=NoMercy=@Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 2:26 pm : I would join, for Multiplayer map if I can use my MarsLandscape.
W01f@Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:37 am : Gazado wrote:
For a contest like this though there should be a restriction of some kind in the actual size of the map to be produced (Eg a base .map file with a hollowed box so everyone knows what size the map is to be). Then with a reduced map size, set a time limit to 1 month.
Gazado@Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:19 am : Not everyone has a whole month to work solidly on a map for a competition...
Just an idea

doesnt matter if not used

I still like the idea of a restriction of some kind but I also think for the first competition it should be a straight forward "make a map as best you can" contest with a time limit of 1 month or so

ajm113@Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:36 am : I was going to do that on my web site but it takes a lot of mony to win some thing that
I would give I would give a person in 1st place $200 dallers and 2stplace would win $100 dallers and third place would win doom 3 prizes like a doom3 key board with poster and the doom3 expashon pack But ya thats A cool Idea . Just like unreal Tunnerment 2004 exept you would win $1.0000 in U.S dallers.

My website is not open now but it will be. It will only be for gammers and game makers. I may have a contest about that. You can be a memmber for free when I start making people bay by month when their late joining. It will moustly be about doom3. I mite try ask the maker of doom3 to give me info on paper how to make stuff from doom3 in maya 6 unlimated if you can give me the most pics of doom3 on how much you realy like doom3 I will send it to you with free shipping

My site is
just1n@Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:13 pm : Why not just peform map challenges and not have prizes but allows a mapper to be noticed?
That way they can explain thier technique and such.
BNA!@Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:06 pm : A mapping contest is prepared, I'm waiting for the official partners to get ready as well. I wont take place before Quake4.
Sparky@Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:23 pm : Great work BNA. Can you tell us anything about the guidelines?
=NoMercy=@Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:41 pm : Awsome thats great, but it won't take place before quake 4 you say? That kinda sucks but meh.
just1n@Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 11:45 pm : BNA! wrote:
A mapping contest is prepared, I'm waiting for the official partners to get ready as well. I wont take place before Quake4.
What is the reasoning behind Quake 4? Just because of the partners?
Tron@Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:52 pm : Looking forward to reading the details of this contest.
Oh yeah,
/me waves
Hi everyone, I'm new here. After years of mapping for Quake (the original, no bloody 2 or 3

) I decided to bite the bullet and learn some modern tech. Currently doomedit is kicking my arse but I am getting the hang of it.

kat@Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 3:09 pm : just1n wrote:
BNA! wrote:
A mapping contest is prepared, I'm waiting for the official partners to get ready as well. I wont take place before Quake4.
What is the reasoning behind Quake 4? Just because of the partners?
If you think about it, D3 has no longevity becasue it's generally accepted that it doesn't have 'proper' MultiPlayer (in whatever capacity that might be), Q4 does so that's what they're hoping will bring people out into the fray and generate a longer shelf life for their products, not just the game. Makes sense really.
Although that's pretty much a speculative thought [apply appropriate "views of the poster etc....]
CrazedFan@Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:54 am : Looks interesting... I'm replying to ensure I receive e-mails for updates on the thread.
BNA!@Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:03 pm :
BNA!@Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 3:12 pm :
BJA@Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 4:23 pm : I love mapping contests...even if there ain't nothing to win

W01f@Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 11:00 am : I'd love one, as long as it started after January. It wouldn't be a good idea to overlap one with the levelsource contest, since a lot of people from here are working on one for that contest (including me).
BNA!@Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:50 pm : Wait and see - still waiting for some responses myelf.
Drin@Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:31 pm : well mapping takes a long time for doom 3, and we know there is a huge amount of threads in WIP but pitifully few comparitivly in finished. (I think I might have been the one to make these two forums happen in a sense. hehehe.

