just1n@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:44 am : Justin Van Horne
I am going to explain this in text, as once again, I have respect towards 56k'ers.
This requires previous expierences with basic tasks, e.g. creating a boxed map.
Starting off:
What we are going to do is add an info_player_teleport, place this where you will like to teleport to.Explain Info_Player_Teleport Entity
Within the entity options of info_player_teleport are the two options VisualView and VisualEffect.
These names are quite off, as they can be summarized really easily.Code:
This acts as a 1st person view from a third-source target, e.g, a camera.
This is how long you will stay in position of [i]VisualView[/i], or how long you will be looking from the third-source targets point of view.
We are going to add a visualview to our info_player_teleport, but to do so, we are going to have to add a few other objects beforehand.
First add a func_cameraview, give it a name like, "TelView". This will be our camera, position this where you would like the camera to be.
Next add a target_null. This will act as a point of where our camera will be facing, or looking into.
Final Touches
Now we are just going to connect entities.
First entity
We will create a trigger_multiple [Thanks Swelt] and connect it with the info_player_teleport.
Use Control-K or Selection->Connect Entities
Second entity
We will now connect func_cameraview and target_null.
Final Touch
Remember info_player_teleport's VisualView and VisualEffect? Well, for the value of visualview plugin the name of func_cameraview, and under visualeffect, plugin the time for how long you wish to stay in position of the camera.
That is all, just run the trigger and watch the magic happen.
swelt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:58 am : trigger_multiple rather than trigger_once. For completeness, I'd recommend that you explain how to create a trigger_multiple. Could clarify that visualEffect 0 = instant teleport.
Otherwise, very good.
just1n@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:26 pm : swelt wrote:
trigger_multiple rather than trigger_once. For completeness, I'd recommend that you explain how to create a trigger_multiple. Could clarify that visualEffect 0 = instant teleport.
Otherwise, very good.
If you don't specify a visualEffect or a visualView it will be 'instant'.
But otherwise, yes, a 0 visualEffect would make sense to be instant.
swelt@Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 3:30 pm : Fair enough. Are you going to add/edit the bit about the trigger_multiple?
evilartist@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 3:14 am : Is there something I'm supposed to know before reading this tutorial or is my brain going crazy? What Justin just directed us in creating doesn't make sense! What does a third-person camera have to do with instantly teleporting? You especially don't need visualEffect or visualView in the teleporting spot just to teleport. What exactly is supposed to happen after this tutorial is completed (besides simply teleport)? Whatever directions I followed, my map won't even open! Please tell me what it is that I'm doing, or what I am NOT doing?
swelt@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 9:44 am : The camera view / visualView etc is to achieve the "screaming intestine" view, as in the original game. It's not essential, but there are possibilities there to do something else.
No idea what you've done to your map to stop it loading.
just1n@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:39 pm : evilartist wrote:
Is there something I'm supposed to know before reading this tutorial or is my brain going crazy? What Justin just directed us in creating doesn't make sense! What does a third-person camera have to do with instantly teleporting? You especially don't need visualEffect or visualView in the teleporting spot just to teleport. What exactly is supposed to happen after this tutorial is completed (besides simply teleport)? Whatever directions I followed, my map won't even open! Please tell me what it is that I'm doing, or what I am NOT doing?
My tutorial would not do anything to your map.
Open it up in a text editor and remove the first entity.
evilartist@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 3:09 pm : How do you do the screaming intestine cut scene when teleporting?
just1n@Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 9:47 pm : Go into one of the Delta levels and copy the func_static, you will see it is just a huge oval shaped static object.
Place a fuc_cameraview inside the func_static. Then create a target_null, the position where it will point will be this.
Connect the entities and read the rest of the tutorial.
RKTzZz@Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:39 am : made the teleport but can't see it? Any info would be appreciated!
btw remade tow1f defrag map from q3! Feel free to hit me up on msn
j1bber1sh@hotmail.com and ill send it to ya! but you can't see the teleports

son_of_sam2@Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:41 pm : of i make a box to fall down in to teleport with cushion at the bottom,,, what im really trying to ask is what is the defause sound shader while in teleporter like on the edge 2
doomkid3000@Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:11 pm : its actualy a looping sound that plays forever in the maps, like multiplayer maps, were you teleport in the telecolon thing, thats just a camera witch the info telelport targets to,
i would just open the ID maps and look at how they did there teleports

son_of_sam2@Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:52 pm : so it does not have a speaker...
what im looking for is the s_shader
doomkid3000@Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:07 pm : yeah s_shader is in the speaker entity inside the colonteleport, witch is looping the wave file, its actualy pointing to the sound shader, not the wave file sorry
its called
son_of_sam2@Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:02 am : thanks that what i was looking for... there are alot of parts to a teleporter many tuts leave out, thats just one of em....
gav89@Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 8:02 pm : it doesn't work for me i've followed each and every step and when i walk into the multitrigger i don't get teleported. i don't knw wt's up plse help someone
son_of_sam2@Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:44 pm : quick and easy teleporter:
1. create box the size of the trigger you want to use as a relay..
ie.. multiplayer texture and make sure its a multiplayer trigger
not a worldspawn when you deselect
2. create info_player_teleport at area to teleport to
3. 1 select multiplayer trigger first
4. 2 then info player teleport
5 hit ctrl + k
6 done
Atwistedmind@Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:46 pm : or exit doom and restart... that always works for me, Its an age old problem...
gav89@Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:37 am : Thnks mate it worked. I also tried experimenting with other stuff and found out you can get a GUI to set it off. What I did was I created a brush then I chose the model models/mapobjects/guiobjects/techdrpanel1/techdrpanel1.lwo and then I chose any GUI and finally I linked it to the teleporter and now you can use the GUI to activate the teleporter pretty cool. and again thnks the most simplest solution staring me in the face. The simple thick idiot thing of if in doubt switch off then on.
Sol342@Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 1:29 am : I'm new to DOOMEdit but i have worked a map for over 20 hours on this map ... I am making this map for school in recreating Dantes Inferno ... If any one could possibly tell me where to find the intestine cut scene... I read the prior post and it didnt' make alot of sense, some but not much... any help is much appreciated