This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
WOW!!!! I would just like to say THANK YOU to all involved in making this. I now know why my Bloody Bootprints were not showing up in game! Thank you for all your hard work. WOW!
Did I forget to say "WOW"!!!
AEon@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:59 am :
Hmmm... this is the second time I tried to download the pack form your site (v1 and then v2) via FlashGet... I can download about 9 MB and then the download stops, any further attempts to resume download do not work. WTH?
It is as if you only get a certain time to download the file (looks like 30 minutes exactly), and if your connect is not fast enough, you just can't download the file completely.
Edit: Hint - Mirror the file someone
cool-dude-here@Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:18 am :
All the links are broken D: Please someone...
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:21 am :
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good. 53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken. These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats============== // // Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708 // Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%) // Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%) // Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%) //==============================================
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
Notes: - Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game. - Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game. - Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats. - Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks. [EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 9:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 9:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 4:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 7:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 10:52 am :
WOW!!!! I would just like to say THANK YOU to all involved in making this. I now know why my Bloody Bootprints were not showing up in game! Thank you for all your hard work. WOW!
Did I forget to say "WOW"!!!
AEon@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 10:59 am :
Hmmm... this is the second time I tried to download the pack form your site (v1 and then v2) via FlashGet... I can download about 9 MB and then the download stops, any further attempts to resume download do not work. WTH?
It is as if you only get a certain time to download the file (looks like 30 minutes exactly), and if your connect is not fast enough, you just can't download the file completely.
Edit: Hint - Mirror the file someone
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:42 am :
Wouldn't it be easier to just go through all the MTR files and check to see if the reference images exist?
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:34 am :
I'm not too sure becasue all that would do is show you a 'broken' material rather than a 'dead' one - it's the difference between a material that's simple not used or one that's not complete both of which result in a useless material file
The only way to comprehensively check them would be to cross reference all material paths in material files for the corrisponding materials referenced on brushwork, game entities and models, at least that way you *know* what has at least been used as opposed to what is broken (which doesn't inherantly mean it's not been used).
ajm113@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:58 pm :
Can you give us a new link to download it at? Becuase I had to reinstall Doom3 and the clean meterials pack got deleted with Doom3. It seems like the place you picked is being shut down. I sujest
Anyone else have texture problems when playing Doom 3 with these packs installed? I have to remove them before playing or else I get tonnes of missing textures.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 2:53 pm :
The whole idea is to make editing easier. Nobody should be "playing" the game with these paks installed.
Hemebond@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:00 pm :
But if there are missing/broken textures, does that not mean the pack is missing some materials?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:22 am :
Okay, this is how the paks work and why it causes problems in the game...
First off, notice how all of the paks have the prefix "ZZ-".
The reason for this is because the engine loads PK4 files alphabetically. Therefore, these PK4s will be loaded last.
Second, if you open the clean materials pak, you'll see that it contains a materials folder and within this folder are *.mtr files with the exact same names as the ones packaged with the game.
Now, each of these *.mtr files is pretty much an exact replica of the original file with one exception. The broken shaders are commented out.
The result is the stock mtr files loaded into memory are replaced with the modified versions. Hence, the broken shaders no longer show up because they've been commented out.
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
So, the bottom line is that these paks are intended for use with the editor only. If you use it during gameplay, or during testing for that matter, things aren't going to work right.
Hemebond@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:36 am :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
That's the part I didn't know. Thanks. I understood this these packs were to just remove the broken shaders and clean up the materials window.
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:40 am :
Sorry to go on about this, but can I just get a clearer explanation:
I'm using the Clean Materials Paks (all of them) in the editor and I must say they are brilliant. Life is so much easier and I'm very, very grateful to the makers of these paks. When I test my modest maps I haven't noticed (yet) any problems in-game, by leaving the .paks still installed. Is the procedure that when I'm ready to play the game 'properly' again I should remove the .paks from the base folder? Even if the maps I'm playing are those created with the .paks installed? How does this affect users who may want to play maps I've created with the clean materials paks?
Or am I getting it all wrong?
Once again, though - these clean material paks are a real life-saver. I cannot believe the state of the editor as it was shipped. How on earth did id's developers ever find their way around such a confused jumble?
Skul@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:51 am :
Something happened during development where the materials got 'broken' (or something like that). They'll have worked when id was creating DOOM 3, I'm sure.
I usually remove the cleanpaks before playing the official levels, as they can cause problems such as large, black boxes where particle effects should be, solid black textures and even engine crashes (accompanied with a message that I can't quite remember. Something about a point being out of range, or similar).
You don't need to worry about creating levels with them. The paks just let you see what the textures are in the editor. As I said, something happened to them at some point.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:13 pm :
Before Doom 3 was shipped the folks at id stripped it of all image maps, models, ect... that weren't used. The problem is, they forgot to take care of all the declarations they broke in the process.
The clean paks attempt to fix this problem by overriding broken declarations and altering others to make the overall experience when working with the built-in tools more efficient. No new declarations are added so there's no need to be concerned about dependancies.
So, should you be using the paks during gameplay? No, for the reasons mentioned above by Skul. Would doing so bring about the Apocalypse? No but it's a good idea to test your maps under the same conditions as your userbase. And most of them are probably not going to download and use the clean paks.
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:40 pm :
Thanks for the explanations, guys - much clearer about using those pak files now!
cool-dude-here@Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:44 pm :
Can someone please give me a updated link to this please.
ademgraf@Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:07 am :
i would very much want new textures and some new skies for my maps but the only thing i see when i open the link is two ugly kids holding in game pads
cool-dude-here@Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:09 am :
ademgraf wrote:
i would very much want new textures and some new skies for my maps but the only thing i see when i open the link is two ugly kids holding in game pads
This PAK doesnt add anything, read the posts above. What it does is cleans up -ie: removes them from the editor program- so you dont see a whole bunch of things -Images, models etc- that you CANT use in game because:
When ID made doom 3 they made all the models and stuff blah blah blah and put the game together. They then stripped all the models etc that WASNT used in the GAME, this then broke other parts of the models leaving behind a nice mess for anyone who uses the editor to have to deal with. THUS someone got sick of it being there,made this PAK and cleans it up. AS for your link. Your not clicking the right one. Make sure your clicking the most up to date link (AKA not the one on the first page)
StroggMaster@Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:20 pm :
That's a good reason to do all your texturing in GtkRadiant 1.5, imo. At least the textures that actually are physically present are the only ones that you can actually use. Even tho I do my BSP work in GtkRadiant, most of my compiling, entities, and the rest are done with the built-in editor. It's good to use both editors for Doom 3 mapping.
cool-dude-here@Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:18 am :
All the links are broken D: Please someone...
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:21 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 2:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 6:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 5:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
cool-dude-here@Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:18 am :
All the links are broken D: Please someone...
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:21 am :
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good. 53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken. These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats============== // // Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708 // Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%) // Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%) // Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%) //==============================================
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
Notes: - Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game. - Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game. - Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats. - Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks. [EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 9:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 9:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 4:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 7:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 10:52 am :
WOW!!!! I would just like to say THANK YOU to all involved in making this. I now know why my Bloody Bootprints were not showing up in game! Thank you for all your hard work. WOW!
Did I forget to say "WOW"!!!
AEon@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 10:59 am :
Hmmm... this is the second time I tried to download the pack form your site (v1 and then v2) via FlashGet... I can download about 9 MB and then the download stops, any further attempts to resume download do not work. WTH?
It is as if you only get a certain time to download the file (looks like 30 minutes exactly), and if your connect is not fast enough, you just can't download the file completely.
Edit: Hint - Mirror the file someone
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:42 am :
Wouldn't it be easier to just go through all the MTR files and check to see if the reference images exist?
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:34 am :
I'm not too sure becasue all that would do is show you a 'broken' material rather than a 'dead' one - it's the difference between a material that's simple not used or one that's not complete both of which result in a useless material file
The only way to comprehensively check them would be to cross reference all material paths in material files for the corrisponding materials referenced on brushwork, game entities and models, at least that way you *know* what has at least been used as opposed to what is broken (which doesn't inherantly mean it's not been used).
ajm113@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:58 pm :
Can you give us a new link to download it at? Becuase I had to reinstall Doom3 and the clean meterials pack got deleted with Doom3. It seems like the place you picked is being shut down. I sujest
Anyone else have texture problems when playing Doom 3 with these packs installed? I have to remove them before playing or else I get tonnes of missing textures.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 2:53 pm :
The whole idea is to make editing easier. Nobody should be "playing" the game with these paks installed.
Hemebond@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:00 pm :
But if there are missing/broken textures, does that not mean the pack is missing some materials?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:22 am :
Okay, this is how the paks work and why it causes problems in the game...
First off, notice how all of the paks have the prefix "ZZ-".
The reason for this is because the engine loads PK4 files alphabetically. Therefore, these PK4s will be loaded last.
Second, if you open the clean materials pak, you'll see that it contains a materials folder and within this folder are *.mtr files with the exact same names as the ones packaged with the game.
Now, each of these *.mtr files is pretty much an exact replica of the original file with one exception. The broken shaders are commented out.
The result is the stock mtr files loaded into memory are replaced with the modified versions. Hence, the broken shaders no longer show up because they've been commented out.
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
So, the bottom line is that these paks are intended for use with the editor only. If you use it during gameplay, or during testing for that matter, things aren't going to work right.
Hemebond@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:36 am :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
That's the part I didn't know. Thanks. I understood this these packs were to just remove the broken shaders and clean up the materials window.
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:40 am :
Sorry to go on about this, but can I just get a clearer explanation:
I'm using the Clean Materials Paks (all of them) in the editor and I must say they are brilliant. Life is so much easier and I'm very, very grateful to the makers of these paks. When I test my modest maps I haven't noticed (yet) any problems in-game, by leaving the .paks still installed. Is the procedure that when I'm ready to play the game 'properly' again I should remove the .paks from the base folder? Even if the maps I'm playing are those created with the .paks installed? How does this affect users who may want to play maps I've created with the clean materials paks?
Or am I getting it all wrong?
Once again, though - these clean material paks are a real life-saver. I cannot believe the state of the editor as it was shipped. How on earth did id's developers ever find their way around such a confused jumble?