) if its just because people are still working on them it still shows just how *^@#$ long it takes to finish one.
so anyway.. maybe there should be either some sort of twist or a very long deadline...
=NoMercy=@Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 12:37 am : WE NEED ONE!
R-o-D@Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 7:01 pm : Yes, Yes.
A contest would be grand!
count me in, though my chances of winning are slim to none
just1n@Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 1:59 am : Why not? As long as the prize is not a copy of Doom 3, then sure.
Method@Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 3:54 am : I think it's a good idea.
Morgoth@Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:57 am : Sounds like fun! Count me in.
Drin@Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:09 am : Make one already!

45 votes, thats enough?
MaxiM@Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 4:55 am : Yeah, go with it already!

There should be 3 branches of the contest: for low, med and high skilled mappers - to make sure more people will participate and everyone stand a chance in their branch. Just an idea

zero[fk]@Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 11:53 am : Word. Mapping contests are great. They are a great way to get people to commit to finishing a project and sharing it with the community. I hope you guys follow through with it, it would be a great chance for me to finish up some uncomplete maps sitting on my hard drive.
MortalWombat@Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 3:37 am : I'm in!
BNA!@Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 9:17 am : Stay tuned - we're still working on something.
kat@Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 5:07 pm : just1n wrote:
Why not? As long as the prize is not a copy of Doom 3, then sure.
Unless it has JCs footprint on it..!
mookers@Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 3:27 pm : Hey all, well i'm new here to these forums. I have only been mapping for Doom 3 for about 2 days now ( years of CS mapping though ) and i'm all for a contest. The worst thing that can happen out of this is a pile of maps getting made that we can all try out

Question about it though. Would we have to make a single player and a MP map? or would we just pick what we wanted? The time needed to make just one map alone is months and I can't see anyone making 2 great maps under a deadline. Myself I would pick single player map because of the detail you can add.
Anyway I vote yeah lets have a contest!!
insectattack@Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:09 am : kat wrote:
Unless it has JCs footprint on it..!

LMAO! That's a great idea!

BNA!@Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 10:14 am : insectattack wrote:
kat wrote:
Unless it has JCs footprint on it..!

LMAO! That's a great idea!

That's so great !

kat@Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 3:52 pm : Tis' the holly relic of JC.! We must build it a temple of Gold and Acacia polygons so that we may kneel down and prey to the shiney and bumpiness of our mighty saviour..!
c--b@Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 5:28 am : An Official Doom3World mapping contest would be a great idea to stimulate the Doom 3 Editing community, and maybe spark up some more custom content.
Go for it

Duff@Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 5:50 am : I'd enter, Im basically useless at mapping but I like doing it

BEERman@Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 5:00 pm : A Mapping Contest would be kickass!!
SeanWar@Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 3:40 am : MApping contest would be great! I support the idea!
Duff@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 1:34 am : is this thing going to happen? im just finishing up work on a map and if this started well it'd give me something todo

=NoMercy=@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 1:59 am : Seriously this Thread has been up since I first Registered here and still no contest!!!!! C'mon I would sign up and Im shure others would to!
Duff@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 2:28 am : has it?

arrr posts from October

someone really needs to sort this out! ^_^ a mapping contest to kick off the year

kat@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 4:23 am : The person responsible for this to make it 'official' went to another company so it's now a question of seeing whether the interest is still there. We'll have to wait and see what materializes in the form of a particle effect.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 8:56 pm : I'm still in negotiation with various vendoors - stay tuned, nothing is forgotten!
Teddy@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 5:04 pm : a Mapping and a Characters/Monsters Contest!

