AEon@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 12:57 am : Here a list of quick tutorials. These are based on the information in the Video tutorials by MNeMiC that are fine if you have a fast connection. But if you just want the relevant settings/steps this should help.
Updates- Fixed/Updated parts of the tutorials are marked with *.
Index- *Basic Fog
- Breakable Glass
- Elevator
- Ladder
- Mirror
- Particles - i.e. Gas Venting from Pipes
- Simple Terrain
- Skybox
- Sliding Doors
- *Trigger Doors - Use Monitor GUI to open Doors
- *Trigger an Explosion
- *SP - Trigger a Monster Spawn
- Trigger a Sound
- Turkey Puncher Game - Adding a GUI to a Model with Monitor
- *SP - Wake up a Zombie
Particles - i.e. Gas Venting from Pipes- Right-click on 2D view, and add a func, func_emitter to the map.
- Place and rotate for desired particle emitting direction.
- Keep emitter object selected.
- In the Entity tab (N-key), click the Particle... button.
- Pick an effect under Particles.
Sliding Doors- Create a brush that is to be your door, and texture (e.g. from textures/base_door) it.
- Use a trim texture for the door sides (e.g. from textures/base_trim).
- Right-click on 2D view and select func, func_door (to turn the selected brush into a door).
- Open Entity tab (N-key)
- Change Key "wait" to Val "1"
- Add Key "speed" with Val "30"
- Add Key "movedir" with e.g. Val "270"
- Tip: Define direction via 8 'direction buttons' at the bottom left of the dialog.
*Trigger Doors - Use Monitor GUI to open Doors- To start off, create a door (func_door; see above Sliding Doors tutorial).
- Then add a model with a monitor:
- Right-click on 2D view and select func, func_static (or select New Model...).
- In Entity tab (N-key) click the Model... button.
- In the dialog pick e.g. base/models/mapobjects/com/platguistand/my_platguistand.lwo (or any other model with a computer monitor).
- Close Dialog with OK.
- Position the GUIstand in your map e.g. near your door, keep model selected.
- Open Entity tab (N-key), click the Gui... button.
- In the dialog pick e.g. base/guis/commoutside/co_unlock.gui to unlock a door. Close dialog.
- Now link the trigger monitor model to the door: Deselect everything (Esc), select the model first (Shift+Left-click), then select the door, and press Ctrl+K.
- Finally deselect everything (Esc) and only select the door.
- In the Entity tab (N-key) you will want to change several door properties:
- Add Key "no_touch" with Val "1"
- Add Key "toggle" with Val "1"
- Tip: Read up on all the other parameters in the Entity tab.
*Basic Fog- Fog is actually a light source.
- Right-click on 2D view, and add a light entity to the map.
- Press J-key to open Light Editor dialog.
- Under Texture, pick fogs/basicfog.
- Click Color button and select a color for the fog.
- * By changing the size of the Radius, you control the size of the area the fog will cover.
- Click Apply and OK buttons to close the dialog.
- * Open Entity tab (N-key)
- * Change Key "shaderParm3" to Val "<density>"
- * Instead of <density> enter fog density value.
- * Tip: High values = less fog density. E.g. try a value of 10000 for interesting fog.
- Hit F7-key to update the CAM view.
Turkey Puncher Game - Adding a GUI to a Model with Monitor- Right-click on 2D view, and select New Model....
- In the dialog pick e.g. base/models/mapobjects/com/modconsole2.lwo (or any other model with a computer monitor).
- Place the model in your map, keep model selected.
- Open Entity tab (N-key), click the Gui... button.
- In the dialog pick e.g. base/guis/marscity/sttp.gui the turkey game.
- Do a BSP compile (Bsp menu, bsp), and test it in-game (F2-key).
Breakable Glass- Create a wall with a window (= hole in a wall) between two rooms.
- Then place a brush that is to be the glass for your window, and keep it selected.
- Glass is basically a texture.
- Pick a glass texture from the Material tab (M-key):
- E.g. click Textures/textures/glass/glass1, to apply it to the brush.
- Open the Surface Inspector (S-key), and click the Fit button under Texturing. Press OK to close the dialog.
- Right-click on 2D view and pick func, func_fracture to turn the brush into breakable glass.
- There are many parameters you can change in the Entity tab (N-key).
- Tip: Be sure to also add a light on both sides of the glass.
Elevator- Build a room, with an upper level area you want reach via elevator platform.