Skul@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:51 am :
Something happened during development where the materials got 'broken' (or something like that). They'll have worked when id was creating DOOM 3, I'm sure.
I usually remove the cleanpaks before playing the official levels, as they can cause problems such as large, black boxes where particle effects should be, solid black textures and even engine crashes (accompanied with a message that I can't quite remember. Something about a point being out of range, or similar).
You don't need to worry about creating levels with them. The paks just let you see what the textures are in the editor. As I said, something happened to them at some point.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:13 pm :
Before Doom 3 was shipped the folks at id stripped it of all image maps, models, ect... that weren't used. The problem is, they forgot to take care of all the declarations they broke in the process.
The clean paks attempt to fix this problem by overriding broken declarations and altering others to make the overall experience when working with the built-in tools more efficient. No new declarations are added so there's no need to be concerned about dependancies.
So, should you be using the paks during gameplay? No, for the reasons mentioned above by Skul. Would doing so bring about the Apocalypse? No but it's a good idea to test your maps under the same conditions as your userbase. And most of them are probably not going to download and use the clean paks.
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:40 pm :
Thanks for the explanations, guys - much clearer about using those pak files now!
cool-dude-here@Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:44 pm :
Can someone please give me a updated link to this please.
ademgraf@Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:07 am :
i would very much want new textures and some new skies for my maps but the only thing i see when i open the link is two ugly kids holding in game pads
cool-dude-here@Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:09 am :
ademgraf wrote:
i would very much want new textures and some new skies for my maps but the only thing i see when i open the link is two ugly kids holding in game pads
This PAK doesnt add anything, read the posts above. What it does is cleans up -ie: removes them from the editor program- so you dont see a whole bunch of things -Images, models etc- that you CANT use in game because:
When ID made doom 3 they made all the models and stuff blah blah blah and put the game together. They then stripped all the models etc that WASNT used in the GAME, this then broke other parts of the models leaving behind a nice mess for anyone who uses the editor to have to deal with. THUS someone got sick of it being there,made this PAK and cleans it up. AS for your link. Your not clicking the right one. Make sure your clicking the most up to date link (AKA not the one on the first page)
StroggMaster@Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:20 pm :
That's a good reason to do all your texturing in GtkRadiant 1.5, imo. At least the textures that actually are physically present are the only ones that you can actually use. Even tho I do my BSP work in GtkRadiant, most of my compiling, entities, and the rest are done with the built-in editor. It's good to use both editors for Doom 3 mapping.
cool-dude-here@Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:18 am :
All the links are broken D: Please someone...
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:21 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 2:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 6:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 5:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
WOW!!!! I would just like to say THANK YOU to all involved in making this. I now know why my Bloody Bootprints were not showing up in game! Thank you for all your hard work. WOW!
Did I forget to say "WOW"!!!
AEon@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:59 am :
Hmmm... this is the second time I tried to download the pack form your site (v1 and then v2) via FlashGet... I can download about 9 MB and then the download stops, any further attempts to resume download do not work. WTH?
It is as if you only get a certain time to download the file (looks like 30 minutes exactly), and if your connect is not fast enough, you just can't download the file completely.
Edit: Hint - Mirror the file someone
eskimo roll@Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 12:01 pm :
Cheers for all the effort thats gone into this, esp to Jafo & Eutectic, can't even begin to think about how many man hours this is going to save.
demonspawn@Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 4:43 pm :
Great work Eutectic, on behalf of all the D3 mappers.....thanks
Masher@Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 4:53 pm :
Regardless the fact it has been said numerous times before: Thanx alot for your work guys. This makes everything alot more fun
- Mash
TodT7@Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 6:29 pm :
I can barely imagine the amount of work has been done. It will save a fair amount of time for all of us who uses the editor.
Thank you again for all your hard work. I did notice however that the hell/crystal1 texture doesn't work anymore. It used to show this neat effect that would change colors depending on the angle you would view it, but now after the using your pk4 it just shows up black:
Before on top, with materials pak on bottom.
Also some other strange things pop up on my map:
Before on top, with materials pak on bottom. Usualy after killing an imp nearby.
I still use your awesome pak while editing, but just disable it when playing the game.
Eutectic@Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 9:36 pm :
Are you sure? Here's the original material code for textures/hell/crystal1 as written by Id software:
I checked the contents of the game's pak000.pk4 and pak004.pk4 and none of the textures (including env/reactor) refered to by this material exist. It's 100% broken from the start. I also did a search in all of Id's game maps and this material is not used in ANY of their maps.
The problem is that you used a broken material in your map. If it "used to produce a cool effect" then that's a fluke. It should not display anything at all. And it should not be used in maps.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 9:52 pm :
I think this is the part that does that "pseudo-iridecent" effect...
{ blend add cubeMap env/reactor texgen reflect }
Dr Evanzan@Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 9:53 pm :
Thanks for this, I've just completed Doom 3 and I'm about to start level creation in earnest, so I'm sure this will be very helpful.
However, I've come across a problem. The pentagram that appears (and then burns into the floor) when an imp or somesuch teleports in does not seem to display properly with the pk4. Instead it overlays badly for a while before disappearing, as per:
If you have an autosave for Central Processing handy then there is some handy examples right at the start of this level (at least on 'Marine' skill).
I'm afraid pointing you towards the specific shader is a bit beyond me at the moment!
Thanks again for all your work!
Eutectic@Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:05 pm :
Ok I uploaded a new fix: Version 3.
Thanks cold_Fusion for his precious feedback. A silly oversight on my part, I had forgotten to uncomment the material textures/decals/spawndecal in which is used by the game during demon spawns (but must not be used for texturing map geometry however).
If you're comfortable with WinZip, you can do the fix yourself easily without having to download a new version (assuming you already have V2). Here's how:
- rename the pk4 to .zip and double-click on it to open the file in WinZip
- scroll to the file, right-click on it and select "view with NOTEPAD.EXE"
- scroll down to where the material textures/decals/spawndecal is located
- remove the // double-slashes at the beginning of every line of that shader/material
- edit the qer_editorimage parameter to textures/editor/dontuse.tga
blend gl_zero, gl_one_minus_src_alpha map makealpha(textures/decals/spawndecal_burn) clamp // we don't want it to tile if the projection extends past the bounds //rgb decalFade[(time - Parm3)/(parm4 - parm3)] vertexColor // oblique projections will be slightly faded down }
{ blend add map textures/decals/spawndecal //rgb fireballtable[ time * .5 ] vertexColor // oblique projections will be slightly faded down } }
- save the file and close it, Winzip will notice the file has changed and ask you if you want to update the archive. Choose YES.
- that's it, your pak file is fixed. Just rename it to .pk4 again and you're ready to go.
But if you have a broadband connection and don't mind DL'ing a 13MB file, then simply go to the top post of this thread to download V3
Dr Evanzan@Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 11:01 pm :
Hey, cool, fixed already!
Eutectic@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:00 am :
NP , thanks for your feedback Dr Evanzan
MNeMiC@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 7:40 am :
In the next release you should fix the mirror texture, since it's pretty fucked up for some of the releases, in some versions it works fine, but in some (mine), it shows as a normal mirror, BUT! with a black text over it saying: MIRROR, really annoying =/
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 4:19 pm :
That already has been fixed. The problem is that an image remains from V1 that shouldn't be there at all:
V2 and V3 have fixed this by using a mirror_editor.tga image (or something like that) that is used only by the editor. The material file(s) from V2 and V3 still point to "base/textures/common/mirror", but, like I said, there shouldn't be an actual image called mirror.tga in the common directory at all.
When you updated to newer versions, there was no way to delete this unnecessary image (mirror.tga) so you have to do it yourself. Leave the mirror_editor.tga one alone though.
Eutectic@Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 1:58 am :
Ok let me explain in better detail to make this perfectly clear. This problem was caused by a series of circumstances which have to be described in their chronoligical order to understand what happened. Id's original code for the material textures/common/mirror (materials/ is as follows:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
Now the file textures/common/qer_mirror.tga does not exist in Id's standard pak004.pk4. So when Jafo first worked on his clean shader PAK, he must have noticed that DoomEdit's Texture view only displayed an empty black square for it. So he created that 64x64 pixel texture with the word Mirror in black letters on it. He named it qer_mirror.tga and put it in the "common" folder inside his d3weditor PAK file.
So now in DoomEdit's texture view, you see this custom qer_mirror.tga texture instead of a small black square and life is good right?.... Wrong!
By doing this, he accidentally broke the shader. Why? Because if you look at the code above, the blend add stage calls for the same texture: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga . And this is the reason why the word Mirror in black letters appears on the game mirrors. Now the game does find the texture (which it shouldn't in order to work properly).
You see, the mirror material is an exeptional case: it doesn't need an actual texture to work. In fact it must NOT use one. But for some reason, perhaps a "dummy" blend add stage is required to make it work properly. But the thing that really makes it a mirror is the "mirror" property in the material code.
My fault was that I didn't try applying the mirror texture on a patch and compile the map to see what it looks like in the game. I just assumed it worked properly and I didn't check the shader code either. IOW, my mistake was that I failed to spot Jafo's mistake. I realized the above particularity about the mirror material only after someone else spotted it for me (and I thank him for that).
Now. In order to fix it, qer_mirror.tga must not exist. But at the same time, I didn't want the Texture view in DoomEdit to display a black square as a result of not finding it. So the solution is to assign a different texture to the qer_editorimage parameter than the one that's called in the blend add stage of the material (which must not exist).
Since I won't change anything in the actual material code by principle (anything else than the qer_editorimage parameter IOW), I renamed the qer_mirror.tga texture created by Jafo to qer_mirror_editor.tga and I edited the qer_editorimage parameter in the material to point to THAT file instead.
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror_editor.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
So now, everybody's happy. The material is happy because it DOESN'T find qer_mirror.tga and mirrors works perfectly in the game. And the map designer is happy because DoomEdit's Texture window DOES find and display the 64x64 symbolic qer_mirror_editor.tga texture. Then I rebuilt a new PAK file and distributed it as Version 2.