Duff@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 9:54 pm : BNA! wrote:
I'm still in negotiation with various vendoors - stay tuned, nothing is forgotten!
was/is this thing going to include prizes? i thought it was a competition more for like qudos and bragging rights

BNA!@Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 10:35 am : Duff wrote:
was/is this thing going to include prizes? i thought it was a competition more for like qudos and bragging rights

Prices are included, but even more important is official pimpage.
An official yet internal Doom3world contest wouldn't be a problem anyway.
cusTom3@Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 5:19 am : I would love to be in this. Can we make a "branch" for first timers like myself.
I am in either way if it happens

If we do a model contest - I would like to see an alien, a kick ass one with spikes. (I could use one for a mod i have this idea for)
When we going to start this thing?

dd_nvidia@Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 9:33 pm : Hey guys, I am in full support of a map contet, as well as the comments about making branches for low, med , high level mappers. As well as this i would also like to add that we could create a comp for Single player OR! Multiplayer maps as judging them together would be very difficult lol. I would liketo see it put up a.s.a.p. as im well stil pre-alpha on my death match map and kinda losing intrest... again lol, I need a STRICT time limit, kinda like my school homework, which i some how manage to get it in on time

My estimates for time limit / skill levels are as follows.
No. maps released - 0 = low 1-3 = med 4-xx = high
Rating of maps - 0-4 low 5-8 = med 9-10+ = high
Gameplay type - Single Player - Multiplayer
Time limit = 3 Weeks = low, 2 Weeks 3 days = med, 2 Weeks = high
I;m not saying that is exactly what the should be, if anyone disagrees or ahas better suggestions of how they think the contest should be set up please add comments
nd.LaZ@Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 12:03 am : I suggest that you wait for the expansion pack to be released before you start the competition.
It's not that far away from completion and the Capture The Flag fanatics out there will have another officially supported gametype to make maps for.
I would guess that the expansion will increase the popularity for Doom3's multiplayer aswell so you'll probably get a larger user-base for the finished maps.
And certain features like the max-payneish slowmotion powerup and the gravity-gun should inspire some really unique singleplayer maps.
W01f@Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 9:18 am : Quote:
No. maps released - 0 = low 1-3 = med 4-xx = high
I disagree with this method. Number of released maps has nothing to do with the skill of a mapper.
Infact, I don't even think there should be tiers. Opinions will always differ on those who are right on the fence, and it's bound to cause trouble; for example, what happens if the newbie winner ends up making a map that's better than most of the expert maps? That will cause trouble no matter how
you would deal with it, because lots of people would still get upset. The fact is that there is no way to properly measure the mappers skills and seperate them into groups, and therefore there should be no teirs at all.
If you're a beginner and don't feel confident enough to compete in a contest, then perhaps it might be better to practice and home your skills rather than rush right into a competition with the "big boys"..On the other hand, if you're a beginner and you still want to compete, well knowing that you're going to lose, then all the more power to you! But don't expect special treatment.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 10:39 am : There was one held when Doom3 was first released, I entered but I ran out of free time to work on any map for it, and I forgot where it was. :p I might find time for one. But that'd be a very short map then.
Friction@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 8:21 am : In any case time limit should be measured in months instead of weeks. Building a proper SP map is no small task.
W01f@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 12:17 pm : Friction wrote:
In any case time limit should be measured in months instead of weeks. Building a proper SP map is no small task.
Agreed. I'm pretty sure even the official Doom3 sp maps took months, and they're professionals working full time.
Gazado@Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 2:07 pm : In my experience, working in my free-time , it took me about 3 months to finish a single map.
For a contest like this though there should be a restriction of some kind in the actual size of the map to be produced (Eg a base .map file with a hollowed box so everyone knows what size the map is to be). Then with a reduced map size, set a time limit to 1 month.
The maps to be made would constitute 1/4 of a full map but have all the details in place that would give it the "quality" factor.
The top 5 maps get put into an official map pack, like, the Doom3world map pack.
Dictate rules over if custom models and textures are allowed also. It'd just even the playing field a little more of it was strictly a mapping contest.
I also like the idea that a number of models and a texture set are provided and its down to the mapper to ensure that all the models are included in some way, along with only using the pre-described texture set. These restrictive contests are the best imo because it forces people to think more constructivly about their maps