- As elevator platform you can pick anything you want, i.e. a Brush, a Patch or Model. In this case simply create a brush.
- Pick a texture from the Material tab (M-key):
- E.g. click Textures/textures/base_floor/a_reactorfloor2_1b_fin, to apply it to the brush.
- Open the Surface Inspector (S-key), and click the Fit button under Texturing. Press OK to close the dialog.
- Move the platform brush to the top level, i.e. flush with the upper level floor.
- Count the units between lower edge of the platform brush and the floor. The 2D view grid in side view (CTRL+TAB) should help.
- Note: This height value defines how much the platform will move up and down.
- Right-click on 2D view and pick func, func_plat to turn the brush into a platform.
- Open Entity tab (N-key).
- Add Key "height" with Val "<height>".
- Instead of <height> enter the height in units you just measured.
- This should respawn the platform at the bottom level when you run the game.
- Note: You may need to experiment with the height a bit.
- Do a BSP compile (Bsp menu, bsp), and test it in-game (F2-key).
Ladder- Create a brush to be your ladder.
- Tip: The Visual part of the ladder can be anything, brush-work or a model.
- Create another brush slightly larger than the size of your ladder.
- Pick the texture from the Material tab (M-key):
- Click Textures/textures/common/ladder, to apply it to the brush.
- Place the brush so that it covers your ladder object.
- Note: With this method you can make anything climbable, but try to give the player a hint that this is indeed the case.
Mirror- Place a brush that is to be your mirror on a wall.
- Select the face (Shift+Ctrl+Left-click) of the brush you want to be the mirror.
- Pick the texture from the Material tab (M-key):
- Click Textures/textures/common/mirror, to apply it to that face.
- Open the Surface Inspector (S-key), and click the Fit button under Texturing. Press OK to close the dialog.
- Note: Avoid one mirror "seeing" another mirror. Or your framerate will drop badly!
Skybox- Create the brush-work for the areas where you want to see the skybox.
- Select the brush faces (Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Left-click).
- Pick a skybox texture from the Material tab (M-key):
- E.g. click Textures/textures/skies/commoutside, to apply it to the faces.
- Note: Apply the skybox textures only where they make sense! E.g. don't apply it to a wall in the middle of the room.
Simple Terrain- Basic terrain is based on a Simple Patch Mesh with a nice texture.
- Create a brush in XY Top view with the size of your terrain (height is not important).
- Pick a texture from the Material tab (M-key):
- E.g. click Textures/textures/fragalot/grass01, to apply grass.
- Turn the brush into a mesh via Patch menu, Simple Patch Mesh....
- In the Patch Density dialog change Width and Height to e.g. 5.
- Note: More vertex points will make your map run slower (not very much in DOOM 3), but give you more control over the mesh.
- Now go into Vertex Mode (V-key).
- You can then select the Verteces in XY Top view, and change their heights in a Side/Front view (CTRL+TAB) by Left-click+Drag on a selected (= blue) vertex.
- Tip: Left-click+Dragging in XY Top view will let you select more than one vertex, and Esc deselects.
- Note: You will need solid brushes surrounding your terrain, since patches do not block visibility and would thus make your map leak.
- Tip: Since the terrain will probably totally cover your floor, the floor brush should be covered with the caulk texture (Textures/textures/common/caulk) to avoid z-fighting, in areas where the terrain "merges" with the floor brush.
Trigger a Sound- Create a brush that will be your trigger area, and keep it selected.
- Tip: You may need to make it as high as the player.
- Pick the trigger texture from the Material tab (M-key):
- Click Textures/textures/common/trigonce, to apply it.
- Right-click on 2D view, and pick trigger, trigger_once to turn the brush into an entity.
- Deselect the trigger brush (Esc).
- Right-click on 2D view, and pick speaker and place is where you want to sound to play.
- In the Entity tab (N-key), click the Sound... button.
- Pick a interesting sound from Dialog, e.g. Sound Shaders/sound/monster_boss_sabaoth.sndshd/monster_<...>. Close Dialog.
- Tip: You can test sounds via Play button in Dialog.
