Quote: |
models/marine/boonemarine { renderbump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -colorMap textures/marine/marine_local.tga models/marine/marine_hp.ase "qer_editorimage" "textures/marine/marine_d.tga" "diffusemap" "textures/marine/marine_d.tga" "bumpmap" "textures/marine/marine_h.tga" noSelfShadow } |
Quote: |
The marine.blend is just bieng used to export marine.md5mesh and marine.md5anim so I only set up the uv coordinates in the uv image editor so that they would work when I linked a .mtr to the md5mesh. |
Code: |
surface2 { renderbump -size 256 256 -trace 0.03 -colorMap -aa 1 models/juve/sphere1/sphere1_local.tga models/juve/sphere1/sphere1_hp.lwo diffusemap models/juve/sphere1/sphere1_d.tga bumpmap models/juve/sphere1/sphere1_local.tga, specularmap models/juve/sphere1/sphere1_s.tga } |
Code: |
{ renderbump -size 512 512 -aa 2 -colorMap bna/corridor/structure2.tga bna/corridor/structure2_hp.lwo bumpmap bna/corridor/structure2.tga diffusemap bna/corridor/structure2_color.tga //specularmap models/bna/grey512.tga translucent noshadows //twoSided //{ // blend add // cubeMap env/bland // texgen reflect //} } |
Code: |
ERROR: Bad texcoord index in ase file rich/box_hi.lwo ******************** |
rich_is_bored wrote: |
First, I've been told time and time again that a UV map is not needed for the hi-poly model. It's only needed for the low-poly model. |
Quote: | ||
Yet, when I open my hi-poly model and delete the UV map, then try to use the renderbump command I get this error...
Quote: |
I'm having trouble trying to imagine how a bumpmap is projected on to a low-poly model without some form of UV coordinates on both models to link portions of the hi and low poly models together. Basically, How does the game know where to project those non-existant curves onto the low-poly model without a similar UV map present in the hi-poly model? |
Quote: |
Second, When I have a UV present in both models and renderbump completes succesfully, I have what appears to be a perfect normalmap and colormap. (Other than the fact that my UVs suck. ![]() But in game when the normalmap is applied to the object it doesn't look quite right. I can see the effect working properly however the normalmap does not look as smooth as it should. It almost looks bitmapped or pixely. |
Quote: |
To illustrate my point I would post a screen but we all know the rules. Instead I am going to post my photoshop rendition of what the normalmap actually looks like and what it seems like in game.
And this is what it seems to render when applied to a model. Notice how the second image looks pixellated or grainy. Try to imagine what the Welding Gun from my third scripting tutorial looks like with this second image as a normalmap. |
rich_is_bored wrote: |
Like I said earlier, I wasn't trying to prove you wrong. Why? Because you know what your talking about. Anyway, again you have solved the main problem. ![]() |
Quote: |
Here I am, following all the specifications.
Nothing but triangle polys. No 2 point polys. No points floating in space. And yet I run qemLoss2 and for some odd reason removing a poly or two seems to fix things. Why? Just a retorical question as I know that nobody not even god could explain it. I guess its one of those mysteries of the universe. |
Quote: |
I'm still working on phasing out the color banding. BTW thanks for adding that term to my vocabulary. I always had trouble explaining that one. |
Quote: |
So far it looks like I will be needing a heightmap to composite over the normal map to smooth things out. Even without it, it still looks sweet f***ed up. ![]() |
rich_is_bored wrote: |
Does anyone know what the maximum number of polys allowed on a single object are?
I've been getting good results with the following polycount: High Poly Model: 40,000 Low Poly Model: 400 |
Quote: |
At first I thought I could just make a 6 poly box, triple it, and save it as my low poly and then subpatch, and save it to create the high poly model. Hey, I'm new at modeling, give me a break. ![]() |
Quote: |
I also suggest you create a map in the editor with a light or two, a player start point, and a func_mover to load your model. Then you can create a script to rotate the object. This serves as a good way to view your object so you can make adjustments. |
rich_is_bored wrote: |
The reason I mention 400 as a good polycount for the low poly model is that I use my objects in scripted events. There is a limit for scripted objects. I cannot remember what it is but I do remember having to cut back on the details so I could script movements for the object in game. |
Quote: |
I suppose if your just rendering a texture for a flat panel or a static object then hey, bust your computer's balls by making it calculate an insane amount of polys. ![]() |
rich_is_bored wrote: |
I'm going to have to test that limit out a little because I just made a 1000+ poly and it scripted fine. I'm in no rush to test this out so... I'll post it when I post it. |
rich_is_bored wrote: |
Send me that landscape *.lwo you made a while back. I'll just stick it in a room and rotate it. HA! ![]() |
Code: |
surface2 { renderbump -size 256 256 -trace 0.03 -colorMap -aa 1 models/juve/sphere1/sphere1_local.tga models/juve/sphere1/sphere1_hp.lwo diffusemap models/juve/sphere1/sphere1_d.tga bumpmap models/juve/sphere1/sphere1_local.tga, specularmap models/juve/sphere1/sphere1_s.tga } |
Code: |
{ renderbump -size 512 512 -aa 2 -colorMap bna/corridor/structure2.tga bna/corridor/structure2_hp.lwo bumpmap bna/corridor/structure2.tga diffusemap bna/corridor/structure2_color.tga //specularmap models/bna/grey512.tga translucent noshadows //twoSided //{ // blend add // cubeMap env/bland // texgen reflect //} } |
Code: |
ERROR: Bad texcoord index in ase file rich/box_hi.lwo ******************** |
rich_is_bored wrote: |
First, I've been told time and time again that a UV map is not needed for the hi-poly model. It's only needed for the low-poly model. |
Quote: | ||
Yet, when I open my hi-poly model and delete the UV map, then try to use the renderbump command I get this error...