=NoMercy=@Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 2:26 pm : I would join, for Multiplayer map if I can use my MarsLandscape.
W01f@Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:37 am : Gazado wrote:
For a contest like this though there should be a restriction of some kind in the actual size of the map to be produced (Eg a base .map file with a hollowed box so everyone knows what size the map is to be). Then with a reduced map size, set a time limit to 1 month.
Gazado@Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:19 am : Not everyone has a whole month to work solidly on a map for a competition...
Just an idea

doesnt matter if not used

I still like the idea of a restriction of some kind but I also think for the first competition it should be a straight forward "make a map as best you can" contest with a time limit of 1 month or so

ajm113@Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:36 am : I was going to do that on my web site but it takes a lot of mony to win some thing that
I would give I would give a person in 1st place $200 dallers and 2stplace would win $100 dallers and third place would win doom 3 prizes like a doom3 key board with poster and the doom3 expashon pack But ya thats A cool Idea . Just like unreal Tunnerment 2004 exept you would win $1.0000 in U.S dallers.

My website is not open now but it will be. It will only be for gammers and game makers. I may have a contest about that. You can be a memmber for free when I start making people bay by month when their late joining. It will moustly be about doom3. I mite try ask the maker of doom3 to give me info on paper how to make stuff from doom3 in maya 6 unlimated if you can give me the most pics of doom3 on how much you realy like doom3 I will send it to you with free shipping

My site is
just1n@Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:13 pm : Why not just peform map challenges and not have prizes but allows a mapper to be noticed?
That way they can explain thier technique and such.
BNA!@Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:06 pm : A mapping contest is prepared, I'm waiting for the official partners to get ready as well. I wont take place before Quake4.
Sparky@Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:23 pm : Great work BNA. Can you tell us anything about the guidelines?
=NoMercy=@Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:41 pm : Awsome thats great, but it won't take place before quake 4 you say? That kinda sucks but meh.
just1n@Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 11:45 pm : BNA! wrote:
A mapping contest is prepared, I'm waiting for the official partners to get ready as well. I wont take place before Quake4.
What is the reasoning behind Quake 4? Just because of the partners?
Tron@Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:52 pm : Looking forward to reading the details of this contest.
Oh yeah,
/me waves
Hi everyone, I'm new here. After years of mapping for Quake (the original, no bloody 2 or 3

) I decided to bite the bullet and learn some modern tech. Currently doomedit is kicking my arse but I am getting the hang of it.