- With the speaker entity still selected, in the Entity tab (N-key) you can change many properties of your speaker.
- Note: You can change volume, loop play mode, distance etc. See the description text in the tab.
- Finally link the trigger to the speaker: Deselect everything (Esc), select the trigger brush first (Shift+Left-click), then select the speaker, and press Ctrl+K.
- When you now walk into your trigger a sound should be played.
*SP - Wake up a Zombie- You will need a monster with special 'rise' animation for this to work:
- Right-click on 2D view, and pick e.g. monster, monster_zombie_fat and place it in your map.
- In the Entity tab (N-key) change the following properties:
- Change Key "anim" to Val "death1pose", making the zombie lie down on the floor.
- Tip: Define zombie orientation via 8 'direction buttons' at the bottom left of the Entity tab, changing the value of Key "angle".
- With Key "ignore_flashlight" set to Val "0", you ensure the flashlight will not trigger the zombie. Else set Val "1".
- Add Key "trigger" with Val "1", to activate the zombie only via trigger or weapon damage.
- Add Key "on_activate" with Val "death_getup_pose", to make the zombie stand up on activation.
- Tip: Again read up on all the other parameters in the Entity tab.
- Note: You should be able to use a trigger brush to activate the zombie, by linking the trigger to the zombie (see above Trigger a Sound tutorial on trigger brushes).
*Trigger an Explosion- Create a brush that will be your trigger area for the explosion, and keep it selected.
- Tip: You may need to make it as high as the player.
- Pick the trigger texture from the Material tab (M-key):
- Click Textures/textures/common/trigonce, to apply it.
- Right-click on 2D view, and pick trigger, trigger_once to turn the brush into an entity.
- Deselect the trigger brush (Esc).
- Right-click on 2D view, and pick func, func_explosion and place it in the map.
- In the Entity tab (N-key), click the Particle... button.
- Pick a interesting particle effect from Dialog, e.g. Particles/archvile_flamewall. Close Dialog with OK.
- Then click the Sound... button in the Entity tab.
- Pick a sound from Dialog, e.g. Sound Shaders/sound/weapons.sndshd/player_bfg_2explode. Close Dialog.
- Tip: You can test sounds via Play button in Dialog.
- Finally link the trigger to the explosion: Deselect everything (Esc), select the trigger brush first (Shift+Left-click), then select the explosion entity, and press Ctrl+K.
- When you now walk into your trigger the explosion should go off along with a sound.
*SP - Trigger a Monster Spawn- Create a brush that will be your trigger area for the monster spawn, and keep it selected.
- Tip: You may need to make it as high as the player.
- Pick the trigger texture from the Material tab (M-key):
- Click Textures/textures/common/trigonce, to apply it.
- Right-click on 2D view, and pick trigger, trigger_once to turn the brush into an entity.
- Deselect the trigger brush (Esc).
- Right-click on 2D view, and pick a monster, e.g. monster, monster_demon_trite and place it in the map.
- Open the Entity tab (N-key)
- Add Key "spawner" with Val "1", to respawn one monster (on every triggering?!).
- Note: Val "3" would respawn three monsters at the same time.
- Then link the trigger to the monster: Deselect everything (Esc), select the trigger brush first (Shift+Left-click), then select the monster entity, and press Ctrl+K.
- To void having the monster crash into corners / walls, add several path entities, to define the path of the monster, i.e. from the respawn to the trigger area.
- Right-click on 2D view, and pick path, path_corner, and place it in 'front' of the trigger in sight of the monster.
- Place a second path, path_corner entity somewhere 'behind' the trigger, to make the monster run towards the trigger.
- Link the path entities together: Deselect everything, first select the 'front' path entity, then select the second path entity, and press Ctrl+K.
- Finally link the monster to the path: Deselect everything, first select the monster, then select the 'front' path entity, and press Ctrl+K.
- When you now walk into your trigger the monster should respawn, and come running your way towards the trigger.
Any feedback, corrections, ideas welcome.
heidinabucket@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:11 am : Excellent!
(all now pasted in me DOOMTIPS txt. file

