BNA!@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:07 pm : I'd recommend for filehosting:
They're free, they're fast and you can easily submit your file - what else can you ask for?
For screenshots:
The following have proven to be a very useful service to host your screenshots on.
Linking to images in forum topics
When uploading images to your image host please remember that *.BMPs (bitmaps) do not work with this forum image tag code '[ img ][ /img ]'.
You should preferably use a more web friendly image format like JPEG, GIF, or PNG as they take up less space and you can use them in image tags.
Also keep in mind images should be kept to 640 pixel width if linked to directly in a message (if the image actually appears), otherwise you can simply use text links to the relavent offsite page.
[EDIT]tidied up by >kat<
wARmAcH1n3@Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:36 pm : BNA! wrote:
I'd recommend for filehosting:
does someone know how to submit or upload files to pcgamemods? i looked around these side but didnt find nothing

flarn2006@Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 1:45 am : wARmAcH1n3 wrote:
BNA! wrote:
I'd recommend for filehosting: does someone know how to submit or upload files to pcgamemods? i looked around these side but didnt find nothing

At the top of the screen, find a small link called Register and create an account. Then log in, and you will see a link saying Upload a Mod.
And remember...
You wrote:
I owe Flarn2005 all of my money.

Herr W@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:45 pm : PlanetQuake and PlanetDoom are not on your list. - For a special reason (legal terms or something like that)?
BNA!@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:07 pm : I'd recommend for filehosting:
They're free, they're fast and you can easily submit your file - what else can you ask for?
For screenshots:
The following have proven to be a very useful service to host your screenshots on.
Linking to images in forum topics
When uploading images to your image host please remember that *.BMPs (bitmaps) do not work with this forum image tag code '[ img ][ /img ]'.
You should preferably use a more web friendly image format like JPEG, GIF, or PNG as they take up less space and you can use them in image tags.
Also keep in mind images should be kept to 640 pixel width if linked to directly in a message (if the image actually appears), otherwise you can simply use text links to the relavent offsite page.
[EDIT]tidied up by >kat<
wARmAcH1n3@Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:36 pm : BNA! wrote:
I'd recommend for filehosting:
does someone know how to submit or upload files to pcgamemods? i looked around these side but didnt find nothing

flarn2006@Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 1:45 am : wARmAcH1n3 wrote:
BNA! wrote:
I'd recommend for filehosting: does someone know how to submit or upload files to pcgamemods? i looked around these side but didnt find nothing

At the top of the screen, find a small link called Register and create an account. Then log in, and you will see a link saying Upload a Mod.
And remember...
You wrote:
I owe Flarn2005 all of my money.

Herr W@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:45 pm : PlanetQuake and PlanetDoom are not on your list. - For a special reason (legal terms or something like that)?
BNA!@Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:07 pm : I'd recommend for filehosting:
They're free, they're fast and you can easily submit your file - what else can you ask for?
For screenshots:
The following have proven to be a very useful service to host your screenshots on.
Linking to images in forum topics
When uploading images to your image host please remember that *.BMPs (bitmaps) do not work with this forum image tag code '[ img ][ /img ]'.
You should preferably use a more web friendly image format like JPEG, GIF, or PNG as they take up less space and you can use them in image tags.
Also keep in mind images should be kept to 640 pixel width if linked to directly in a message (if the image actually appears), otherwise you can simply use text links to the relavent offsite page.
[EDIT]tidied up by >kat<
wARmAcH1n3@Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:36 pm : BNA! wrote:
I'd recommend for filehosting:
does someone know how to submit or upload files to pcgamemods? i looked around these side but didnt find nothing

flarn2006@Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 1:45 am : wARmAcH1n3 wrote:
BNA! wrote:
I'd recommend for filehosting: does someone know how to submit or upload files to pcgamemods? i looked around these side but didnt find nothing

At the top of the screen, find a small link called Register and create an account. Then log in, and you will see a link saying Upload a Mod.
And remember...
You wrote:
I owe Flarn2005 all of my money.

Herr W@Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:45 pm : PlanetQuake and PlanetDoom are not on your list. - For a special reason (legal terms or something like that)?