kat@Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 3:09 pm : just1n wrote:
BNA! wrote:
A mapping contest is prepared, I'm waiting for the official partners to get ready as well. I wont take place before Quake4.
What is the reasoning behind Quake 4? Just because of the partners?
If you think about it, D3 has no longevity becasue it's generally accepted that it doesn't have 'proper' MultiPlayer (in whatever capacity that might be), Q4 does so that's what they're hoping will bring people out into the fray and generate a longer shelf life for their products, not just the game. Makes sense really.
Although that's pretty much a speculative thought [apply appropriate "views of the poster etc....]
CrazedFan@Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:54 am : Looks interesting... I'm replying to ensure I receive e-mails for updates on the thread.
BNA!@Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:03 pm :
c--b@Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:28 am Post subject: : An Official Doom3World mapping contest would be a great idea to stimulate the Doom 3 Editing community, and maybe spark up some more custom content.
Go for it
Duff@Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:50 am Post subject: : I'd enter, Im basically useless at mapping but I like doing it
BEERman@Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:00 pm Post subject: : A Mapping Contest would be kickass!!
SeanWar@Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 2:40 am Post subject: : MApping contest would be great! I support the idea!
Duff@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 12:34 am Post subject: : is this thing going to happen? im just finishing up work on a map and if this started well it'd give me something todo
=NoMercy=@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 12:59 am Post subject: : Seriously this Thread has been up since I first Registered here and still no contest!!!!! C'mon I would sign up and Im shure others would to!
Duff@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 1:28 am Post subject: : has it? 
arrr posts from October 
someone really needs to sort this out! ^_^ a mapping contest to kick off the year
kat@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 3:23 am Post subject: : The person responsible for this to make it 'official' went to another company so it's now a question of seeing whether the interest is still there. We'll have to wait and see what materializes in the form of a particle effect.
Staff - Quake3Bits RtCW SP4
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 7:56 pm Post subject: : I'm still in negotiation with various vendoors - stay tuned, nothing is forgotten!
Staff - The world is yours
Teddy@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 4:04 pm Post subject: : a Mapping and a Characters/Monsters Contest!
Duff@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 8:54 pm Post subject: : BNA! wrote: |
I'm still in negotiation with various vendoors - stay tuned, nothing is forgotten! |
was/is this thing going to include prizes? i thought it was a competition more for like qudos and bragging rights
BNA!@Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 9:35 am Post subject: : Duff wrote: |
was/is this thing going to include prizes? i thought it was a competition more for like qudos and bragging rights  |
Prices are included, but even more important is official pimpage.
An official yet internal Doom3world contest wouldn't be a problem anyway.
Staff - The world is yours
cusTom3@Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:19 am Post subject: : I would love to be in this. Can we make a "branch" for first timers like myself.
I am in either way if it happens 
If we do a model contest - I would like to see an alien, a kick ass one with spikes. (I could use one for a mod i have this idea for)
When we going to start this thing?
dd_nvidia@Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 8:33 pm Post subject: MAP CONTEST! WOOT!: Hey guys, I am in full support of a map contet, as well as the comments about making branches for low, med , high level mappers. As well as this i would also like to add that we could create a comp for Single player OR! Multiplayer maps as judging them together would be very difficult lol. I would liketo see it put up a.s.a.p. as im well stil pre-alpha on my death match map and kinda losing intrest... again lol, I need a STRICT time limit, kinda like my school homework, which i some how manage to get it in on time
My estimates for time limit / skill levels are as follows.
No. maps released - 0 = low 1-3 = med 4-xx = high
Rating of maps - 0-4 low 5-8 = med 9-10+ = high
Gameplay type - Single Player - Multiplayer
Time limit = 3 Weeks = low, 2 Weeks 3 days = med, 2 Weeks = high
I;m not saying that is exactly what the should be, if anyone disagrees or ahas better suggestions of how they think the contest should be set up please add comments
You can take my guns away but i'll still kick your ass!
nd.LaZ@Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:03 pm Post subject: : I suggest that you wait for the expansion pack to be released before you start the competition.
It's not that far away from completion and the Capture The Flag fanatics out there will have another officially supported gametype to make maps for.
I would guess that the expansion will increase the popularity for Doom3's multiplayer aswell so you'll probably get a larger user-base for the finished maps.
And certain features like the max-payneish slowmotion powerup and the gravity-gun should inspire some really unique singleplayer maps.
W01f@Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 8:18 am Post subject: : Quote: |