moziz@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:42 am : pretty good tutorials

der_ton@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 9:16 am : In my personal and humble opinion, these are alot better than dozens of megs of video. Even if I could download 50 megs of video within the same time as I can download this text-page, this text list would be my choice.

heidinabucket@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 9:20 am : Have to agree.

AEon@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:19 am : Hope to add a few more Quick-Tutorials. Glad these are of some help.
In most cases (see Ladder, Glass), there is not really much to know, but as always the right pointer is important. Some things that could be interesting:
- Teleporter
- Proper clipping (playerclip?!)
- How to add a Model to the map (trivial, but had me stumped for a while).
- etc.
I will look into the other Tutorials by MNeMiC and see what can be done. Some things like a long video tutorial at PlanetDOOM on Portals, would be pretty difficult to do just verbally. But a few shots and who knows

Next a cleaned up version of: How to turn a map into MP, and how to pack everything into a PK4.
Rayne@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 12:03 pm : Thickness fog is not changed by resize the light entity.. Light radius specify where the fog is present, and the key shaderparm3 will change the actual DENSITY of fog..
Key: shaderparm3
value: xxxxx
where xxxxx is a number: more high is the value, less dense is the fog. A value of 10000 create a cool fog effect (but i still have problems with it - see topic "Am i dumb or what?")
AEon@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 1:43 pm : Rayne,
the fog density was from the videos. I had experimented with fog as well and had not been able to change the density. Thanx for the tip... updating the above.
Rayne@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 1:48 pm :
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:48 pm : Printed!
MNeMiC@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 7:26 pm : really good post! keep on updating as I do - or more hehe =D
AEon@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 8:40 pm : MNeMiC,
glad you like the post. Just downloaded some of your other Tutorials, will try to add those as well.
sanctuary@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 8:48 pm : Wow... Those are awsome. Hopefully as people learn more they will post more mini tuts like these. Great job man.
AEon@Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 9:48 pm : I just updated the first post with 4 new tutorials, pretty much covering every video tutorial by MNeMiC, except those about patches that IMO should be known to Radiant users from Q3A times.
Updates- Fixed/Updated parts of the tutorials are marked with *.
New Tutorials- *Trigger Doors - Use Monitor GUI to open Doors
- *Trigger an Explosion
- *SP - Trigger a Monster Spawn
- *SP - Wake up a Zombie
Presently I am thinking of possibly streamlining the tutorials a bit more. E.g. write up *once* how to texture/create a trigger_once brush, and just reference that. Ditto one on how to link objects.
One last tutorial I might like to add is the one on tiling textures for DOOM 3 in Photoshop.
Well... post what you think.
AEon@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 6:29 pm : So what else to add... *muse*...
MNeMiC@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 6:46 pm : I have made 2 new tutorials which aint out yet, but they will be soon =)
Also I have plans on about 15 others, just need some time =D
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 10:45 am : MNeMiC,
in that case this thread won't die that quickly

b0ksah@Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 8:29 am : Nice work dude