If you see the word Mirror in black letters on mirrors in the game, that's due to one of the following 3 possibilities:
1. You're using Jafo's PAK instead of mine (some people may have these 2 confused). With all due respect and IMHO, nobody should use that PAK because there are many errors in it (119 to be exact, apart from the mirror thing).
2. You're using Version 1 of my PAK since this problem was fixed in Version 2 (and later)
3. You're using Version 2 or later but you have extracted the content of my PAK to your hard drive (against the specific recommendation in my readme file to NOT extract the content of the PAK). By extracting, you overwrote the file and extracted qer_mirror_editor.tga but qer_mirror.tga did NOT get deleted as it should have. Thus, the shader STILL finds the texture that it should not find and remains broken. By keeping stuff inside PAK files and simply using new PAK's, you avoid any possiblity of such a problem occuring.
If you want to extract stuff to look at it, go ahead but don't extract it in the game's base folder! That's asking for trouble.
Jafo@Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 4:45 am :
My bad on the mirror, I missed that it was using the same image as an alpha blend, kind of hard to do without an alpha channel:) So when the game didn't report a missing texture I did think life was good, as usual I should have looked in the mirror:) Thanks Eutectic for taking this to it's final step, I got pretty burnned out trying to clean up what seemed like 500 + shaders. PS, damn easy to break the alpha on some of those decals, might want to check the UAC decal too, I think I horked that one in the beginning. You ran into the same problems I did, env folder having odds and ends, like one of the id guys smoked a bowl then started dropping textures wherever he felt like it Also the BFG_wallmark (IT?) had me boggled cause I kept getting an error but it was fine. I did comment out some shaders that actually worked... even though I thought they did not, but I never found them being used in any of the maps. Well, great job, thanks for the final effort in this.
Eutectic@Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 8:16 am :
Jafo wrote:
My bad on the mirror, I missed that it was using the same image as an alpha blend, kind of hard to do without an alpha channel
Actually, it's an additive blendmap. Those don't require textures with an alpha channel. All this does is add the RGB value of every pixel in the texture to the RGB value of the pixels in texture underneath it. It's often used for the "illumination area" of light fixture textures.
Thanks Eutectic for taking this to it's final step, I got pretty burnned out trying to clean up what seemed like 500 + shaders.
Uhh... More like 3700+ (look at the file named stats.txt inside the zip file). And I'm not counting the model, particle and gui, etc materials...
PS, damn easy to break the alpha on some of those decals, might want to check the UAC decal too, I think I horked that one in the beginning.
Which one? There are several "UAC decals". How about a material name please? I hope you don't mean that you tried to modify the shader code itself (other than qer_editorimage) in the attempt to "make them work". Gaaawd please tell me it ain't so because if it is, then I'm in deep doodoo since I used your modified files as a starting point for the job.
You ran into the same problems I did, env folder having odds and ends, like one of the id guys smoked a bowl then started dropping textures wherever he felt like it
I don't really follow you here. The enviroment map textures in the env/ folder was the least of my worries. There was only a handful of them and they seemed fine to me.
Also the BFG_wallmark (IT?) had me boggled cause I kept getting an error but it was fine.
Do a search on the keyword "vertexcolor" and filter by poster name Eutectic. I bogged down on those too until someone explained to me what the "vertexcolor" shader parameter is for (meant for models only, not map brushes and patches). The textures/decals/bfg_wallmark material is one of those I call "naming convention offender materials". One of many that should never have been named textures/something but rather something like models/weapons/something for eg.
I did comment out some shaders that actually worked... even though I thought they did not
Yes, 66 to be exact. Not too bad considering theres 3700+ textures/something materials in the game's .mtr files
... but I never found them being used in any of the maps.
They didn't break anything in the game then. However, it did take away 66 good shaders from the map designer's "texture palette". Not a biggie perhaps but I wanted to make sure the mappers get the most out of the Doom Editor.
Well, great job, thanks for the final effort in this.
You're welcome. I would appreciate if you clarified your UAC decal comment above. It's a rather burning question for me.
bb_matt@FIXME failed to extract:
Doom 3 world • View topic - New DoomEdit CleanMaterials pak file download
Thank you again for all your hard work. I did notice however that the hell/crystal1 texture doesn't work anymore. It used to show this neat effect that would change colors depending on the angle you would view it, but now after the using your pk4 it just shows up black:
Before on top, with materials pak on bottom.
Also some other strange things pop up on my map:
Before on top, with materials pak on bottom. Usualy after killing an imp nearby.
I still use your awesome pak while editing, but just disable it when playing the game.
I checked the contents of the game's pak000.pk4 and pak004.pk4 and none of the textures (including env/reactor) refered to by this material exist. It's 100% broken from the start. I also did a search in all of Id's game maps and this material is not used in ANY of their maps.
The problem is that you used a broken material in your map. If it "used to produce a cool effect" then that's a fluke. It should not display anything at all. And it should not be used in maps.
Thanks for this, I've just completed Doom 3 and I'm about to start level creation in earnest, so I'm sure this will be very helpful.
However, I've come across a problem. The pentagram that appears (and then burns into the floor) when an imp or somesuch teleports in does not seem to display properly with the pk4. Instead it overlays badly for a while before disappearing, as per:
If you have an autosave for Central Processing handy then there is some handy examples right at the start of this level (at least on 'Marine' skill).
I'm afraid pointing you towards the specific shader is a bit beyond me at the moment!
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
Ok I uploaded a new fix: Version 3.
Thanks cold_Fusion for his precious feedback. A silly oversight on my part, I had forgotten to uncomment the material textures/decals/spawndecal in which is used by the game during demon spawns (but must not be used for texturing map geometry however).
If you're comfortable with WinZip, you can do the fix yourself easily without having to download a new version (assuming you already have V2). Here's how:
- rename the pk4 to .zip and double-click on it to open the file in WinZip
- scroll to the file, right-click on it and select "view with NOTEPAD.EXE"
- scroll down to where the material textures/decals/spawndecal is located
- remove the // double-slashes at the beginning of every line of that shader/material
- edit the qer_editorimage parameter to textures/editor/dontuse.tga
blend gl_zero, gl_one_minus_src_alpha map makealpha(textures/decals/spawndecal_burn) clamp // we don't want it to tile if the projection extends past the bounds //rgb decalFade[(time - Parm3)/(parm4 - parm3)] vertexColor // oblique projections will be slightly faded down }
{ blend add map textures/decals/spawndecal //rgb fireballtable[ time * .5 ] vertexColor // oblique projections will be slightly faded down } }
- save the file and close it, Winzip will notice the file has changed and ask you if you want to update the archive. Choose YES.
- that's it, your pak file is fixed. Just rename it to .pk4 again and you're ready to go.
But if you have a broadband connection and don't mind DL'ing a 13MB file, then simply go to the top post of this thread to download V3
Joined: Tue Aug 03, 2004 5:31 pm Posts: 510 Location: Sweden
In the next release you should fix the mirror texture, since it's pretty fucked up for some of the releases, in some versions it works fine, but in some (mine), it shows as a normal mirror, BUT! with a black text over it saying: MIRROR, really annoying =/
That already has been fixed. The problem is that an image remains from V1 that shouldn't be there at all:
V2 and V3 have fixed this by using a mirror_editor.tga image (or something like that) that is used only by the editor. The material file(s) from V2 and V3 still point to "base/textures/common/mirror", but, like I said, there shouldn't be an actual image called mirror.tga in the common directory at all.
When you updated to newer versions, there was no way to delete this unnecessary image (mirror.tga) so you have to do it yourself. Leave the mirror_editor.tga one alone though.
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
Ok let me explain in better detail to make this perfectly clear. This problem was caused by a series of circumstances which have to be described in their chronoligical order to understand what happened. Id's original code for the material textures/common/mirror (materials/ is as follows:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
Now the file textures/common/qer_mirror.tga does not exist in Id's standard pak004.pk4. So when Jafo first worked on his clean shader PAK, he must have noticed that DoomEdit's Texture view only displayed an empty black square for it. So he created that 64x64 pixel texture with the word Mirror in black letters on it. He named it qer_mirror.tga and put it in the "common" folder inside his d3weditor PAK file.
So now in DoomEdit's texture view, you see this custom qer_mirror.tga texture instead of a small black square and life is good right?.... Wrong!
By doing this, he accidentally broke the shader. Why? Because if you look at the code above, the blend add stage calls for the same texture: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga . And this is the reason why the word Mirror in black letters appears on the game mirrors. Now the game does find the texture (which it shouldn't in order to work properly).
You see, the mirror material is an exeptional case: it doesn't need an actual texture to work. In fact it must NOT use one. But for some reason, perhaps a "dummy" blend add stage is required to make it work properly. But the thing that really makes it a mirror is the "mirror" property in the material code.
My fault was that I didn't try applying the mirror texture on a patch and compile the map to see what it looks like in the game. I just assumed it worked properly and I didn't check the shader code either. IOW, my mistake was that I failed to spot Jafo's mistake. I realized the above particularity about the mirror material only after someone else spotted it for me (and I thank him for that).
Now. In order to fix it, qer_mirror.tga must not exist. But at the same time, I didn't want the Texture view in DoomEdit to display a black square as a result of not finding it. So the solution is to assign a different texture to the qer_editorimage parameter than the one that's called in the blend add stage of the material (which must not exist).
Since I won't change anything in the actual material code by principle (anything else than the qer_editorimage parameter IOW), I renamed the qer_mirror.tga texture created by Jafo to qer_mirror_editor.tga and I edited the qer_editorimage parameter in the material to point to THAT file instead.
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror_editor.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
So now, everybody's happy. The material is happy because it DOESN'T find qer_mirror.tga and mirrors works perfectly in the game. And the map designer is happy because DoomEdit's Texture window DOES find and display the 64x64 symbolic qer_mirror_editor.tga texture. Then I rebuilt a new PAK file and distributed it as Version 2.
If you see the word Mirror in black letters on mirrors in the game, that's due to one of the following 3 possibilities:
1. You're using Jafo's PAK instead of mine (some people may have these 2 confused). With all due respect and IMHO, nobody should use that PAK because there are many errors in it (119 to be exact, apart from the mirror thing).