No. maps released - 0 = low 1-3 = med 4-xx = high |
I disagree with this method. Number of released maps has nothing to do with the skill of a mapper.
Infact, I don't even think there should be tiers. Opinions will always differ on those who are right on the fence, and it's bound to cause trouble; for example, what happens if the newbie winner ends up making a map that's better than most of the expert maps? That will cause trouble no matter how you would deal with it, because lots of people would still get upset. The fact is that there is no way to properly measure the mappers skills and seperate them into groups, and therefore there should be no teirs at all.
If you're a beginner and don't feel confident enough to compete in a contest, then perhaps it might be better to practice and home your skills rather than rush right into a competition with the "big boys"..On the other hand, if you're a beginner and you still want to compete, well knowing that you're going to lose, then all the more power to you! But don't expect special treatment.
..and she says "Ohhh I like your shirt! Isn't that Tupac?" ... I was wearing a KoRn shirt, for the love of god - KoRnScythe
Kristus@Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 9:39 am Post subject: : There was one held when Doom3 was first released, I entered but I ran out of free time to work on any map for it, and I forgot where it was. :p I might find time for one. But that'd be a very short map then.
D3: Phobos
Friction@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:21 am Post subject: : In any case time limit should be measured in months instead of weeks. Building a proper SP map is no small task.
W01f@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:17 am Post subject: : Friction wrote: |
In any case time limit should be measured in months instead of weeks. Building a proper SP map is no small task. |
Agreed. I'm pretty sure even the official Doom3 sp maps took months, and they're professionals working full time.
..and she says "Ohhh I like your shirt! Isn't that Tupac?" ... I was wearing a KoRn shirt, for the love of god - KoRnScythe
Gazado@Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 1:07 pm Post subject: : In my experience, working in my free-time , it took me about 3 months to finish a single map.
For a contest like this though there should be a restriction of some kind in the actual size of the map to be produced (Eg a base .map file with a hollowed box so everyone knows what size the map is to be). Then with a reduced map size, set a time limit to 1 month.
The maps to be made would constitute 1/4 of a full map but have all the details in place that would give it the "quality" factor.
The top 5 maps get put into an official map pack, like, the Doom3world map pack.
Dictate rules over if custom models and textures are allowed also. It'd just even the playing field a little more of it was strictly a mapping contest.
I also like the idea that a number of models and a texture set are provided and its down to the mapper to ensure that all the models are included in some way, along with only using the pre-described texture set. These restrictive contests are the best imo because it forces people to think more constructivly about their maps 
c--b@Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:28 am Post subject: : An Official Doom3World mapping contest would be a great idea to stimulate the Doom 3 Editing community, and maybe spark up some more custom content.
Go for it
Duff@Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:50 am Post subject: : I'd enter, Im basically useless at mapping but I like doing it
BEERman@Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:00 pm Post subject: : A Mapping Contest would be kickass!!
SeanWar@Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 2:40 am Post subject: : MApping contest would be great! I support the idea!
Duff@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 12:34 am Post subject: : is this thing going to happen? im just finishing up work on a map and if this started well it'd give me something todo
=NoMercy=@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 12:59 am Post subject: : Seriously this Thread has been up since I first Registered here and still no contest!!!!! C'mon I would sign up and Im shure others would to!
Duff@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 1:28 am Post subject: : has it? 
arrr posts from October 
someone really needs to sort this out! ^_^ a mapping contest to kick off the year
kat@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 3:23 am Post subject: : The person responsible for this to make it 'official' went to another company so it's now a question of seeing whether the interest is still there. We'll have to wait and see what materializes in the form of a particle effect.
Co-Admin - Quake3Bits RtCW SP4
BNA!@Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 7:56 pm Post subject: : I'm still in negotiation with various vendoors - stay tuned, nothing is forgotten!
Staff - The world is yours
Teddy@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 4:04 pm Post subject: : a Mapping and a Characters/Monsters Contest!
Duff@Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 8:54 pm Post subject: : BNA! wrote: |
I'm still in negotiation with various vendoors - stay tuned, nothing is forgotten! |
was/is this thing going to include prizes? i thought it was a competition more for like qudos and bragging rights
BNA!@Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 9:35 am Post subject: : Duff wrote: |