... printing

AEon@Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 12:42 pm : Even though I am back to good old GTKradiant and Q3A mapping - just works so much better for the designs, lighting I want to do - I'll take a look here from time to time and update the thread as a learning experience for the times when D3 MP finally works for ISDN.
zeOx@Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:02 am : these tuts really helped me out alot since i'm on a 56k modem

thanks alot!
AEon@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 12:57 am : Here a list of quick tutorials. These are based on the information in the Video tutorials by MNeMiC that are fine if you have a fast connection. But if you just want the relevant settings/steps this should help.
Updates- Fixed/Updated parts of the tutorials are marked with *.
Index- *Basic Fog
- Breakable Glass
- Elevator
- Ladder
- Mirror
- Particles - i.e. Gas Venting from Pipes
- Simple Terrain
- Skybox
- Sliding Doors
- *Trigger Doors - Use Monitor GUI to open Doors
- *Trigger an Explosion
- *SP - Trigger a Monster Spawn
- Trigger a Sound
- Turkey Puncher Game - Adding a GUI to a Model with Monitor
- *SP - Wake up a Zombie
Particles - i.e. Gas Venting from Pipes- Right-click on 2D view, and add a func, func_emitter to the map.
- Place and rotate for desired particle emitting direction.
- Keep emitter object selected.
- In the Entity tab (N-key), click the Particle... button.
- Pick an effect under Particles.
Sliding Doors- Create a brush that is to be your door, and texture (e.g. from textures/base_door) it.
- Use a trim texture for the door sides (e.g. from textures/base_trim).
- Right-click on 2D view and select func, func_door (to turn the selected brush into a door).
- Open Entity tab (N-key)
- Change Key "wait" to Val "1"
- Add Key "speed" with Val "30"
- Add Key "movedir" with e.g. Val "270"
- Tip: Define direction via 8 'direction buttons' at the bottom left of the dialog.
*Trigger Doors - Use Monitor GUI to open Doors- To start off, create a door (func_door; see above Sliding Doors tutorial).
- Then add a model with a monitor:
- Right-click on 2D view and select func, func_static (or select New Model...).
- In Entity tab (N-key) click the Model... button.
- In the dialog pick e.g. base/models/mapobjects/com/platguistand/my_platguistand.lwo (or any other model with a computer monitor).
- Close Dialog with OK.
- Position the GUIstand in your map e.g. near your door, keep model selected.
- Open Entity tab (N-key), click the Gui... button.
- In the dialog pick e.g. base/guis/commoutside/co_unlock.gui to unlock a door. Close dialog.
- Now link the trigger monitor model to the door: Deselect everything (Esc), select the model first (Shift+Left-click), then select the door, and press Ctrl+K.
- Finally deselect everything (Esc) and only select the door.
- In the Entity tab (N-key) you will want to change several door properties:
- Add Key "no_touch" with Val "1"
- Add Key "toggle" with Val "1"
- Tip: Read up on all the other parameters in the Entity tab.
*Basic Fog- Fog is actually a light source.
- Right-click on 2D view, and add a light entity to the map.
- Press J-key to open Light Editor dialog.
- Under Texture, pick fogs/basicfog.
- Click Color button and select a color for the fog.
- * By changing the size of the Radius, you control the size of the area the fog will cover.
- Click Apply and OK buttons to close the dialog.
- * Open Entity tab (N-key)
- * Change Key "shaderParm3" to Val "<density>"
- * Instead of <density> enter fog density value.
- * Tip: High values = less fog density. E.g. try a value of 10000 for interesting fog.
- Hit F7-key to update the CAM view.
Turkey Puncher Game - Adding a GUI to a Model with Monitor- Right-click on 2D view, and select New Model....
- In the dialog pick e.g. base/models/mapobjects/com/modconsole2.lwo (or any other model with a computer monitor).
- Place the model in your map, keep model selected.
- Open Entity tab (N-key), click the Gui... button.
- In the dialog pick e.g. base/guis/marscity/sttp.gui the turkey game.
- Do a BSP compile (Bsp menu, bsp), and test it in-game (F2-key).
Breakable Glass- Create a wall with a window (= hole in a wall) between two rooms.
- Then place a brush that is to be the glass for your window, and keep it selected.
- Glass is basically a texture.
- Pick a glass texture from the Material tab (M-key):
- E.g. click Textures/textures/glass/glass1, to apply it to the brush.
- Open the Surface Inspector (S-key), and click the Fit button under Texturing. Press OK to close the dialog.
