage with no image
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/hell/sharprock1_s
WARNING: Couldn't load image: addnormals( models/kenneth/tunnel_local, heightmap( models/kenneth/tunnel_h, 7))
WARNING: Couldn't load image: models/kenneth/tunnel
WARNING: Couldn't load image: models/kenneth/tunnel_s
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/hell/dirt02sand
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/hell/slime_sblood02
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/mcity/mcitypipe1_s
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/object/modconsole4dirt_d
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/object/modconsole4dirt_s
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/object/ut_foil2_d
WARNING: Couldn't load image: makealpha( textures/particles/flamebase1_mask)
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/particles/flamebase1_strip
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/rock/skysand1_s
WARNING: Couldn't load image: addnormals( textures/rock/skysand3_local, heightmap( textures/rock/skysand2_bmp, 4))
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/rock/sharprock_dark_lava1
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/sfx/paneglass1_d
WARNING: Couldn't load cube image: env/machine1
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/sfx/nullflare
WARNING: file materials/sfx.mtr, line 3358: Bad term 'red'
WARNING: file materials/sfx.mtr, line 3378: Bad term 'red'
WARNING: Couldn't load image: heightmap( textures/sfx/lab_glass_bmp, 0.2)
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/sfx/lab_glass_ed_lt
WARNING: Couldn't load cube image: env/d3dm1
WARNING: Couldn't load cube image: env/d3dm3
WARNING: Couldn't load cube image: env/d3dm3small
WARNING: Couldn't load cube image: env/d3dm5
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/sfx/waveteststrip
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/editor/flare_global
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/skies/hellsky4
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/dynamic/camera2
WARNING: Couldn't load image: guis/assets/objective
WARNING: Couldn't load image: guis/assets/objective2
WARNING: Couldn't load image: guis/assets/objective3
WARNING: Couldn't load image: guis/assets/objective4
WARNING: Couldn't load image: guis/assets/objective5
WARNING: Couldn't load image: guis/assets/objectivecomplete
WARNING: Couldn't load image: guis/assets/objectivecomplete2
WARNING: Couldn't load image: guis/assets/objectivecomplete3
WARNING: Couldn't load image: guis/assets/objectivecomplete4
WARNING: Couldn't load image: guis/assets/objectivecomplete5
There are some that if removed break the game... so we will see. Approximately 400 shaders were commented out.
Aphax@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 3:08 am : This is great, good work

Gonna try this in a minute and I'll let you know if I run into any problems.
LMCTF-Vampire@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 4:52 am : Has anyone noticed that some textures are missing from the editor? What I mean is for example if I look in pak004.pk4 under \textures\alphalabs\ there is a texture called a_enwall13_s.tga but it cannot be found anywhere in the texture list of the D3Radiant editor.
I tried out the new pak file provided in that link above and it really cleans up the 'empty' textures (awesome work!) but I have noticed that the possilby missing textures has nothing to do with the new pak file. I have tried with and without the pak file and those missing textures are still ... er... missing