was/is this thing going to include prizes? i thought it was a competition more for like qudos and bragging rights  |
Prices are included, but even more important is official pimpage.
An official yet internal Doom3world contest wouldn't be a problem anyway.
Staff - The world is yours
cusTom3@Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:19 am Post subject: : I would love to be in this. Can we make a "branch" for first timers like myself.
I am in either way if it happens 
If we do a model contest - I would like to see an alien, a kick ass one with spikes. (I could use one for a mod i have this idea for)
When we going to start this thing?
dd_nvidia@Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 8:33 pm Post subject: MAP CONTEST! WOOT!: Hey guys, I am in full support of a map contet, as well as the comments about making branches for low, med , high level mappers. As well as this i would also like to add that we could create a comp for Single player OR! Multiplayer maps as judging them together would be very difficult lol. I would liketo see it put up a.s.a.p. as im well stil pre-alpha on my death match map and kinda losing intrest... again lol, I need a STRICT time limit, kinda like my school homework, which i some how manage to get it in on time
My estimates for time limit / skill levels are as follows.
No. maps released - 0 = low 1-3 = med 4-xx = high
Rating of maps - 0-4 low 5-8 = med 9-10+ = high
Gameplay type - Single Player - Multiplayer
Time limit = 3 Weeks = low, 2 Weeks 3 days = med, 2 Weeks = high
I;m not saying that is exactly what the should be, if anyone disagrees or ahas better suggestions of how they think the contest should be set up please add comments
You can take my guns away but i'll still kick your ass!
nd.LaZ@Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:03 pm Post subject: : I suggest that you wait for the expansion pack to be released before you start the competition.
It's not that far away from completion and the Capture The Flag fanatics out there will have another officially supported gametype to make maps for.
I would guess that the expansion will increase the popularity for Doom3's multiplayer aswell so you'll probably get a larger user-base for the finished maps.
And certain features like the max-payneish slowmotion powerup and the gravity-gun should inspire some really unique singleplayer maps.
W01f@Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 8:18 am Post subject: : Quote: |
No. maps released - 0 = low 1-3 = med 4-xx = high |
I disagree with this method. Number of released maps has nothing to do with the skill of a mapper.
Infact, I don't even think there should be tiers. Opinions will always differ on those who are right on the fence, and it's bound to cause trouble; for example, what happens if the newbie winner ends up making a map that's better than most of the expert maps? That will cause trouble no matter how you would deal with it, because lots of people would still get upset. The fact is that there is no way to properly measure the mappers skills and seperate them into groups, and therefore there should be no teirs at all.
If you're a beginner and don't feel confident enough to compete in a contest, then perhaps it might be better to practice and home your skills rather than rush right into a competition with the "big boys"..On the other hand, if you're a beginner and you still want to compete, well knowing that you're going to lose, then all the more power to you! But don't expect special treatment.
..and she says "Ohhh I like your shirt! Isn't that Tupac?" ... I was wearing a KoRn shirt, for the love of god - KoRnScythe
Kristus@Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 9:39 am Post subject: : There was one held when Doom3 was first released, I entered but I ran out of free time to work on any map for it, and I forgot where it was. :p I might find time for one. But that'd be a very short map then.
D3: Phobos
Friction@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:21 am Post subject: : In any case time limit should be measured in months instead of weeks. Building a proper SP map is no small task.
W01f@Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:17 am Post subject: : Friction wrote: |
In any case time limit should be measured in months instead of weeks. Building a proper SP map is no small task. |
Agreed. I'm pretty sure even the official Doom3 sp maps took months, and they're professionals working full time.
..and she says "Ohhh I like your shirt! Isn't that Tupac?" ... I was wearing a KoRn shirt, for the love of god - KoRnScythe
Gazado@Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 1:07 pm Post subject: : In my experience, working in my free-time , it took me about 3 months to finish a single map.
For a contest like this though there should be a restriction of some kind in the actual size of the map to be produced (Eg a base .map file with a hollowed box so everyone knows what size the map is to be). Then with a reduced map size, set a time limit to 1 month.
The maps to be made would constitute 1/4 of a full map but have all the details in place that would give it the "quality" factor.
The top 5 maps get put into an official map pack, like, the Doom3world map pack.
Dictate rules over if custom models and textures are allowed also. It'd just even the playing field a little more of it was strictly a mapping contest.
I also like the idea that a number of models and a texture set are provided and its down to the mapper to ensure that all the models are included in some way, along with only using the pre-described texture set. These restrictive contests are the best imo because it forces people to think more constructivly about their maps 