- Right-click on 2D view and pick func, func_fracture to turn the brush into breakable glass.
- There are many parameters you can change in the Entity tab (N-key).
- Tip: Be sure to also add a light on both sides of the glass.
Elevator- Build a room, with an upper level area you want reach via elevator platform.
- As elevator platform you can pick anything you want, i.e. a Brush, a Patch or Model. In this case simply create a brush.
- Pick a texture from the Material tab (M-key):
- E.g. click Textures/textures/base_floor/a_reactorfloor2_1b_fin, to apply it to the brush.
- Open the Surface Inspector (S-key), and click the Fit button under Texturing. Press OK to close the dialog.
- Move the platform brush to the top level, i.e. flush with the upper level floor.
- Count the units between lower edge of the platform brush and the floor. The 2D view grid in side view (CTRL+TAB) should help.
- Note: This height value defines how much the platform will move up and down.
- Right-click on 2D view and pick func, func_plat to turn the brush into a platform.
- Open Entity tab (N-key).
- Add Key "height" with Val "<height>".
- Instead of <height> enter the height in units you just measured.
- This should respawn the platform at the bottom level when you run the game.
- Note: You may need to experiment with the height a bit.
- Do a BSP compile (Bsp menu, bsp), and test it in-game (F2-key).
Ladder- Create a brush to be your ladder.
- Tip: The Visual part of the ladder can be anything, brush-work or a model.
- Create another brush slightly larger than the size of your ladder.
- Pick the texture from the Material tab (M-key):
- Click Textures/textures/common/ladder, to apply it to the brush.
- Place the brush so that it covers your ladder object.
- Note: With this method you can make anything climbable, but try to give the player a hint that this is indeed the case.
Mirror- Place a brush that is to be your mirror on a wall.
- Select the face (Shift+Ctrl+Left-click) of the brush you want to be the mirror.
- Pick the texture from the Material tab (M-key):
- Click Textures/textures/common/mirror, to apply it to that face.
- Open the Surface Inspector (S-key), and click the Fit button under Texturing. Press OK to close the dialog.
- Note: Avoid one mirror "seeing" another mirror. Or your framerate will drop badly!
Skybox- Create the brush-work for the areas where you want to see the skybox.
- Select the brush faces (Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Left-click).
- Pick a skybox texture from the Material tab (M-key):
- E.g. click Textures/textures/skies/commoutside, to apply it to the faces.
- Note: Apply the skybox textures only where they make sense! E.g. don't apply it to a wall in the middle of the room.
Simple Terrain- Basic terrain is based on a Simple Patch Mesh with a nice texture.
- Create a brush in XY Top view with the size of your terrain (height is not important).
- Pick a texture from the Material tab (M-key):
- E.g. click Textures/textures/fragalot/grass01, to apply grass.
- Turn the brush into a mesh via Patch menu, Simple Patch Mesh....
- In the Patch Density dialog change Width and Height to e.g. 5.
- Note: More vertex points will make your map run slower (not very much in DOOM 3), but give you more control over the mesh.
- Now go into Vertex Mode (V-key).
- You can then select the Verteces in XY Top view, and change their heights in a Side/Front view (CTRL+TAB) by Left-click+Drag on a selected (= blue) vertex.
- Tip: Left-click+Dragging in XY Top view will let you select more than one vertex, and Esc deselects.
- Note: You will need solid brushes surrounding your terrain, since patches do not block visibility and would thus make your map leak.
- Tip: Since the terrain will probably totally cover your floor, the floor brush should be covered with the caulk texture (Textures/textures/common/caulk) to avoid z-fighting, in areas where the terrain "merges" with the floor brush.
Trigger a Sound- Create a brush that will be your trigger area, and keep it selected.
- Tip: You may need to make it as high as the player.
- Pick the trigger texture from the Material tab (M-key):
- Click Textures/textures/common/trigonce, to apply it.
- Right-click on 2D view, and pick trigger, trigger_once to turn the brush into an entity.
- Deselect the trigger brush (Esc).
- Right-click on 2D view, and pick speaker and place is where you want to sound to play.
- In the Entity tab (N-key), click the Sound... button.
