cold_Fusion@Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 11:41 pm : 1. Create a new Trite and give it these keys/values:
key: hide value: 2
key: trigger_anim value: 256drop
2. Place the Trite where you want it to drop from. You have to actually have the Trite in the ceiling, with the red square, (the one under any entity) that would normally be on the floor, on the ceiling.
3. Now, create a thin new brush where you want the trigger to be. Press "N" to bring up the Entities Inspector, and (with the brush still selected) select from the dropdown box "trigger_once" and click create.
4. With the trigger_once brush still selected, select the Trite, and press Ctrl + K.
5. Compile your map and test it out!
Sloanbone@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 12:17 am : Sweet stuff! Can't wait to give it a try!
solo@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 7:15 pm : I tried this, and it worked right up to the part where the trite saw me and tried to jump at me. When it tried to jump, it exploded! Any ideas?
MNeMiC@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 8:25 pm : Video tutorial of that done - will fix pictures and put it online soon =)

Crabex@Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 8:40 pm : right mnemic a challenge !!!!
u seem to know ur edit but can u make a video tut on how to make a fully functional BIO SCANNER !!!!!!
i wont judge u any differant if u cant

heXum@Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 4:20 am : Actually, I'm getting the same thing. He drops from the web fine but when he jumps at me he explodes! Rather funny - but not what I want!
MNeMiC@Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:55 am : crabex - I guess I could if I learned scripting because it would have to be scripted, or, if I tried stuff with splines, but right now I don't have time for any of thoose. I just REMADE! this tutorial, I didn't come up with this method. Thank cold_Fusion for this!
Tutorials will be up tonight =)
heXum and solo - I belive the trite with jump at you and explode when it can't find any ways of getting near you and attacking you melee, I don't know what might be causing this, perhaps some objects in its way? Try making one in a big simple room, high to the ceiling. It works like a TICK

for me (ticks being the larger spiders I think)
solo@Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 12:23 pm : MNeMiC wrote:
heXum and solo - I belive the trite with jump at you and explode when it can't find any ways of getting near you and attacking you melee, I don't know what might be causing this, perhaps some objects in its way? Try making one in a big simple room, high to the ceiling. It works like a TICK

for me (ticks being the larger spiders I think)
I tried a bid empty room, and it still seems to be doing the same thing. I dont know why but it looks like the spider is stuck to the floor

Crabex@Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 1:03 pm : ok nps mnemic carry on the gr8 tutorials
they are like tiny cup cakes: small but filling

heXum@Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 2:15 pm : Well, it makes sense for me. The trite is behind a window and it can't get to the player. I was hoping it would keep trying and jumping at the window, but if it has to self-destruct then I guess it has to. Thanks.
MNeMiC@Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 2:21 pm : Solo, try a room with higher ceiling, it works for me with about 160 units high, I think it will notice when it hits the floor and then it will do an animation, and then convert into a 'normal' trite.
Crabex - lol =D
solo@Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 9:05 pm : [quote="MNeMiC"]Solo, try a room with higher ceiling, it works for me with about 160 units high, I think it will notice when it hits the floor and then it will do an animation, and then convert into a 'normal' trite.
Thanks MNeMic I got it to work. I built a new room with a height of 160, and now it works a trite

The strange thing is the first room I tried this in also had a height of 160, and if I move the trite and trigger back into the first room, it explodes when it tries to move. Weird..One thing I did notice was there doesn`t seem to be any "web" for them to climb down like your screenshot. Any ideas?
Note: I have downloaded all your video tutorials over the past few weeks, and they are great. But I have noticed on the last few you have done, it really sounds like you need a drink of water

MNeMiC@Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 9:47 pm : What's that supposed to mean really? Are they lacking content?
solo@Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:40 pm : MNeMiC wrote:
What's that supposed to mean really? Are they lacking content?
No. What I meant was the way you went from using a real voice to a computer generated one, it was like you have made so many tutorials you had got a sore throat. I think your tutorials are great and every one has helped me.
wARmAcH1n3@Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 12:47 am : thx u very much
i try since 2 days to get this to work
there is a key "no_explode" =1
-bluebox-@Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 1:40 am : how do you do step 2?
jbsss@Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:32 am : This all worked for me except i didnt use the
i used
The sucker did exactly what it was supposed to do =). HURRAY!!!!
Duff@Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 2:38 am : its not working for me! O_o.
the Trite starts to decend but after about 2 blocks he just snaps off - i think its because he sees me.
the room is 11 blocks high - blocks been err the bigger grid shape (base zombie is about 1 block and a bit).
for what im doing i REALLY REALLY need the Trite to decent all the way - or atleast till he hits a surface instead of just cutting off.
any ideas?
mintydog@Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 1:11 pm : yea nice tutorial im gonna put this to good use.
And as for the exploding trite, its not a problem youve done, they are programed to explode if they cant get right up to attack you. If there is nothing stopping them getting to you there must be a bug somewhere, but im having no trouble.
KoRnScythe@Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 6:46 am : I know this is very old
But I'm getting this
------------- Warnings ---------------
during compiling AAS...
WARNING: no entities inside
1 warnings
------------- Warnings ---------------
during compiling AAS...
WARNING: no entities inside
1 warnings
EVERY single time I try to get the trite to descend... It's annoying
I'll tell you what I got
I did every step the way its supposed to be
Made a trite, hide:2, trigger_anim:256drop, I have the trite in the ceiling but the red square inside the area, like its supposed to, everythings the way its supposed to be, but I get THAT error...
Every time, I even try to walk over the trigger, nothing happens, no trite, nothing.