Quote: |
I'm having trouble trying to imagine how a bumpmap is projected on to a low-poly model without some form of UV coordinates on both models to link portions of the hi and low poly models together. Basically, How does the game know where to project those non-existant curves onto the low-poly model without a similar UV map present in the hi-poly model? |
Quote: |
Second, When I have a UV present in both models and renderbump completes succesfully, I have what appears to be a perfect normalmap and colormap. (Other than the fact that my UVs suck. ![]() But in game when the normalmap is applied to the object it doesn't look quite right. I can see the effect working properly however the normalmap does not look as smooth as it should. It almost looks bitmapped or pixely. |
Quote: |
To illustrate my point I would post a screen but we all know the rules. Instead I am going to post my photoshop rendition of what the normalmap actually looks like and what it seems like in game.
And this is what it seems to render when applied to a model. Notice how the second image looks pixellated or grainy. Try to imagine what the Welding Gun from my third scripting tutorial looks like with this second image as a normalmap. |
rich_is_bored wrote: |
Like I said earlier, I wasn't trying to prove you wrong. Why? Because you know what your talking about. Anyway, again you have solved the main problem. ![]() |
Quote: |
Here I am, following all the specifications.
Nothing but triangle polys. No 2 point polys. No points floating in space. And yet I run qemLoss2 and for some odd reason removing a poly or two seems to fix things. Why? Just a retorical question as I know that nobody not even god could explain it. I guess its one of those mysteries of the universe. |
Quote: |
I'm still working on phasing out the color banding. BTW thanks for adding that term to my vocabulary. I always had trouble explaining that one. |
Quote: |
So far it looks like I will be needing a heightmap to composite over the normal map to smooth things out. Even without it, it still looks sweet f***ed up. ![]() |
rich_is_bored wrote: |
Does anyone know what the maximum number of polys allowed on a single object are?
I've been getting good results with the following polycount: High Poly Model: 40,000 Low Poly Model: 400 |
Quote: |
At first I thought I could just make a 6 poly box, triple it, and save it as my low poly and then subpatch, and save it to create the high poly model. Hey, I'm new at modeling, give me a break. ![]() |
Quote: |
I also suggest you create a map in the editor with a light or two, a player start point, and a func_mover to load your model. Then you can create a script to rotate the object. This serves as a good way to view your object so you can make adjustments. |
rich_is_bored wrote: |
The reason I mention 400 as a good polycount for the low poly model is that I use my objects in scripted events. There is a limit for scripted objects. I cannot remember what it is but I do remember having to cut back on the details so I could script movements for the object in game. |
Quote: |
I suppose if your just rendering a texture for a flat panel or a static object then hey, bust your computer's balls by making it calculate an insane amount of polys. ![]() |
rich_is_bored wrote: |
I'm going to have to test that limit out a little because I just made a 1000+ poly and it scripted fine. I'm in no rush to test this out so... I'll post it when I post it. |
rich_is_bored wrote: |
Send me that landscape *.lwo you made a while back. I'll just stick it in a room and rotate it. HA! ![]() |
Quote: |
models/marine/boonemarine { renderbump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -colorMap textures/marine/marine_local.tga models/marine/marine_hp.ase "qer_editorimage" "textures/marine/marine_d.tga" "diffusemap" "textures/marine/marine_d.tga" "bumpmap" "textures/marine/marine_h.tga" noSelfShadow } |
Quote: |
The marine.blend is just bieng used to export marine.md5mesh and marine.md5anim so I only set up the uv coordinates in the uv image editor so that they would work when I linked a .mtr to the md5mesh. |