- Pick a interesting sound from Dialog, e.g. Sound Shaders/sound/monster_boss_sabaoth.sndshd/monster_<...>. Close Dialog.
- Tip: You can test sounds via Play button in Dialog.
- With the speaker entity still selected, in the Entity tab (N-key) you can change many properties of your speaker.
- Note: You can change volume, loop play mode, distance etc. See the description text in the tab.
- Finally link the trigger to the speaker: Deselect everything (Esc), select the trigger brush first (Shift+Left-click), then select the speaker, and press Ctrl+K.
- When you now walk into your trigger a sound should be played.
*SP - Wake up a Zombie- You will need a monster with special 'rise' animation for this to work:
- Right-click on 2D view, and pick e.g. monster, monster_zombie_fat and place it in your map.
- In the Entity tab (N-key) change the following properties:
- Change Key "anim" to Val "death1pose", making the zombie lie down on the floor.
- Tip: Define zombie orientation via 8 'direction buttons' at the bottom left of the Entity tab, changing the value of Key "angle".
- With Key "ignore_flashlight" set to Val "0", you ensure the flashlight will not trigger the zombie. Else set Val "1".
- Add Key "trigger" with Val "1", to activate the zombie only via trigger or weapon damage.
- Add Key "on_activate" with Val "death_getup_pose", to make the zombie stand up on activation.
- Tip: Again read up on all the other parameters in the Entity tab.
- Note: You should be able to use a trigger brush to activate the zombie, by linking the trigger to the zombie (see above Trigger a Sound tutorial on trigger brushes).
*Trigger an Explosion- Create a brush that will be your trigger area for the explosion, and keep it selected.
- Tip: You may need to make it as high as the player.
- Pick the trigger texture from the Material tab (M-key):
- Click Textures/textures/common/trigonce, to apply it.
- Right-click on 2D view, and pick trigger, trigger_once to turn the brush into an entity.
- Deselect the trigger brush (Esc).
- Right-click on 2D view, and pick func, func_explosion and place it in the map.
- In the Entity tab (N-key), click the Particle... button.
- Pick a interesting particle effect from Dialog, e.g. Particles/archvile_flamewall. Close Dialog with OK.
- Then click the Sound... button in the Entity tab.
- Pick a sound from Dialog, e.g. Sound Shaders/sound/weapons.sndshd/player_bfg_2explode. Close Dialog.
- Tip: You can test sounds via Play button in Dialog.
- Finally link the trigger to the explosion: Deselect everything (Esc), select the trigger brush first (Shift+Left-click), then select the explosion entity, and press Ctrl+K.
- When you now walk into your trigger the explosion should go off along with a sound.
*SP - Trigger a Monster Spawn- Create a brush that will be your trigger area for the monster spawn, and keep it selected.
- Tip: You may need to make it as high as the player.
- Pick the trigger texture from the Material tab (M-key):
- Click Textures/textures/common/trigonce, to apply it.
- Right-click on 2D view, and pick trigger, trigger_once to turn the brush into an entity.
- Deselect the trigger brush (Esc).
- Right-click on 2D view, and pick a monster, e.g. monster, monster_demon_trite and place it in the map.
- Open the Entity tab (N-key)
- Add Key "spawner" with Val "1", to respawn one monster (on every triggering?!).
- Note: Val "3" would respawn three monsters at the same time.
- Then link the trigger to the monster: Deselect everything (Esc), select the trigger brush first (Shift+Left-click), then select the monster entity, and press Ctrl+K.
- To void having the monster crash into corners / walls, add several path entities, to define the path of the monster, i.e. from the respawn to the trigger area.
- Right-click on 2D view, and pick path, path_corner, and place it in 'front' of the trigger in sight of the monster.
- Place a second path, path_corner entity somewhere 'behind' the trigger, to make the monster run towards the trigger.
- Link the path entities together: Deselect everything, first select the 'front' path entity, then select the second path entity, and press Ctrl+K.
- Finally link the monster to the path: Deselect everything, first select the monster, then select the 'front' path entity, and press Ctrl+K.
- When you now walk into your trigger the monster should respawn, and come running your way towards the trigger.
Any feedback, corrections, ideas welcome.
heidinabucket@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:11 am : Excellent!
(all now pasted in me DOOMTIPS txt. file