2. You're using Version 1 of my PAK since this problem was fixed in Version 2 (and later)
3. You're using Version 2 or later but you have extracted the content of my PAK to your hard drive (against the specific recommendation in my readme file to NOT extract the content of the PAK). By extracting, you overwrote the file and extracted qer_mirror_editor.tga but qer_mirror.tga did NOT get deleted as it should have. Thus, the shader STILL finds the texture that it should not find and remains broken. By keeping stuff inside PAK files and simply using new PAK's, you avoid any possiblity of such a problem occuring.
If you want to extract stuff to look at it, go ahead but don't extract it in the game's base folder! That's asking for trouble.
Joined: Thu May 08, 2003 5:53 am Posts: 113 Location: Appleton, WI.
My bad on the mirror, I missed that it was using the same image as an alpha blend, kind of hard to do without an alpha channel:) So when the game didn't report a missing texture I did think life was good, as usual I should have looked in the mirror:) Thanks Eutectic for taking this to it's final step, I got pretty burnned out trying to clean up what seemed like 500 + shaders. PS, damn easy to break the alpha on some of those decals, might want to check the UAC decal too, I think I horked that one in the beginning. You ran into the same problems I did, env folder having odds and ends, like one of the id guys smoked a bowl then started dropping textures wherever he felt like it Also the BFG_wallmark (IT?) had me boggled cause I kept getting an error but it was fine. I did comment out some shaders that actually worked... even though I thought they did not, but I never found them being used in any of the maps. Well, great job, thanks for the final effort in this.
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Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
Jafo wrote:
My bad on the mirror, I missed that it was using the same image as an alpha blend, kind of hard to do without an alpha channel
Actually, it's an additive blendmap. Those don't require textures with an alpha channel. All this does is add the RGB value of every pixel in the texture to the RGB value of the pixels in texture underneath it. It's often used for the "illumination area" of light fixture textures.
Thanks Eutectic for taking this to it's final step, I got pretty burnned out trying to clean up what seemed like 500 + shaders.
Uhh... More like 3700+ (look at the file named stats.txt inside the zip file). And I'm not counting the model, particle and gui, etc materials...
PS, damn easy to break the alpha on some of those decals, might want to check the UAC decal too, I think I horked that one in the beginning.
Which one? There are several "UAC decals". How about a material name please? I hope you don't mean that you tried to modify the shader code itself (other than qer_editorimage) in the attempt to "make them work". Gaaawd please tell me it ain't so because if it is, then I'm in deep doodoo since I used your modified files as a starting point for the job.
You ran into the same problems I did, env folder having odds and ends, like one of the id guys smoked a bowl then started dropping textures wherever he felt like it
I don't really follow you here. The enviroment map textures in the env/ folder was the least of my worries. There was only a handful of them and they seemed fine to me.
Also the BFG_wallmark (IT?) had me boggled cause I kept getting an error but it was fine.
Do a search on the keyword "vertexcolor" and filter by poster name Eutectic. I bogged down on those too until someone explained to me what the "vertexcolor" shader parameter is for (meant for models only, not map brushes and patches). The textures/decals/bfg_wallmark material is one of those I call "naming convention offender materials". One of many that should never have been named textures/something but rather something like models/weapons/something for eg.
I did comment out some shaders that actually worked... even though I thought they did not
Yes, 66 to be exact. Not too bad considering theres 3700+ textures/something materials in the game's .mtr files
... but I never found them being used in any of the maps.
They didn't break anything in the game then. However, it did take away 66 good shaders from the map designer's "texture palette". Not a biggie perhaps but I wanted to make sure the mappers get the most out of the Doom Editor.
Well, great job, thanks for the final effort in this.
You're welcome. I would appreciate if you clarified your UAC decal comment above. It's a rather burning question for me.
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good. 53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken. These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats============== // // Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708 // Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%) // Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%) // Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%) //==============================================
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
Notes: - Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game. - Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game. - Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats. - Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks. [EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 9:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 9:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 4:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 7:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 10:52 am :
WOW!!!! I would just like to say THANK YOU to all involved in making this. I now know why my Bloody Bootprints were not showing up in game! Thank you for all your hard work. WOW!
Did I forget to say "WOW"!!!
AEon@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 10:59 am :
Hmmm... this is the second time I tried to download the pack form your site (v1 and then v2) via FlashGet... I can download about 9 MB and then the download stops, any further attempts to resume download do not work. WTH?
It is as if you only get a certain time to download the file (looks like 30 minutes exactly), and if your connect is not fast enough, you just can't download the file completely.
Edit: Hint - Mirror the file someone
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:42 am :
Wouldn't it be easier to just go through all the MTR files and check to see if the reference images exist?
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:34 am :
I'm not too sure becasue all that would do is show you a 'broken' material rather than a 'dead' one - it's the difference between a material that's simple not used or one that's not complete both of which result in a useless material file
The only way to comprehensively check them would be to cross reference all material paths in material files for the corrisponding materials referenced on brushwork, game entities and models, at least that way you *know* what has at least been used as opposed to what is broken (which doesn't inherantly mean it's not been used).
ajm113@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:58 pm :
Can you give us a new link to download it at? Becuase I had to reinstall Doom3 and the clean meterials pack got deleted with Doom3. It seems like the place you picked is being shut down. I sujest
Anyone else have texture problems when playing Doom 3 with these packs installed? I have to remove them before playing or else I get tonnes of missing textures.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 2:53 pm :
The whole idea is to make editing easier. Nobody should be "playing" the game with these paks installed.
Hemebond@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:00 pm :
But if there are missing/broken textures, does that not mean the pack is missing some materials?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:22 am :
Okay, this is how the paks work and why it causes problems in the game...
First off, notice how all of the paks have the prefix "ZZ-".
The reason for this is because the engine loads PK4 files alphabetically. Therefore, these PK4s will be loaded last.
Second, if you open the clean materials pak, you'll see that it contains a materials folder and within this folder are *.mtr files with the exact same names as the ones packaged with the game.
Now, each of these *.mtr files is pretty much an exact replica of the original file with one exception. The broken shaders are commented out.
The result is the stock mtr files loaded into memory are replaced with the modified versions. Hence, the broken shaders no longer show up because they've been commented out.
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
So, the bottom line is that these paks are intended for use with the editor only. If you use it during gameplay, or during testing for that matter, things aren't going to work right.
Hemebond@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:36 am :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
That's the part I didn't know. Thanks. I understood this these packs were to just remove the broken shaders and clean up the materials window.
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:40 am :
Sorry to go on about this, but can I just get a clearer explanation:
I'm using the Clean Materials Paks (all of them) in the editor and I must say they are brilliant. Life is so much easier and I'm very, very grateful to the makers of these paks. When I test my modest maps I haven't noticed (yet) any problems in-game, by leaving the .paks still installed. Is the procedure that when I'm ready to play the game 'properly' again I should remove the .paks from the base folder? Even if the maps I'm playing are those created with the .paks installed? How does this affect users who may want to play maps I've created with the clean materials paks?
Or am I getting it all wrong?
Once again, though - these clean material paks are a real life-saver. I cannot believe the state of the editor as it was shipped. How on earth did id's developers ever find their way around such a confused jumble?
Skul@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:51 am :
Something happened during development where the materials got 'broken' (or something like that). They'll have worked when id was creating DOOM 3, I'm sure.
I usually remove the cleanpaks before playing the official levels, as they can cause problems such as large, black boxes where particle effects should be, solid black textures and even engine crashes (accompanied with a message that I can't quite remember. Something about a point being out of range, or similar).
You don't need to worry about creating levels with them. The paks just let you see what the textures are in the editor. As I said, something happened to them at some point.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:13 pm :
Before Doom 3 was shipped the folks at id stripped it of all image maps, models, ect... that weren't used. The problem is, they forgot to take care of all the declarations they broke in the process.
The clean paks attempt to fix this problem by overriding broken declarations and altering others to make the overall experience when working with the built-in tools more efficient. No new declarations are added so there's no need to be concerned about dependancies.
So, should you be using the paks during gameplay? No, for the reasons mentioned above by Skul. Would doing so bring about the Apocalypse? No but it's a good idea to test your maps under the same conditions as your userbase. And most of them are probably not going to download and use the clean paks.
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:40 pm :
Thanks for the explanations, guys - much clearer about using those pak files now!
cool-dude-here@Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:44 pm :
Can someone please give me a updated link to this please.
ademgraf@Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:07 am :
i would very much want new textures and some new skies for my maps but the only thing i see when i open the link is two ugly kids holding in game pads
cool-dude-here@Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:09 am :
ademgraf wrote:
i would very much want new textures and some new skies for my maps but the only thing i see when i open the link is two ugly kids holding in game pads
This PAK doesnt add anything, read the posts above. What it does is cleans up -ie: removes them from the editor program- so you dont see a whole bunch of things -Images, models etc- that you CANT use in game because:
When ID made doom 3 they made all the models and stuff blah blah blah and put the game together. They then stripped all the models etc that WASNT used in the GAME, this then broke other parts of the models leaving behind a nice mess for anyone who uses the editor to have to deal with. THUS someone got sick of it being there,made this PAK and cleans it up. AS for your link. Your not clicking the right one. Make sure your clicking the most up to date link (AKA not the one on the first page)
StroggMaster@Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:20 pm :
That's a good reason to do all your texturing in GtkRadiant 1.5, imo. At least the textures that actually are physically present are the only ones that you can actually use. Even tho I do my BSP work in GtkRadiant, most of my compiling, entities, and the rest are done with the built-in editor. It's good to use both editors for Doom 3 mapping.
cool-dude-here@Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:18 am :
All the links are broken D: Please someone...
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:21 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 2:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 6:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 5:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
PaladinOfKaos@Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:26 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
PaladinOfKaos@Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:26 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
PaladinOfKaos@Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:26 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
PaladinOfKaos@Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:26 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
PaladinOfKaos@Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:26 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
PaladinOfKaos@Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:26 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
PaladinOfKaos@Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:26 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
PaladinOfKaos@Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:26 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
PaladinOfKaos@Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:26 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
PaladinOfKaos@Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:26 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
PaladinOfKaos@Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:26 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
PaladinOfKaos@Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:26 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
PaladinOfKaos@Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:26 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
PaladinOfKaos@Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:26 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
PaladinOfKaos@Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:26 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
PaladinOfKaos@Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:26 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
PaladinOfKaos@Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:26 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:42 am :
Wouldn't it be easier to just go through all the MTR files and check to see if the reference images exist?