Jafo@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 5:28 am : It's a specular used in the following code
qer_editorimage textures/alphalabs/a_enwall13c
bumpmap textures/enpro/enwall13_local
diffusemap textures/alphalabs/a_enwall13c
specularmap textures/alphalabs/a_enwall13_s
So it is actually used just not loaded as a map texture.
bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 7:34 am : Nice one Jafo !
Just a quick question, I've copied my Doom3 installation onto another drive, extracted everything from the pak files and then deleted those files (to save space) - I'm doing this so I can keep a squeaky clean standard Doom3 install for testing stuff before releasing.
For some reason, if I put the pak file into this copied version with no pak files, it doesn't read the changes ? - I guess if it doesn't see pak000.pk4 to pak004.pk4 it won't read ?
I tried naming it pak000.pk4, but that didn't work either.
works fine in my standard install tho.
Jafo@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 7:45 am : Development standards. Anything in a base folder that has the same name as something in a pak file superseeds the pack file. example base/textures/materials/aaduffyTest.mtr would overwrite(maybe the wrong word) pak004.pk4 which contains the same structure. materials/textures/aaduffyTest.mtr. Only way to use this then that I am aware of is to extract the contents. Hope that helped matt:)
On that note would it be better for me to maybe make this a mod? Suppose then you would just load it in your shortcut.
bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 8:09 am : Yeah - I forgot about that !
I think the way you've done it so far is probably the best - altho I don't know how many other people beside me have extracted all the pak files ?
Wouldn't a mod be too much hastle ?
Aphax@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 8:53 am : bb_matt wrote:
Wouldn't a mod be too much hastle ?
I changed from having two seperate Doom 3 installs (one for playing online, one for editting) back to having only one for more harddisk space and simplicity.
Basically I leave the Doom 3\base\ dir alone, and place all my custom content in a moddir Doom 3\dev. I launch my editor with
+set fs_game dev in the commandline, and that makes the editor load my custom content (materials, maps, etc). I also extracted all the pak files to somewhere outside my Doom 3 folder which I use as a reference.
I have to say I really like the way I have it now, works very well

bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 9:02 am : Good idea - I'll give that a try !
def46@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 12:44 pm : Anyone figured what developer or fs_Devpath do ?
I'm trying to do the same as Aphax above, BUT I want the 'dev' path to be outside the basepath, a completely different path in fact, onto my backup partition, so I never delete my custom data by mistake.
swelt@Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 3:52 pm : Great work, very useful. Is this linked in the FAQ? It should be.
Eutectic@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:04 am : Great work Jafo, thanks a bunch. Browsing through the textures in D3R was a bit of pain. This makes it sooo much better

One thing I found. Your readme mentions that one should rename the pak00X.pk4 to (whatever number the last pak file in your base folder is) +1
Well I have found this to be unnecessary in most cases. The normal alphebetical order of names in PC's is 0-9, then A-Z. So by having named it "00X", you are sure the game will load it last of all... unless of course, you have a pak file named pak010.pk4 (or higher) in the base folder.
But to be 100% covered, why not simply rename the pak to ZZZZ-D3R_fixed_textures.pk4 ? I tried this and the pak file loads just fine.
The 4 Z's at the beginning of the name should make virtually sure it gets loaded absolute last of all no matter how many pak files you have in your base folder and no matter what they are named (unless some fool releases a PAK file that starts with 5 Z's - not likely to happen however).
karminax@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:09 am : The link seems to be broken
MNeMiC@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 11:18 am : yup! and i havnt seen this one before! so please someone host it cuz i want it - badly!
Jafo@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 12:45 pm : Eutectic wrote:
Great work Jafo, thanks a bunch. Browsing through the textures in D3R was a bit of pain. This makes it sooo much better

One thing I found. Your readme mentions that one should rename the pak00X.pk4 to (whatever number the last pak file in your base folder is) +1
Well I have found this to be unnecessary in most cases. The normal alphebetical order of names in PC's is 0-9, then A-Z. So by having named it "00X", you are sure the game will load it last of all... unless of course, you have a pak file named pak010.pk4 (or higher) in the base folder.
But to be 100% covered, why not simply rename the pak to ZZZZ-D3R_fixed_textures.pk4 ? I tried this and the pak file loads just fine.
The 4 Z's at the beginning of the name should make virtually sure it gets loaded absolute last of all no matter how many pak files you have in your base folder and no matter what they are named (unless some fool releases a PAK file that starts with 5 Z's - not likely to happen however).

Name it anything you want my friend just as long as it is last:)
Last actually isn't a good word here... just as long as it is after pak004.pak and then nothing else will interfere like the highrez mod or something like that. If you open your texture browser and still have one faulty texture not loading in alphalabs then something is a miss.
Will figure out the issue with the link...
Must have been a burp, link works now.
RedWolf@Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 1:55 pm : This works great.

Thank you kindly!