moziz@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:42 am : pretty good tutorials

der_ton@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 9:16 am : In my personal and humble opinion, these are alot better than dozens of megs of video. Even if I could download 50 megs of video within the same time as I can download this text-page, this text list would be my choice.

heidinabucket@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 9:20 am : Have to agree.

AEon@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:19 am : Hope to add a few more Quick-Tutorials. Glad these are of some help.
In most cases (see Ladder, Glass), there is not really much to know, but as always the right pointer is important. Some things that could be interesting:
- Teleporter
- Proper clipping (playerclip?!)
- How to add a Model to the map (trivial, but had me stumped for a while).
- etc.
I will look into the other Tutorials by MNeMiC and see what can be done. Some things like a long video tutorial at PlanetDOOM on Portals, would be pretty difficult to do just verbally. But a few shots and who knows

Next a cleaned up version of: How to turn a map into MP, and how to pack everything into a PK4.
Rayne@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 12:03 pm : Thickness fog is not changed by resize the light entity.. Light radius specify where the fog is present, and the key shaderparm3 will change the actual DENSITY of fog..
Key: shaderparm3
value: xxxxx
where xxxxx is a number: more high is the value, less dense is the fog. A value of 10000 create a cool fog effect (but i still have problems with it - see topic "Am i dumb or what?")
AEon@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 1:43 pm : Rayne,
the fog density was from the videos. I had experimented with fog as well and had not been able to change the density. Thanx for the tip... updating the above.
Rayne@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 1:48 pm :
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:48 pm : Printed!
MNeMiC@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 7:26 pm : really good post! keep on updating as I do - or more hehe =D
AEon@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 8:40 pm : MNeMiC,
glad you like the post. Just downloaded some of your other Tutorials, will try to add those as well.
sanctuary@Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 8:48 pm : Wow... Those are awsome. Hopefully as people learn more they will post more mini tuts like these. Great job man.
AEon@Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 9:48 pm : I just updated the first post with 4 new tutorials, pretty much covering every video tutorial by MNeMiC, except those about patches that IMO should be known to Radiant users from Q3A times.
Updates- Fixed/Updated parts of the tutorials are marked with *.
New Tutorials- *Trigger Doors - Use Monitor GUI to open Doors
- *Trigger an Explosion
- *SP - Trigger a Monster Spawn
- *SP - Wake up a Zombie
Presently I am thinking of possibly streamlining the tutorials a bit more. E.g. write up *once* how to texture/create a trigger_once brush, and just reference that. Ditto one on how to link objects.
One last tutorial I might like to add is the one on tiling textures for DOOM 3 in Photoshop.
Well... post what you think.
AEon@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 6:29 pm : So what else to add... *muse*...
MNeMiC@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 6:46 pm : I have made 2 new tutorials which aint out yet, but they will be soon =)
Also I have plans on about 15 others, just need some time =D
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 10:45 am : MNeMiC,
in that case this thread won't die that quickly

b0ksah@Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 8:29 am : Nice work dude

... printing

AEon@Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 12:42 pm : Even though I am back to good old GTKradiant and Q3A mapping - just works so much better for the designs, lighting I want to do - I'll take a look here from time to time and update the thread as a learning experience for the times when D3 MP finally works for ISDN.
zeOx@Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:02 am : these tuts really helped me out alot since i'm on a 56k modem

thanks alot!