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:34 am :
I'm not too sure becasue all that would do is show you a 'broken' material rather than a 'dead' one - it's the difference between a material that's simple not used or one that's not complete both of which result in a useless material file
The only way to comprehensively check them would be to cross reference all material paths in material files for the corrisponding materials referenced on brushwork, game entities and models, at least that way you *know* what has at least been used as opposed to what is broken (which doesn't inherantly mean it's not been used).
ajm113@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:58 pm :
Can you give us a new link to download it at? Becuase I had to reinstall Doom3 and the clean meterials pack got deleted with Doom3. It seems like the place you picked is being shut down. I sujest
Anyone else have texture problems when playing Doom 3 with these packs installed? I have to remove them before playing or else I get tonnes of missing textures.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:53 pm :
The whole idea is to make editing easier. Nobody should be "playing" the game with these paks installed.
Hemebond@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:00 pm :
But if there are missing/broken textures, does that not mean the pack is missing some materials?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:22 am :
Okay, this is how the paks work and why it causes problems in the game...
First off, notice how all of the paks have the prefix "ZZ-".
The reason for this is because the engine loads PK4 files alphabetically. Therefore, these PK4s will be loaded last.
Second, if you open the clean materials pak, you'll see that it contains a materials folder and within this folder are *.mtr files with the exact same names as the ones packaged with the game.
Now, each of these *.mtr files is pretty much an exact replica of the original file with one exception. The broken shaders are commented out.
The result is the stock mtr files loaded into memory are replaced with the modified versions. Hence, the broken shaders no longer show up because they've been commented out.
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
So, the bottom line is that these paks are intended for use with the editor only. If you use it during gameplay, or during testing for that matter, things aren't going to work right.
Hemebond@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:36 am :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
That's the part I didn't know. Thanks. I understood this these packs were to just remove the broken shaders and clean up the materials window.
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:40 am :
Sorry to go on about this, but can I just get a clearer explanation:
I'm using the Clean Materials Paks (all of them) in the editor and I must say they are brilliant. Life is so much easier and I'm very, very grateful to the makers of these paks. When I test my modest maps I haven't noticed (yet) any problems in-game, by leaving the .paks still installed. Is the procedure that when I'm ready to play the game 'properly' again I should remove the .paks from the base folder? Even if the maps I'm playing are those created with the .paks installed? How does this affect users who may want to play maps I've created with the clean materials paks?
Or am I getting it all wrong?
Once again, though - these clean material paks are a real life-saver. I cannot believe the state of the editor as it was shipped. How on earth did id's developers ever find their way around such a confused jumble?
Skul@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:51 am :
Something happened during development where the materials got 'broken' (or something like that). They'll have worked when id was creating DOOM 3, I'm sure.
I usually remove the cleanpaks before playing the official levels, as they can cause problems such as large, black boxes where particle effects should be, solid black textures and even engine crashes (accompanied with a message that I can't quite remember. Something about a point being out of range, or similar).
You don't need to worry about creating levels with them. The paks just let you see what the textures are in the editor. As I said, something happened to them at some point.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:13 am :
Before Doom 3 was shipped the folks at id stripped it of all image maps, models, ect... that weren't used. The problem is, they forgot to take care of all the declarations they broke in the process.
The clean paks attempt to fix this problem by overriding broken declarations and altering others to make the overall experience when working with the built-in tools more efficient. No new declarations are added so there's no need to be concerned about dependancies.
So, should you be using the paks during gameplay? No, for the reasons mentioned above by Skul. Would doing so bring about the Apocalypse? No but it's a good idea to test your maps under the same conditions as your userbase. And most of them are probably not going to download and use the clean paks.
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:40 am :
Thanks for the explanations, guys - much clearer about using those pak files now!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:42 am Post subject: : Wouldn't it be easier to just go through all the MTR files and check to see if the reference images exist? _________________ Staff
Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:34 am Post subject: : I'm not too sure becasue all that would do is show you a 'broken' material rather than a 'dead' one - it's the difference between a material that's simple not used or one that's not complete both of which result in a useless material file
The only way to comprehensively check them would be to cross reference all material paths in material files for the corrisponding materials referenced on brushwork, game entities and models, at least that way you *know* what has at least been used as opposed to what is broken (which doesn't inherantly mean it's not been used). _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips ajm113@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:58 pm Post subject: : Can you give us a new link to download it at? Becuase I had to reinstall Doom3 and the clean meterials pack got deleted with Doom3. It seems like the place you picked is being shut down. I sujest _________________ My study shows a 90% of users that go to Yahoo Awnsers don't know how to use Google and are lazy. Then the other half does know how to use Google, but only use Awnsers for awnsers they can't find on Google. I must say: Wow. :0 Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:30 pm Post subject: : I already uploaded them a few days ago. The link is;5299910;;/fileinfo.html. _________________ My Doom 3 Blog -- Latest update: 16 May
Severance: General talk gone Next Gen (link updated) ajm113@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:20 pm Post subject: : Cool, thanks. I also want to put the file on my site at if the maker of this great file does not mind. _________________ My study shows a 90% of users that go to Yahoo Awnsers don't know how to use Google and are lazy. Then the other half does know how to use Google, but only use Awnsers for awnsers they can't find on Google. I must say: Wow. :0 skyfox7@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 6:24 am Post subject: : i cant even get the link site to show up, let alone download it Zakyrus@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 6:44 am Post subject: :
skyfox7 wrote:
i cant even get the link site to show up, let alone download it
Try this:;5299910;;/fileinfo.html. _________________ "You got the Shotgun!" Hemebond@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 12:19 pm Post subject: : Anyone else have texture problems when playing Doom 3 with these packs installed? I have to remove them before playing or else I get tonnes of missing textures. rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:53 pm Post subject: : The whole idea is to make editing easier. Nobody should be "playing" the game with these paks installed. _________________ Staff
Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on Hemebond@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:00 pm Post subject: : But if there are missing/broken textures, does that not mean the pack is missing some materials? rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:22 am Post subject: : Okay, this is how the paks work and why it causes problems in the game...
First off, notice how all of the paks have the prefix "ZZ-".
The reason for this is because the engine loads PK4 files alphabetically. Therefore, these PK4s will be loaded last.
Second, if you open the clean materials pak, you'll see that it contains a materials folder and within this folder are *.mtr files with the exact same names as the ones packaged with the game.
Now, each of these *.mtr files is pretty much an exact replica of the original file with one exception. The broken shaders are commented out.
The result is the stock mtr files loaded into memory are replaced with the modified versions. Hence, the broken shaders no longer show up because they've been commented out.
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
So, the bottom line is that these paks are intended for use with the editor only. If you use it during gameplay, or during testing for that matter, things aren't going to work right. _________________ Staff
Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on Hemebond@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:36 am Post subject: :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
That's the part I didn't know. Thanks. I understood this these packs were to just remove the broken shaders and clean up the materials window. rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:42 am :
Wouldn't it be easier to just go through all the MTR files and check to see if the reference images exist?
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:34 am :
I'm not too sure becasue all that would do is show you a 'broken' material rather than a 'dead' one - it's the difference between a material that's simple not used or one that's not complete both of which result in a useless material file
The only way to comprehensively check them would be to cross reference all material paths in material files for the corrisponding materials referenced on brushwork, game entities and models, at least that way you *know* what has at least been used as opposed to what is broken (which doesn't inherantly mean it's not been used).
ajm113@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:58 pm :
Can you give us a new link to download it at? Becuase I had to reinstall Doom3 and the clean meterials pack got deleted with Doom3. It seems like the place you picked is being shut down. I sujest
Anyone else have texture problems when playing Doom 3 with these packs installed? I have to remove them before playing or else I get tonnes of missing textures.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:53 pm :
The whole idea is to make editing easier. Nobody should be "playing" the game with these paks installed.
Hemebond@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:00 pm :
But if there are missing/broken textures, does that not mean the pack is missing some materials?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:22 am :
Okay, this is how the paks work and why it causes problems in the game...
First off, notice how all of the paks have the prefix "ZZ-".
The reason for this is because the engine loads PK4 files alphabetically. Therefore, these PK4s will be loaded last.
Second, if you open the clean materials pak, you'll see that it contains a materials folder and within this folder are *.mtr files with the exact same names as the ones packaged with the game.
Now, each of these *.mtr files is pretty much an exact replica of the original file with one exception. The broken shaders are commented out.
The result is the stock mtr files loaded into memory are replaced with the modified versions. Hence, the broken shaders no longer show up because they've been commented out.
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
So, the bottom line is that these paks are intended for use with the editor only. If you use it during gameplay, or during testing for that matter, things aren't going to work right.
Hemebond@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:36 am :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
That's the part I didn't know. Thanks. I understood this these packs were to just remove the broken shaders and clean up the materials window.
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:40 am :
Sorry to go on about this, but can I just get a clearer explanation:
I'm using the Clean Materials Paks (all of them) in the editor and I must say they are brilliant. Life is so much easier and I'm very, very grateful to the makers of these paks. When I test my modest maps I haven't noticed (yet) any problems in-game, by leaving the .paks still installed. Is the procedure that when I'm ready to play the game 'properly' again I should remove the .paks from the base folder? Even if the maps I'm playing are those created with the .paks installed? How does this affect users who may want to play maps I've created with the clean materials paks?
Or am I getting it all wrong?
Once again, though - these clean material paks are a real life-saver. I cannot believe the state of the editor as it was shipped. How on earth did id's developers ever find their way around such a confused jumble?
Skul@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:51 am :
Something happened during development where the materials got 'broken' (or something like that). They'll have worked when id was creating DOOM 3, I'm sure.
I usually remove the cleanpaks before playing the official levels, as they can cause problems such as large, black boxes where particle effects should be, solid black textures and even engine crashes (accompanied with a message that I can't quite remember. Something about a point being out of range, or similar).
