Hi, and welcome back to lesson number eight in the GUI scripting series.
This time, we'll make the GUI script respond to a named event - the weapon pickup - and update the HUD accordingly. Following the tradition of having small topics covered in each lesson (so you can skip them individually if it's covering a topic you already know), this will be a pretty short article.
Complete GUI Scripting - 8: Using named events
One of the features that add the most power to the GUI system is the ability to respond to certain built-in events. These events include not only GUI events - onAction, onTime, etc - but also 'external' events triggered by the system. They're called "named events", and we can defined them by using onNamedEvent blocks.
Simply enough, a named event works like this:
onNamedEvent <event name> {
<statements to execute>
Of course, the <event name> is the name of the event we want to capture. This is an special name, and depends on the scope you're running your GUI script. Since we're using a HUD GUI script, there are certain built in named events we can work with.
The first thing we'll do is open up the HUD script we created in the previous lesson, which is as follows.
windowDef Desktop {
rect 0,0,640,480
visible 1
noevents 1
nocursor 1
// Main bar
windowDef base {
rect 0,416,1024,64
visible 1
background "guis/assets/hud_base"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
// Standard indications: ammo, armor, health
windowDef bar_health {
rect 110,420,60,49
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,1,1
text "gui::player_health"
textscale 0.6
textalign 2
font "fonts/english"
windowDef bar_health_percent {
rect 170,420,40,49
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,1,1
text "%"
textscale 0.6
textalign 0
font "fonts/english"
windowDef bar_armor {
rect 370,420,60,49
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,1,1
text "gui::player_armor"
textscale 0.6
textalign 2
font "fonts/english"
windowDef bar_armor_percent {
rect 430,420,40,49
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,1,1
text "%"
textscale 0.6
textalign 0
font "fonts/english"
windowDef bar_ammo {
rect 15,420,60,49
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,1,1
text "gui::player_ammo"
textscale 0.6
textalign 2
font "fonts/english"
// Weapon numbers
windowDef gun_2 {
rect 218, 416, 40, 40
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,0,1
text "2"
textscale 0.25
font "fonts/micro"
windowDef gun_3 {
rect 242, 416, 40, 40
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,1,0.4
text "3"
textscale 0.25
font "fonts/micro"
windowDef gun_4 {
rect 266, 416, 40, 40
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,1,0.4
text "4"
textscale 0.25
font "fonts/micro"
windowDef gun_5 {
rect 218, 436, 40, 40
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,1,0.4
text "5"
textscale 0.25
font "fonts/micro"
windowDef gun_6 {
rect 242, 436, 40, 40
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,1,0.4
text "6"
textscale 0.25
font "fonts/micro"
windowDef gun_7 {
rect 266, 436, 40, 40
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,1,0.4
text "7"
textscale 0.25
font "fonts/micro"
// Marine faces
// Normal face
windowDef marineFace {
rect 290,418,64,64
visible 1
background "guis/assets/hud_face_100_center"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
Now, we're going to add a new event to it. Right after the desktop windowDef properties are declared, we add a new event block.
windowDef Desktop {
rect 0,0,640,480
visible 1
noevents 1
nocursor 1
// Events
onNamedEvent newWeapon {
This is the basics of our new event block. Since we're trying to update the weapon numbers on the HUD, we want to capture the "newWeapon" event, which is fired when a new weapon has been picked up. This event name came from the original HUD file, of course - reading the original script sources, from the original game, is the best way to learn how to accomplish certain goals in DOOM 3 modding. Reverse engineering is your friend.
Anyway, remember our "gun_*" windowDef declarations? They had the numbers of the weapons available for the player. Like I said on the previous lesson, most of the weapons numbers have a "forecolor" property of "1,1,1,0.4" - 40% black. When they are available, they turn into "1,1,0,1" - yellow. What we need to do, then, is discover which weapon was picked up and update the text color accordingly.
That will be accomplished by using the "gui::newweapon" variable inside of the newWeapon named event block. Just like the "gui::player_health" we discussed on the previous lesson, "gui::newweapon" is an special variable which has the number of the last weapon picked up, so it's easy to find out which weapon number should be highlighted. Let's start with a simple conditional statement.