You don't need to worry about creating levels with them. The paks just let you see what the textures are in the editor. As I said, something happened to them at some point.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:13 am :
Before Doom 3 was shipped the folks at id stripped it of all image maps, models, ect... that weren't used. The problem is, they forgot to take care of all the declarations they broke in the process.
The clean paks attempt to fix this problem by overriding broken declarations and altering others to make the overall experience when working with the built-in tools more efficient. No new declarations are added so there's no need to be concerned about dependancies.
So, should you be using the paks during gameplay? No, for the reasons mentioned above by Skul. Would doing so bring about the Apocalypse? No but it's a good idea to test your maps under the same conditions as your userbase. And most of them are probably not going to download and use the clean paks.
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:40 am :
Thanks for the explanations, guys - much clearer about using those pak files now!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:42 am :
Wouldn't it be easier to just go through all the MTR files and check to see if the reference images exist?
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:34 am :
I'm not too sure becasue all that would do is show you a 'broken' material rather than a 'dead' one - it's the difference between a material that's simple not used or one that's not complete both of which result in a useless material file
The only way to comprehensively check them would be to cross reference all material paths in material files for the corrisponding materials referenced on brushwork, game entities and models, at least that way you *know* what has at least been used as opposed to what is broken (which doesn't inherantly mean it's not been used).
ajm113@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:58 pm :
Can you give us a new link to download it at? Becuase I had to reinstall Doom3 and the clean meterials pack got deleted with Doom3. It seems like the place you picked is being shut down. I sujest
Anyone else have texture problems when playing Doom 3 with these packs installed? I have to remove them before playing or else I get tonnes of missing textures.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:53 pm :
The whole idea is to make editing easier. Nobody should be "playing" the game with these paks installed.
Hemebond@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:00 pm :
But if there are missing/broken textures, does that not mean the pack is missing some materials?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:22 am :
Okay, this is how the paks work and why it causes problems in the game...
First off, notice how all of the paks have the prefix "ZZ-".
The reason for this is because the engine loads PK4 files alphabetically. Therefore, these PK4s will be loaded last.
Second, if you open the clean materials pak, you'll see that it contains a materials folder and within this folder are *.mtr files with the exact same names as the ones packaged with the game.
Now, each of these *.mtr files is pretty much an exact replica of the original file with one exception. The broken shaders are commented out.
The result is the stock mtr files loaded into memory are replaced with the modified versions. Hence, the broken shaders no longer show up because they've been commented out.
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
So, the bottom line is that these paks are intended for use with the editor only. If you use it during gameplay, or during testing for that matter, things aren't going to work right.
Hemebond@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:36 am :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
That's the part I didn't know. Thanks. I understood this these packs were to just remove the broken shaders and clean up the materials window.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:42 am :
Wouldn't it be easier to just go through all the MTR files and check to see if the reference images exist?
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:34 am :
I'm not too sure becasue all that would do is show you a 'broken' material rather than a 'dead' one - it's the difference between a material that's simple not used or one that's not complete both of which result in a useless material file
The only way to comprehensively check them would be to cross reference all material paths in material files for the corrisponding materials referenced on brushwork, game entities and models, at least that way you *know* what has at least been used as opposed to what is broken (which doesn't inherantly mean it's not been used).
ajm113@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:58 pm :
Can you give us a new link to download it at? Becuase I had to reinstall Doom3 and the clean meterials pack got deleted with Doom3. It seems like the place you picked is being shut down. I sujest
Anyone else have texture problems when playing Doom 3 with these packs installed? I have to remove them before playing or else I get tonnes of missing textures.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:53 pm :
The whole idea is to make editing easier. Nobody should be "playing" the game with these paks installed.
Hemebond@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:00 pm :
But if there are missing/broken textures, does that not mean the pack is missing some materials?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:22 am :
Okay, this is how the paks work and why it causes problems in the game...
First off, notice how all of the paks have the prefix "ZZ-".
The reason for this is because the engine loads PK4 files alphabetically. Therefore, these PK4s will be loaded last.
Second, if you open the clean materials pak, you'll see that it contains a materials folder and within this folder are *.mtr files with the exact same names as the ones packaged with the game.
Now, each of these *.mtr files is pretty much an exact replica of the original file with one exception. The broken shaders are commented out.
The result is the stock mtr files loaded into memory are replaced with the modified versions. Hence, the broken shaders no longer show up because they've been commented out.
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
So, the bottom line is that these paks are intended for use with the editor only. If you use it during gameplay, or during testing for that matter, things aren't going to work right.
Hemebond@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:36 am :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
That's the part I didn't know. Thanks. I understood this these packs were to just remove the broken shaders and clean up the materials window.
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:40 am :
Sorry to go on about this, but can I just get a clearer explanation:
I'm using the Clean Materials Paks (all of them) in the editor and I must say they are brilliant. Life is so much easier and I'm very, very grateful to the makers of these paks. When I test my modest maps I haven't noticed (yet) any problems in-game, by leaving the .paks still installed. Is the procedure that when I'm ready to play the game 'properly' again I should remove the .paks from the base folder? Even if the maps I'm playing are those created with the .paks installed? How does this affect users who may want to play maps I've created with the clean materials paks?
Or am I getting it all wrong?
Once again, though - these clean material paks are a real life-saver. I cannot believe the state of the editor as it was shipped. How on earth did id's developers ever find their way around such a confused jumble?
Skul@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:51 am :
Something happened during development where the materials got 'broken' (or something like that). They'll have worked when id was creating DOOM 3, I'm sure.
I usually remove the cleanpaks before playing the official levels, as they can cause problems such as large, black boxes where particle effects should be, solid black textures and even engine crashes (accompanied with a message that I can't quite remember. Something about a point being out of range, or similar).
You don't need to worry about creating levels with them. The paks just let you see what the textures are in the editor. As I said, something happened to them at some point.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:13 am :
Before Doom 3 was shipped the folks at id stripped it of all image maps, models, ect... that weren't used. The problem is, they forgot to take care of all the declarations they broke in the process.
The clean paks attempt to fix this problem by overriding broken declarations and altering others to make the overall experience when working with the built-in tools more efficient. No new declarations are added so there's no need to be concerned about dependancies.
So, should you be using the paks during gameplay? No, for the reasons mentioned above by Skul. Would doing so bring about the Apocalypse? No but it's a good idea to test your maps under the same conditions as your userbase. And most of them are probably not going to download and use the clean paks.
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:40 am :
Thanks for the explanations, guys - much clearer about using those pak files now!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:42 am Post subject: : Wouldn't it be easier to just go through all the MTR files and check to see if the reference images exist? _________________ Staff
Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:34 am Post subject: : I'm not too sure becasue all that would do is show you a 'broken' material rather than a 'dead' one - it's the difference between a material that's simple not used or one that's not complete both of which result in a useless material file
The only way to comprehensively check them would be to cross reference all material paths in material files for the corrisponding materials referenced on brushwork, game entities and models, at least that way you *know* what has at least been used as opposed to what is broken (which doesn't inherantly mean it's not been used). _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips ajm113@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:58 pm Post subject: : Can you give us a new link to download it at? Becuase I had to reinstall Doom3 and the clean meterials pack got deleted with Doom3. It seems like the place you picked is being shut down. I sujest _________________ Signatures R 4 Wimps! Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:30 pm Post subject: : I already uploaded them a few days ago. The link is;5299910;;/fileinfo.html. _________________ My Doom 3 Blog -- Latest update: 23 May
Severance: General talk gone Next Gen ajm113@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:20 pm Post subject: : Cool, thanks. I also want to put the file on my site at if the maker of this great file does not mind. _________________ Signatures R 4 Wimps! skyfox7@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 6:24 am Post subject: : i cant even get the link site to show up, let alone download it Zakyrus@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 6:44 am Post subject: :
skyfox7 wrote:
i cant even get the link site to show up, let alone download it
Try this:;5299910;;/fileinfo.html. _________________ "You got the Shotgun!" Hemebond@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 12:19 pm Post subject: : Anyone else have texture problems when playing Doom 3 with these packs installed? I have to remove them before playing or else I get tonnes of missing textures. rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:53 pm Post subject: : The whole idea is to make editing easier. Nobody should be "playing" the game with these paks installed. _________________ Staff
Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on Hemebond@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:00 pm Post subject: : But if there are missing/broken textures, does that not mean the pack is missing some materials? rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:22 am Post subject: : Okay, this is how the paks work and why it causes problems in the game...
First off, notice how all of the paks have the prefix "ZZ-".
The reason for this is because the engine loads PK4 files alphabetically. Therefore, these PK4s will be loaded last.
Second, if you open the clean materials pak, you'll see that it contains a materials folder and within this folder are *.mtr files with the exact same names as the ones packaged with the game.
Now, each of these *.mtr files is pretty much an exact replica of the original file with one exception. The broken shaders are commented out.
The result is the stock mtr files loaded into memory are replaced with the modified versions. Hence, the broken shaders no longer show up because they've been commented out.
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
So, the bottom line is that these paks are intended for use with the editor only. If you use it during gameplay, or during testing for that matter, things aren't going to work right. _________________ Staff
Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on Hemebond@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:36 am Post subject: :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
That's the part I didn't know. Thanks. I understood this these packs were to just remove the broken shaders and clean up the materials window. rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:42 am :
Wouldn't it be easier to just go through all the MTR files and check to see if the reference images exist?
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:34 am :
I'm not too sure becasue all that would do is show you a 'broken' material rather than a 'dead' one - it's the difference between a material that's simple not used or one that's not complete both of which result in a useless material file
The only way to comprehensively check them would be to cross reference all material paths in material files for the corrisponding materials referenced on brushwork, game entities and models, at least that way you *know* what has at least been used as opposed to what is broken (which doesn't inherantly mean it's not been used).
ajm113@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:58 pm :
Can you give us a new link to download it at? Becuase I had to reinstall Doom3 and the clean meterials pack got deleted with Doom3. It seems like the place you picked is being shut down. I sujest
Anyone else have texture problems when playing Doom 3 with these packs installed? I have to remove them before playing or else I get tonnes of missing textures.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:53 pm :
The whole idea is to make editing easier. Nobody should be "playing" the game with these paks installed.
Hemebond@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:00 pm :
But if there are missing/broken textures, does that not mean the pack is missing some materials?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:22 am :
Okay, this is how the paks work and why it causes problems in the game...
First off, notice how all of the paks have the prefix "ZZ-".
The reason for this is because the engine loads PK4 files alphabetically. Therefore, these PK4s will be loaded last.
Second, if you open the clean materials pak, you'll see that it contains a materials folder and within this folder are *.mtr files with the exact same names as the ones packaged with the game.
Now, each of these *.mtr files is pretty much an exact replica of the original file with one exception. The broken shaders are commented out.
The result is the stock mtr files loaded into memory are replaced with the modified versions. Hence, the broken shaders no longer show up because they've been commented out.
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
So, the bottom line is that these paks are intended for use with the editor only. If you use it during gameplay, or during testing for that matter, things aren't going to work right.
Hemebond@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:36 am :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
That's the part I didn't know. Thanks. I understood this these packs were to just remove the broken shaders and clean up the materials window.
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:40 am :
Sorry to go on about this, but can I just get a clearer explanation:
I'm using the Clean Materials Paks (all of them) in the editor and I must say they are brilliant. Life is so much easier and I'm very, very grateful to the makers of these paks. When I test my modest maps I haven't noticed (yet) any problems in-game, by leaving the .paks still installed. Is the procedure that when I'm ready to play the game 'properly' again I should remove the .paks from the base folder? Even if the maps I'm playing are those created with the .paks installed? How does this affect users who may want to play maps I've created with the clean materials paks?
Or am I getting it all wrong?
Once again, though - these clean material paks are a real life-saver. I cannot believe the state of the editor as it was shipped. How on earth did id's developers ever find their way around such a confused jumble?
Skul@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:51 am :
Something happened during development where the materials got 'broken' (or something like that). They'll have worked when id was creating DOOM 3, I'm sure.
I usually remove the cleanpaks before playing the official levels, as they can cause problems such as large, black boxes where particle effects should be, solid black textures and even engine crashes (accompanied with a message that I can't quite remember. Something about a point being out of range, or similar).
You don't need to worry about creating levels with them. The paks just let you see what the textures are in the editor. As I said, something happened to them at some point.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:13 am :
Before Doom 3 was shipped the folks at id stripped it of all image maps, models, ect... that weren't used. The problem is, they forgot to take care of all the declarations they broke in the process.
The clean paks attempt to fix this problem by overriding broken declarations and altering others to make the overall experience when working with the built-in tools more efficient. No new declarations are added so there's no need to be concerned about dependancies.
So, should you be using the paks during gameplay? No, for the reasons mentioned above by Skul. Would doing so bring about the Apocalypse? No but it's a good idea to test your maps under the same conditions as your userbase. And most of them are probably not going to download and use the clean paks.
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:40 am :
Thanks for the explanations, guys - much clearer about using those pak files now!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:42 am :
Wouldn't it be easier to just go through all the MTR files and check to see if the reference images exist?
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:34 am :
I'm not too sure becasue all that would do is show you a 'broken' material rather than a 'dead' one - it's the difference between a material that's simple not used or one that's not complete both of which result in a useless material file
The only way to comprehensively check them would be to cross reference all material paths in material files for the corrisponding materials referenced on brushwork, game entities and models, at least that way you *know* what has at least been used as opposed to what is broken (which doesn't inherantly mean it's not been used).
ajm113@Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:58 pm :
Can you give us a new link to download it at? Becuase I had to reinstall Doom3 and the clean meterials pack got deleted with Doom3. It seems like the place you picked is being shut down. I sujest
Anyone else have texture problems when playing Doom 3 with these packs installed? I have to remove them before playing or else I get tonnes of missing textures.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:53 pm :
The whole idea is to make editing easier. Nobody should be "playing" the game with these paks installed.
Hemebond@Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:00 pm :
But if there are missing/broken textures, does that not mean the pack is missing some materials?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:22 am :
Okay, this is how the paks work and why it causes problems in the game...
First off, notice how all of the paks have the prefix "ZZ-".
The reason for this is because the engine loads PK4 files alphabetically. Therefore, these PK4s will be loaded last.
Second, if you open the clean materials pak, you'll see that it contains a materials folder and within this folder are *.mtr files with the exact same names as the ones packaged with the game.
Now, each of these *.mtr files is pretty much an exact replica of the original file with one exception. The broken shaders are commented out.
The result is the stock mtr files loaded into memory are replaced with the modified versions. Hence, the broken shaders no longer show up because they've been commented out.
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
So, the bottom line is that these paks are intended for use with the editor only. If you use it during gameplay, or during testing for that matter, things aren't going to work right.
Hemebond@Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:36 am :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Now, the reason why this screws the game up is because when Eutectic created these paks, he added new content.
For instance, all of the material shaders that represent things like particle effects, ect... have been altered to illustrate that these textures are not intended to be applied to brushes.
That's the part I didn't know. Thanks. I understood this these packs were to just remove the broken shaders and clean up the materials window.
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:40 am :
Sorry to go on about this, but can I just get a clearer explanation:
I'm using the Clean Materials Paks (all of them) in the editor and I must say they are brilliant. Life is so much easier and I'm very, very grateful to the makers of these paks. When I test my modest maps I haven't noticed (yet) any problems in-game, by leaving the .paks still installed. Is the procedure that when I'm ready to play the game 'properly' again I should remove the .paks from the base folder? Even if the maps I'm playing are those created with the .paks installed? How does this affect users who may want to play maps I've created with the clean materials paks?
Or am I getting it all wrong?
Once again, though - these clean material paks are a real life-saver. I cannot believe the state of the editor as it was shipped. How on earth did id's developers ever find their way around such a confused jumble?
Skul@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:51 am :
Something happened during development where the materials got 'broken' (or something like that). They'll have worked when id was creating DOOM 3, I'm sure.
I usually remove the cleanpaks before playing the official levels, as they can cause problems such as large, black boxes where particle effects should be, solid black textures and even engine crashes (accompanied with a message that I can't quite remember. Something about a point being out of range, or similar).
You don't need to worry about creating levels with them. The paks just let you see what the textures are in the editor. As I said, something happened to them at some point.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:13 am :
Before Doom 3 was shipped the folks at id stripped it of all image maps, models, ect... that weren't used. The problem is, they forgot to take care of all the declarations they broke in the process.
The clean paks attempt to fix this problem by overriding broken declarations and altering others to make the overall experience when working with the built-in tools more efficient. No new declarations are added so there's no need to be concerned about dependancies.
So, should you be using the paks during gameplay? No, for the reasons mentioned above by Skul. Would doing so bring about the Apocalypse? No but it's a good idea to test your maps under the same conditions as your userbase. And most of them are probably not going to download and use the clean paks.
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:40 am :
Thanks for the explanations, guys - much clearer about using those pak files now!
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
WOW!!!! I would just like to say THANK YOU to all involved in making this. I now know why my Bloody Bootprints were not showing up in game! Thank you for all your hard work. WOW!
Did I forget to say "WOW"!!!
Doom 3 world • View topic - New DoomEdit CleanMaterials pak file download
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Last edited by Eutectic on Tue Dec 14, 2004 4:53 pm, edited 11 times in total.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Joined: Sat Aug 28, 2004 11:53 pm Posts: 37 Location: California
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7295 Location: Orlando, FL
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
WOW!!!! I would just like to say THANK YOU to all involved in making this. I now know why my Bloody Bootprints were not showing up in game! Thank you for all your hard work. WOW!
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
WOW!!!! I would just like to say THANK YOU to all involved in making this. I now know why my Bloody Bootprints were not showing up in game! Thank you for all your hard work. WOW!
Did I forget to say "WOW"!!!
Doom 3 world • View topic - New DoomEdit CleanMaterials pak file download
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Last edited by Eutectic on Tue Dec 14, 2004 4:53 pm, edited 11 times in total.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Joined: Sat Aug 28, 2004 11:53 pm Posts: 37 Location: California
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7297 Location: Orlando, FL
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
WOW!!!! I would just like to say THANK YOU to all involved in making this. I now know why my Bloody Bootprints were not showing up in game! Thank you for all your hard work. WOW!
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
WOW!!!! I would just like to say THANK YOU to all involved in making this. I now know why my Bloody Bootprints were not showing up in game! Thank you for all your hard work. WOW!
Did I forget to say "WOW"!!!
Doom 3 world • View topic - New DoomEdit CleanMaterials pak file download
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Last edited by Eutectic on Tue Dec 14, 2004 4:53 pm, edited 11 times in total.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Joined: Sat Aug 28, 2004 11:53 pm Posts: 37 Location: California
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7316 Location: Orlando, FL
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:14 pm Posts: 242 Location: Worldspawn
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
WOW!!!! I would just like to say THANK YOU to all involved in making this. I now know why my Bloody Bootprints were not showing up in game! Thank you for all your hard work. WOW!
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good.
53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken.
These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats==============
// Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708
// Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%)
// Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%)
// Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%)
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
- Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game.
- Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game.
- Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats.
- Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks.
[EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
PaladinOfKaos@Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:26 am :
When I finally get my hands on ROE, I might take up the challenge...Maybe I'll be able to figure out why my own materials keep smacking me in the face.
sadron@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:06 am :
i think your pak file has a bug, during the time it was in my base folder i couldn't put in monsters, they'd appear blue, and then they disappear when i deselect them. you need to work out some bugs on that thing
iceheart@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:19 am :
I don't think anyone else has had that problem, at least I know I've never seen it.
Rayne@Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:27 am :
works perfectly here!
JayDawg22@Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:00 pm :
Quick question...
I used to play around with the doom editor when it was first released, but stopped using it, then got ROE and the clean shaders pack was causing any effects like smoke and such to appear as black squares. Can I use the clean shaders pak and edit for ROE as well?? Thanks.
Vertigo@Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:11 pm :
Is there a mirror for this pack?
PCGAMEMODS appears to be down at the moment.
Not in this case it isn't. I examined every single hit from this query and they all link to the old pcgamemods url, which is obviously out of date since the file isn't there. Actually, there's two or three distinct pcgamemods urls, but zero of them work -- all either give a 404 or a more obscure error message.