// Events
onNamedEvent newWeapon {
// Now turns on the correct number when a new weapon is picked
if ("gui::newweapon" == 2) {
the "if" statement compares the "gui::newweapon" to 2. If this is true -- meaning, the last weapon picked up was weapon 2 - the statements inside of the "if" block will be executed.
One thing to notice here is that the weapon indexing inside of the GUI system start with the pistol. So, weapon 1 is the pistol, not the fists; weapon 2 is the shotgun, not the pistol.
So, since the code inside of the if block will be executed when the shotgun has been picked up, we just need to update the "forecolor" property of the correct "gun_*" windowDef to make it bright yellow. That's easy, using the "set" command we used previously.
// Events
onNamedEvent newWeapon {
// Now turns on the correct number when a new weapon is picked
if ("gui::newweapon" == 1) {
set "gun_2::forecolor" "1,1,0,1";
Easier than
taking candy from a baby. So we just need to add if statements for the other guns; we're just going up to gun 6, or the plasma gun, so...
// Events
onNamedEvent newWeapon {
// Now turns on the correct number when a new weapon is picked
if ("gui::newweapon" == 2) {
set "gun_3::forecolor" "1,1,0,1";
if ("gui::newweapon" == 3) {
set "gun_4::forecolor" "1,1,0,1";
if ("gui::newweapon" == 4) {
set "gun_5::forecolor" "1,1,0,1";
if ("gui::newweapon" == 5) {
set "gun_6::forecolor" "1,1,0,1";
if ("gui::newweapon" == 6) {
set "gun_7::forecolor" "1,1,0,1";
Let's test it. Fire up our DOOM 3 shortcut - or do a reloadguis command if you already had it running.
We have a pistol on hand...

...going to grab the shotgun...

...and voila, the corresponding number - 3 - has been lit on the HUD bar. Simple, and easy.
That's it for now. We'll use a few more named events on the next lessons.
Download source and example files (8kb)
*Topic revival*
I've been trying to fix this for three hours and I just can't figure it out:
onNamedEvent newWeapon {
if ("gui::newweapon" == 0) {
set "gun_1::forecolor" "1,1,0,1";
if ("gui::newweapon" == 1) {
set "gun_2::forecolor" "1,1,0,1";
if ("gui::newweapon" == 2) {
set "gun_3::forecolor" "1,1,0,1";
if ("gui::newweapon" == 3) {
set "gun_4::forecolor" "1,1,0,1";
if ("gui::newweapon" == 4) {
set "gun_5::forecolor" "1,1,0,1";
if ("gui::newweapon" == 5) {
set "gun_6::forecolor" "1,1,0,1";
if ("gui::newweapon" == 6) {
set "gun_7::forecolor" "1,1,0,1";
if ("gui::newweapon" == 7) {
set "gun_8::forecolor" "1,1,0,1";
if ("gui::newweapon" == 8) {
set "gun_9::forecolor" "1,1,0,1";
windowDef gun_1 {
rect 450,10, 40, 40
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,0,1
text "1"
textscale 0.2
font "fonts/micro"
windowDef gun_2 {
rect 465,10, 40, 40
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,0,1
text "2"
textscale 0.2
font "fonts/micro"
windowDef gun_3 {
rect 480, 10, 40, 40
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,1,0.4
text "3"
textscale 0.2
font "fonts/micro"
windowDef gun_4 {
rect 495, 10, 40, 40
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,1,0.4
text "4"
textscale 0.2
font "fonts/micro"
windowDef gun_5 {
rect 510, 10, 40, 40
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,1,0.4
text "5"
textscale 0.2
font "fonts/micro"
windowDef gun_6 {
rect 525,10, 40, 40
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,1,0.4
text "6"
textscale 0.2
font "fonts/micro"
windowDef gun_7 {
rect 540, 10, 40, 40
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,1,0.4
text "7"
textscale 0.2
font "fonts/micro"
windowDef gun_8 {
rect 555, 10, 40, 40
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,1,0.4
text "8"
textscale 0.2
font "fonts/micro"
windowDef gun_9 {
rect 570, 10, 40, 40
visible 1
forecolor 1,1,1,0.4
text "9"
textscale 0.2
font "fonts/micro"
I have no problems with the shotgun and all of the weapons after it but when it comes to the chainsaw and pistol for some reason the chainsaw will always be highlighted as "picked up" even when it isn't, same for the pistol. This is
really annoying me.
Thanks in advance.