Looks like it was moved, and Google hasn't indexed any other location.
But never fear: my good friend Infernis over at has a copy on a disk, and may be able to host it. (I can't promise anything on his behalf though.) If not, I expect to soon have a copy and may be able to find a free file host somewhere to put it up at and link to.
Would using the older version cause problems? What did V5 fix/add? I skimmed this thread and it looked like even V5 caused problems. Is a V6 in the works?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:26 am :
No new versions are in the works. The fella who was making the paks has been MIA for quite some time. He probably lost interest in the game.
The older versions should work fine so long as you use them for editing only.
Infernis@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:52 am :
I know that the version I have, God knows which one that is, messes up the textures ingame for ROE. This only goes for ROE I might add.
kat@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:53 pm :
I'm not sure if the Clean pack was only ever done for the original D3 so if you have RoE it'll more than likely break a few things.
If there's a read me in the pack it should list what version that pack is you've got, rather than host this yourself stick it up on fileplanet, filefront on one of the other freebies.. you don't want this file sucking up your bandwidth.
Skul@Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:41 pm :
I've put all the most recent cleanpak files into a zip. You can get it from here (file size 13.09 MB).
Twisted0n3@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:14 am :
I have V4 but can't get d3edit to recognize it. (Curiously, GTKRadiant 1.5 does.) It's in a mod dir, but d3edit is pointed at the same mod dir, so that shouldn't be a problem. (Keeping editing and own maps separate from the game's original content is smart. So is keeping the clean materials pak out of the way when not editing.)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:28 am :
Maybe it's time to say to hell with the clean materials pak and find a real solution.
Can't a program be written to clean up the various declarations? I mean, Doom 3 isn't the only game with broken materials and I'm pretty sure ETQW will have broken shaders too. Not to mention you have entities that don't work, and other nonsense.
kat@Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:32 am :
You'd have to cross ref the .mtr material headers with *USED* material paths in models, maps and entities (lights, sound etc...), granted they're text based but it's still no small feat to do I would have thought
This is a follow-up of Jafo's d3weditor clean shaders/materials pk4 file which served as a starting base for this new PAK. I won't print the complete stats here since those are included in the zip file (along with a readme file). However, here's a quick overlook:
66 materials commented out in Jafo's PAK were in fact good. 53 materials in Jafo's PAK were in fact broken. These materials were uncommented/commented out accordingly.
But the main difference lies in the fact tht this new PAK has 193 new TGA's to provide for qer_editorimages that were either missing or did not adequately depict what the texture really looks like in the game. Some of you who are currently designing maps in DoomEdit may think this PAK is just eye candy. If so, then consider these figures (compiled at the end of this project):
//=========== Global textures/_ materials stats============== // // Total # of textures/_ materials : 3708 // Total # of working shaders: 1950 (approx. 52.5%) // Total # of Broken/CommentedOut shaders: 1614 (approx. 43.5%) // Total # of shaders which can't be used for map texturing and kept by necessity: 144 (approx. 4%) //==============================================
Now I noticed that many of the materials in the original .mtr files can be misleading. Those may seem to be working but are really broken because the material code calls for a single non-existent TGA. The result is a texture that will display on your brush/patch in the game but won't look right (for eg. a material in which only the specularmap parameter refers to a TGA file that doesn't exist while the bump and diffuse map TGA's do exist).
That means there's a significant chance that you might unknowingly be using broken materials to texture your map's geometry. So this PAK not only improves the look and ease of use of DoomEdit's texture window, it also ensures that you use only 100% working materials to texture your maps.
Notes: - Version 2 has fix for qer_mirror texture appearing on mirrors in game. - Version 3 fixes the demon spawndecal not appearing in game. - Version 4 adds the 6 new materials in the V1.1 game patch plus a cosmetic issue with the editorimage textures/editor/redge.tga. Please note that these new materials are not meant to be used for map texturing. They were added so that my PAK won't break the new chat and lag icons in the V1.1 patched game when playing in MP mode. That's the ONLY real change in the V4 CleanMats. - Version 5 is the final cleanup phase. All the remaining materials have now been cleaned up (models, light, fog, fx's, gui's, particles, etc.). I also improved the qer_editorimage for model based entities in CAM view while in skinned mode. Most monsters/NPC's displayed their displacement map as the editorimage by default. Static models often used their addblend map by default (which made them appear pitch black). Most now use the _local bumpmap which improves visibility and clarity in skinned mode.
- There are no new TGA files in this pak so it's the same size as the last version.
A few broken materials for the sentry character reside in the sentry.def file so you need to download my latest Clean def's PAK to make this 100% complete. Please check the "Editing resources" sticky post in this forum for the URL of the "Clean def's" thread
PS: Mods please update links in other posts to point to this one (if required). Thanks. [EDIT]new url. kat
Oops... missed that completely. Looks like BNA beat me to the punch
AEon@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 am :
first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only. But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
funcrusher@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:11 am :
AEON - if this works as it should, there should be no problem with distributing a map created with the help of these files. If I understand correctly this pak shouldnt alter the paths to the textures in the .map file - and qer_editorimage images dont matter for final output - they are never displayed in game.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:49 am :
I've sticky-fied this thread !
Eutectic@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:23 am :
AEon wrote:
Eutectic, first off wonderful job...
One thing I have been wondering is this.
How will maps using this pack work on a clean (non-development) install of D3. In Q3A there where several special textures provided with GTKradiant editing, that where not part of the clean retail install, thus missing on those machines.
Maps made while having this PAK enabled will work just fine in the standard plain-jane Doom3 game. I did not add any new shaders/materials in the mtr files. All I (and Jafo) did was to comment out the broken materials so they don't get parsed by the editor, that's all.
I guess all the preview images you created from scratch will not be the problem, since these are editor only.
That's right. The TGA file that the qer_editorimage parameter points to affects only what you see in the editor's texture window and in the CAM view. It has no effect on the the material in the game itself.
But did some of the shaders e.g. have to be changed to differ from the originals?
Absolutely not. That would have been the worst thing to do and I made it a point to never do that. All the shaders' code were left intact and original. My goal was not to "repair" anything. My goal was simply to sort out which materials really work and which ones don't work. The ones that don't work were commented out, the ones that DO work were left untouched except for the qer_editorimage to improve how it looks in the Texture window. And that's all there is to it.
Thanks a lot, this will be very helpful for many mappers. I know I have my copy!
weak@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:16 pm :
thx a lot!
[--TeK--]@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:34 pm :
A big thx to you and Jafo for the good job...very helpful
RonHiler@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:48 pm :
I have D3 completely unpacked for mapping purposes. I downloaded the pk4 and put it into base, but the editor is not reading it.
Is it true that the editor cannot mix unpacked with packed? I ran into this same problem with .def files (I had D3 packed and it wasn't reading my custom .def files, which is what prompted me to unpack them in the first place). Once I had unpacked the D3 files, my own def files read fine. It seems like I've hit this issue again.
So bascially the question is, do I have to unpack the clean materials in my unpacked directory for them to read?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:43 pm :
That may work.
But, I'd advise that if you need to extract the vanilla pk4s for reference then you extract them to somewhere outside the Doom 3 folder. This way you don't have to worry about problems like this where something that should work doesn't.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:22 pm :
Outstanding work!
Thanks guys!
Origin73@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:24 pm :
This is awesome! Thank you!
Wiebo de Wit@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:40 pm :
You, sir, are a life saver. Downloading now and eager to get to work with it!!!!
Techx@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:49 pm :
This is great, thanks for putting the time into making it!
Docgalaad@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:28 am :
Amazing, i have two things to say:
- The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome
- The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved.
I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
Eutectic@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:22 am :
Docgalaad wrote:
Amazing, i have two things to say: - The lighting in the render view is now true, like ingame, awesome - The visportals and other formerly black textures are now colored and this is great
I just had an issue with mirrors. Ingame there is the word mirror on all the mirror surfaces of my maps. So i have to disable ZZ-xxx.pk4 to see the final map properly.
A huge *thank you* for the massive work achieved. I can imagine the task, so many notepad openings.
You're very welcome. About the textures/common/mirror material, I found the reason why. Here's the material code:
textures/common/mirror { discrete // never merge with other surfaces qer_editorimage textures/common/qer_mirror.tga solid mirror { blend add map textures/common/qer_mirror.tga } }
The TGA file "textures/common/qer_mirror.tga" is not present in the original game's pak004.pk4 , therefore you don't get this problem in the original game. The problem with this material is that that TGA image is used as a blendmap in the original code. It's not the qer_editorimage that causes this but the blend add stage.
Incidentally, I didn't create this image, my predecessor did. But ultimately it's my fault. I didn't test the textures/common materials thoroughly enough assuming there couldn't be anything wrong about those since they're so simple and straighforward.
I will fix that by renaming the qer_mirror.tga to something else and edit the qer_editorimage line to point to the renamed image instead. I won't change the blend add stage of course - the idea is that it must NOT find the TGA file it points to. The shader probably needs a blend add stage pointing to an inexistent texture to work properly (at least that's what I'm guessing). In any case, I musn't change the original shader code, I have to work around it.
The only downside is that you will get a "warning: textures/common/qer_mirror.tga not found" message when you load the material in the editor. But you won't see a "mirror" texture in your compiled maps anymore.
Oh well.... that's why I gave that editing pack Version numbers. Thanks for pointing out the booboo Docgalad. I will test all the textures/common materials throroughly this time and post a Version 2 ASAP.
I checked all the textures/common and textures/editor materials in a compiled map and they all work. I uploaded the fixed Version 2 and updated the link in the top post.
indianajonesilm@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:52 am :
WOW!!!! I would just like to say THANK YOU to all involved in making this. I now know why my Bloody Bootprints were not showing up in game! Thank you for all your hard work. WOW!
Did I forget to say "WOW"!!!
AEon@Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:59 am :
Hmmm... this is the second time I tried to download the pack form your site (v1 and then v2) via FlashGet... I can download about 9 MB and then the download stops, any further attempts to resume download do not work. WTH?
It is as if you only get a certain time to download the file (looks like 30 minutes exactly), and if your connect is not fast enough, you just can't download the file completely.